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Article IU - Mernbership of the party ..........-.,....,.:... -.............2.

Article IV - Org:mizarioml I

Article VI - Codo of mnduct, discipline &

Article VII -- Ruk>s of conduci of business.......

Article vIII - Party fiinds and acc,


The name of tte paity stau be eAuiiom mnry-

A. Democrac.y. is popular self-n e, but tte cunent pra<ticeofdemocracy negates thiq idesl and rcduces
the citizen lo a mrre subject'' Aam *ty Aimi ains to rcstore po*er to trre peoplq so as to realise
promise of Swaraj enshrined in our Colrstfunioo- . ,

B' Following the Preamble .to our cooscinfion, Aam Aadmi party
envisioni an Intti4 free of
conuptiorg which is Sovereign, Socialis( Il-ular, Dcmocraaic Republic
C. Aam Aadmi.Party resolves to secure for alf ftg silizens;

Justicg sociai economic and polidcal -:for eweryone including

the last persoil
Liberty ofthought, expressiorq belief, ffth and worship I
Equalit5r.ofstatus and ofopportrnity in aIr spheres of rife,
for individuars and communities
And to prornote among them all
Fraternify assuriig the aignity of ltre inrividuar and the
unity and int€grity of rhe Nation

D. The Pa4y shall lrue faith and allegiancr) to rhe comtitutioh

-bear oflndia as by raw estabrished and to
the principlg. ol socialism,.secularism and chrnocracy and would grphold the sor"."ignty,rr,ity ,,.a
in(egrity of Irdia.


Any citizen of India ofthe age of lg years or above who
subscribes to the objectives ofthe party
shall be eligibie to become a member oftbe party, provided
that he or she:
i' is not a member dfany other political Party registered
with the Election Commission of lndia;
ii. ls not a member of any organization whme views, poli'cies
or actions are in conflica ;th the
objectives ,rf,the Party; and/or

iii. Has not bee.n convicted ofany offence invctving moral h.npitude.


(rt eBa


a' ordindry rirember: Every percon.who becomes se merirber ofthe party

s5 per the prooedure
. prcsuibed shatl be an ordinary membr. An ordinary
member' {^li not have any voting right-
b' Activc Meqb* A peison who has been an oriinary member for ar regt
four months who aI
has forrowed the code ofconduct for members and
hrs actively participatd in various programs
of the Parg strall be eligible fot Aitive Membership of the pady. An Active t temuer s6alitrav"
the right to vote.

a' A person sharl- become an ordinary Member of [E party on
' declaralion and paym€na .submitting the prescribed
of the memb6rship fee as prescribed from time to
6- A person seeking Active Meinbership of the parg shall appry to the offic€ of the coniemed
Primary Unit or the concemed District unit in prescribed format Each application shourd be
suppOrted by at ld:st two exis(ing Actire Members-
c The application .wifl be considered by lhe Gram or ward or
chhatra sabha of the concemed
Primary unit in its succeeding meeii,g, whereupon it shal make
its recbmmendation to the
. District lixeculive
d- 'ihe. District Exeflrtive shai
6ke the flrar decision on each appricari<in in its meeting held after
. the receipt ofthe application
r ft: Party sharr gaqtain a regiser of its members in the manner as may be prescribeir in

:fore the call for. applications of

candidates for any party ereaion. pending applications,
if any, for Aclive Membership shafl be
' --
. decided h:fore freezing tre list- .. "-
g. Tte.Nationar Executive, the state Executive and the iistrict
Exec,tive shafl have the power ao
directly i*lmit new members or confer trre status of an Active
Member on any person. ;.*""";
such power shall 6nly be exercised b1 the Dishict Executivp
u;Len no primary Unit is in
. existenc€ lbr I partiqrlar area-. ;
h' Any perscq who has been co-opted to a District rrecutive or in any body at the stale or
National level, shari be deemed to have become an Active
Member of dre party ., ,"*on""
of applicatLn form along-with the requisite membership fee as prescribed
ftom time to time.
i' Ifa Diskict Executiver'shte Executive de:ides to grant membership ofrhe party
to a person who
was a leader in anosrer rcp;istered poritical party b the rast
tur jears or is still a reader, such
. " ,::.,

decisiOn shall become operationd or,Iy afta gpproval by

ftre National pxecutive. a kader here
' would mean eitber a state oi Natidn t Lrvet offcd bearer ofanotrrer party
6l.someone who has
cofirested parriamentaSr or Assembly or Drs&ict kver irections on rh€ symbor of anothef party.
j- ' An Active Member sha[ pay nembgrship fte aod cofributioir as prescribed from time ro time.
ic a person can bi:corre a member of the pao eiilrer at hisn4r praoe of permanent
,oia*o o.
: shall not be a member at inore


