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The Third Law

Science class is one of my least favorite subjects since I don’t consider myself as smart, but it is

still an interesting class. You learn a lot of concepts in it that is more than what you mind could

comprehend, some could would even make you say “ooohh so that’s how it goes like”. I have learned a

lot in this particular class, but one topic seems to be in my mind everyday that has become some sort of

a mantra to me. Newton’s third law of motion has not only been an interesting concept for one to study,

but also a lifelong lesson that one could take to heart.

It was during my junior high year where I first learned about this concept. I know that I learned

this during my elementary days but I didn’t take mind of it. The teacher was talking about the three laws

of motion that Newton proposed. I was fascinated at how Newton discovered natural laws because an

apple dropped on his head. If I were born at that time I wish I would’ve been the one who discovered it.

Well anyway, the laws of motion were easy to understand, but the most simple one for me was the third

law of motion, “every action has an equal and opposite reaction”. This law caught my attention because

as I was reflecting on life, I had the sudden ephiphany that yeah, everything really has a subsequent

reaction to it, which was odd, but it is the rules of science. While passing by the street I notice a lot that

could relate to the third law of motion, until I also applied it to my life. “Every action has an equal and

opposite reaction” I always say whenever I cut class, that is the main application of this concept to my

life. I cut classes most of the time since I want to have fun, that’s one of the reactions, but since I cut

class, I’d surely fail a lot of subjects, that’s the opposite reaction. See how everything is connected?
It felt strange to take to heart a simple concept that 3rd graders probably learned. My motto in

life is not a quote or a saying of some sort, but a stolen definition of one of the famous laws of the

world. It amazes me to think that science is not always about academics, research, studying, and

whatnot, but also an important lesson in life.

The school year went on and science class continues to amaze me. A couple of gradings later

and I discovered a new lifelong lesson from science from one of the laws of thermodynamics: change is

constant. Then and there I realized that everything inside a beaker, a balloon, or an internal organ would

always have some sort of change whenever something is added to it, and if none then at some point

something would make it change. This again made me reflect about life. Everything changes, even when

you thought that you didn’t. Stereotypical nerds could turn into chickboys, bodybuilders would lose

their physique at some point, and attitudes would change over time.

It is impressive how when you think about it, everyone really changes, even you. Nobody really

stays the same even if you don’t think anything changed inside one person. It’s lessons like these that

keeps you interested in subjects that you care about about. Sadly enough even though I have learned a

lot from these two concepts, I don’t really mind the hundreds of natural laws out there since I don’t care

that much about them. But moreover, science class has turned into a values class for me instead of the

normal science class. The laws of nature always amazes me on how they could be used out of context

and be lifelong lessons for a person.

If by chance I would be taking a science related course or unit in college, I’ll be sure to listen.

Who knows maybe the concept of relativity, or the Boyle’s Law and the like would be my new mantras

as the year progresses. I not only want to expad my knowledge on science, but I also want to learn more

lifelong lessons to help me progress for the years to come and hope that my future generations will have

the same reflection as me when it comes to learning in science: applying them in real life. Then again,

science truly is amazing and I hope you will find amusement in it too.

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