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Software Requirements Specification


Library Management System

Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by Nguyễn Tùng Lâm


Feburary 22,2019

Copyright © 2013 by Karl Wiegers and Seilevel. Permission is granted to use and modify this document.
Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page ii

Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... ii
Revision History ........................................................................................................................... iv
1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Document Conventions ........................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Project Scope .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 References .............................................................................................................................. 1
2. Overall Description ................................................................................................................21
2.1 Product Perspective .............................................................................................................. 21
2.2 User Classes and Characteristics ........................................................................................... 32
2.3 Operating Environment ......................................................................................................... 43
2.4 Design and Implementation Constraints ................................................................................ 43
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies ............................................................................................ 43
3. System Features .....................................................................................................................43
3.1 Use case Register .................................................................................................................. 43
3.1.1 Description ....................................................................................................................... 43
3.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences .......................................................................................... 43
3.1.3 Functional Requirements .................................................................................................. 43
3.2 Use case Login ..................................................................................................................... 54
3.2.1 Description ....................................................................................................................... 54
3.2.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences .......................................................................................... 65
3.2.3 Functional Requirements .................................................................................................. 65
3.3 Use case Logout ................................................................................................................... 65
3.3.1 Description ....................................................................................................................... 65
3.3.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences .......................................................................................... 76
3.3.3 Functional Requirements .................................................................................................. 76
3.4 Use case Open account permission ........................................................................................ 76
3.4.1 Description ....................................................................................................................... 76
3.4.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences .......................................................................................... 76
3.4.3 Functional Requirements .................................................................................................. 76
3.5 Use case Block account permission ....................................................................................... 87
3.5.1 Description ....................................................................................................................... 87
3.5.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences .......................................................................................... 87
3.5.3 Functional Requirements .................................................................................................. 87
3.6 Use case Overdue notification mail ....................................................................................... 98
3.6.1 Description ....................................................................................................................... 98
3.6.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences .......................................................................................... 98
3.6.3 Functional Requirements .................................................................................................. 98
3.7 Use case View list all book ................................................................................................. 109
3.7.1 Description ..................................................................................................................... 109
3.7.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ........................................................................................ 109
3.7.3 Functional Requirements ................................................................................................ 109
3.8 Use case Borrow Book...................................................................................................... 1110
3.8.1 Description ................................................................................................................... 1110
3.8.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...................................................................................... 1110
3.8.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 1110
3.9 Use case Add Book ........................................................................................................... 1312
3.9.1 Description ................................................................................................................... 1312
3.9.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...................................................................................... 1312
3.9.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 1312
3.10 Use case Update Book ...................................................................................................... 1514
3.10.1 Description ................................................................................................................... 1514

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Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page iii

3.10.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...................................................................................... 1514

3.10.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 1514
3.11 Use case Delete Book ....................................................................................................... 1615
3.11.1 Description ................................................................................................................... 1615
3.11.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...................................................................................... 1615
3.11.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 1615
3.12 Use case Mail to borrow ................................................................................................... 1716
3.12.1 Description ................................................................................................................... 1716
3.12.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...................................................................................... 1716
3.12.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 1716
3.13 Use case View Account .................................................................................................... 1716
3.13.1 Description ................................................................................................................... 1716
3.13.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...................................................................................... 1716
3.13.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 1716
3.14 Use case Edit Account ...................................................................................................... 1817
3.14.1 Description ................................................................................................................... 1817
3.14.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...................................................................................... 1817
3.14.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 1817
3.15 Use case Change password ............................................................................................... 1918
3.15.1 Description ................................................................................................................... 1918
3.15.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...................................................................................... 1918
3.15.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 1918
3.16 Use case View Book Status ............................................................................................... 2019
3.16.1 Description ................................................................................................................... 2019
3.16.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...................................................................................... 2019
- LMS send book’s status to customers............................................................................ 2019
3.16.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 2019
3.17 Use case List book borrow ................................................................................................ 2120
3.17.1 Description ................................................................................................................... 2120
3.17.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...................................................................................... 2120
- LMS send list to customer. ..................................................................................................2120
3.17.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 2120
3.18 Use case Preview book ..................................................................................................... 2221
3.18.1 Description ................................................................................................................... 2221
3.18.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...................................................................................... 2221
3.18.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 2221
3.19 Use case Search ................................................................................................................ 2221
3.19.1 Description ................................................................................................................... 2221
3.19.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...................................................................................... 2321
3.19.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 2322
3.20 Use case Request New Book ............................................................................................. 2322
3.20.1 Description ................................................................................................................... 2322
3.20.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...................................................................................... 2322
3.20.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 2423
3.21 Use case Feedback ............................................................................................................ 2423
3.21.1 Description ................................................................................................................... 2423
3.21.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...................................................................................... 2423
3.21.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 2523
3.22 Use case Rating ................................................................................................................ 2524
3.22.1 Description ................................................................................................................... 2524
3.22.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...................................................................................... 2524
3.22.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 2524
3.23 Use case Comment ........................................................................................................... 2625
3.23.1 Description ................................................................................................................... 2625

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Software Requirements Specification for Library Management System Page iv

3.23.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...................................................................................... 2625

