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For Those Brothers and Sisters
Promoting Naturopathy

This Book is not a Substitute

For Medical Treatment,

But an aid to enhance Healing.


Health in Your Hands

• Health as defined by W.H.O is “A state of complete, physical, mental; & social

well being and not merely the absence of diseases”.

• Health is Wealth. However, if wealth is lost, something is lost. But if health is

lost everything is lost.

• “Your food shall be your medicine” said Hippocrates, the father of medicine

several hundred years ago. It is true even today .There are many illness which

can be prevented by selecting natural foods , consisting of a balanced diet , rich

in vitamins , minerals and vital nutrients, which have positive medicinal


• Man has become divorced from the nature and its bounties. He is unwittingly

lured by the widely advertised processed foods, fast foods, chemically treated,

artificially flavored and packed foods. He has no time to think, that such foods

are devoid of nutritional values.


• “Prevention is better and cheaper than cure”. It is worth while to spend some

time in acquiring the know – how of good health.

• The proverb “A Sound Mind in Sound Body” is true. One should control emotions,

stress and strains.

• Eat nutritious food, drink milk and juice not alcohol, be happy and merry.

• Early to bed and early to rise, is equally true to ensure long and healthy life, as

cherisher by our forefathers.

• In fine, the axiom “Health in your Hands”, is true .One has to observe the rules

and live happily or disregard them and live miserably.


The "Effortless weight loss." is a book that represents a natural method of losing

weight. In this book, you will get all the natural and effortless ways to lose weight.

We all know that doing hard physical exercises and diet plans are not easy to follow

for a overweight person. I have taken proper care to make all this methods easy and


Overweight or obesity may occur at any age in either sex. It is a serious health

hazard as the extra fat puts a strain on the heart, kidneys and liver as well as the

large weight-bearing joints such as the hips, knees and ankles, which ultimately

shortens the life. Overweight persons are susceptible to several diseases like coronary

thrombosis, heart failure, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, gout, liver and gall-

bladder disorders.

To reduce the ill effects of obesity, there is no substitute other than reducing

weight. This book "Effortless Weightloss", helps to introduce natural and scientific

manner to know the danger of increased weight and the importance of the need to

lose weight. Risk factor analysis that is a great primer on the proper management of

weight is thoroughly discussed in this book in simple and descriptive language. The

dietary and natural guidelines given in the book are also based on sound scientific

principles and written in a manner that would make it understandable to even the

uninitiated. In view of increasing incidence of health problems related to obesity in the

modern world in the past years, this book would be of immense use and help not only

to those who suffer from overweight but also for anybody who desires to lead a life of

debilitating illness and long time health hazards. Wishing you a more healthy life.

Naturally Yours

Hari Kumar Moorthattil


1. Ayurveda ------------------------------9

a. Ayurveda remedies to lose weight.---------------------9

b. Ayurveda remedies to lose fat on stomach-------------12

2. Yogic ways to lose weight----------15

a. Yogic diet-----------------------------------------------------15

b. Pranayama----------------------------------------------------22

c. Yogic massages----------------------------------------------34

3.Breathing exercises-------------------61

4.Mudras for weight loss--------------38

5.Herbal remedies----------------------54

6.Kerala remedies to lose weight----57

7.Home remedies-----------------------65

8.Foods that helps to lose weight---71

9.Healthy diet plans--------------------80

10. Juice therapy to lose weight.--------67

11. Eeffortless Ways to weight loss -------------88

12. Natural ways to tighten your skin----------75



Obesity is called as medoroga in Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, proper diet

and lifestyle plays vital role in maintaining ideal weight.

There are many places in the body where excessive fat is accumulated. The most

common areas are the abdomen, breasts and buttocks. The fat in the body is primarily

drawn from the oils, ghees and other fatty substances consumed through food and drink.

Normally this fat, during the process of metabolism, produces energy and heat. Fat also

enters into the composition of some tissue cells in the human body. For example, the

covering material over the nerve fibres contains a type of fatty material.

The tissue cells of the brain and the muscle also contain fat. Nature has provided

fat to accumulate in some of the joints to avoid friction during movement. Fat in the
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body is also synthesised from the starchy ingredients of food are taken in excess, fat in

excess of the requirement of the body other gets deposited in parts of the body. A by-

product of fat known as cholesterol circulates in the blood vessels and gets deposited

on the walls of the vessels resulting in high blood pressure.

Excessive fat may also impair the function of the vital organs like heart, liver

and the kidneys. It may also result in diabetes. The most common difficulty the patient

experiences because of excessive fat is breathlessness on even slight exertion. Such

patients may even get afflicted by a serious type of asthma.

The patient should be asked to take up Yoga exercises, Mudras as well as mental

exercises and should be asked to give up sedentary habits.

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Persons working in offices should have a little walk after taking their food.

Guggulu is the remedy for this condition. The gum-resin extracted from this plant is

used in medicine.

Ayurveda Remedy (choornam) to reduce overweight

Take Guggulu 50 gm powder.

Take Vidangalu, 50 gm powder.

Take Triphala 150 gm powder.

Take Trikata 150 gm powder

The mix will all the above powder and keep it air tight sealed bottle.

Taking half teaspoon power mixed with Luke warm water daily twice(morning

and night for 6 months will reduce the overweight problem naturally
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Losing excessive fat on the stomach naturally

Excessive fat on the stomach is an irritating issue for everyone. We all dream to have
flat abs without any excessive fat on it. Dreaming is not enough to lose the fat on the

You need to work out to lose the excessive fat on the stomach. I know most of us have
already tried those abdominal exercises to lose excessive stomach fat workout ranging
from 5 minutes to 10 minutes daily and got disappointed of not getting the desired
result. I am not blaming any workouts, actually if you sincerely do it the dream of
getting flat abs without any excessive fat will turn into reality. Unfortunately due to
laziness and other reasons we won't be sincere in doing those belly exercise and get

how to lose excessive fat on stomach effortlessly by using Udvartana Ayurveda


Why excessive fat piles upon stomach?

Excessive fat on stomach won't happen in one day. Due to continuous negligence
without any exercise results in excessive fat on the stomach.
If you are doing your work by sitting and not having any physical activity all through
the day will also result in excessive fat on the stomach.
Intake of more fat foods and food that contain sugar percentage will also increase the
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Alcoholism is one of the common reasons for excessive fat on the stomach.
Lifestyle changes to lose stomach excessive fat.

Drinking Luke warm water daily instead of cold water is useful to reduce stomach
excessive fat.

How to lose stomach fat through Udvartana Ayurveda treatment:

Udvartana is an Ayurveda treatment of body toning program. In Udvartana with the

application of oil on the body part/entire body along with a combination of prescribed
herbal powder.Udvartana treatment is used in the treatment to reduce fat and
strengthen the body.

Take Kulthi or Horse gram powder-500gm.

Triphala powder (harad, baheda and amla )-250 gm

Chengalva Kostu (Costus speciosus):50gm

Lodhra(Symplocos racemosa):50gm
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Mix well all the above herbal powder.

Apply Sesame oil on your stomach and massage with herbal powder daily for 15
minutes. This treatment will reduce you stomach excessive fat without any side effects
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Yogic ways to lose weight

Yogic diet

Yoga is the best choice to lose weight scientifically. Yoga is an ancient science.

It has all along insisted on nourishing but-non-stimulant. Vegetarian diet. Yogic diet

satisfies three main conditions:

1. It is nourishing, i.e., it provides all the essential nutrients to the body.

2. It is vegetarian

3. It is pure and non-stimulant.

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According to medical science, if food satisfies the condition No. (1) then it is fit

for consumption. But yoga, being a subtle science, makes subtle distinctions. Proper food

is the first requisite of a Sadhaka.

Ideal Yogic food-stuffs

All nuts and fruits, all kinds of vegetables and edible green leaves, all kinds of

pulses, milk, curd, butter-milk, dates; honey and jaggery, wheat, rice, etc.., sprouted

pulses and cereals. To reduce weight scientifically, the diet plan should include above

food groups.

Yogic Fasting

There are no very- hard- and-fast rules as to when to fast.The following points

are useful for observing a fast for weight loss.

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1. Do not eat any fast during the day of fasting. Drink as much as clean water

as you can when you feel thirsty. Water cleans water as you can when you feel

thirsty. Water cleans the entire system and washes

away the impurities that might have accumulated in the system from time to


2. If in the beginning you find it difficult to observe a complete fast for one full

day, you can begin with a partial fast. Do not take anything during the day except

water. In the evening, take fruit juice or fruits, or fruit and milk. That is to say, take

no solid food except fruits.

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3. Those who cannot observe even a partial fast may drink orange or some other

juice thrice a day. Vegetable juice can also be taken in the absence of fruit juice.

4. It is essential to cleanse your bowels in the morning. It is better to take an

enema of simple water, after the normal motion to cleanse the bowels thoroughly. Your

fast will do you good when you start it with clean bowels.

5.Fast should always be broken with a glass of fruit juice. In the absence of fruit

juice, you can take fruits that are pulpy and easily digestible, e. g, orange, papaya,

grapes, apple, etc.

It is bad practice to break the fast with a solid, hard or fried food like prantha,

part, sweatmeats, etc. In fact, it does more harm than good. It will be good to eat

easily digestible food for two to three days after the day of the fast.
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6. One should take as much rest as one can during the fast. Hard physical labor

should be avoided during the time of the fast. Those whose nature of work is such that

they have to do hard physical labor; they should observe only partial fast. Those who

can observe silence during the fast should do so to save energy.

7. Long fasts of more than two days should be under taken under the guidance

and advice of an expert naturopath. It is however not essential to consult a doctor

when one resorts to fasting to cure indigestion caused due to careless eating. In small

ailments like headaches, stomach aches, bad cold, one may safely go in for a fast.

8. Fasting increases our will power. We should exert our will powerfully on the

day of the fast and should control our mind's wanderings. The purification of the body
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and the mind achieved during fasting enables us to bring our mind to one-pointedness

and fix it in meditation. It is easy to meditate on the day of fasting because fasting

makes the mind quiet, placid and thus easy to control.

Yogic way of weight loss:

Weight loss through yoga is very easy when you change your lifestyle. Slight

changes in your activities help to a big gain in your weight reduction program.