' every 3 yans- For the pu4,ose of this clauie a year sha[ be the period commenci4g fiom i
l of April
ofa calenda, year or the date ofenrorrnent ofa member up to 3ln of
March of the succeeding year.

A person shall ceasb to be a member of the party in the event of;
i. Deatf6
.. ii, Resignation;
iii. Expulsior/Removal; or
. iv. Non Renewal of Membership
v. Ifhe./shejoins any other pol itical party
. . vi. On being convicted by a cout of law for a crime involving tnoral turpitude.

' The State Execltive or 'tlte: National Er:ecutiv-e may sirspend an Active
membership ofthe party pending disciplinarT pmceedings.

. L Primarykvel:
) Block Counrcil

t1. State Ievei

) ..State Council :

) S&te Executive
F State Potitical Affairs Grnrmittee
National kvel
F National Couacil
F Nafonal Exeqftive
F National Political AIIain; Commiftee .

b. The area of a?rimary Unit sha[ be as per clause B berow. The area
of a Block Unit and District
Unlt shall ordinarily be the same as thirt of an Administmtive Block or District
in a State. The
area bf Stale Unils of the Party shall conform to the States and Union
Territories mentioned in
the Consltution oflndia
c The term of each organ ofthe party, be at any level, shall be for a periiid of tfuee years.

B. Primary Level:
e. Ihe Primry Unit will be coostituted ai:
. i. Ward t evel in a Municipality or Xaunicipat (lrpo nrtion (Ward Sabha);
ii. Village Leuel(Gram Sabha); md
iit Each college or dquivarent Higher Education Institution (chhatra.la6rra) and sha
comprise ofall the ordinary and l.ctive Memters ofthat Unit. .

A Primary unit shall not be formed unless there are at least l0 Active Members in that unit-

b. Powers and Functions of the primarylfnit

The Primary unit shzrll be the General Body of a[ the ordinary and Active Members of that
Unit. It shalti
ful,rai"g dedryl participati. oo, stuggles; opinion maAing ald/or othei cotrjtuctive
actions; :

ii Recommend applicaiiolrs for Adive Memtlers;

iit Elect I convenoi and l Joint convenor (ort of.wfuch at reast one shan be a uromad) by
corisensus, failing nfric[ it wil be done by voting in {rc presence of a ,"presentatir.e of
ihe Distdct Executiv.e.
lv. 'fhe Convenor and loint Conrenor shall
be available for lhb party work on a regular

v. Form'such teans as required and assign. thim such wdrk as eemed fit
vi. I(econstitute any team or committee.
vil Recall Convenor orJoint Convenor
viii. Perform such tasks as assigned to il from time to time by the party.

C. Block l,cvel:
a. Blocl< Council
i. A Block Councilshall be coDstituted at fte trvel of a Block.
ii Conveners and Joint convener ofa, primary Units far ing in a Brock sha, together
ronstitute the Block Council.

b. Powers and Functions ofthe Blocl Council , ,.)

i. A Block council shafl organize coordinajte.ttie.activities at the.Block Level and shalt


raise public issues affecting drorc tbal one primary Unit in thdt Block;

ii' A Block council sharl exercise such powers and discharge such other fi:nctions as are
assigned to it by {he Party.
iii' The Eembers of a Block council shafi elect from'amongst themselves
or fiom amongst
Active Members in thai Brocrq ('i,. convenor and one Joint convenor
{oui of which al
Ieast one stgll be a woman) by rnmensus, failing which by voting
in the presence of a
representative of lhe Dishict Exex,utive.
iv' The Block councir may form such tearns as maf be required for its'activities
and the
disoharge of its fimctions.

v. Convenor and Joint Convenor shall be available for fhe parlr work on rqgular basis,.
vL ReDonstitute atry team or committre

vii. Rer:all Convenor or Joint Convenor.

