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Presupposition Used by Tri Rismaharini in Future of Places Forum

Ayu Nuri Fransiska

English Language and Literature Department
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia

There are many speaker`s utterances found in “Future of Places” conference which
indicated the existence of presuppositions. Presupposition is the information assumed by
speakers as an event before generating speech. According to Yule (2006: 46-51), the
presupposition consists of six types, but this study only focuses on the three types; existential
presupposition, factual presupposition and lexical presupposition. This research uses a
descriptive qualitative method, because the data findings are described scientifically. The
source of data in this study is the "Future of Places" conference forum, while the data in this
study are Tri Rismaharini's utterances in that forum which indicate three types of
presupposition. Documentation is also used as data collection technique. Data analysis
techniques are carried out by: transcribing data, reading data, giving code, classifying data,
analyzing data and concluding data. The results show that the speaker`s utterances identified
as the types of presupposition (existential, factive and lexical), confession and local wisdom
about Surabaya in the "Future of Places" conference.
Keywords: Speaker, Utterance, Presupposition, Confession, Local Wisdom

Speech is a way for expressing thoughts to the audiences or it can also be interpreted
as an oration prepared to be spoken in front of the audiences. It is usually delivered by
important people in a formal situation. According to Hart (1985: 15), the speech is different
from other forms of communication, because it has several special features like the message
delivered must be relevant. As an example, every leader usually conducts the speech in a
community scope in order to convey important information. This scope occurs in two
domains; within the country and outside the country. This activity is generally delivered
verbally through the conference events in a small or big forum. There are several topics being
discussed in this opportunity, such as: the economy, politics, social culture, environment, etc.
Women today are not only seen as domestic workers, but they are also active in the
realm of politics and government. Almond and Verba (2004) states that women can take part
in social, economic and government matters. In addition, they also explains that the role of
women in the politics and government fields is also manifested in defending for the public
and group interests through social or political institutions. For instance, Tri Rismaharini can
be said as the influential politician women in Indonesia. As a mayor of Surabaya, she has the
unique biography that is different from the others. This uniqueness can be seen from her
personal character and her contribution in forming the icon of Surabaya. Materially, she has
made Surabaya environment known as the city of Green and Clean, which is a city marked by
the number of parks with continuous intensive care, involving the participation of citizens,
institutions, and corporations. Immaterially, Surabaya city is known as a smart, orderly, and
satisfying public service in various fields; education, health, population, and others. For
making the smart city, she has solutively implemented some efforts, for example:
building and maintaining the public facilities (broadband learning centres, free parks, etc),
empowering the community, controlling street vendors, creating the flats for population
against social turmoil in Surabaya. In 2014, Tri Rismaharini was a speaker, giving speech
about her programs in the future of places event. Future of places is an International forum
which is used to build relationships, to take action, to create positive experiences and to
encourage creative interactions that are essential to creating great cities. More than 200
people from 50 nations participated in this event. Because Tri Rismaharini participated in this
forum, so she is chosen as the subject for this research.
This speech problem is an interesting phenomenon to be examined from various
aspects. An aspect that can be assessed is the use of presupposition in communication.
Presupposition is something that is assumed by speakers as events before producing a speech
(Yule, 2006: 43). The importance of presupposition role is studied in order to provide
nuances of understanding between speakers and audiences. Therefore, presuppositions occur
when the speaker has not uttered or said anything, but she already has a previous expectation
about the partner's response talking about the topic being discussed. According to Yule
(2006: 46-51) there are six types of presuppositions, such as: existential presuppositions,
factive presuppositions, nonfactive presuppositions, lexical presuppositions, structural
presuppositions and counterfactual presuppositions. As an object of this research, the speech
of a mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini, in the future of places forum is interesting to
investigate. In this forum, there are several utterances that contain of presuppositions used by
speakers in doing speech. The presupposition comprises the confession discourse and local
wisdom uttered.
According to Foucault (1991), the confessional is one of the types of discourse which
displays the relation between the operations of power to subdue the regulatory regimes into
some disciplinarians among society. This discursive is important for feminist, because they
have the same power as men today that can regulate the society. Their existence can make the
society to obey the law and to maintain the status quo a warning to others of the results of
social deviance. Besides, According to Sartini (2009: 11) Local wisdom contains of a
personality, cultural identities; values, norms, ethics, beliefs, customs, and special rules that
are accepted by the community and proven their ability to exist continuously. Every region
has the local wisdom differently depends on the level of understanding, intelligence and
adaptability of local humans to their environment.
There are three previous studies which are closely similar with type of analysis in this
research, and the theories which are used to analyze the data. First, a research entitled
“Presupposition Analysis in Short Stories of Silvester Goridus Sukur” written by Erwin
(2013), student of Kuningan University. The types of presuppositions and their meaning in
the short stories by Silvester Goridus Sukur. In her research, she analyses the types of
presupposition, their meaning and dominant type of presupposition in the short stories by
Silvester Goridus Sukur. In order to analyze the data, the writer employs Yule’s theory which
divides presupposition into 6 types. The result shows that the lexical presupposition is
dominantly used. Second, a research entitled “An Analysis of Language Presupposition in
Advertisements of Indonesia TV Channels written by Sitti (2017), student of Alauddin State
Islamic University Makassar. In this research, she analyses the types of presupposition and its
dominancy in advertisements of Indonesia TV channels. The result shows that the existential
presupposition is dominantly used as the previous study. The last, a research entitled “An
Analysis Of Types Of Presupposition In Time Magazine Advertisement” written by Rina
(2015), et al, the students of HKBP Nommensen University. The same as previous studies the
dominancy of the use of preposition in this research is existential presupposition.
Those previous studies have the similarity and the difference of research. The
similarity is on the topic, the theory and the research method which used descriptive
qualitative. The similarity is on the source taken. The first study is from the short story, while
the rest are from the magazine advertisement. Therefore, this research conducts a study with a
title "Presupposition Used by Tri Risma in Future of Places Forum" which focuses only three
types of presupposition as proposed by Yule (2006: 46-51); existential presupposition, factive
presupposition and lexical presupposition in her speech. Then, this research also analyzes the
confession discourse as proposed by Foucault and the local wisdom as proposed by Sartini
which are reflected on those presupposition

