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Auditory Training for Central Auditory

Processing Disorder
Jeffrey Weihing, Ph.D.,1 Gail D. Chermak, Ph.D.,2 and
Frank E. Musiek, Ph.D.3

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Auditory training (AT) is an important component of reha-

bilitation for patients with central auditory processing disorder
(CAPD). The present article identifies and describes aspects of AT
as they relate to applications in this population. A description of the
types of auditory processes along with information on relevant AT
protocols that can be used to address these specific deficits is included.
Characteristics and principles of effective AT procedures also are
detailed in light of research that reflects on their value. Finally, research
investigating AT in populations who show CAPD or present with
auditory complaints is reported. Although efficacy data in this area are
still emerging, current findings support the use of AT for treatment of
auditory difficulties.

KEYWORDS: Auditory training, central auditory processing


Learning Outcomes: As a result of this activity, the participant will be able to (1) describe characteristics of
effective AT protocols, including aspects related to the training schedule, training difficulty, maintaining
motivation, and transfer of learning and (2) describe results from current research investigating AT in patients
with CAPD or who present with auditory complaints.

C entral auditory processing disorder utes to difficulties with perceptual processing of

(CAPD) refers to dysfunction of the central auditory information and that is thought to
auditory nervous system (CANS) that contrib- contribute to delays in skills in which successful

Division of Communicative Disorders, University of Auditory Training: Consideration of Peripheral, Central-
Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky; 2Department of Speech Auditory, and Cognitive Processes; Guest Editor, Jill E.
and Hearing Sciences, Washington State University Spo- Preminger, Ph.D.
kane, Spokane, Washington; 3Speech, Language and Hear- Semin Hear 2015;36:199–215. Copyright # 2015 by
ing Sciences, the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue,
Address for correspondence: Jeffrey Weihing, Ph.D., New York, NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
Division of Communicative Disorders, University of Louis- DOI:
ville, Louisville, KY 40202 (e-mail: jaweih02@louisville. ISSN 0734-0451.

listening serves a fundamental role. CAPD time. Finally, we review existing AT research
affects a variety of populations and has several that has been performed in populations diag-
suspected causes, including neuromaturational nosed with CAPD or with specific auditory
delay,1 neuroanatomical anomalies (e.g., ec- complaints that are not due to peripheral
topic cells),2,3 and neurologic insult of the hearing loss.
CANS.4 Additionally, the term central presby-
cusis has recently been adopted to describe
CAPD that results from changes to the AUDITORY PROCESSES AND
CANS that occur as a result of aging.5 TRAINING
CAPD is diagnosed using a test battery com- Four broad types of auditory processes are

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prised of behavioral, electroacoustic, and/or measured by the tests included in the diagnos-
electrophysiologic measures that have docu- tic CAPD battery. These processes include: (1)
mented sensitivity and specificity to CANS dichotic processing, in which a different speech
dysfunction and that assess a range of CANS stimulus is simultaneously presented to each
processes.6 The primary complaints and symp- ear and the patient repeats back one or both
toms of CAPD are auditory; however, due to stimuli; (2) temporal processing, which is a
the nonmodularity of brain organization, func- broad category that includes skills related to
tional deficits can frequently manifest in related processing changes to the auditory signal over
areas of attention, language, communication, time; (3) perception of monaural low-redun-
and learning.7 dancy speech, in which monaurally presented
A successful treatment plan for CAPD speech is degraded through filtering, the addi-
incorporates a variety of different approaches. tion of noise or reverberation, and/or time
These approaches include environmental mod- compression; and (4) binaural interaction
ifications and assistive listening devices (e.g., (e.g., localization, lateralization), in which
frequency modulation [FM] systems), develop- complimentary inputs that differ in time, in-
ment of compensatory and metacognitive tensity, or spectral characteristics of otherwise
strategies, delivery of necessary services for identical stimuli are combined across the ears to
comorbid conditions, and auditory training support the perception of an auditory signal’s
(AT).6 The last of these approaches, AT, spatial location.8 Some tests that have been
addresses the central auditory processing used commonly to diagnose dysfunction in
(CAP) deficit most directly by attempting to each of these areas include Dichotic Digits
improve the function of the affected auditory and the Competing Sentence test for dichotic
process(es). A typical AT paradigm consists of processing, the Frequency Patterns test or
challenging listening tasks that are not unlike Gaps-In-Noise for temporal processing, and
those tests on which the patient showed the low-pass filtered speech test for perception
difficulty during the CAPD evaluation. A of monaural low-redundancy speech.9–14 Clin-
patient completes these tasks several times a ical assessment of binaural interaction is less
week while their performance on auditory frequently assessed by audiologists,14 despite
processing tasks is monitored. Although addi- the availability of the masking level difference
tional benefits to related skills (e.g., attention) test.15 More recently, spatial processing has
may be achieved through AT, the primary goal been introduced as a fifth general category of
of enrolling a patient in AT is to minimize or auditory processing.16 This process is assessed
eliminate the dysfunction in auditory with the listening in spatialized noise (LiSN)
processing. test that measures spatial release from masking.
The present article focuses on this impor- In its requirement that localization cues be used
tant component of the CAPD treatment plan. for the successful recognition of speech signals,
We first consider auditory processing categories this task is similar in definition, though not
and general types of AT, as well as more specific completely identical, to binaural interaction
AT programs. Next, we consider characteristics tasks.
and parameters of AT intervention that can Underlying each of these processes are
influence performance improvements seen over several more fundamental abilities, including

auditory discrimination and auditory identi- maintain performance at some criterion. To

fication of differences in signal frequency, determine if the criterion is met, performance is
intensity, and duration.6 From a psycho- scored periodically and training difficulty is mod-
acoustic perspective, discrimination tasks in- ified to bring performance closer to criterion.
clude a same–different judgment by Some types of formal training utilize a comput-
comparing two stimuli on the relevant acous- er-based auditory training (CBAT) approach (see
tic dimension, and identification tasks include later).18
a judgment on which of three or more stimuli Conversely, informal training is typically
differs from the rest. Discrimination and not as concerned with stimulus control. Stimuli
identification are essential components of are presented without the use of an audiometer

