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Music Pop Quiz 27 May 2019

Answer all the questions to the best of your ability! If you are stuck on a question move on to the
next question.

Question 1

1.1 What is a scale?

1.2 What is a chord?

1.3 Where is C?

1.4 Write out C major scale

1.5 What is a sharp?

1.6 What is a flat?

1.7 What is the difference between “piano” and “forte”

1.8 What is the abbreviation for “mezzo piano”

1.9 What is the difference between a major and a minor chord?

1.10 Name 3 composers of music

1.11 Name 1 pianist

1.12 Name 1 singer

1.13 What pedal is the damper pedal (piano students only)?

1.14 Which muscle do we use when breathing (vocal students only)?

1.15 What is the abbreviation for “mezzo forte”

1.16 What is a crotchet?

1.17 How long do you hold a semibreve note for?

1.18 Name your favourite album from any musician

1.19 Who is Beethoven?

1.20 Who is Mozart?

1.21 Who is Haydn

1.22 What is Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do?

1.23 What is the difference between 3/4 time and 4/4 time?

Question 2 - Key signatures / Scales

A scale is a group of organised pitches.
Write the letter names for each of the following scales using the “Father Charles Goes Down And
Ends Battle” rhyme.

Eg. G major has 1 sharp, therefore it has an F# because the first word of the rhyme is Father.

2.1 G major (1 sharp)

2.2 D major (2 sharps)

2.3 B major (5 sharps)

2.4 A major (3 sharps)

2.5 E major (4 sharps)

2.6 C# major (7 sharps)

2.7 F# major (6 sharps)

2.8 C major (0 sharps/flats)

Question 3 - Terms
What does the following mean?

3.1 crescendo

3.2 decrescendo

3.3 diminuendo

3.4 fermata

3.5 ritardando

3.6 anacrusis

3.7 :||

3.8 D.C al Fine

3.9 mezzo forte

3.10 mezzo piano

3.11 accelerando

3.12 moderato

3.13 vivace

3.14 con moto

3.15 allegro

3.16 adagio

3.17 pianissimo

3.18 fortissimo

Question 4 - Key signatures / Scales

Write the letter names for each of the following scales using the “Battle Ends And Down Goes
Charles’ Father” rhyme.
Eg. F major has 1 flat, therefore it has an Bb because the first word of the rhyme is Battle.

4.1 F major (1 flat)

4.2 Bb major (2 flats)

4.3 Eb major (3 flats)

4.4 Db major (5 flats)

4.5 Ab major (4 flats)

Question 5 - Chords
(Allow me to mark questions 2 and 4 before starting this question)

A chord consists of the 1 3 and 5 of the scale. Write out the following chords.
Eg C major scale is C D E F G A B C, therefore the C major chord is C E G.

5.1 D major chord

5.2 F major chord

5.3 G major chord

5.4 A major chord

5.5 Eb major chord

5.6 C# major chord

5.7 Db major chord

5.8 E major chord

5.9 F# major chord

5.10 B major chord

5.11 Ab major chord

5.12 Bb major chord

Question 6
The difference between a major and a minor chord is the 3rd. In a minor chord the 3rd is lowered by
a half step. Eg. The C major chord is C E G, therefore the C minor chord is C Eb G. The D major chord
is D F# A, therefore the D minor chord is D F A (the F becomes a normal/natural F).

Write out the following minor chords

6.1 D minor chord

6.2 C minor chord

6.3 F minor chord

6.4 G minor chord

6.5 C# minor chord

6.6 F# minor chord

6.7 A minor chord

6.8 B minor chord

6.9 Ab minor chord

6.10 Bb minor chord

6.11 Db minor chord

6.12 Eb minor chord

Question 7 - Note values

7.1 Draw a quarter note/crotchet

7.2 Draw a half note/minim

7.3 Draw a whole note/semibreve

7.4 Draw an eighth note/quaver

7.5 Draw two combined eighth notes/quavers

7.6 Draw a dotted half note/minim

7.7 Draw a dotted quarter note/crotchet

7.8 What is the value of a crotchet? (How many counts)

7.9 What is the value of a minim?

7.10 What is the value of a semibreve?

7.11 What is the value of a dotted semibreve?

7.12 What is the value of a quaver?


Teacher: Ashleigh

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