There are two questions which are going to be analyzed in this study. Those are:
1. What are the types of presupposition used by Risma?
2. How do those presupposition expression considered as confessional discourse?
3. Does that confessional discourse reveal any local wisdom?

This study tries to find out the types of presupposition used by Tri Rismaharini in
future of places conference. In analyzing the types of presupposition usage, this research
employs the descriptive qualitative approach. There are several reasons this approach used in
this study. At first, the data is non numeric, but it is the form of words, phrases, clauses,
sentences and utterances. Secondly, this study describes the language phenomena in material
setting which means it needs the original nature on what happening is in the real world,
without any treatment on it. For the last, this study does not use statistical analysis, because it
only focuses on describing, analyzing and involving the data of the case study.
Heigham & Croker (2009) states that qualitative research requires collecting primarily
textual data and examines it using interpretive analysis. This notion is line with Stake (2010)
who claims that doing qualitative research relies primarily on human perception and
understanding. Then, this research is appropriate for this study, because it focuses to analyze
the slang words usage in depth-analysis which the data is taken in a form of written words,
phrases, and symbols, so the perception and understanding must be included in interpreting
the result.

Data Collection Technique

There are several steps for collecting the data as follows:
1. Determine the season in the video “future of places” conference.
2. Select the speaker in the video “future of places” conference.
3. Download the video “future of places” conference on YouTube.

