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Chapter I


A gadget is a small tool such as a machine that has a particular function, but is

often thought of as a novelty. Gadgets are sometimes referred to as gizmos.

Gizmos in particular are a bit different than gadgets. Gadgets in particular are

small tools powered by electronic principles (a circuit board).They are usually

portable; you can carry them anywhere you go.

Gadgets have become a part of our day to day lives. From morning alarms

to plugging on to music at night, gadgets have permeated our lives

completely. According to Personal gadgets and their effect on social circle –

Rishika Jalan. Mobile phones, tabs, laptops, iPods, cameras, are a few things one

cannot imagine life without. Although we might not realize and accept it but the

possession of all these gadgets have had a major impact on our lives. It has

become a part of all of us and we cannot imagine a day without any of this.

Technology has advanced a lot in order to make life simpler but on the other hand

it is also causing a lot of negative impact on our personal and social lives. The

quality of our relationships with people around us is greatly influenced by the

presence of these technological gadgets. We all are human beings and social

interactions are a part of our existence. But technology has unintentionally ruined

inter personal space. It has been found that the perils of personal gadgets extends

to influencing decreasing participation in family, less face to face communication

and declining the size of the social circles. Personal mobile phones have played a

major role in the decline of face to face communication. When such a gadget is

completely active in the household, everyone finds it convenient to just send a

text from the living room to someone in the bedroom. Family members don’t find

the time off from their phones and their laptops for face to face encounters.

Everybody is busy with their own things, be it their tabs or their smart phones.

The entire family is entangled in their own high tech world. And this causes

insufficiency in the social unifications of the family.

Theoretical Framework

Structuration Theory – defines structures as rules and resources organized as

properties of social systems. The theory employs a recursive notion of actions

constrained and enabled by structures which are produced and reproduced by

that action. Consequently, in this theory technology is not rendered as an artifact,

but instead examines how people, as they interact with a technology in their

ongoing practices, enact structures which shape their emergent and situated use

of that technology. Key authors include De Santis and Poole (1990), and

Orlikowski (1992)

Social Presence Theory (Short, et al., 1976) is a seminal theory of the social

effects of communication technology. Its main concern is with telephony and

telephone conferencing (the research was sponsored by the British Post Office,

now British Telecom). It argues that the social impact of a communication

medium depend on the social presence it allows communicators to have. Social

presence is defined as a property of the medium itself: the degree of acoustic,

visual, and physical contact that it allows. The theory assumes that more contact

will increase the key components of "presence": greater intimacy, immediacy,

warmth and inter-personal rapport. As a consequence of social presence, social

influence is expected to increase. In the case of communication technology, the

assumption is that more text-based forms of interaction (e-mail, instant

messaging) are less social, and therefore less conducive to social influence.

Conceptual Framework

Negative effects
Using Gadgets A. Social Relationship
B. Health

Figure 1.1 Diagram showing the relationship of the independent and dependent

variable on the negative effects of gadgets to social relationship and health of

grade 11 ABM students

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the negative effects of gadgets to social

relationship and health of grade 11 ABM students in Iligan City National High

School. Specifically, this sought to answer the following research questions.

1. What are the negative effects of gadgets to social relationship of grade 11 ABM


2. What are the negative effects of gadgets to health of grade 11 ABM students?

3. What are the possible solutions of the negative effects of gadgets to social to

social relationship and health?

Significance of the Study

The purpose of the study is to discuss the negative effects of gadgets to the social

relationship and health. This research work will be useful to many persons as it

provides information about the negative effects of gadgets to the social

relationships and health of students. Specifically, this study will be most beneficial

to the following persons.

Family. This study will help to guide their children of over use of gadgets.

This will serve as a guide to parents on how to control their children in over use

of gadgets.

Friends. With this study, help friends to know the negative effects of

gadgets and have a control of it.

Gadgets User. This will give awareness to help them avoid the negative

effects of gadgets to their health and social relationships.

Future Researchers. This study serve as the source of information for

further similar studies in line with family, students, and peer group of negative

effects of gadgets

Scope and Limitations

This study focused on the negative effects of gadgets to social relationships and

health of grade 11 students enrolled to Accountancy, Business, and Management

(ABM) of the Academic Track of Iligan City National High School – Senior High

School Department during the School Year 2016 - 2017. Using the Slovin’s

Formula, the participants were identified and composed of 93 students, which

comprised 77% of the students enrolled to ABM strand, and 9.8% of the total

population of the Senior High School Department. Desired date were obtained by

the researchers through a survey using a researcher-made questionnaire.

Definitions of Terms

Gadget. A gadget is a small tool such as a machine that has particular function,

but is often thought of as a novelty. Gadgets are sometimes referred to as gizmos.

Gizmos in particular are bit different than gadgets.

Social Relationship. Usually a relationship between an individual and an entity,

but in some cases it can be between two individuals. It composed of a relationship

with a family and friends.

Chapter II

Related Literature
This research is supported with various literature and studies of language experts

relevant to the study. Discussions are presented based on the principles,

observations and view point of the researcher with negative effects of gadgets to

social relationships and health.

On the Definition of gadgets

Jalan (2014) has said that mobile phones, tabs, laptops, iPods, cameras are few

things are cannot imagine life without. Although we might not realize and

accept it but the possession of all these gadgets have a major impact on lives.

On the Negative effects of Gadgets to social relationship

Jalan (2014) has asserted that attention deficit is a major result of technology in

today’s world. Children are not seen engaging in long conversations directly. They

start becoming impatient soon and their eyes start wondering. They look at

people in the eye and neither do they notice verbal cues. This problem persists

not only among children but also in adults.