It starts from the morning, wake up before sunrise, drink one litter lukewarm

water with one teaspoon lemon and honey. Practice wind relieving pose for ten rounds.
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Your bowels should empty in the morning. After that while bathing scrubs the body for

10-15 minutes with a slightly rough towel. At night patting with palm, closed fist, and

dry massage will activate the fat cells. In the food reduce the quantity of carbohydrate

and proteins and add fruits, vegetables, juices and fat-free milk and curd.

Yoga asanas to lose weight:

Suryanamaskar, Naoasana, Suptavajrasana, Sarpasana, Mayurasana,

Uttanpadasana, Paschimottanasana, Makarasana, Halasana, Uddiyanabandha are the

best yoga asanas for weight loss and obesity.

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Pranayama and breathing exercises for weight loss:

Weight loss is the new rage throughout the world. Eat less, gym more; health

food, dieting, aerobics, yoga, dance, pilates and what not just to cut down those extra

kilos? Why had guys? Why do you have to do so much when some breathing

techniques can help you slim down? Unbelievable, isn’t it? It was unbelievable to me

too when I had read the article. But then I thought there’s no harm in trying so why

not give it a try? And trust me, girls, it works. Unlike gymming and hard core

workouts that give you muscle cramps and body pains, these breathing exercises are

easy ad painless techniques to lose weight easily.

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But when there is a rave about so many weight loss workouts and expensive

exercise equipment how can a simple and inexpensive breathing help us lose weight?

The reasons below will convince you of the fact behind weight loss associated with

breathing exercises in yoga.

Deep breathing promotes weight loss as deep inhalation fills your lungs with

fresh oxygen that gets transferred to all body cells. This increases oxidation and helps

in burning fat cells.

With deep breathing in yoga, oxygen intake in blood increases and the rate at

which carbon dioxide leaves the body slows down, thus giving us more energy to

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Breathing exercises in yoga boost metabolism. The thyroid gland is responsible for

regulating metabolic rate. Deep breathing in yoga triggers the release of hormones from

thyroid gland that stimulate metabolism and thereby indirectly leads to weight loss.

There are some specific yogic breathing techniques that massages your abdomen

and helps burn fat faster around the mid-region.

Yoga breathing exercises for weight loss

Let us start with certain breathing techniques combined with yoga poses that will

accelerate weight loss.

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Pranayam refers to deep breathing techniques. There is a set of breathing

exercises that will effectively help lose weight.

1. Kapalbhati:

Also known as the Breath of fire technique, this breathing exercise made popular

by yoga guru Baba Ramdev is a very helpful weight loss exercise. Let us learn how to

do it.

Student yoga

i. Sit cross-legged on your yoga mat.

ii. Your body should be straight, an elongated spine, neck and chin up.

iii. Close your eyes and place hands on your knees in a comfortable position.
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iv. Your abdomen muscles should be completely relaxed, don’t strain them.

v. Breathe in deeply and exhale the air out of your nose as if a sniff. When you

sniff out the air, you’ll feel your abdomen pulling inwards.

vi. If you are a starter, practice this breathing exercise up to 30-50 times. Slowly

increase the pace and continue up to 5-10 minutes at a stretch.

Don’t do this exercise when having periods or if you are suffering from high

blood pressure or any other heart disease.

2. Bhastrika Pranayama:

This Pranayama is meant to provide enough amount of fresh oxygen to your


kapal bhati pranayama

~ 27 ~

i. Sit comfortably on a yoga mat. Your legs should be crossed, one over the other

in a padmasana.

ii. Place hands on your knees with palms facing upwards, the tip of your thumb

and ring finger pressing one against the other.

iii. Take normal breaths and relax.

iv. Now breathe in deeply with all your strength so that your lung is filled with


v. Then breathe out forcefully through the nose such that a hissing sound is


vi. Repeat this for 5-10 times.

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If you are suffering from any heart disease, consult your doc before practicing

this exercise.

3. Anulom Vilom Pranayama:

This breathing technique is also known as alternate nostril breathing. Let us learn

this breathing technique.

Right nostril is breathing

me. Sit with cross-legged on a mat and relax.

ii. Close your eyes and keep all your muscles relaxed.

iii. Now press the right nostril with the thumb of your right hand and breathe in

through the left nostril.

iv. Count until 5 to retain the breath.

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v. Then close your left nostril with the ring finger of your right hand and leave

the right nostril to let the air exhale through the right nostril.

vi. Now again inhale through your right nostril while still keeping the left nostril


vii. Retain the breath until five counts and release air through left nostril.

viii. This way you complete one round of this pranayama.

ix. Repeat some 10-15 rounds more.

This exercise should be done in fresh air before having your breakfast. However,

if you are pregnant or having periods, do not do this exercise.

4. Bhramari Pranayama:

Bhramari Pranayama
~ 30 ~

i. Sit on a mat cross-legged in a padmasana.

ii. Straighten your spine and relax.

iii. Now with your thumb, close both your ears.

iv. Use the middle finger of both hands to press lightly on your closed eyes.

v. With the index finger, press your temples lightly.

vi. Place the ring fingers and little fingers on the bridge of your nose.

vii. Now breathe in deeply through the nose and exhale slowly through the nose

while making a humming sound and chanting OM in your mind.

viii. Do this exercise for 11-21 times.

5. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation):

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Surya Namaskar for weight loss

There are twelve steps in Surya Namaskar. Each of these poses is accompanied

with sequenced breathing which if done with concentration and accuracy promotes

weight loss toning up your entire body.

6. Seated Spinal Twist:

Also known as Ardha Matsyendrasana, spinal twists works on your abdomen and


Seated Spinal Twist

i. Sit on the yoga mat with your legs extended before you. Breathe and relax.

ii. Bend your right knee and bring the heels as much close to your buttocks as

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iii. Now fold your left knee and cross it over your right knee. Your left foot ankle

should be just by the side of your right knee.

iv. Take your left arm and place it behind you with the palm on the floor.

v. Your right arm should be touching the toes of your left foot.

vi. Now that you have positioned yourself take in deep breath and elongate your


vii. Twist your torso to your left and look over your left shoulder. As you twist,


viii. Inhale and straighten your spine; exhale and twist.

ix. Stay for five breaths and release the twist.

x. Now twist to the other side too.

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These poses of yoga for breathing and weight loss will undoubtedly give you long

term benefits!
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Yogic Massage for weight loss

Ever since our births, the massage plays an important role in developing our body and
in healping us to adjust to our physical environment. Consciously or unconsciously
everyone uses it to beneficial effects. Soon after the infant's birth, his massage starts.
The mother parts and cuddles the body, the physical touch the helps him to grow well
fast. Wealthy massage also imparts strength to the bones, and relaxes the muscles.
Every living being, including bird or animal, adopts the basic principle of massage and
keeps itself fit. No doctor teaches this. It's a natural instinct.

Just as regular practice of yogasanas and good food habits are essential for good
health, the massage also plays a vital role in this respect. It helps improve the
functioning of veins and arteries and makes them healthy. The muscles gain elasticity.
On the whole massage helps to improve the general health, prolonging the life.

It also plays a vital role transporting food stuff from one part of the body to the other,
for thin people it works miracles. If a person doesn't eat for several days but gets
himself massaged by an expert he can survive for several days. His body would use
less energy, as massage will supply him deit.

Major Advantages of Massage

The circulatory system gets activated and helps body organs function efficiently.
Proper circulation of blood helps to cleanse the body of the impurities collected at
different points in the body through outlets like breath, sweat, stool and urine.
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The excretory organs like skin, rectum, lungs, kidneys, etc., get strengthened and they
start working more efficiently.
The digestive organs like liver, small intestines get activated and function more
Massage helps to reduce fat. It is a best and effortless way of weight loss.
The pores of skin improve.
The veins and arteries gain elasticity and body becomes more efficient and oily.
Those who do not do exercises or patients who cannot exercise can find in massage an
ideal substitute. Because like exercise the massage improves the blood circulation and
cleanses the body of impurities.

Types of Massages

Oil massage
Dry massage
Foot massage
Cold massage
Warm-clod massage
Powder massage
Electric massage
For every massage there is certain procedure which must be followed faithfully.
different ailments call for different massage, and they must be done keeping the
patients' conditions in mind. Not all patient can be given the same type of massage.
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Dry massage and cold massages are good for reducing fat. Dry massage, powder
massage and oil massage help to relax the body.
Oil massage
The oil massage should be done in the direction of heart. Although one can massage
onself, is better to get somebody else to do massage. Leave yoour hand lose and
massage toward the heart from the upper parts of the body downwards and from below
upwards. The massage should begin from leg, knee, thighs, arms, stomach, chest, back
neck and head. The massage activates the veins and helps to cleanse the body of
impurities. The massage should concentrate on the muscles and not on the bones. This
will help the muscles to become elastic and flexible.
Other types of massages are
Tapping, rubbing,, kneading, patting, wringing, rapping, swapping, thumbing, pressing,
punching and heating with hand.
Daily massage: Massage the body well for five to seven minutes before the bath. This
can be an oil massage or simply dry one by rubbing the hand on the entire body.
Leg: Rub a little oil on the leg. Start from the ankle and using circular motion bring the
hand up. Use the palms of both hands and rub in opposite directions. Pat and strike
gently the leg with hands.
Arm: Rub oil on the arm and massage upwards starting from the wrist. Use circular
motion. Pat and strike gently the leg with hand.
Stomach: Rub oil with both hands on stomach from right to left using clockwise motin.
Then catch the flesh with fingers and rub downwards upwards. This helps to reduce
fat. Now press with fingers and rub many times towards right and move upwards using
clock wise motion.
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Chest: Rub the chest all over with oil from left to right, and down to up. Move the
hand outwards from the middle. This will broaden the chest. Cup both palms and gently
tap the chest all over. This will benefit the heart and lungs.
Back : You can't massage your own back yourself, so, as far as you can expand your
hand, gently press and rub outwards. However, if you can get someone else to massage
for you, it would be better, Rub oil at the back and massage well from left to right
and down to up. Place both palms side by side with back bone in the middle, press and
rub down wards. Press with thumbs on both sides of the back bone and rub upwards.
Rub every vertebra properly. Gently pull the flesh from different places and massage.
Cup the palms and pat gently.
Neck and Face: Using circular motion massage all over the face and gradually move the
hand downwards from the chin rub the neck. Massage the face downwards. Use fingers
to massage around the eyes. Without pressing hard use palms to massage clockwise.
Head: Put oil on the head and massage right upto the roots of the hair. Use circular
motion to massage forehead and head. At the back of the head move hands downwards.
Cup the palm and pat the head. Do this massage daily for ten minutes before the bath.
Give massage more times on holidays. All these massages are useful to lose weight
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Mudras for weight loss

Mudras are part of holistic healing Ayurveda and Yoga. It is an effective way of

treatment. The major advantage of mudras are it is very easy and anyone can do it

any time. Gyan mudra, Surya mudra, Vaayan mudra, Kapha-nashak mudra and Linga

mudra are the most popular mudras for weight loss. Other combination mudras like

shoonya+Surya mudra are also beneficial. In few cases like hormone imbalances and

over water element fat Jal-shamk mudra also beneficial.