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auditory processing, as they lay the founda- and may be presented face-to-face instead of
tion for more complex auditory processes that using recorded stimuli. As informal training is
occur in the CANS. typically done at home or in school, a sound
A typical AT intervention, therefore, booth is not used. Stimuli are often age-appro-
addresses one or more of these auditory pro- priate words or sentences, although nonverbal
cesses and underlying skills. Both the results of stimuli can be used in informal AT as well.
the CAPD diagnostic battery, and the func- Informal AT tasks typically exercises multiple
tional deficits presented by the patient (e.g., auditory processes concurrently and somewhat
recognizing speech in noise) drive which areas indirectly.19
are selected for training. The patient is admin- Adaptive difficulty can be achieved with
istered training across clinical training sessions. informal training, though evaluation of perfor-
During each session, performance attained mance relative to the criterion is typically done
during the prior session is examined. Upon less frequently and is not as precise. Whenever
attaining a particular performance criterion possible, it is preferable to do formal training
(typically 70 to 80% accuracy), the task is over informal, or to supplement formal training
made more difficult to challenge the patient’s with informal. If it is not possible to implement
auditory system and incrementally improve formal training, then informal training may be
performance. At some set end point, auditory used in isolation.
processing is reassessed clinically to determine
patient progress on the training. At that point,
it can be determined if additional training is Auditory Training Software
needed, if the remediation plan needs to It is becoming more commonplace for AT to be
revised, or if the patient should be discharged administered using software programs and, for
from therapy. this reason, we consider here some of the
CBAT tools that clinicians and researchers
are currently using to train auditory processing.
Formal and Informal Auditory Training Common to these programs is the presentation
Training typically is administered formally or of training in the context of video games to keep
informally.17 The distinction between these two children engaged. Some of the programs have
approaches involves the level of control that is different versions targeted toward various age
maintained over the training stimuli and the ranges so that the interface for presenting these
environment, and often the nature of the stimuli stimuli can be made age-appropriate. When
used. Formal training uses recorded stimuli (e.g., CBAT programs are targeted toward adults
tones, noise, speech, digits) presented via a alone, game interfaces generally are not used.
computer or CD player. The stimuli may be
routed through an audiometer for precise control
over stimulus levels, and a sound booth may be Auditory-Language Software
used to minimize interference from environmen- Earobics was one of the earliest CBAT pro-
tal sounds. Formal training also typically utilizes grams. Earobics exercises underlying auditory
some mechanism for controlled adaptive difficul- skills in the context of auditory-language ex-
ty. That is to say, training difficulty is modified to ercises (e.g., phonological awareness). Targeted

auditory skills include temporal sequencing, program.25 The procedure is intended for
pattern recognition, auditory closure, auditory training dichotic processing interhemispheric
discrimination, and auditory performance with transfer deficits and aims to improve perfor-
competing signals. The program also addresses mance in the weaker (dichotic) ear over time.
sound–symbol correspondence as it relates to This is accomplished by providing the weaker
reading, phonological awareness, sound blend- ear a listening advantage during dichotic
ing, following oral directions, and memory and training tasks by decreasing the intensity level
attention. Based on a review of three studies in the stronger ear, as determined by dichotic
involving children diagnosed with language test results (i.e., ear advantage). As the patient
learning impairment or specific reading disor- improves, the level in the stronger ear is

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der, Loo and colleagues noted improved mor- increased to maintain the challenging nature
phology, amplitudes, and latencies of speech- of the task. In a variation of this procedure,
evoked cortical and subcortical responses in interaural timing differences are manipulated
noise following Earobics training.20 Some pos- instead of level differences to achieve the
itive impact was seen on phonological aware- same effect.26 Two CBAT programs provide
ness skills; however, Earobics training had little dichotic training, CAPDOTS (The Listen-
effect on language, spelling, and reading skills ing Academy) and the soon to be released
of the children. Increases in the amplitude of Sound Auditory Training (SAT).27 Research
evoked responses to speech stimuli related to with the DIID has shown that it improves
brainstem and cortical substrate indicated dichotic listening and that gains obtained
possible improvements in electrophysiologic from this training are correlated with some
representation in the CANS following training nonauditory outcome measures, such as par-
with Earobics.21,22 ent and teacher report of student listening
Fast ForWord (FFW) is a commonly difficulty.28
used CBAT program that, similar to Earo- The LiSN and Learn is a CBAT program
bics, targets phonological awareness and that was developed to treat spatial processing
temporal processing.23,24 This program deficits identified using the LiSN test.29 This
presents tasks within the context of language CBAT approach focuses on training the ability
training; however, temporal processing to benefit from spatially separated speech in
underlies the theoretical foundation of background competition. Research on the
FFW, which incorporates acoustic manipu- LiSN and Learn is considered later (see
lations to adjust the difficulty of tasks. In their “Review of Auditory Training Research Per-
recent review of CBAT research, Loo et al formed on Participants with Auditory
reported that four FFW studies showed im- Complaints”).
provement in temporal tasks following training, A new CBAT tool that is in development
with one showing no change in frequency by the present authors is SAT. SAT is a
discrimination and one showing improvement toolkit for training a range of fundamental
in speech-evoked cortical potentials (N1–P2).20 auditory processing skills, including auditory
FFW demonstrated some impact on phono- discrimination and identification, temporal
logical awareness skills but had little effect on sequencing (frequency and duration pattern
the language, spelling, and reading skills of recognition), gap detection, dichotic process-
children diagnosed with language learning im- ing, binaural interaction, and auditory clo-
pairment or specific reading disorder. Possible sure. This set of exercises allows the user to
explanations for the differences across behavior- train any of the auditory processes identified
al and electrophysiologic measures are discussed by several professional consensus statements
later. as important for listening,6,30 and each task is
Dichotic interaural intensity difference interchangeable with a range of user inter-
(DIID) training is a formal AT procedure faces to promote patient interest and motiva-
that can be administered using customized tion and adaptive algorithms for training
stimuli through an audiometer or via a CBAT efficiency.