Quarty (2012) has explained that every member of the family has a gadget.

Gadgets are slowly replacing face-to-face conversations with the need to connect.

Some families has even stopped having dinner together because someone has to

reply to an urgent email and children are busy scrolling and playing games with

their gadgets.

On the Negative effects of Gadgets to health
Neck problems to hearing loss

O’Connor (2016) has stated that smart phones are responsible for the rise in the

number of young people with back and neck problems, as the amount of time

spent leaning over small phone screens can put spinal under pressure. Bending

your head over your tablet, laptop and smart phones strains the muscles in the


Sleep deprivation

O’Connor (2016) has maintained that sleeping with your phone near you causes

hype vigilance. The bright screen of your computer in fine during daylight hours

but becomes unhealthy when bedtime is approaching because it interferes with

the body’s natural rhythm, suppressing the production of the sleepy hormone

melatonin and fooling your body into thinking you need to stay up.

Risk during pregnancy

Baptiste (2014) has asserted that one of the negative effects of gadgets on your

health is during pregnancy. The radiation from the gadgets slows down the rate

of brain development of the fetus and may lead to hyper activity.

Skin cancer

Team JFH (2012) has explained that holding laptops near your skin or lap is not

good. The heat can cause matted effect on exposed skin and in rare cases can

lead to skin cancer. Effect of laptop is seen on reproductive activity in men. It

affects sperm generation. A study published in 2004 in state university of New

York suggests keeping laptops on lap or near abdomen can affect sperm


Tune tinnitus

O’Connor (2016) wrote that most hearing loss or tinnitus caused by noise

exposure is permanent. Listening to any sound at a high volume, more than 89

decibels for more than five hours a week can damage hearing permanently

overtime. Research has found that 39 percent of 18 to 24 year olds listen to their

favorite tunes at a dangerous loud volume.

Related studies


One study by Muduli (2004) addiction to technological gadgets and its impact on

health and lifestyle on college students in Rourkela, India has stated that

addiction of technological gadgets affects the mental health and lifestyle. The

digital activities make the youth strong in technical skills but make them weak in

real life practical skills. It takes the young mass away from the reality helping

them to live in their imaginary world. Due to the time spent on the devices the

youth are refrained from some outdoor activities with their friends and family.

The overuse of gadgets can lead to bipolar disorder, attention deficit disorder.

Excessive internet use not only generates disorders but it can sometimes be

distressing and disabling (Shapira etal ... 2003). Gadget can also affect hearing

system of human body. This study was conducted in Rourkela, India.


A research study by Abellanosa, Balt, Mamua&Serino (2015) reveals that

technology negatively affects the family relationship by diverting time and

attention from its users. The users become more absorbed to the tech they’re

using. The respondents would rather spend time alone or friends than to be with

the family. The respondents would go out alone with their friends or with their

phones rather than with their family. The respondents would prefer staying at

home playing video games rather than go out with their family. With thorough

analysis from the data gathered that the technology has a negative effect to

family relationships. The quality of connection between the family members will


Chapter III

In this chapter, the researchers will present the methodology of the study number

of respondents, and the sampling design. This also explains the data gathering

procedure and the statistical treatment used in analyzing and interpreting the

gathered data to answer the statement of the problem.

Research Design

In this study, the researcher conducted a survey to the grade 11 Accountancy,

Business, and Management students of Iligan City National High School – Senior

high School Department. The researchers used the cross sectional descriptive in

the research method. Cross-sectional Descriptive method included survey, case

study and observations with the use of cross sectional descriptive method, the

researcher will visit and interact with the grade 11 ABM students of Iligan City

National High School to distribute the questionnaire and observe the

environment. Using this method it will be easier for the researcher to gather data.

Research Method

The researchers used the cross-sectional descriptive method. It includes detailed

descriptions or specific situation using interviews, observations document review.

Cross-sectional research studies are based on observation that takes place in

different groups at one time. This means there is no experimental procedure, so

no variables are manipulated by the researcher. It cross-sectional research study

can be used to describe the characteristics that exist in a group.

A descriptive cross-sectional study is a study in which the disease or

condition and potentially related factors are measured at a specific point for a

defined population.

Method of Gathering

Prior to the administration of the study, a written permissions will was secured

from the office of the principal of Iligan City National High School – Senior High

School Department describing the nature and purpose of the study. All

communications will be signed and approved by the concerned individuals.

After the request of the researchers was granted, the study was conducted.

The researchers used a survey questionnaire to gather data. The survey

questionnaire was made up of questions pertaining the statement of the problem.

Thus, this survey is accurate and reliable because the respondents will have the

same questionnaire to be answered. It will be easier to analyze the gathered data.

Development of Research Instrument

The instrument used in the study was a questionnaire developed by the

researcher which is composed two parts. The first part of the questionnaire is on

how gadgets affect social relationship in which the respondents could agree or

disagree on each given statement. The second part is on the effects of gadgets

to health which used the 5 – point – Likert scale ranging from 1-Never, 2-Rarely,

3-Seldom, 4-Often, and 5 –Always.

