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EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT May 31, 2019, President Donald. Trump ‘The White House Dear Mr Presient thas been a great honor and privilege to serve as chairman of your Counclof Economic Advisers these ‘ast two years. I'm grateful forthe opportunity you entrusted to me to serve my country and support Your pro-growth economic policies that continue o havea postive impact on families across ‘America. In particular, the passage ofthe Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ~ which at log last lowered the corporate tax rates in withthe rest ofthe developed wor'd and i enabling American businesses and ‘capital to return to our shores was te highlight of my creer asa tax economist. 11am lacking forward to spending more time with my family and hope to continue tobe a resource to you from the ouside, and | wish you the best of luck s you continue to lead aur great nation. As we Ciscussed, lam happy to stay in in my ole unt the end of June to help ensure smooth transition at Sincerely, Ko Vlora Kevin A. Hasse

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