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'?)/'' .-.. .n

ff ooristl fratiarnst jBesublf c JFeUereI Gobemment

\> - $odetag Sesubtiwe @a frI ffiaurfhunog * \l"
Jfioorigb Dibiur srt ^#rtionat fiIobement of Oe Egort!
fortbuest 9mexem / fr.otfrsblest gfri6 / fi.a*U €[ueritg ,@ge.#ort! 6srer /
\> - G,tWle of Oe Soon en! Suu .- r>
we w,me en! Be l:o,ro^gsturet seopteg -frtttg of tbe i[.sn!
I -I.S.L"A.M.-\e.

\* - ]udicial Alotice and groclamatior - <r

.fo AII Elected' all non-elected ancl to all appointed United States Republic Oflicials,
Puhlic Servants, and Oflicers of Trust, etc., doing business as, of, and for the Federal, State,
Citv, and IVlunicipal Governments; inclurling their Personnel, their Contractors, and their
other associate Corporate Entities doing trusiness at North America; and to all .Third party
Interlopers' or Contractors, etc.,: Concerning their Fiduciary Obligations, their Official
Oaths, and their Duties enumerated in the American Constitution, adopted for governance
The lJnited States Republie ; all Binding Treaties; the Established Lan, of the Land; and all
Statutorv and Civil Law Codes of the Land, etc., Know Atl trlen trv These publications and

t{pon ileirship, inhcritetl Nobility.

n-ry and Proper
Person Status and Commercial Liabiiity, l. {"

being duly Atfirrncd under Consansuinc pledge n-ry |,1 and Spiritual
Allegiance to 1n)' Moabite i Moorish Nation - being tire archaic Aboriginals i Indigenes oi Atnexem
{the I tn e r i t'ns) : standin g squarel v affirmed upon rly Oath to the 'Five Points of Light' - Love, Truth,
Peace. Freedom , and Justice; do squarell,Aflimi to tell the truth. the rvhole truth. anci notl-ring but the
truth; and knorviedge and firmly cstablished belief upon the historical, latvtul. and
adjudicated Facts curtaincd herein. Being competent (ln h,11, Ow,n Proper person) to Affest to this
Alfrdai'it upon rvhich I place rny Si-enature; Whereas, i State, Proclaim. antl Declare the fbllorving to
be tme. conect. cefiain, complete, not misleading. supreme. anrl not intended to be presented lbr any
misrepresented. 'cr:rlored' or improper use or purpose, to \\.it:

.ftrat t. t" ElaJ . Am a Noble of the Al

Ntoroccan Empire /North America) In (nt1, 1,tt'n proper sel/); being lvfoorish
Anrcrican - an Heir and Descendant of the Ancicnt Moabites / Moors. by ltirthright. by F-rcchold, by
Primogeniture and by lnheritance: beirrg Aboriginal and IndisenoLrs to the Land(s) (,Arut:rern ,i
.4 ruu'i t cts' ) Territoriuin I]ereditamcnts of my Ancient vloabite I Moorish Forc-Mothers
and Fore-
Fathers - to u,it:

J he Al Nloroccan (American) continents - are thc Lands of the Moorsi being North Anrcrica.
South America, Central America: including the acfioir-ring lslands ( i ,lmenr ,/Al A,,foroc),\
have. I acknou'ledge. I claim and I possess, by the said Inheritance and Primogeniture, the Freehclld
Status thereto; all Unalienable and Substantive Riglrts" ro Be. to Enjoy, ancl to Act, clistinct in my
Aborrgrnal Traclitions, Cristorns and Culture; and determining my own political, social. anti
econotnic statlls of the State^ I am ruming mv- heafi, my alleeiance, and my mrncl back to my Ancicnt
Mothers and Fathers - Moors / Muurs, rvith cognate honor, and by l)ivinc ancl Natural Right. Being
\4oorish Americans, the direct Fleirs and l)escendants of the Arcient Moabites. rve have urd po.r.ri
the DiYine and internationally recognized Rights to our Hereditamcnts and Resources; and proclairn
the right to dctermiue our own social. economic and political lif'e ancl'status of the State'. and i,