Sampling Design

In this research, the researchers used Sloven’s formula in getting the number of

respondents. The Sloven’s formula is𝑛 = wherein n is the sample population,
1+𝑁𝑒 2

N is the total population and e is the margin of error (0.05)

Name of Section Number of Students Number of

(N) respondents (n)

1. Mt. Agad-Agad 39 30

2. Mt. Kitanglad 40 31

3. Mt Dulang-Dulang 42 32

Total 121 93

1 + 𝑁𝑒 2

1 + 121(0.05)2

1 + 121(0.0025)


𝑛 = 93

%= 𝑥100

%= 𝑥100

% = 76.86 %

Mt. Agad-Agad

n1= N×0.7686











Research Environment

The study was conducted in Iligan City National High School – Senior High School

Department. The school is located in Gen. Wood Street, Corner Roxas Avenue Barangay

MahayahayIligan City, Lanao Del Norte which situated in the city.

Statistical Treatment

After the data gathering, the researchers tabulated, analyzed and interpreted the data

using the following statistical method and techniques.

1. Frequency and percentage. This was used to summarize the data gathered from

the survey questionnaire the respondents will answer.

2. Weighted Mean. Weighted mean will be used to determine the average scaling

score of the respondents answer

Chapter IV

This chapter is dedicated to present analysis and interpretation of data that the

researchers gathered for the results. Results will be followed by a discussion of search

findings. The findings relate to the research questions that guided the study. Data were

analyzed to identify, describe and explore the negative effects of gadgets to social

relationship and health.

Table 1.0 Number of respondents who owns electronic gadgets at home

Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

Yes 93 100

No 0 0

Graph 1.0 Number of respondents who owns electronic gadgets at home




Graph 1.0 above shows that all respondents (100%) owns electronic gadgets at home.

This implies that all respondents owns electronic gadgets because everyone needs these

and it became a basic commodity of each household, now that we live in the modern


Table 2.0 Number of respondents who use gadgets

Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

Rarely 6 6

Seldom 22 23

Most of the time 66 71%

Graph 2.0 Number of respondents who use gadgets



Most of the time

Graph 2.0 shows that 71% of the respondents spend most of the time using their

gadgets, the other 23% of the respondents seldom use their daily routine. Out of total

respondents only 6% use their gadgets rarely. This implies that their gadgets is always

in their hands and they cannot go out in the house without it.

Table 3.0 Number of respondents who spend time in gadgets in hours

Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

1-3 hours 28 30

4-6 hours 31 33

More than 7 hours 34 37

Graph 3.0 Number of respondents who spend time in gadgets in hours



1-3 hours
4-6 hours
17% Mote than 7 hours

Graph 3.0 show that 37% of the respondents spend longer time in using gadgets for

more than 7 hours, the other 33% of the respondents spend 4-6 hours in using gadgets.

The last remaining 30% of the respondents only spend lesser time for 1-3 hours in using

gadgets. Based on the data above that most of the respondents spend more time on

gadgets because according to Dr. Arthur Cassidy, a social media psychologist “we are

now saturated with digital technology and people are becoming psychologically

dependent on their smart phones and gadgets.

Table 4.0 Number of respondents who use gadgets with the following choices

Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

Alone 56 60

Friends 18 19

Family 19 20

Graph 4.0 Number of respondents who use gadgets with the following choice



64% 9% Friends

Graph 4.0 shows that out of 100% of the total respondents only 60% said that they use

their gadgets by themselves, the other 20% said that they use their gadgets with their

family. The remaining 19% said that they use their gadgets with their friends. Based

from the data this implies that because of using these gadgets it can disconnects us

from the real world, from the data shows that people prefer using these gadgets alone

and they want to be connected people virtually but it truly disconnects them from the

real people that surrounds them and the real world.

Table 5.0 Number of respondents who would rather stay at home surfing the

net/playing with gadgets than going out with parents

Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

Yes 54 58

No 39 42

Graph 5.0 Number of respondents who would rather stay at home surfing the

net/playing with gadgets than going out with parents



58% Yes

Graph 5.0 shows that out of 100% of the respondents 58% admitted that they would

rather stay at home surfing internet/playing with gadgets than going out with parents

while 39% would like to do the opposite thing. This implies that people now a days in a

generation of advancement of technology. Gadgets is one of the reason that the quality

of connection between the family members has lessen.

Table 6.0 Number of respondents who use their gadgets during eating breakfast, lunch,

dinner with their family

Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

Yes 54 58

No 39 42

Graph 6.0 Number of respondents who use their gadgets during eating breakfast,

lunch, dinner with their family



58% Yes

Graph 6.0 shows that out of 100% of the total respondents only 54% use gadgets

during eating breakfast, lunch, dinner with their family and lastly 39% that does not

use gadgets during meals with the family. This implies that the majority of the

respondents that use their gadgets during meals with their family has less

communication and not completely connected with each other.

Table 7.0 Number of respondents have misunderstanding with their parents because

of their gadgets

Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

Yes 57 61

No 36 39

Graph 7.0 Number of respondents have misunderstanding with their parents because

of their gadgets




Graph 7.0 shows that 57% of the respondents have misunderstanding with their parents

because of their gadgets while the remaining 36% said that they don’t have

misunderstanding with their parents because of gadgets. From the data shows this

implies that they spend more time on gadgets and they lost their concentration and in

other hand they did not do the task that their parents assigned for them, they engage

more their time in using their gadgets.