Gyan Mudra

Gyan mudra is one of the prime mudras in hand mudras.

Other names of Gyan mudra are Gyaan, Gnaan, Dnyaaan and Vayu-vardhak mudra.
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How to do Gyan Mudra:

1.Sit in any comfortable posture.

2. Then Join the tips of your index finger and thumb finger to form Gyan mudra.
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How Gyan Mudra works:

The index finger represents air element, and Thumb finger represents fire element.
When you join the tip your index finger with thumb finger, the air element within the
body increases. This reinforces the Vayu element.

1. Vayu-vardhak mudra empowers the mind leads to enlightenment and emotional


2.Gyan Mudra empowers entire nervous system and also the brain.

3.The practice of this mudra facilitates movements of electrical impulses along nerves.

4.Practice of Gyan Mudra empowers entire endocrine glands and also pituitary gland.

5.Vayu-vardhak mudra empowers vocal cords and the voice.

6.The practice of Gyan Mudra strengthen the heart and improves its efficiency.

7. Vayu-vardhak mudra renders the skin and the mucous membranes.

8. The practice of Gyan Mudra renders the joints and the articular cartilage dry.

The increase in the Vayu element leads to reinforcing the Vata humor. Gyan mudra is
one of the best mudras to overcome all the diseases caused due to the deficiency in

Benefits of Gyan Mudra:

1. Gyan mudra is very much useful in the treatment of Dullness of mind, Lack of
enthusiasm-initiative-creativity, recklessness and loss of memory.
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2. Drowsiness, lethargy and mental retardation can be easily overcome by practicing

Vayu-vardhak mudra.

3. The practice of Gyan mudra helps to overcome all the disorders of the nervous
system like cerebral palsy, neuritis, Tabes dorsalis, multiple sclerosis, neuropathies,
Alzheimer's disease, motor neurone disease, Denarius, Ataxias and Syringomyelia, etc.

4. Other significant benefits of Gyan mudra are it helps to reduce degeneration of the
retina, optic atrophy.

5. The practice of Vayu-vardhak mudra helps to heal all the Endocrine (hormonal)
disorders like hypopituitarism (causes dwarfism, Simmond's
disease, Fronhlick's syndrome), hypothyroidism ( causes cretinism, myxoedema),
hypoparathyroidism, hypoadrenalism( causing Addison's disease), diabetes, hypogonadism,

6. All the diseases of muscular disorders like myopathies, myasthenia gravies, paresis,
paralysis (viz paralytic squint, ptosis, facial palsy, respiratory paralysis, monoplegia,
paraplegia, vocal paralysis, hemiplegia, quadriplegia, etc.)

7. Other benefits of Gyan Mudra are it helps to heal lost or feeble voice,
Bradycardia(slow heartbeats), weak or gradual failure of heart, the formation of
excessive mucous in respiratory or digestive tracts and effusion in joints.

Duration for Gyan Mudra:

Regular practice of forty-five minutes every day is enough to get good results. You
may take a break in between.
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Precaution for Gyan mudra:

If you are a Vata Prakriti person, then you should practice this, mudra in moderation

Surya mudra

Surya mudra

Surya mudra increases Agni element and decreases earth element within the body.

Other names of Surya mudra are Agni-vardha Mudra and Prithvi-shamak mudra.

How to do Surya mudra:

1. Sit in any comfortable posture.

2. now, place the tip of ring finger at the bottom of thumb finger to form Surya mudra.
Look at the picture of Surya mudra.
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How Surya mudra works:

The ring finger represents earth element, and the thumb finger represents fire element.
When you keep the tip of the ring finger at the base of thumb finger, the element
represented by ring finger is suppressed by the fire element in the thumb. It also
increases fire element in the body.

The Agni element is directly related to bodily temperature and metabolism. Regular
practice of Prithvi-shamak mudra oi9r Surya Mudra is beneficial to maintain the body
temperature and maintain the metabolism in a proper way.

The Agni is also associated with vision. Therefore, regular practice of Surya mudra
strengthen your eyes and improve vision.

Agni is a vital part of bodily humor Pita. The practice of Surya mudra increases Pita-
Prakruti within the body. Therefore, the Practice of Surya mudra is helpful to prevent
all the illness caused due to the deficiency in Pita humor.

Prithvi-shamak or Surya mudra decreases earth element within the body. Earth element
is one of the vital components to Kapha humor and decreases in earth element reduce
Kapha humor. Therefore, it is excellent mudra for those who are having an excess of
earth element in their bodies.

Benefits of Surya mudra or Prithvi-shamak mudra.

Surya Mudra is beneficial in the treatment of the following disorders.

1. All the diseases caused due to low body temperature and Abnormally low body
2. The coldness of body, skin, limbs, feet and hand.
3. intolerance to cold and shivering.
4. Underactivity of thyroid glands.
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5. Progressive weight gain, overweight, and obesity.

6. Indigestion, loss of appetite and constipation.
7. All the disorders related to eyes, especially contract.

Duration of Surya mudra:

Forty-five minutes of regular practice is enough to get good results.

Precautions for Surya mudra:

Over-doing this mudra may lead to heating the body.

Vaayan mudra

Vaayan mudra has two other names Vata mudra and Vata-kaarak mudra. It is also
beneficial to increase Vata humor within the body.
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Vaata kaarak or vaayan mudra

How to do Vaayan mudra:

1. First of all, you have to sit in a comfortable posture.

2. Then, Join the tips of the index finger, middle finger and thumb finger to form
Vaayan mudra.
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How Vaayan mudra works:

Vata humor has control over the nervous system and bodily movements. Practice or
Vaayan mudra increase Vata humor that empowers nervous system.

If you are a Vata deficient person, then mudra is extremely beneficial for preventing
Benefits of Vaayan Mudra:

Vaayan mudra is useful in the treatment of following diseases.

1. Lethargy, laziness, general debility, and excessive thirst.
2.Nervous exhaustion, nervous breakdown, drowsiness, and excessive sleep.
3, Lack of initiative/ enthusiasm, slowness of thoughts/ perception, intolerance of
heat/ sunstroke and excessive sweating.
4. Fatness, frequent, profuse urination and loose motions.
5. Greasy skin or hair, Menorrhagia and loss of appetite.
6. All the diseases caused due to deficiency in Vata.

Duration for Vaayan mudra:

Forty-five minutes of practice is enough to get good results of Vaayan mudra.

Precautions for Vaayan mudra:

If you are a Vata humor person, then practice this mudra in moderation only.

To improve the performance of Vaayan mudra practice this mudra and Kapaha-
nashak mudra at a time.

Kapha-nashak mudra
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Pita-Kaarak mudra is a special mudra that is useful to increase Pita humor and reduce
Kapha humor within the body.

Other names of Pita-Kaarak mudra are Kapha-nashak mudra.

Vaata-naashak mudra
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How to do Pita-Kaarak or Kapha-nashak mudra:

1. First of all, you have to sit in any comfortable posture.

2. Then place the tips of the little finger, ring finger at the bottom of the thumb finger
and apply a little pressure to form Pita-kaarak mudra.

How Pita-kaarak or Kapha-nashak mudra works:

Pita-kaarak mudra increases Pita humor and reduces Kapha humor within the body.Pita
humor is related to bodily heat. Pita kaarak mudra empowers digestion and all the heat
associated metabolism.
Pita-kaarak Mudra are beneficial in the treatment of all the diseases that causes due to
extra of Kapha and lack in Pita humor.

Benefits of Pita-kaarak or Kapha-nashak mudra:

Pita-kaarak mudra or Kapha-nashak mudra are beneficial in the treatment of following


1. The slowness of perception, activities, lack of intiative and enthusiasm.

2. All the health problems come in the winter season.
3. Oily, greasy hair or skin, the coldness of skin, hands and feet.
4.Overweight, obesity and gradual weight gain.
5.Loss of appetite, indigestion, and slow digestion.
6. All the disorders of the eye like watering and sickness.
7. Extra mucous in the digestive and respiratory tracts that cause cold, cough, and
sticky stools.
8. Oligomenorrhoea, thirstless ness and absent or scanty perspiration.
9.Low self-esteem and all the diseases caused due to an excess of Kapha.
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Duration for Pita-Kaarak mudra:

Forty-five minutes of practice is enough to get good results. You may take few breaks
in between.

Percuation for Kapha-nashak or Pita-kaarak mudra:

If you are a Pita humor person, then practice this mudra in moderation only.

Linga mudra

Linga mudra
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Linga is a Sanskrit term, and its meaning is the male genital organ. Practice this
mudra increases fire element and Pita humor within the body.

How to do Linga Mudra:

1. First of all, sit in a comfortable posture.

2. Now, interlock the palms but keep the left thumb erect, pointing upwards. Look at
the picture of Linga mudra.

How Linga mudra works:

Thumb finger represents the fire element. Practice if Linga mudra increases the fire

Benefits of Linga Mudra:

Linga mudra is useful in the following conditions,

1. All the diseases caused due to over mucous. Diseases like, cold, wet cough, sinusitis,
sticky stools.
2.Sexual debility and impotence in male.
3.Hypothermia, shivering and chills due to cold.
4. Asthma and all the seasonal respiratory diseases.

Duration for Linga Mudra:

Linga Mudra should be practice when you have necessity, and it should not be
practiced on a regular basis. 30 to 60 minutes is enough to come over to these
conditions, and you should stop when you overcome the disorders.

Precautions of Linga Mudra practice:

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If you are a Pita humor person, then you should not practice Linga mudra. In hot
conditions and if you have a fever don't do this mudra, Overusing this mudra causes
heating of the body and sluggishness, lethargy.

Varun Mudra

varun mudra
Varun mudra increases Jal element within the body. Therefore, it can be called as Jal-
vardhak mudra.

How to do Varun mudra or Jal-vardhak mudra:

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1. Sit in a comfortable posture.

