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A migrated system for the Electrical Installation and Maintenance National

Competency II is being implemented by the Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority (TESDA) for the new taker which includes Fire Detection
and Alarm System (FDAS) and Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) installation.
Knowing the absence of a venue for the new system, the study goal is to provide
the upcoming takers a portable learner that will aid them for the new system.

The portable learner is mainly composed of devices that are found on a

conventional type of fire alarms system, which is an ideal learning material for
starters. It also includes CCTV system where the devices used are mostly found
in basic security system for small establishments.

The portable learner is assembled accordingly to the planned layout and

design that suits the convenience of the user of the module. It is composed of the
FDAS and CCTV devices that are most- likely included in the new migrated
system of the EIM NC II.

A survey was conducted to test the safety, functionality and acceptability

of the FDAS and CCTV portable learner. The score was 97.6% for safety, 99.8%
for functionality and 96.8% for acceptability. The overall rating for this portable
learner is 98% which indicates that the portable learner is an effective module.

Despite problems found during the commissioning of the portable learner

like the bell sounds being nearly mute, the available motion detector was design
for incandescent lamps, and all the findings were solved. As a conclusion, the
portable learner for FDAS and CCTV is an effective learning aid for the new EIM
NC II takers.

This project is lovingly dedicated to


To our ever loving mother and father

To our supportive partners in life
To our children who gives us inspiration


First of all, we would like to thank our Almighty Father for giving us
knowledge, ability, and opportunity to undertake this project and to persevere and
complete it satisfactorily.

This project would have not been possible without the guidance and help
of several individuals, who contributed and extended their valuable assistance.
To our family for their encouragement, moral support, personal attention, care,
financial support and for believing in us that we can make it to the finals.

We would also like to express our gratitude to our adviser, Prof. Jeprie
Gultia, from the BET-ELT department, for providing us his valuable suggestions
and for sharing his knowledge.

We have great pleasure in acknowledging our Co-expert, Prof. Joe Mark

E. Salado, from the BET-ELET department, for his valuable guidance, expert
suggestions, kindness and supervision throughout the project.

Also, we would like to thanks the BET-CET and BET-MET staff, Prof. Rey
E. Jumawan, Prof. Christopher P. Belando, and Prof. Juvel L. Ompoc, for offering
us the facilities to carry out our project, and for their cooperation, and constant

Lastly, we take pride in acknowledging our current employers who gave

us wide understanding, concern, considerations, and support regarding our
academic requirements.






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