CHARACTERISTICS OF EFFECTIVE swering questions from stories.35 Participants

AUDITORY TRAINING PROGRAMS showed electrophysiologic, speech-in-noise,
and memory benefits; however, only the
Training Schedule electrophysiologic benefits were maintained
Sufficient time must be devoted to AT to when assessed 6 months after training. As-
induce and maintain change. Intensive therapy sessment of electrophysiologic improvements
can require considerable time, which can be from training were maintained; however,
distributed in regard to the length of the benefits seen in speech-in-noise and memory
training session, the number of training ses- measures were not maintained when reas-
sions, the time intervals between sessions, and sessed 6 months after training. The decline

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the period of time over which training is in memory benefits was explained by the
conducted.23 It is common for clinicians to authors as being consistent with existing
adopt a training schedule of three to four times research, which shows that benefits to general
a week for 20 to 30 minutes. Several studies cognitive abilities, such as speed of process-
have empirically examined training schedules. ing, tend to be maintained but benefits to
Molloy et al trained young adults on a frequency more specific cognitive skills, such as working
discrimination task for a total of 50 training memory, do not. Furthermore, the decline in
blocks using several different training sched- speech-in-noise benefits was interpreted by
ules: 800 trials a day for 2 days, 400 trials a day the authors as reflecting the limited short-
for 4 days, 200 trials a day for 8 days, and 100 term benefit in cognition (i.e., attention and
trials a day for 8 days.31 The shortest training memory skills), which over time waned.
sessions were 8 minutes and the longest Benefits measured electrophysiologically
sessions exceeded an hour. Although all con- may be more persistent because they are
ditions yielded a similar degree of improvement more purely auditory and less likely to be
following the termination of training, the affected by these supramodal factors. For
shorter training sessions allowed for more latent instance, Anderson et al note that speech-
learning, or learning that occurred between in-noise ability was assessed using the
sessions. Specifically, the group that received QuickSIN, and this measure may place
100 trials over 8 days improved most quickly demands on attention and memory.35 Be-
during the early stages of training, suggesting cause the QuickSIN benefits were not main-
that shorter training sessions distributed over tained, initial gains seen posttraining on this
time maximize learning efficiency. Dramatic measure may have been related to short-term
early learning induced by AT usually is a cognitive improvements that benefited atten-
common finding in AT research, with perfor- tion and memory. Overall, these findings may
mance improvements generally becoming suggest that booster sessions could be benefi-
smaller over time.32,33 This finding is also cial for maintaining AT gains.
supported by neurophysiological data that
shows that changes emerge within 1 to 4 days
of initiating AT, sometimes even preceding Training Difficulty
improvements in behavioral performance.34 AT tasks should be graduated in difficulty over
It should be noted that the current time as a function of the patient’s perfor-
literature on AT does not specifically reflect mance.36 Tasks should be presented systemati-
on whether “booster” sessions are needed cally and employ adaptive difficulty so that the
following discharge from AT to maintain task can remain challenging and motivating,
auditory benefits. For instance, Anderson et but not overwhelming. Tasks should be de-
al administered an 8-week program that signed to allow patients to work at their skill
included tasks aimed at improving: temporal threshold or edge of competency.37 The
order judgments of FM sweeps, discrimina- amount or degree of progression is sometimes
tion of similar syllables, recognizing or difficult to determine. Most software programs
matching sequences of syllables and words, have sufficient flexibility to adjust incremental
implementing command sequences, and an- levels; however, the question is the size step of

the progression. If the step size is too large, employed,19 and task difficulty should be
performance will not improve, signaling that a adaptively modified so that performance satis-
smaller increment in difficulty level should be fies this criterion. A balanced success-to-failure
introduced.38 Appropriate increments in task criterion ratio should be targeted (sometimes
difficulty have been shown in animal studies to referred to as the 70–30 rule) wherein the level
be critical to improvement seen from training.39 of difficulty is adjusted to allow the patient to
Another variable underlying AT difficulty achieve scores of 70% correct and no poorer
is the targeted success-to-failure criterion ratio. than 30%. This will help maintain motivation
Therapy programs should be designed so that while providing sufficient challenge to cause
the client experiences success sufficient to change.19

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maintain motivation at high levels. Success
rates approaching 100%, however, usually indi-
cate that the task is too easy and that the Motivation and Performance Feedback
patient’s auditory system is not sufficiently Keeping a patient motivated throughout
challenged to elicit optimal change. On the training is an important factor in achieving
other end of this spectrum, several studies have successful outcomes from therapy, as it is for
shown that training effects are still witnessed learning in general.40,43,44 Patients who are
even when the task is impossible for the patient not motivated are not likely to be successful in
to complete (e.g., when the participant is asked an AT program. To maintain motivation, the
to discriminate two identical tones).40,41 Al- patient must understand the rationale under-
though this would suggest that tasks cannot be lying the AT. Even children need to under-
made too difficult, one should be cautious of stand that they are enrolled in AT to improve
possibly demotivating the patient. their listening abilities, which in turn may
In contrast, some research with animals impact their social and academic success.
questions these findings. Edeline and col- Teachers, parents, and clinicians should
leagues measured behavioral and electrophysi- explain to children, using real-world and
ologic changes in animals that received two functional examples (e.g., ability to follow a
types of AT for frequency discrimination, one coach’s directions or understand the teacher
considered to be easy and the other highly in the noisy classroom), why they are in
difficult (i.e., requiring discriminations beyond therapy and how it will help them.
the capability of the animals).42 Interestingly, Computer-assisted AT has grown in use
the easy AT yielded definite improvements in due to its ability to engage participants while
frequency discrimination measured behavioral- providing intensive training with feedback
ly, and the difficult AT yielded essentially no and reinforcement. Perhaps surprisingly,
improvement. Direct measurements at the positive feedback can facilitate learning even
auditory cortex, however, showed improved when it is random in relation to a listener’s
receptive field responses for both easy and responses, although excessive feedback (e.g.,
difficult tasks. As noted previously in reference on 90% of trials) or no feedback at all does not
to the Anderson et al study,35 we conclude that contribute to learning.45 Thus, feedback
neural timing benefits reflecting cortical audi- given intermittently appears to be more
tory plasticity may be seen in the absence of effective at encouraging learning than feed-
certain behavioral changes, particularly when back given more frequently.45,46 Motivation
the training and/or the behavioral measures is related to attention. The greater the
require more pervasive or more focused neural attention to a given task (such as AT), the
substrate that might not have been trained or more progress is likely to be made, and higher
reflected in the electrophysiologic measures. levels of vigilance can be maintained when the
Based on all findings reviewed here, we individual involved is motivated compared
suggest that the success-to-failure ratio should with unmotivated individuals.47 Moreover,
be selected so that the task is challenging but top-down processes such as arousal and
not impossible to complete. To this end, a attention aid perceptual or sensory
performance criterion of 70% is commonly learning.40,45,48,49

