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FY 2018-2019
Implementing Unit Target per Implementing Unit
Key Result Areas Programs/Projects Performance Indicators Natio Regi Chap
GAO FY 2017-2018
nal on ter
A. PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT (Professionalism under CAPA Maturity Model)
1 Promote quality CPD CPD Programs and Delivery CPD Policy in compliance established and monitored x 1st Quarter FY 2018-2019
CPD Topics and materials regularly evaluated and prioritized x 5 Modules every quarter
CPD Trainers Evaluated Regularly by evaluators from outside and the x Whole year round
CPD Council and Accreditation of Trainers Established
CPD Trainers Evaluated by participants after every seminar through x x National- Ongoing whole year round
(Survey Monkey) Chapters to be trained 1st and
Policy and Procedures in Accreditation of CPD Trainers Developed and x 2nd
2mdQquarter of Fiscal Year
New modules developed and cascaded to the Chapters x 4 modules every quarter
Delivery of existing CPD Modules x x Class A Chapters Over 500 12
Class B Chapers 201-500 8
Class C Chapters 101 to 200 6
Delivery of new CPD Modules x x seminars/year Class D Chapters <than 100
new module /semester

Online CPD to support existing Programs Enter into contract with Online Platform providers and set guidelines on x 1st Quarter FY 2018-2019
online seminars
Develop online CPD seminars x 1st Quarter FY 2018-2019 and continuing
once it goes live
Delivery of online Modules x x at least 10% of existing members patronize
online CPDs during the year

Enhancing Capabiltities of Accountants of Cooperatives Enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Cooperative x 1st Quarter of FY 2018-2019
development Authority
Developed module specifically for Accountants and Auditors of x 1st Quarter of FY 2018-2019
Conduct Training the Trainers for Coopetatives x 1st Quarter and continuing
Delivery of CPD Modules for Cooperatives x x 2nd to 4th Quarter
Conduct Coop Day during the Accountancy Week Celebration (AWC) x July 18, 2018

One Day Cooperative Forum x Dec 2018

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FY 2018-2019
Implementing Unit Target per Implementing Unit
Key Result Areas Programs/Projects Performance Indicators Natio Regi Chap
GAO FY 2017-2018
nal on ter
Free CPD Seminars Free Seminars for members by all chapters x x Min. of 2 days training per chapter/region
within FY 2018-2019
Seminar on Tax Updates Holding of Taxation seminars x One Tax Seminar every semester
Design and Implement Research Capacity development for Number of Trained CPA's x Aug-Nov 2018
CPA's (including Accounting teachers)

Conduct Research Forum for CPA and Accounting students Number of Research paper presented x x x Dec-18
participated by PICPA Chapters and Regions
Published Accounting Research Journal Number of Research paper published x Mar-19

Continuous Improvement in Addressing Requirements of PICPA's compliance with IFAC SMOs and the Issues in the Dashboard x Continuing Monitoring and Compliance wit
SMO No. 2
2 Uphold ethics Adopt the new IFAC Code of Ethics (including consistent 1. Completion of exposure process x 1. By 30 Oct 2018
definition of PIE) 2. Discussion with relevant regulators 2. By 30 Nov 2018
3. Submission by Ethics Committee to Board for approval 3. by 31 Jan 2019
Establish program for information dissemination 1. Training material preparation (during exposure) and approval (after x Training materials exposure finished by
1. Prepare training materials exposure) july 2018
2. Develop elearning modules
Conduct seminars using the developed training modules on Number of Training delivered x x National Office - Once a month
Ethics Chapters - Once a quarter
Set up processes to receive feedback and compliants Tools disseminated to inform public on the procedures for filing x x x Completed by 1stQ FY 2018-2019
compliant and the review process.
Adopt and implement Integrity Initiative standards within the 1. Secure signatories of Integrity Pledge (e-Pledge) x x x 1a. Tool completed by Q4 2018
organization and its members 2. Approved results of gap analysis and implementation plan 1b. At least 20% of members (at chapter
1. Institutionalize confirmation of Integrity pledge (integrate in level) with confirmed e-pledge) by Q2
ePlatform) by members 2019.
2. Develop plans and implement standards within PICPA 2a. Results of Integrity gap analysis
approved by Q4 2018
2b. Implementation of at least 20% of
standards by Q2 2019
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FY 2018-2019
Implementing Unit Target per Implementing Unit
Key Result Areas Programs/Projects Performance Indicators Natio Regi Chap
GAO FY 2017-2018
nal on ter
3 Promote quality Conduct continuing awareness and training sessions on QAR 1. Number of awareness sessions and trainings conducted x x x x 1a. National: At least one training per
(PSQC) and SOAR 2. Effectiveness of trainings through feedback survey quarter
1b. Region: At least one awareness
session per quarter
1c. Chapter: At least one training per
1d. GAO: At least one awareness session
Develop pool of VQAR examiners 1. Develop criteria for examiners x perCriteria
1. sector developed
/ with sectoral
by Q4organizations
2. Number of trained examiners 2. Feedback
2a. score of atAtleast
Trained examiners: least3.5/5.0
5 per
2b. Trained examiners: At least 1 per
Develop a process to promote collaboration and support for Develop and implement a mentoring program for practitioners x Program
chapter developed and implemented by
VQAR embarking on a VQAR program Q4 2018
Conduct Workshop on VQAR No of workshop conducted x x National Office - Once a quarter
Chapters - Once a semester

PICPA Support to the the World Bank project for the SMPs Accomplished as per World Bank output metrics. (Chapters covered x x Implemented by June 2019
with SME clients are those identified within the project)

B. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT (Relevance in the CAPA Maturity Model)

1 Provide linkages and x 1st semester- SY 18-19
support to the academic
Suggest to CHED subjects that need enhancement and
community Suggestions finalized by the Committee, approved by the BOD and
removal of some subjects that are irrelevant to the 4
communicated to CHED
Accountancy Tracks

Assist BOA in the content of the CPA Licensure Examination Suggestions finalized by the Committee approved by the BOD for x October 2018 CPALE
with regards to the new CMOs submission to BOA.
Formulate polices for selection of schools and companies that Document policies and procedures for the OJT Programs submitted to x 1st Quarter of Fiscal year
will participate in the PICPA assisted OJT Programs the BOD for approval

x 2rd Quarter of Fiscal Year

Implementation of OJT Programs No of OJTs deployed
at least 50 students
Improve the coverage of the Student Leadership Program x x 2deployed
qtr 18-19
Leadership program module completed
through NFJPIA
Delivery of Student Leadership Module No of leadership program delivered one seminar per semester
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FY 2018-2019
Implementing Unit Target per Implementing Unit
Key Result Areas Programs/Projects Performance Indicators Natio Regi Chap
GAO FY 2017-2018
nal on ter
Train Accounting Teachers in the delivery of professional x x 2nd qtr 18-19
Number of trainings to be conducted
subjects through collaboration with nACPAE
x x x yearly
Collaborating with nACPAE for the Search of Outstanding
Selection of Outstanding Accountancy Students
BSA Students

2 x x once a semester
Free Seminars for Accounting Teachers Number of Seminars conducted
3 x x once a year
Provide training and immersion programs to Accounting
Number of Trainings
Teachers (esp on Specialized Industries)

Assist nACPAE in linking with professional organizations x all year round

MOA Accomplished
4 Provide linkage and x October
support to the NGO sector Support the development and improvement of NGO operation National forum of NGO
and other NSNP Org and reportorial requirements