Table 8.0 Number of respondents have lessen their communication with their


Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

Yes 52 56

No 41 44

Graph 8.0 Number of respondents have lessen their communication with their




56% Yes

Graph 8.0 shows that 56% of the respondents said yes that gadgets have lessen their

communication with their parents/siblings. The other 46% of the respondents said no

that the gadgets have lessen their communication to their parents/siblings. This implies

that the quality of our relationship with people around us is greatly influenced by the

presence of these gadgets. Gadgets extends to influencing decreasing participation in


Table 9.0 Number of respondents get scolded because of their gadgets extends

Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

Yes 71 76

No 22 24

Graph 9.0 Number of respondents get scolded because of their gadgets




Graph 9.0 shows that 71% of the respondents said yes that they get scolded because

of their gadgets and the remaining 24% of the respondents said no. This implies that

majority of the respondents get scolded by their parents because gadgets is always in

their hands they cannot go out in the house without it. Everybody is busy with their

own things, be it their tabs or their smart phones. The entire family is entangled in their

own high tech world. And it causes insufficiency in the social unifications of the family.

Table 10.0 Number of respondents who prefer to stay at home with their gadgets than

hanging with their friends

Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

Yes 50 54

No 43 46

Graph 10.0 Number of respondents who prefer to stay at home with their gadgets

than hanging with their friends



54% Yes

Graph 10.0 show that 54% of the respondents prefer to stay at home with their gadgets

than handing with their friends. The other 46% of the respondents prefer to hang on

with their friends than staying at home with gadgets. This indicates that based on the

data above that people are more spending their time with gadgets than hanging on with

their friends and engaging their self to outdoor activities.

Table 11.0 Number of respondents who lessen their communication with their friends

Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

Yes 28 30

No 65 70

Graph 11.0 Number of respondents who lessen their communication with their




70% No

Graph 11.0 shows that out of 100% respondents 70% said no that gadgets lessen their

communication to their friends while the other 30% of the respondents said yes that it

lessen their communication. Majority of the respondents said no, this indicates that they

more communicate in social media than face-face interaction. Especially it is seen

nowadays in our generation.

Table 12.0 Number of respondents who keep on using their gadgets while in the

house of their cousin

Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

Yes 66 71

No 27 29

Graph 12.0 Number of respondents who keep on using their gadgets while in the

house of their cousin



71% No

Graph 12.0 shows that 71% of the respondents said yes that both of them their cousin

keep on using gadgets. The remaining 29% said no. This indicates that gadgets

decreasing face to face communication and declining the size of the social circle.

Table 13.0 Number of respondents who experience back pain due to excessively use

of gadgets

Weighted Mean(x)
Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

5 (always) 13 14 65

4 (Most of the 23 25 92
3 (seldom) 33 35 99

2 (Rarely) 14 15 28

1 (Never) 10 11 10

Total weighted 3.16

mean Seldom

Graph 13.0 Number of respondents who experience back pain due to excessively use

of gadget



Most of the time
20% Seldom

15% Rarely



Graph 13.0 results shows that out of 100% total respondents 35% seldom experience

back pain due to excessively use of gadgets and 25% most of the time experience back

pain while 15% rarely experience back pain. Other is 14% always experience it and the

remaining 11% never experience back pain. The computed weighted mean is 3.16, this

implies that they are seldom engaged on the gadget in a sitting up posture.

Table 14.0 Number of respondents said that mobile phones can cause a lack of sleep

because of surfing the net

Weighted Mean(x)
Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

5 (always) 39 42 2.10

4 (Most of the 30 32 1.29

3 (Seldom) 15 16 0.48

2 (Rarely) 5 6 0.11

1 (Never) 4 4 0.04

Total weighted 4.02

mean Most of the time

Graph 14.0 Number of respondents said that mobile phones can cause a lack of sleep

because of surfing the net



Most of the time



Graph 14.0 shows that 42% of the total respondents said that mobile phones can always

cause a lack of sleep because of surfing the net, 32% of them said that most of the

time, 16% said that seldom it can cause a lack of sleep and the remaining 4% of the

respondents said never. The computed weighted mean is 4.02 - most of the time. This

indicates that sleeping with their mobile phones causes hyper vigilance feeling alert,

tense and on guard.

Table 15.0 Number of respondents who said that listening to any sound at high volume

using their headphones can affect their hearing ability

Weighted Mean(x)
Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

5 (always) 22 24 1.18

4 (Most of the 17 18 0.73

3 (Seldom) 25 27 0.81

2 (Rarely) 21 22 0,45

1 (Never) 8 9 0.09

Total weighted 3.26

mean Seldom

Graph 15.0 Number of respondents who said that listening to any sound at high volume

using their headphones can affect their hearing ability



Most of the time
15% Seldom



Graph 15.0 above shows that 27% of the respondents said that listening to any sound

at high volume using their headphones seldom affect their hearing ability, 22% said

always, 24% said rarely, 18% said most of the time and the remaining 9% said never.

The computed mean is total of 3.26, this implies that more than 89 decibels or Db(A)

for more than five hours a week can damage hearing permanently over time.

Table 16.0 Number of respondents experience dry eyes/itch in their eyes due to too

much exposure on screen

Weighted Mean(x)
Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

5 (always) 22 24 1.18

4 (Most of the 17 18 0.73

3 (Seldom) 25 27 0.81

2 (Rarely) 21 22 0,45

1 (Never) 8 9 0.09

Total weighted 3.26

mean Seldom

Graph 16.0 Number of respondents experience dry eyes/itch in their eyes due to too

much exposure on screen



Most of the time
15% Seldom



Graph 16.0 shows that 28% of the respondents said that most of the time experience

dry eyes/itch in their eyes due to too much exposure on screen, 26% of respondents

said rarely, 22% said seldom, 15% said always and lastly the remaining 9% said they

never experience. The computed weighted mean is 3.15, this indicates that respondents

spend nearly 50 hours a week looking at computer screens. According to research

conducted by the college of Optemetrist. But prolonged use can result in what has been

dubbed “computer vision syndrome” it’s crucial to blink regularly when focusing on

screen your reflexes will slow down, you blink less and tear production is reduced

causing dry eyes.