3.23.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 2625
3.24 Use case Renewed Book ................................................................................................... 2726
3.24.1 Description ................................................................................................................... 2726
3.24.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...................................................................................... 2726
3.24.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 2726
3.25 Use case Pay fines when overdue ...................................................................................... 2827
3.25.1 Description ................................................................................................................... 2827
3.25.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ...................................................................................... 2827
3.25.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 2827
4. Data Requirements ............................................................................................................2928
4.1 Logical Data Model .......................................................................................................... 2928
4.2 Data Dictionary ................................................................................................................ 2928
4.3 Reports ............................................................................................................................. 3130
4.4 Data Acquisition, Integrity, Retention, and Disposal ......................................................... 3231
5. External Interface Requirements .....................................................................................3231
5.1 User Interfaces.................................................................................................................. 3231
5.2 Software Interfaces ........................................................................................................... 3231
5.3 Hardware Interfaces .......................................................................................................... 3231
5.4 Communications Interfaces ............................................................................................... 3231
6. Quality Attributes ..............................................................................................................3332
6.1 Usability ........................................................................................................................... 3332
6.2 Performance ..................................................................................................................... 3332
6.3 Security ............................................................................................................................ 3332
6.4 Safety ............................................................................................................................... 3332
6.5 Availability Requirements [Others as relevant] .................................................................. 3332
6.6 Robustness Requirements…………………………………………………………… 32 Formatted: Normal, Tab stops: Not at 0.67"
7. Internationalization and Localization Requirements .....................................................3432 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, Check
8. Other Requirements ..........................................................................................................3433 spelling and grammar
Appendix A: Glossary..............................................................................................................3433
Appendix B: Analysis Models .................................................................................................3433
CheckList Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted: Normal
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt,
Revision History Bold
Formatted: Font: Bold
Name Date Reason For Changes Version
Formatted: Font: Bold
Nguyễn Tùng Lâm 11/3/2019 Lack of information 1.0
Formatted Table
Nguyễn Tùng Lâm 14/3/2019 Lack of information 1.0

Copyright © 2013 by Karl Wiegers and Seilevel. Permission is granted to use and modify this document.
Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 1

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
- This SRS describes the functional and nonfunctional requirement for software release 1.0 of
the Library Management System(LMS). This document is intended to be used by the
members of the project team who will implement and verify the correct functioning of the
system. Unless otherwise noted, all requirements specified here are committed for release

1.2 Document Conventions

- Convention for Main title
 Font face : Aria
 Font style: Bold
 Font Size : 26
- Convention for body
 Font face : Times New Roman
 Font Size : 12

1.3 Project Scope

- Library Management System is basically used in library throught internet application so that
the customer can know the details of their accouts, book in library, list borrowed book,… It
is designed for the use of librarians, admin and library users. Library Management System
can be used by any existing or new library to manage its book and book borrowing,insertion
and monitoring. The project can be easily implemented unser various situations. We can add
new features as when we required. We use Java as language for developing this project.

1.4 References
- Book
 Software Requirements 3, 3rd Edition.

Copyright © 2013 by Karl Wiegers and Seilevel. Permission is granted to use and modify this document.
Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 2

2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective

Formatted: Heading 2

Use Case Diagram of Library Management System:

Copyright © 2013 by Karl Wiegers and Seilevel. Permission is granted to use and modify this document.
Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 3

- The Library Management Systen is a new software system that replaces the way which
manage library by paper. The Use Case Diagram represent interaction between the
user,administrator,librarian and the different use cases of system. It shows how system
works and connection between customers.

2.2 User Classes and Characteristics

User class Description

User User is a student, teacher, staff of school who want to borrow book
Librarian Librarian is people who manage library. They manage information of
book, list book which are borrowed, account of user,..
Admin Admin is people who manage system. They controller this system,
manage book, librarian, user and any action of customer.

Copyright © 2013 by Karl Wiegers and Seilevel. Permission is granted to use and modify this document.
Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 4

2.3 Operating Environment

- OE-1: The LMS shall operate correctly with the following web browsers: Windows Internet
Explorer versions 7, 8, and 9,10; Google Chrome (all versions).
- OE-2: The LMS shall operate on a server running the current corporate-approved versions of
Red Hat Linux and Apache HTTP Server.
- OE-3: The COS shall permit user access from the corporate intranet; from a Internet

2.4 Design and Implementation Constraints

- CO-1: The system’s design, code, and maintenance documentation shall conform to the
Process Impact Intranet Development Standard, Version 1.3 [2].
- CO-2: The system shall use the current corporate standard Oracle database engine.
- CO-3: All HTML code shall conform to the HTML 5.0 standard.

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

- AS-1: The coding should be error free
- AS-2: The system should be user-friendly so that it is easy to use for the users
- AS-3: The Library System is running 24 hours a day
- Information of users, books, libraries, admins must be stored in database and be accessible
by the website
- DE-1: The specific hardware and software due to which the product will be run

3. System Features
3.1 Use case Register
3.1.1 Description

- Before customer wants to access to library management system, they hace to login. If they
don’t have account, customer has to register a new account to be awarded access. They fill
information of their and click “Register”(High quality).

3.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

1. Customer ask to register

2. System give form to them to register
3. Customer fill information of them and username,password
4. System send notification to email
5. System stored information in LMS

3.1.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC-1 : Register
Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 13/02/2019

Copyright © 2013 by Karl Wiegers and Seilevel. Permission is granted to use and modify this document.
Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 5

Primary Actor: Librarian,Admin Secondary Library Management System

Trigger: Librarian, admin indicate that they want to create a account
Description: Before customer wants to access to library management system, they
hace to login. If they don’t have account, customer has to register a new
account to be awarded access. They fill information of their and click
Preconditions: None
Postconditions: 1. Username doesn’t exist in system
2. Email exists
3. Name, age, address, email, phone must be filled
Normal Flow:
1.0 Register a account

1. Customer ask to register

2. System give form to them to register
3. Customer fill information of them and username,password
4. System send notification to email
5. System stored information in LMS
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 1.0.E1 Username exist
1.LMS informs user that username exist in system
2a. LMS restarts use case and announce exception
1.0.E2 Password is invalid
1. LMS informs user that password is invalid
2a. LMS restarts use case and announce exception
1.0.E3 Email doesn’t exist or email is used for another account
1. LMS informs user that email doesn’t exist or email is used for another
2a. LMS restarts use case and announce exception
1.0.E4 Name, age, address, email, phone aren’t filled
1. LMS informs user that all information of user aren’t filled
2a. LMS restarts use case and announce exception
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: Expect high frequency of executing this use case within first 2 weeks after
system is released.
Business Rules: None
Other Information: 1. Customer can be able to cancel the form register at any time prior to
confirming it.
Assumptions: None

3.2 Use case Login

3.2.1 Description

- This use case describes how a user logs into the Library Management System.

