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Now a <lay in mal"";al har<l'l~ plarrts urder I mer spe,J
monitor lS00eo1theesserfial oontroland salelyd~


Electronic Speed Mor'"'' is used to mooilOr speed 01

c"""'"VOrs, cr:£hers. [(.Ing miffs, aglalOrs. mixers, surrer"
SCI......- cor"'yors, and other MUSlrIaI machnery Ths """ee ESIII1R
aa:uates reiayconlaClS al prest'! spud. tt>ese oorfaclS tJlN flAIL ENCLOSURE
<le>.<red cwtrol4lClion su.cIi "'" zero """ed pr<:(e<:tioo runder
sJ!"ed protecTIOn I over spee<! Pf<:(e<:1lon can ~ achieve<!.


The tlasIc pri"""le d."..ed moniror I; comparism 01 pLlses

receive<! ffomsensorwithstan<lard IX'lses. The urotcons.aslS 01
two parts. "SENSOR PRCeE" ah<l CONTfUL UNIT. Tr..
senso: I; to ~ i'lslalled with Is """,,ng lact! in c~ I'foximily I
01 r<:(an~ obJllCl. On t!'is objecl, fiags ae to ~ fixe<!. Tr..
st!l'lSOr prod..,.,s Slro~ ..Iectromaqnetic waves. wt-tch gel
disllJrt>ed by lhe flags, 1Irw:>g rise 10 corr""l'mdlng pulses. ESM ~,6,RELtJ MOUNTING
These PU&!S are led 10 ttle cwtld uri! Ootlere th-ey are ESMIF, Ft.MlE PROOFMO[}EL IlIGITAl tlISPlAY
compare<! 01"" sta rtdad pulses 10 sense the speM


• ft senses speed", hOn-<:onlacl way fb moving parts fb
wear,.-,d lears"l rol~rsor m<salqrm""to1 couplings
• Easyspee<!selting
• Be;" in "'ilialby-~ ti"'" ~lay arangement
• Sp"e<! seung possible Ir"m 1 RPM 10 5000 RPM
opbonal ranges
• Totally erdlse<l sensoc, works in presetlCl! 01 o:1JSI Fl.... ,osSElllllLY: F
di~waler, oil &<:hemicals Mo~rfinq P1alo : MP
• Direction ser.<ng and speed moniToring d various
locaTIO,.. lrom £i'lglepoiN ~b~
• lntrinsicaty Sale ~nsors and spee<! swiTdles will)
Flamepr,,01 Encklsures a,e available 10' use rn



Totally """Iosed, IP 67, lnducuve Type, sulable let use ...

har"", dU>ty ,..,d oily e1jvirorment Do n<:C el!ocled by JUNCTltlN BOX: Jll
I m"", rsinn u r>der d US! ah<lwat..-
Erdosure T"'ul<o', Ni-Cr ptaled Brass erdlsure, M 30 ",ze FtJR SEItiOA PROBE: MS
Wid:J lWQ.d1&Ck nuts (ReI..- gm", 4 01 ordering P~<:fma lor
oTher opTi<:fls)
S"""'r>gdistance 10 -12 mftoom"'al,8-1 Omm 'l"',ational

COnlrolUnR; II
E""","ufO! : F-'ell mountinglP 65, caSI Al/Din Ral IP 30 I

Corrosion proof DMG-SMC (FRP) I GaS! AI Flame Pro<:t (Reier iidh
Gr.2010rderng prolormaJ ,
Ourp .. ; 2 NO + 2 NC relay conTact, Ratir>g5 Amp resisuve aT
230 V AC) (For other oomtlnanon 01 cwtacls ret..- GI 7 or
"rderOg pr<:torma)
Wnh LE Dindcationlor Sllpp~ON, St!I'ISOrON ah<lRel"'l'0N.
I nlial Tine o.Iay Initial!""" o.Iay laCllty 10~IowThe r«OIOg 10"""""'" tf>l!desi"ed speed .. provi<Ied. Standard
delaof is0-.30sec. ThlSdelaof i&available In Under Speed/Zero
speed Monitors



• JUhC1Hln boxlet sensor prQbe, 3 terminals JB

• FlagAssembly F
• MounTingBra<:kelfor8eriOOrProbe MS
• MounTIng Plate lor mourflM control un!, "IS, 3 mm MP
• Cab~Gland CG