flboriginal and 5'eoplcs' Documenls: ;trrorthwcsr {htexetr i rorth Gf ica i,.!onh (lnrerica,"lihe
"l{oroccan €mpirc'
Contrnentai Unrled States:'Semple of the -trtoon and Surr':Non Dorrcstic, Non Resictent. Non-subject -- Being the
Itightful Hcirs antl Iniieritors olrire l.ancl.
Page 1 of8
w ,ffi
prociailll thc right io deterttrine our (!wn social, ccol'rtinric
and political lil'e and.Status.l' State,;
:tnd in harttlony rvilit 'lnlemational L.arv'. and u,'ith such 'Rights
oiL lairr'
la$ threats. cocrciort- o| ae quicsccllcc 10 a ('olor-ol--l-ar.., a?',',10r-ol'-olflce.heing abscrrl oi.fbreign -
n,r-, ,o lre sub.f ectecl h1,
iln\,occllpvin-u lbrcign persons to arry,inrposed fraLrds, .noln _
dc _ gi_rerrc. or Color-ot_Authorilr,.

'Moo's I J(oorish fimericans I -Utuurs Ilave, Proclainr ancl possess the Unalicnatrle Rishts,
SUl:rstantir'e ltlghts. arrd Rirlhright - Inherjtance tu oLrr aricient pedigree traditions
and custonrs, and
the Riglrt o1'c'lairll tu ollr Al Moroccan Attributcs. Narrcs, an<i
Nationality. substantiated by, anrl
supportecl hv. Nature 's Latvs. by I)rvirre Larl. [ry Primogenitr.rrc,
an6 by the recoenizeci Lai,vs o1'thc
Nations trlthe Eanh llntct'nutiortrr17. 13eine rhe trluc', Anclent, Ahoriginai ,,
Indigeris ar-rtl F{eirs ot.the
L]ttnd ('lma.tcnt ;i.'1117;vi4'r,i 'Thc North Gate', being tirc g",,g,.r,Sriicul
heur.t-"lctnd (Ilughr.ib.,i of the
Moroccatt Ertrpire. N4oors i'Muurs are tlrc'I)c
iuic'n'i,t rignin,l Freeholdcrs by Birthright, hy
Inheritance and b-v Pritnogeniturc Status: and have by those tnh*rired
Rights. Dcscendiblc Clainrs.
Note to all Corners, tliat yn,cr {Heirs of'tltc Luntll lrosscss the SccLrrecl
Rights 1o Trat,cl upon the l_anrjs
of our Ancient Forc-Morhcrs irncl lirre-f;athers; Llp(ilt rhe public Roarlru,ays, upr;lt rhe
l31,w,ays and
trp()nthcllighra'a1"so1'OtlrL'ontinenlal IinitedStates rrtlttrirtgtotht'{)rgotticLt)nd)anclaLrscntol,the
-qenocidal. liaLrd - basecl extotlion tributcs, and Hurnan I-iafficking irnposed by tbreign ,colored,
Tncluisitiorlists' tir hy thetl corporation - inrposed cxcise tarali;r constructs,
iri,,.ented by thc
rircketeerittg. atlti-constitLrtional. lbreigrr States' I-egrslators, conslructcd
under c.,1or- ancl s1yle6 to
abridge and to stcal Substantive Rights bclonging to the Natural Peoplcs. Thcse
Substantive Itishts
are supportcd by. and ilssciled by. Itoy,al Law.: Moorish Larv; Moslem / Musliur .l-he
[_aw; l_a*,ril
the Gleat Peace: Ihe I.arvs olNature. t)ivjne Lau,; Nature.s God; T.he Larvs o{'Nations,.1-hc
Moorish (ireat Scal Zodiac ('oustitution. Stare I)ecisis; Res.lLulicata; ancl binciingly
Atfirmetl by
Articles lll' IV and VI o1'tht- Atrtcrican Llonstitulion C'or,,enant of 17:r4 - l78l A.D.: and'I'r.eary
1200 -l X'{. (1.. as laufully acloptecl lirr'fhc tinirccl States RcpLrblic. esrablishipg
irs Republican
o1'(iovcrrlttlctlt. "fhc said American C'onstitutit.rn cstablished the peoples' .l.,pr.,rr. Larv o['tltc
Land'statlding upon the principles o1'ntoral sovenlr'nent to secure the i{ighrs otithc pe6p6-. and to
kceir litllited (iovcnttrletrt operativcs lround antl in check by ollLcial oath. arltl by ollicial Bond. Let
it bc kttonrl that: 'L)orvti li'r;rtr thc Ancictits Oncs,' Printogenitirl..!) calt.le thc Allodial Isononti
Principles u hich estalrlishecl the Supreure L_arv oi'thc I_andl'
€St'pt. rIlikupruh)is'-fire C'apital l:n'rpire olthc [)ominion o1'Aliica'. -l'he Inhabirants ol'i\ti-ica
are the l)escendants ol'the Attcient Canaanitr.-s t}om tlrc Lanr.i o{'C'anaan. Tlie Moabites, tiom Lhe
Lancl of Moab, riho received Perrnission fl"onr the Pharaolis o1'Egypt to settle an6 inhabit North-
Wcst Aliica: tlrey u'cre thc fbr-rnders and ale tlrc trLrc posscssors of the prescnt Moroccan Empire.
Tl-ris trciuclcs Algicrs.'['unis,'l-ripoli, iV{au,rilania, anrl thc Americas. with their Carraanite. Ilinite a*d
Attltirite hrethrcn u'lro sojourtiecl ti'onr lhe Lancl ol- Carraan seeking ltel' homes. Thcrr Domilion anc-l
Inhabitatiott e\tended ll-otr North-East and Soullr-Wcst Aliica, across thc great Atlantis, e\cr] unto
the present North America. south America and central America; ancl also Nlexico ancl the
Atlantis Islands (.Anrcrit'ttttttl bciorc the srcat cartl-rc1uake. utich causcd the great Atia'tic Ocean.