Transfer of Learning occur. Millward and colleagues trained partic-

The question as to whether AT-induced learn- ipants on either a frequency discrimination task
ing transfers to auditory stimuli and auditory in quiet or in the presence of modulated noise,
skills not used in the training paradigm is a or on words in modulated noise.54 All trained
popular topic in AT research. As clinicians, this groups, and even a control group that was
is a topic of significant relevance as we assume untrained, showed some improvements on a
that, to some degree, administration of AT will words-in-noise probe; however, frequency
benefit the auditory system more generally and discrimination improvements were seen only
not just for the stimuli applied. It is important in subjects who were included in one of the
for the clinician who is administering AT to frequency discrimination training groups. The

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consider to what degree the therapy improves authors concluded that, in general, if the
outcomes that do not utilize the exact stimuli training stimulus shares some dimension with
that were employed during AT (i.e., what the outcome measure, then training benefits are
degree of transfer of learning occurred). more likely to be seen. This conclusion was
Transfer of learning has been investigated supported by further research showing that
within-task, that is, how well stimulus training learning does not always generalize across
transfers to another stimulus of a similar type stimuli or tasks.55
for the same task, and between-task, or how Transfer of learning, when it occurs, almost
well stimulus training transfers to a completely certainly makes use of nonauditory specific skills
different type of auditory task that utilizes much (i.e., supramodal skills) or what others have
different stimuli. Studies investigating within- called procedural or conceptual learning.56,57
task transfer effects have often examined how Delhommeau et al discussed transfer of learning
well training using one stimulus transfers to in the context of meta-learning, or learning
performance using another stimulus that has a about the basic nature of the AT task.51 Learn-
slightly different acoustic characteristic from ing in this way would be expected to recruit
the first. Training participants on a duration cognitive skills that contribute to within-task
discrimination task has been shown to general- transfer of learning. Moore et al also emphasized
ize to improvements for stimuli with durations the benefits that AT provides to attention and
not used during the training.50 Similarly, how these improvements in attention could
training on a frequency discrimination task facilitate transfer of learning to tasks and skills
also tends to generalize to frequencies not not applied during the training paradigm.53
used during the training, at least after several Evidence from this viewpoint is provided by
administrations of the untrained frequencies.51 research that has shown that training on a visual
Research examining between-task transfer task (which does not recruit the auditory system
effects have frequently addressed to what degree at all) can lead to improvements in auditory
training on basic auditory processing tasks discrimination.40
transfers to more complex skills. For instance,
Kujala et al examined whether a combined
nonspeech temporal processing and auditory Process-Specific Training
discrimination AT would generalize to skills A related concept is what has been called
like reading.52 They noted that the trained “process-specific training.” It has been recom-
group showed a significant increase in the mended that AT be process-specific when
number of words and the reading rate. Moore administered to patients with CAPD. That
et al trained participants on a phoneme dis- is, the auditory process(es) shown to be defi-
crimination task and examined to what degree cient should be targeted in AT.6 To perform
this training generalized to receptive language process-specific training, a full CAPD diagnos-
skills.53 They noted that, as a group, phonolog- tic evaluation must be completed prior to
ical awareness and word discrimination scores undertaking AT with older children (i.e., age
did improve following training. 7 to 8 years and older) and adults. The
There certainly are situations, however, in diagnostic test battery should provide informa-
which transfer of learning does not appear to tion about the patient’s particular auditory

strengths and weaknesses. As many clinics that studies (i.e., observational without controls),
perform CAP evaluations today do not test a and level 5 reflects expert clinical opinion,
full range of central auditory capabilities (e.g., consensus, or standards for practice.6 Each of
dichotic processing, temporal processing, per- the studies discussed below are listed in Table 1
ception of monaural low redundancy speech, along with the respective level of evidence. In
and binaural interaction),14 an incomplete some cases, the classification into level of
profile of the patient’s auditory strengths and evidence is imperfect given that the research
weaknesses is often generated, making it did not exactly fit the definition for any level. In
difficult to decide precisely what skills to these cases, the level that best described the
train.58 Research is not available regarding research was selected.