'. c.

Each Distiat codncil shall comprise the convenots and roint c-onvenors &om all_ frirnary
UniE, BlTlls and Mrmicipal ar<a fetliqg'in ttnt .Distict.
b. Powcn end Frnctiiris ofthe Xristrict Councit .

i. Ihe Distict Courcfl will ellect the Diseict Executive.

ii. The Distict co,ncil shall i,re the powers ro recall the District convenor and/or the
members ofthe District Ex:cutiva , .

District Erecutive:
' Erch Diseict Executive shall organize and coordinate the activities of the party at the
Distict lrvel.
L The Distdct Executive shrll comprise of not mbre than 25 members, of whom at
least 5 shall be women an<l 5 shail be shr.tgnts; selected by consensus from amongst .

be elected by a majority
vote in the presence ofa representative of the Stale Executive.
' ii. In additiorr fie District Er:ecutive will represerftative from each block of
tbe Dishict as decided by that Block Councii.
. iirl ltrhe convenor of a Priinary/Block unit is elected to rhe Distict Execurive, hey'she
shall resign as.lhe Convenor ofthe concernied.prirnaryfBlock UniL

. iv. lhe District Executive .oay Co-opt upto 5. members in order to give fair
representation to disadvantaged social groirys, such as SC, ST, Backward Ciasses

mernbers arc not already Active Members of the party, they shall be deemed be
Active Members of the Party as soon as they are cG,opte{ and shall have hli the '

righb of etectid,members rrf the Executive. All Coopted lri.mbeo must meet the
qualification rquirements laid down for party Members and will need to be ra(ified

. by the Sate Council. : .

v. ' The District Executiie may, tkoulh corsersus, irivite uryone fiom wilhin or outside
the Party to attend iB meetings as a .Special Invitee'tor one or more meetings.

However, Special Invitees shall not enjoy any voting rights.

vl. The memtiers referred to in sub-clause (i) above shatl glect .ne person from amongst
themselves as the Dishict Convenor.

. Dishict Executive shall:
L Fonn as many teams as are required to carry out the objectives ofthe pdrty.
ii. Appoint one person as Secretary and one person as Treasuer for that Dishict
- iii. Monitor arnd supervise lhe adivities ofparty fi.rnctionaries in that DishicL
iv. ufldertake all such activities as are n€€ded to meet the objectives ofrhe party
v- ' :
Undertake activities reLtet to public issues affeting that Dstrict.
'r,i. Maintain the Register ofActive Members of the party of that Dijtrict.
'vii. Maintain and keep accouns of Dishict telel Finances.
viii. Form District t.evell Ccmmittties for settling intemal' disputes, giievances and
disciplinary actions.
. iL set up the fiis( District kver party rosar to receive and decide compraints
violation of Code of C:onduct against members of the District Executive,
BlockrPrimary Level Corivrmors ;id Joint Convenors.
r- Elect a District poriticar A&irs comniftee consisting of 5 members from amongst
elected members of tte Dis fict Executive-
ri' Reconstitute any team dr crc"mmittee'lncliding the poriticar Affairs committee
xii. Recall District Convenor, Secaetary or Treasurer-

e. District Political Affairs Commiitiee

! Dishict Political Affain conrmitree shall discfui,rge alt executive fimctions in.betyeen
' two meetings of the Dishict lkecutive; . ,

! Dishict Politicat Affairs (bmmittee shall advise and assist tlie convenor in

overseeing the work of sll otlier Teams and Committees set up by the District ,

F District Convenor is expecied fo dischafge ilt ti" o. her duties and power5 in
corsultation wi(h the District political Affairs Committe€

E. State kvel (fhis shatl apply to all Union territories also):

a. . .(itrte ColtrJil :
Ihch S-tate Cancil phall comprise , of the C.omrenors I Aom
alt Disrirics, Blocks,
lhrnicipalities aod Municipal corporations and .JoiDt convenor convenon
fom all
Blocks frlling in lhat State. '

b. tr'unctions rnd Powers of ahe State Council:

i. The State Council will elect the State Executive.