Table 17.0 Number of respondents experience headache because of overuse of


Weighted Mean(x)
Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

5 (always) 22 24 1.18

4 (Most of the 17 18 0.73

3 (Seldom) 25 27 0.81

2 (Rarely) 21 22 0.45

1 (Never) 8 9 0.09

Total weighted 3.26

mean Seldom

Graph 17.0 Number of respondents experience headache because of overuse of




Most of the time
15% Seldom



Graph 17.0 shows that 28% of the respondents seldom experience headache because

of overuse of gadgets, 26% always experience it, 25% experience most of the time,

14% rarely experience it and lastly the 7% never experience. Based on the data the

computed mean is total of 3.47. This implies that they are over exposed to these


Table 18.0 Number of respondents who agree and disagree to set time limit of using

their gadgets

Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

Agree 69 100

Disagree 0 0

Graph 18.0 Number of respondents who agree and disagree to set time limit of using

their gadgets




Graph 18.0 shows that all respondents 100% agree to set time limit of using their

gadgets and 0% of the respondents disagree. This indicate that they will set a time

limit of their gadgets. With this solution it can help a lot to avoid the negative effects of


Table 19.0 Number of respondents who agree and disagree to priorities their

parents and health

Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

Agree 69 100

Disagree 0 0

Graph 19.0 Number of respondents who agree and disagree to priorities their parents

and health




Graph 19.0 show that 100% of the respondents agree to priorities their parents and

health. This indicates that it will help to tighten the bonds of the family, avoid decline

face to face communication. And to avoid major negative effects of gadgets.

Table 20.0 Number of respondent who agree and disagree to take time to have a get

together with their family

Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

Agree 69 100

Disagree 0 0

Graph 20.0 Number of respondent who agree and disagree to take time to have a

get together with their family




Graph 20.0 shows that 100% of the respondents agree to take time to have a get

together with their family and 0% disagree. This implies that in this way it would help

the family to be open with each other and to stay connected, to start giving attention

to their personal lives by communicating face to face to create intimate conversation

within the family.

Table 21.0 Number of the respondents who agree and disagree to minimize of

excessive use of gadgets

Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

Agree 69 100

Disagree 0 0

Graph 21.0 Number of the respondents who agree and disagree to minimize of

excessive use of gadgets




Graph 21.0 above shows that 100% of the respondents agree to minimize of excessive

use of gadgets while 0% disagree. This implies that minimizing the use of gadgets

greatly help to avoid chaos in the family and effects to health.

Table 22.0 Number of respondents who agree and disagree to engage in outdoor


Choices 𝑓 Percentage (%)

Agree 69 100

Disagree 0 0

Graph 22.0 Number of respondents who agree and disagree to engage in outdoor





Graph 22.0 show that 100% of the respondents agree to engage in outdoor activities

and 0% who disagree. This indicates that they will engage in outdoor activities like

volleyball, basketball, etc it would help their social interactions, social relationships and

interpersonal communication as well.

Chapter V


This presents the summary, the major findings, conclusions and recommendations of

the study on “Negative effects of Gadgets to Social Relationship and Health”. From the

findings, conclusions were drawn and recommendation were presented.

In millennium generation gadgets is part of people daily living now a days.

Gadgets is use in many ways like contacting relatives, researching for the study and

use for entertainment. However with the advancement of these gadgets, there has been

a growing concern regarding the effects of these gadgets.

The researchers made a study that aimed to determine the negative effects of

gadgets to social relationship and health of grade 11 ABM students. They also sought

to answer the following research questions: (1) what are the negative effects of gadgets

to social relationship of grade 11 ABM students (2) what are the negative effects of

gadgets to health of grade 11 ABM students (3) what are the possible solutions of the

negative effects of gadgets to social relationship and health.

The study used the cross sectional descriptive research method and conducted a

survey using a researcher – made questionnaire to grade 11 Accountancy, Business,

and Management students of Iligan City National High School – Senior High Schooll

Department during School Year 2016 – 2017 on the 7th of March 2017.

The researchers used frequency, percentage and weighted mean to determine

the data gathered from the survey questionnaires the respondents will also be used to

summarize the gathered data.


1. What are the negative effects of gadgets to social relationship of grade 11 ABM


Basing on tables: 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 9.0, 10.0 11.0 and 12.0. The researchers

found out that gadgets have different negative effects to social relationship of grade 11

ABM students by diverting time and attention from its users. The users become more

absorbed to the gadgets they’re using. As shown in Table 4.0 majority of the

respondents would rather spend time alone than to be with the family. In Table 5.0 (or

Graph 5.0) the answer that have the most answers is respondents would rather stay at

home surfing the net/playing with gadgets than going out with parents. The information

above, the respondents show that their attention is not mainly focused on the activity

by the family rather it is diverted to the gadgets where they are absorbed in. the quality

of connection between the family members lessens. The proof of this is the respondents

longing for detachment from their family which is indicated in tables: 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0

Based on Table 9.0

Respondents get scolded because of their gadgets. Because they give a lot of their time

with their gadgets.

Based on Table 10.0

Respondents would prefer to stay at home with their gadgets than hanging out with


Based on Table 12.0

Majority of respondents answered yes that they keep on using gadgets while in the

house of their cousin.

