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Continuous Assessment Test – I

Programme Name & Branch: B.Tech (CSE)

Course Name & Code: CSE1004 & Network and


Class Number: ALL Slot: D1+ TD1 Exam Duration: 90 Mins Maximum Marks: 100

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Answer ALL Questions (5 * 10 = 50 Marks)

S.N Question Course
o. Outco
1. i) With neat sketch show the encapsulation and decapsulation process of 2

OSI model when you browse a web page on your laptop. (5)


APPLICATIO Web A web browser such as Internet
N Browser Explorer or Netscape provides the means for
your computer to contact a web server and
download several files that go together to
produce a single web page.
You can request a web page by typing in
a web address (a URL) or by clicking a link in
an open web page. The web browser is
an APPLICATION. The web browser applicat
ion gives you the means to select
a web server, contact the server and request
a web page. The web browser handles the
process of finding the web server (the remote
computer that has the web page you want
stored on it) , requesting the desired web
page and displaying all the files contained
within the web page.
PRESENTATI HTTP The web browser handles PRESENTATION o
ON f the web page to the user by converting the
files stored at the web server into formats

used to display them on your computer.
Your web browser supports varous text
formats (UNICODE and ASCII), image file
formats (JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP), audio file
formats (WAV, MP3, AIFF) as well
as Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)and
one or more scripting languages (JavaScript,
JScript, VBScript). Conversion of data from
one format to another is the job of
A web browser can convert these file formats
into the local formats used on the
local computer for displaying images, playing
sounds and displaying text; if it cannot, it
often can launch an application which does
understand the format. Much of
the PRESENTATION layer conversions are
handled in the program you're running.
SESSION When you request a web page, a
the web browser opens a TCPconnection to
the web server. The web server sends back
the webpage and closes the connection.
Your web browser then parses the HTML of
the web page. Within the web page are
instructions written in HTML tags which tell
the browser where to find additional files to
be displayed within the web page such as
style sheets, sound files, images, movies,
Flash files and applets. Your web browser
automatically opens
additional TCP connections to the web server.
Each TCP connection is a SESSION.
TRANSPORT TCP To communicate with
a web server your computer must open
a TCPconnection to the web server and
request a web page. The TCPconnection
breaks up theweb page into managable
chunks, lables them with numbers so they
can be reassembled in the correct order
and TRANSPORTS the pieces across the
correct SESSION.
NETWORK IP ARP Internet Protocol (IP) is a NETWORK layer
protocol that uses unique addresses for
the web server and for

your computer. IPprovides the means for
your computer to determine whether
the web server is a local computer or
a computer located somewhere on
the Internet. To reach a web server on
the Internet, IP protocol also allows
your computer to figure out how to reach
the Internet webserver via your default
gateway. Your computer creates a message
addressed to the web server with
your computer's return IPaddress.
Your computer uses ARP to figure out
the physical MAC address of the default
gateway and then passes the data to
the NETWORK layer.
DATA LINK E LLC Once the request from your web browser has
T MAC been created it is sent to the network card.
H Once it reaches your network card it must be
converted into a message that is sent from
E your computer to the default gateway which
R will forward the message to the Internet. At
the DATA LINK layer, the web request is
N inserted inside a network request to
the default gateway.
PHYSICAL E CSMA/ The physical layer provides the means to
T CD transmit the web page request to the default

ii) Why standards and protocols are essential in data communication?

Discuss specific roles and responsibilities of any three standard
organization bodies. (2+3)

It guarantees interoperability, compatibility, interconnectivity. It ensures
that hardware and software produced by different vendors can work

Students must write specific roles and responsibilities of any three

standard organization bodies.
2. 2
i) For each of the following four networks, discuss the consequences if a

connection fails. (6)
a. Five devices arranged in a mesh topology
b. Five devices arranged in a star topology (not counting the hub)
c. Five devices arranged in a bus topology
d. Five devices arranged in a ring topology

a. Mesh topology: If one connection fails, the other

connections will still be work- ing.
b. Star topology: The other devices will still be able to send
data through the hub; there will be no access to the
device which has the failed connection to the hub.
c. Bus Topology: All transmission stops if the failure is in the
bus. If the drop-line fails, only the corresponding device
cannot operate.
d. Ring Topology: The failed connection may disable the
whole network unless it is a dual ring or there is a by-pass

ii) Performance is inversely related to delay. When we use the Internet,

which of the following applications are more sensitive to delay? (4)
a. Sending an e-mail
b. Copying a file
c. Surfing the Internet

a. E-mail is not an interactive application. Even if it is

delivered immediately, it may stay in the mail-box of the
receiver for a while. It is not sensitive to delay.
b. We normally do not expect a file to be copied
immediately. It is not very sensi- tive to delay.
c. Surfing the Internet is the an application very sensitive to
delay. We except to get access to the site we are