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the considerations that actually guide clinicians’
specific decisions when creating a CAPD test
battery, although it is frequently recommended Temporal Processing Training and
that sensitivity and specificity data from CAPD Auditory Discrimination Training
tests and test batteries be prioritized in this Temporal processing represents a broad cate-
context.4 gory of auditory processes, including skills such
as temporal sequencing, temporal integration,
temporal resolution, and others. Additional
REVIEW OF AUDITORY TRAINING skills that are fundamental to temporal proc-
RESEARCH PERFORMED ON essing are frequency, intensity, and duration
PARTICIPANTS WITH AUDITORY discrimination.59 AT paradigms that target
COMPLAINTS temporal processing are generally varied in their
Although there is a fairly large body of research focus and scope given the range of temporal
investigating AT (or auditory-language train-
ing) in children with speech-language and/or
learning disabilities, very few studies have Table 1 Levels of Evidence for Studies
examined the effectiveness of AT in children Investigating the Efficacy of AT in Patients
diagnosed with CAPD or some form of non- with Auditory Complaints
peripheral auditory deficit. Studies that look at Study Level of Evidence
training-based remediation in individuals with
Sharma et al60 1
auditory complaints are important for a variety
Krishnamurti et al61 4
of reasons. Foremost among these is that such
McArthur et al59 4
studies speak specifically to whether these
Moncrieff and Wertz68 4
paradigms benefit the very individuals toward
Musiek et al26 4
which these therapies are targeted. To this end,
Weihing et al70 3
the present section provides a more detailed
Cameron and Dillon29 4
discussion of those research studies that have
Musiek and Schochat25 4
examined AT in individuals with primarily
Putter-Katz et al74 2
auditory complaints.
Alonso and Schochat75 4
Each of the studies below is considered
Schochat et al76 2
from the perspective of the level of evidence that
Musiek and Baran77 4
applies. Using terminology reported in Appen-
Musiek et al78 4
dix A of the American Academy of Audiology
Musiek et al79 4
(AAA) CAPD practice guidelines, level 1
includes the most rigorous studies (e.g., dou- Note: Studies are listed in the order that they are cited
in the text.
ble-blind, randomized clinical trials, etc.), level 
Level 1: most rigorous studies (e.g., double blind,
2 includes quasi-experimental research (e.g., randomized clinical trials, etc.); level 2: quasi-experimen-
tal research (e.g., non-randomized, retrospective de-
nonrandomized, retrospective designs with signs with control groups, etc.); level 3: observational
control groups, etc.), level 3 includes observa- studies with controls (e.g., case studies, cohort studies,
etc.); level 4: descriptive studies (i.e., observational
tional studies with controls (e.g., case studies, without controls), and level 5 reflects expert clinical
cohort studies, etc.), level 4 includes descriptive opinion, consensus, or standards for practice.6

processes that can be addressed. Some of these processing and auditory discrimination skills in
paradigms are considered next. a speech-language context.61 The two pediatric
Sharma et al recruited 55 children (7 to cases (7 to 8 years old) presented normal
13 years, mean ¼ 9.7 years) who were diag- peripheral hearing sensitivity and showed
nosed with CAPD according to the AAA difficulties on the researchers’ central auditory
guidelines.60 Subjects all had normal peripheral test battery. The battery consisted of one highly
hearing sensitivity and were randomly assigned sensitive and specific nonverbal measure of
to one of the following conditions: auditory CAPD4 (i.e., Frequency Patterns11), as well
discrimination training (AT), auditory discrim- as several auditory language-based measures
ination training and FM system, language that more generally involve central auditory

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therapy, language therapy and FM system, or aspects as well (i.e., SCAN-C,62 Phonemic
a nonintervention control group. Training Synthesis,63 and TAPS-R64). The children
entailed a total of 12 hours of intervention also were administered measures to look at an
that included both home-based and clinic- electrophysiologic measure of auditory process-
based tasks. The 5-week training consisted of ing, as well as language or more general
1-hour clinical sessions weekly and 15 minutes supramodal skills. These measures included
of exercises at home for 5 days a week. The the Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (TONI),65
exercises performed at home consisted of some Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals
of the AT games included in Earobics, in (CELF),66 and the speech auditory brainstem
particular the tasks that focused on phonologi- response (seABR).67 The children participated
cal training. For the language therapy group, in this AT paradigm over an 8- to 12-week
home exercises consisted of the following: period, 5 days a week, for 50-minute sessions.
reading aloud while emphasizing correct stress Results showed that the first participant
and intonation, and focusing on appreciating improved on the FFW tasks, which was
differences in meaning that are conveyed from expected given the intensity of the training.
the use of different stress and timing patterns. This participant also demonstrated gains on the
The findings indicated that all interventions SCAN, Frequency Patterns, Phonemic Synthe-
yielded some degree of improvement. Both the sis, and the CELF. Benefits seemed to gener-
auditory discrimination training and the lan- alize beyond the central auditory and language
guage therapy groups showed posttraining measures, as indicated by improvements in
improvements in temporal processing. These cognition as measured by the TONI. Improve-
groups showed additional benefits in language ments also were observed electrophysiologically
and reading outcomes. Although these results on the seABR, which was seen as an increase in
might suggest that either AT or language amplitude of the V-A response (i.e., peak-to-
therapy can yield the same results, it is generally peak amplitude from wave V to the negativity
expected that training that specifically focuses that follows wave V). The second participant
on an affected auditory process(es) will most showed similar improvements following train-
likely produce greatest benefits, as described ing on the auditory processing measures and the
earlier. Because the AT paradigm did not seABR (i.e., shorter latencies); however, no
necessarily address processes shown to be notable improvements were seen on the
affected by the CAPD test battery, lesser gains TONI or the CELF. These findings should
might have shown by these participants than if a be interpreted with caution as they reflect the
process-specific AT approach had been results of only two subjects.
adopted. It should be noted that a control group McArthur and coworkers recruited 28
that did not receive any interventions did not children (6 to 15 years old) who presented
show significant improvement on measures over with a specific reading disability or a specific
time. language impairment and who also demonstrat-
Krishnamurti et al examined the effective- ed below-normal performance on temporal
ness of FFW in two cases diagnosed with processing measures.59 Although a CAPD bat-
CAPD. As noted earlier, FFW is a comput- tery was not administered, the reduced perfor-
er-based AT paradigm that targets temporal mance on tests of temporal processing indicated

this sample experienced difficulties on auditory initial interaural intensity difference was 30 dB;
processing tasks. Children were trained on one as patients gradually demonstrated an improve-
of the following auditory discrimination or ment in performance, this interaural intensity
temporal processing tasks: frequency discrimi- difference was decreased across sessions by 1 to
nation, vowel discrimination, consonant–vowel 5 dB to maintain performance between 70 and
discrimination, or backward masking. Training, 100%. Eight children ranging in age between 7
which was designed to be adaptive in difficulty, and 13 years participated in the first study
was administered for 30 minutes a day, 4 days a reported by Moncrieff and Wertz. The children
week, for 6 weeks. Psychoacoustic tasks that trained for 30 minutes per session, three
were similar to the AT exercises were adminis- sessions a week, for 4 weeks. This study

