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Subject/Paper : Mathematics Paper 1 Exam Seat No. : ____________

Form : Four Group : ____________

Time allowed : 90 minutes Teacher : ____________

Instructions to Students:

1. Total mark for this paper is 75.

2. There are three sections in this paper which consists of 16 pages.

3. Answer ALL questions.

4. Unless otherwise specified, all working must be clearly shown.

5. Unless otherwise specified, numerical answers should be either exact or correct to 3

significant figures.

6. The diagrams in this paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.

7. Only permitted calculators may be used.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

SECTION A(1) (25 marks)

Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Show the steps of solution, otherwise full marks will not be given.

1. If (2 – 3i)(b – i) is a real number, find the value of the real number b. (3 marks)

2. It is given that f (x) = .
(a) State the domain of the function f (x) .
(b) Find a such that f (a) = .
(3 marks)

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

27 n 1
3. Simplify n . (3 marks)
9 3

4. When 6x3  px 2  x  r is divided by 3x  7 , the quotient is 2 x 2  x  2 and the

remainder is 4 . Find the values of the constants p and r. (3 marks)

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

1 a3 a 3
5. Simplify  2  2 . (4 marks)
a  7 a  4a  21 a  6a  9

6. Three points A(-2, 3) , B(1, -1) and C(k, 8) are given, where k is a constant.
(a) Find the slope of AB.
(b) Find the value of k if AB is perpendicular to BC.
(3 marks)

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

7. In the figure, AC is a diameter of the circle, ADE and BCE

are straight lines. If EAC  25 and AEB  50 , find
(a) ECD ,
(b) BDC .
(3 marks)

8. In the figure, O is the centre of the circle CDT. AB is the tangent to the circle at T. TOC,
CDE, ADO and AETB are straight lines. Find ÐCET . (3 marks)

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

SECTION A(2) (25 marks)

Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Show the steps of solution, otherwise full marks will not be given.

9. Consider the quadratic equation 3x 2  3x  k  5  0 .

(a) Find the range of values of k if the equation has two distinct real roots. (2 marks)
(b) Find the value of k if the difference between the two real roots is 15. (3 marks)

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

10. The growth of bacteria can be represented by N  k 3t  100 , where N (in hundreds) is the
number of bacteria after t minutes and k is a constant. The initial number of bacteria is 120
(a) Find the value of k. (2 marks)
(b) How long will it take for the number of bacteria to be 10 times the initial number?
(3 marks)

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

11. Let f ( x)  ( x  2)2 ( x  a)  b , where a and b are constants. When f(x) is divided by
x  2 , the remainder is 18 and f(x) is divisible by x  1 .
(a) Find the values of a and b. (3 marks)
(b) David claims that all the roots of the equation f ( x)  0 are real. Do you agree?
Explain your answer. (2 marks)

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Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

12. (a) Simplify sin( 270   )  sin(  ) tan(180   ) . (2 marks)

(b) Solve sin( 270   )  sin(  ) tan(180   )  3  2 cos for 0    360 . (3 marks)

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Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

13. In the figure, AC and BD intersect at E.

  
AB : BC : CD  10 : 10 : 7 and ÐABD = 45° , find
(a) ADB , (3 marks)
 
AB : ADC . (2 marks)

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

SECTION B (25 marks)

Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Show the steps of solution, otherwise full marks will not be given.


In the figure, the sector OAB is cut from the sector OPQ. AP = 3x cm, AB = (2 – x) cm and
PQ = (4 – 2x) cm. Let Z cm2 be the area of the region APQB.

(a) (i) Express OA in terms of x.

(ii) Hence, find Z in terms of x.
(4 marks)
(b) Find the domain of Z. (1 mark)
(c) Find the maximum value of Z and the corresponding value of x. (3 marks)

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Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

15. The figure below shows a straight line L: 2x - 3y + 30 = 0 cutting the x-axis and y-axis at A
and B respectively. Three squares (I, II and III ) are inscribed in DAOB as shown. The
squares I and II are identical. P and Q are two of the vertices of the squares lying on L.