Compliance with government regulatory agencies by NGOs National Forum of NGO (PICPA GAO seminars) x x No of NGOs served
CARD MRI Project for Micro-entrepreneurs No of Micro-entreprenuers trained x 100 Micro-entreprenuers Trained
5 Improve linkages with the Attend IFAC mmeting and comply with IFAC SMOs; Attendance of IFAC meeting and compliance with SMOs x 2018-2019
different international Collaborate with World bank Attendance of AFA meeting and supporting the MRA implementation in
accountancy organizations on capacity building of SMAs and SMEs; the Phil. Attendance of the CAPA meeting and complying with the CPD
(IFAC, CAPA, AFA, Attend AFA Council Meetings and support the Monitoring Toolkit requirements World Bank Project - No of SMPes trained for
NCPACA, ACCA, ICAEW) Council in the implementaiton of the MRA in the Philippines capacity buidling
Attend CPA Council
Meetings and comply with requirements
NCPACA - continuous collaboration and exchange of

Revisit MOUs entered into with international bodies in x all existing MOUs revisited and renewed
previosu years –ACCA/ ICAEW MOUs reviewed and renewed

6 Provide likage and support Dissemination to all chapters the role of accountantsin public x Completed by Q1-Q2
to LGUs and the bidding and the specific bidding that they can attend
Send communication to all chapter presidents

Request report from chapter on no of biddings represented

Page 5

6 Provide likage andSCORECARD
support (VERSION 2)
FY 2018-2019
to LGUs and the
Barangays Implementing Unit Target per Implementing Unit
Key Result Areas Programs/Projects Performance Indicators Natio Regi Chap
GAO FY 2017-2018
nal on ter
Report of Chapters on Participation in Public Bifdding No of attendance in public bidding x whole year round
Disseminate the same information to all government agencies x
Coordinate with GACPA
Education of Barangay and LGU finance officer nationwide on x -1st qtr 18-19
basic accounting (PPSAS) and Basic taxation -Development of training modules

Trainers trained per chapter x 2nd qtr 18-19

Chapter to conduct one seminar and updates per semester per LGU x 4 Barangays/LGUs per quarter
7 Holding of Conferences for Regional Conferences for updating and networking purposes No of regional conferences held x one Regional Conference per year
updating and networking
GAO Conferences for addressing the needs of each sector No of GAO Conferences held x One GAO Conference per year

C. INSTITUTION CAPACITY BUILDING (Sustainability under CAPA Maturity Model)

1 Financial Management Management Accounting subject to detailed and regular Financial Statements Submitted x x x x Quarterly for the first three months and
internal audit annually on the 10th day after end of year
Submission of timely credible and reliable budgets, financial Budget by July 10; Quarterely Reports on Financial Statements; x x x x Monthly On time FY2018-2019
reports and variance reports Monthly report on VAT and Withholding Taxes
2 Efficient and effective Electronic Submission of Administrative and Financial Reports Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Reportorial Requirements submitted x x x x Monthly, Quarterly and Annual
organization electronically
(infrastructure and
Management) Requirements for National Awards submitted electronically x x x x Annual
Turn-over of Asdministrative and Financial Records including Turnover based on checklist x x x x During the transition meeting annually
Automation of membership services (create user access and Approved Business Requirement Definition (BRD); IT Roadmap and x * Presentation of Road Map end of Q2: *
registration of members thru Website (myPICPA); online Budget : Implementation Plan Prepare BRD and select prospective
enrolment of seminar or webinars (CPD and eLearning); vendors by Q2; Development by Q3; Go
maintenance of CPE credits online via PICPA website; Live by Q3 2019
updating of members profile and info; online payment; use of
(infrastructure and
Management) Page 6


FY 2018-2019
Implementing Unit Target per Implementing Unit
Key Result Areas Programs/Projects Performance Indicators Natio Regi Chap
GAO FY 2017-2018
nal on ter
Automate a SMART Financial Reporting from Chapters to Approved Business Requirement Definition (BRD); IT Roadmap and x * Presentation of Road Map end of Q2: *
National Office Budget : Implementation Plan Prepare BRD and select prospective
vendors by Q2; Development by Q3; Go
Live by Q3 2019
Data Privacy Compliance for internal stakeholders Issued Privacy Notice in Website: Consent of CPA members once x x x x Q1
(Secretariat) & Members Personal Information are secured in whatever form

Conduct online election of National Board, Regional & Updating of members' records (email) X X X Obtained approval for revised election
Chapter - Officers rules and procedures
Approval of recommendation for switch form manual election to online x 1st Quarter of Fiscal year
Establish policies and Procedures on on-line election x 2nd Quarter of Fiscal Year
Secure approval from government regulators (SEC and BOA for the x 3d Quarter of Fiscal year
online election
Program/software documentation for the online election * Conduct mock Election
Attestation on the integrity of the program/software * Survey on possible online election
PICPA National Library Conduct inventory of books and Catalgues of Books and magazines, old and new x x first quarter of Fiscal year (for chapters
solicit new books from accounting authors with offices)

Establish an e-Library accessible by Members in Good No of materials converted into e-Library; Target eBooks 90 within the x 2nd Quarter of Fiscal year
Standing Onlythru MyPicpa Access FY 2018-2019

Holding of Authors' recognition night and Donation of Books NO of authors invited and no of books donated x 1st week of October 2018
Maximize the utilization of existing PICPA Building Reconfigure the existing offices of PICPA & Lessees x on or before Sept 30, 2018
Utilization of idle spaces/rooms to be more effective x on or before Nov 15, 2018
Dispose office idle facilities/equipment x on or before Nov 15, 2018
Acquire better equipment/facilities that are more efficient and cost x on or before January 31, 2019
2 Sustainable Growth of the Membership Access on Website enrolment for Published * No of members enrolled in website x Q3
Organization Materials (provide newsletters/contents to website

* Updated contents; No of contribution/contributors to website content x x Q3

Page 7

2 Sustainable Growth of the

FY 2018-2019
Implementing Unit Target per Implementing Unit
Key Result Areas Programs/Projects Performance Indicators Natio Regi Chap
GAO FY 2017-2018
nal on ter
New CPAs Activation Program No of new CPAs who paid memberhsip fees and attended the semianrs x x Within a Month after oathtakeing
Free 4 CPD-units seminars for New CPAs who have
registered as new members

Special project for Millenial CPAs such as Oktober Fest No of CPAs participating x x Q2
tapping the young CPAs to take active role in PICPA
Online registration of members in good standing to access No of CPAs that has opened account with MyPicpa x x Q3
materials for prof devt restricted based on user access

holding of Special Events

1) Hold a valentine dinner concert for scholarship program Net Income x Net Income contribution Php1 Mil
2) Conduct OktoberFest concert for Millenial CPAs Activation of membership of millenial PICPANs x x x 10% increase of millenial CPAs in Good
standing vs LY
3) Stage concert of popular artist for Building Fund Net Income and No of concert runs x Net Income contribution Php2 Mil ; 2 runs
4) Conduct raffle draw for computerization fund Net Income x Net Income contribution php 2 Mil
3 Committed leadership Constitution and Charter Established governance documentaiton: of policias and procedures x Review, enhance and document policies
(Governance) and procedures within first, 2nd and third
Leadership and Good Governence Leadership Conitnuity and succession planning x x x x Clear succession established

Leadership training program for PICPA officers x x x x Once per year with at least 70%
attendance of board and committee
Regular Board Meetings Board/Council Meetings held x x x x Once a month
Rationalize the Secretariat Organization Job Duties & Responsibilities ; Key Performance Indicators per x x x Q2
employee linked to Performance Incentives/Bonuses

PGS Strategy Refresh Completion of the Strategy Refresh with thr new goals x x x On or before Oct 2018
PGS Palladium Hall of Fame Award Successful Application and Awardee ofPGS Palladium Hall of Fame x Sept 2018- Application
Award Dec 2018- Review and Audit
Feb 2019- Result
Page 8