Copyright © 2013 by Karl Wiegers and Seilevel. Permission is granted to use and modify this document.
Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 6

3.2.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

1. Customer ask to login

2. System give form to login
3. Customer fill with username and password
4. People can choose remember account or not
5. Customer direct to Home page with account

3.2.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC-2 : Login

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 13/02/2019
Primary Actor: Librarian,Admin,User Secondary Library Management System
Trigger: Librarian, admin and user indicate that they want to access to this system
Description: This use case describes how a user logs into the Library Management
Preconditions: None
Postconditions: 1. Username is valid
2. Password is valid
3. System access with account of customer and switch to Home page
Normal Flow: 2.0 Login
6. Customer ask to login
7. System give form to login
8. Customer fill with username and password
9. People can choose remember account or not
10. Customer direct to Home page with account
Alternative Flows: 2.0 Login with previous account which it used
1. Return to step 5 of normal flow
Exceptions: 2.0.E1 Username doesn’t exist
1.LMS informs user that username doesn’t exist in system
2a. LMS restarts use case and announce exception
2.0.E2 Password isn’t invalid
1. LMS informs user that password isn’t invalid
2a. LMS restarts use case and announce exception
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: Approximately 500 users, average of one usage per day. Peak usage load
for this use case is between 9:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. local time.
Business Rules:
Other Information: 1. Customer can be able to cancel the form register at any time prior to
confirming it.
Assumptions: None

3.3 Use case Logout

3.3.1 Description

Copyright © 2013 by Karl Wiegers and Seilevel. Permission is granted to use and modify this document.
Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 7

- This use case describes how a user logs out the Library Management System.

3.3.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

1. Customer ask to logout

2. System ask customer to confirm want to exist
3. Customer answer yes to exit or no to cancel

3.3.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC-3 : Logout

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 13/02/2019
Primary Actor: Librarian,Admin,User Secondary Library Management System
Trigger: Librarian, admin and user indicate that they want to exit this system
Description: This use case describes how a user logs out the Library Management
Preconditions: 1. The user already accessed to system
Postconditions: 1. System direct to home page without account
Normal Flow: 3.0 Logout
3. Customer ask to logout
4. System ask customer to confirm want to exist
5. Customer answer yes to exit or no to cancel
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 3.0.E1 People doesn’t access
1.LMS informs user that user doesn’t access to system
2a. LMS announce exception
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: Very few customer use this function
Business Rules: None
Other Information: 1. Customer can be able to cancel the form register at any time prior to
confirming it.
Assumptions: None

3.4 Use case Open account permission

3.4.1 Description

- This use case describes how account can be accessed to system

3.4.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- User or librarian ask system to allow a account to access to system

- System allows

3.4.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC-4 : Open account permission

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 13/02/2019

Copyright © 2013 by Karl Wiegers and Seilevel. Permission is granted to use and modify this document.
Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 8

Primary Actor: Admin Secondary Library Management System

Trigger: Admin allows a account to access to system
Description: This use case describes how account can be accessed to system
Preconditions: 1. Account exits
2. Account hasn’t been accepted
Postconditions: 1. User or librarian can use this account to access to system
Normal Flow: 4.0 Open account permission
2. User or librarian ask system to allow a account to access to system
3. System allows
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 4.0.E1 Account has been allowed
1.LMS informs user that account has been allowed
2a. LMS announce exception
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: Approximately 500 users, average of one usage per day. Peak usage load
for this use case is between 9:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. local time
Business Rules:
Other Information: 1. Admin can be able to cancel the form register at any time prior to
confirming it.
Assumptions: None

3.5 Use case Block account permission

3.5.1 Description

- When account of user or librarian violates the conditions of use of the system, admin will
check account. If it’s true, admin blocks account and announce.

3.5.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- Account violates the conditions of use of the system

- System check the conditions which account breaks to confirm
- System blocks this account and informs the user or librarian

3.5.3 Functional Requirements

Copyright © 2013 by Karl Wiegers and Seilevel. Permission is granted to use and modify this document.
Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 9

UC ID and Name: UC-5 : Block account permission

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 13/02/2019
Primary Actor: Admin Secondary Library Management System
Trigger: Admin blocks account to user or librarian can’t use this account to accept
to system
Description: When account of user or librarian violates the conditions of use of the
system, admin will check account. If it’s true, admin blocks account and
Preconditions: 1. Account exits
2. Account has been permited to access
3. Account violates the conditions of use of the system
Postconditions: 1. User or librarian can’t use this account to access to system
Normal Flow: 5.0 Block account permission
1. Account violates the conditions of use of the system
2. System check the conditions which account breaks to confirm
3. System blocks this account and informs the user or librarian
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 5.0.E1 Another account has been blocked
1.LMS informs that the mistake happen
2a. LMS opens account permission and find the account has to be blocked
Priority: Medium
Frequency of Use: This use case is rarely used
Business Rules: None
Other Information: None
Assumptions: None

3.6 Use case Overdue notification mail

3.6.1 Description

- When user borrow book overdue, admin or librarian will send mail to announce user to
return book and the money which user has to pay.