• MostC<lmpactand~sylou~
CONVEYOR UNDER SPEED ZERO SPEED SWITCH SERIES: • Easy speed ~Iting by pot<;ntioo'l~t<;r
ESM1 • Buil J1 initial bypaM tim~d~laylo bypassspMd swlch
Sp~ialy d~~.,p~ for C<l~l"'r ap~iclll.,n Det~cts coo~l"'r • tm~ofslllrtingtheC<l~l"'r
b~t brMbge, o~ad, b~ring damage and provid~ ~Iay • Robust Iolllly ~nc"~d, IP 67, Inductiv~ typ~ Spe~d
C<lrtacts for int<;rocking. The sen""r is 10 ~ moont<;d J1 troot « Sensor
Illilend I'JI"y. Fix ~qJir~ numberof objeds (fla!>,) 00 th~ pt.Jl~ • Field mourt<.g o;~ cast AI~nc.,sur~Iorcootrol"r, IP 65
and the~ obj<dsar~ sen~ii''''''-'''.";;Wl="mod~l" provid~d • Pot<;ntial f~~ n;laycootacts forint<;rocking
~th pot~rt.,m~tric~tting,
Sulabl~ spMd rang~ is 10 be s~"cted from siM optio",,1 spMd
rangu 1-10, 10-100.5-50, 50-500,100-1000 and 500- 5000 • Sp~~ Swilch typ~ ESM 1W >:X T W~atherprOO, field
Rf'M With supplyON', AelayON' and 'SE~OR LED Indbtion mourtJ1g IP S5 enciosu~, TlH",b-whe~ls~ftJ1g
• Sp~~ S"lch typ~ ESM 1 R Din Ral moonting, IP JO
~ C<lrtact "to b~ _d J1 irteriockJ1g c<aJils Pan~ mOLX1ting~nc.,sur~, Pot~rt.,m~tricsetting
With buil J1 J1itial bYP"M tim~ d~lay eirct.Jt 10 alowthe coov~l"'r • Sp~~ s"lch typ~ ESM 1 F: f'1am~-proofendoou~for
10 adl~~ normal speed at th~ t m~ of sill rlIl){l u~ in hazamoosam. "th irl:~sicalysaI~~nsorand
controleircul. Certlied bycompelentauthority
Sp~ial mod~" aI"" has a faclity to mLiti~~ spe~d rang~ M10 .I<
M100. (Reterom. proforma lli.J o>t.,n~) He~ one C<lmmon
mod~1 C<W1 b~ u~dfor allC<lnv¥r speed$!




Dev~.,p~ for small C<l""~l"'r. Sen""r '" w~1 as C<lrtroller

c<cuit hoo~d J1 ~nsor probe siz~ MJO ~ actuates oLolput
dev"", ""'~n spe~dof equipm~rt drops b~.,w~tvalue. SpMd
selting and initial tim~ d~lay adiJstment done wlh mJ1iatu~
trim pols at th~ back« sensor. OLolput d~vb; Ib n;lay ( J1 DC
Mod~") orC<lrtactor (in AC mod~s) is 10 be ho_d J1 pan~l Combinod s.n..,r£. Contr",;'r
~SM ~2
• •
Mero Cortroller ba~d c<cuitry pack~ with cuslomer friertd~
Sam~ speed monilor is u~d tor indiclll,,"« rollltiooalsp~~of
Illi ~nd puly (RPM) or 1J1~M sp~~ of coo~yor (MPM) by
smptyent<;ring =ingfactor
5electIJl>Ie 00_0111"9": Ent<;r nL.mb~r« flags which a~
availab" at sl~, speed monlor"l1 get aulomaticallycalbrat~d MICROCOHTROLL~R
torth_fla!>' ~AS~D, SP~~D
• R~"YC<lnlllctCWforTrip~ng '"''
• Dig;llllo;splay • Adjuslllbl~tripd~lay-
• SHabl~hysteresis
• Sp~cial mod~ls for C<lmbin~d und~r ov~r spMd
• Sp~clal models "th 4-20m~S2~S485~tra",mission


It~~j,.es input from Transd=r (lik~ProMimlyswlch)or
ana.,g Input (from transmitter) and indic.>tes speed in RPM,
MPM or a"f oth~r LX1it Rollltiooallln~r speed J1dical"n " DIGITAL TACHOMETER
poMibl~. Th~ unl is ~rclos~ in pan~1 mourtJ1g icutoot 92 M
92) ordJst pro«, fi~id mOLX1tingorfiam~proof~ndosLX~


Prolor;ontrol mak~ "nd spe~d Anemom~t<;r is C<lns"t of a
sturdy....ind ~=r (Cup Generator) and.....,d v~ooty indicalor
Th~ wind spe~d is ~r..ed by a thrM-cup rolor aM~mbly.
Sensor is fitt~d with the cup such that _ cup shaft rollltes
"th spMd, puisesa~gen~rat~. Th~ <!Ifctronic unl is hous~
J1 field mOLX1ting IP 65 hOl"'ing. It provides digillli dis~ay of
spe~d "" w~1 as provides r~lay cootact when sp~~ ~M~~S
sel imi!. Mod~s wlh ~transmiosion O,f' (4-20 mAl "th
_p~ct10 WJ1d spe~d a ~ ava iIa b I~
Model Selection for ELECTRONIC SPEED SWITCH ESM S(ecial Cast AI heavy duty enclosure for sensor probe

Gr.': Appll<atlon (For M 30 & M 50 sensor) D

Electronic Speed Switch for Under Speed Monitoring , Other (Please Specify) 0
Electronic Speed Switch with Digital Display 2 Magnetic pickup (Specify No of gear teethes and Min and Max RPM) M

