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Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;


Bangladesh Bank
1) A CD –ROM drive in labeled with 52x . Here 52x is a measurement of = Revolution Per minute.
2) A hard disk has the storage capacity of 500 GB. How many bytes of information if can store = 500×2/30
Prepared by Mirazul Islam : 018 74 74 85 85 : ;


3) A hard disk is divided into tracks which are further subdivided into = Sectors .
4) A Computer Port is used to = Communicate with other computer peripherals.
5) A program that can copy itself and infect a computer without the permission or khowledge of the owner is called = virus.
6) A =Cookie = is a small piece of text stored on your computer, phone or wharever you use to surf the

7) An error in software or hardware is called a bug. What is the alternative computer jargon for it =
8) ASCII Stands For = American Standard Code For Information Interchange.
9) All computers must have = An operating system .
10) Another word for the CPU is = Microprocessor.
11) Bluetooth operations use = Radio technology .
12) Bluetooth is the popular name for the =802.11 = wireless networking standard.
13) BAK’ extension refers usually to what to what kind of file = Backup File .
14) Computer does mathematical functions by using = Binary digit.
15) CSS is an acronym for = Cascading Style Sheets.
16) CD’ computer abbreviation usually means = Compact Disc.

17) DB’ computer abbreviation usually means = Database

18) How many bits has a byte = 8.

19) IPV4 address is = 32 bit.
20) In MS Word , pressing CTRL + S will result in = saving the document.
21) INI’ extension refers usually to what to what kind of file = System file.
22) In MS Word , CTRL + E will result in =Center alignment.
23) If a computer on the network shares resources for others to use , it is called= server.
24) In general , which letter is considered for Hard Disk = D.
25) INTI extension refers usually to what kind of file = system file.
26) JPG ’ extension refers usually to what kind of file = Image file.
Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;

Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;

27) Maximum number of rows in an excel sheet are = 65536. (200-2003) (2007-2013= 1048576).
28) MPG’ extension refers usually to what to what kind of file = Animation/movie file.
29) MPEG extension refers to = Video File.

30) MICR stands for = Magnetic Ink Character Reader.

31) MPG’ extension refers usually to what kind of file = Animation/Movie file.
32) One MB is equal to : 1024 KB.
33) OS’ computer abbreviation usually means = operating system
34) POST means =
Prepared by Mirazul Islam : 018 74 74 85 85 : ;

35) RAM stands for = Random Access Memory .

36) SQL stands for = Structured Query Language.
37) suppose cells A5 and B5 contain the values 3500 and 100 respectively . In cell C5, if you apply
formula = IF (A5<>2000,B5*10%,b*20%) What will be the result in C5 = 7000.
38) The process of loading the Operating system in the memory is known as = Booting.
39) To display one line in multiple cell you will have to select = Wrap text check box.
40) The find the average value of A1,A2, A3 which of the following is not a correct formula = (Average

41) To find a document file starts with ‘N’ which of the following is the correct search option =N*.doc
42) the last address of IP address represents = broadcast address.
43) The machine readable form of a program is called as = Object code
44) The output quality of a printer is measured by = Dot per inch.
45) The goal to ensure the accuracy , integrity and safety of all information system
46) To move to the bottom of a document press = Ctrl + End key. processes and resources is goal of =

47) UNIX is a = Operating system.

48) VoIP refers to = Voice over internet protocol.
49) which of the following applications is used for calculations = ms excel.
50) which of the following is not anti-virus software = win-pro.
51) Windows is a/an = Operating System.
52) which of the following is not an output device = scanner. (printer, laser printer,monitor, touch
53) which of the following is not in OSI model. = Internet layer. (physical layer, transport layer)
Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;

Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;

54) which of the following commands is given to reboot the computer = Ctrl + Alt + Del
55) What is the use of Forms in HTML = to collect user’s input.
56) which of the following represent the binary equivalent of the decimal number 23 =10111
57) Who co-founded hotmail in 1996 and then sold the company to Microsoft =saber Bhatia
58) Who co-created the UNIX operating system in 1969 with Dennis Ritchie = Ken Thompson
59)Who developed Yahoo = David filo & jerry yang.
60) What is the term to ask the computer to put information in order numberically or alphabetically =Report.
61) Windows is = Operating system
62) which of the following is the latest operating system = Windows 10.
Prepared by Mirazul Islam : 018 74 74 85 85 : ;

63) What does DOCSIS stand for = Data over cable service interface specification.
64) What will be the result of the formula = Max (Average (B1,B2),Product (B3 : B4))
Where the value of B1=26, B2=30,B3=12 and B4=2 = 28
65) which of the following symptom does not indicate that your computer system is affected by virus. = Disk access time is