' ii' The state cormcil shal have the power to recart the State conventir and/o1
one or
more oflfte memben of the State Executive.

iii. It sba[ met at le3st twi(E every year. .

iv. It will diiide ttre stand ad poticy of the party on issues *r""-ir, .*
,1.,u, io
such manner as may be pre;cribed-

G. State Erecutive:,-
Each $tate Exec'tive shalt organize and cooidinate the activities of
the party at the state

i The State Executive shall ccmprise ofnot more tlra.n 25 members, of whom at least 5
shall be women and 5 shall be students, ,"i".t"a by consensus from amongst the
Active Members in that Sta€ failing whigtr, it will be elected by a rnajority
vote in
the presenc€ ofa representative ofthe National Executive-

li. In addition, fiie State Executive wilr have one representative frbm each Districi
decided by tlut Dishict Exccutive.

iii. Ifthe Convenor ofany Unit is €lected b rhe'.State Executive, helshe shall resign as
the Convenoi ofthe conc€med District
iv. The Stale Ex€cutive.may co-opt up to 5 members in ordir to give fair
. represen{ation to disadvantagrd social groups, such
as SC, S-i, Back-Ward Classes
and Minorities, in case any of lhese groups is under-iepresented. If
the co_opted
members arcinot already Actuve Members of the party, they.shall
be deelned to be
Active Memben ofthe Party zs soon as tlrey are co-opted md shall have all the
of elected membets of the Executive. All .Co-opred Members must meet the
qualification requiremenb laid down- for party Members and will
need to be rarified
. by the Naiiooal Council.

p Partf to aflENd its m,re6qgs ,s a .Special Invitee' .for one or more ueetings. .

.vL Xhe memters referred to ir Subdausa(i) abor,re shall elect one pejn &o.m amongst
I ,

themselvei as tbcstaoe C-onnaoi.

vil AII elected members of th: sate Executive shalt be available for the party
w&k on
regular basis. ,

d. I'unctions and Powers ofState, Erocutive:

The State Executive ihall
i. Form as many teams as are rEquired to carry oirt ttre ob;ectives ofthe party. -

ii. Appoint one person as Seorefaiy and one perspn as Treasurer for that State
iii Monitor and supervise the aaivities ofparty firnctionaries in that State.
iv. undertake a[ such activities as ue rieeded to meet the objectives ofthe party in thal
' v. Undertake various activiti x relaled to public issuei affecting that State

vi. Mdintain and keep ac€ounrs ofstate t evel Finances.

vii. Form State Level C-onlnittees for settling intemal disputes, grievances and
. disciplinary actions. :

viii: Set up the fint State I evel party lokpal to ieceive and decide complaints of
violation ofCode ofCondrrct against members ofthe.state Executive.
ix. Elect a State Political Affain Committee consisting:ot Z menrbers fiom amoogst
elected members of the Stab hxecutive:
x. Reconstitute any team or committee incruding rhe politicai Affairs committee
- xi. Recall State Convenor, SecrelaSr or Treasurer, .

e. . State Political Affairs Commiftee ' .:.

. > State Political Atrairs Comm ittee shall discharle all executive functions in between
tw,l meetings of ttle State Exeflrtive;
> State Political Aftirs Copmiuee shall advise and assist the Convenor in overseeing
the work ofall other Teams and Commiuees set up by lhe State Executive;

> Slate Convenor is expeded to discharge all his or her duties irnd powers in
comultation with firc SAE Potitical Affairs Committee.
' Ttre National Comcil sDall be llre nighest poticy m*ing body of tre Party. The National
' Q)llncil shi l comprise of tr Crnvenors fion all tre Stales atrd Districts. In addiliorL It
' following:
m:U/ cd.dpt upto a maximum of 5O members from amoogst ttre

i. E:perb from such fields as the National Council deems fiL

iL Eminent people from thc (ountry
iii. Members from disadv4ntuged social groups, such as SC, ST, Back-Ward .Classes
and Minorities ifthere is iradequaie representation ofsuch groups.
' ' r\ll those.who come together to form the Party aid are Pfese in the frst meeting of the
Party, shall:form the first National 6ouncil of-th6 Party. Ihey shall be deemed to be

r\ctive Members of dre farfy.

b. Functions snd Powers ofthe National Councill . .

The National Council shall:

i. Elect the National Executi ve.

ii. Have the po-wers to recall r he members of.the National Executive.