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tered before the AT paradigm was started and represented a phase I and phase II clinical trials
then a second time following the last training in which a treatment is investigated in a smaller
session. Approximately 90% of the participants and then larger group of participants, respec-
demonstrated performance on these measures tively, to examine the treatment’s ability to yield
that was within normal limits following the last improvements on outcomes. Control groups
training session. The improvements shown did were not included as part of the phase I and
not appear to be explained by a more global phase II clinical trials.
change in how participants approached the Findings indicated that left ear perfor-
tasks. This was evidenced by the finding that mance for dichotic digits improved signifi-
participants did not show improvements for cantly following training, with the average
two nonauditory tasks: visual discrimination observed improvement of 15%. In their
and sustained attention tasks. Additionally, second study, Moncrieff and Wertz recruited
subjects in a control condition who were not a larger sample of children (6.5 to 11 years,
exposed to the training also demonstrated some n ¼ 13).68 In addition to a larger sample,
degree of improvement on outcome measures some participants in study 2 trained over a
when administered at retest; however, the longer duration (ranging from 12 to 24 ses-
magnitudes of these improvements were sions), and they were also given additional
smaller than that seen from the trained group. nondichotic listening comprehension out-
Of note was that the control participants gen- come measures to assess the generalization
erally demonstrated better temporal processing of benefits. In this second study, significant
skills than the trained group when measured at left and right ear improvements posttraining
the pretraining session and, therefore, did not were seen for both dichotic digits and com-
have as much potential for improvement as the peting words measures, with an approximate
experimental group. 20% improvement in performance for the left
ear. Although improvements in the right ear
were much smaller in magnitude, pretraining
Dichotic Auditory Training performance for the right ear generally was
Several studies have examined the effectiveness much higher than the left ear score, which
of dichotic training in participants with dichotic limited the degree of improvement that could
processing issues as confirmed using CAPD obtained. This observation relates to a com-
tests. Moncrieff and Wertz administered dich- mon trend seen in AT studies where individ-
otic therapy (“Auditory Rehabilitation for uals with poorer baseline performance
Interaural Asymmetry”) to children with dich- generally obtain greater gains from
otic deficits in two studies.68 The dichotic issues AT.32,60,69 A significant correlation was ob-
exhibited by the participants were either a tained between improvements in left ear
unilateral left ear weakness or a bilateral scores on both dichotic measures and the
weakness. In both studies, dichotic stimuli listening comprehension measures (i.e., Brig-
were presented through two speakers in the ance Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills
sound field, and difficulty was adjusted by Revised).
increasing the intensity of the acoustic signal Musiek et al reported AT data in which a
coming from the right speaker over time. The DIID-like therapy was administered to 14

children with dichotic issues for 10 weeks.26 Spatial Processing

Although the paradigm typically attempts to As mentioned above, the LiSN and Learn was
improve weaker ear performance by manipulat- developed to treat spatial processing disorder.29
ing interaural level differences, this study uti- To evaluate the utility of this approach, Ca-
lized interaural timing differences instead. The meron and Dillon enrolled nine children (6 to
authors referred to this variant of the DIID 11 years) to participate in the LiSN and Learn
paradigm as the DIID II. By having the stimu- program, 15 to 20 minutes a day, five times a
lus in the weaker ear arrive slightly later in time week, for 3 months.29 Results revealed that
than the stimulus in the better ear, the weaker participants were better able to make use of
ear obtains a dichotic processing advantage (i.e., spatial separation cues following training and

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the lag effect). As the patient improves over that these improvements persisted 3 months
time, the lag between the ears is gradually posttraining. Significant benefits were also not-
decreased to make the task more challenging. ed on some measures of attention and memory,
In this particular study, no control group was as well as on report measures of hearing handi-
recruited. cap. Although LiSN and Learn appears to
The authors reported a significant im- provide benefits to children with this type of
provement in pre- versus posttraining dichotic processing issue when they have normal periph-
listening scores that was 30% in magnitude. eral hearing, the training does not appear to be as
Interestingly, improvements in dichotic proc- effective in cases of sensorineural hearing loss.71
essing also appeared to be related to a reduction
of everyday symptoms, as determined by parent
or teacher report. Questionnaire respondents Battery Approach to Training
were asked about the patient’s improvements in Several studies have investigated whether a
their ability to follow directions, communica- battery of treatment approaches for individuals
tion ability, academic performance, attention, diagnosed with CAPD or auditory complaints
and ability to hear in noise. Scores ranged from provides benefits to this clinical group. The
0 (no improvement) to 5 (100% improvement). training battery approach includes multiple
Examined collectively, the trained group dem- types of AT exercises, spanning a range of
onstrated average or greater than average auditory processes, and may also make use of
improvement. top-down instruction and compensatory mod-
Weihing et al administered the DIID to ifications. Although the training battery ap-
four older adults, two who demonstrated proach described below does not always target
dichotic deficits and two who showed normal processes that were shown to be deficient, this
dichotic processing.70 The DIID was per- approach has some ecological validity as indi-
formed over 20 sessions using a range of viduals with CAPD typically present with
stimuli and instructions. Following the ter- issues related to more than one auditory process
mination of training, adults with dichotic or ability. Moreover, difficulties with multiple
deficits showed improvement and, in some auditory processes are frequently thought to
cases, normal dichotic processing. Further- underlie listening deficits (e.g., listening diffi-
more, the subjects with dichotic deficits culty in noise might be due to binaural separa-
showed improved performance on the Quick- tion issues, spatial processing issues, temporal
SIN posttraining, and those without deficits processing issues, etc.). Thus, a training battery
did not improve on this measure as much. approach may be beneficial when the affected
These initial results are encouraging, suggest- auditory process cannot be easily identified or
ing the utility of the DIID to patients with isolated. This might occur, for instance, if
central presbycusis. The findings must be electrophysiologic measures were used to diag-
tempered, however, by the small sample size nosis an auditory processing deficit.
and the fact that the older adults without Musiek and Schochat reported a case study
dichotic deficits were younger by 8 years and in which a 15-year-old with CAPD received
showed better peripheral hearing than the benefits from an AT battery.25 Diagnosis of
older adults with dichotic deficits. CAPD was made using four tests: Dichotic