FY 2018-2019
Implementing Unit Target per Implementing Unit
Key Result Areas Programs/Projects Performance Indicators Natio Regi Chap
GAO FY 2017-2018
nal on ter
4 Building and Facilities Construct a new building with better facilities/minimalist and Prepare a new Construction Plan and Design x on or before Jan 31, 2019
Improvement optimum utilization
Prepare financial justification x on or before Mar 31, 2019
Search for a new strategic partner/developmer x on or before Mar 31, 2019
Seek Board Approval x on or before Apr 30, 2019
Create oversight Committee x on or before May 31 2019
Project Implementation x on or before June 15, 2019
Legal and market Collaboration and Recognition by government or regulatory Collaboration with government autorities to develop regulations x Year round
Recognition authorities
Self-Review and Monitoring of performance using the CAPA Regular self-revew and monitoring x x x x every end of quarter
Maturity Model
D. ADVOCACY (Member Value in the CAPA Maturity Model)
1. Advocacy on PICPA Accountancy Bridging Program as a Response to K12 Bridging program for accounting related course x x Hold one bridging program at the National
position on new standards, and the GAO/Region/Chapter (whichever
rules or pronouncements area is more convenient to the
by standard-setting body stakeholders)
and regulators Participate in TRAIN deliberation in Congress and Senate Attendance in every Senate/Congress hearings x attend all meetings
Revive the PICPA-BIR/BOA/BSP/ AMLA/ SEC/ Ways and one meeting per quarter x Start Q1
Means Committee in Congress and Senate Round Table

Enhancement of the Retention Policy in Accountancy Meetings with Deans of Concerned School x x National shall hold at least one talk per
Programs Region i
Invite Leaders of the BIR/BOA/BSP/AMLA/SEC/ Ways and Speech of the invited leaders x a month before each events
Means Committee in Congress and Senate and other
Regulatory Bodies to speak during Induction, Accountancy
Week, ANC

2. Promote the recognition of Membership in Local Investent and Incentive Board Submit Letter request to all local government units for inclusionof x x National shall craft the standard letter on
the role of CPAs in PICPA as member in the Local Investment and Incentive Board the Q1 and Chapter shall submit it to the
business and government local government unit on the Q2
Page 9


FY 2018-2019
Implementing Unit Target per Implementing Unit
Key Result Areas Programs/Projects Performance Indicators Natio Regi Chap
GAO FY 2017-2018
nal on ter
3 International Relationships Assist PICPAns to quality as ASEAN Chartered Professional Number of ASEAN Chartered Professional Accountants x x 100 National ASEAN Chartered Prof.
Accountants Accountants
Partnering with PAOs Established MOAs revisted and renewed x completed by 2nd Quarter FY 2018-2019

Active Participation in Regional/Internatiional Accoounting Attendance of regualr meetings in AFA, CAPA and IFAC x x No of Members who attended

4 Competitiveness of Invitation of International Speakers for the ANC Invite IFAC, CAPA, AFA Presidents x at least 3 speakers
Filipino CPAs

Review of the Hall of Fame Criteria Revised and Enhanced Awards Criteria x Revised awards criteria by Q1
5 Ratification of the Get 51% assent of all the Members of Good Standing for the written assent of 51% Members of Good Standing x x By Q3
Proposed Amendments of By-Laws amendment
the By Laws
Page 10


CPD Council
CPD Council
CPD Council

Training Division

CPD Council/Execom/BOD

CPD Council
National Office/Chapters

National Office/Chapters

CPD Council, IT Com. And Webinar Com.

Outsourced /CPD Council

National Office/Chapters

Cooperative Development Committee

Cooperative Development Committee

Cooperative Development Committee

New Trainers/Coop Dev Com
Cooperatiive Development Committee.

Cooperative Development Committee.

Page 11


Prof. Dev/ CPD Com./ Membership Com.

Legislation and Taxation

Accountancy Research Com.

Accountancy Research Com./ Regional

Directors/chapter Presidents
Accountancy Research Com./ Publication
National Office

Ethics committee
Publications committee
Ethics committee
Publications committee
Ethics Committee and Chapters

Ethics Committee
Professional development committee
Ethics committee
IT and systems committee
Page 12


National to chapter boards

National to chapter boards

National to chapter boards

National ED
VQAR (on QAR component)

Faculty and student development

Faculty and student development

Faculty and student development


Faculty and student development

Page 13


Faculty and student development

Faculty and student development

ACPACI and PICPA Foundation
P&A Foundation
Faculty and student development
Faculty and student development

Faculty and student development

NGO Development

CSR and Chapters

CSR and Chapters
International affairs Committee

International affairs Committee

Public bidding

Public bidding
Page 14


Public bidding
LGU coordination

LGU coordination
LGU coordination
Regional Council

GAO Council

National, GAO, Region, Chapter

Secretariat Finance; Committee Heads;



NBOD; Information Technology

Page 15


NBOD; Information Technology

Secretariat; Membership Development; IT;

Professional Development

Comelec; Info Technology

Comelec/National Board

Comelec/National Board
Comelec/National Board

Comelec/National Board
Comelec/National Board
Archives & Library; IT

Archives & Library; IT

Archives & Library

Building Grounds & Construction

Building Grounds & Construction
Building Grounds & Construction
Building Grounds & Construction

Publication; Info Technology

Publication; Info Technology

Page 16


Membership Developmen

Membership Devt; Professional Devt; IT ;

Publications, Research
Membership Devt; Professional Devt; IT ;
Publications, Research

Special Events
Special Events

Special Events
Special Events
Poilices and Porcedures review Committee

National/Chapter board,
National to chapter boards

National, GAO, Regions, Chapters

NBOD, Secretariat, VP Operations

PGS Com/ National Office

PGS Com/ National Office
Page 17


Building Grounds & Construction; NBOD,

Investments Com
Building Grounds & Construction; NBOD,
Investments Com
Building Grounds & Construction; NBOD,
Investments Com
Building Grounds & Construction; NBOD,
Investments Com
Building Grounds & Construction; NBOD,
Investments Com
Building Grounds & Construction; NBOD,
Investments Com
Execom/Legislation & Taxation Committee


CPD and Long Range Planning

Legislation and Taxation

Legislation and Taxation

NACPAE,Faculty Student Dev

ANC, InductionAccountancy Week


PICPA LGU Coordination

Page 18


Membership Committee.

International Affairs Committee

International Affairs Committee

ANC Committee

Awards Committee
By Laws Review Committee
FY 2014-2018


Promote, uphold and maintain high standard of Promote effective continuing professional
accountancy profession development

Uphold ethics and quality

Promote the interest of members and stakeholders Accountancy education

Efficient and effective organization

Sustainable growth of the organization

Committed leadership
National and global goals Advocacy on PICPA position on new standards,
rules or pronouncements by standard-setting body
and regulators

Recognition of the role of CPAs in business and



Competitveness of Filipino CPAs

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Integration of Competency Framework to PD program

Number of PD activties
Increase in PD activities per chapter
Percentage increase in number of participants

Number of info dissemination activities undertaken by

PICPA on the role and responsibilities of CPA and the
code of ethcs covering the pprofession

Tools disseminated to iinform the public on the

procedures for complaint filing and review process
No of days of case resolution
No of seminars/briefings on Quality Audit Review
process and structure for SME Practitioners
Number of training for QAR validators run
Number of accredted QAR validators
Number of voluntarily validated auditing firms

Number of companies enrolled in PICPA OJT Placement

Number of student OJT placed
Number of Student Leadership program run
Percentage increase in the number of students
participated in leadership program
Number of teachers assisted by PICPA in identifing
subject company for research
Number of teachers placed in PICPA Teacher Placement

Number of Chapters in Good Standing

Ratio of new officers to total Officers

Number of Leadership training programs by PICPA

Number of governance training programs by board
Rating in Self-assessment Engagement Survey
Number of PICPA activities attended by the national and
chapter directors and regional council members
Number of days for completion of position paper