66) which of the following technology is used by Bluetooth operations = Radio Frequency.
67) which of the following units represents the largest amount of data = Terabyte.
68) which of the following are you probably using if you are viewing windows and icons.
69) When electrical power is disrupted or cut off, data and programs are lost in = RAM.
70) WAN stands for = Wide Area Network.
71) Which file extensions do indicate only graphics files = BMP and GIF
72) Which one is a database software = ORACLE.
73) Which one is not a graphic-software = Access.
74) which of the following is a database software = MS Access.
75) which of the following is not a free e-mail service provider = AVG (Yahoo, Gmail , Hotmail,
76) which of the following is not a Bangla Font = Joy (Ekush, Falgun, Sutonny, Susrhee)
77) What is the term to ask the computer to put information in order numerically or alphabetically =
78) Which one works as both an output and input device = modem.
79) Which one is a valid e-mail address =
80) Which one is not a word processing software = MS Excel. (word star , latex, word perfect )
81) Which one is not a graphics software = Access. (Harvard graphics, page maker, freelance graphics , adobe
photoshop.) Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;
Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;

82) Which utility program could improve the speed of disk = Defragmentation.
83) which of the following is Utility Software = McAfee.
84) which of the following programming languages is not a high level language = Oracle.
85) When you start your computer then which component works first = Processor.
86) You must install this on a network if you want to share a broadbanf internet connection = Router.
87) 1 MHz = 10/6Hz.

‡mvbvjx e¨vsK

1| B›Uvi‡bU †mev cÖ`vbKvix ‡Kv¤úvwb‡K wK ejv nq = Internet Service Provider.

2| B-‡gBj cvVv‡Z n‡j †KvbwU Aek¨vB wjL‡Z n‡e = cÖvc‡Ki B-‡gBj wVKvbv|
Prepared by Mirazul Islam : 018 74 74 85 85 : ;

3| B-‡gB‡j ÔCC Õ Gi A_© wK = Carbon Copy

4| B›Uvi‡b‡Ui e¨envi ïiæ nq †Kvb mv‡j = 1969 mv‡j|
5| DB‡Ûvm n‡”Q GKwU = Acv‡iwUs wm‡÷g|
6| Gw›UfvBivm mdUIq¨vi (antivirus software) = bU©b (norton)
7| GKwU wcÖ›Uv‡ii AvDUcy&U-Gi gvb cwigvc Kiv nq = Dot per inch
8| Kw¤úDUv‡ii fvBivm wK = GKwU ÿwZKviK †cÖvMÖvg|
9| Kw¤úDUvi‡K B›Uvi‡b‡U mshy³ Kivi Rb¨ †Kvb hš¿vskwU Avek¨K = g‡Wg|
10| Kw¤úDUv‡ii †Kvb hš¿vs‡ki ÿgZvi Dci gwbU‡i `„k¨gvb Qwei ¸YMZ gvb wbf©i K‡i = wfwRG KvW©|
11| Kw¤úDUv‡i mKj †cÖvMÖvg I WvUv msiÿY K‡i = †ggwi|
12| Kw¤úDUv‡ii †g‡gvwi ‡KvbwU = ig(ROM)|
13| Kw¤úDUvi we‡k¦ wKse`wšÍ †K = wej †MUm&
14| Kw¤úDUv‡i †Kv‡bv wnmve wbKvk Kivi Rb¨ †Kvb mdUIq¨viwU Dc‡hvMx = Gg Gm G‡·j|
15| †KvbwU wm‡÷g mdUIq¨v‡ii D`vniY = DB‡ÛvR 98|
16| ‡KvbwU BbcyU wWfvBR = Kx-‡evW©|
17| †KvbwU AcwUK¨vj wWfvBm-Gi D`vniY = wmwW WªvBf
18| †KvbwU †m‡KÛvwi †óvi wWfvBR (secondary store device) Gi D`vniY = nvW© wW¯‹ (hard disk), g¨vM‡bwUK †Ucm& (magnetic tapes) , wm wWm
19| †KvbwU AvDUcyU wWfvBm = gwbUi|
20| †KvbwU gv`vi †evW© -Gi Ask bq = cvIqvi mvcøvB|
21| †KvbwU IqvW© cÖ‡mwms †cÖvMÖvg (word processing program)= Gg Gm IqvW© (ms word)
22| †Kvb msL¨v c×wZwU Kw¤úDUv‡I WvUv msiÿ‡Y e¨eüZ nq = Binary.
23| †KvbwU W¨vUv cwien‡bi Rb¨ myweavRbK = ‡cbWªvBf|
24| ‡KvbwU A¨vwcø‡Kkb mdUIq¨vi = GgGm IqvW©|
25|‡Kvb Kv‡W©i wecix‡Z e¨vsK †_‡K FY cvIqv hvq = Credit Card
26| †Kvb ‡cÖvMÖvgwU Kw¤úDUv‡i wm-WªvB‡f _v‡K = DB‡ÛvR |
27| †Kv‡bv ‡cÖvMªv‡gi fzj †ei Kiv‡K wK e‡j =wWevwMs
28| †Kvb cÖ‡UvKjwU B›Uvi‡bU ms‡hv‡Mi †ÿ‡Î me©vwaK e¨eüZ nq = TCP/IP
29| †KvbwU Kw¤úDUvi fvBivm = CIH
30| Zvi wenxb `ªæZMwZi B›Uvi‡bU ms‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ Dc‡hvMx = IqvB-g¨v·|
31| evsjv‡`‡ki cÖ_g B›Uvi‡bU wfwËK wbDR G‡RwÝ n‡”Q = we wW wbDR|
32| e¨vswKs wk‡í †Kvb ai‡bi ¯‹¨vbvi e¨eüZ nq = Gg AvB wm Avi (MICR)
33| weRq †j-AvD‡U evsjv †jLvi mgq ÒbÓ eY©wU wjL‡Z Kx‡ev‡W© Bs‡iwR †Kvb eY©wU Pvc‡Z n‡e = B
34| evsjv †jLvi mdUIqvi = weRq|
35| †gv‡Wg GKwU = Kbfvikb Uzj|
36| mve‡gwib K¨vej cÖhyw³‡Z wb‡Pi †Kvb ai‡bi gva¨g e¨eüZ nq = AcwUK¨vj dvBevi|
Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;