the 'Great Seal Pvramid' is tlie 'National Emblent anci Insignia' ol'l'hc Moorish
Nation i
Enrprre trl' Nortlr Amcrica (gcogt.usthic'ttl lot'utioul. l'he Circat pvrar.nicl (ctlttilrrteru{7 is also t}ie
archaic sl"llbol lbr ['ililization ott thc planet l]arlh. 'fhe lronorable Mogrs'acknog'letJgentent.{'uur
'(ireat Seal" inclicatcs those Heirs rviro o\\'n up to, r.vho support. and rvho proclaim,
National (ioYenrtrrettl'. Moors u.'ho arc 'Activc' and NOT 'Passive' in the Social, Civilization,
Culture and L usttxn matters. inl'olving i-au,, order and Govenrniental principles. arc hereby,
entreatecl to suppon tliis Afllrntation. Moot's r Muurs rvho stril'e torvard rhis cnd. w,ith hixror. arc
clltrllstecl bv Noble [)reu'Ali. to hclp iu the sreat huuranitarian n,ork of upliftine ourselves. (;r_1:
lbilorv-rnan. and hutnatrity at largc. We. the conscious Ilcirs. seek. at all tinics, to bc cognizairt olthe
cirilizatiorl $tlrks. itistructiotts. atrri progressir.'e acts llcccssary 1o tcach, to prcserve and to ciefbnd
tlre Natitxalit,v ancl ISirthrights ol'All Moorish Americans /.,{l lt"ktrocton.s). eti.

fhe Nohlc Mttors i Muurs (Hairs Appar€nt) are the Natural Mernbers / Citizens olthe Ancient

fihoriginal ancl indigr,nous 5]eoplcs' [)crcumenls: .Vor.lh*est flntexe nr r .t'orth &lrrca ,' ,ltiorth fintcricir r '.?he -.ltoroccan €ntpire.
('ontinential Unite'd States: 'iienrple olrhe ..l,lorn and Sun,; \'on Donrestic,
NLrn .- Rrsi.i.nt. Non-subicct lleing tlrc
l{ighr{,.i[ [ ltir':, ..rnt1
lr,.herirors , o{'tttc [ '.rtrd.