3.6.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- Overdue payment of books

- Admin and librarian send mail to announce

3.6.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC-6 : Overdue notification mail

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 13/02/2019
Primary Actor: Admin,librarian Secondary Library Management System
Trigger: Admin or librarian send mail to user who borrow book overdue
Description: When user borrow book overdue, admin or librarian will send mail to
announce user to return book and the money which user has to pay.
Preconditions: 1. Overdue payment of books

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Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 10

Postconditions: 1. User receives mail

Normal Flow: 6.0 Overdue notification mail
1. Overdue payment of books
2. Admin and librarian send mail to announce
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 6.0.E1 Email is be deleted or send to spam mail
1.LMS informs user that can’t send email
2a. Admin, librarian can use phone number of user or they can send email
to address of user
Priority: Medium
Frequency of Use: Some times
Business Rules: None
Other Information: None
Assumptions: None

3.7 Use case View list all book

3.7.1 Description

- Help librarian, admin and user view all of the books available in the library

3.7.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- People login into the system

- People choose Search Book button
- People choose View List All Books button
- System display all list books

3.7.3 Functional Requirements

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Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 11

UC ID and Name: UC-7 : View list all books

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 13/02/2019
Primary Actor: Librarian,Admin,User Secondary Library Management System
Trigger: Librarian, admin and user indicate that they want to view in list books
Description: Help librarian, admin and user view all of the books available in the library
Preconditions: PRE-1. The user already accessed to system
Postconditions: POS-1. Show all of list books avaiable in the library
Normal Flow: 7.0 View list all books
1. People login into the system
2. People choose Search Book button
3. People choose View List All Books button
4. System display all list books
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 7.0.E1 People hasn’t login into the system
1. Inform people hasn’t login into the system
2a. Peole login into the system
Priority: Medium
Frequency of Use: Approximately 300 users, average of one usage per day. Peak usage load
for this use case is between 9:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. local time.
Business Rules: None
Other Information: None
Assumptions: None

3.8 Use case Borrow Book

3.8.1 Description

- Help user borrow the book they want

3.8.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- Customer logins into the system

- Customer views all list books
- Customer chooses the book they want to borrow
- System gives form to borrow book
- Customer fills information and borrow book and click button borrow
- System notifices success

3.8.3 Functional Requirements

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Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 12

UC ID and Name: UC-8 : Borrow Book

Created By: Phan Lê Thăng Date Created: 13/02/2019
Primary Actor: User,administrator, Secondary Library Management System
librarian Actors:
Trigger: User indicate that they want to borrow in the library
Description: Help user borrow the book they want
Preconditions: PRE-1. The user already accessed to system
Postconditions: POS-1. Update the status of the book in the system
POS-2. Add the book to the list book brrowed
Normal Flow: 8.0 Borrow book
1. Customer login into the system
2. Customer view all list books
3. Customer choose the book they want to borrow

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Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 13

4. System give form to borrow book

5. Customer fill information and borrow book and click button borrow
6. System notifice success

Alternative Flows: None

Exceptions: 8.0.E1 The book that user want to borrow don’t available in the
1. Inform customer that the book unavailable in the library
2a. Wait until it available
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: Approximately 300 users, average of one usage per day. Peak usage load
for this use case is between 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. local time.
Business Rules: None
Other Information: 1. User can be able to cancel the form borrow book at any time prior to
confirming it.
Assumptions: None

3.9 Use case Add Book

3.9.1 Description

- When Administrator want to add a new book, they click button add book. Fill information of
book like name,title,author,.. to form and click submit to store information of book in

3.9.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- Librarian login into the system

- Librarian choose Add Book button

- System give form to add book

- Librarian fill information of the new book and add into the system

3.9.3 Functional Requirements

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Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 14

UC ID and Name: UC-9 : Add Book

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 13/02/2019
Primary Actor: Administrator Secondary Library Management System
Trigger: Administrator indicate that they want to add book into the system
Description: When Administrator want to add a new book, they click button add book.
Fill information of book like name,title,author,.. to form and click submit
to store information of book in database

Preconditions: PRE-1. The librarian already accessed to system

Postconditions: POS-1. Add the new book into the system
Normal Flow: 9.0 Add book
1. Administrator login into the system
2. Administrator choose Add Book button
3. System give form to add book
4. Administrator fill information of the new book and add into the system
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 9.0.E1 The new book is available in the sytem
1. Inform Administrator that the new book is available in the library
2a. Administrator change the numbers of that book
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: Sometime
Business Rules: None
Other Information: 1. Administrator can be able to cancel the form add book at any time prior
to confirming it.
Assumptions: None

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Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 15

3.10 Use case Update Book

3.10.1 Description

- When administrator want to update book, they login in system, find book which they want to
update then fill information in form and click update button.

3.10.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- Administrator login into the system

- Administrator choose Update Book button
- System give form to update book
- Administrator fill information of the book and update into the system

3.10.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC-10 : Update Book

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 13/02/2019
Primary Actor: Administrator Secondary Library Management System
Trigger: Administrator indicate that they want to update book into the system
Description: When Administrator or administrator want to update book, they login in
system, find book which they want to update then fill information in form
and click update button.
Preconditions: 1. Login to system
2. Book exist
Postconditions: 1. Information of book changes
Normal Flow: 10.0 Update book
1. Librarian login into the system
2. Librarian choose Update Book button
3. System give form to update book
4. Librarian fill information of the book and update into the system
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 10.0.E1 The book that librarian update is unavailable in the system
1. Inform Administrator that the book is unavailable in the system
2a. Librarian add the new book
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: Approximately 100 users, average of one usage per day. Peak usage load
for this use case is between 9:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. local time.
Business Rules: None
Other Information: 1. Librarian can be able to cancel the form update book at any time prior
to confirming it.
Assumptions: None