Number of activities where PICPA leaders discuss its


Number of companies /government agencies visited

Percentage increase in the PICPA members in the

commerce and industry and government sectors

Number of relevant CSR activities

Number of participants in CSR activities

Attendance in international accountancy organization

Leadership roles in international accountancy

Number of MRAs and bilateral agreements liberalizing
the accountancy profession
Page 23


FY 2018-2019
Key Result Areas Programs/Projects
A. PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT (Professionalism under CAPA Maturity Model))
1 Promote effective CPD Review and finalize the Competency Framework for
the PICPA members
Guidelines on online seminars and CPD Events

Guidelines on accreditation on CPD Resource

Monitors Compliance w/ SMO # 4 and IES # 7
Design and Implement Research Capacity
development for CPA's (including Accounting
Conduct Research Forum for CPA and Accounting
students participated by PICPA Chapters and
Published Accounting Research Journal

CPD on Tour (new modules/topics, Pool of

Electronic Submission of Monthly, Quarterly and
Annual Reportorial Requirements
Electronic Submission of Requirements for National
Turn-over Checklist ( for succession planning)
Module Development on Cooperative

Code of Good Governance and ethical standards

for officers, employees and members of
Cooperative Day
Page 24


FY 2018-2019
Key Result Areas Programs/Projects
Cooperative Forum
Assist PICPAns to quality as ASEAN Chartered
Professional Accountants
2 Uphold ethics Adopt the new IFAC Code of Ethics (including
consistent definition of PIE)

Establish program for information dissemination

1. Prepare training materials
2. Develop elearning modules
Set up processes to receive feedback and

Adopt and implement Integrity Initiative standards

within the organization and its members
1. Institutionalize confirmation of Integrity pledge
(integrate in ePlatform) by members
2. Develop plans and implement standards within

3 Promote quality Conduct continuing awareness and training

sessions on QAR (PSQC) and SOAR
Page 25


FY 2018-2019
Key Result Areas Programs/Projects
Develop pool of VQAR examiners

Develop a process to promote collaboration and

B. support for VQAR
AK Support the special project of PICPA with the World
EH Bank
EN1 Contribute to support improvement of Suggest to CHED subjects that need enhancement
GA accountancy curriculum and removal of some subjects that irrelevant
GE focusing on the 4 Accountancy Tracks
ME Assist BOA in the content of the CPA Licensure
NT Examination with regards to the new CMOs
Formulate polices for selection of schools and
companies that will participate in the PICPA
assisted OJT Programs
Improved the coverage Develop student leadership
program through NFJPIA
Train Accounting Teachers in the delivery of
professional subjects through collaboration with

Collaborating with nACPAE for the Search of

Outstanding BSA Students
2 Provide capability building seminars
for accounting teachers Provide (free) seminar to Accounting Teachers
Page 26


FY 2018-2019
Key Result Areas Programs/Projects
3 Provide linkages and support to the Provide training and immersion programs to
academic community Accounting Teachers (esp on Specialized
Assist nACPAE in linking with professional
organizations ( IIAP, ISACA, CMA, CFA )
Offering scholarship grants to accounting students
(any of the 4 courses)
4 Support capability building of NGO Support the development and improvement of NGO
sector operation and reportorial requirements

Compliance with government regulatory agencies

5 Improve linkages with the different

international accounting IFAC - comply with IFAC CMOs, suggest to IFAC
organizations (IFAC, CAPA, AFA, officers to allot slots on IFAC Committees to Filipino
CAPA - collaborate with CAPA on projects relating
to capacity building of SMA and SMEs funded by
World Bank
AFA - Collaborate with AFA for the easy
implementation of our MRA with the Asean contries
NCPACA - continuous communication for the
continuance scholarship project

Revisit MOUs entered into with international bodies

in previosu years –ACCA/ ICAEW
6 Improve linkages with LGUs and
NGAs Dissemination to all chapters the role of
accountantsin public bidding and the specific
bidding that they can attend
Page 27


FY 2018-2019
Key Result Areas Programs/Projects

Disseminate the same information to all

government agencies
Education of Barangay LGU finance officer

C. INSTITUTION CAPACITY BUILDING (Sustainability under CAPA Maturity Model)

1. Efficient and effective organization A. AUTOMATE MEMBERSHIP SERVICES (create
user access and registration of members thru
Website (myPICPA); online enrolment of seminar
or webinars (CPD and eLearning); maintenance of
CPE credits online via PICPA website; updating of
members profile and info; online payment; use of

B. Automate a SMART Financial Reporting from

Chapters to National Office

C. Submission of timely credible and reliable

budgets, financial reports and variance reports
D. Data Privacy Compliance for internal
stakeholders (Secretariat) & Members

E. Conduct online election of National Board,

Regional & Chapter - Officers
Page 28


FY 2018-2019 E. Conduct online election of National Board,
Regional & Chapter - Officers
Key Result Areas Programs/Projects

F. Convert PICPA National Library thru e-Library

accessible by MGS, SLM only thru MyPicpa Access

2) Authors' recognition night

G. Maximize the utilization of existing PICPA

2 Sustainable Growth of the A. Membership Access on Website enrolment for

Organization Published Materials
A.1 Provide newsletters/contents in website

B. Membership reactivation & retention program

1) Free seminars for all chapters that will include

topic about members benefits of CPAs in good
2) Special project such as Oktober Fest tapping
the young CPAs to take active role in PICPA
3) Online registration of members in good standing
to access materials for prof devt restricted based on
user access
Page 29


FY 2018-2019
Key Result Areas Programs/Projects
4) Assist CPAs to qualify as ASEAN Professional
C. Rationalize the Secretariat Organization

D. Hold special events

1) Hold a valentine dinner concert for scholarship
2) Conduct OktoberFest concert for Millenial CPAs

3) Stage concert of popular artist for Building Fund

4) Conduct raffle draw for computerization fund

3 Committed leadership Develop and improve board governance processes
(include board governance orientation, adoption of
a governance manual, board protocols)

Conduct leadership training programs for PICPA

PGS Strategy Refresh

PGS Palladium Hall of Fame Award

4 Building and Facilities Improvement E. Construct a new building with better

facilities/minimalist and optimum utilization
Page 30


FY 2018-2019
Key Result Areas Programs/Projects

1. Advocacy on PICPA position on new Accountancy Bridging Program as a Response to
CY standards, rules or pronouncements K12
by standard-setting body and
Participate in TRAIN deliberation in Congress and
Seminar on Tax Updates
Enhancement of the Retention Policy in
Accountancy Programs
and Means Committee in Congress and Senate
Round Table Discussion

Invite Leaders of the BIR/BOA/BSP/AMLA/SEC/

Ways and Means Committee in Congress and
Senate and other Regulatory Bodies to speak
during the APC, Induction, Accountancy Week, ANC
Page 31


FY 2018-2019
Key Result Areas Programs/Projects
2. Promote the recognition of the role of Membership in Local Investmtent and Incentive
CPAs in business and government Board

3 Stature in the International Leadership Plans of PICPA in IFAC, CAPA and AFA
4 Competitiveness of Filipino CPAs Development of Long Range Plan for Online CPD
Invitation of International Speakers for the ANC
Review of the Hall of Fame Criteria
5 Ratification of the Proposed Get 51% assent of all the Members of Good
Amendments of the By Laws Standing
CPD Seminar on Ethics: Obligation of an
accountant in connection with the By laws as a
medium to get the participation of the members on
the by laws amendment
Page 32

Implementing Unit
Performance Indicators
National Region Chapter GAO
turity Model))
Competency Framework Approved by BOD
Guidelines on Online CPD Seminars Approved
by BOD
Guidelines on accreditation on CPD Resource
Persons Approved by BOD
PICPA Reports to IFAC x x
Number of Trained CPA's
x x x x

