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Generations I found this story to be tragic.

Misery seems to be
ninotchka rosca hounding the family in this selection, from Old Selo
down to his granddaughter. I felt no shred of
the author wrote of the people as if they were sympathy for the father, as he was a pathetic excuse
comparable to animals. that was something for a man. Showing neglect for the family, he beat
noticeable. it could be that it was the author's way up his wife, and instead of spending time with his
of saying how some families lived when martial law family, he got drunk and got into trouble with the
still loomed over the entire nation. the members of soldiers as a result. After being freed from the
the family in the story lived desolate lives. the barracks, he probably knew that his daughter was
father was a drunkard. the mother was physically raped (after all, he saw a bruise on her left thigh),
abused. the grandfather was always left mumbling or, at least, that an untoward incident happened to
in some corner. and the kids had nothing to do but her. A good father would be enraged - and that
endure the dreadfulness of their lives. the girl, for might even be an understatement. Instead, he
example, was beautiful. she could have been an pretended not to notice the bruise, and not even
actress. but she was not able to properly utilize her displayed the least bit of concern for her plight. No
God-given resources for her own sake. instead, she wonder his daughter had the final straw and killed
was obligated to help her family the best way she him. I'm not condoning what she did, but given the
could. but what about herself? what about her own things she had gone through, I think I could
future? surely, the family was not normal. they were understand why she decided to put an end to things.
not like those families whose portraits hung proudly
in a large room in a gargantuan house. luck was not The females in the story were pitiful - a grim
on their side. as if their life was not terrible enough, reflection of several females of the past, and even of
the father found himself in trouble, and the girl was the present. The mother was the submissive, passive
forced to have herself desecrated by men in whose type, who could hardly defend herself against her
hands the fate of her father lied. in the end, the abusive husband, and yet couldn't bear to leave him.
father still died. what was weird was the way the The daughter was a bit feistier than her mother, but
family members took it all too lightly. the children's she still ended up being a victim to lecherous men. I
taking a bath after the news was divulged was a sign was disturbed and horrified that she paid for her
that indeed, after the funeral, the laundry. they knew father's freedom with her body. Such a young girl
they couldn't dwell on the sadness because there didn't deserve to go through the physical,
was life.. life they must fix if they wanted it to be so psychological and emotional trauma of rape. As the
much better. their eating together including old selo girl's grandfather described her, she could have a
was a sign of solidarity, and so was the children's bright future, but now her hopes of ever having a
taking a bath. they went through things together, better life have probably been crushed. I can't
and that's what's important to them. and maybe the imagine what pain and torture she must have gone
title says that the problems get passed from one through.
generation to the other. the problems could get
worse, have the same intensity, or better yet, be It's a sad reality that many Filipino families,
remedied in the future. but i think the children of especially those in the lower class, are no strangers
this family will be encumbered for a long time. to this kind of misery. Some have probably even
gone through worse. While this story was
interesting - not a boring moment in it - it was
i guess times like those one couldn't really afford to heartbreaking to imagine the plight of Old Selo and
severe his ties with the last few bony shoulders to his family.
cry on.
This story is a very dark, tragic and symbolic story. The females in the story were pitiful - a grim
Rosca did not simply focus on the abusive side of reflection of several females of the past, and even of
the Philippine Government, but focused on the present. The mother was the submissive type,
ignorance and negative health conditions of the who could hardly defend herself against her abusive
poor, the togetherness of a Filipino family, husband, and yet couldn't bear to leave him. The
empowerment of the women and the and how these daughter was a bit feistier than her mother was, but
things connect to the scenarios in the story. she still ended up being a victim to lecherous men.

During the first few parts of the story, the readers It's a sad reality that many Filipino families,
are already introduced of the setting of the story, the especially those in the lower class, are no strangers
characters and their condition. The mention of to this kind of misery. Some have probably even
“harvest” shows that the story is situated in a gone 53
farmland, probably in the provinces. Strengthening
this point is the mention of the canal near their through worse. While this story was interesting -
house, the “bird-claw” hands that signifies hard not a boring moment in it - it was heartbreaking to
work, as well as the sicknesses of the grandparents imagine the plight of Old Selo and his family.
that show their state of poorness. As early as the “Generations” by Ninotchka Rosca is a depiction of
first sentence, Old Selo has already signified certain many Filipino families especially in the lower class
ways of how the Filipino people adapt to certain who have experienced this kind of misery. The
things. father was a drunkard, the mother was physically
Mumbling, a rather peculiar act, can actually be abused, the grandfather was always left mumbling
used to calm oneself to the sufferings and hardships (tongue-tied), the kids endure the misery or
of life. Moving on, the part about the massacre on awfulness of their lives, the girl was a beautiful
the possession of the tattoo signifies also the lack of person which could have been an actress if she was
freedom of speech because these tattoos are able to appropriately utilize her God-given
supposed to bring out the ideas and sentiments of resources, instead, she was obligated to help her
these peasants, but they were killed. The fact that family. Conflict is a part of every intimate
the grandmother was the one who actually was able relationship, domestic violence, however has no
to find a way to save his husband, shows and place in a healthy relationship. The mother is afraid
introduces the theme of empowerment of the to fight back his drunkard husband because of fear,
women. she is afraid of the fact that her husband will
become more violent if she tries to leave him, fear
Through this, the readers are gained knowledge that that they will lose their children, fear that she
this might be about certain parts of Philippine cannot make it on her own. She believed that the
history. This has also introduced that the story abuse is her fault; she always thinks that she can
would be about violence, most especially on stop the abuse if she just acts differently. The man
oppression against the peasants, who are rather believes that her wife is inferior, that women are
poor. In addition, the military can be seen as a inferior. He believes that men are meant to
group who has supreme control over the people dominate and control women. He blames his wife the fact that they can kill people without for the abuse, saying, “You made me do this”. The
cost. The massacre went on for months, with the daughter paid for her father’s freedom with her
odor of putrid flesh mingling with the harvest body. She was a victim of rape. In the end, the
fragrance”. This line, by means of using smell as a father was died and the family just took it lightly.
figure of speech, intensifies the dark and feeling of The children took a bath together and went home
death and sufferings. afterwards. They went through things together
which is a representation of the togetherness of a
Filipino Family, a sign of solidarity.

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