37| Apple cÖhyw³i mv‡_ ‡Kvb e¨w³ IZ‡cªvZ fv‡e RwoZ wQ‡jb = wóf Rem& |
38| ATM Gi c~Y©iæc n‡”Q = Alternative Teller Machine.
39.INF’ ‡Kvb ai‡bi dvBj = wm‡÷g dvBj|
40| LAN ej‡Z wK eySvq = Local Area Network
41| SIM- Gi c~Y©iæc n‡”Q = Subscriber Identity Module.
42| Microsoft Excel GKwU = WvUv‡eBR †cÖvMÖvg
43|Trojan Horse n‡”Q = GKwU fvBivm|
44| VSAT ej‡Z wK eyS = Very small aperture terminal
72| VOIP = Voice over interner protocol.
45|www -Gi A_© wK = world wide web

English Version Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;

1. A RAM chip is labeled as ‘2m×16’ what is the word size of the RAM=8 Bits
Prepared by Mirazul Islam : 018 74 74 85 85 : ;

2. A byte consists of how many bits = 8.

3. A record is a = collection of bytes
4. Bandwidth means = bit per second.
5. Company that provides internet service is called = Internet service provider
6. Control Unit = directs the movement of electrical signals.
7. Common keyboard arrangement is called = QWERTY.

8. Every web page has a unique address called = Uniform Resource Locator.
9. Elaboration of VIRUS is = Vital Information Resource Under Seize
10.firmware is built using = ROM
11.flash memory is = non-volatile.
12.In simplex Transmission = Data can travel in only one direction at all times.
13.In most applications ‘F1’ stands for = help
14.In a flowchart, a diamond generally stands for = decision
15.In an e-mail address ‘ aaa@bbb.ccc’ the portion ‘bbb’ indicates = domain name
16.In data communication which device converts digital data to analog signal = modem
17.Mechanical devices in the computer are called = Hardware.
18.OMR means = optical Mark Reader / Recognition
19.PCMCIA represents a standard for = Notebook.
20.RAM is = volatile
21.SQL means = Structured Query Language

22.the function of Gateway is = to connect two dissimilar networks

23.the ASCII code of ‘A’ is = 65
24.the size of internet protocol (IP) address is = 32 bits.
25.the OSI model has = 7 Layers
26.the most frequently used instructions are kept in the = Cache Memory .
27.the size of a sector in hard disk is = 512 bytes.
Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;

Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;

28.The file extension EXE generally refers to what kinf of file =executable file
29.the type of internet connection might be compared ta a regular telephone call , in terms of its duration = dial
Prepared by Mirazul Islam : 018 74 74 85 85 : ;


30.the term dot per inch (dpi ) refers to = Resolution.