(a) Find the x-intercept and y-intercept of L. (2 marks)

(b) The lengths of the squares I and III are m and n respectively.
(i) Express the coordinates of P in terms of m and Q in terms of m and n.
(ii) Hence, find the coordinates of P and Q.
(4 marks)

(c) Find the area of the shaded region. (2 marks)

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Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

16. The figure shows a circle passing through A, B, C and D. G is the in-centre of DCED and
DCBF . EBNC, EPGM, EAQD, FAPB, FQGN and FDMC are straight lines.

(a) Prove that EN = EQ. (3 marks)

(b) Suppose ÐCED = ÐCFB .
(i) Prove that B, P, G and N are concyclic.
(ii) Someone claims that AC is a diameter of the circle ABCD. Do you agree?
Explain your answer.
(6 marks)

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Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

***** END OF PAPER *****

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F.4 Mathematics Paper 1
Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

Marking Scheme:
1. (2 – 3i)(b – i) = 2b – 2i – 3bi – 3
= (2b – 3) – (2 + 3b)i -----1A
2 + 3b = 0 -----1M
b=- -----1A

2a. The domain is all real numbers except -9 . ----- 1A

a+3 1
2b. = ----- 1M
a+9 4
a = -1 ----- 1A

27 n 1
9n  3
33n  3
 2n -----1M
3 3
 33n  3 2 n 1 -----1M
 3n 2 -----1A

4. 6 x3  px2  x  r  (3x  7)(2 x 2  x  2)  4 ----- 1M

6 x3  px 2  x  r  6 x3  17 x 2  x  10
p  17 and r  10 ----- 1A + 1A

1 a3 a 3
5.  2  2
a  7 a  4a  21 a  6a  9
1 a3 a 3
   -----1M
a  7 (a  7)(a  3) (a  3) 2
1 1
  -----1A
a  7 (a  7)(a  3)
a  3 1
 -----1A
(a  7)(a  3)
 -----1A
(a  7)(a  3)

-1- 3 4
6a. Slope of AB = =- ----- 1A
1+ 2 3

8 - (-1) æ 4 ö
6b. ´ ç- ÷ = -1 ----- 1M
k -1 è 3 ø
k =13 ----- 1A

7a. ADC  90

ECD  90  50  40 ----- 1A

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Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

7b. ÐCBD = 25°

BDC  180  90  50  25 ----- 1M
BDC  15 ----- 1A

8. ÐCTB = 90° -----1A

ÐAOT =180°- 90°- 26°
= 64°
ÐDCT = ÐAOT -----1M
= 32°
= 90° - 32°
= 58° -----1A

9a. 32  4(3)(k  5)  0 ----- 1M

3  4k  20  0
k ----- 1A

9b. Let  and  be the roots of the equation, then

k 5
    1 and   . ----- 1A
(   )2  152
(   )2  4  225 ----- 1M
4k  20
1  225
k  163 ----- 1A

10a. when t = 0, N = 120

120  k 3(0)  100 -----1M
k = 20 -----1A

10b. 1200  20  3t  100 -----1M

55  3t
log 55
t -----1M
log 3
t  3.65 -----1A

It will take 3.65 minutes.

 f (2)  18
11a.  ----- 1M for either one
 f (1)  0

(2  2) (2  a)  b  18 ...... (1)

(1  2) (1  a )  b  0 ............. (2)


Solving (1) an (2), we have

a  3 and b  18 ----- 1A + 1A

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Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

11b. f ( x)  ( x  2)2 ( x  3)  18
 x3  x 2  8 x  6
 ( x  1)( x 2  2 x  6) (by long division) ----- 1A
Consider x  2 x  6  0 .

Discriminant  22  4(1)(6)  28  0
Therefore the quadratic equation has 2 distinct real roots.
Hence, I agree with David that all the roots of the equation f ( x)  0 are real. ----- 1A f.t.

12a.  cos  ( sin  ) tan  ----- 1M

 cos   sin 
2 2
cos 
= ----- 1A
cos 

12b.  3  2 cos 
cos 
2 cos 2   3 cos  1  0
cos   or  1 ----- 1M
 120 , 180 , 240 ----- 1A for 1 correct + 1A for all correct

13a. Let ADB  10 , then BAC  10 and CAD  7 ----- 1M

45  27  180

  5 ----- 1A
∴ ADB  10(5)  50 ----- 1A

 AB 50
13b. 

