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Northgate High School

Senior Project Mentor Verification Form

Name of Student ___Nico Albert_______________________ Period ___1____

Mentored Project _____Creating a short film__________________________________________________

As a Senior Project mentor, your final responsibility is to verify completion of your student’s work and to pass
his/her project. This is due by Tuesday May 8, 2018. Mentors may write additional comments on the back of this

1. Please check if you have seen the following documents:

__x___ Your student’s Letter of Intent -- explains plans for Senior Project.
__x___ A Mentor Agreement -- explains your responsibilities.
__x___ A copy of your student’s Senior Project Research paper.

Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________

2. Please list dates you have met with student:

3/3: In person, discussed research questions, project plan, & in depth discussion on history and issues
in Queer representation, history of queer representation in media, and some films/books to use for
3/10 : Email exchange re: Nico’s previous film, touching base on project progression
4/4/11-14: Email exchanges re: feedback on paper draft
4/18-24: Email exchange re:progress, research
5/2: Email exchange re: project progression

Comments:__I would have loved to be more available and involved, but had my own family emergency that
prevented me from being as available for feedback as we had hoped. .

3. How did the project stretch or challenge the student’s abilities? Please assess the quality of the project. Please
make additional comments on the back if necessary:

Very impressed by the amount of work Nico was able to accomplish with the paper and the film. The paper
approached the question of queer representation from a broad historical perspective, with a focus on the early history
of film and the ways filmmakers used subtext and stereotypes to skirt censorship laws. For the most part, the paper
was a good discussion of the moments that queer representation broke into the mainstream of Hollywood. I
encourage Nico to continue to explore the specifics of how LGBTQI communities have been represented - what are
the common stereotypes and tropes? Have the been different for gay men, lesbians, trans people? What are the
differences between queer self-representation and outside representations?
In the film, “Was That Ok?”, Nico has shown a wonderful array of talents in film- I thought the writing, directing,
filming , and editing were are extremely well executed. The representation of queer identity in their generation-
which includes folks of a variety of gender and sexualities as common place, but still includes the tension of making
a connection, avoiding assumptions, and “coming out”- is nuanced and important for continuing to widen queer
representation. Congrats!

4. Please verify that your student spent at least 20 hours on the project: Yes ___x__ No _____
Mentor Name (please print) _Susannah Smith____ Signature_____
Qualifications as mentor _BA: Video & Feminist Art_MA: Social Documentary, Currently making film about
queers in SF
Date _5/14/19__Telephone Number __510-219-8309__ Mentor’s Email __suzsmithqb@gmail.com_


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