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Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 16

3.11 Use case Delete Book

3.11.1 Description

- Administrator indicate that they want to delete book from the system

3.11.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- Administrator login into the system

- Administrator choose Delete Book button
- Administrator choose the book they want to delete
- Delete the book from the system

3.11.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC-11 : Delete Book

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 13/02/2019
Primary Actor: Administrator Secondary Library Management System
Trigger: Administrator indicate that they want to delete book from the system
Description: When administrator want to delete book, they login in system, find book
which they want to delete then click button delete to delete.
Preconditions: 1. Login to system
2. Book exist
Postconditions: 1. Book is deleted from database
Normal Flow: 11.0 Delete book
1. Administrator login into the system
2. Administrator choose Delete Book button
3. Administrator choose the book they want to delete
4. Delete the book from the system
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 11.0.E1 The book doesn’t exist
1. The book doesn’t exist
2a. System announces to administrator
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: This use case is rarely used
Business Rules: None
Other Information: 1. Librarian can be able to recover deleted book
Assumptions: None

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3.12 Use case Mail to borrow

3.12.1 Description

- When customers borrow book, system send mail to announce.

3.12.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

3.12.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC-12 : Mail to borrow

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 13/02/2019
Primary Actor: Administrator,User, Secondary Library Management System
Libratian Actors:
Trigger: Mail to borrow
Description: When customers borrow book, system send mail to announce.
Preconditions: 1. Customers borrow book
Postconditions: 1. Customers received mail
Normal Flow: 12.0 Mail to borrow
1. Customers borrow book
2. System send mail to announce
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 12.0.E1 The email was deleted
1. System informs that your email was deleted or it doesn’t exit.
2a. System requests input another email
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: This use case is rarely used
Business Rules: None
Other Information: None
Assumptions: None

3.13 Use case View Account

3.13.1 Description

- View information of account.

3.13.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- When customers already registered to this LMS and they can request to see their information
which they had filled into LMS.

3.13.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC-13 : View Account.

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 12/2/2019
Primary Actor: Admin, Librarian, Secondary Library Management System
User Actors:
Trigger: View information of account.

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Description: When customers already registered to this LMS and they can request to see
their information which they had filled into LMS.
Preconditions: 1. Customer’s account existed.
2. Customers already signed in LMS.
Post conditions: 1. Customer see their information in system.
Normal Flow: 13.0 View Account
1. Customers sign in to LMS.
2. Customers request LMS to see their info.
3. LMS send them information.
4. Customers see their information.
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 13.0.E1 Admin or Librarian see account which isn’t exist.
1.LMS informs that this account didn’t exist.
Priority: Normal.
Frequency of Use: Approximately 100 users, average of one usage per day
Business Rules: None
Other Information: None
Assumptions: None

3.14 Use case Edit Account

3.14.1 Description

- When customers want to change their information of account, they access to system and
chance information.

3.14.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- Customer enter account’s name which they want to change.

- LMS send form to customer.
- Customer fill into form and send this form back.
- LMS accept change information and update in system.

3.14.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC-14 : Edit Account.

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 12/2/2019
Primary Actor: Admin, Librarian, Secondary Library Management System
User Actors:
Trigger: Customers want to change their information on LMS.
Description: When customers want to change their information of account, they access
to system and chance information.
Preconditions: 1. Customer’s account existed.
2. Customers already signed in LMS.
Post conditions: 1. Customer’s information update in LMS and they can see their new
Normal Flow: 14.0 Edit Account
1. Customer enter account’s name which they want to change.

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2. LMS send form to customer.

3. Customer fill into form and send this form back.
4. LMS accept change information and update in system.
Alternative Flows:
Exceptions: 14.0.E1 Admin or Librarian see account which isn’t exist.
1.LMS informs that this account didn’t exist.
14.0.E2 User can’t change another account.
1. LMS informs that user can’t have role to change another account.
14.0.E3 Information is invalid
1. LMS informs that this information is invalid.
2a. If customer want to continue, LMS will restarts use case.
Priority: High.
Frequency of Use: Rarely.
Business Rules: None
Other Information: None
Assumptions: None

3.15 Use case Change password

3.15.1 Description

- When customers change their account’s password. First step, they customers login their
account and then, they choose changing functions. Next step, they fill into password field.
Finally, they confirm their information.

3.15.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- Customer enter account’s name which they request to change password.

- LMS send form to customer.
- Customer fill into form and send this form back.
- LMS accept change password and update in system.

3.15.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC-15 : Change password.

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 12/2/2019
Primary Actor: Admin, Librarian, Secondary Library Management System
User Actors:
Trigger: Customers want to change their password when they think something
unusual or just want to change periodically.
Description: When customers change their account’s password. First step, they
customers login their account and then, they choose changing functions.
Next step, they fill into password field. Finally, they confirm their
Preconditions: 1. Customer’s account existed.
2. Customers already signed in LMS.

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Post conditions: 1. Customer’s password update in LMS and they can login the system by
the new password.
Normal Flow: 15.0 Change password
1. Customer enter account’s name which they request to change password.
2. LMS send form to customer.
3. Customer fill into form and send this form back.
4. LMS accept change password and update in system.
Alternative Flows:
Exceptions: 15.0.E1 Password is invalid.
1.LMS informs that this password is wrong.
2a. if customer want to continue, LMS will send form again.
2b. If customer don’t want to continue, LMS exit this function.
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: Rarely
Business Rules: None
Other Information: None
Assumptions: None

3.16 Use case View Book Status

3.16.1 Description

- Customers login and request to see the status of books.System gives status of book.

3.16.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- Customer enter name’s book what they need see the status.

- LMS send book’s status to customers.