2. Now, Join the tips of the thumb and little finger to form Varun Mudra.

How Varun Mudra Works:

The little finger represents water element, and the thumb finger represents fire element.
When you join the tips together, the fire element in the thumb helps to increase the
water element.

Varun mudra increases water element within the body.

Our body contains 70% water, and water is a vital and abundant element in the body.
Water is present in the protoplasm of cells, extracellular fluid, blood, lymph, saliva,
tears, mucous, digestive juice3s, hormones, enzymes, semen and cerebrospinal fluid, etc.

Water deficiency leads to dehydration. The practice of Varun mudra increases water
element of the body also regulates water metabolism.Thus, it is useful to rehydrate
cells, muscles, tissues, skin and joint cartilage, etc.

The water element is also related to the tongue and taste. The practice of Jal-
vardhak mudra helps to overcome all the disorders related to the tongue, taste and
dryness of mouth.

Water is an important component of the humor Kapha and Pita. The practice of this
mudra increases both these bodily humor. The practice of this mudra is very much
beneficial for those whose bodily humor is Vata.

Benefits of Varun Mudra:

Varun Mudra is very much useful in the treatments of following disorders.

1. Indigestion.
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2. Constipation.
3. Dryness of the digestive tract and the dryness of eyes.
4. Anaemia.
5.Deficiency of hormones.
6.Cramps, dehydration.
7.scanty urination(oliguria),
8.Dryness of the skin leading to cracks, psoriasis.dry eczema.
9. Scanty menses(oligomenorrhea)
10. Degeneration of Joint-cartilage, Osteo-Arthritis.
11. Tongue disorders and loss of taste sensation.
12. All the disorders due to an excess of Vata can be easily overcome through
practicing Varun mudra.

Duration of Varun mudra:

Forty-five minutes of regular practice is enough to get good results.

Precautions for Varun mudra:

If you are a Pita and Kapha humor person, then you should practice this mudra in
moderation only.

Mudra are one of the best effortless way of weight loss. These mudras are useful to
decrease earth element within the body. Earth element is the major component in the
fat and body weight.
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Herbal remedies for effortless weight loss

A research says that nutritional diet, healthy lifestyle and herbal medicines can
effectively keep obesity at bay. Let’s have a look on some of the marvelous herbs that
make excellent herbal treatment for obesity.

1) Vrikshamla is a flowering tree with oval, yellow fruits that belong to citrus family.
It is a popular weight loss supplement. It contains hydroxycitric which blocks the
enzyme citrate lyase that assists the body in fat formation and hence prevents fat
accumulation in the boy. It also lowers the cholesterol levels in the blood and reduces
appetite by raising the level of serotonin, a brain chemical that curbs hunger.

2) Triphala is an herbal mixture of Haritaki, Bhibhitaki and Amalaki. It improves the

functioning of digestive system by clearing the blockages in digestive system. Being the
richest source of vitamin C and calcium it nourishes the whole body and eliminates
toxins out. It also clears off excess fats from the body, corrects liver metabolism,
eliminates fat deposit and hence it is an important part of weight loss herbal remedies.

3) Chitrak is an evergreen 3-5 ft tall plant with dark green ovate leaves, white flowers
and brown roots. It is a digestive and carminative herb which is widely used to
improve digestion, to treat bloating and intestinal worms. Chitrak helps in balancing
vata and kapha. It stimulates digestive fire and gastric juices and hence improves
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4) Mustak is a weed which is widely recommended to cure fever and obesity. Abnormal
metabolic fire leads to indigestion and obstruction of channels through which energy is
managed in the body. These blocked channels actually causes obesity. This herb helps
in opening up of the blocked channels, removes extra fat from the body tissues and
hence is very beneficial to get rid of obesity. It also treats several gastrointestinal

5) Agnimantha or arani is an important herb in Ayurveda and traditional Indian

remedies due to its highly effectiveness in weight loss regimen. Also, the diuretic
property promotes weight loss by increasing the frequency & output of urination. It
helps in balancing vata and kapha. It is also beneficial in constipation, bloating, altered
digestion and metabolism.

6) Ashok has bitter, astringent, pungent taste and a cold potency. The flowers are
yellowish orange. The dried bark, stem and flowers of Ashok tree has medicinal use. It
alleviates kapha dosha responsible for obesity. Being cooling, soothing and dry in
nature, it cures several health conditions such as dysentery, piles, menstrual disorders,
spasm and it improves complexion, allays thirst and burning sensation, expels worms,
removes swelling and blood impurities.

7) Guggul is a traditional ayurvedic medicine for obesity. Guggul extract contains

guggulsterone which acts as a cholesterol lowering compound. Guggul stimulates thyroid
functions which optimises the metabolic rate and hence quickens the weight loss
process. Guggul also lowers the cholesterol levels.
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8) Kalmegh is a rejuvenating, erect, annual and extremely bitter herb which has blood
purifying property. It is used to control and prevent obesity and its adverse effects. It
also helps body to get rid of extra fat and toxins.

9) Ghrit kumari stimulates the metabolism and thus helps in treating obesity. Aloe vera
increases the absorption of fat and hence increases the energy consumption. Aloe vera
is an excellent herb to remove the toxins from the body.
10) Katuki is a wonderful herb which is found in colder areas of India. It is well
known for curing chronic liver conditions and regulating secretion from gall bladder. It
improves digestion, elevates metabolism in the body and hence helps in weight loss.

11) Vidang is useful to treat obesity, to curb excess fat & formation of new fat. Vidang
relieves indigestion, weak digestion, gastritis, bloating and constipation. It balances the
kapha and vata, makes the body slim & keeps it normal hence it is widely used in
weight loss natural treatment.
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Kerala Remedies for weight loss

1. Ginger juice is a best remedy to lose weight instantly. Take 50 ml of Ginger juice
add one teaspoon lemon juice and one teaspoon honey. Take it the first thing in the
morning to lose weight in a quick section.
2. Yogurt and honey are an awesome breakfast/snack. It’s one of those “I wouldn’t
guess this is good for me!” type foods. The probiotics in yogurt do wonders for the
digestive track and maintains a healthy balance of gut flora that optimizes digestion
and the breakdown of certain substances (like fat.) When you digestive track is running
smoothly, your body is processing things better, and it’s not as likely to pack on the
pounds. The honey is just a little added (healthy) sweetness to satisfy any cravings you
might have. The beautiful thing here is that you don’t feel like you’re getting shorted
any flavor or fullness when you eat it. For optimum weight-loss awesomeness, try low
fat yogurt.

Note: There was once time when certain large companies began to add so much sugar
to their yogurt the amounts surpassed those found in sugary breakfast cereal, like
Lucky Charms. People were gobbling it up and wondering how it could be so tasty and
good for you when the image and wholesomeness of yogurt were simply being abused.
Read the nutrition label first.

You will need…

-1/2-1 cup of plain (not vanilla) yogurt

-One tablespoon of raw organic honey, or to taste
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Eat this for a snack or breakfast, adding the honey for flavor. Feel free to try adding
fresh fruit or even oats for a little variety.
Using Coco nut oil to lose weight and being healthy.

In Kerala people use coconut oil for cooking massaging the body and hair. Let us look
at the benefits of it in loosing weight and being healthy.

Coconut oil is one of the few foods that can actually be classified as a superfood.
There is such a hype surrounding the product that it really makes you wonder what
the sudden ubiquitousness of this tropical plant is all about.
It contains a unique combination of fatty acids with powerful medicinal properties
Coconut oil contains what is known as medium chain fatty triglycerides, which are
fatty acids of a medium length. Most are considered to be long-chain in fatty acids, but
coconut oil is metabolized differently. They go from the liver to the digestive tract,
where they are then used as a quick source of energy.
Places that eat coconut oil are considered to be the healthiest on the planet
Coconut oil is still considered to be an exotic food in our Western Society, primarily
consumed by health conscious people. In some parts of the world, however, coconut oil
is a dietary staple. In the South Pacific, they eat over 60% of their calories from
coconuts, and they are the largest consumers of saturated fat in the world. They also
have excellent health, not even a shred of evidence leading to heart disease.
Helps to control weight
One 2009 Study looked at the weight loss link between consumption of coconut oil and
found that it reduced abdominal obesity. Coconut is easy to digest, and also protects
the body from insulin resistance.
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Good Source of Lauric Acid

The lauric acid in coconut oil can kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, and help stave off
infections. When the oil is enzymatically digested, it forms a monoglyceride known as
Monolaurin. Lauric acid and monolaurin help to kill harmful pathogens like bacteria,
viruses, and fungi.
They can reduce seizures
A ketogenic diet is a low carb diet that is very high in fat; this leads to increased
concentrations in ketone bodies in the blood. For some reason, this type of diet can
reduce the rate of seizures in epileptic children.
Ease Digestion
Many people suffer from digestive issues; those people should consider adding coconut
oil into their diets. Coconut oil benefits digestive disorders including IBS and microbial
stomach bugs. The fatty acids contain antimicrobials that have a soothing effect on
bacteria, candida, and even parasites that cause poor digestion.
Helps to Manage Type 2 Diabetes
A recent study done by the Garvin Institute of Medical Research showed that coconut
oil helps to protect against insulin resistance, thereby reducing the risk of type 2
Cooks at high temperatures
Because of the medium chain fatty acids, coconut oil has a higher smoking temperature
than most oils. You might find that you like it better than your usual olive oil,
especially if you are cooking recipes that require a higher cooking temperature. Olive
oil oxidizes when it reaches smoke point causing free radicals.
Slows Fine lines and aging signs
Coconut oil is not just for consumption, but it has many beauty benefits as well! It
helps to keep the connective tissue strong, preventing wrinkles and skin sagging. Apply
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the oil directly to your face to soften the appearance of fine lines or use it daily to
give a lovely moisturizing glow!
Kill Your hunger, and make you eat less without trying
One of the best things about coconut oil is that it can reduce hunger. It may be related
to the way that fatty acids in it are metabolized, because of the ketone bodies can
have an appetite reducing effect.
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Breathing exercise for effort less weight loss

