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Lector univ.dr.

Andreea Raluca Constantin


Choose one of the topics below.

Using linking words/ connectors for presentations on the auxiliary material, prepare
an oral presentation.
The main objective of this task is to express a personal point of view, balancing, if
possible, the pros and cons/ the advantages and the disadvantages.
It is very important to avoid reading or learning anything by heart.
You can choose to work individually (1 student) or in groups of 2 students.

The PowerPoint should be elaborated as explained below (See Sample PPT). Feel
free to change the design of the poster, to add animations and to use visual displays such
as photos, drawings, graphs or charts.

- Slide 1:
• Author’s name, group (Bold, title case)
• Student’s affiliation: faculty, university (normal, title case)
 Coordinator: Lecturer Andreea Constantin, PhD
• Keywords: 2-3 (italic, lower case)
- Slide 2: Summary/ Main ideas/ Presentation outline
- Slide 3: Introduction
Lector univ.dr. Andreea Raluca Constantin
- Slide 4-7: Body of Text+ Photos/ charts/ drawings, etc. (3 more slides of information
presented per student if you work in a pair, in total: Body of text= 7 slides)
- Slide 8: Conclusion(s)
- Slide 9: References/ Bibliography (books or websites)
- Slide 10: Final slide: Thank you/ Do you have any questions?

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