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Should people have recourse to physical therapy only after injuries or, do you think that physical
therapy can also play a role in the prevention of certain health problems?

Physical therapy is a profession concerned with the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of disease and
disability, remediates impairments and promotes mobility and function.

Physical therapy is a vital component of recovery after illness, injury or surgery. By using modalities such
as electrical stimulation and ultrasound, a therapist can help alleviate pain and promote healing.
Exercise, ambulation, stair climbing and balance activities compose the functional aspect of physical
therapy and restore independence. However, like any other intervention, the course of therapy might
lead to a variety of side effects.

Taking this into consideration, I think that physiotherapy is a complex intervention and it needs to be
implemented only by the recommendations of specialists and people should recourse to physical
therapy only after injuries.

First, one of the major side effects you are likely to experience in the course of therapy is pain and this
may lead to confusion and poor motivation to continue. To help control pain, your physician may
recommend oral pain medication 30 minutes prior to a session and heat or ice may also reduce pain.

Secondly, swelling is another common side effect of physical therapy. As your therapist challenges your
muscles, ligaments and tendons to strengthen them, your body may respond with increased edema, or
swelling. The edema can cause additional pain and functional limitations.

Thirdly, the lack of outcome may be an issue in participating in physical therapy as prevention of certain
health problems. Without symptoms there are no guarantees of complete resolution or stopping the
possible health problems. This can be discouraging and people may be tempted to discontinue the

Whoever, certain professionals recommend physiotherapy as a way to prevent certain health problems,
especially in teenagers, by implementing prevention programs in schools’ physical activities. In my
opinion, these kinds of activities are not physical therapy, but suitable structured physical activities by
physical therapists.

In conclusion, physical therapy is a vital component of recovery after injuries, but it can lead to pain,
swelling and lack of outcome if it’s implemented as a complex intervention to prevent certain health
problems. So physiotherapy should only be implemented by the recommendations of specialists.
8.Some students in physical therapy think that studying sport related disciplines is irrelevant to their
professional preparation. Do you agree?

Physical therapy is a health profession that, by using mechanical force and movements, manual therapy,
exercise therapy, and electrotherapy, remediates impairments and promotes mobility and function.
Physical therapy is used to improve a patient's quality of life through examination, diagnosis, prognosis,
physical intervention, and patient education. In addition to clinical practice, other activities contained in
the physical therapy profession include research, education, consultation and administration.

In my opinion, it is important for a physical therapist to have solid information and knowledge about
sport related disciplines in order to be an effective specialist.

First, you learn the complexity of the movements, the steps in tracing a movement; you learn to observe
a movement and to indentify every phase of it, and the biomechanics of it. For example, in the stage one
of handball jump shot technique, you have to stand shoulder width apart, facing at the target, on the
balls of your feet with knees flexed, and then you have to extend the knees and transfer your body
weight from low to high jumping upwards.

Secondly, you can observe how long it takes to make your body do new movements, to improve your
skills. And you can have an overview on the stress an injured person can have in reeducate his lost skills.
You learn to empathize with injured people. For example, for a person who suffered a stroke
rehabilitation is about getting back to normal life and living as independent a life as possible. This can
mean learning new skills or relearning old ones. It may involve adapting to new limitations and post-
stroke conditions.

Thirdly, by studying sport related disciplines, a student in physical therapy has an increased chance of
improving his own physical abilities. By doing this, he’ll be a better therapist; he has more chances of
success in his career and dealing with all kind of patients and injuries.

Whoever, there are some students who claim that studying sport related disciplines is irrelevant to their
professional preparation, because they will never play that kind of sport and if they will be sport physical
therapists, they will specialize then to that related kind of sport. In my opinion, having knowledge on
different sports, actually increase the student’s chance for finding a job and it increases his area of

In conclusion, studying sport related disciplines helps the students in physical therapy to learn the
complexity of the movements, to empathize with injured people and to improve his own physical
10.Some people claim that technology has a negative influence on sport. Do you agree?

Technology (means science of craft) is the collection of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used
in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific

Sport includes all forms of competitive physical activity or games which, through casual or organized
participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment to
participants, and in some cases, entertainment for spectators.

In my opinion, the world is in a constant change, technology being an important tool and also an
assessment of human civilization. Sport is continually changing over the years also, and the use of
technology had a significantly positive influence on the evolution of sport.

First, analysis of sport performance and enabling coaches to greatly improve the quality of feedback to
players/athletes. Technology like: the video camera, electronic timing controlled by computers, the
Force Platform (apparatus placed under the feet of the athlete and measures their 'ground reaction

Secondly, technology leads to improvements in the design of sport equipment and apparel. Some of the
best examples include: fully body swim wear, made of polyurethane, made a huge impact in the 2008
Olympics only to be banned a year later because it was too obviously making a difference to sporting
performance; Kevlar fiber (5 times stronger than steel yet lighter, used in the manufacture of sails,
bicycle tires, football boots, tennis rackets, helmets, body armor and more; Raving cycles and rowing
shells made of lightweight but strong materials, and minimize drag though the air or water.

Thirdly, technology can provide spectators with better viewing of sport performance. As a result of
miniaturized video cameras, spectators are also now able to witness sport performance in ways that
previously was not possible. Video cameras can be placed in places such as racing cars, cricket stumps,
goal posts, and even on the athlete themselves.

One criticism of the use of technology is that it can slow down the speed of the game, but on the other
hand for many people it makes watching it more enjoyable to see the correct decisions being made by
referees and sport officials.

In conclusion, use of technology in sport is inevitable in a world in continuous change, and it has a
positive influence because: it helps coaches improve the quality of feedback to players/athletes by
analysis of sport performance; it leads to improvements in the design of sport equipment and apparel
and provides spectators with better viewing of sport performance.

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