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Santa Rita Pampanga

Santa Rita College

Pressure from the Peer Group

A Thesis

Presented to the

Junior High School Department

Submitted by:

( group 6)

Angelica Ronquillo

Lovely Rose Cabahug

Vincent Dizon

Mc Andrew Tasico

Ivan Guanlao

Justine Reyes
Submitted to:

Mrs.Rhoda Anne Maglaqui


The problem that the researchers that had come up is the Pressure from the

Peer Groups. The situation is that the students is being pressured by its own group

of friends. That whatever she/he sees from them the students is pressured to be

like them or tries to be like them. In reality most of the circle of friends here in SRC

are influenced by the bad life style of their own group. Like the senior and junior

high school students who are caught smoking in the different cores of the campus

and the students that are caught cutting classes and climbing over the fence just

to get outside of the campus. These are the examples of real world situations of

peer pressure here in SRC. The people who are involved in this problem are the

students themselves. Who are suffering because of the pressure of their friends

makes them feel and do things that they don’t even want to do and it leads them

to the bad lifestyle of their friends like smoking,drinking alcohol beverage, doing

embarrassing dares and cutting classes and is important to study this

specific peer pressure problem for it to be prevented the students pressuring

themselves just for the sake of their friendship. Other students also have the

mindset of being scared losing their friends just because they don’t want to do the
certain thing their friends wants them to do. The benefits of this research is that it

can give a students an open minds and realize that they shouldn’t be pressured by

others jut because they are scared to lose people that they call friends. To know

their self worth and to prevent them from people that can cause harm and bad


Related literature

This chapter is a review of the existing literature relevant to the topic of peer influence

among adolescents. More specifically, this chapter is a review of topics including: what

peer groups provide for adolescents; facts about adolescent peer relations; how peer

influence affects academic performance and socialization; gender and SES differences

and how they manifest in adolescent peer groups; positive peer influence; contributing

factors to negative peer groups; and ways to combat negative peer influence. What do

Peer Groups Provide for Adolescents? Educators and parents should be aware that

peer groups provide a variety of positive experiences for adolescents. Castrogiovanni

(2002) cited the following: (1) the opportunity to learn how to interact with others; (2)

support in defining identity, interests, abilities, and personality; (3) autonomy without

control of adults and parents; (4) opportunities for witnessing the strategies others use

to cope with similar problems, and for observing how effective they are; (5) involved

emotional support and; (6) building and maintaining friendships. According to Black

(2002), peer groups provide a forum where teens construct and reconstruct their

identities. Castrogiovanni (2002) stated that at no other stage of development is one’s

sense of identity so unstable. A peer-labeling process may be contributing to the

construction of positive identities for some adolescents but negative identities for

others (Downs & Rose, 1991). Unfortunately, members of groups may accept negative

labels, incorporate them into their identity, and through the process of secondary

deviance, increase levels of deviant behavior. Teenagers learn about what is

acceptable in their social group by “reading” their friends’ reactions to how they act,

what they wear, and what they say. The peer group gives this potent feedback by their

words and actions, which either encourages or discourages certain behaviors and

attitudes. Anxiety can arise when teens try to predict how peers will react, and this

anxiety plays a large role in peer influence. In fact, Burns and Darling (2002) stated

that self-conscious worrying about how others will react to future actions is the most

common way adolescents are influenced by their peers. When a teen who takes an

unpopular stand and goes against the expectations or norms of the peer group, he or

she is at risk for being ridiculed. Ridicule is not an easy thing to accept at any age, let

alone when you are twelve or thirteen years old. This leads to the topic of peer

pressure. Peer pressure is defined as when people your own age encourage or urge

you to do something or to keep from doing something else, no matter if you personally

want to do it or not (Ryan, 2000). The more subtle form of peer pressure is known as

peer influence, and it involves changing one’s behavior to meet the perceived

expectations of others (Burns & Darling, 2002). In general, most teens conform to

peer pressure about fairly insignificant things like music, clothing, or hairstyles. When

it comes to more important issues like moral values, parents still remain more

influential than the peer group (Black, 2002). Biddle, Bank, and Marlin conducted a

study to examine parental and peer influence on adolescents. The data collected was

part of a field study of expectations and reported behaviors conducted by interviews

with American adolescents. Subjects for the study consisted of 149 adolescents, then

enrolled in public high schools in a Midwestern state. The respondents constituted a

quota-sample design that was approximately balanced for age, sex, social class, race,

and community of residence. In comparison with the total population, the sample

contained more blacks and disproportionately few who lived in rural areas; and the