31.URL means = Uniform Resource Locator
32.Which number system is used to store data in a computer = Binary
33. which of the following is a keyboard command to copy some text in ms word = Ctrl+C
34.Which of the following is an example of optical storage device = Hard Disk.
35.which one of the following is the predecessor of modern internet =ARPANET.
36.Which of the following searches websites by keywords = Search engines.
37.which of the following cannot be done using e-mail = copy files from a remote
38.which one of the following is an example of spreadsheet software = ms excel.
39.which one of the following is an extension of video file format in computers = .mpg
40.which one of the following is an example of spreadsheet software = Ms Excel
41.Which one of the following is the fastest data transmission media = fiber-optic cable
42.which one of the following device is required to set up a LAN = Network Interface Card.
43. Which one of the following is an example of open source Operating System. = Redhat Linux
44. Which one of the followings is not an application software = JAVA (Accounting package
45.which is an essential component of a LAN =NIC
46.Which types of interface allow connect, control musical instruments to computer = MIDI

47.Which one is an application package = LOTUS

48.which type of ROM is used in pen drive = EEP ROM
49.which one is both input and output device = touch screen
50.which one is a layer 3 (network layer) protocol
51.what does the term SCSI stands for = small computer system Interface

52.which must do the return compressed files to their original state = extract
53.Which of the following devices doesn’t use scanning as a first step in its working principle =plotter
54.1 byte means = 8 bits
55. (111111110)2 =(510)10

Agrani Bank Ltd. Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;

Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;

1) Access time is made up of = data transfer time.

2) A destination for data going outside the system is called =sink.
3) A complete microcomputer system consists of = microprocessors , memory , peripheral equipment .
4) Bar codes are most common in = supermarkets.
5) BIOS is stored in a computer in its = ROM.
6) Color monitors produce multicolor images by combining the colors = red , green and blue.
7) Chips are made up of millions of tiny parts / switches known as = transistors .
8) Computer terminals usually have = screen and keyboard
Prepared by Mirazul Islam : 018 74 74 85 85 : ;

9) CRTs LEDs and LEDs are = used for output, not for input.
10) Disc storage is a special type of = memory.
11) Data processing cycle comprises = input ,processing and output.
12) Data and istructions waiting to be processed and the resulting output are stored in = memory .
13) Electric bill is calculated in = kilowatt hour .
14) How many bits comprise a unit of a Unicode = 16.
15) How many parts are there in a computer system = 4
16) Laser printer are known as = page printers.
17) Magnetized bits on a disk surface are arranged along concentric rings known as = tracks.
18) Number of bits in a byte is = 8.
19) PROM chips = permanently stores information without program.
20) Records on magnetic tape are often grouped into –in order to enhance reading/writing = tracks.
21) Small circuit board on which the main memory DRAM is physically packaged is called = DIMM
22) The place value in a string of decimal digits are expressed by = powers of 10.
23) The decimal equivalent of 101.110/2 is = 5.75
24) The logic gate NOT has = one input and one output.
25) the program that translates programs written in high level language into machine = compiler.
26) The task of a debug program is to look into all programs to = locate and correct errors.
27) The term dot per inch refers to=resolution.
28 ) The local antenna for satellite connection is called a =VSAT.
29) The three colors of the pixel of color monitors are = red , green, blue.
30) The topology that connects all computers in a network by a single cable with a terminal at eash end is called = ring.
Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;
Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;
31)The first of complete URL is the ---needed to access the web resource .the missing word in the sentence is = protocol.

32) The wheel of mouse can make it easier to do what = scroll through documents.
33) The hexadecimal number 9 is equivalent to = decimal 9.
34) the computer stores its program and data in its = memory.
35) The base 16 number system is = Hexadecimal
Prepared by Mirazul Islam : 018 74 74 85 85 : ;

36) The brain of a computer within the CPU is = ALU.

37) The world LAN is related to = computer network
38) The character ‘E’ in the word ‘E-mail’ stands for = Electronic .
39) The type of scanner used in banking industry is = MICR.
40) Unsolicited commercial e-mail is commonly known as = junk.
41 ) Which of the following is an open source operating system. = UBUNTU.
42) What does LED stand for = Light emitting diode.
43) Which of the following is the fastest data transmission media = fiber optic cable.
44) Which of the following extensions is used for picture files stored in computer = jpg.
45) Which of the following represents examples of an IT input device , output device and storage device respectively = keyboard , monitor ,
hard disc.

46) What Function does F1 stand for in most computers = help.