2. What are the negative effects of gadgets to health of grade 11 ABM students?

In Table 13.0 (or Graph 13.0),Table 14 (or Graph 14.0), Table 15.0 (or Graph

15.0), Table 16.0 (or Graph 16.0), and Table 17.0 ( Graph 17.0) has a lot of negative

effects to health of the grade 11 ABM students. One of the negative effects of gadgets

to health is excessive use of gadgets can cause back pain, because it due to improper

sitting positions use of gadgets, mobile phones can cause a lack of sleep because of

surfing the net, that sleeping with your phone near you causes hyper-vigilance, listening

to any sound at high volume more than 89 decibels for more than five hours a week

can damage hearing permanently over time , too much exposure on screen can cause

dry eyes/ itch in the eyes because due to thermal radiation or heat generation while

using gadgets like laptop can cause bad effect on eyes. And gadgets can cause


3. What are the possible solutions of the negative effects of gadgets to social

relationship and health?

The possible solutions to avoid the negative effects of gadgets to social

relationship and health are the following: Table 18.0 (or Graph 18.0) shows that all

respondents agree to set a time limit of using gadgets, Table 19.0 (or Graph 19.0)

100% of respondents agree to priorities their parents and health, Table 20.0 (or Graph

20.0) respondents agree to take time to have a get together with their family. Table

21.0 (or Graph 21.0) all respondents agree to minimize excessive use of gadgets, Table

22.0 (or Graph 22.0) showing 100% of respondents agree to engage in outdoor

activities. With the solutions that mentioned above it would help to the users of gadgets

to be aware and avoid the negative effects of gadgets to social relationship and health.


From the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

Gadgets have negative effects to social relationship and health of grade 11 ABM

students in Iligan City National High School. Gadgets are replacing face-to face

conversations within the family and friends. Some parents have misunderstanding with

their children due to overuse of gadgets. And the quality of connection between the

family members and friends has lessen. Grade 11 ABM students likely experience the

negative effects of gadgets to health in various aspects like gadgets cause back pain

due to excessive use, can cause a lack of sleep, can cause headache, and even

headphones can affect to hearing ability.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations

were drawn:

1. Parents may set rules within their children or in the family to limit instances of using

gadgets. It is worthwhile that each member of the family strengthens family bonds to

promote face to face communication and improve quality connection between members

of the family.

2. Gadgets have been part of individuals daily living. Although gadgets have positive

impacts, humans are not able to realize when to limit its usage. It is important to

encourage the youth and to give them awareness on the negative effects of gadgets to

their health. Life is more important than to any gadget in the world

3. It is important to spend more time with family and limit instances of using gadgets.

It is meaningful to strengthen relationships through recreational activities and by

diverting attention from technology. Setting one’s mind to outdoor and fun activities

could lessen negative effects of gadgets and promote a healthy life.


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Social relationship. (n.d.) WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. (2003-2008). Retrieved

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Sample Unanswered Questionnaire

Negative effects of Gadgets to Social Relationship and Health of Grade 11 Accountancy and Business

Management students of Iligan


Name: . Section:_________ Age:

B. Negative effects of gadgets to health

Please answer the questionnaire honestly and truthfully.

Direction: Check the box for your answer. Statement 5 4 3 2 1
always often seldom rarely never

• Do you own electronic gadgets at home? (i,e. smart 1. Do you experience

phones, cellular phones, tabs, etc.) back pain due to
Yes No excessively use of
• How often do you use these gadgets?
Rarely Seldom Most of the time 2. Does mobile
• How long do you spend time with your gadgets? phones can cause
1-3 hours 4-6 hours more than 7 hours you a lack of sleep
• With whom do you use your gadgets with? because you’re
Alone Friends Family surfing the net?
• Would you rather stay at home, surfing the 3. Do listening to any
internet/playing with your gadgets, than going out with sound at high volume
your parents? using you
Yes No headphones can
II.A. Negative effects of gadgets to social relationship. affect your hearing
-Statement Yes No ability?
4. Have you
experience dry
• Do you use your gadgets
eyes/itch in your
during eating breakfast,
eyes due to too much
lunch, dinner with your
family? exposure on screen?

• Do you have 5. Have you

misunderstanding with experience headache
your parents because of because of overuse of
your gadgets? gadgets?
• Does using gadgets
lessen your
communication to your
III. Solution
• Did your parents scold Solution Agree Disagree
you because of your
gadgets? • Set a time limit of using your
• Would you prefer to be gadgets.
with your gadgets than • Priorities your parents and
hanging with your health.
• Take time to have a get
• Does using gadgets together with your family.
lessen your
• Minimize of excessive use of
communication to your
• When you are in the
• Engage in outdoor activities.
house of your cousins you
and your cousins also
keep using gadgets?


Sample answered Questionnaire

Negative effects of Gadgets to Social Relationship and Health of Grade 11 Accountancy and Business

Management students of Iligan


Name: . Section:_________ Age:

B. Negative effects of gadgets to health

Please answer the questionnaire honestly and truthfully.