sample was obtained within a single, Midwestern state and consisted only of

adolescents who were then enrolled within public schools. In other respects the

sample was presumably representative. The researchers found that peer behaviors are

more likely to affect the adolescent than parental behaviors, whereas parental norms

are more likely to affect the adolescent than peer norms. Parents have had a longer

time to influence adolescents and retain a responsibility to represent the standards of

the adult world. Peers, in contrast, may be shunned if they attempt to impose

standards on their adolescent friends but are likely to be omnipresent as behavioral

models within schools (Biddle, Bank, & Marlin, 2001). It is unfortunate that many

adolescents do not have parents who are actively involved in their lives, do not provide

appropriate supervision, and are unable to clearly communicate their values. This puts

these adolescents in an even greater danger of giving in to negative peer pressure.

James Jaccard, professor of psychology at the Univer.

Statement of the Problem

 What is the state of Peer pressure within the SRC?

- How do students pressure their peers?

- What are the acts of peer pressure?

- How strong is the self control of SRCians?

Significance of the study

This study can help to evaluate their behavior or attitude.the objectives in this

study is to let the students or the readers knows who else can benefit in this research.

Students. Students can take so many benefits in this research do that they can also

be aware for the effects of peer pressuring their selves or other people.

Teachers. Teachers can also benefit in these research because they can also be

aware of their students having through this kind of problem they can also help to

prevent this kind of situation or problem.

Parents. Parents can also benefit in these research to know what some other

students are having this problem and leading to misbehaviors or their own child is

having this problem and being naughty in their own house, not just in the school.

Scope and Delimitation

The researchers focuses on the state of peer pressuring here in SRC. The

condition of peer pressuring here is that there 8 out 10 students being pressured in

their group that leads them to misbehavior and bad habits that reflects on their

personality in the school or even in their house. The problem is mildly severe because

there cases here in SRC that vandalizing the comfort rooms, smoking, and even cutting

classes. Peer pressuring might be one of the reasons why this cases is happening,
some students didn’t really want to do those stuff, some of them might be a victim of

peer pressuring that their friends forces them to do those things.

The researchers is going to talk about acts of peer pressuring that can help the

students to know when they are already being pressure by their own group because

some of the students doesn’t notice that their friends is already pressuring them.

These are the acts when you are already being pressured: it is when your friends is

forcing you to do something that is against your will, when they are encouraging you

These research will focus on the grade 7 and grade 10 here in SRC. For grade 7 can

prevent this before its to late and so that they can pick the right peers before its to late

and for grade 10

Conceptual Frameworks
The illustration showed what causes the students to be pressured in its own

group, that the researchers that this can affect the students to do bad habits or

bad things in its daily life.

Chapter 2

This chapter explains the methods used by the researchers in conducting the


Research Design

The researchers chose a qualitative research for it can know the total number of

students being pressured from their peer group and to gather more information from

them about the specific problem.

Research Locale

The research is about pressured from the peer group was performed in a private

institution in Pampanga San Jose, during SY 2018-2019.

Research Respondants

In this study the research is choose grade 7 & 10 to be respondents for these

students can help to prevent the peer pressuring problem.

Research Intruments

The instruments that the researchers used a checklist so that the students can

give their opinion and answer the given questions easily.

Data Collection

Survey. It was used to collection information through questions in a paper that will

be answered by the chosen students in Senior High School of Santa Rita College of


Data Gathering procedure

The research conducted their survey in this march 2019, in the classroom of the

students of Grade 7 and 10.

Data analysis

The researchers use a contextual analysis to analyze the data and to further

understand the specific problem.

Chapter 3

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Question #1

100 %

Question #1

Do you have your own circle of friends?

Based on the results of the questionnaire , 100% of the grade 7&10 students

answered yes.

All of the students said yes, so means that all of the students has their own peer of


Question #2


Question #2

Do you usually hangout with them?

Based on the results of the questionnaire 80% of the grade 7&10 students answered

the box yes, 20% answered the box no.

Most of the students answered yes, so it means that they hangout with their friends

and do stuff with them where it can lead to peer pressuring. Some of the students

answered no so it means they are the one who don’t usually hangout with their friends

it can lead them to avoid peer pressuring.

Question #3



Question #3

Have your friends told you to do something that it against your will?

Based on the results of the questionnaires 50% of the grade 7&10 students answered

the box yes. 50% answered the box no

Half of the students answered yes so it means that half of the peers here in SRC is

going through a peer pressuring situation that could cause some problems. The other

half answered no so it means that half of the peers here in SRC do not pressure their

friends or encourage them to do things that could harm them.