Formatted: Heading 1, Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at:

- 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"

3.16.3 Functional Requirements

Formatted: Heading 3


UC ID and Name: UC-16 : View Book Status

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 12/2/2019
Primary Actor: Admin, Librarian, Secondary Library Management System
User Actors:
Trigger: Customers want to see the status of book.
Description: Customers login and request to see the status of books.System gives status

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Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 21

of book.
Preconditions: 1. Customer’s account existed.
2. Customers already signed in LMS.
3. Books existed.
Post conditions: 1. Customer see their status which they want.
Normal Flow: 16.0 View Book Status
1. Customer enter name’s book what they need see the status.
2. LMS send book’s status to customers.
Alternative Flows:
Exceptions: 16.0.E1 Customers see book which isn’t exist.
1.LMS informs that this account didn’t exist.
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: Approximately 1000-2000 times per day
Business Rules: None
Other Information: None
Assumptions: None

3.17 Use case List book borrow

3.17.1 Description

- Customers request to see the borrowed book. System sends list.

3.17.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- Customer request LMS to see the borrowed book list.

- LMS send list to customer.

3.17.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC-17 : List book borrow

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 12/2/2019
Primary Actor: Admin, Librarian, Secondary Library Management System
User Actors:
Trigger: Customers want to see their list of book that they borrowed.
Description: Customers request to see the borrowed book. System sends list.
Preconditions: 1. Customer’s account existed.
2. Customers already signed in LMS.
Post conditions: 1. Customer’s information update in LMS and they can see their new
Normal Flow: 17.0 List book borrow
1. Customer request LMS to see the borrowed book list.
2. LMS send list to customer.
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 17.0.E1 Admin or Librarian see account which isn’t exist.
1.LMS informs that this account didn’t exist.

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Priority: High
Frequency of Use: A lots
Business Rules: None
Other Information: None
Assumptions: None

3.18 Use case Preview book

3.18.1 Description

- Customer request to preview book. System gives preview of book.

3.18.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- Customer request LMS to preview book

- LMS send this to customer.

3.18.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC-18 : Preview book

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 12/2/2019
Primary Actor: Admin, Librarian, Secondary Library Management System
User Actors:
Trigger: Customers preview book.
Description: Customer request to preview book. System gives preview of book
Preconditions: 1. Customer’s account existed.
2. Customers already signed in LMS.
3 Books existed.
Post conditions: 1. Customer’s previewed book.
Normal Flow: 18.0 Preview book
1. Customer request LMS to preview book
2. LMS send this to customer.
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 18.0.E1 Customers can’t see books which is not found.
1.LMS informs that books didn’t exist.
2a LMS cancels use case
Priority: Normal.
Frequency of Use: Approximately 1000-2000 times per day.
Business Rules: None
Other Information: None
Assumptions: None

3.19 Use case Search

3.19.1 Description

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- Librarians, administrators, user login to system. Find name, type,id,.. of book and click
button search. System find and return information.

3.19.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- Enter the name of the book want to search.

- Click the search button.
- Display book information if available.

3.19.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC 19: Search

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 13/02/2019
Primary Actor: Librarian,Admin,User Secondary Library Management System
Trigger: Librarian, admin, user indicates that they need to search for books.
Description: Librarians, administrators, user login to system. Find name, type,id,.. of
book and click button search. System find and return information.
Preconditions: None
Postconditions: 1.Displays information the book wants to search .
Normal Flow: 19.0 Search

1. Enter the name of the book want to search.

2. Click the search button.
3. Display book information if available.
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 19.0.E1 Customers can’t find book
1. LMS informs that books didn’t exist.
2a.LMS anounces that “Don’t find book”
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: Approximately,3000 times per day
Business Rules: None
Other Information: None
Assumptions: Voice search

3.20 Use case Request New Book

3.20.1 Description

- When customers want to find a book which the library doesn’t have. They will send a
request to library to update book.

3.20.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

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- Login in system
- Enter the request to add the desired book.
- Click send button.

3.20.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC 20: Request New Book

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 13/02/2019
Primary Actor: Librarian,User, Secondary Library Management System
Administrator Actors:
Trigger: Librarians, user or Administrator request a new book.
Description: When customers want to find a book which the library doesn’t have. They
will send a request to library to update book.
Preconditions: None
Postconditions: 1. The library receives request
Normal Flow: 20.0 Request New Book

1. Login in system
2. Enter the request to add the desired book.
3. Click send button.
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 19.0.E1 Book exists
1. LMS informs that books exists.
2a.If customers want to exit, LMS cancel use case
2b. else if customers want to continue, LMS restart use case
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: Often
Business Rules: None
Other Information: None
Assumptions: None

3.21 Use case Feedback

3.21.1 Description

- When user want to send a idea about system, they feedback

3.21.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- Login in system
- Input the feedback of the system.
- Click send button.

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3.21.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC 21: Feedback

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 13/02/2019
Primary Actor: User Secondary Library Management System
Trigger: User feedback about system
Description: When user want to send a idea about system, they feedback
Preconditions: 1. Login in system
Postconditions: 1. System announce feedback successful
Normal Flow: 21.0 Feedback
1. Login in system
2. Input the feedback of the system.
3. Click send button.
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 21.0.E1 Feedback fails
1. LMS informs that “Feedback fails”
2a. If user want to exit, LMS cancels use case
2b. If user want to continue, LMS restarts use case
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: Approximately 200-300 feedback per day.
Business Rules: None
Other Information: None
Assumptions: None

3.22 Use case Rating

3.22.1 Description

- When borrowing a book, customers can rate it.