Number of Research paper presented

x x x x

Number of Research paper published

Free Seminars for all chapters and Regions)
x x x x
Submitted Reports
x x x x
Submitted Requirements
x x x x
Checklist x x x x
Developed module specific to Coop.
x x x
Code of Good Governance and ethical
standards x x

Conduct Coop Day within accountancy week x x

Page 33

Implementing Unit
Performance Indicators
National Region Chapter GAO
One Day Coop Forum x x
Number of ASEAN Chartered Professional
1. Completion of exposure process
2. Discussion with relevant regulators
3. Submission by Ethics Committee to Board for x
1. Training material preparation (during
exposure) and approval (after exposure) x x x x
2. Number of trainings conducted
Tools disseminated to inform public on the
procedures for filing compliant and the review x
1. Secure signatories of Integrity Pledge (e-
2. Approved results of gap analysis and
implementation plan x x x

1. Number of awareness sessions and trainings

2. Effectiveness of trainings through feedback
survey x x x x
Page 34

Implementing Unit
Performance Indicators
National Region Chapter GAO
1. Develop criteria for examiners
2. Number of trained examiners
x x x

Develop and implement a mentoring program for

practitioners embarking on a VQAR program x

Accomplished as per World Bank output metrics.

(Chapters covered are those identified within the x x

Communications with CHED x

Proposal Submitted to BOA x

Enhanced crafted policies and procedures in the

x x x
OJT Programs

Completed Leadership programs x x x

Number of trainings to be conducted x x

Selection of Outstanding Accountancy Students x x x

Number of Trainings x x x
Page 35

Implementing Unit
Performance Indicators
National Region Chapter GAO

Number of Trainings x x x

MOA Accomplished x

Number of scholars x x x

National forum of NGO x x x x

National Forum of NGO (PICPA GAO seminars) x x x

Chapter Clinic x

Interact with IFAC officers during IFAC meeting

Propose and present CAPA CEO the feasibility
study of the projects
Attend AFA meeting and discuss the issues with
Submission of reports on the status of the project

Review the MOUs if still attuned to the times x

Send communication to all chapter presidents

x x x
- Request report from chapter on
no of biddings represented
Page 36

Implementing Unit
Performance Indicators
National Region Chapter GAO
Coordinate with GACPA x

-Development of training modules

-train the trainer of each chapter

- chapter to conduct one seminar and updates
per semester per LGU
-reports of seminar conducted per chapter using
a format to be prescribed

Approved Business Requirement Definition

(BRD); IT Roadmap and Budget :
Implementation Plan
x x x x

Approved Business Requirement Definition

(BRD); IT Roadmap and Budget :
Implementation Plan x x x x

Budget by July 10; Monthly Reports on 15th

x x x x
after end of the month
Issued Privacy Notice in Website: Consent of
CPA members once Personal Information are x x x x
secured in whatever form
* Updating of members' records (email)
* Percentage increase of voters
Page 37

Implementing Unit
Performance Indicators
National Region Chapter GAO
* Program/software documentation
* Attestation on the integrity of the
No of materials converted into e-Library; Target
eBooks 90 within the FY 2018-2019 x

Subject to copyrights & Data Privacy Law x x

Reconfigure the existing offices of PICPA &
Utilization of idle spaces/rooms to be more
Dispose office idle facilities/equipment x
Acquire better equipment/facilities that are more
efficient and cost savings
* No of members enrolled in website
* Updated contents; No of
x x x
contribution/contributors to website content
Increase membership in good standing
x x x

x x x x

No of CPAs participating
x x x x
No of CPAs that has opened account with
MyPicpa x x x x
Page 38

Implementing Unit
Performance Indicators
National Region Chapter GAO
No of ASEAN Prof CPAs
x x x x
Job Duties & Responsibilities ; Key Performance
Indicators per employee linked to Performance x

Net Income
Activation of membership of millenial PICPANs
x x x
Net Income and No of concert runs
Net Income x
1. Board governance orientation
2. Board self-assessment
(Board or Council, as appropriate) x x x

Conduct of relevant leadership training program

x x x
Completion of the Strategy Refresh with thr new
x x x
Successful Application and Awardee ofPGS
Palladium Hall of Fame Award x

Prepare a new Construction Plan and Design

Prepare financial justification
Page 39

Implementing Unit
Performance Indicators
National Region Chapter GAO
Search for a new strategic partner/developmer
Seek Board Approval
Create oversight Committee
Project Implementation

Bridging program for accounting related course

x x x x

Attendance in every Senate/Congress hearings

Holding of Two seminars x
Meetings with Deans of Concerned School
x x x
one meeting per quarter

Speech of the invited leaders

Page 40

Implementing Unit
Performance Indicators
National Region Chapter GAO
Submit Letter request to all local government
units for inclusionof PICPA as member in the x x
Local Investment and Incentive Board
Craft one pLan
5 Year Development Plan for Online CPD
Invite IFAC, CAPA, AFA Presidents x
Revised and Enhanced Awards Criteria x
written assent of 51% Members of Good
Standing x x x x
4 Unit PRC approved CPD Program
Page 41

Target per Implementing Unit Organisation/Committee/Role

FY 2017-2018 Responsible

CPD Council

Oct-18 CPD Council, IT Com. And Webinar Com.

Nov-18 PRC-CPD Council

Quarterly Office of ED

Aug-Nov 2018 Accountancy Research Com.

Accountancy Research Com./ Regional

Directors/chapter Presidents

Accountancy Research Com./ Publication

Min. of 2 days training per chapter/region with
Prof. Dev/ CPD Com./ Membership Com.
in the FY 2018-2019
Monthly, Quarterly and Annual GARCA

Annual GARCA
Annual GARCA
FY 2018-2020 (atleast draft with in 2018-2019) Coop Com.

FY 2018-2020 (atleast draft with in 2018-2019) Coop Com.

FY 2018-2019 Coop Com.

Page 42

Target per Implementing Unit Organisation/Committee/Role

FY 2017-2018 Responsible
Nov to Dec 2018 Coop Com.
100 National ASEAN Chartered Prof.
Membership Com.

1. By 30 Oct 2018 Ethics committee

2. By 30 Nov 2018 Publications committee
3. by 31 Jan 2019 Board

1. Training materials exposure finished by july

2. Twenty runs

Ethics board
Completed by Q4 2018
Professional development committee

1a. Tool completed by Q4 2018

1b. At least 20% of members (at chapter level)
with confirmed e-pledge) by Q2 2019. Ethics committee
2a. Results of Integrity gap analysis approved IT and systems committee
by Q4 2018 Board
2b. Implementation of at least 20% of standards
by Q2 2019

1a. National: At least one training per quarter

1b. Region: At least one awareness session per
quarter VQAR
1c. Chapter: At least one training per quarter National to chapter boards
1d. GAO: At least one awareness session per ACPAPP / ACPACI / nACPAE / GACPA
sector / with sectoral organizations
2. Feedback score of at least 3.5/5.0
Page 43

Target per Implementing Unit Organisation/Committee/Role

FY 2017-2018 Responsible

1. Criteria developed by Q4 2018

2a. Trained examiners: At least 5 per region
National to chapter boards
2b. Trained examiners: At least 1 per chapter

Program developed and implemented by Q4 VQAR

2018 National to chapter boards
Accomplished as per World Bank output
metrics National ED
VQAR (on QAR component)

1st semester- SY 18-19 Faculty and student development

October 2018 CPALE Faculty and student development

3rd qtr 18-19 Faculty and student development

2nd qtr 18-19 Faculty and student development

2nd qtr 18-19 Faculty and student development

Faculty and student development

3 qtr 18-19
ACPACI and PICPA Foundation
P&A Foundation
Faculty and student development
3rd qtr-18-19
Page 44