Page 2 of8
.-4, \\..'r

@ W
.l. t.2


Al Moroccun l}npire (North Amct.ic,tt,/ ,Tht,*uctrfh (iurc.)anij are h.y,-

civic anri soeial rluty, bound to
recogltizc ancl to stlppofi oltr'Greal Seal'sovereisn Moorish
Nitional Fecleral fiur,crnrlcnt a,d
coltsanguinc Nalirrn oithe Natural Pcople. lu our rr:lation l.r,ith
others, we coulllrand the en{brceurent
of'oltr Al lvoroccarl cortstittttiott.'l'hus, such orqanizecl cornlrunications
and orrlers are rel'erred t.
as "l-he Crcat Seal f'{atiorral Association o1'N.,lo&ish At&irs".
Tl]e Free Moorish Natiorr - inclusiYe
r:l'all the Aboriginll ,' Incii-ucne -l rit-rcs and Provinces ol tlrc Natural people,
ctc., are the riehtlul
bearers til thc Attril)Lrtes, Nantes and Noblc Titles, Ali,
EI, [ley, Dey. and Al. "fhe Frec Moors i
I\{Ltut's, Lr1'Freehold lttheritance, retain ail Substantivt-- Rights and Immunities;
ol'all Substantirc Ri.glts. ancl operate upol.r conslrmrlatecl, Right-Lari,. Isonomi cnjoy the excrcisi,g
pre-c.risting, r'estcd Constitution ancl 'l'reaty - securecl Righls
- Frinciples; har,.i,g
ancl Inrrnulritics 1L-om lirreign
c:olporate 1-AXA]-loN" atrd 1l'om fiircisn. Crimirral anri Civil
.luristliction hy. ancl ot. the col'niai
l-ilrion States Rights Repubtic U.5.,4.. (,L,()t.l)L)t.Lrtion tuttl pers,onsl
pursuant to, hLrt not lintited
to' DiYrne Right: the Unitecl States Republic Sr:prenrc flourt: Intenrational Lau. ancl tlre .Acts.1.
Stalc' to u,it:
"Ever)' Sorereii4n Stute (People) is
hountl to res;pect the independence o!'ever1, other Sovereigu
Stute (People) and the cottrts o./'one co.tntn' (People) n,ill ntfi sit in judgrrrent
on rhe uc,ts rt/'the
flovernment of anotlter, tlone witltitt (the sume or) its ox,n terrirot],...':
]7he p."r",rt Utlion States Municipal antl Cil'il Lau.s ancl Cotlcs irnposeil upon tlre l-and
are a
prit'ate - lilt- 'ittcorporatecl unit ol'aelt'-govcrnntent' r-stahlisheci by the poliiical
pow€)rs 01. the
'(ieneral Assenlbll'' ol'each State of thc Ljnion: lirritecl ancl bountl
hy Articie lv. ancl i,itiatccl at
I'hilade'lpilia" Petltrsvlvania, Nortli Anrcrica, in thc ycar Eighteen tilty-loLr
'ONLY' the rights attd cutduct o1'the alleged "WillTE PI:Opl-E". ('hristians/tg541. It glr,erns
and .lervs. o1. tlrc
Eiglrteen srrty-threc (186-jl Union Statcs Rights RcpLrhtic, under rhe Magna charta (.The
{'hur/t't'), thc Knights of'ColunrbLts Code, and thc Ku Klur Klan Oath. },Jrevcr, the said .Linion
State's Ilights RepLrLrlic' dcnies citizcrrship in rhc Linited States Rcpuhlic
iL,.,S.A.) ro the IJeir
desccttdants of'tltc Moorislt Nation irr thc Westenr Hcmispherc, who have bcen crronc.,sly
to. 'braliclcd as':tnd mislabeletl as, Ncgrocs, Blacks. C'olorccls, and Aliican Amcricans, I-atlnos, etc..
ctc' [n additirlrl. thc Supretne ('ourt o1'the tiniteil Sftites {in tht, l1ntlmrtrh crrse,] oi. ..Dred v.
Sandfirrcl" 60 US tl9 Hoy.ut.ttl 393 t /,YjZl licld that Neurocs-rvlicther helil to slavery or ftee_ u,ere
not included and lvere rlot interrded to be irrcludetl in thc 'category' oi.citizcn' (subjccts) o1. the
L-lnion States Rights l{cpublic, Resultarttll,. the Tme lrrciiqcne Nohles 6f rhc Al l\4oroccan E,nrpirc
(Free l\4oors). bearers erf'the r\ttribr-rtes / Nanres i Noble-Iitles. All. h.l, Bey, De.v ancl Al, are
crcludetl tl'oni tlre Union States Rights Rcpuhlic itJ.,\..1.)juriscliction. The'fnre Nobles ol'the Al
Mttroccan [:.tltpirc are Sovereign. Prii,atc, and Sc1l'-Govcnied. hy'Riglrt-l-ar.r,'principles and
ctlslollls; and ONI-Y Obligatccl to the'Frec Moorish Zodiac Consiitution'- Circle 7 - archaically
cstablislicd b1'oLlr Artt'ient Fore-Mothers and lrorc-Fathers. SLrch crtencled allegiance on,t
'Obiigation" includcs ''l'he Great Sr:al' antl thc Ftigh Principles
antl Mr-igr-al Staldarrls, embodi.rl in
tlre Mocrrish National llag {stonltrrd) - L,ot'c, Truth, peace. Freedom. and Justice. .thc .l-ruc Al
]vloroccan Noblc lndigencs ol tirc l-and nrainLain a Constitutional arrd la*,iul. NON-OBLII}ATORY
tar 'Status' arnd positior-r, relatiYc to all "l"ORnCN FIN'I'ITY TAXA'fION' (lnrligena.t htr;t Toredi
arrd tnaittlitin a NON- OBI-IGATORY respect fbr the Union Starcs Itights Reput,tic (t.i,\'.1./, its
l-}letl1bers. its lalrs: i1s ordinattc:es: its codcs; iI custorns ancl its traclitions, pr-rrir:ant to: -l'he [:'rce
l\'{oolish Atrrerican Zodiac Constiti-rtiori - Anicles IV ancl VI; The Treaty s1'-Peace and Fricn6s6ip
Bctrr''een the lJllitcd Statcs and Morocco -Se,"entcen Eighty-Sevc-n // 786
- 87)- supersedcd hy the
Treatl' of Erghteen l'hir1y-Si.r (l8i6l; Resolution 75: .loumals 6f"l'he ]jguse ot- Rcpreser.,toiit"..
adoptedtbrtheLlnitedStates-April 17. l93iA.D.-MoorishAmericanSocictyofphilaclelphiaan<l
thc LIsu- of 'j'he ir Natlrcs. Rcaftlrn'rations lrave becn nrarje via The [Jnitccl Nations "Declaration of
the Rights of the Child'" Gcneral Assembly Resoh.rriern 1386 (XIV). l4 tJ.N. CAOR Supp. (ito. t6)
at I9, Lj.N. DocLrnrent Ai43,5;l ( 1959); -l he Unired N;rtions "Universal Declarations on Human
Itights" Articlc XV. Ceneral Asseffhll'Resolutio|t 217 A (lll) of 10, I)ecemtre.r l94g;\.D.;
"Executive Order 13107"-United Statcs ltepublic, North Anrerica -The Implcmenlatiol
of tlurna,
Rights "freaties: I'hc National Constituiiorr tbr the Continerrtal tjnited States, Afiicle. III, Section 2.