3.22.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- Borrowed book
- Fill rating
- Click button send

3.22.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC 22: Rating

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 13/02/2019
Primary Actor: User,Administrator, Secondary Library Management System
Librarian Actors:
Trigger: Customers rate books.
Description: When borrowing a book, customers can rate it.
Preconditions: 1. Borrowed that book.
Postconditions: 1. System receives rating
Normal Flow: 22.0 Rating
1. Borrowed book
2. Fill rating

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Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 26

3. Click button send

Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: None
Priority: Normal
Frequency of Use: Approximately 200-300 rating per day.
Business Rules: None
Other Information: None
Assumptions: None

3.23 Use case Comment

3.23.1 Description

- When customers want to say something about book, they comment about it

3.23.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- Login in system
- Choose book you want to comment
- Enter a comment about the book.
- Click send button.

3.23.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC 23: Comment

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 13/02/2019
Primary Actor: User,Administrator, Secondary Library Management System
Librarian Actors:
Trigger: Customers comment on books.
Description: When customers want to say something about book, they comment about it
Preconditions: 1. Login in system
Postconditions: 1. System receives comment
Normal Flow: 23.0 Comment

1. Login in system
2. Choose book you want to comment
3. Enter a comment about the book.
4. Click send button.
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: None
Priority: Low
Frequency of Use: A lost
Business Rules: None
Other Information: None

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Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 27

Assumptions: None

3.24 Use case Renewed Book

3.24.1 Description

- When the book is about to expire, customers who have not used it can renew the date.

3.24.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- Login in system
- Click the “renew” button.
- Checkbook expiration date after renewal.

3.24.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: UC 24: Renewed Book

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 13/02/2019
Primary Actor: User,Administrator, Secondary Library Management System
Librarian Actors:
Trigger: Customers renew the day to borrow books.
Description: When the book is about to expire, customers who have not used it can
renew the date.
Preconditions: 1. Not exceeding the due date.

2. Books are not being reserved by other users.

Postconditions: 1. Date to be borrowed of book is renewed
Normal Flow: 24.0 Renewed Book

1. Login in system
2. Click the “renew” button.
3. Checkbook expiration date after renewal.

Alternative Flows: None

Exceptions: 24.0.E1 Out of renewal times
1.LMS informs that out of renewal times
2a. LMS cancel use case
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: Rarely
Business Rules: None
Other Information: None
Assumptions: None

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3.25 Use case Pay fines when overdue

3.25.1 Description

- When the user overdue the payment of books, in the book information section will show the
amount of the fine to be paid so that users and librarians can follow.

3.25.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

- The software calculates the overdue amount based on: number of days overdue * price of a
- Show the amount of fines to be paid according to each book's title and total amount for users
and librarians follow.
- Users pay the fine correctly and sufficiently according to the amount displayed to the
- The librarian will mark the receipt of the fine and reopen the account for the user to continue
borrowing the book.

3.25.3 Functional Requirements

UC ID and Name: Pay fines when overdue

Created By: Nguyễn Tùng Lâm Date Created: 27/01/2019
Primary Actor: User Secondary Librarian
Trigger: Displays the amount money that users need to pay when overdue.
Description: When the user overdue the payment of books, in the book information
section will show the amount of the fine to be paid so that users and
librarians can follow.
Preconditions: 1. The user must borrow this book.
2. This book has expired but has not been renewed.
Postconditions: 1. The fine is returned to 0.
Normal Flow: 25.0 Pay fines when overdue
1. The software calculates the overdue amount based on: number of days
overdue * price of a day.
2. Show the amount of fines to be paid according to each book's title and
total amount for users and librarians follow.
3. Users pay the fine correctly and sufficiently according to the amount
displayed to the librarian.
4. The librarian will mark the receipt of the fine and reopen the account
for the user to continue borrowing the book.
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 25.0.1 Bank account doesn’t accepted
1.LMS informs that “Your account doesn’t accepted”
2a. LMS restarts use case
Priority: High
Frequency of Use: High
Business Rules: FE-2
Other Information: None
Assumptions: None

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4. Data Requirements
4.1 Logical Data Model

4.2 Data Dictionary

Data element Description Composition or data Length Values

Customer People who use or Include:
manage system. +User
Customer_ID Each customer has string 50
different id
Customer_Name Name of customer string 50
Address Address of customer string 50
Phone Phone of customer integer
Email Email of customer string 50
Role Role of customer Include:
+Role of customer

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Role_ID Primariry key of table string 50

Role of It shows role of each string 50
customer type of customer
Book Book in library Include:

Book_ID Each book have string 50

different id
Book_Name Name of book string 100
Author Who write the book string 50
Number Number of book integer
State State of book, It was string
borrowed or not
Published Year when book integer
Title Title of book string
Category Classify books Include:
Category_ID Each book have string 50
diferent id
Type Type of book string 50
Pay fines Write bill which Include:
customers have to pay +Book_ID
+Number of days
+Price per day
+Pay or not
Money Money which money
customers have to pay
Number of day Number of day which integer
overdue customers overdue
Price per day The money which money
customers have to pay
for one day
Pay or not Customers pay or not boolean
Borrowed Book Book which Include:
customers borrow +Book_ID

Date Date which day that date

customers borrow

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4.3 Reports
4.3.1 List Borrowed Book report
Report ID LMS-RPT-1
Report Title List Borrowed Book
Report Purpose Customers want to see all book which they borrowed
Priority High
Report Users User,Adminitrator,Librarian
Data Sources Database of borrowed books
Frequency and Disposition Report is generated on demand by a Customers. Data in the report is
static. Report is displayed on user’s web browser screen on a
computer. It can be printed if the display device permits printing
Latency Complete report must be displayed to Patron within 3 seconds after
it is requested.
Visual Layout Landscape mode
Header and Footer Report header shall contain the report title, Customer’s name, and
date range specified. If printed, report footer shall show the page
Report Body Fields shown and column headings:
 Order Number
 Title of book
 Date to borrow
 Customers
End-of_report Indicator None
Interactivity Customers can drill down to see ingredients and nutritional
information for each book in the list.
Security Access Restrictions A User may retrieve only his own meal order history.