Electronic speed switch for over speed monitoring 4

Gr. 5: Time Delay
Electronic Speed Indicator (No control DIP)
Electronic Under + Over Speed switch with Digital DiS~lay
6 Adjustable Initial Time Delay (3-30 sec) and fixed NTD ,
Gr. 2 : Enclosure for Control Unit Adjustable Nuisance Time Delay Initial Time Delay both = 2 ' ------'

Din Rail Mounting (35 mm), Safe area use, Other (please specify) 3
(Group I Should not be 2,5,6) II R Gr.6: Control Supply Voltage
-I f
Din Rail Mounting (35 mm) l~ 110/230 VAC 50 Hz. S
intrinsically safe circuit (Group 1 Should not be2, 5, 61 N 24 VDC II U

Field Mounting, Cast AI, IP 65, Powder Coated, Other (Please Specify) II V
Gr.7: Out Put Contact
Colour Light Gray, IS 631 For other colour options, refer Gr 10)
Field Mounting, DMC (FRP)
D 2 NO + 2 NC, 5 Amo (Not available when Gr.2 is R, N, F, FCIl ,
Front Panel Mounting, IP 30 (Group 1 must be 2, 5) P 2 C/O, 5 Amp (To be selected when Gr. 2 is R, N, F, FCI) 2

Rams Proof, Field Mounting Cast AI, IP 65, (Sensor Group must be N, NO) 1= 2 NO+2 NC 10 Amp (Not available when Gr.2 is R, N F, FCI) - 4 1=
Powder Coated, Colour Light Gray, IS 631 F Other (Please Specify) 5
Flame proof Field Mounting, Cast Iron, IP 65, Solid state DIP for AC Load 150 mA

( Group 4 must be N, NO)Powder Coated, Colour Light Gray, IS 631 (Gr.2 should 82 and Gr. 6 should be 6 6
For other colour options, refer Gr 10) FCI Solid State DIP for DC, PNP, Load 250 mA

Field mounting Cast Iron IP 65, Powder Coated, Colour Light Gray, IS 631 (Gr.2 should 82 and Gr. 6 should be U/S 7

For other colour options, refer Gr. 10 CI Gr.8: Setting

Combined Sensor + Controller housed in sensor probe pbtentiometric II P

(Gr.1 should be I, Gr.4: S/H!E, Gr. 5 should be I,Gr.? 6(7, Gr.8 : L) B2 Thumbwheel II T

Gr. 3: Contact Actuation Speed Range: Key pad (Gr. I selectiQrliiiUsfbe 2, 6) ~=

On~ Indicator, 1-9999 RPM,(2 flags) (Speci~ ~pe of sensor) Only indicator (Gr.1 selection must be 5), No contact OIP 0
Gr.1 selection must be 5) 0 Duel Set Point

1-10 RPM (8 flags) II , (One CIO relay contact for under and one for over speed setting)

5-50 RPM (4 Flags) II 2 Gr. 1 selection should be 6 D

10 -loa RPM (4 Flags) II 3 Multi turn Trim pot (Gr.2 should be B2) L

100 -I 000 RPM (4 Rags) II 4 Gr.9:OptIonat faeltfty (AdtI suttx It required)

50 -500 RPM (4 Flags) II 5 Re-Transmission OIP, 4-20mA Isolated 1

500 -5000 RPM (2 FlaQs) II 6 MOD8US, RS 485 (Gr I select~n should be 2, 6 )

1000-10000 RPM (2 Flags) ~, 7 1= (Gr 2 should not be R,NJ,FCI,82) 2

Other (Please speci~) 8 Gr.10: Optional Accessories: (Add suffix If required)

5-5000 RPM by speed range selector (Gr. 2 should not be 82,) 9 Extra Junction Box for sensor, 3 Terminals, IP 65 JB

Gr.4: Sensor Probe Flag Assembly for Sensor probe F

Inductive, Tubular threaded, with two check nuts, Ni Chrome Plated Brass with Mounting Bracket for Sensor II MS

2 Mtr 3 core PVC cable Specify Cable Length in Mtr. {if sensor cable other than 2 Mounting Plate for Control Unit MP
Mtr.) after prefix (for Ex. S 10 for M 30 sensor with 10 Mtr. cable) Cable Gland, double compression Type, Brass for control unit CG
Gr. 11 : Spec:IIl (AdtI suffix It requlred)
M30 Sensing range 10-12 mm nominal, 8-10 mm operational S
M50 Sensing range 15-17 mm nominal, 12-15mm operational E
S~ecial colour for Field Mounted Control Unit (Gr 2 Must be W, F, CI) S

M70 Sensing range 25-30 mm nominal, 20-25 mm operational H = Addihonal Certificat~ns: CCOE (Gr 2 should be F, FCI) =d C =
Intrinsically Safe, for Use in hazardous area, Sensing range 10-12 mm N
Intrinsically safe, other than M30 NO
Square Type, Plastic Sensing range 50 mm nominal, Typical ordering code: ESM W 3 S S , P
40 mm operational B

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