(ibrrriginirl and .TndicenoLrs .greoples' [)ocurrrerrts: ,{ d6rexclr ,,-4Jorlh (Iti.ica

,r .,1'o rth flrncri ca,''f he .,ttoloecrn €nrpirc-'
( cr.ntinelttial Ilnirdd srlte.!: '-r1arp)r. r)l-lJ)c.r{oon entJ .gun': Nori I)onrr--.slic. \iorr Rcsidcnt. Non,.!ub.ic.rt
Ilcine the
t(ighrlirl I loirs an<l lnhr'rit(xs ot the l_rnd_

Page 3 of8
"'l r-. ' \'

@ w
Atrcttdnletrt v - I.ihertv Clause; Arncndmcnt IX-Rescrvarior-r of'the.
Rights ol'the people; 'l.hc
United States Depafitncnt of Justice l!{oorish C'redentials; Frcc Moorish
zoaiac Constitution. .l-ruth
A-l ('lassiiled:-l-he United States Copyright Cu'tiflcate Numbcr AA222l4l Clock of Dcstiny; The
fufoor-ish Natiortalitv and ldcntificaiion Card; lVloorish Holy
T-e"rnp{e ol Scierrcc / Moorish Scfcncc
Tentple ot'Anterica ldcntiflcatron C'ards" ctc.