Digits,9 Compressed Speech,72 Frequency cations).74 Participants included 20 children,

Patterns,11 and Duration Patterns.73 Prior to ranging in age from 7 to 14 years (mean ¼ 9
training, the child showed difficulties on all of years), and 10 control subjects who ranged in
the CAPD measures with the exception of the age from 6 to 11 years (mean ¼ 8 years). The
Duration Patterns. The clinical AT protocol control subjects received neither training nor
followed a schedule of 1-hour sessions, three intervention. Both groups were diagnosed with
times a week, for 6 weeks. Additional exercises CAPD based on the following criteria: perfor-
also were provided informally so that partic- mance below 1 standard deviation in at least one
ipants could engage in therapy at home. These ear on one or more of the central auditory tests
informal exercises were completed for 15 to 30 used in the study. These central auditory tests

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minutes, two to three times a week. Formal included dichotic listening (binaural separa-
training tasks provided in the clinic focused on tion), monaural low-redundancy, temporal
auditory discrimination (i.e., intensity discrim- processing (i.e., gap detection ability), and
ination, frequency discrimination, CV discrim- binaural interaction. All participants presented
ination), dichotic processing (i.e., DIID with listening difficulties, as noted by care-
training), and monaural low-redundancy (i.e., givers, parents, and teachers. Examination of
speech-in-noise training). Difficulty level of the types of deficits seen in this group revealed
these tasks was adaptive to maintain perfor- that 11 children were diagnosed with monaural
mance at 70% correct. Informal training tasks low-redundancy deficits only (i.e., “noise
performed at home included such tasks as group”), and 9 children were diagnosed with
reading aloud with good intonation and rhythm deficits on tests that assess monaural low-
(which is a top-down approach that targets redundancy speech perception and dichotic
discrimination and temporal processing) and processing skills (i.e., “noise þ dichotic
identification of target lyrics in songs. group”). A training paradigm was administered
When the training paradigm was complet- for 45 minutes, once a week, for 4 months.
ed, the participant had improved or attained Outcome measures included the central audi-
normal CAP, particularly for the compressed tory tests administered prior to training. Fol-
speech task and dichotic processing measures. lowing 4 months of training, central auditory
The participant’s parent completed a hearing test scores increased for participants in both the
questionnaire that targeted the degree of “noise” and “noise þ dichotic” groups. The
improvement received from the training, rated control group did not show similar
from 0 (no improvement) to 5 (no longer has a improvements.
problem in this area). Target behaviors included Alonso and Schochat recruited 29 children
following directions, communication ability, with CAPD who ranged in age from 8 to
academic ability, attention span, ability to 16 years to determine the utility of AT.75
recognize speech recognition in noise, and The diagnostic CAPD battery included two
alertness. The parent indicated that the partici- measures of monaural low-redundancy and two
pant showed considerable (score of 3) to marked measures of dichotic processing. The CAPD
improvement (score of 4) in these areas. The diagnosis was made based on the participant
range of areas in which improvements were failing at least two CAPD tests in the battery.
noted following training may speak to the broad These tests and the auditory P300 served as
scope of the skills targeted in this AT paradigm outcome measures for the study. The training
and/or to the primacy of CAPD in contributing schedule consisted of eight, 50-minute sessions,
to the patient’s symptoms. once per week for 8 weeks. The training
Putter-Katz and colleagues used dichotic paradigm was similar to that employed by
listening and speech-in-noise tasks in an AT Musiek and Schochat (described above).25
paradigm and coupled this approach with the Task difficulty was modified each week to
fitting of an FM system, in addition to top- maintain performance at 70%. At the end
down interventions (e.g., modification of of the training, significant improvements were
learning strategies, cognitive and metacognitive observed on most of the outcome measures,
approaches, and classroom and home modifi- including P300 latency and all CAPD tests.

Nearly 73% of the participants presented rehabilitation protocol, which included the
normal auditory processing ability following following recommendations: wear an earplug
training. in the right ear to prevent distortion, use an
Schochat et al recruited 30 children with assistive listening device, and participate in AT.
CAPD and 22 without CAPD for an AT The patient was enrolled in AT for 15 to 20
study.76 Participants ranged in age from 8 to minutes daily for 6 months. AT consisted of
14 years and were diagnosed with CAPD using auditory discrimination of numbers, conso-
the criteria set forth by American Speech- nants, vowels, words, and sentences. These
Language-Hearing Association and AAA.6,30 tasks were administered over the telephone
None of the participants was diagnosed with (to simulate a monaural low-redundancy, fil-