7(5)  45
----- 1M

 5


----- 1A

14ai. 
OA  AP 4  2 x
 -----1M
OA 2 x
OA = AP = 3x cm -----1A

14aii. Let AOB = θ.

AB = (2)(3x) cm
 2 x
= ………. (1)
360 6x

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Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

Area of region APQB = area of sector OPQ – area of sector OAB

 
Z  (6 x) 2   (3x) 2  -----1M
360 360
  
 (6 x) 2  (3x) 2   
 360 
 2 x
=(27 x 2 )   [by (1)]
 6x 
 x(2  x) -----1A

14b. The domain is all real numbers greater than 0 and less than 2. -----1A

14c. Z x(2  x)
  ( x 2  2 x  1  1) -----1M
9 9
=  ( x  1) 2  -----1A
2 2
∴ The maximum value of Z is and the corresponding value of x is 1. -----1A

15a. 2x - 3y + 30 = 0
x y
+ =1
-15 10
\ The x-intercept and y-intercept are -15 and 10 respectively. ----- 1A + 1A

When x = 0, y = 10 -----1A
y = 0, x = – 15 -----1A

15bi. The coordinates of P and Q are (-m, 2m) and (-m - n, n) respectively. ----- 1A

15bii. Sub (-m, 2m) into L

2(-m) - 3(2m) + 30 = 0 ----- 1M
æ 15 15 ö
\ The coordinates of P are ç - , ÷ . ----- 1A
è 4 2ø
Sub (-m - n, n) into L
æ 15 ö
2 ç - - n ÷ - 3n + 30 = 0
è 4 ø
æ 33 9 ö
\ The coordinates of Q are ç - , ÷ . ----- 1A
è 4 2ø

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Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

15c. The area of the shaded region

15´10 æ 15 ö æ 9 ö
2 2

= - 2ç ÷ - ç ÷ ----- 1M
2 è 4 ø è2ø
= or 26.625 ----- 1A

16a. ÐCBA = ÐADF (ext. Ð , cyclic quad.)

G is the in-centre of DCBF .
ÐBNF =180°-ÐCBA -ÐNFB ( Ð sum of D )
=180°-ÐADF -ÐNFC
= ÐFQD ( Ð sum of D )
= ÐEQN (vert. opp. Ð s)
\EN = EQ (sides opp. eq. Ð s)

Marking Scheme:
Case 1 Any correct proof with correct reasons. 3
Case 2 Any correct proof without reasons. 2
Case 3 Incomplete proof with any one correct step and one correct reason. 1

16bi. EN = EQ (proved)
Similarly, FM = FP
ÐFPM = ÐFMP (base Ð s, isos. D )
Let ÐCED = ÐCFB = x
ÐENQ +ÐEQN +ÐNEQ =180° ( Ð sum of D )
180° - x
ÐFPM +ÐFMP +ÐMFP =180° ( Ð sum of D )
180° - x
\B, P,G and N are concyclic. (ext. Ð = int. opp. Ð )

Marking Scheme:
Case 1 Any correct proof with correct reasons. 3
Case 2 Any correct proof without reasons. 2
Case 3 Incomplete proof with any one correct step and one correct reason. 1

16bii. EN = EQ (proved)
G is the in-centre of DCED .
EG = EG (common side)
\DNEG @ DQEG (SAS) -----1M
\ÐNGE = ÐQGE (corr. Ð s, @ Ds )

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Second Term Examination (2017-2018) Exam Seat No. : _______________

ÐNGE +ÐQGE =180° (adj. Ð s on st.line)

\ÐNGE = ÐQGE = = 90°
∵ B, P,G and N are concyclic (proved)
\ÐNBA = ÐQGE = 90° (ext. Ð , cyclic quad.) -----1A
\AC is a diameter of the circle ABCD. (converse of Ð in semicircle) -----1A (f.t.)

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