Research Instrument
a. Main Instrument
Qualitative research is as a human instrument which serves to determine the
focus of research, choose the informants as data sources, conduct the data collection,
assess the quality of data, analyze data, interpret data and make conclusions on its
findings. Then, the main instrument of this research is the researcher who becomes
the data collector and analyst in order to collect data through examining the
b. Supporting Instrument
The instrument of this research is aimed to facilitate the data collection in the
form of presuppositions used by Tri Rismaharini in future of places conference. Then,
the supporting instrument of this research uses the table to classify the data.

Data Analyzing Technique

1. Giving the code of data
This code is given depends on the data found. It is marked by the time
duration in the future of places video conference.
2. Reading the data
There are two steps of this technique; read the transcript of Mrs. Risma`s
speech in the future of places conference and marking her utterances depends on the
type of presuppositions usage. The data reading must be repeated, so that the content
and meaning conveyed can be understood.
3. Data Classification
The data that has been marked in the previous step is classified. It must be
classified depends on the type of presuppositions usage into the table.
4. Analyzing data
This stage includes, analyzing the subject matter of the analysis of the form of
factual presuppositions, non-factual presuppositions and lexical presuppositions
contained in Tri Rismaharini's speech in the conference on future of places.
5. Conclusion
The last step is making conclusion. It is taken from the results of data findings have
been related and proven with some theories used in this research in order to be applied
answering the three research questions.

Existential Presupposition
According to Yule (2006), existential presupposition is the speaker shows the
existence or identity of referent expressed in any definite words. It is not only assumed as the
possessive construction (for example, ‘your car’ means ‘you have a car’), but it is more
generally existed in certain noun phrases. In this research, there are several utterances found
that belong to the type of existential presupposition. Those are:

Data 1(00:10):
Forgive me I have to speak in Indonesian.
(Mohon ma`af saya harus menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia.)

This bold utterance is classified in the existential presupposition because it shows a

language mentioned by the speaker that is Indonesian. In this part, she confesses that
Indonesian is as a language that she masters in. This language is also considered as a local
wisdom, so it is used as the local language for Indonesian society in their daily activity. As
Mrs. Risma, she was born in Indonesia and alive there, so she has a habit using Indonesian as
daily language.

Data 2 (00:10):
Bapak ibu sekalian yang saya hormati saya ingin menyampaikan Surabaya kota
kedua terbesar di Indonesia
(Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce Surabaya is the second biggest city
in Indonesia)

This bold utterance is classified in the existential presupposition because it shows a

name of cities in Indonesia mentioned by the speaker. In this part, she confesses that the
name is Surabaya as the second biggest city which she has a power as a mayor to regulate the
regimes. This city actually has various the local wisdom that the speaker does not explain
more about it.

Data 3 (04:17):
Semua taman kami mempunyai tema. Ada taman khusus untuk lansia ada taman
khusus untuk remaja, ada taman juga khusus untuk penderita kanker.
(There are a lot of themes in all parks. We have parks for elderly, we have parks for
youngsters and we also have parts for cancer patient.)

This bold utterance is classified in the existential presupposition because it shows the
themes of park mentioned by the speaker. In this part, she confesses that Surabaya parks have
been divided depends on the user needs, for instance: for elderly, youngsters and cancer
patient. Those park themes are the strategy of speaker, as a mayor of Surabaya, for promoting
the green spaces as the creative destination of local wisdom in Surabaya.

Factive presupposition
According to Yule (2006), factive presupposition is certain verbs / construction which
indicate a fact or real information from the speaker. This presupposition is sometimes
followed with the verbs ‘know’, ‘realize’, ‘regret’, ‘matter’ and ‘explain’. Besides, it is also
followed by the adjectives ‘be’, ‘sorry’, ‘aware’, ‘odd’ and glad. In this research, there are
several utterances found that belong to the type of factive presupposition. Those are:

Data 1 (01:31):
Kemudian apa yang pertama kami lakukan adalah kami merubah beberapa stasiun
pom bensin yang semula menempati ruang terbuka hijau kemudian dirubah menjadi
stasiun pom bensin kita rubah menjadi taman taman kota yang bisa digunakan oleh
seluruh warga Kota Surabaya.
(One of our policies is to change gas stations which are in public green space into
the park that can be used by the community in Surabaya.)