- iii. Ilave tre power to aqend fre Constitution.

iv. tvteet at least twice every ) ear.
y. Decide the stand and policy ofthe Partyon issues ofNational bterest. 1

c. NetioDal Erecutive:

and coordinale the aclivities of lhe pafi at the National tael.

i. The Narional Eiecutivs shall consist ofnot more than 30 members ofwhom at least
t 5 r''Lai tre studens. It shall be selgcted by consensus from

anongst lhe Active mem.rrs <if rlie paay failing which it shall be eleaed by a

' maJontY vote.

iL In addition, the National Executive will have one representative fiom each Statq
' who wilt be nominated try that State Executiva :

iii. If the Convenor ofany Unit is elected to ttrc Natiooat Executivg he/she shall resign

as lhe Convrnor ofthc concemed Unit

iv. The.Nrtipo"t .Eiecr{ivr; oay. co-opt uPto 5 D€mbers in oraer to g'og - Ait'
reprtsentatipn to disadva&gelt social grotpar srrh-as SC, ST, Back-ti/ard Classeri
' snd Minoritieq my of these groups is rmder-repirsented. If tho coopted

members are not already Adive lvlembers of ttre Parly' trey shall be iloemed to be '
Active Memters of the Party as sobr as lley are co-opted and shall have all tbe

rights of elecad members'of 6e Executive. All Co-oPt€d li'IeEbers milst De€t the

. : qualification requiremegls laid dowtr for Party Memters.

v. ,The'National Execudve. may, &rough corsensus, inviie anyoni from wilhin or
outsiiie the Party to at.tond ib meetiirgs as a iSpecial Invite€' for one or. more

meetings. However, Spetial Invitees shall not enjoy any voting righb'
vi. The members referred to in'srib-clause (D above sihall elect one person ftom

amongst themselves as ttre National Convenor.

.vii. All eleOted members'of flre National Executive shall be ivaita-ble for the Parti work

d. Powers and Functions of the National Executive

The National Executive shall:
i. Form as many tearns as arc required to carry out the objectives ofthe Party'
ii. Appoint one person as National Secretaqr and one person as National Treasurer'

iii.Approve the formation ol the Party's National Secretariat.

iv.Monitor and supervise tle activities of Party funaionaries at various.levels in the

country and the National Secrehrial
-i,. to meel the objectives ofthe Parly in the
Undenake all such lritivir:ies as are needed


, vi.Undertake various acdvities related to publip issues.'

vil Maintain and keep acccunls ofNational Level Ffuiances'
. viii. Form.National Level (lommitt€es for settling internal disputes' grievances and
disciplinary actions.
ix. SeJ up the first National IJvet Parry lokpal to receive and decide comPlaints of
violation of Code of Conrluct against National Executive Members'
r. blect a. National Political Affain C-ommittee corsisting of lO membes ftom

amongst elected membe$ of theNational Executive.

xi Reconstitute any team or copmittee including the Political Affain Committse


{i Re€all National C.onveno4 Secretary or Treisuer.

. e. Ilafionsl.Politi@l A.lhirs Com.mittee :

between two meetings ofth:National Executive;

>l National Potitical Affairs Otmnnittee shall advise and asiist the National Convenoi in
overseeing the woft of atl other Telms and, Corimittees setlq by thc National


' consultation with &e National Politicat Affairs Commicee.


For all towns and cities govemed by laws, Council/Executive shall be formed al following
. Iivels.
A. Ward Level
i. Ward Level in any Municipalili or Municipal Corporation shall be equivalent 1o the
. Primary Level mentioned in clatrse B. ofArticle IV above. The.Sabha shall be formed in a

. similar mamer and they shill work

ii. If any.municipal area is smaller than .an Assembly, then only Ward trvel Units (Ward
Sabha) shall tre mnslihned io that area.
' B. Assembly Level
i. if ,ttrere are one dr more assemblies in any Municipality, then Assembly Level
be formed in that -Muniaipality. Assembly L6vel irn any
Mrmicipality shall be equivalent to tfu District L€vel mentioned at clause D of Article IV
above. Council/Exec'utive qhatl be formed in a similar fashion and they shall work
ii. If xny...Munircipalrty is smatter th,n a Parliamentary constituency, then only Ward Level