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peripheral hearing loss. The children diagnosed tered speech context) with a friend reading the
with CAPD were enrolled in training for stimuli to the patient. During each AT session,
8 weeks, with 50-minute sessions, once weekly. training began with the better ear and then
Training tasks were comprised of a combina- proceeded to the poorer right ear. Her perfor-
tion of frequency discrimination, intensity mance on CAPD tests was reassessed twice
discrimination, duration discrimination, gap during the course of training. Subjectively, the
detection, DIID, localization, and speech patient noted significant improvements in
perception training. Informal exercises con- listening, although listening in noisy situations
sisted of word recognition tasks that were given was still challenging. Her right ear performance
to subjects to be completed at home for 15 on one of the monaural low-redundancy tests
minutes daily. Posttraining outcome measures demonstrated improvement, from 0 to 50%.
consisted of speech recognition in quiet and in Interestingly, the high-frequency sensorineural
noise, verbal and nonverbal dichotic listening, hearing loss also showed improvement, pro-
and the auditory middle latency response. gressing from a severe loss to mild to moderate
Participants exhibited significant improvement loss. It should be noted though that this
on all central auditory tests following training. improvement was likely seen because a portion
Additionally, the children who received train- of her hearing loss was related to central
ing also showed an increase in the amplitude of changes that may have been coincident with
the middle latency response when it was the hemorrhage in her pons. In general, it
measured over the left hemisphere. This would not be expected that AT would improve
electrophysiologic enhancement was not seen peripheral hearing loss.
in the control group. In another case, Musiek and coworkers
Several case studies with patients with reported on a 21-year-old patient with a
neurologic symptoms also have examined the subarachnoid bleed that involved the inferior
effectiveness of AT using a battery of auditory colliculi bilaterally.78 Initially, the patient
exercises and interventions. Musiek and Baran showed a complete central hearing loss and
reported on a young adult patient who experi- was unresponsive to sounds. Physiologic meas-
enced a hemorrhage in the pons that was a ures showed normal otoacoustic emissions and
consequence of an arteriovenous malforma- auditory brainstem response through wave III.
tion.77 The patient was evaluated audiologically Over the course of 12 weeks, improvements
at 3 months following this event, at which point were seen in his hearing sensitivity, and by
she had noted significant hearing difficulties, 10 months his hearing sensitivity was equiva-
especially when listening in background noise. lent to a moderately severe hearing loss. The
An audiogram performed at this visit showed patient continued to experience difficulties
relatively normal hearing in the left ear and a hearing in noise even though his hearing
sensorineural loss that was severe in the high sensitivity had improved. Intensity discrimina-
frequencies in the right ear. Two monaural tion was measured at 5 and 11 weeks postinsult.
low-redundancy tests also were administered. At both sessions, the difference limen to
Performance on these tests was 0% in the right intensity was elevated, though it was slightly
ear and ranged between 50 and 75% in the left improved at 11 weeks for the right ear and for
ear. The patient was enrolled in an informal binaural administration. Electrophysiologic

measures, including the middle latency re- of CAPD. She was enrolled in an AT program
sponse and event-related potentials, were also that included training in advocating for clear
abnormal, further confirming involvement of speech, reading aloud, DIID training, auditory
the central auditory system. An auditory treat- memory enhancement training, auditory speech
ment plan was put into place 1 month after the discrimination training, temporal sequence
patient left the hospital. The AT paradigm was training, and instruction on metacognitive strat-
administered formally, once a week for approx- egies. Posttraining, the patient showed signifi-
imately an hour, for 14 weeks. Training was cant gains in CAP: performance on the dichotic
adaptive to maintain difficulty at a moderate digits and right ear scores on the compressed
level. Additionally, informal exercises were speech and competing sentences were now

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given for home use and these included auditory within normal limits. Significant improvements
directives, discrimination tasks, and music also were seen in the left ear on compressed
listening. Initially, the formal training consisted speech and competing sentences, though per-
of the following: having the patient answer formance only bordered normal limits.
questions about himself, administration of
discrimination tasks, and speech reading.
When the treatment paradigm was 50% CONCLUSIONS
complete, the therapy focus changed to identi- The present article has described AT ap-
fication and discrimination of voices and proaches for the treatment of CAPD. Training
environmental sounds, speech recognition in focused on one or more auditory processes,
noise, identification of nonword speech sounds, including temporal processes, dichotic process-
and reading aloud. The patient made clear ing, perception of monaurally presented low-
progress in auditory discrimination ability redundancy signals, and binaural interaction,
throughout these latter stages of therapy. including the related spatial processing. Several
Toward the end of treatment, an emphasis AT (and auditory-language) exercises are
was placed on significantly increasing the available for administration via the computer
difficulty of therapy because the patient had, (i.e., CBAT). CBAT has many advantages over
to this point, shown large gains in performance. face-to-face training, including controlled pre-
Discrimination tasks included sounds that were sentation of stimuli, precise implementation of
more similar, and more complex sentence-level adaptive difficulty, intensiveness (i.e., number
material was introduced. An assistive listening of trials per session), and engaging and rein-
device also was dispensed around this time. It forcing interfaces. Characteristics of successful
should be noted that Musiek et al acknowl- AT include application of appropriate training
edged it was difficult to separate out benefits schedules, use of adaptive difficulty, and pre-
obtained from AT from those obtained from sentation of reinforcement to maintain motiva-
spontaneous recovery.78 tion. Transfer of learning is known to occur,
Musiek and colleagues also reported an AT though the magnitude of the transfer effect is
case in which hearing difficulties were noted larger for tasks that are more similar to the
following a mild head trauma.79 The 41-year- trained task. Although published research
old patient reported difficulty attending for generally shows a positive impact of AT in
longer periods of time, especially when auditory this population, future CAPD training research
information was presented. She also observed should strive to include control groups (or
difficulty understanding multistep directions control as well as target dependent variables
and felt she had more difficulty hearing from in single-subject research) wherever possible
the left ear than the right ear, despite showing and focus on the degree to which benefits
normal and symmetrical hearing sensitivity bi- generalize to listening skills not trained during
laterally. A CAPD evaluation that included the AT paradigm. The skills assessed should be
Dichotic Digits, Competing Sentences, Fre- related to the presenting symptoms of patients
quency Patterns, Duration Patterns, and Com- with CAPD, such as difficulty hearing in noise,
pressed Speech revealed that the patient’s and might be measured using behavioral and
performance was consistent with a diagnosis electrophysiologic measures, well as validated,

informant (e.g., parent) report measures. Addi- 11. Musiek FE, Pinheiro ML. Frequency patterns in
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