9urthermore. I AsscrtMy lirll Binhrights - Sovereigntr,'anci Subsrantive Righrs ancl nrv Righr of
{'}airrr tu aJI Ileredilatrtetits - llcine a SuncJrv'I;rcc N,{r'lorr'fu{uur and a (tYuttrrrtl
Beirtg/ ciistinguishecl
fi'onr all and any spttriotts cortstructs. creatccl try the foreigners. or hr.thcir
agcnelcs, pursuarl t():
l\4oahiterMoorish Pcdigree; 'l'lte l--ree Moorislr Zotliac (-oristitution; The Clreat"Seal
.l'the Moorish
Nation (,'1h 1ntic1tt07. 'l'hc'l'rcaty of Pcace arirl Frienclship - l7g6 -g7 I 1,336;'rhe
Sunciry Frec
Moors Act of'17901 fhc l78l Organic Uniteil States Consiitution; -fire Moorislr
F'ederal Firr,nciers
Act (L'ttirttt -Slr/rc.i ,'lrn)'. tS51 -1863/, l-he 18521 Ronran Catholic Magna Charta;
tlre K,ights o{.
ColLrmhus Code: l'he KLr KlLrx Kian Oath; 'fhe tjniter.l Narions Charter^ Arricle
5-5(c); The Rights of
Incligcnotrs People: Parr l, Articles 1" 2. i. -1, -5; Part Il, Anicle 6; The United
Stales Suprcne Court -
';\cts ol-State'l Thc torcign Sovereign Immunitics r\ct 28 USC
160 l: et Scqua., The Convention on
lntenlational Road l'ral'fic -Day 19. September 1949.'l'l:c World C.our1 l)ecision, Tlie gague,
Nethcrlands - Day'21, JanLrary 19,58 A.D = 1378 M.C. ln refbrence ro rhe Rights
sf the Natural
Pcoplcs atid ol'thcir Substantive Rights, etc., the ltillorvin-e are pcrtinent and citablishecl
C'or-rrt Decisions. /Srrrre Dctisis und J?es .Jutlit,u/u) tu r;vit:

t..fle Right Lo'l'ravr'l:1-he Right to Moclc o1'Conveyance; fhe Right to Locomt;tio, are all
Ahsoltrte Ri-uhts. and the Police calt llot makc l'oicl the ercrcise o1'Rights. State v. Armstcad,60
778,779, and 781:

Z.5ne use ol'the highr.lays lbr tlie purpose o1-tral,el rnd transpofiation is not a mere privilcge,
but a conllt.ttln irtrd Fuudanlental Right olutich rhc pr-rblic ancl Natural Bcings cannot be <ieprirecl.
Chicago NlotorCoach v. Chicago3-37 Illinois 200, 169NE 22, ALR,Ligarev. Chicago 139 ILL.
46,28 rlE 934, lJoone v. clark 2lzl sw 6fii,25 AN{ jur (lst), Highways, sec. 163:
:. "ftre Right to Park or l-rar,el is part olthe I-ihertl'o1'which the Natural Persorr. citizcn cannot
be deprivecl u'ilhout ''due process ol lan'" under the 5tlr Amench:ient ol thc Unitc-il Statcs
('onstitLrtion. Kent r,. Dulles 357 US ll6, 125:

'1. .fne f<ignt of a citizett to -l-ravel upon the public highu,ays and 1o lranspofi one's propeftv
tltere'otl. eilhcr b.l'carriaue or auttimobile. is not a nrerc privilcge. rvhrch a Cit-v rnay prohibit or
penrlit at riill. but a corrrnron Risht, lr,hich he I she has uncler the Right to l-ilc. Liberty, ancl the
Pursuit ot llappirress. Thompson r.. Smith I54 SE 579:

5. .Stut. Police Potcr extends only to inrrnecliatc thrcats to puhlic salety, healtir. w,el1arc. ctc.,
Nlichigan r'. Duke 266 US, 476 Led. At 149: n,hiclr drir,ing and spceding are llot. California v.
Farley Ced. Rpt.89,20 CA3rd 1032 {1971):
6. .ffre state is prr:hibitccl tiom violatins Sutrstartive Rights. L)vvens v. Litv.445 US 662 (1980);
and it can nol do [rv one power (cg. Policc Porver) tl-]at \iitich is, lirrcrarnple. prohibitcd e.xpresslyto
ilny other such prou'et' {cg. Ta,ratior.r i Eminent Doniain) as a 1.}ti}tter ol Larv. US and UT v. Daniels,
22 1t 159, nor indirectly that which is prohibitcd to it directly. Fairbanks v. US lBI, US Zg3,2gl,
7. .fraveling in an atttomobilc ott thc public loacis n'as not a threat to the public salety or health
and conslitttted no ltazard 1o thc puhlic. itntl such a trar,clcr owecJ no othcr iluty to the public
{eg. the
State)l hc . slte and his i hcr aut.o, h;rving eqr-ral right to irncl on the roadrvays i highrvays as horses
and lr.agotts. !'1c., this sante right is still Sr-rbslantivc Rule, in tiral slrccclinu. rurilrins'stop sig1s.
tl':i\'L-lillg u'ithor-t1 liceltse platcs, or registratioll, are not threats to tlie pg|lic saict_y. antl thus, are rlot
arrestablc ol'l'etrses. Christy'v. Elliot,2l6 I l3l,74 HE 1035, LRA NS lg05-1910: California v,
[rarley 9tl (-ED Rpt.89,20 CA 3d l0-32 (t971].