Question #4



Question #4

What are the things they want you to do?

Based on the results of the questionnaire, 32% of the grade 7&10 students answered

the box, 29% answered the box drinking, 24% answered the box smoking, 15%

answered the box others.

Most of the students answered vandalism because this is one of the most problem here

in SRC that the researchers find peer pressuring being a reason in this problem.

Question #5

50% 50%
Strong Poor
Question #5

How strong is the self control of the Srcians?

Based on the results of the questionnaire 50% of the grade 7&10 answered the box

strong, 50% answered poor and none answered very strong.

Half of the students answered strong so it means half of them don’t tolerate peer

pressuring and half of them is lack of self control so it means that this half could be a

victim of peer pressuring.

Question #6



Loss of
Question #6

How does peer pressuring can affect a students?

Based on the results of the questionnaire, 55% of the grade 7&10 answered the box

loss of identity, 35% answered the box over thinking, 10% answered the box others.

Most of the students answered loss of identity for it is one of the most thing that can

peer pressuring can affect to a student it is to loss it’s identity and change their selves

to in its own peer.

Question #7


to be
lonely 42%
have a

Question #7

Why do students let their friends pressure them?

Based on the results of the questionnaire, 47% of the grade 7&10 students answered

the box scared to be lonely, 42% answered the box don’t have a choice, and 11%

answered others.

Most of the students answered scared to be lonely because this is the common reason

why students let their own peer pressure them. They scared that their friends might

leave them.
Question #8

85% them


Question #8

How should one respond when they are being pressured?

Based on the results of the questionnaire, 85% of the grade 7&10 students answered

the box don’t listen, 15% answered let them.

Some of the students answered don’t let them because it must be the right thing to do

when you are being pressure by your own peers to do not listen and make your own

decisions especially when you know it can harm you.

Question #9


Question #9

Thus peer pressuring can affect the child inside and outside campus?

Based on the results of the questionnaire, 80% of the grade 7&10 students answered

the box yes, 20% answered the box no.

Most of the students answered yes, because peer pressuring can really affect the

students inside the campus even outside the campus.

Question #10


Question #10

Is peer pressure stops you for being you?

Based in the results of the questionnaire. 55% of the grade 7&10 students answered

the box yes, 45% answered no.

Some of the students answered yes because peer pressuring can identify change the

lifestyle of one’s behavior.

Chapter 4
Summary of findings, Conclusion, and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of the research work undertaken, the

conclusion drawn and the recommendations made as an outgrowth of this study.

Summary of findings

The study showed the state of the peer pressuring here in SRC that can really affect

the childs lifestyle habits or its behavior.

Being pressured by your own peers can lead to doing things that are unappropriate like

vandalizing that the researchers find in the surveys that the very cause of this problem

is a students being pressured by its own group to do the thing.

Among the 50% of the respondents is being pressured by their own group while the

other half wasn’t. it means that half of students that has their own peers is being

pressured to do bad thing or habits.


The state of peer pressure here in SRC is that half of the students base in the survey is

being pressured by their own peers that might have cost all the troubles here in this

private institution like vandalizing, cutting classes and other more that has been a

problem here in this school. The students who are being pressured is being push to do

this things even if its against their will.

Students pressure their own peers or a specific person in their peers by forcing it to do

something that is against the persons will and it can harm the person. They also

makes someone do somethings just so they can fit to the group.

The acts of peer pressuring is that it changes the ones personality and make them

confuse who they really are. It also forces you to adopt the bad lifestyle of your own

peer and it pushes you through your limits and sometimes we think its right but it


I think that the self control of the SRCians is quite strong at the same time is poor

this is base on the survey because some of the students doesnt have slef control

because they just do what they peers want them to do even they knew it was wrong
but then they stilldo it because they think that it is right just because they friends told

them so.


The researchers recommended this research paper to the teachers, students,

researcher and parents who wants to know how peer pressuring acts, prevent this

inside the campus and make the students aware that peer pressuring can affect the

the health and their behavior in school.

To Students

So that they can help to prevent this peer pressuring problem in the near future and it

will not affect their performances in the school.

To Teachers

So that they can be guided when their students are being pressured already by their

own peers that causes to misbehaving.

To Parents
To that they can be aware that their child could be undergoing this problem that why

their child is having a bad lifestyle and misbehaving even in their home.

To Future Researchers

So this study can be a guide or their source about their study, they can gather

information about Pressure from the Peer Group.

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