Weight loss is the new rage throughout the world. Eat less, gym more; health food,
dieting, aerobics, yoga, dance, pilates and what not just to cut down those extra kilos?
Why guys? Why do you have to do so much when some breathing techniques can help
you slim down? Unbelievable, isn’t it? It was unbelievable for me too when I had read
the article. But then I thought there’s no harm in trying so why not give it a try? And
trust me girls, it works. Unlike gymming and hard core workouts that give you muscle
cramps and body pains, these breathing exercises are easy ad painless techniques to
lose weight easily.
But when there is a rave about so many weight loss workouts and expensive exercise
equipments how can a simple and inexpensive breathing help us lose weight? The
reasons below will convince you of the fact behind weight loss associated with
breathing exercises in yoga.
Deep breathing promotes weight loss as deep inhalation fills your lungs with fresh
oxygen that gets transferred to all body cells. This increases oxidation and helps in
burning fat cells.
With deep breathing in yoga, oxygen intake in blood increases and the rate at which
carbon-dioxide leaves the body slows down, thus giving us more energy to workout.
Breathing exercises in yoga boosts metabolism. The thyroid gland is responsible for
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regulating metabolic rate. Deep breathing in yoga triggers release of hormones from
thyroid gland that stimulate metabolism and thereby indirectly leads to weight loss.
There are some specific yogic breathing techniques that massages your abdomen and
helps burn fat faster around the mid-region.
Yoga breathing exercises for weight loss
Let us start with certain breathing techniques combined with yoga poses that will
accelerate weight loss.
Pranayam refers to deep breathing techniques. There is a set of breathing exercises
that will effectively help lose weight.
1. Kapalbhati:
Also known as the Breath of fire technique, this breathing exercise made popular by
yog guru Baba Ramdev is a very helpful weight loss exercise. Let us learn how to do
student yoga
i. Sit cross-legged on your yoga mat.
ii. Your body should be straight, an elongated spine, neck and chin up.
iii. Close your eyes and place hands on your knees in a comfortable position.
iv. Your abdomen muscles should be completely relaxed, don’t strain them.
v. Breathe in deeply and exhale the air out of your nose as if a sniff. When you sniff
out the air, you’ll feel your abdomen pulling inwards.
vi. If you are a starter, practice this breathing exercise upto 30-50 times. Slowly
increase the pace and continue upto 5-10 minutes at a stretch.
Don’t do this exercise when having periods or if you are suffering from high blood
pressure or any other heart disease.
2. Bhastrika Pranayama:
This pranayama is meant to provide enough amount of fresh oxygen to your body.
kapal bhati pranayam
i. Sit comfortably on a yoga mat. Your legs should be crossed, one over the other in a
ii. Place hands on your knees with palms facing upwards, the tip of your thumb and
ring finger pressing one against the other.
iii. Take normal breaths and relax.
iv. Now breathe in deeply with all your strength so that your lung is filled with
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v. Then breathe out forcefully though the nose such that a hissing sound is made.
vi. Repeat this for 5-10 times.
If you are suffering from any heart disease, consult your doc before practicing this
3. Anulom Vilom Pranayama:
This breathing technique is also known as alternate nostril breathing. Lets learn this
breathing technique.
right nostril breathing
i. Sit with cross-legged on a mat and relax.
ii. Close your eyes and keep all your muscles relaxed.
iii. Now press the right nostril with the thumb of your right hand and breathe in
through the left nostril.
iv. Count until 5 to retain the breath.
v. Then close your left nostril with the ring finger of your right hand and leave the
right nostril to let the air exhale through the right nostril.
vi. Now again inhale through your right nostril while still keeping the left nostril
vii. Retain the breath until 5 counts and release air through left nostril.
viii. This way you complete one round of this pranayama.
ix. Repeat some 10-15 rounds more.
This exercise should be done in fresh air before having your breakfast. However if you
are pregnant or having periods, do not do this exercise.
4. Bhramari Pranayama:
bhramari Pranayama
i. Sit on a mat cross-legged in a padmasana.
ii. Straighten your spine and relax.
iii. Now with your thumb, close both your ears.
iv. Use the middle finger of both hands to press lightly on your closed eyes.
v. With the index finger, press your temples lightly.
vi. Place the ring fingers and little fingers on the bridge of your nose.
vii. Now breathe in deeply through nose and exhale slowly through nose while making
a humming sound and chanting OM in your mind.
viii. Do this exercise for 11-21 times.
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5. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation):

surya namaskar for weight loss
There are twelve steps in Surya Namaskar. Each of these poses is accompanied with
sequenced breathing which if done with concentration and accuracy promotes weight
loss toning up your entire body.
6. Seated Spinal twist:
Also known as Ardha Matsyendrasana, spinal twists works on your abdomen and back.
Seated Spinal twist
i. Sit on the yoga mat with your legs extended before you. Breathe and relax.
ii. Bend your right knee and bring the heels as much close to your buttocks as possible.
iii. Now fold your left knee and cross it over your right knee. Your left foot ankle
should be just by the side of your right knee.
iv. Take your left arm and place it behind you with the palm on the floor.
v. Your right arm should be touching the toes of your left foot.
vi. Now that you have positioned yourself, take in a deep breath and elongate your
vii. Twist your torso to your left and look over your left shoulder. As you twist exhale.
viii. Inhale and straighten your spine; exhale and twist.
ix. Stay for 5 breaths and release the twist.
x. Now twist to the other side too.
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Home remedies for effortless weight loss

It is tough to get rid of belly fat, but we found ways to eliminate belly fat forever.
1. Start your day with lemon juice.
This is one of the best therapies to eliminate belly fat. Squeeze lemon juice into a glass
of warm water and add some salt to it. Continue drinking this every morning to boost
your metabolism and to get rid of that paunch.
2. Stay away from white rice.
Replace white rice with various organic whole wheat products. Include brown rice,
brown bread, whole grains, oats and quinoa in your diet.
3. Avoid sugary substances.
Stay away from sweets, sweetened drinks and foods rich in oil. Consuming these foods
can increase body fat around various areas of your body like abdomen and thighs.
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4. Drink plenty of water.

If you want to get rid of your belly, then drink sufficient amount of water every day.
Drinking water, at regular intervals, will help to boost your metabolism and remove
toxins from your body.
5. Eat raw garlic.
Chew two to three cloves of garlic every morning, and drink a glass of lemon water
after that. This treatment will double up your weight loss process and make your blood
circulation smooth in your body.
6. Load up on fruits and vegetables.
Eat a bowl of fruits daily in the morning and evening. This will fill you up with many
antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.
7. Spice up your cooking.
Use spices like cinnamon, ginger and black pepper in your cooking. These spices are
loaded with health benefits. They help to improve your insulin resistance and reduce
levels of sugar in your blood.
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Juice therapy to lose weight

If you are overweight juice fasting is the instant way to reduce weight. Another
advantage of Juice fasting is, it is healthy way of losing weight.
Here is the best twelve juices that reduces overweight.
Orange Juice
,Lemon Juice
,Grape fruit Juice

,Beet root Juice

,Carrot Juice
,Cabbage Juice
,Cherry Juice
,Papaya Juice
,Pineapple Juice
,Spinach Juice
~ 68 ~

,Lettuce Juice
, Tomato juices
These are the best juice that reduce extra fat in your body. It is an effortless and
natural way of losing weight. There are many other benefits are there in juice fasting.
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Natural ways of losing weight effortlessly

Are you tired of fad diets? It’s time to change your diet pattern and work towards
your goal of losing weight. In between crazy work schedules, meetings and parties, it’s
almost impossible to resist a rich chocolate pastry or creamy ice-cream after a meal.
The trick is to find healthy alternatives and nutritious snacks instead of fatty and
sugar-rich diets. You can make realistic and healthy switches in your daily life. These
effective health tips will help in beating all those extra calories.
1) Have a healthy breakfast every day:
Our bodies fast overnight when we sleep and need nourishment as soon as we wake up.
If you have a healthy breakfast, you will feel less hungry during the rest of the day.
2) Focus more on eating foods that give nourishment, not calories:
Eating healthy and including physical exercise in your schedule will help you achieve
your ideal weight.
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3) Make sure your refrigerator always has some veggies and fruits:
Whenever you feel hungry, it is advisable to snack on fruits and veggies. So, stock
carrots, apples, strawberries, musk melons and more of such fantastic food items that
are healthy yet yummy.
4) Have unsweetened beverages, not diet soda:
Diet drinks make your sweet tooth crave for more and also add to your waistline.
Instead, try the green tea that is loaded with antioxidants.
5) Eat a healthy meal with the plate method:
Let half your plate be filled with low or non-starchy veggies. A quarter can have whole
grain elements. The last portion of your plate can have proteins.
6) Reduce your intake of carbs:
To be able to lose weight quickly, one needs to refrain from eating too many carbs.
You must choose to have higher fiber, lower carb food items instead.
7) Use smaller lunch and dinner plates:
Buy smaller plates! Yes, this tiny trick can train your mind into eating less quantity of
8) Relish non-healthy food, but in small portions:
Totally denying yourself of things you love to eat can leave you feeling frustrated. Eat
it in small portions once in a while.
9) Choose to double the veggies instead of potato or rice when eating out:
Have more of other veggies, and less of potatoes. Most importantly, share your food
with others, especially desserts!
10) Don’t stock up your refrigerator with tempting foods:
Create an inspiring environment in your home by stocking it up with healthy foods.
11) Make it a team effort:
Work towards losing weight with your family or friends. Motivate others and notice
how it helps you too.
12) Be active and kind to yourself:
Compliment yourself, believe that you can do it, and the results will show!
These simple lifestyle changes can help you lose weight.
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Food for weight loss

