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Actividad de aprendizaje 11

Evidencia 3: Ensayo “Free Trade Agreement (FTA): advantages and disadvantages”

Presentado por

Laura Garzòn Cueto

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - Sena

Actividad de aprendizaje 11

Evidencia 3: Ensayo “Free Trade Agreement (FTA): advantages and disadvantages”

Es de suma importancia en este proceso de aprendizaje, conocer muy bien los tratados de libre
de comercio que se tienen en un país, antes de iniciar cualquier operación de importación y/o
exportación. Para desarrollar esta evidencia es importante que lea y analice previamente el
material de formación denominado The sentence, además del siguiente material

 English sentence structure and entity-relationship diagrams.

 Sentence structure.

Posterior a estas lecturas, elabore un ensayo en inglés de mínimo tres (3) páginas, que dé
respuesta a lo siguiente:

Investigue sobre los tratados de libre comercio que Colombia tiene vigentes con los Estados

In February 2006, the Free Trade Agreement between Colombia and the United States was
sealed after 21 months of meetings between the parties. Although both governments approved
the agreement, the final approval to enter into force depends on the Congresses of both
countries and that of the United States has not yet reached a decision. The objective of this FTA
is the insertion of Colombia in the US market with bilateral relations that will promote economic
and commercial interests, and encourage investment. In general, it seeks to provide investors
with a more stable business environment and ensure that the agreements are favorable for the
provision of goods and services and encourage their export.

Advantage of TLC in the United States Access to broader markets: - Fundamental for small
companies - Access to higher quality products at a lower price - Contact with technological and
scientific advances - Better salaries and quality of employment - We open the doors to the
largest market in the world - Consolidate preferences ATPDEA and it covers the entire tariff
universe - It is binding because the insertity will be reduced - It implies lower cost of imports of
goods and capital

Disadvantages of TLC with United States: - The commercial opening generates greater
integration of the country into the world economy, which will make it possible to reduce the
volatility of its growth, the level of risk, country and financial cost of private activity in general -
It gives us a new market with greater acquisition power than ours. - Not all economic sectors
benefit equally from free trade agreements, there are undoubtedly products of greater
sensitivity that are protected with certain trade defense mechanisms. - Social upheaval due to
the exacerbation of poverty and exploitation of small farmers and micro entrepreneurs. - Loss
of economic development opportunity due to the sale of products at market prices, before the
rigged exploitation of our natural resources.

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