47) What is the unit of measurement for drive access time = milliseconds.
48) Which word in a webpage , when clicked, opens another document in the site = Hyperlink .
49) Which key is to be pressed in a computer for moving to the beginning of a text = Home.
50) Which of the following is the fastest network media = fibre optic media.
51) Which one is the functional key asking to display ‘save as’ box = F12.
52) What does ISP stand for = Internet Service Provider.
53) What does a computer use for storing programs and data for access by the user = Hard Drive.
54) What is the standard storage capacity of a CE-ROM disc = 700MB
55) What does ‘bbb’ in an e-mail address aaa@bbbb.ccc indicate = Domain name.
56) Which of the following is an off-line device = printer.
57) Which of the following is not a horizontal application program = e-mail.
58) Which one is the most common type of storage devices = magnetic .
59) Which of the following protects a computer system from hacking = firewall.
60)What is the name of the structure where data move through a network = packets.
Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;
Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;

61) What does the computer process into information = data.

62) What does LCD stand for = liquid crystal display .
63) What do the personal computers form when they are connected together = network.
64) Which connection is used to access the internet in a very remote location = modem.
65) ) Which of the following measures the speed of a dot matrix printer = cps.
66) ) Which of the following is an output device in computer = monitor.
Prepared by Mirazul Islam : 018 74 74 85 85 : ;

67) Which one is a storage device = floppy disk .

68) What is an icon = Flashing of display.
69) what kind of secondary storage is provided by magnetic disks = slow speed, high capacity
70) What is an icon = pictorial representation of an operation .
71) which is the largest unit of storage = terabyte.
72) Which menu includes the command ‘find’ = Edit.
73) What is the permanent memory storage of a computer = ROM.
74) Which one is not a part of CPU = memory.
75) Which software is more useful in preparing a report with statistical and accounting analysis =
76) What is the function of RAM in computer = storing data temporarily.
77 ) Which of the following extensions is used for picture files stored in computer =.jpg
78) Which will be the most suitable computer program that you can use to prepare your bio-data = MS
79 ) Which of the following is an operating system = Unix .
80) 1 byte is equal to = 8 bits
81) 1 kilo byte is equal to = 2/10 byte .

82| `Bluetooth’ ‡Kvb cÖhyw³ e¨envi K‡i|= †iwWI wd«‡Kv‡qwÝ|

83| HDI c~Y©iæc wK = Human Development Index.
84| Kw¤úDUv‡i e¨eüZ `ywU AsK n‡jv = 0 Ges 1|

Rupali Bank Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;

1) The volatile memory of the computer is known as = RAM.

2) What part of the computer interprets and excutes instructions that are posed to it = CPU.

Janata bank
1) data access time depends on = seek time, rotational delay, operating frequency.
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Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;

2) in which mode windows starts with only the core drivers & services = safe mode
3) MICR stands for = magnetic ink character reader
4) physical conncetion between microprocessor memory and other parts is called = address bus.
5) the internet is an example of = packet switched network.
6) the primary job of the operating system is = manage resources
7) unix operating system is a = multi user operating system, multi-tasking operating system, time sharing operating system.
Prepared by Mirazul Islam : 018 74 74 85 85 : ;

8) which of the following is not an input device = mouse pad

9) which of the following language that computer can understand & execute = machine language.
10) which one is the database software = ORACLE.
11) which one is not a word processing software = MS Excel. (ms word, wordperfect, wordstar, )

12) what is the full form of RAID = redundant array of independent disks.
13) which of the following is the most commonly used HTIP methods = GET and POST.
14) which of the following is an important attribute of RAM memory = volatile.
15) which of the following provides reliable communication = TCP
16) which of the following refers to the correctness and completeness of the data in a database = data integrity .

17) which memory allocation policy allocate the largest hole to the process = worst-fit.
18) which disk format can access by MS-Dos 6.0 = FAT
19) which of the following memories need refresh = DRAM
20) which of the following is the most commonly used encoding standard of Unicode = UTF-8
21) what is the full form of AT in the IBM PC-AT = advance technology.
22) 1 nibble equals to = 4 bits.

Sonali , Janata , Rupali , Agani.

1) In genetal ‘My Document’ is located at = C Drive .
2) MS Excel is a = spreadsheet software.
3 ) One megabyte is equal to = 10/6 bytes.
4) Of the following , which one is hardware = System unit
5) Of the following . which one is not a computer language = ms dos (logo, basic , cobol, pasal)
6) Pen drive takes the place of = Floppy Disk.
7) RAM in computer stands for. = Random Access Memory.
8) SPSS stands for what = Standard Package for the Social Sciences.
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Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;

9) The brain of a computer is = Microprocessor.

