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Santos Martin Solis 

22nd, May 2019  

Graduation Project Judge Members 

Garinger High School 
1100 Eastway Drive 
Charlotte, NC 28205 

Dear Judges, 

Hello my name Santos Martin Solis, I’m a senior from Garinger High School. The topic I’m going to 
talk about today is Immigration. I chose this topic to talk about the discrimination towards 
hispanics, and separation of families that goes on this the world.  

Many undocumented Immigrants benefit the US economy just like every single person, they pay 
taxes, bills, medical, and food supply just like everybody. Americans believe immigrants come to 
take jobs away from then when they’re wrong, many immigrants come to the U.S. for a better life 
and would do their best to find a job meaning working/living of any job whether if they get paid a 
lot all they care is being able to have shelter, food and help their family. Over the past years there 
has been multiple families separated due to the parents being illegal leaving the childrens lost, 
scared, depressed not knowing at a young age why their parents is being taken away for. 

I came up with asking friends I know who have at least one undocumented family member to 
know what their opinion was towards Immigration and if they knew someone who was affected 
by seeing a family member get taken away. Not many people in the U.S know the feeling of a 
young child seeing their parents get taken away without knowing why, I once had to witness that 
experience due to discrimination but luckily nothing bad went wrong and she was still part of my 
life. I want everyone the see the reality of how many undocumented immigrants help put the U.S., 
on how many childrens get affected from getting separated from their parents. 

Throughout the time I’ve been working on my Graduation project, getting information finding out 
what’s going on in the world, I’ve seen how immigrants can get judged so easily or treated in this 
world. Many immigrants have been doing their best to live of any job to maintain a roof over their 
house, workers will work through any weather whether its hot or cold they will still wake up early 
in the morning and work in risking jobs to have the chance to still help their family out. I know 
because I have family members that would wake up early in the morning 5 to go to work. I’ve 
had uncles that have been in accidents and either if they had an accident after they were better 
they still went back to work knowing the risks they’re taking. 

I wanted to talk about a immigration because this is a problem that is going on in the world. This a 
situation that is difficult to multiple immigrants that wants to be with their families instead of away, 

they want the same rights as everyone, they do their best to show the world they benefit the 
economy and work hard as everyone who does. 

Sincerely, Santos Solis  

Santos Solis 

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