Direction: Check the box for your answer. Statement 5 4 3 2 1
always often seldom rarely never

• Do you own electronic gadgets at home? (i,e. smart 1. Do you

phones, cellular phones, tabs, etc.) experience back
Yes No pain due to
excessively use of
• How often do you use these gadgets?
Rarely Seldom Most of the time
2. Does mobile
• How long do you spend time with your gadgets?
phones can cause
1-3 hours 4-6 hours more than 7 hours
you a lack of sleep
• With whom do you use your gadgets with? because you’re
Alone Friends Family surfing the net?
• Would you rather stay at home, surfing the 3. Do listening to
internet/playing with your gadgets, than going out with any sound at high
your parents? volume using you
Yes No headphones can
II.A. Negative effects of gadgets to social relationship.
affect your hearing
-Statement Yes No ability?
4. Have you
experience dry
eyes/itch in your
• Do you use your gadgets eyes due to too
during eating breakfast, much exposure on
lunch, dinner with your screen?
family? 5. Have you
• Do you have experience
misunderstanding with headache because
your parents because of of overuse of
your gadgets? gadgets?
• Does using gadgets
III. Solution
lessen your
communication to your
Solution Agree Disagree
• Did your parents scold • Set a time limit of using your
you because of your gadgets.
• Priorities your parents and
• Would you prefer to be health.
with your gadgets than • Take time to have a get
hanging with your
together with your family.
• Minimize of excessive use of
• Does using gadgets
lessen your
communication to your
• Engage in outdoor activities.
• When you are in the
house of your cousins you
and your cousins also
keep using gadgets?

Negative effects of Gadgets to Social Relationship and Health of Grade 11 Accountancy and Business

Management students of Iligan


Name: . Section:_________ Age:

B. Negative effects of gadgets to health

Please answer the questionnaire honestly and truthfully.

Direction: Check the box for your answer. Statement 5 4 3 2 1
always often seldom rarely never

• Do you own electronic gadgets at home? (i,e. smart 1. Do you

phones, cellular phones, tabs, etc.) experience back
Yes No pain due to
excessively use of
• How often do you use these gadgets?
Rarely Seldom Most of the time
2. Does mobile
• How long do you spend time with your gadgets?
phones can cause
1-3 hours 4-6 hours more than 7 hours
you a lack of sleep
• With whom do you use your gadgets with? because you’re
Alone Friends Family surfing the net?
• Would you rather stay at home, surfing the 3. Do listening to
internet/playing with your gadgets, than going out with any sound at high
your parents? volume using you
Yes No headphones can
II.A. Negative effects of gadgets to social relationship.
affect your hearing
-Statement Yes No ability?
4. Have you
experience dry
eyes/itch in your
• Do you use your gadgets eyes due to too
during eating breakfast, much exposure on
lunch, dinner with your screen?
family? 5. Have you
• Do you have experience
misunderstanding with headache because
your parents because of of overuse of
your gadgets? gadgets?
• Does using gadgets
III. Solution
lessen your
communication to your
Solution Agree Disagree
• Did your parents scold • Set a time limit of using your
you because of your gadgets.
• Priorities your parents and
• Would you prefer to be health.
with your gadgets than
• Take time to have a get
hanging with your
together with your family.
• Minimize of excessive use of
• Does using gadgets
lessen your
communication to your
• Engage in outdoor activities.
• When you are in the
house of your cousins you
and your cousins also
keep using gadgets?

Negative effects of Gadgets to Social Relationship and Health of Grade 11 Accountancy and Business

Management students of Iligan


Name: . Section:_________ Age:

B. Negative effects of gadgets to health

Please answer the questionnaire honestly and truthfully.

Direction: Check the box for your answer. Statement 5 4 3 2 1
always often seldom rarely never

• Do you own electronic gadgets at home? (i,e. smart 1. Do you

phones, cellular phones, tabs, etc.) experience back
Yes No pain due to
excessively use of
• How often do you use these gadgets?
Rarely Seldom Most of the time
2. Does mobile
• How long do you spend time with your gadgets?
phones can cause
1-3 hours 4-6 hours more than 7 hours
you a lack of sleep
• With whom do you use your gadgets with? because you’re
Alone Friends Family surfing the net?
• Would you rather stay at home, surfing the 3. Do listening to
internet/playing with your gadgets, than going out with any sound at high
your parents? volume using you
Yes No headphones can
II.A. Negative effects of gadgets to social relationship.
affect your hearing
-Statement Yes No ability?
4. Have you
experience dry
eyes/itch in your
• Do you use your gadgets eyes due to too
during eating breakfast, much exposure on
lunch, dinner with your screen?
family? 5. Have you
• Do you have experience
misunderstanding with headache because
your parents because of of overuse of
your gadgets? gadgets?
• Does using gadgets
III. Solution
lessen your
communication to your
Solution Agree Disagree
• Did your parents scold • Set a time limit of using your
you because of your gadgets.
• Priorities your parents and
• Would you prefer to be health.
with your gadgets than
• Take time to have a get
hanging with your
together with your family.
• Minimize of excessive use of
• Does using gadgets
lessen your
communication to your
• Engage in outdoor activities.
• When you are in the
house of your cousins you
and your cousins also
keep using gadgets?

Negative effects of Gadgets to Social Relationship and Health of Grade 11 Accountancy and Business

Management students of Iligan


Name: . Section:_________ Age:

B. Negative effects of gadgets to health

Please answer the questionnaire honestly and truthfully.