Weight loss and dieting are two words our generation is obsessed with. Be it the super
slim figures of actors we see in movies or be it the easy access to the internet which
is making people more health conscious, but with each passing day more and more
youngsters are opting for the gym, learning yoga or opting for Zumba and aerobics
classes to stay in shape.
However, one critical factor most people forget about staying in shape is food. Most
people only categories food that is fattening and food which has low calories. No food,
in particular, leads you to become overweight as it’s purely the number of calories you
consume and burn that decide that.
If you want to lose weight, you no longer have to go on a diet, and you can check out
these fabulous foods that help you stay in shape and even lose weight:
Whole Eggs
Eggs always had a misconception of being high in cholesterol, but studies have proven
egg to be an excellent food for the body. They are high in proteins and have good
cholesterol in them helping combat heart attacks. They keep you full and help battle
weight loss. Next time, opt for eating eggs for breakfast over cereals. You can also
keep your protein in check by drinking protein shakes that you can buy through
healthkart coupons at great prices.
Salmon is one of the richest sources of protein and iodine. One of the good things about
eating salmon is that it keeps you full for hours which helps stop those hunger
cravings that make us reach out to junk food and unhealthy snacking. By being a
source of iodine, it’s excellent for the thyroid gland that makes sure the metabolism of
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the body is working in order. Apart from this, salmon also is a rich source of Omega 3
Fatty Acids which helps keep the obesity and inflammation in check.
Cruciferous Vegetables
Most greens such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. are a rich source of fiber which
again keeps the hunger in check and also is good for digestion. They also are a high
source of protein and thus make a great source of food for those who want to lose
weight. They have a further advantage of fighting cancer making them all the more
Boiled Eggs
Potatoes too are misunderstood as fattening food, but they are making a comeback.
Potatoes are high in potassium that helps keep blood pressure in check. Of all the foods,
boiled potatoes are the most fulfilling when it comes to beating hunger pangs. This will
again curb you from reaching out to unhealthy snacking and going for harmful variants
of potatoes such as French fries.
Another seafood option that is great for the body is tuna which combines the power of
high proteins and low calories. It’s a favorite food of models and body builders as it
has low fat but keeps the body healthy and fit with its protein content. Tuna also has
a good level of vitamins B12 and B6, which are essential for hair and nails. You can
keep your vitamin intake going by using vitamin supplements that you can buy through
healthgenie coupons at amazing prices to keep your body in shape. You can also check
out great online cashback festival by where you can extra cashback on
top of coupons.
Beans and Legumes
Beans such as black beans, kidney beans and lentils too play a role in helping keep the
weight in check. They are an excellent source of not just proteins but fiber as well and
help fight hunger. They are also a good source of starch. Legumes and beans can be
cooked as a curry or even added to salads as they make a healthy ingredient for the
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These foods help keep the body weight in check as they provide high satiety value that
is a key reason to continue our binge eating in check.

Weight loss is the first suggestion we hear everywhere, but losing weight is tough.
There are many weight loss programs exercises and planned diets, but all that programs
are complicated, and there is so much pain to implement it. Here I am sharing a weight
loss program that is natural, simple and painless.

Cabbage, Tomatoes and Finger millet(ragi) are best foods that will help you to lose

weight naturally.
Cabbage is excellent food that helps you in your weight loss program.Latest research
reports have indicated that a valuable content called tartaric acid that inhibits the
conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. This ability is useful in weight
reduction. A helping of cabbage salad is the simplest way to slim, and a painless way
of dieting.
Tomatoes; Tomatoes can fight against obesity. One or two ripe tomatoes taken early
morning one empty stomach for a couple of months is considered a safe methods of
weight reduction. Ripe tomatoes are also a source of essential food elements to preserve
Finger millet (Ragi)
Finger millet is an ideal food to fight against obesity. It is slow to digest as the
carbohydrates take longer to get absorbed. Finger millet preparations curb the constant
desire to eat, and reduce the daily calorie intake A the same time; they supply in
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abundance, calcium phosphorous, iron, vitamin B1, and B2 prevent malnutrition in spite
of restricted food intake.
Foods to be avoided in a weight loss diet:
Ice creams
All foods containing saturated fats
Fried foods
Candy sugar
High carbohydrate fats
Bread, cereal products, legumes, potatoes,
All fountain drinks.
All alcoholic drinks.
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Natural ways to tighten your loosen skin

Everyone feels great after losing weight but what about the loose skin after your
weight loss program.
You may feel like there’s nothing you can do about it without surgery, but there are
plenty of natural ways that can tighten your skin right up.
Take Your Time
Take a little time in between while losing weight to let your body adapt to its new
shape. Don’t strive to lose every bit of extra weight you have overnight. Also losing too
much weight can be bad for your health. Ideal weight loss is 0.5 kg to 1 kg per week
more this may lead to many health hazards. Never go for any unnatural fast track
weight loss program which will give many ill effects than good.
Stay Moisturized
Make sure you give your skin plenty of vitamin E. To increase the elastic in your skin
coconut oil, aloe vera, and most herbal creams will do the trick.In India it is a normal
practice that if you have any loose skin massage it with coconut oil regularly.
Limit Sun Exposure
Being in the sun for too long loosens the skin so in order to help it tighten back up
limiting sun exposure in necessary.
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Mineral Scrubs
Mineral scrubs increase blood flow and helps your skin to be more ‘elastic.’ You don’t
necessarily have to use one every day, but a few times a week will make a big
Exercise is always a good thing, belly toning exercises are the way to go when trying
to tighten up loose skin. The abdominal hold, side crunches, squat thrusts, situps, etc.
are perfect exercises for diminishing that unwanted skin and helping you work on the
ab muscle to replace it with.
It has been found that stimulation from massages helps tighten the skin by stimulating
blood cells usually left unstimulated for a long time.
Stay Hydrated
Make sure you drink lots of water. Healthy skin is hydrated skin there’s no need for
your skin to be thirsty. Keeping your body hydrated tightens up skin and gives you a
beautiful healthy glow. Be sure to drink at least six glasses of water a day.
Yoga allows you to move at your own pace and tighten extra skin while becoming more
flexible. Yoga is the best exercise to loose weight in a proper way. Yogic massages will
tightens your lose skin in a short period of time.
Say no to junk food
Junk food doesn’t do anyone any good. High in fat foods cause more sagging to your
Apply fruit juices:
When you apply fruit juices on the loosen skin it will help to moisture and helps to
tone the skin in a proper manner.
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No more tanning beds

Try to stay away from tanning beds as well, artificial sun loosens and dries skin out
quicker. (Also not tanning lowers your risk of skin cancer)

Natural remedies for slugging skin

1. Lemon
Things needed:
Several fresh lemons
Cotton balls
Slice the lemons and squeeze the juice into a small bowl.
Dip the cotton balls into the lemon juice and apply it to the face and neck in a
clockwise motion.
Be sure to apply moisturizer after because the acidic qualities of the lemon juice can
dry your skin out quickly.
But, since the Lemon juice will increase the production of collagen and help restore
elasticity to your skin.
2. Coconut Oil
Applying coconut oil to your skin twice a day will help reduce the risk of wrinkles and
help tighten skin.
The large amount of antioxidants in coconut oil reduces sagging of the skin
3. Egg Whites and Yogurt
Things needed:
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4 eggs
Four tablespoons of yogurt.
Two pinches of sugar
Separate the egg whites from the egg yolks

Refrigerate the yolks for future use

Put the yogurt, egg whites, and sugar into a bowl and mix thoroughly.
once it has reached a consistent texture, apply it to your face and neck.
This mixture will tighten the skin on your face and neck.
4. Argan Oil
argan oil is a main ingredient in most beauty products nowadays.
It is full of fatty acids that help to restore the skins elasticity and diminishes wrinkles
in almost no time at all.
simply apply argan oil as you would sunblock, you will see a significant difference in
just a few days.
5. Strawberry
Strawberries being extremely high in antioxidants they are great for boosting the
production of collagen that firms up the skin quickly.
6. Cucumber and Avocado
Things needed:
1 Avocado
1 Cucumber
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Blend the two together and apply to your face and neck.
Leave on for about an hour and wash with slightly warm water.
Doing this once a week will have beautiful results.

7. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera being a known remedy for sunburn can also tighten saggy skin.
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Diet for weight loss

Dieting is not new to most people who are overweight.They have already tried many
of the diets.some are so incensed at what their Friends are saying about them that they
will go without food entirely for a short time,only to return again to their former habits
of overeating.Going to extremes rarely does any permanent good.The only solution is a
completely new pattern of living,such as these simple steps outlines here:

Take smaller quantities of food.continue with balances diet,quantity,is the rule.Be sure
to include reasonable amounts of potatoes and whole-grain cereals in your diet.Eating
slowly will help.Avoid all foods that are oily or high in fat. Be careful about "left-
overs".Many housewives put on weight because they hate to food wasted.Far better to
prepare less food and avoid the problem of "left-overs"

Stop nibbling between the meals.Train yourself to get along on less food .Soon you will
enjoy living on a reduced diet,and you will be surprised at how well you fell.

Sensible exercise,taken every day,will help to use those extra calories.The best exercise
is walking ,Yoga asana,pranayam,mudras.In walking putting those large leg muscles to
work will burn up unwanted calories.

Avoid rich desserts.All that excess sugar and fat is high in calories but low in food
value.Your best "exercise"is to push yourself away from the table while you are still
hungry!Stay clear of ice cream,pastry,rich cakes,and sweets.

Remember,regular eating is important.Your meals should be smaller than average,well-

prepared,and attractively arranged on the table.There is no reason for you not to enjoy
your meals,even though you are now taking less food than you once thought you need.

Do not go hungry for long.Eating regularly but sparingly is the best way to lose weight.

Be sure to have a good breakfast.this will carry you through the day,and you will be
less tempted to nibble sweets and snacks between meals.
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Use these foods freely-green leafy veg tables,tomatoes,and carrots.They are all low in
calories,but high in vita mines and minerals and have real food value.Such things can
also be used to wars off hunger pains between meals,if you must have something.

A Balanced Diet

Every foods contain different amounts of elements to the needs by our body for the
four functions of human body (Growth,Repair ,Energy and protection from disease).
Theses important elements are called nutrients. So, the diet which contains all these
essential nutrients in right quantity will be balanced diet for us. The essential nutrients
requires for our body were carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins.
Carbohydrates and fats mainly provide energy to our body. Wheat, rice, potato, banana,
etc, are very rich in carbohydrates. Jaggery or sugar was another source of
carbohydrates. Ghee, butter, olis, cream and milk were full of fats.

Protiens are much needed for the body to grow. They also help to replace the dead or
worn-out parts and to repair the damaged parts. Children needs more proteins because
their bodies have to grow rapidly. Pulses, milk, cheese, curd, egg, fish and meat were
rich in proteins.
Vitamins and minerals were present in milk, cheese, fruits, vegetables and meat etc.
Vitamins keep our eyes, bones, gums, etc. healthy. Minerals like phosphorus and calcium
were necessary for the formation of healthy bones and teeth, while iron compounds
were required for the formation of red blood cells.
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There are no single item of food which can provided us with all the necessary
nutrients (although fresh milk) contains most of these. It is therefore essential to eat a
combination of foods to get all the necessary substances required by our body. The
quantity of these ingredients required by each body is not the same. So we must select
our food items according to the needs of our body. Generally, a person doing a lot of
physical work will need more of fats and carbohydrates recoup the energy lost by him
in excessive physical work. A child needs more protein than an old man., because the
child’s body needs more protein for growth. A sick person may be deficient in some
substances, but he may not need carbohydrates and fats.
So, a balanced diet is one which is suitable in all respects, sufficient in food value as
well as adequate in quantity and quantity according to the needs of a body. To keep
our body healthy and fit, we must follow the balanced diet principle. Our ancient
medical system of Ayurveda also emphasizes this principle of balanced diet.There is no
necessity of medicines are required for a person who correctly follow the prescribed
a balanced diet . But one who does not follow this principle of diet cannot be helped
even by hundreds of medicines

We should therefore know what to eat and follow the diet scheme as far as possible.
Children should also be given their diet according to this principle. In fact, everyone
should follow the diet system properly.