This bold utterance is classified in the factive presupposition, because it shows that
the speaker indicates the fact on what her action is. This utterance said by the speaker, when
she opened or introduced the Surabaya parks. In this part, the speaker confesses her action in
changing the gas station into the parks which Surabaya community can use them as creative
public places. This action is the strategy of Surabaya, as a mayor of Surabaya, for
maintaining the green spaces as a local wisdom in Surabaya.

Data 2 (03.10):
Dan saat ini ada 32 taman aktif yang tersebar diseluruh pelosok Kota Surabaya dan
taman itu kita jaga khusus untuk taman taman yang berada di pusat kota dan dekat
dengan pusat kota kita siapkan untuk para remaja bisa beraktivitas.
(There are 32 active parks right now around the city of Surabaya and we preserve it
for the city center area, so that the youngster in Surabaya can play there and
actualize themselves.)

This bold utterance is classified in the factive presupposition, because it shows that
the speaker indicates the fact numbers of park in Surabaya. This utterance said by the
speaker, when she explained the specific number of park. In this part, the speaker confesses
the real data that Surabaya has 32 active parks. This data are as the prove given by mayor of
Surabaya, for successfully maintaining the green spaces as a local wisdom in Surabaya.

Data 3 (06:32):
Di kampung kampong warga Surabaya mereka bukan hanya menanam bunga dan
menanam pohon ataupun menjaga kebersihan tapi mereka mengolah sampah dan
kemudian mereka mengolah air limbahnya.
(It is not just only planting trees or planting flowers or maintaining the cleanliness
but the community also manages their own waste and their waste water.)

This bold utterance is classified in the factive presupposition, because it shows that
the speaker indicates the fact in explaining the activities of Surabaya community, for
example: planting trees or flowers, maintaining the cleanliness and managing the waste. In
this part, the speaker confesses the result of her empowerment during be a mayor of
Surabaya. These activities are as the result of contribution given by her for successfully
creating creative programs for her members. This program can be considered as a local
wisdom which reveals the positive habits of Surabaya community.

Lexical Presupposition
According to Yule (2006), lexical presupposition is the use of a form with its meaning
conventionally interpreted having another meaning (which is not described) being
understood. This presupposition is sometimes followed by the verbs ‘start’, ‘stop’, ‘try’,
‘begin’, ‘renovate’, ‘decrease’ and it also contains of uncertainty like the words ‘a lot of’,
‘easy’, ‘not that good’, ‘around’, etc.
Data 1 (00:10):
Mohon ma`af saya harus menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia supaya mudah, karena
Bahasa Inggris saya tidak terlalu bagus.
(First of all forgive me because I have to speak in Indonesian for easiness, because
my English is not that good.)

This bold utterance is classified in the lexical presupposition, because it shows that
the speaker indicated another meaning which is not described. The unrevealed meaning is the
speaker feels difficult to speak English, because she is not fluent to speak in that language. In
this part, she confesses that Indonesian is as a language that she masters in. This language is
also considered as a local wisdom, so it is used as the local language for Indonesian society in
their daily activity. As Mrs. Risma, she was born in Indonesia and alive there, so she has a
habit using Indonesian as daily language.

Data 2 (00.20):
Bapak ibu sekalian yang saya hormati saya ingin menyampaikan Surabaya kota
kedua terbesar di Indonesia satu jam dari Jakarta, satu jam dari bali dan dulunya
terkenal kota yang warganya mempunyai temperamen yang keras, tidak aman,
kotor dan panas, banyak nyamuk, dan banyak penyakit lain yang ada di Kota
(Ladies and gentleman, I would like to introduce Surabaya is the second biggest city
in Indonesia only one hour from the capital city Jakarta one hour from Bali used to
be famous for the illness, the hot situation and a lot of other problems in Surabaya.)