Direction: Check the box for your answer. Statement 5 4 3 2 1
always often seldom rarely never

• Do you own electronic gadgets at home? (i,e. smart 1. Do you

phones, cellular phones, tabs, etc.) experience back
Yes No pain due to
excessively use of
• How often do you use these gadgets?
Rarely Seldom Most of the time
2. Does mobile
• How long do you spend time with your gadgets?
phones can cause
1-3 hours 4-6 hours more than 7 hours
you a lack of sleep
• With whom do you use your gadgets with? because you’re
Alone Friends Family surfing the net?
• Would you rather stay at home, surfing the 3. Do listening to
internet/playing with your gadgets, than going out with any sound at high
your parents? volume using you
Yes No headphones can
II.A. Negative effects of gadgets to social relationship.
affect your hearing
-Statement Yes No ability?
4. Have you
experience dry
eyes/itch in your
• Do you use your gadgets eyes due to too
during eating breakfast, much exposure on
lunch, dinner with your screen?
family? 5. Have you
• Do you have experience
misunderstanding with headache because
your parents because of of overuse of
your gadgets? gadgets?
• Does using gadgets
III. Solution
lessen your
communication to your
Solution Agree Disagree
• Did your parents scold • Set a time limit of using your
you because of your gadgets.
• Priorities your parents and
• Would you prefer to be health.
with your gadgets than
• Take time to have a get
hanging with your
together with your family.
• Minimize of excessive use of
• Does using gadgets
lessen your
communication to your
• Engage in outdoor activities.
• When you are in the
house of your cousins you
and your cousins also
keep using gadgets?

Negative effects of Gadgets to Social Relationship and Health of Grade 11 Accountancy and Business

Management students of Iligan


Name: . Section:_________ Age:

B. Negative effects of gadgets to health

Please answer the questionnaire honestly and truthfully.

Direction: Check the box for your answer. Statement 5 4 3 2 1
always often seldom rarely never

• Do you own electronic gadgets at home? (i,e. smart 1. Do you

phones, cellular phones, tabs, etc.) experience back
Yes No pain due to
excessively use of
• How often do you use these gadgets?
Rarely Seldom Most of the time
2. Does mobile
• How long do you spend time with your gadgets?
phones can cause
1-3 hours 4-6 hours more than 7 hours
you a lack of sleep
• With whom do you use your gadgets with? because you’re
Alone Friends Family surfing the net?
• Would you rather stay at home, surfing the 3. Do listening to
internet/playing with your gadgets, than going out with any sound at high
your parents? volume using you
Yes No headphones can
II.A. Negative effects of gadgets to social relationship.
affect your hearing
-Statement Yes No ability?
4. Have you
experience dry
eyes/itch in your
• Do you use your gadgets eyes due to too
during eating breakfast, much exposure on
lunch, dinner with your screen?
family? 5. Have you
• Do you have experience
misunderstanding with headache because
your parents because of of overuse of
your gadgets? gadgets?
• Does using gadgets
III. Solution
lessen your
communication to your
Solution Agree Disagree
• Did your parents scold • Set a time limit of using your
you because of your gadgets.
• Priorities your parents and
• Would you prefer to be health.
with your gadgets than
• Take time to have a get
hanging with your
together with your family.
• Minimize of excessive use of
• Does using gadgets
lessen your
communication to your
• Engage in outdoor activities.
• When you are in the
house of your cousins you
and your cousins also
keep using gadgets?


Letter to the Respondents

February 20, 2017

Dear Respondent,

Mabuhay ICNHS!

We are student of Iligan City National High School. As one of our requirements in Practical
Research subject, we are going to conduct a study entitled “Negative effects of gadgets to
social relationship and health of Grade 11 Accountancy and Business Management students
of Iligan City National High School.” The objective of the study are: (1) to determine the
negative effects of gadgets to social relationship of Grade 11 Accountancy and Business
Management, (2) to determine what are the negative effects of gadgets to health. It is
hoped that this study shall help the students and local community to minimize and to avoid
the negative effects of gadgets.

In this regard, we would like to request your participation in the said study. We assure
you that your responses shall only be used for the study and that it shall be kept strictly

I earnestly hope and pray for your kind and consideration and favorable response.

Respectfully yours



Student Researcher

Noted by:


Practical Research Teacher I


Letter to the Principal

February 20, 2017


Assistant School Principal II

Iligan City National High School

Gen. Wood St. Mahayahay, Iligan City

Dear Sir:

Mabuhay ICNHS!

We are student of Iligan City National High School. As one of our requirements in Practical Research subject,
we are going to conduct a study entitled “Negative effects of gadgets to social relationship and health of Grade
11 Accountancy and Business Management students of Iligan City National High School.” The objective of the
study are: (1) to determine the negative effects of gadgets to social relationship of Grade 11 Accountancy and
Business Management, (2) to determine what are the negative effects of gadgets to health. It is hoped that this
study shall help the students and local community to minimize and to avoid the negative effects of gadgets.

In this regard, we would like to request your permission that we are allowed to conduct the study in your school.

Your approval would certainly contribute to the success of this research project.

I earnestly hope and pray for your kind and consideration and favorable response.

Respectfully yours



Student Researcher

Noted by:


Practical Research Teacher



In this picture, the researchers gave them a

questionnaire to gather data in grade 11 Accountancy

and Business Management students in section

Mt. Kitanglad.

This picture is taken when researchers

gathering of data in grade 11 Accountancy

and Business Management students in

section Mt. Agad-Agad.

This image shows the data gathering of the

researchers in grade 11 Accountancy and

Business Management students in section

Mt. Dulang-dulang.

Appendix F

Name: Maylene Joy L. Canillo

Section: Mt. Pulag

Address: Zone 2-A Santiago Iligan City

Birthdate: May 03,1998

Age: 18

Contact Number: 09755984313

E-mail Address:

Name: Christian James R. Zamora

Section: Mt. Pulag

Address: Tubod, Iligan City

Birthday: August 03, 1999

Age: 17

Contact Number: 09752939830

E-mail Address:


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