4borisinal ard /niligentrus Scoples' Docunrcnts: .,1,"or.thriest firnererrr , ,(orth (Iliica ,, (/rnclica i''.fhe .,,|{oroccan €nrpire'
L'r'rnrineittial Lrnired Srares: 'fcnrplc olrhe{oon ancl .!un,: Non [)onrcstic. Non liesidenl. Non-Suhicct F]cing rhe
I{ightlul I leirs and lnheritors of rlrc i.and. -l rrl'll
...r,*-._ '.\,-

@ ,M
t l/-
'..:. --

8' ?Lnder the [-inited Slates Repr-rblic's C]onstitr-rtionerl systenl ol (io.u,emrnent
and up.n t5e
ir-rcliYiduality and irltelligcnce ol- thc citizen. thc State doc's not claim
to control one,s concluct tr.r
others. Icavitlg onc the sole judge as to all that atl'ccts onesell. Mugler v. Kansas
t2l3 US 623.
9' ?'['lh*t" Rishts securcci by tlre Constitr-rtion are involvctl. thcre can be no rule - rnakins .r
lu'sislation, ir'hich xould alrrogate rlrem. Nrirancta r,. Arizona jg4 LIS 436, 125:
l0' the
claitr antl crercise ol('onstitutional Rights cannot be cortr,erted into a criure. Nliller v.
Kansas 23t) F 2nc1486, 489:
ll. 7ur a critrc tri cxist, there must be an iniurcd par1.v (( orpus Delicti). Thcre can be no
sarrctitx or penalty intposed on one hecausc ol'this C'otrstilutional ldighl. Sherer v. Cullen
4gl F.
12. Jf or1' 'l-rilrunal (couft) llnds absencc ot'prool- oi' jurisclictien ovcr a perso, and sLrbject
nraller. the case il]ust be drsnrissc-d. Louisville r,. N{otley 2lIt us I49,2gs. c.T 42.,,1'}rc Accuser
Bears the Burden of Proof Beyond a Rcasonable Doubt,..
I3- ",8ack ol'Feileral .lr-rrisclictior-r can not be rvar.,,cd or overcomc by a-ereemcnt
6f i;arties".
Criffin r'. l\latthen's,310 F Supra 3;11,3.t2 (1969): ancl "Wanr of Jurisdiction rnay not be cureci by
consent ol'par-ties". Industrial Atldition Association v. C.[,R.,323 uS 310,3i3.

tllh"t"as, ln light of thc'Stale Dccisis'ancl'Rcs Judicata'alJinrerd and

declaretl by the SrtPrcnrc {lourt l)ccrsions: by I-'acts. an<J by Lalr.; anci counter tcl the negtrlive and
'colorable'social antl political concJitions instituteri by corporate Statc Pers66s of"1he Union States
Societl', there e.xists a blatarll'WANI'OF.ILIRISI)lCTtON'on rhe part olthc Uniorr Srarcs Righrs
i{cpuhlic tLi.,\.A.1, and by its a-uen1s, personnel, contraclors. and assigr-rs. Maxinrs and Axiours arc
iaulirlly' legally in tirrce undcr National ar-rd lrrtenrational I-alv attenciing to these isslrcs. Anel this
Affiant (,\ictttrrttl lleing - ln Propriu Fer.rontri does not abanclon any of nry Estate Rights; clo not
u'aive atlv Sttbstantive Rights; does not trarrst"er"Power ot'Attorncy'to ancl fbreiuner; ancl does n't
ri'illingll"collsellt to any puhlic trial r;r rninisterial hcaring in an,v.-'colorable'rribunal vclnuc L)r
inr'olvctttent with any non-Article IIl, unconstifutionai juriscliction. Thc Otlicial Oaths and Boncls:
the ()bligations. and the l'iduciary dirties ol- all accusers ancl proot'-bound 'claimants' to Natronal
f'onstitutiotl artd Trcaty'attd Orilcr: the Civilization Prirrciples lfueci in Constitutiop [-arv. still
standsl Definition aitd Trr-rth still RLrles. NON-COMPLIANC'E is a Irccieral Law violation aucl
lntemational I-aw' oll-ence and "l'respass.