Target per Implementing Unit Organisation/Committee/Role

FY 2017-2018 Responsible

Faculty and student development

2nd qtr 18-19 Faculty and student development

Faculty and student development
4th qtr 18-19
PICPA Foundation

October NGO Development

Jan-March CSR
As Needed Regulatory Agencies

2018-2019 Internal affairs

Public bidding
Completed by Q1-Q2
Public bidding
Page 45

Target per Implementing Unit Organisation/Committee/Role

FY 2017-2018 Responsible
Public bidding
-1st qtr 18-19 LGU coordination

2nd qtr 18-19 LGU coordination

2nd qtr 18-19 LGU coordination

monthly report LGU coordination

* Presentation of Road Map end of Q2: * Strategic

Prepare BRD and select prospective vendors
by Q2; Development by Q3; Go Live by Q3
2019 NBOD; Information Technology

* Presentation of Road Map end of Q2: * Strategic

Prepare BRD and select prospective vendors
by Q2; Development by Q3; Go Live by Q3 NBOD; Information Technology
Secretariat Finance; Committee Heads;
Monthly On time FY2018-2019

Secretariat; Membership Development; IT;

Professional Development
Obtained approval for revised election rules
Comelec; Info Technology
and procedures
* Info dissemination to region/chapters
Page 46

Target per Implementing Unit Organisation/Committee/Role

FY 2017-2018 Responsible
* Conduct mock Election
* Survey on possible online election

Per quarter target of 23 Archives & Library; IT

on or before Sept 30, 2018 Building Grounds & Construction

on or before Nov 15, 2018 Building Grounds & Construction

on or before Nov 15, 2018 Building Grounds & Construction
on or before January 31, 2019 Building Grounds & Construction

Q3 Publication; Info Technology

Q3 Publication; Info Technology

Membership Devt; Professional Devt; IT ;
Publications, Research

Membership Devt; Professional Devt; IT ;

Publications, Research

Membership Devt; Professional Devt; IT ;

Publications, Research

Membership Devt; Professional Devt; IT ;

Publications, Research
Page 47

Target per Implementing Unit Organisation/Committee/Role

FY 2017-2018 Responsible
Membership Devt; Professional Devt; IT ;
FY 2018-2019
Publications, Research

Q2 NBOD, Secretariat, VP Operations

Net Income contribution Php1 Mil Special Events

10% increase of millenial CPAs in Good
Special Events
standing vs LY
Net Income contribution Php2 Mil ; 2 runs Special Events
Net Income contribution php 2 Mil Special Events

1. At least 4 hours per year (board and

National to chapter boards
Election, ABM
2. Annually

Once per year with at least 70% attendance of

National to chapter boards
board and committee leaders
On or before Oct 2018 PGS Com/ National Office

Sept 2018- Application

Dec 2018- Review and Audit PGS Com/ National Office
Feb 2019- Result
Building Grounds & Construction; NBOD,
on or before Jan 31, 2019
Investments Com
Building Grounds & Construction; NBOD,
on or before Mar 31, 2019
Investments Com
Page 48

Target per Implementing Unit Organisation/Committee/Role

FY 2017-2018 Responsible
Building Grounds & Construction; NBOD,
on or before Mar 31, 2019
Investments Com
Building Grounds & Construction; NBOD,
on or before Apr 30, 2019
Investments Com
Building Grounds & Construction; NBOD,
on or before May 31 2019
Investments Com
Building Grounds & Construction; NBOD,
on or before June 15, 2019
Investments Com

Hold one bridging program at the National and

the GAO/Region/Chapter (whichever area is
more convenient to the stakeholders) CPD and Long Range Planning

attend all meetings

Legislation and Taxation
Two seminars for the year Legislation and Taxation
National shall hold at least one talk per Region i
Start Q1
Legislation and Taxation

a month before each events

APC, ANC, Induction, Accountancy Week Committees

Page 49

Target per Implementing Unit Organisation/Committee/Role

FY 2017-2018 Responsible
National shall craft the standard letter on the Q1
and Chapter shall submit it to the local PICPA LGU Coordination
government unit on the Q2

Completed plan by Q4 Long Range Planning

Completed plan by Q3 CPD Committee and Long Range Planning

at least 3 speakers ANC Committee
Revised awards criteria by Q1 Awards Committee
By Q3 By Laws Review Committee
By Q2
CPD and By Laws Review Committee
FY2013-14 to FY2017-18
5pt PICPA unit to
KEY RESULTS AREA Year Possible Programs Performance Indicators
Agenda National
1. Promote effective continuing FY2013-14 2A Adoption of a competency framework for training Integration of Competency Framework to PD ü
professional development FY2015-16 needs of CPA in the four sectors and training outline program
and mappring put of current trainings into the new

FY2013-14 Streamline processes in the delivery of training Development of Training Modules ü

Training modules run
Old Modules ü
New Modules ü
Percentage increase in number of participants

FY2013-14 Develop pool of accredited qualified trainors Number of trainors Accredited ü

FY2015-16 Increase in the number of accredited trainors
Increase in the number of program runs ü
Ave. Number of pax per seminar, per category

FY2013-14 Develop capability of PICPA to conduct No of seminars/conferences with international ü

FY2015-16 seminars/conference with international resource speakers

FY2015-16 1. MRA Awareness No. of MRA awareness activities conducted

FY2015-16 2. Training on macro economic & evironmental No. of trainings conducted
financial trends ü
FY2017-18 Strengthening PICPA's focus on CPD transforming Evaluation of Resource Speakers by private
the Resource Persons independent evaluator and a member of the CPD
Council. using the newly developed evaluation
Instrument. ü

FY2017-18 2B Development of CPD Modules for Commerce and CPD Modules Developed
Industry, Public Practice Sector, Education; -

FY2017-18 2B Adoption of computerized system in registration and Installation of computerized systems for
preservation of data and electronic tool for registration and use of electornic tools for
evaluation resource speakers/facilites. evaluation of speakers ü

FY2017-18 2C Collaboration with academe, public practice, Joint endeavors during Accountancy Week
commerce and industry and government sectors in Celebration (AWC) and Annual Conventions of
offering quality CPD conferences and fora. PICPA, ACPAP{, NACPAE, ACPACI and GACPA in
providing high quality CPD technical sessions

FY2017-18 2A Develop and disseminate to all chapters a consistent Training Modules run - Old Modules and new
training framework that will provide standard modules delivered by qualified resource
guidelines to streamline quality of CPD Learning. persons;

Provide "CPD on
the Road" for free by ü
big Chapters to small chapters that need
assistance ; Provide free seminars for CPAs from
the Academe.
FY2017-18 2C Collaboration with the Council for Accreditation and Regulators' Forum conducted in Luzon, Visayas,
Quality Control of Practicing Accountants (SEC, BSP, Mindanao and the NCR Regions by PICPA
BOA, IC and PIDC) for the conduct of Regulators' National in collaboration with the CAQCPA and ü
Forum all over the country. selected host chapters

2. Uphold ethics FY2013-14 Develop public information materials briefly Materials developed for public information ü
FY2015-16 discussing the role of accountants and the ethical
rules governing them.

