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Photography and playing the trumpet has been getting easier for Alia Cerda for

Daily Summer Band Routine the past five years since she was in Travis Middle School all the way to
MacArthur High School which is now in Irving Texas. Alia Cerda has been getting
better by her five years of practice and still going. “photography and playing the
7am trumpet is another type of art to express my feelings and emotions to my
then Alia fills up her jug
The first thing Alia does is with ice cold water for the audience” Alia had stated. This “5’9” photographer and trumpet player loves to
dress in athletic clothes heat outside capture the life in a photo and song to see the good in life, she had said that
these two hobbies work so well together because it’s a mixture of meaning in
life. “Music and photography just speak to me on a different level to capture all
types of art and colors in a camera and feelings in music it’s a mixture of love and
sadness plus life” Alia had stated. For Alia Cerda photography and music is a way
7:45 8am to let out and capture emotions that haven’t been felt before. “These two
she leaves to MacArthurs Alia then puts her trumpet amazing hobbies are great for the soul and are very touching to the different
student parking lot to put together and starts to get
on sunscreen ready for marching band
feelings it gives me” Alia said. One of Alia’s biggest role models are named Cuco,
The Weeknd, and Billie Eilish because their type of music inspires her calm vibes.
Besides music and photography Alia is amazing in volleyball she was inspired by
Logan Tom for the past five years she’s seen her grow and be part of many
famous teams. “I really enjoy playing volleyball on my free times when I can I
love watching Logan Tom be on the court she is huge I've been seeing her play
for the past 5 years” Alia stated. For Alia Cerda she’s been inspired from
photography by Ansel Adams when she was little her dad always taught her
about his past and grew up following his steps. “MY dad started me into
photography really young teaching me the proper techniques into taking
professional photos and the types of angles to take them. My dad was a really
big fan of Ansel Adams so he taught me everything about his past and suddenly I
became in love with his work at the age of ten” stated Alia.

“A song writer named Cuco is really on of my biggest

inspirations because he really just puts his emotions
into everything that he writes and I can also relate to
his deep stories” Alia stated.

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