3. i) The following shows a routing table of a switch in a virtual- circuit 2

network. (4)

Incoming Outgoing
Port VCI Port VCI

1 14 3 22
2 71 4 41
2 92 1 45
3 58 2 43
3 78 2 70
4 56 3 11

Find the output port and the output VCI for packets with the following
input port and input VCI addresses:
a. Packet 1: 3, 78
b. Packet 2: 2, 92
c. Packet 3: 4, 56
d. Packet 4: 2, 71
Packet 1: 2, 70
Packet 2: 1, 45
Packet 3: 3, 11
Packet 4: 4, 41

ii) We transmit data directly between two servers 6,000 km apart through a
geostationary satellite situated 10,000 km from Earth exactly between the
two servers. The data enters this network at 100Mb/s. (2+2+2)

a. Find the propagation delay if data travels at the speed of light (2.3 ×
108 m/s).
b. Find the number of bits in transit during the propagation delay.
c. Determine how long it takes to send 10 bytes of data and to receive
2.5 bytes of acknowledgment back.


a)90.8 ms
b)9.08 Mb
c)181.7 ms

4. i) List and discuss in detail various causes which induce error to the 5
transmitted data. Which layers are responsible to perform error detection
and correction? Which layer is best? Justify your answer.

Attenuation, Distortion, Noise (Thermal) -1
Data Link layer and Transport layer -1
Transport layer – Best
Transport layer provides end-to-end error control whereas datalink layer
provides node-level error control.

ii) Sixteen-bit messages are transmitted using a Hamming code. How many
check bits are needed to ensure that the receiver can detect and correct
single-bit errors? Assuming an even parity show the bit pattern transmitted
for the message 1101001100110101. How does the receiver finds whether
the received code word has an error or not. (3+3)
No of redundant bits = 5 (2r>=m+r+1)
Total message length = 21 (16+5)
Sender Side:
P1: ? 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 = 0
P2: ? 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 = 1
P3:? 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 = 1
P4:? 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 =1
P5:? 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 =0
Transmitted code word is:
Receiver Side Calculation
P1 : 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 = 0

P2: 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 =0
P3: 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 =0
P4: 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 = 0
P5: 1 0 1 0 1 1 = 0
Hence, no bits are corrupted during transmission. The receiver will will
accept the frame.
5. i) Write down the steps involved in finding CRC at both sender and 5
receiver side. Differentiate between backward error correction and
forward error correction techniques. (2+2)

CRC calculation:

1. A string of n as is appended to the data unit. The length of

predetermined divisor is n+ 1.
2. The newly formed data unit i.e. original data + string of n as are divided
by the divisor using binary division and remainder is obtained. This
remainder is called CRC.
3. Now, string of n Os appended to data unit is replaced by the CRC
remainder (which is also of n bit).
4. The data unit + CRC is then transmitted to receiver.
5. The receiver on receiving it divides data unit + CRC by the same divisor &
checks the remainder.
6. If the remainder of division is zero, receiver assumes that there is no
error in data and it accepts it.
7. If remainder is non-zero then there is an error in data and receiver
rejects it.

Backward error correction and Forward error correction: In

former methods the receiver will ask the sender to retransmit the frame
which has error whereas in later methods the receiver will detect and
correct the error bit on its own.
ii) Consider a user is downloading 1MB audio file as a 32 bit sequence from
a FTP server as follows:

Engrave the steps involved at the sender side checksum calculation by
assuming each segment is of 8 bits. Assume that the bits at odd positions in
each segment are garbled due to imperfection in the medium. How the
receiver does detects that there is error in the received or not. (3+3)

S1: 10011001
S2: 01110110
S3: 00010101
S4: 00001001
Sender checksum : 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
Received data : 1100110000100011010000000101110010000100
Receiver side calculation:
S1: 11001100
S2: 00100011
S3: 01000000
S4: 01011100
S5: 10000100
Receiver checksum: 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
Conclusion: The calculated checksum is non-zero checksum. Hence, the
receiver discards the frame.

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