10) The computer stores its program in its = Memory.
11) The utility program which improves the speed of a disk is =Framentation.
12) The command `shift +delete’ will send the file to the +???
13) The ‘Add or remove programs’ utility can be found in = Control panel.
14) What is the other name for a chip = IC.
15) Which of the following is a software for bangle typing and composing.
Prepared by Mirazul Islam : 018 74 74 85 85 : ;

16) Which of the following is not an antivirus software. = Symantec. (simon , avg, kaspersky,
17) 2) Which of the following is the latest version of ms windows =??/
18) Which kind of mathematics does the computer use in operations =Binary.
19) Which is the fastest computer = super computer.
20) Which of the following is not a removable disk = Hard disk.
21) which one is a graphics software. = Adobe photoshop.
22) Which is not Internet Browsing soft = Netscape Navigator .
23) Which file is run automatically if it is available = CONFIG.SYS
24) What is meant by LAN = Local Area Network.
25) Which computer memory is never erased = ROM.
26) Which of the following is a valid ending for a word dile = .doc
27) With regards to e-mail addresses = they must always contain an @symbol
28) What is the meaning of e-mail = Electronic mail.
29) Which of the following is a valid ending for a word file = .doc.

30| me©e„nr Kw¤úDUvi wbg©vZv Compaq bvgKiY †h `ywU kã †_‡K G‡m‡Q †m¸‡jv n‡jv = Comprehension and queries.

evsjv‡`k K„wl e¨vsK I ivRkvnx Dbœqb e¨vsK|

Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;

1| Avcwb Avcbvi Awd‡mi Kw¤úDUvimg~‡ni g‡a¨ GKwU †bUIqvK© ¯’vcb Ki‡j †mwU †Kvb ai‡bi †bUIqvK© n‡e | = Local Area
2| Bs‡iwR eY©gvjvq evg w`K †_‡K Øv`k eY© †hwU , Zvi Wv‡b Aóg eY© †KvbwU = T
3. B-‡gB‡ji mv‡_ attachment wn‡m‡e wb‡Pi †Kvb ai‡bi dvBj ev WKz‡g›U cvVv‡bv hvq =
4| Bs‡iwR eo nv‡Zi Aÿi UvBc Ki‡Z Kx‡ev‡W©i †Kvb †evZvgwU e¨eüZ nq = Shift.
5| B-‡gBj wK = B‡j±ªwbK †gBj|
6| G‡·‡ji Kjvg I mvwii cÖ‡Z¨KwU Dcv`vb‡K e‡j = †mj|
7| GK wK‡jvevBU = 1024 evBU|
- 12 -
8. GKwU wewìs‡qi Kw¤úDUvi mg~‡ni g‡a¨ †bUIqvK© ¯’vcb Kiv n‡j Zv‡K wK ai‡bi †bU IqvK© e‡j = Local Area Network.
9| Kw¤úDUv‡ii nvW©wW¯‹ wK ai‡bi †g‡gvwi = mnvqK †g‡gvwi |
10| Kw¤úDUvi mdUIq¨vi RM‡Z bvgKiv cÖwZôvb †KvbwU = gvB‡µvmd&U|
11| Kx‡ev‡W©i shift, ctrl, alt Kx ¸‡jv‡K ejv nq = modifier key.
12| †KvbwU d‡›Ui bvg bq = weRq (d‡›Ui bvg = Gwi‡qj, myZš^x, †mvjvqgvb wjwc)
13| †Kvb dvskb Kx Øviv gvB‡µvmdU cvIqvi c‡q‡›U ¯øvBW ‡kv ïiæ n‡q hvq = F5
14| †Kvb †gby‡Z wc›U KgvÛ _v‡K = File
15|‡KvbwU B›Uvi‡bU eªvDRZvi wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i bv = (eªvDRvi n‡”Q )
16| ‡Kvb wU †W¯‹Uc Kw¤úDUv‡ii Zzjbvq j¨vcUc Kw¤úDUv‡i myweav wb‡`k© K‡i|= Less power consumption.
17| †KvbwU Kw¤úDUvi evbv‡bvi Rb¨ AZ¨vek¨K = RAM.
18| †KvbwU Kw¤úDUvi msMV‡bi cÖavb Ask bq = wcÖ›Uvi|
19. ‡KvbwU B›Uvi‡bU eªvDRvi wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i bv = Eudora (eªvDRvi n‡”Q opera , mozilla, internet explorer)
20. ‡KvbwU‡K Computer Brain wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv nq = Central Processing Unit .
21| Kw¤úDUv‡ii †W¯‹Uc †_‡K †Kv‡bv dvBj wWwjU Ki‡j †Kv_vq hvq = wimvB‡Kj we‡b|
22| †KvbwU GKwU MÖvwd· mdUIq¨vi = Adobe photoshop & Harvard graphics.
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23| †Kv‡bv B‡gB‡j CC A_© wK = Carbon Copy.