FY2017-18 1A Adoption of the 2016 IFAC Code of Ethics for Issuance of Board Resolution in the adoption of
Professional Accountants. the 2016 IFAC Code of Ethics

FY2013-14 Establish program for public info campaign and Number of info dissemination activities ü
FY2015-16 touchbase with other organizations undertaken by PICPA on the role and
FY2017-18 responsibilities of CPA and the code of ethics
covering the profession (e.g. Visit to Govt and
FY2013-14 Set up processes to receive feedback/complaints Tools disseminated to inform the public on the ü
FY2015-16 procedures for complaint filing and review
FY2017-18 process

FY2013-14 Review process for handling and resolution of Secure signatories of integrity pledge ü
FY2015-16 complaints

3 Promote quality FY2013-14 Provide training and guidance in the development of Review existing manual and make revisions if ü
FY2015-16 Audit manuals to small and medium-sized needed - Q1
FY2017-18 practitioners
Roll out training on audit manual preparation
using MMR-prepared handbook
FY2017-18 1C Collaborate with the Association of CPAs in Public Conduct lectures in collaboration with ACPAPP on
Practice in promoting familiarization of Public the QAR process and tips to prepare for the
Practitioenrs on the features and components of a review. ü
Quality Assurance Review
FY2013-14 1C Promote collaboration of individual practitioners for Draw up suggested guidelines for the mentoring ü
FY2015-16 QAR purposes program for small and medium-sized
FY2017-18 practitioners
Set up mentoring programs ü

FY2013-14 Introduce Performance Evaluation Feedback

FY2015-16 System

FY2013-14 1C Promote familiarization of members on the features Conduct training on the QAR process and tips to ü
FY2015-16 and components of a Quality Assurance Review prepare for the review.

FY2013-14 Audit practitioners establish a competitive range of Chapter officers to meet and establish ü
FY2015-16 audit fees to improve service delivery competitive fees among the region

1. Contribute to support improvement Suggest to CHED subjects that need enhancement Number of activities and meetings done
of accountancy curriculum and removal of some subjects that are redundant

FY2015-16 ü
Assist BOA in syllabus revision for CPA Licensure
Examinations 2

FY2015-16 Number of meeting done ü

FY2013-14 Set up policies for selection of schools and Completed policies and procedures ü
FY2015-16 companies that will participate in the PICPA-assisted 1) Leadership program/s
OJT programs 2)TESDA Examination for 2nd yr-4th yr

Number of companies enrolled in PICPA OJT

Placement Program
FY2013-14 Develop Student Leadership Program Completed programs
FY2015-16 1)OJT manual on policies and procedures
2)MOA with selected company
3)Monitoring mechanism/feedback from
the students and company as well

Number of runs of leaderhip programs

Percentage increase in the number of students

participated in leadership program
FY2017-18 Teaching accountants how to teach accounting; Number of trainings to be conducted
Provide linkage and support to National Association
of CPAs in Education ü
FY2017-18 Providing entreprenurial training opportunities to
SMEs and Micro-entrepreneurs Nationwide partnership NGOs for the education
of micro-enterprises that are transitioning to
small entrepreneurships through the conduct of ü
series of seminars for micro-entrepreneurs

FY2017-18 Collaborating with ACPACI and P & A Foundation Selection of Outstanding Accountancy
for the selection of Outstanding Accountancy Students once a year
Student for the Year ü

FY2017-18 Collaborating with nACPAE in offering Acocunting Accounting Teachers' Conference once a year and
Teachers' Conference and supporting Continuing continuing free seminars for teachers
Professional Development of CPAs in Education. ü

2. Provide capability building seminars Teaching accountants how to teach accounting Number of trainings to be conducted
to enhance capability of accounting FY2015-16 ü
To provide entrepranuerial training apportunities. Number of trainings to be conducted
FY2015-16 ü
3 Provide linkages support to the FY2013-14 5B Set up policies for selection of teachers and Completed policies and procedures ü
academic community FY2015-16 companies that will participate in the PICPA- Step 1) Academic community policies and
apprenticeship program procedures manual 2) Summer camp for teachers
in different accounting services (tax, audit,
advisory and accounting):CPD programs for
teachers 3) MOA with auditing firms
4)Monitoring mechanism

Number of MOAs exceuted with participating

Others ü
*to workout for the development of
accreditation guidelines for CPD online courses
4 Provide linkage and support to FY2017-18 5C PICPA Legisltion and Taxation Committee Number PICPA Legislation and Taxation
Senate and Congressional Hearings Committee actively participation int the
for amendments and enhancement enactment of tax laws
of Tax laws ü
Information Campaign and
Symposia TRAIN Law. Massive information
campaign and seminars are
1. Efficient and effective organization FY2013-14 Prepare policies on determining Chapters in Goods Completed policies and procedures ü
FY2015-16 Standing, including consequences if chapter has Periodic review of policies and procedures
failed to qualify (feedback mechanism)

Dissemination of policies and procedures

Number of Chapters in Good Standing ü
Satisfaction index of PICPA members ü

FY2015-16 Improve effective communication, identify authority

FY2015-16 Conduct chapter/region visits for review of their Number of Chapter/Region Visits
programs and activities. ü
FY2017-18 Implement policies in determining Chapters in Dissemination of policies and procedures for
Goods Standing, including consequences if chapter strict implementation;
has failed to be compliant Number of Compliant Chapters in the
submission of Financial reports; Number of
compliant Chapters in the submission of
Adminidtrative Reports ü
FY2017-18 Timely and Effective communication to chapters of Email Blast within the same day of receipt of
announcments of IFAC, ASEAN and National PRC- information to Chapter President; Chapter
BOA and other regulators Preidents to email blast to all members within
same day; posting in
the PICPA website the newly received ü

FY2017-18 4C Submission of timely credible and reliable financial National Office - Monthly submission of Financial
reports statements on National office operations/
consolidated Financial Reports every quarter.

GAOs,Regions and Chapters - Quarterly ü

submission of Financial Statements for

FY2017-18 4C Submission of Timely credibel and Administrative National Office: Setting of deadlines and
reports including CPD Completion and Summary monitoring of reports of GAOs, regions and
reports Chapters
GAOs, Regions and Chapters - Regular ü
submission of reports including CPD reports

2. Sustainable growth of the FY2013-14 Definition of new officers vs. total officers. Ratio of new officers to total Officers
organization FY2015-16 Encourage the rotation of the position to new

FY2015-16 Encouraging senior citizens/SLM/ new board passers Number of SLM applied/new members
to join ü
FY2015-16 Membership reteniton
FY2017-18 Membership Reactivation Program Number of hibernating CPAs who came back to
the folds of PICPA under the Reactivation
Net Increase in Membership for chapters

3. Committed leadership FY2013-14 Develop/identify leadership training programs for Number of Leadership training programs by ü
FY2015-16 PICPA leaders and schedule them PICPA officers
Number of significant PICPA activities attended ü
by the national and chapter directors and
regional council members
FY2015-16 Organize a nationwide campaign by means of a Number of members who participated in the
competition like "photo contest", etc to enhance contest/competition
members' creativity and perception on leadership ü
and commitment thru art.

4 Building and Facilities Improvement FY2013-14 Construction of high-rise building for PICPA, initiated Approved Program of Work with budget ü
FY2015-16 by Long Range Planning Board

5 Compliance with Statements of FY2017-18 3C Collaboration with Regulators (i.e. BOA, CHED, SEC, Finalization and approval by IFAC of the
Memberhip Obligations with IFAC COA, BSP, IC) and Standards Setter (FRSC and IAASC) Philippine SMOs
and sectoral organizations in the effective
implementation of International Accountancy
Standards ü
6 CSR FY2013-14 Identification of CSR activities that support the Number of relevant CSR activities ü
FY2015-16 strategies of PICPA

FY2017-18 National and Chapter CSR Projects for National Office: MOA with NGO for the
implementation in FY 2017-2018 education of micro-enterprises that are
transitioning to small entrepreneurships to uplift
the quality of life of the Filipino people, through
the nationwide conduct of series of seminars for
micro-entrepreneurs. ü
Chapters: Adopt a Chapter Program;
CPD on the Road; Donation of Books; Schoalrship