Importance and benefits of fruit in diet

Eating Fruit - this opened my eyes.

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Dr Stephen Mak

treats terminal ill cancer patients by

"un-orthodox" way and many patients recovered.

Before he used solar energy to clear the illnesses of his patients.
He believes on natural healing in the body against illnesses.

It is one of the strategies to heal cancer.

As of late, my success rate in curing cancer is about 80%.
Cancer patients shouldn't die. The cure for cancer is already found.
It is whether you believe it or not.
I am sorry for the hundreds of cancer patients who die under the conventional
Thanks and God bless.
- Dr Stephen Mak


We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into
our mouths.
It's not as easy as you think. It's important to know how and when to eat.

What is the correct way of eating fruits?

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If you eat fruit like that, it will play a major role to detoxify your system,
supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities.


Let's say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit.
The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines,
but it is prevented from doing so.

In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid.
The minute the fruit comes into contact with the food in the stomach and digestive
the entire mass of food begins to spoil....

So please eat your fruits on an empty stomach or before your meals!

You have heard people complaining — every time I eat watermelon I burp,
when I eat durian my stomach bloats up,
when I eat a banana I feel like running to the toilet, etc —
actually all this will not arise if you eat the fruit on an empty stomach.
The fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas and hence you will

Greying hair, balding, nervous outburst and dark circles under the eyes
all these will NOT happen if you take fruits on an empty stomach.

There is no such thing as some fruits, like orange and lemon are acidic, because all
fruits become alkaline in our body, according to Dr. Herbert Shelton who did research
on this matter. If you have mastered the correct way of eating fruits, you have the
Secret of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight.
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When you need to drink fruit juice - drink only fresh fruit juice, NOT from the cans.
Don't even drink juice that has been heated up.
Don't eat cooked fruits because you don't get the nutrients at all.
You only get to taste. Cooking destroys all the vitamins.

But eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice.

If you should drink the juice, drink it mouthful by mouthful slowly,
because you must let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it.
You can go on a 3-day fruit fast to cleanse your body.
Just eat fruits and drink fruit juice throughout the 3 days
and you will be surprised when your friends tell you how radiant you look!

Tiny but mighty.
This is a good source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E & fiber.
Its vitamin C content is twice that of an orange.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away?
Although an apple has a low vitamin C content,
it has antioxidants & flavonoids which enhances the activity of vitamin C
thereby helping to lower the risks of colon cancer, heart attack & stroke.

Protective Fruit.
Strawberries have the highest total antioxidant power
among major fruits & protect the body from
cancer-causing, blood vessel-clogging free radicals.

Sweetest medicine.
Taking 2-4 oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol,
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prevent & dissolve kidney stones as well as lessens the risk of colon cancer.

Coolest thirst quencher.
Composed of 92% water, it is also packed with a giant dose of glutathione,
which helps boost our immune system.
They are also a key source of lycopene — the cancer fighting oxidant.
Other nutrients found in watermelon are vitamin C & Potassium.


Top awards for vitamin C.
They are the clear winners for their high vitamin C content.
Guava is also rich in fiber, which helps prevent constipation.
Papaya is rich in carotene; this is good for your eyes.

Drinking Cold water after a meal = Cancer!

Can u believe this??

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you.
It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal.
However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed.
It will slow down the digestion.
Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid,
it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food.
It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer.
It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

A serious note about heart attacks

Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm
Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.
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You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.
Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.
Sixty percent of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up.
Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep.
Let's be careful and be aware.
The more we know the better chance we could survive.

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this posts ends it to 10 people,

you can be sure that we'll save at least one life.
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Effortless Weight Loss Naturally

A suitably planned course of dietetic treatment, in conjunction with suitable exercise
and other measures for promoting elimination is the only scientific way of dealing with
overweight. The prime consideration in this program should be the balanced selection of
foods which provide the maximum essential nutrients with the least number of calories.
To begin with, you should undertake a juice fasting for one week to ten days. Juices
of lemon, grapefruit, orange, pineapple, cabbage, celery are the best choice in this
period of the program.
Long juice fasting up to one month to forty days can aslo be undertaken, but only
under expert guidance and supervion. In the alternative, short juice fasts should be
repeated at regular intervals of two months or so till the desired reduction in weight is

After the juice fasting, you should spend further one week on an all-fruit deit, taking
three meals of fresh pulpy fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, pineaple and papaya.
Thereafter, you may gradually embark upon a low-calorie well-balanced diet of three
basic food groups.
1. Seeds, nuts and grains
2. Vegetables
3.Raw fruits and fresh juices.
The foods which should be drastically curtailed or altogether avoided are high-fat foods
such as butter, cheese, chocolate, cream, ice cream, fat meats, fried foods, like, bread,
candy, cake, cookies, cereal products, legumes, potatoes, honey, sugar, syrup and rich
puddings; beverages such as all-fountain drinks and alcoholic drinks.
One sure method of reducing weight is by practicing what is known as " Fletcherism".
It was discovered in 1898 by Horace Fletcher of the U.S.A. Fletcher, at 40, considered
himself an old man. He was 50 pounds overweight, contracted flu every six months and
constantly complained of indigestion and a tired feeling. After a deep study, he made
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some important discoveries and prescribed the rules for " Flecherism" which are as
1. Chew your food to a pulp or milky liquid until it practically swallows itself.
2. Never eat until hungry.
3. Enjoy every n\bite or morsel, savoring the flavor until it is swallowed.
4. Do not eat when tired, angry, worried, and at meal-time refuse to think or talk about
unpleasant subjects.
Horace Fletcher followed these rules for five months. As a result he lost more than 60
pounds and felt better than he had for 20 years. A weight reducing programme buit on
Fletcherism works wonders and is worth a trial.
Ingestion of honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity. It mobilises the extra
deposited fat in the body and puts it into circulation which is utilised as energy for
normal functions.One should start with small quantity of about 10 grams to be taken
with hot water. The dose can be gradually increased.
Fasting on honey-time juice water is highly beneficial in the treatment of overweight
without the loss of energy and appetite. In this mode of program, one spoon of fresh
honey should be mixed with a juice of half a lime in a glass of lukewarm water and
taken at regular intervals.
Another effective remedy to lose weight is an exclusive lemon juice diet. On the first
day you should be take plenty of water. On the second day juice of three lemons mixed
with equal amount of water should be taken. One lemon should be subsequently
increased each day until the juice of 12 lemons taken in a day. You may feel weak and
hungry on the first two days, but afterwards the condition will be stabilized by itself.
Cabbage is considered to be an effective home remedy for obesity. Recent research has
discovered in this vegetable a Valuable content called tarttoric acid which inhibits the
conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in
weight reduction. A helping of cabbage salad would be the simplest way to stay slim, a
painless way of dieting.
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A hundred grams of cabbage yields only 27 kilo calories of energy while the same
quantity of wheat bread will yield about 240 kilo calories. Cabbage is found to posses
the maximum biological value with minimum calorific value. Moreover, it gives a
lasting feeling of fullness in the stomach and is easily digestible.
Along with dietetic treatment you should adopt few physical exercises, Walking,
swimming, Yoga, Mudra, Breathing exercise, and also sleeping on your right had side
also beneficial.
You should aopt measures which bring on excessive perspiration such as sauna baths,
steam bath and heavy massage. They help to reduce weight. Above all, you should
make every effort to avoid negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, hostility, insecurity
and develop a positive outlook on life.

Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar is the basic yoga posture.These positions are very useful for yoga
beginners.Surya Namaskar is the best yoga position for weight loss and complete fitness
of the body.Here I am sharing how to perform suryanaskar yoga poses, benefits and
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Surya Namaskar
The Sun is the Source of vital force in the World. In the western world believe the sun
is to be the cause of the existence of the universe.
The Surya Namaskar helps destroy all the factors that are enemies of peace of mind.It
removes weaknesses caused by worries and diseases as the spirit that dwells in the
sun is the same that dwells in the human heart.
Benefits Of Surya Namaskar
Suryanamaskar in itself is a complete exercise and can be practised by all.It has
several benefits
It activates glands of the Endocrinol system and makes pancreas, adrenal, thyroid,
pituitary and a few other glands normally functions thus removing various disorders of
stomach,s pine,lungs and chest.
These Poses cause reverse circulation of blood and so give vigour to the facial
tissues,the nervous system and other parts situated in the upper regions of the body.
Suryanamaskar exercise has 12 poses.The first three actions can be practised on the
first day. They can be repeated 3 to 4 times a day.From the second day, you can add
one yoga pose extra each day thus completing all the 12 poses in 10 days.
You can perform this yoga poses any time in the morning, but the best choice is before
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The twelve poses from one cycle.One should go on increasing the number of repetitions
as his.her strength permits,b ut not more than four times a day.
How to perform Surya Namaskar:
1 First Yoga Pose: Stand erect with knees, toes and heels touching each other and with
the waist, neck,

Spine and head straight.Bring both palms together in salute.

