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A personal Philosophy is something I have never had to write about.

I have thought about it

before but the things I think change on a daily basis so I have no set in stone thoughts. I guess I
could start by talking about what I think is important to stay healthy. The spirit, mind, and body
are the three things most important to me as a human being. They are connected but separate
in their own ways. I feel that each and every aspect of this triangle needs to be cared for and
trained. WIth care and attention to all three of these things you reach equilibrium, this is a state
of perfect balance. At this state you are healthy and happy. The spirit is your soul things that
connect you to your soul are the things that you should be doing to train and care for your spirit.
Your mind is your mind the things you should be doing is thinking, reading and academics to
train and care for it. The body is your physical attributes. Eating healthy, exercising, and just
getting out and about is the best way to train and care for your body. These three things I try to
work on every single day. There are some days that I can only focus on one or two and that's
okay its life it happens. The spirit, mind, and body are important to me and I want to spread this
way of life to those I meet and hope they find a balance within thiers. Something else I believe in
or is a personal philosophy of mine is morals. I have a very high standard for morals within
myself and the people I surround myself with. It has proven to be harder for me to make good
friends this way but I see no fault in it. Being kind to my elders, being respectful to those who
you don't know, and being honest in any situation are some of the morals I keep with me. I plan
to keep my high moral standards and teach my kids the same way as I expect only the best
from them and want to help them be the best they can be as my parents do today. Another thing
I would say is a personal philosophy of mine is a saying “Nothing to it but to do it”. I feel like this
could be said in almost every situation you come across in life. There are so many great
opportunities in life that you will miss out on or fall short if you just don't do it or something that
will lead you to it. Whether it be going out with friends instead of staying in or finishing that
paper before a certain time. There is nothing to it but to do it in every situation. The saying is like
a motivator really, one that is universal and will help whenever you are stuck on deciding
something, to lazy, or procrastinating. Moving on to another topic I think is a philosophy of mine
is the power of thinking. Having time to yourself wherever you may be and just allowing yourself
to think is important in life. It allows you to open your mind to philosophies and ideas about the
world. You can learn things about yourself and others just by thinking about it. With an
imagination your thinking time is limitless. I believe setting aside time to think allows your mind
to expand and grow. You gain knowledge and power just by thinking and there is endless topics
to think about. My last philosophy on life would be to never take things for granted. I spent a lot
of my life thinking what I had was not enough or who I am just was not good enough. Recently I
have learned that the complete opposite is true. Everything you have is a blessing and you
should treat it as so. You may not have more than some people but you have a lot more than
others. Learning to be thankful for what you have not not mad at what you don't have is
important to being happy in life. We are lucky just to be on this beautiful planet and alive so I
always start with ath when I wake up. Same thing goes when thinking about yourself. You are
lucky to be you and you are good enough to others and yourself. I remind myself this every day.
I think it is important to realize who you are and cherish the things you do well and not beg for
the things you aren't well at. Nothing in life is permanent, it can all be taken away with a blink of
an eye. I try to remind myself this everyday to stay humble and happy of who I am and what I

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