1. Advocacy on PICPA position on new FY2013-14 Set up policy in identifying developments and issues Completed policies and procedures ü
standards, rules or pronouncements FY2015-16 that PICPA will address; processes to be observed in *Policy that shall idenify the responsible
by standard-setting body and the preparation of PICPA policy and protocol in sector representative who who shall coordinate
regulators communicating them to the public with the sector/organizer affected
*protocol in communicating with
the public
FY2017-18 Identify opportunities where PICPA leaders may Appointing PICPA representatives to the
express their position on matters relevant to the International Standards Council (ie. Financial
adotpion and interpretation of international reporting Standards Council and Audit and
standardsand and establish a relationship Assuanrance Standards Council) to assist in the ü
development program review and adoption of international standards in
the Philippines

FY2013-14 Identify opportunities where PICPA leaders may Number of activities where PICPA leaders discuss ü
FY2015-16 express their position on matters relevant to the its position
profession and establish a relationship development
2. Promote therecognition of the role FY2013-14 Identifying the organization/companies and Chapter: Number of companies /government ü
of CPAs in business and government FY2015-16 government agencies to be visited and develop agencies/professional organization visited
annual program

Region: Monitor number of companies ü

FY2013-14 Send communication to companies and government Percentage increase in the PICPA members in the
FY2015-16 agencies to encourage them to support the commerce and industry and government sectors
development of their CPAs
No of activities undertaken to advocate the hiring ü
of CPAs for positions requiring the skills of
professional accountants
3 Stature in the international FY2017-18 Active participation in International Accountancy Attendance and participation in regular council
community Bodies and Benchmarking with ASEAN Accountants meetings in international organziations;

FY2017-18 Active Particiaption in the ASEAN Monitoring Council

4 Competitiveness of Filipino CPAs FY2013-14 Active participation in the ASEAN Monitoring Council Signing of MOA with PRC and BOA to formalize
FY2015-16 in the implementation of ASEAN MRA for participation n the implementation of MRA for
accoountancy services. Accountancy ü

FY2015-16 Create an interactive social media website that will Participation of members in the interactive social
focus on educating the members in their quest for media website
excellence and link to outside world.

CPA unit to take the lead TARGETS Supporting
Region Chapter GAO Current FY2018-19 Committee

For dissemination to all Sectoral CPD Com

Directors, VP-Sectors and RSRs by

Finalize specific modules per sector

in all levels by Q4

ü 200 runs (20% increase)

ü Q1 - 5 / Q2-5 / Q3-5 / Q4-5 CPD Com
20 % increase (7,600 participants)
10 CPD Com
10% by end of year
ü 10% by end of year
ü A (40) B,C,D, (35)

2 seminars CPD Com

N-6 seminars, R-2 seminars, C- 1 seminar

ü ü
N - 3 seminars; C - 2 seminars
For National Office - three (3)
resource speakers per quarter
elected by random; For Chapters - CPD
ü one (1) speaker per quarter Council/Chapter

For National Office - two (2)

modules developed per Public CPD Council
Practice, Commerce and Industry
and Education sectors.
CPD Council
Installation of computerized
system within 2nd quarter and
ü ü elctronic tool within the 3rd
AWC Committee

ANC Cmmmittee
!st quarter - AWC with each day
allotted to each Sector; 2nd Committees of
ü ü quarter - Annual Conventions of each
PICPA and the four sectors sector/President
of Sectoral

One to two resource persons

provided every month to the CPD Council and
Chapters outside Metro Manila;
three (3) free "CPD on the Road"
ü ü per quarter delivered by Metro Metro manila
Manila Chapters to small chapters Region and
in the provinces. One (1) free Chapters
sminar per quarter to teachers.
Host Chapter
once every quarter in the four and the
ü areas Executive
Finalized in Q2 Ethics Com

1st quarter - approval by the Board Ethics and

of Directors and recommending to Publication
the Board of Accountancy Committees

IESBA Code disseminated to all Ethics Com

chapters by Q1
ü 10 chapters per quarter Ethics Com
completed by Q3 Ethics Board

5000 signatories by Q4 Ethics Board

revisions completed by Q1
CPD Committee
full implementation by Q4

twice a year
ü Committee
guidelines completed by Q1
QAR Committee

ü awareness of the existence Q1

full implementation - Q2-Q4 QAR Committee
Feedback System completed by
Q2; dissemination Q3-Q4

ü 9 trainings

QAR Committee

10 chapters to submit list of rates

ü ü by Q2

QAR Committee

Dev't / Review
of Policies and
Procedures /
Search for
Completed by Q1-Q2 Students of the
Phils. / Student
Dev't / Review
of Policies and
Procedures /
Search for
Completed by Q1-Q2 Students of the
Phils. / Student

Completed by Q1 -Q2
Dev Com

ü 3 companies by Q1
9 companies by end of year
ü Completed by Q1-Q2

ü 1 run by Q2
3 runs by end of year
ü 50 students by end of Q2
10% increase by end of year

Faculty Student
One (1) Seminar/Training per Committee
Corporate Social
One (1) Training the Trainers - Responsibilty
One (1) Committee
ü Seminar/Training per quarter;
One (1) Participation of host

Once every academic year Development

Accounting Teachers' Conference Faculty/Student

ü One (1) free seminar for Development
teachers per quarter Committee

ü Dev't
ü ü Dev't
Target: 1st and 2nd QTRs

Dev Com

ü 1 MOA executed by end of year

by end of fiscal year

No. of participation in senate and
congressional hearings - as invited

Two Tax Symposia per year

Completed by Q2 GARCA
BODs/Review of
Q2 Policies and

As need arise Dev't/ANC/AW
22 chapters GARCA
ü ü Satisfaction Index - 6 To be conducted
by National
Office via TGIF

Region-3 visits/Chapter - 50% by National

ü ü end of yr BODs/GAO
National Office - Policies and Committee
Procedures disseminated through
ED Memos - all administrative and Executive
financial policies and procedure Directors
Chapters - 100% Chapter
compliance of Chapters n Financial Presidents
Reports; 100% compliance of
chapters in administrative reports
National Office: Email Blasts to all
Chapter Presidents - 100% same Chapter
day; Chapters - Email Blasts to all Presidents
ü members upon receipt of
information. NO- Uplaod in the
website on the same day.

National Office - Monthly Financial

Report of National office and
quarterly consolidated FSs of all.
ü ü ü
GAOs, Regions and Chapters -
Quarterly submission of Financial

National Office - 1st Q clarification

of deadlines and monthly
ü ü ü monitoring GAOs, Regions and
Chapters - Monthly submission of
bership Dev't
ü 20%

National Office - 25% increase in MembershipDev
membership elopment
Chapters Awards Criteria: Executive
At least 10 additional
Sustaining Life Members during
ü the year - 2 points

At least 80% of members in good

standing retained - 3 pts
Net increase in
membership according to chapters
category - 3 to 10 points

ü ü 2 (with at least 70% of officers

ü ü at least 70% attendance

ü Q2

by end of 2014

Task Force Smos

Creation of a task Force composed
of regulators, standard setters, Executive
sectoral orbaization with PICPA as Committee
the lead. Submission to IFAC and
approval by IFAC of the Philippine Board of
SMOs for 2018 Directors
ü 3 activities

CSR Committee,
National Office;
Signed within 1st Q PGS
Seminars Committee,
ü within 2nd, 3rd, 4th quarter.
Chapters: Selected host Chapter
supports NO Program for Micro-
entreprenuers; one activity per

2 policies and procedures

completed by Q1

Appoint PICPA representatives in Taxation &

all vacan post in FRSC and AASC; Legislation
Position paper submitted for every Executive
issues affecting the practice of Committee

ü ü ü 4 activities within the year

ü ü ü 2 per chapter
Affairs / ANC /

ü ü 4 Sectoral
10% 10% Sectoral

Affairs / ANC /
Participation in all regular meetings ASEAN
of IFAC, CAPA and AFA. Integration

National office- MOA signed

MRA International
implementation - participation in Affairs
the processing of applicants for

Affairs / ANC /
ü ü ü Daily Integration
bership Dev't

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