2 Second yoga poses: Raise both the arms above the head, inhale deeply, retain the
breath and bend backwards from the waist and stretch the body along with legs.3
Third Yoga poses: Exhale and bend forward, put both the palms on the ground by the
side of feet.Fingers and toes should remain straight and so the legs.Touch knees with
4 Fourth yoga poses: The palms should be rested on the ground alongside feet.Then left
leg should be stretched backwards. Sit on the bended right leg, placed between the two
arms look towards the sky.
5 Fifth yoga poses: Straighten both the arms and put palms firmly on the ground.Then
exhale and throw the right leg backward keeping both the legs parallel.Palms,
heels,knees should remain together.The weight of the whole body should be on the toes
and palms. The body should be stretched.
6 Sixth yoga poses: Breath first and places hands and palms on the ground.Bring the
body down to make the forehead, the chest, two palms two knees and two feet touch
the ground.Breathe out slowly.This is called Sashtanga Namskara.
Seven seventh yoga pose: Breath in, keep palms on the floor, and keep arms
straight.Lift the body up to the navel and push the chest forward.Bend the neck
backward and look toward the sky.The legs should be stretched back.
8 eighth yoga pose : Inhale;let palms be on ground, life buttocks, keep the head
between the two arms, let heels and toes be on the ground, stretch, pose stretch the
waist and let the body look like an inverted.U.
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9 Ninth poses: Palms again firmly rooted on the floor, inhale slowly; let left leg be
forward with a bend at knee near the palm.
10.Tenth yoga poses: Both the palms firmly on the ground.Keep both the legs parallel to
each on the ground.Exhale.The head should be between the legs.
11 Eleventh Yoga poses: Inhale air slowly.Stand straight; raise hands upward.Bend
neck, back and arms backwards.Stretch the body.
12 Twelve yoga pose: Stand straight with hand and palms folded ready to repeat the
pause of Surya Namaskar.
Additional Benefits of Surya Namaskar:
Benefits of Surya Namaskar

The simple Surya Namaskar that has been practiced in India for years has recently
found a whole lot of takers.
And if you want a good start to your day, there is no other way better than the Surya
Namaskar, which is known to have a host of health benefits. - You don't need to be
doing yoga regularly to practice the Surya Namaskar. If performed correctly, this
exercise does not strain or cause injury. If performed in the morning, it relieves
stiffness, revitalises your
body and refreshes the mind. Do it during the day and it will instantly boost you up,
practice it after sundown, and it helps you unwind. -Suryanamaskara's must be
practice for increasing height. People aged below 25 gain good result if they do the
Suryanamaskara's daily.
- Not only does the Surya Namaskar give you a great stretch and keep you fit
physically (it is extremely beneficial for your joints, ligaments and improves flexibility
and posture), but is also does wonders for your mental and emotional health.
Practicing the Surya Namaskar regularly is also known to ease stress and give you
peace of mind besides increasing your levels of concentration. - If you have trouble
sleeping at night, the Surya Namaskar will help you fall asleep without using any
external stimulants.
Yes, this yoga pose is very useful for everyone than any other physical exercise.Add
this beautiful exercise to your fitness program.
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In Sanskrit “Paripurna” means complete. And Nava means “Boat” therefore this is an
abdominal and deep hip flexor strengthens. This asana thus is a balance as a tripod on
your sitting bones and tailbone.

The benefits of this asana are:

This asana helps in strengthening the abdomen,
the hip flexors and the spine.
This also brings about the stimulation of kidney,
thyroid, prostate and the intestines.
Helps in relieving stress.
Brings about the improvement in digestion.
Stretches the muscles of deep cores as the
transverse and the psoas groups.
Encourages a more aligned posture and provides
strength to the spinal column.
Because of the full and deep inhalation and
exhalation this asana helps in revitalizing the
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whole body; since it brings about the

elimination of various toxins and waste products
from the body.
Reduces the swelling in the feet.
Increases the blood flow to thee gonads,
adrenals and the islets of Langerhans.
The precautionary measures that are to kept in
mind while performing this asana are:
Should not be practiced when pregnant.
And also be avoided by individuals suffering
from asthma, headaches, diarrhea, heart
problems, low blood pressure, and
Although it strengthens the spinal column
Caution should be followed in individuals

suffering from neck problems or an injury.

Supta Vajrasana:

How to do Supta Vajrayana:

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Sit in Vajrasana then stand up on your knees and set your feet apart, so that you can
sit on the ground between them. The feet will again be in lying position. Place your
hands on the front part of your feet. Bend backward and let your elbows rest on the
ground on by one. Hang your neck back so that your eyes are also pointed backward.
In the final stage, lower the whole of your back on the ground. Stretch your hands
back while inhaling. Now remove the gap between your knees if there is any. Stay in
this position for a little while. Then lock your fingers and make a cushion of your
hands under your head. Normalize your breath and remain in this post for one or two

This is rather an awkward posture. If you are unable to do according to the

instructions above, practice with a gap between the knees in the beginning. Your body
will take some time to gain elasticity, and then you would find it easy to do. While
coming back from this asana. First remove your hands from beneath your head, sit on
the elbows turn by turn while keeping your eyes on your knees. Concentrate on
manipur chakra.

Benefits of Suptvajrasana:

The knees, thighs, waist, abdomen, spine, neck, and ankles are strengthened. The
kidneys and the organs of procreation. in both women and men are toned up. It relieves
hot temper and physical and mental exhaustion.

Bhujangasana(serpent Posture)
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Bhujanga means serpent. In the final position of the position , the body looks like a
serpent when it raises its hood.
Sthiti: Lie down on the prone with hands above the head keeping straight along
side the head resting the palms on the ground, touching the chin on the floor , and
legs together soles facing up. Keep the body from toes to head in a straight line.

1. Bend both the elbows and place the palms on the

floor by the side of the last rib bone.
2. Slowly lift the head and then raise the chest . Feel the weight of the body
at the lumbar region .
3. Bring the chest and head down, touching the floor with the chin.
4. Release the hands and place them above the head region on the floor i.e come
back to the sthiti.

Benefits of Bhujangasana(serpent Posture) :

Keep dorsal spine elastic and strong . Thoracic muscles expand and tone up all the 31
pairs of spinal nerves.
Good for back aches due to over strain work, neck pain, cervical spondilitis ,hunch back
bronchitis, asthma, digestive disorders, redcucition of the abdominal fat. Improves
digestion and bowel action.
Rise of Kundalini is noticed at the body level in the form of heat and energy out
Caution ; Hernia patients and hypertensives should avoid .
Subtel points
Mode of breathing
In the first step elbows facing towards the roof /sky and keep the fingers together.
In final posture try to lift the trunk till the navel portion is about to leave the ground.
Arch the dorsal spine well.
Keep the body below navel straight in touch with the floor.
Mode of breathing :-

Breathe out whenever you came downwards and inhale while raising up .Normal
breathing in the final position.
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Halasana(Plough Posture)

Hala means plough. In the final position of the posture, the body looks like a plough.
Sthiti: Lie down in the supine position keeping the legs together and stretch the hands
straight above the head region, i.e., from toes to head, the entire body in a straight
1. Raise both the legs together up to 45 degrees from the ground.
2. Further raise the legs up to 90 degrees and place the hands by the side of the
3. Raise the further the buttocks and the trunk taking the support of the arms
and the elbows by firmly placing the elbows on the ground and support the back with
both the palms. Keep the legs parallel to the ground.
4. Bend further and touch the toes on the floor above the head. Stretch the
5. Return to position NO.3
6. Return to Position No.2
7. Return to Position No.1
8. Return to Sthiti.
The back muscles, vertebrae, and lumbar nerves are stretched and kept healthy. Flexes
and stretches abdominal muscles. Neck region receives plenty of blood supply to chest
increases. Helps to maintain healthy Thyroid. An elasticity of spine increases.
Good for dyspepsia, constipation due to weak abdominal muscles.
Activates, warms up, lightens the psycho-physiological system.
Caution: Jerks at all stages should be avoided. All the limitations of Paschimatanasana
apply to this also.
Subtle points:
Mode of Bending:
Keep the knees straight in the final position.
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Mode of breathing:
Breathe out whenever you bend downwards and inhale while raising up. Regular
breathing in the final position.

Halasana is a basic yoga asana. It has various health benefits.Many diseases can
be cured by this posture naturally.Halasana is one of the best positions for
making the spine flexible.It is the most efficient stretch the spine as no other
exercise can.Opening up the spinal discs and stretching most of the spinal muscles
and ligaments. This is the main reason this posture very beneficial if you suffer
from back or neck stiffness or arthritis in these areas.
Halasana benefits the thyroid gland, liver and spleen.stretches and pulls the
vertebrae.Halasana is best for the persons who suffer from stiffness,
obesity,muscular rheumatism, enlarged liver and spleen, constipation, indigestion,
and arthritis.


(The Peacock):
‘Mayur’ is a Sanskrit word and it means

The Peacock Pose Yoga Pose

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peacock. Thus, mayurasana is a posture which…

assumes the shape of peacock during the asana.
In this posture one has to hold his whole body
on like a stick on both his elbows. It is also
known as peacock feather pose and bent arm
Benefits of mayurasana:
* This asana useful for congestion of vagina and
also makes semen thick. It is also helpful for
those women who have menstrual disorders.
Mayurasana counters food poisoning. If one
having problems with lower abdomen, it
provides relief then.
* Mayurasana is a good exercise for liver as well
as pancreas. It is very helpful for diabetic
patients also. It is best asana for strengthen
arms, shoulders, abdomen and back.
Mayurasana is helpful to improve balance. It
develops the chest. This exercise has good effect
on the expelling action of the colon. It is
beneficial for obesity, constipation and piles.
* Mayurasana is very regenerative and also quite
stimulating. This asana is very effective for
digestive organs. In this posture blood is
concentrated and sent to the digestive organs
and which is toned up by the intra-abdominal
* The asana stimulates and enhances the pranic
flow to the pericardium meridians. This asana is
a very good measure against visceroptosis and
dyspepsia. After few months practice of this
posture, it provides total orgasm at the time of
intercourse. Mayurasana is very beneficial to
cure many illnesses. It is helpful to calm the
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brain and helps relieving stress and mild


Makarasana(crocodile Posture):

Makra nmeans crocodile. In the final position of the posture, it looks like a crocodile.
Sthiti: Lie down on the prone with the hands above the head keeping straight alongside
the head resting the palms on the ground , touching the chin on the floor and legs
together soles facing up. Keep the body from toes to head in a straight line.
1. Keep the legs apart; heels facing each other , toes facing outwards.
2. Fold the right hand and place the right palm on the left shoulder. Then
similarly keep the left palm on the right shoulder. Keep the chin on the point where the
two arms cross.(rest and relax in this posture).
3. Remove the left palm and unfold the left hand, similarly the right palm and
right hand and come back to position No.1
4. Bring the legs together i.e come back to the sthiti.
Benefits of Makarasana(crocodile Posture):
It gives relaxation to the entire body .
This posture is useful for many ailments caused by tensions like Hypertension ,
Insomania etc.

Subtle points
Mode of bending :
In final position keep the elbows on the floor instead of keeping the biceps. And touch
the heels on the ground
Mode of breathing :Normal breathing in final Position.

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