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These emails are created to get people to click. That click will take them to (A) a web
page where you provide pre-sell content before going to the affiliate offer, or (B) direct
to the affiliate offer through your affiliate link.

You will need to add your own hyperlink to that web page. You will add that link to the
underlined text that has a call to action such as "watch this video", or "take action
now", "do something about it", "I was handed these", etc.

These lines are usually the last lines of underlined text in the email and/or in the P.S.
Other underlined text is simply to highlight a point or benefit.

Most of the emails will refer to "video" (assuming that's what you're using as your
method of presenting content). If you're just sending them to non-video content (such
as a page on your blog), then revise the verbiage.


Subject Line: My first online sale…


I remember it like it was yesterday.

After weeks of making nothing and being disappointed. After almost giving up.
I logged into my account.
There it was!

My FIRST online sale!

But was it a glitch? Was it a family member who felt sorry for me?

It was real. A genuine person who wanted what I was selling online. That’s the minute I
started believing I could do this. I could really shift my life, give myself new freedoms,
and earn a living online.
What was amazing, after the first sale, it simply snowballed.

Hundreds, thousands, and even tens of thousands of dollars!

Predictable and automatic income.

Just how easy can it be?

Watch this video I made that PROVES you can do this!


Subject Line: Quit your day job?


For me, it started with a dream.

See, I wanted to be my own boss. Make my own hours. Work when I wanted to work,
and play when I wanted to play.

I longed for the freedom, the sense of accomplishment, the financial rewards.

But that was a big step.

Was I really ready to quit my day job?

I guess I was emotionally “tethered” to my job.

It represented security, comfort, ease.

But I also knew what was on the other side of that — Unlimited income, countless
opportunity, and a lifestyle I could only dream of.

For me, it was the best decision I ever made.

It afforded me a rock star lifestyle, freedoms most people never experience, and all the
financial benefits I could ever want.

I’ll never look back — You shouldn’t either.

Move forward. No, in fact RACE to this extraordinary new lifestyle.

It’s so worth it.

This new video will put you in motion towards making money online.

I know it works. I know it’s so worth it.

Expect great things,


Subject Line: The day I’ll never forget


I walked into my boss’s office…

He was probably ready to hand me my next project. A project that would consume my
energy, time, and life.

But it never got to that point.

Instead, I handed him something.

You see, little did he know that I held a passion to start my own online business. And
while I was working for him, I was slowly growing my business on the side.

It was bringing in income.

Faster than I had expected!

It was time.

I’ll never forget his look of shock. And as I turned by back to him, walked out and smiled,
I knew exactly what I was walking into.

Freedom. Opportunity. Financial rewards.

This isn’t just my dream. It’s a dreamed shared by MANY of my students.

You can be next.

I invite you to watch this powerful video. Some call it life changing.



P.S. When will be the day YOU never forget? In just a few weeks or months. It’s coming.
But it all starts here.

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