24| †KvbwU Gw›UfvBivm mdUIq¨vi = AVG , Symantec , Kaspersky, ESET.
25| wWwfwW †Kvb ai‡bi ¯§„wZ = mnvqK ¯§„wZ|
26| cv‡m©vbvj Kw¤úDUv‡ii KvwiMwi bvg wK = gvB‡µv Kw¤úDUvi|
27| dvskb Kx wb‡`©kK wPü †Kvb ¸‡jv = F1n‡Z F12
28| gvB‡µvmdU Iqv‡W© Ctrl+Home Kx †ev‡W© KgvÛ w`‡j Kvm©i Cursor †Kv_vq hv‡e = eZ©gvb c„ôvi ïiæ‡Z
29| gvB‡µvmdU Iqv‡W© WKz‡g‡›Ui File, Edit, View BZ¨vw` kã wewkó jvBbwU †K ejv nq = †gbyevi|
30| gvB‡µvmdU Iqv‡W©I Kvh©iZ WKz‡g›U‡K GKwU bZzb bv‡g msiÿ‡bi KgvÛ n‡jv = File > Save As
31| †gBj gvR© KgvÛ cÖ‡qvM Kivi Rb¨ Kgc‡ÿ KZwU dvBj ‰Zwi Ki‡Z nq = `yBwU|
32| ‡¯úWwkU †cÖvMªv‡g AmsL¨ Ni wewkó QK‡K e‡j = IqvK©wkU|
33) A person having the full control over the domain or computer is a = administrator.

34| BIOS is a = Firmware (basic input output system)software I hardware - Gi mw¤§wjZ iæc (Rom –Bios firmware ) †K ejv
nq |

35| Bluetooth wb‡Pi †Kvb cÖhyw³ e¨envi K‡i = Radio Frequency (bvgKiY KiY Kiv nq ‡Wbgv‡K©i ivRvi bvgvbymv‡i|)

36. Google is = Search Engine.

37) How many bits are there in a byte. =8
38) How many BITS make a BITE = 2 to 8.
39. How many bits are there in a byte = 8.

40| INI Õ G·‡UbkwbU †Kvb ai‡bi dvB‡ji ‡ÿ‡Î e¨eüZ nq = System file

41. In MS Word application package you can produce same letter for different persons by using = mail merge.
42. In MS Power point the function for launching slide show is = F5.
44. In a computer program the processor excuiting the same instructions over and over is called =
45. In MS Word pressing CTRL+E will = make center alignment.
46. In general ‘ My Documents’ is located at = C Drive
47. LAN stands for = Local Area Network.
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Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;

48| Ms word G ctrl+end ‡evZv‡g Pvc w`‡j (cursor) ‡Kv_vq hvq = WKz‡g‡›Ui †k‡l|

49. Magnetized bits on a disk surface are arranged alon concentric rings are known as = tracks.
50| Ms Word –G Center Alignment -Gi Rb¨ †KvbwU Pvc‡Z n‡e = Ctrl + E
51. Spreadsheet Analytical mdUIq¨v‡i GKwU †m‡ji column Gi bvg G Ges row Gi µwgK bs 20 n‡j wb‡Pi †KvbwU D³ †m‡ji bvg ev wVKvbv wb‡`©k K‡i |= G20

52. The Process of starting or resstting computer is = Boot.

Prepared by Mirazul Islam : 018 74 74 85 85 : ;

53) The ability to have a number of applications running at the same time is called = Multitasking.
54) The process of starting or resetting a computer is = BIOS
55. Utility software (which one is a = McAfee, Norton, Kaspersky. (M.s word, M.s excel – application software)

56. Utility Software = Adobe Photoshop

57. USB stands for = Universal serial Bus.
58. Word processing mdUIq¨v‡i †Kvb tool wU e¨envi K‡i `ªæZ Ges mn‡R GKwU wPwV GKvwaK wVKvbvq cvVv‡bv hvq = letter

59. Which of the following is a software for = Bijoy.

60. Which protocol is used for the internet access = TCP/IP.
61. what does RAM stand for = Random Access Memory.
62. Writing ,editing , sorting and printing a document using computer software are known as = word processing.