Units and Assembly Lrvel Uni6 shall be constituted in that Munieipality:

C. Parliamentary Level
i: [f there are oirc or more Padiamentary constituencies in any Municipality, then
Parlir n:ntary lrvet Cotmcili Executive shall formed . in that Municipaliiy.

consist of convenors of all primary unia and Asse.mbly constihrencies and Joint
Convenors of all Primary Unitt. State Comcil shalt have similar powers al edgfed by
the State Council mentioned ar tllause E ofAnicle IV
.iii. state council shall elect state Executive.committee, which shall be forned and shall
function in similar fashion as State Executive committoe neltioned at clause E of
lrrticle IV

D. l{unicipat Committeb: I
i, Ir,lunicipal councit witl be formed at the level of each municipality o1 Muriicipal
c:orporation- Municipal councrl will consist of convenors and Joint conienors of all
Primary units in that municipal ruea
ii. \{unicipal Council shall form a Municipal Executive Coruiiltee, Municipal Council .and
\{unicipal Executive committee wili be formed and shall firnction in similar fashion as

A. The foltowing shall be the Omce Beare* ofthe Party at Yad{uslevels :

a. Primary Level

) .
Convenor aid Joint Convenor
c. Dis(rict Level
) DiskictConvenor
) District Tredsurer
) Distict SecretarY
d. State Level

o-i elrq 3Tr({} qrfi

' .' t:'',.


L StateConvenor

D StateTrcriiiftr'
> Statese.retary
c. Nafronetlevel ..

D National C-onvenor

> National SecretarY

ts National Treasurer

8.. Powers & Fundions of the Office Bearers '

.' level.

c. Secretary
The Se{retary shall be respo.nsible: .

L For uunaging the day to day ziffairs of the Secretariat at the concemed Level' .

-ii. For maintainilg records and keeping minutes of the meetings at the concerned


iii. Cqrting od all such work as given to him/her by the Party froni time to time' .
. S."r"tu.y ut ltutlonal level shall iepresent Par.ty for all tggal purposes' .

d. District/St te Treasurer

i. Fornain-taining the accorrnts at the concemed Level' '. '

. ii. Follow ell guidelines a d instructions issued from time to time widl respett to


The National Treasurei shall:


- kir^
L Iihsure trat the aocounls of lfic lhy 8r€.PmP€rly mairttaineil aod are audibd by '
an Auditor on the panel olcAG;
ii Eqsqre that all statttorl comp-[ances fegantlog accounls a"U f,trV n"* rc A'ff
:''..r ,.

lit.Ensun! that audited arulul ,ftolrnts of lte Parly are submited to rhp El.edion
Corrmission of India within sir months froin lbe end of the Financial Year'
No riember will h6ld the same post as in office U"ao, f* than two

A. Code of Condubt

.:a. Every member of the Part5' shatl abirte by the fotlowing Code of Conduct

i. A member shall iot errgage hiniself in any immoral or illegal activity as !'guld
tamish the image of the Patty or such condtr. ct as would bring disrepdte to it
ii. A member shall not undertake any aciivity, which is in violation ofor i5 contrary
. to the objectives of tht: Party as set ot{in- ftis Constihrtion or is totttiry to tle

iii. A mlmber shall not viciate any Rule nrade by the Party or disobey iany direction
. givenby it
,...sball be free to express
iv. Members, other ttran office bearers, their own.opinion
within and. outside the party for4 rnless there is a specific direction to the'
.- contrary by the Party for a specified pedod. Mere expression of differehce of
opinion wilt not be consideleil as violition irf Code of Conduct unless it violates

iL Not have any pendin3 oiminal case oia crime involving moral hrpitude or

should not have been tnnviqtld ofany such crime in the past
iil Nbt be a part of any ofuanization wtrich spreads disharmony on bas's of religion

or caste or promotes udouch4bility. '

, iv. Not engage incpfottilig or dl-teatiiE wonian-
v. Notintulge indntg addiction ordrunken behavior' :

.vi: Irlake an anruril dect+ration of his&er incomg and assets and ttat of his family


. . Narional kVel
grere [,evel

. ii Cornplaints in rcspett of alleged violation of Aiticle VI-A (a) ii, iii, iv and any

-. olher matter includir.rg intemal disputes, grievances et9. shall be -dealt with by
the Disciplinary Cornmittees to be constituted by the National Executive at the

National Level, Stile Level, District Level and below, as per regulations
fi'amed by fte Natiorral Executive.

iii The orders passetl by the Lokayuk! Disaict Lokayukt, Disciplinary


Committees would be appealable to the next higher lwel in the hierarchy. No

appeal sha.ll lie agz inst lhe order of' the Party l,o[pal: However, a person
: aggrieved by the order of the Party I-o@aI. would hdve tlre right to seek

rerriew ofthal order.