This bold utterance is classified in the lexical presupposition, because it shows that
the speaker indicated another meaning which is not described. The unrevealed meaning is
Surabaya is not only a biggest city in Indonesia. In this part, she confesses the othering for
introducing Surabaya, because there is another city which is as a biggest city in Indonesia.
Then, the speaker reveals the bad beliefs as a local wisdom in the past that Surabaya had a lot
of problems, however when it is considered having another meaning, so it means that the
speaker`s period can change that bad beliefs or conditions in this current era.

Data 3 (05:39):
Kita light comedian masyarakat Surabaya bisa mencontoh apa yang terjadi di
taman-taman kota kami nah mereka melakukannya di kampong-kampong yang dulu
kampong kampong ini merupakan daerah slum area kita buat kampung itu kita
perbaiki jalanannya kita fasilitasi dengan lampu penerangan jalan.
(In Surabaya the community also transformed what they see from the parks into
their kampong as a slum area into a very good kampong right now that we renovate
and provide lighting for its road.

This bold utterance is classified in the lexical presupposition, because it shows that
the speaker indicates another meaning which is not described. In this part, she confesses the
unrevealed meaning that Surabaya kampong was a slum area which had the lack of facilities
in the past, like there were not lighting or renovating road. The kampong is as a belief of local
wisdom which still has traditional expression to describe a group of houses in this current era.

After analyzing the data, this research can answer three problems concerning the
types of presupposition used by Tri Rismaharini in Future of Places forum, the way she
confess such presopposition and the local wisdom revealed in that confession. There are three
types of presupposition used by Tri Rismaharini in giving a speech in that forum. They are
existential presupposition, factive presupposition and lexical presupposition.
There are three data categorized as the existential presupposition. The data are
signalized by the words, such as: ‘Indonesian’, ‘Surabaya’, ‘the park facilities’ and ‘the park
themes’. In these data, the speaker confesses that Indonesian as her fluent language, Surabaya
as a city that she leads and the park themes as visitor needs (elderly, youngters and cancer
patient). Then, there are four local wisdoms revealed in her confession. They are Indonesian
as a local language, Surabaya as a local city and the parks as the local green spaces.
There are three data categorized as the factive presupposition. The data are signalized
by the words, such as: the verbs ‘plant’, ‘maintain’, ‘manage’, to be ‘is’ and ‘are’. Those
words show the fact or real information uttered by the speaker, Tri Rismaharini. In those
presuppositions, she confesses her action in changing the gas station into the parks, her
empowerment doing positive activities and in explaining the numbers of active park as her
action for facilitating more public spaces. Then, there are two local wisdom revealed in her
confession. They are the active parks as local green places and the activity as the habit of
local inhabitant like planting tree or flower, mantaining the cleanliness and managing the
There are three data categorized as the lexical presupposition. The data are signalized
by the words, such as: ‘my English is not that good’, ‘a lot of problems in the past’ and ‘we
renovate and provide lighting for kampong roads’. In these data, the speaker confesses about
her difficulty in speaking English, the othering for introducing the middle class of Surabaya
community, Surabaya problems and the lack of its facilities in the past. Then, the word
‘kampong’ is as habit of local wisdom which still has traditional expression to describe a
group of houses in this current era. Besides, the words ‘famous of a lot of problems in the
past’ reveals the beliefs of community as the local wisdom.
Thus, those types of presupposition are used for explaining two things; her identity
and the result of her contribution regulating Surabaya places and its community. In this
presupposition, her confession are included the othering and the lack of Surabaya historical
which show that because of her period being a mayor of Surabaya, she can change the bad
regimes to the good regulations. Then, the speaker also reveals four local wisdoms in her
confession. They are Indonesian as a local language, Surabaya as a local city, the parks as the
local green spaces, the traditional expression to describe a group of houses and the daily
activities of Surabaya Community as the local habit.

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