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PSL I & PSL II Early Childhood Education Lesson Plan

Name: Sam Facciolo Period: 3 PSL 1

Theme: Bunny Week Presentation Date: April 26th, 27th, and 28th

Learning Center: Developmental Area: Circle the developmental area(is) this activity focuses upon.
PA Early Learning Standard: ( Cognitive, Physical, Communication, Creative )


Health, Wellness, and Physical
Physical Development –
Learning About My Body
-Standard Area 10.4:
Physical Activity – Gross
Motor Coordination

Name of Activity:
Easter Egg Hunt

Concept(s): (What specific concepts/ideas will the children learn from completing this activity? Concepts learned may be directly related to the theme, as
well as indirectly teaching something else.)

The learner will: Combine large motor movements (e.g.,running around searching for eggs),
move and stop with control, run with control and direction.
Objective(s): (Remember to include all three parts for each objective: what the children will be given, what they will do with what they’re given, and to
what level they’ll be able to complete the activity.)

The children will be given an Easter basket. They will carry their baskets around to search for
eggs. All ages can do this activity.

Materials Needed to Complete This Activity

Available: n/a
Student Will Supply: bags for easter egg hunt

Teacher Will Supply:

Preparation: (What do you need to do to prepare for this activity BEFORE the children arrive?)

Before the children arrive, we will fill the eggs with candy and
hide them outside.

Procedures: (In great detail, explain how to complete the activity. Your instructions should be good enough for someone else to teach the activity if
you are not here.)

The Easter eggs will be filled with candy and hidden outside.
There will be Easter baskets for the kids to use and collect
their eggs. They will use physical activity to get around and
find their eggs.

Closure/Transition: (How will you end this activity?)

Open up the eggs and pour the candy into bags for the kids to
take home.

Sample Attached, if sample needed: ( Yes / No )

Total Planning Points: 25/25

Grading Rubric for ECE Lesson Plan

Lesson 1–5 6–10 11–15 16–20 21–25
Plans Lesson plans are Lesson plans are Lesson plans Lesson plans are Innovative,
0–25 points incomplete and somewhat complete are somewhat complete and show interesting and
developmentally and complete and multiple evidence creative lesson plans
inappropriate indicate indicate of the show a depth of
minimal basic knowledge of understanding of understanding of
understanding of lesson planning and lesson planning and lesson planning and
developmentally developmentally developmentally
lesson planning and appropriate practice appropriate practice appropriate practice
appropriate practice


Lesson Plan Implementation Evaluation

Student Evaluation (3 points)

1. Did you fulfill your objective(s)? Yes No

Yes I did fulfill my objective. The children followed the rules by waiting until I
told them when to go. I counted down “3, 2, 1,” and the kids ran to find their
The kids were given Easter baskets to use for their Easter egg hunt.
2. What went well during the activity?

Everything actually went really well. The children loved running around and
looking for the Easter eggs.

3. In what way could you improve the activity?

I could’ve improved this activity by buying a few more eggs. For the three year
old, three eggs was enough. Maybe the five year olds could have gotten a few
more eggs.

Student/Teacher Evaluation

Evaluation of Performance in the Lab Student Teacher

A. The lesson plan was turned in on time. 1/1 /1

B. The activity was ready to go and set up on time. 2/2 2/2

C. The activity followed the lesson plan. 1/1 1/1

D. The student actively interacted/talked with the preschoolers. 2/2 2/2

E. The student followed appropriate guidance techniques. 2/2 2/2

F. The student exhibited a professional attitude and appearance. 2/2 2/2

G. The student cleaned the area after use. 2/2 2/2

Performance Evaluation Points 12/12 12/12

Average of student/teacher performance evaluation points 12 /12

Total Evaluation Points: 15/15

Teacher Comments: A thrill to seek and find, great excitement!

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