' ' iv. . The orders pass€d bl the Lokpal i Lokayukt / Dhtict Lokayukt / Disciplinqry '

, Conmittee shall be binding. antl shall be im. ptemrcnted within four weeks of
the passing thereof. '. l'
v. The Disciplinary Chmmittee at the Narional Level, State Level and District .

' ' ' ,. Gvel shall coinpri;o of tfuee persons to be nomfuiated by the National

Executive / Statro Ex ocutive / District Executive, as the case may be'

C. Penalties . :

. Discrplinary action may result in penalties ranging from warning, suspension or

expulsion from the Pady. No disciplinary action shall be taken against a member
without giving an oppoitudty to that member to explain and answer the charges agairst
. .: ....
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ln case disciplinary action is lroposed agaidst a ineDtix oT Districl or state Etecrtive' .

it p.n"f,y r[iu be imposed onty after appmval by the State or Natiolral Exec,tive
.. :

D. Composition, Appointmant /Reeppoitrtment and term oI Party lokpaV

. Lokayukta: ' .

be appointed by the Nationay StatdDistdct Executive as the iase may be'

iL The Lokapalrlokayut@ sball be a body eomprising of lhree persom, ole of '

whom shall be an eminent jurist/eminent person from the legal field' Other
: members shall be eminent persom fiom differi:nt walks of life'
iii: The of each farty lokpail,okayukta -member shall be ttree years'
Howevor, in so far as the rst body mnstituted by th9 National/Sate/Distria

Executive is conceme4 members shall retire by rotation on a yearly basis

starting from the enJ of tle fust year. The Seiior most in age wil[ be the first
. to retire.

iv. Every Party lokpa yt okayukta will be eligible for reappointment for a

maximum of two te n,ls. . . .

v. Vacancy caused by retirement/resignation/death ofd Party lokpal/Lokayukta

shall be filled by nominalion by thg rcmaining an<l outgoing members of the

body. lf such vacancv h oot flled up within four weeks or it is not possible to fill up

the-iacanry within foug wecks for any reason whatsoever, the vaoancy shall be lil.fed
by nomination by the Nrtional ExmutivC.

vi. . InSal will rlevise theit-oqm procedures and may lay down the procedure t9

. the followed by Lokayukta and Dishiot l,okayrdda' The'procedure to be

i, The respective Convenors
'shatl chair meetings of the

Nationaustate/District/Block/primary couiciuExecutive. In the event olthe

.. -.'
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Coweror not being availablq the concetm4 UoUy may €lect a Pgrson to chair

tr paricular meetirg. .

. it Cormcih at various f-evels Sill moet ai knst at lhe fglloryipg intervats:

Blo* tivel: bn<E a month

Distictl,evel: turice ayear !

' ' StatE l,€vel: twirrc a year

. Na4onal Level: lwic€ a Year

Exeqtiws at variols [rvels shall meet { least at the foltow{tg intervals:
Dlsftid l.evel: tv/ice a month :

Saie fpvet: twi<;e a mon6

Nalional hv.el: twice a montti

: i* If ryquired, e meeting ofa Council/Executive may be requisitioned by ln'd

. of 6e members of the concemed CorinciUXxectdive.

Quorum for ill mcetings shall be one-third of the sheogth of the concemed body. I[.
the Quorum is. riot codplete at the appainted iimq those assembled will wiit for a
. rnaximum period of 30 minutes. If the t'equir;d Quorum is still not available,. the
meeting shafl be adjoumed. ,t new meeting will then be conveqed and there shall be
no need ofa quorum for a meeting tlat was adjoumed due to want of quorum.
There lvill be no iequirement for a Quonnii in case of Einergency or E draordinar-y

. mc€tings. However resolutiors passed ih such meetingslshall be required to be ratified

L the uoiicd peiiod for Ordinary meetings of the various bodies shall be as

lodl . ,'
Primarfr Unit

Block Level



Statecouncil 7l
National Council 2l

Emergency meetings ofte Distict6tatr/Nalional Executive may be c<invened by

lhe boncerned Convenor bV grv'ug such notitx as deemed. fit' The above time
periods would not tie applicabl,e forsuch moetings. .

