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The Known Deadly Side-effect of Xarelto and the Possibility of a Lawsuit

You might have heard about Xarelto as used by patients suffering from deep vein thrombosis and irregular
heartbeat. If you are thinking of using similar product for similar reason, it would be wise to know some
of the side-effects attributed to the use of Xarelto. In the following article of NPS Medicine Wise, it
highlighted some facts about the side-effects of Xarelto:

Side effects of rivaroxaban

Even though rivaroxaban (Xarelto) has been

tested in clinical trials, it is a fairly new medicine
and its full range of side effects is still being

See your doctor straight away if you have any

changes in your health or unusual symptoms
after starting rivaroxaban.


Bleeding is one of rivaroxaban’s side effects and

it can sometimes be life threatening.

Bleeding seems as likely to occur with

rivaroxaban as it is with warfarin. However,
unlike warfarin there is currently no specific
antidote for rivaroxaban to stop bleeding. So if
you do have a serious bleed while you are taking
rivaroxaban, it may take longer to treat.

However, unlike warfarin, there is currently no

equivalent of the INR blood test to monitor
rivaroxaban’s effect on blood clotting, or to
inform any dose changes.

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Some people will prefer rivaroxaban as they won’t have to have ongoing monitoring. For others, the
regular INR blood tests that are needed to monitor how well warfarin is working may be reassuring,
since it is an easy way to tell if you are at risk of bleeding, and if a dose change is required.
It is important to know the signs and symptoms of bleeding. Some signs of bleeding may not be
obvious, particularly internal bleeding, so it’s important to know what these are.

If you are taking rivaroxaban because you’ve had knee or hip replacement surgery, you may find
that some blood seeps through the dressing after your operation. Some seepage is normal, but if
you think that the bleeding is excessive, speak to your doctor about it. Source...

In the event that you been using Xarelto and you have been experiencing such side-effects, it would be
wise to check first with your doctor and know the reason behind such bodily abnormalities. And if it can
be determined that Xarelto caused your pain and suffering, it would be wise to visit a personal injury
lawyer and ask regarding the Xarelto lawsuit. There have been many cases filed against Xarelto and its
manufacturer, so don’t be afraid to seek legal help and compensation for the damages.

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