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1.1 Background of the Study

. In English teaching and learning process, students are taught four language skills;

listening, speaking, reading and writing. These skills are interrelated each other because

each skill develop other skills. Besides the skills mentioned above, there is still one of the

very important aspects encouraging the foreign language in teaching and learning process,

namely translation. Translation is one of the language components that should be learned

by the students. By learning translation, they can translate the English text or sentences into

Indonesian or vice versa. They can get more information, such as science, technology,

economy and etc. Jost (2017),”Translation is a process of substituting a text in one

language to another”. It is not an easy aspect in learning English because it is not a

simple process. It is not only replacing the source language to target language, but also

looking for the equivalent meaning or message in the source language to be transferred

into the target language.

Since English Education students are prepared to be English teachers, they should have a good

competence in all language skills in order to be good English teachers. They should not only

become good listeners and speakers, readers and writers but also good translator. In tranlating

process student finds some problem. Such as lack of vocabulary and stuctur of sentence. That cause

errors in translating.

At English Department of Bung Hatta University, sentences are studied in Advanced Grammar

subject. Miranova (2015 ),There are four types of sentences. Simple Sentence has the most basic

elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought. For example : I go to

campus. Second is Compound Sentence refers to a sentence made up of two independent clauses (or
complete sentences) connected to one another with a coordinating conjunction. Example : Joe waited

for the train, but the train was late. The third is Complex Sentence is made up of an independent

clause and one or more dependent clauses connected to it. A Dependent Clause is similar to an

independent clause, or complete sentence, but it lacks one of the elements that would make it a

complete sentence. Example : After they left on the bus, Mary and Samantha realized that Joe was

waiting at the train station. The last is Compound-Complex Sentence has two independent clauses

and at least one dependent clause.Example : When I went to the store, my parents wanted me to pick

up some milk, but I didn't have enough money. The students that studied the subject said Compoun-

complex sentence is difficult to translate into indonesian. And also they found some error


Based on explanation above, the reseacher is interested to analyse grammatical errors in translating

English Compound-Complex Sentence into Indonesian at third year english students of Bung Hatta


1.2 Identification of the Problem

This study aims to identify grammatical errors made by the students of thir english

student in bung hatta universtiy in translating compuond-complex sentence. The major types

of errors made by the students in translation are related to incomplete sentence: the use of

verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, articles, prepositions and conjunction agreement

in the sentences In both oral and written communication, for example, grammar might be a

problem for the students to face as they need to arrange the information when they translate

the source language into a good sentence structure in the target language.

1.3 Limitation of the Problem

Because the area of translation is too wide, so the writer limits the problem the errors

made by the students in translating English sentences into Indonesian. This study focuses on

the three types of translation error, namely:

a. Wrong terminology

b. Grammatical error ( omission singular-plural nouns)

c. Missing words ( the word do not translate)

The reseacher choose the third year student at English Deparment of Bung Hatta University

1.4 Formulation of the Problem

Related to the limitation of the study above, the researcher formulates this problem

into following questions: “ What are the grammatical errors of translation done by

students in translating English compound-complex sentence into Indonesian at the English

Department Of Bung Hatta University?

1.5 Research Question

The researcher formulates the research questions as follows :

1) Do the third year students of English Deparment faced difiiculties in

translating english compound–complex sentence into Indonesian ?

2) Do the third year students find errors grammatical in translating english

compound-complex sentence into indonesian ?

1.6 Purpose of the Study

In generally,the purpose of this researh is to analyze the grammatical errors of

the third year students in translating sentence into indonesian. In specific ,the

purpose of this research are :

1. To analyze the third year students grammatical errors in translating

English Compound-Complex Sentence Into Indonesian.

2. To analyze the third year students ability in translating English

Compound-Complex Sentence Into Indonesian.

1.7 Significance of the Research

This study will give several benefits for lectures or teachers, students, researcher and others.

For lectures or teachers,by the result of this reseach they will be know the students ablity in

translation. They also know what difficulties faced by the studens. By knowing students’

difficulties about it, lectures or teachers can find out a solution for students in translating of

English compound-complex sentence into Indonesia. For students, this study will useful to

give some information or add their knowledge about of English compound-complex sentence

and how to translating of English of English compound-complex sentence into Indonesian in

learning translation subject or grammar.. for reseacher, it will help him to pass in his final

examination in making a thesis. At the end, this study will expect can upgrade knowledge in

the branch of translation among English Department and to give contribution to translation


1.8 Definition of the Key Terms

These following definition are presented to avoid misunderstanding and

misinterpretation about terms mostly used in this thesis, as follow:

a. Translation is an act of reproducing the meaning of the Source Language text into that

of the Target Language text.

b. . Terminology is a word or compound word used in specific context. Terminology is

the study of terms and their use. Terminology is also defined by context, the study of

terms primarily concerned with organizing them by context in which they are used

c. Grammatical errors is The translators make error in the structure of a sentence

d. Compound-Complex Sentence is sentece that has two independent clauses and at least one

dependent clause

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