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The Rhode Island Red

The Rhode Island Red is an American breed of chicken, it is a utility bird, raised for meat and eggs,
and also as a show bird. It is a popular choice for backyard flocks because of its egg laying abilities
and hardiness. Non-industrial strains of the Rhode Island Red are listed as "recovering" by The
Livestock Conservancy. The Rhode Island Red is the state bird of Rhode Island. The bird's feathers
are rust-colored, however darker shades are known, including maroon bordering on black. Rhode
Island Reds have red-orange eyes, reddish-brown beaks, and yellow feet and legs, often with a bit of
reddish hue on the toes and sides of the shanks. Chicks are a light red to tan color. The roosters
usually weigh in at about 8.5 pounds (3.9 kg), the hens average slightly less at 6.5 pounds (2.9 kg).


The Plymouth Rock

The Plymouth Rock often called simply Rocks or Barred Rocks (after their most popular color), is
a chicken breed that originated in the United States. The Plymouth Rock is a broiler, cold-hardy bird
and therefore makes a great breed for the small farm or backyard flock owner. The Barred Rock is
often called the Plymouth Rock, but this title correctly belongs to the entire breed, not just the barred
variety. Plymouth Rocks are large, long-lived chickens. Some varieties are good layers while others
are bred principally for meat. They possess a long, broad back; a moderately deep, full breast; and
yellow skin and legs. The hens have a deep, full abdomen, which is a sign of a good layer. The face
of a Plymouth Rock is red with red ear lobes, a bright yellow beak, bay-colored eyes, and a single
comb of moderate size. Their feathers are fairly loosely held and short but not so long as to easily
tangle. The chicken's bottom feathers are soft and downy, like baby chicks feathers.


The New Hampshire

The New Hampshire breed of chicken originated in the state of New Hampshire in the United
States. Poultry farmers, starting with Rhode and performing generation after generation of selective
breeding, intensified the characteristics of early maturity, rapid full feathering, and production of large
brown eggs. The mature birds are a rich chestnut red, of a somewhat lighter and more even shade
than the Rhode Island Reds. The chicks are also a lighter red. They possess a deep, broad body,
grow feathers very rapidly, are prone to go broody and make good mothers. Most feathers are a
reddish, brownish buff in color and, therefore, do not detract from the carcass appearance very
much. The color is a medium to light red and often fades in the sunshine. The comb is single and
medium to large in size; in the females it often lops over a bit. While mainly raised for meat, they are
also modest producers of brown eggs. Some strains lay eggs of a dark brown shell color. New
Hampshire’s are competitive and aggressive, with other chickens.


The Star Cross Shaver

The star cross Shaver is a sex linked breed of chicken developed in Canada. Pullets are reddish-
brown in colour with white under feathers, while males are white with a few red markings on the
feathers. It is a hardy, dual-purpose breed laying brown eggs and dressing out between three and
five pounds. They have a reputation of being a quiet breed. The star cross shaver are used most
frequently in small flocks for small farms.

The star cross shaver hens can lay from 305 to 315 eggs a year, and are reported to be prolific
producers of large brown eggs. One four-year-old Star Cross Shaver chicken in Ottawa was
credited with laying an egg, with a mass of 143 grams, which is almost three times the size of a
standard medium egg (Typically a medium egg is 49 g, a jumbo egg is 70 g).


Jersey Black Giant

The Jersey Black Giant is a breed of chicken which originated in the United States in the late 19th
century. Named for their state of origin (New Jersey) and their large size, Jersey Black Giants are
the largest chicken breed. A large amount of food and time are required for the Jersey Black Giant to
reach its full size. The Jersey Black Giant are a calm and docile breed. The cocks are rarely
aggressive. They lay very large brown eggs, and are fair layers overall, known particularly as good
winter layers. The birds are robust and fairly cold-hardy. The breed's plumage comes in Blue as well
as Black and White; legs are willow in hue. Jersey Black Giant hens will go broody.


The White Leghorn

The white leghorn is a breed of chicken originating in Tuscany. Birds were first exported to North
America in 1828 from the port city of Livorno. On the western coast of Tuscany. They were initially
called "Italians", but by 1865 the breed was known as "Leghorn’’ The breed was first introduced to
Britain from the United States in 1870. White Leghorns are commonly used as layer chickens in
many countries of the world. Other White Leghorn varieties are less common. The legs are bright
yellow, and the ear-lobes white. White Leghorns are good layers of white eggs, laying an average of
280 per year and sometimes reaching 300–320. The eggs are white and weigh a minimum of 55 g.
Ring size is 18 mm for cocks, 16 mm for hens. They have a good feed-to-egg conversion ratio,
needing around 125 grams per day of feed. White Leghorns rarely exhibit broodiness and are thus
well suited for uninterrupted egg laying. The Leghorn is a light breed that matures quickly; it is not
considered a viable meat producer. White Leghorns are active and efficient foragers. They typically
avoid human contact and tend to be nervous and flighty.

The white leghorn breed

Creole/Common Chicken Breed

A creole chicken is a breed of chicken reared mainly by many Guyanese farmers for their eggs,
meat. It is reared by many persons on a small scale as a backyard fowl. The creole/common chicken
is a dual purpose breed of chicken. This breed of chicken is referred by many Guyanese as yard

Creole chicken

The Brahma is a large breed of chicken developed in the United States from very large birds
imported from the Chinese port of Shanghai. The Brahma was the principal meat breed in the US
from the 1850s until about 1930. The Brahma is a massive, stately bird, with an upright carriage and
a large head. When standing, they should almost appear to form a V, and should stand fairly tall—
males more than females. Feet should be strong, with feathers extending all the way down the
middle toe, and plumage should be held more tightly than in the Cochin.[Weights average about
5.5 kg (12 lb.) for cocks and 4.5 kg (9.9 lb.) for hens. The Brahma is a good winter layer of large
brown eggs; eggs weigh approximately 55–60 g.


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