4.3.2 List Book overdue report

Report ID LMS-RPT-2
Report Title List book overdue
Report Purpose Administrator and librarian want to see all book which customers
borrow overdue
Priority High
Report Users Adminitrator,Librarian
Data Sources Database of borrowed books
Frequency and Disposition Report is generated on demand by administrator,librarian. Data in
the report is static. Report is displayed on web browser screen on a
computer. It can be printed if the display device permits printing
Latency Complete report must be displayed to administrator,librarian within
3 seconds after it is requested.
Visual Layout Landscape mode
Header and Footer Report header shall contain the report title, and date range specified.
If printed, report footer shall show the page number.
Report Body Fields shown and column headings:
 Book_ID
 Customer_ID
 Date to borrow
 Overdue day
 Money

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 Price for a day

 Money
End-of_report Indicator None
Interactivity Administrator , librarian can drill down to see ingredients and
nutritional information for each users or book in the list.
Security Access Restrictions None

4.4 Data Acquisition, Integrity, Retention, and Disposal

- The LMS shall retain individual Customers borrowed book for 6 months following the
borrowed book.
- The LMS stores list borrowed book in database each day.

5. External Interface Requirements

5.1 User Interfaces
- UI-1: The Library Management System screen displays shall conform to the Process Impact
- Application User Interface Standard, Version 2.0 [3].
- UI-2: The system shall provide a help link from each displayed webpage to explain how to
use that page.
- UI-3: The webpages shall permit complete navigation and book selection by using the
keyboard alone, in addition to using mouse and keyboard combinations.

5.2 Software Interfaces

- Browser to load and view the web pages.
- Operating System.

5.3 Hardware Interfaces

- Only the recommended configuration (basic requirements of a computer system ) no other
specific hardware is required to run the software.

5.4 Communications Interfaces

- CI-1: The LMS shall send an email or text message (based on user account settings) to the
Customer to confirm acceptance of an borrowed book,pay fine.
- CI-2: The LMS shall send an email or text message (based on user account settings) to the
Customer to report any problems with account.

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6. Quality Attributes
6.1 Usability
USE-1: The LMS shall allow a Customer to review list borrowed book with a single interaction.
USE-2: 95% of new customers shall be able to successfully borrow book without errors on their
first try.
USE-3:The LMS shall allow a Customer to renew or view time to pay with a single interaction.
USE-4:The LMS shall allow a Customer to see top list book which is borrowed.

6.2 Performance
PER-1: The system shall accommodate a total of 1000 users and a maximum of 800 concurrent
users during the peak usage time window of 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. local time, with an estimated
average session duration of 8 minutes.
PER-2: The system shall display confirmation messages to users within an average of 3 seconds and
a maximum of 5 seconds after the user submits information to the system.
PER-3: The system shall database backup to prevent to virus or operating system failture.

6.3 Security
SEC-1: All network transactions that involve financial information or personally identifiable
information shall be encrypted per BR-33.
SEC-2: Users shall be required to log on to the LMS for all operations except viewing a book.
SEC-3: Only administrator can manage book and permission account.
SEC-4: Users only use their account.

6.4 Safety
- The user shall be able to see state of book to make sure book status when borrow.

6.5 Availability Requirements Formatted: Heading 2, No bullets or numbering

AVL-1: The LMS shall be available at least 98% of the time between 8:00 A.M. and midnight local
time and at least 90% of the time between midnight and 8:00 A.M. local time, excluding scheduled
maintenance windows.

6.6 Robustness Requirements

- ROB-1: If the connection between the user and the LMS is broken prior to a new order book
being either confirmed or terminated, the LMS shall enable the user to recover an incomplete order
and continue working on it. [Others as relevant]
- None.

Copyright © 2013 by Karl Wiegers and Seilevel. Permission is granted to use and modify this document.
Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 34

7. Internationalization and Localization Requirements

- Requirement:
 Currency: đồng
 Formatting of dates: dd-MM-yyyy
 Address: Viet Nam
 Language: Vietnamese
 Telephone: 10 characters

8. Other Requirements
- None

Appendix A: Glossary
- Administrator: Who manage system.

- User: Who use system.

- Librarian: Who manage library.

- Use Case: A broaed level diagram of the project showing a basic overview.

- Class diagram: It is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system
by showing the system’s cases, their attributes, and the relationships between the classes.

- LMS: Library Management System. Name of system.

- UC : Use Case

Appendix B: Analysis Models

None Formatted: No bullets or numbering

Copyright © 2013 by Karl Wiegers and Seilevel. Permission is granted to use and modify this document.
Software Requirements Specification for <Library Management System> Page 35

Work Do Not Do Start date Due date Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Bold
Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Bold
Create a feature tree to 18/2/2019 20/2/2019 Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Bold
show changes Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Bold
Formatted Table
Identify user classes 18/2/2019 20/2/2019
Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Bold

Understand business 18/2/2019 20/2/2019


Document business rules

Create use cases or user 18/2/2019 24/2/2019


Create a context diagram 20/2/2019 23/2/2019

Create an ecosystem map 20/2/2019 23/2/2019

Create a dialog map

Create data models 20/2/2019 23/2/2019

Specify quality attributes 26/2/2019 29/2/2019

Create report tables 20/2/2019 23/2/2019

Build prototypes

Inspect requirements


Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Not Bold

- Formatted: Font: 18 pt, Bold

Formatted: No bullets or numbering

Copyright © 2013 by Karl Wiegers and Seilevel. Permission is granted to use and modify this document.

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