IIL ;Members inay attend mqr,tin€iq of 6e Di*icr/State['lational Execr.rtive either il

p€rson or via video/t€lecooference. .

D- Decision Making .

. Atl decisions at all Levels irr any meeting sball be taken by consensus, failing which

by a.majoriry vote. Howeva; approval o,f 2Bd of members, present and voting, will
-be required for a resolution- for amentlment ofthe Party Constitution and/or deciiiori

E. Miputes
The Party shall maintain Minutes of all the Meetings of all its CounciUExecutive/


i. Funds shall be coltectei b5' meani of membenhip feg voluntary donations, sale
ofparty material, cultur:rl piograms dtc.

ii. Only such persons, as tre authorized by the respec{ive Exebutive, shalt rbceive
!D. Donition anil Membership Receipts
'i Fund collection receipt; will be printed at.the National and State Levels only.

ll. Each receipt will be duly numbered and issued in books containing 50 receipts.

ermff qrdLo

6n vttn) :


"r\{ rrtx&ssary.
iL There shall te tuee ruhorized
for eac[
.":y:T*" rrarroru Bank -"or* *r"ry ru
Tho accounn may be - aitde/Distric{
operabd url-uly two of the u"u" atrrrtti,"a Exeqrtive-
However, oo"
one of thern
w T--
hr,"lr r-^
theh must be Treasuer..
--_ I rcasutef.
iil All rcceiph shall be deposited
i * a.ccour$ of party aad
shal be roUed thm,,,,
shall tl* a[ 9:egoses
. .,_,. .--l_1"
thro,rgfr.*f, Uurt uoo*Cl-

shall .be utilized

for &eeting the political

dug notice to preseqt and voting

alt the members. .q # r;;; ;;il aner
convened rfirhin 30 days ora
resol,,r". ;-:_::j""::'*beadns
otthe National council
snal be
the signarures ;;;;;,
members orthe Nati#;;T'[ #ilendmeft
fhe Nadnnat p*^^--,

DecisiotB ttgitrdqg O€(ger, sptit and dissoh'tio shall 'be
taken at a Phnary Sression
comEising of all office trarers' menbers of atl orgars at every leiel 8n{ M;mb€rs
ParliiiqeGsa& tcgislat[e, Corporatiom and Panchayats

sUt te SOZ of rhe persons entitled to

ii. The quorum for the meeting of the 'Pleoary Session

iu.ti.iprt" io Ure PbnarY Session-

iil A resolution in respect of merger r>r split or dissotsion to be eEective shall require
.appro. ofatteast?3 ofthe Persons pr€sentand voting'

to interpret this cdnstitution -

The National Execrrtive alone shall hare lhe power and authority
and the regulatiors framed lhere under' The Decision
of the Natibnal Executive in respect of.
it is overturned by the Naiional Council in its next
above shrll be trnal and binding unle*rs

i. No person shall be a member of two Executives'

of any Ex:cutive Commitlee of the Priny; then none of
his or her
ii. tf someoire is a mgmber
immediale family me.b"o ."uo b""o*e d member of any Exeoutive of Parly'

not be given riomination for contes{ing elections by

iil Two peisons from the same family will
the Party.
member who dois not attend 1i successive meetings
of any CounciUE:cccutive without
iv. Any
or her abseno: shalt cease to be of the Counrci{fxe1*ive
prior intimation of his a-
-nrember 1n

v. The National ,Executive will frame legulations for filling the vacancies caused by
resigBtioL expulsion or death of a urember of an.fxecutive/Council' .

to be pu! in plabe for

vi. The }'Iational Executive will lay dol4, norms and.special an"trgements
mergerofnew organisations or parties within the Paity'

viii.. The party wi[ contest election conducted bJ Ete4tiol Commission within 5 years ot


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