63. When you start a computer ,then which component works first = BIOS.
64.Which of the following is not an input device = printer.
65. What does w.w.w stand for = world wide web.
66. Which kind of mathematics does the computer use in operations = Boolean.
67. Which of the following is not an antivirus software = adobe. (Symantec, MacAfee, AVG)
68) What does RAM stand for = Random Access Memory.
69) Windows is a = Operating System.
70) What does CPU stand for = Central Processing Unit .
71) What does www stand for = world wide web.
72) Which of the following is spreadsheet software = MS Excel .
73) Which of the following is not an internet search engine. = windows . (Yahoo, MSN , AOL,
74) Which of the following is is not an anti-virus software = win-pro ( symantec , AVG ,)
75) The first internet based news agency of Bangladesh is = BD News.
76) The ‘add or remove programs’ utility can be found in = Control Panel.
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Prepared by Mirazul Islam ;

77) RAM’ Stands for = Random Access Memory .

78) SIM means for = Subscriber Identity Module.
79) Who is the legend of Computer World = Bill Gates.
80) WINDOWS is a = Operating system.

wewWwe, †ewmK e¨vsK I Ab¨vb¨|

1| †Kvb Short cut key w`‡q spelling check Kiv hvq = F7

2| †KvbwU Volatile memory = RAM.
Prepared by Mirazul Islam : 018 74 74 85 85 : ;

4| †KvbwU wm‡÷g mdUIq¨vi = Windows vista.

5| †Kvb c×wZ Abymv‡i mKj †cÖvMªvg wjL‡Z nq = Syntax.
7| †KvbwU B›Uvi‡bU eªvDRvi bv = Drupal (content management) (opera, net scape navigator , crome ,
9| †KvbwU Zviwenxb `ªæZMwZi bZzb mvP© BwÄb=????
8| Kw¤úDUvi AvB.wKD n‡”Q = zero (0).
9 ) A network used for sharing data , software and hardware among the several users owning microcomputers is called =

10) DOS ia a = disk operating system.

11) Each IP packet must contain = Source and destination address.
12| HTTP 404 wK ai‡bi mZ©K evZ©v = mvf©vi cvIqv hv‡”Q bv |

13) In a client /server model, a client program = asks for information.

14|Microsoft access `¦viv KZ Rb e¨enviKvix GK mv‡_ update Kiv hvq| = 2010 fvm©b Abyhvqx 255 Rb|

15| spreadsheet -a †KvbwU Øviv worksheet content m¤ú‡K© aviYv Kiv m¤¢e = Labels

16) TCP = provides a connection –oriented reliable service for sending messages .
17)The last address of IP address represents = Broadcast Address .
18) The primary job of the operating systems of a computer is to = Manages resources.
19) The main circuit board in a personal computer is called the = Mother Board.
20) Which one is both input and output device = Touch screen.
21) When you start your computer then which component works first = Processor.
22) Which of the following objects is an example of computer storage device. = DVDs, Magnetic disks, Tapes.

23) Which organization defines the web standards = World Wide Web Consortium.
24) What is the use of forms in HTML = To collect user’s input.
25) which of the following is used to transfer files = FTP.
26) which of the following is represent the binary equivalent of the decimal numer 23 = 10111.
27) when a computer is first turned on or restarted , a special type of absolute loader is executed , called = bootstrap loader.
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28) what does Router do in nerwork = determines on which outgoing link a packet is to be forwarded .

1| Kw¤úDUv‡i e¨eüZ `ywU AsK wK = 0 I 1 |
2| Kw¤úDUv‡ii fvBivm wK = GK ai‡bi †cÖvMÖvg|
3| †jLv‡jwL Kv‡Ri Rb¨ D‡jøL‡hvM¨ A¨vwcø‡Kkb †cÖvMÖvg †KvbwU = GgGm IqvW©|
Prepared by Mirazul Islam : 018 74 74 85 85 : ;

4| B-‡gBj wK = B‡j±ªwbK-‡gBj|
5| mdUIqvi wK = Kw¤úDUvi Acv‡ik‡bi Rb¨ †cÖvMÖvg |
6| V-Sat ej‡Z wK †evSvq = GwU GKwU m¨v‡UjvBU †hvMv‡hvM c×wZ,hvi c~Y©iæc n‡”Q = Very Small Aperture
7| WWW ej‡Z wK ‡evSvq =world wide web
8| †gv‡W‡gi gva¨‡g Kw¤úDUv‡ii mv‡_ hy³ nq = B›Uvi‡bU|

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