thcre is no queslion tlrat a"llcnch Appcarancc Sunrn'rorrs', a Detentiorr, an Arrcst and
a or Citation, issr.rcd by a Policc IOtiicerl or hv otircrs, against the pcoplc, ftrr traveling n.ith
n0 dri!er's licensc, ltrreign drir,'er"s licensc. not having current rcgistration, or lraldatory insprarrce.
e'tc-. ra'hiclt carries a fltte or jail time. is a pcnalty or sarrction and is indeed "convertins a right irrto a
criurc". tltus vioiatitts Suhlstantive Riglrts. It is reasonable lo asslllre that thcse Supreme Court
judiciai de-cisiotrs are siraight and to the point. that tllere is no lart,tll nrethori lbr sovemntent 111 plll
restrictions or limitations on Rights belonging to the Pcople.

Snat the ()r,qanic United Statcs RcpLrtrlic flonstitutiort ( Ant'ient,\,*;tthite / )\:loeri,rh
1-crr7 ret:iailts 'The Suprenre [.arv of-tlie Land'; and all I'reatics 11ade. or n,hiclr shall be macle, ulcier
the Authorit-v of 'l-he llnited States Ciovcnrment. and unrJer its Ilag of'Peace, plrrsuanr to Llnited
States Coclc. Title 4, Lilrapter l. Any lalr,or colerrable pr'ocesses nhich are Repuurant to tlre
C'ortstitr-rtiotr or slrall renrarrt lilrer,'er 'trtlorubla 'and are NLrll and Void. Marbury r,. Maclison
-i Ll.S. l-17, 174. 176 ( l,\0-11. Attl' Mutticipal Ollicer(s). Ircrson(s), Personncl. Enrployee(s) or
f'otttractor(s) ri'ho violate or abridse the Rights ot'the Natural People or C'itizens, are su[:-icct to sr-rir
rx' other torl action. in thcir personal irnd i or ollicial Lrapacity to u it:

('ontirir-lltial []ttited States: 'Jicrrple ol'thc.l{oon ancl Stm': Non Donrcstic, Non - Iiesirlent. Non-!u'Lrject-
l}eing rhe
tli{rhttill I Icils anci luhrrittrs olrhc l_and.
Page 5 ol'8
' i\t\,r'-

@ w,
.fitre 18, part r, chapter r3
$2,r1 of united states codes of Law:
5.7'n''u ()r fitorc Pct'.\otls L'()tt.\l)it'tl to irtf ure, oppt'a.\.t, tltrettfctt, or inlintic{*l(,
e2.\, per,\on in utt.\,

ctt'Strit'ilt',qa.ycc'ttrtd lo him ht,the {lan.t/itrtri,tn t)r LLnt,\ ttf fht,Llniletl Slute.s.-tt becct,,,su q/ his
Itttrittg \'/, ('\i'i ( 1\(i I tltt,.t,ttttr,. ttt-...

51'*'', ot' ttl()t'(' ptt'sL)tt,\ gts in tlisgtrise on lhe highwtr.r,, t)t.or1 lhc preptisg,r of unofltet.,
tt,itlt tlte
irtltttt ltt prarcttl ot'hintfur'ea t.\et'{'i.\€ or cttjol'utt:nl of t.rn.t'righr rtr pt-ivilege s,r.t ser-ut.etl
51,n1'.shull be /int'tl under thi,s title or itnTtrisont,tl no: tuot"e th{trl t€tl
.\.tttrs. r.l.futlt,"ond iddcallt
rt.'sttlts'.li'ctrtr llte tt<'ts c'ortttttitfed in t'iolcrliott of"tltis settion. or if sutlt
rtt,ls inclttilt: kiclnulspirtg ct, t,t
ttltentPl to kill, tlter shttl! be linccl untler thi,y tirlt or inrpt.i.toner{ ./br ri.,r,to,.r, (4f ),e,e,., rtr.fbr tili, ot.
betlh, ot' nttt_t' lte settteucetl lo tleuth.

r'art r, chapter r3 sz42 of united states Cocres of Law:

'lL)hrreIcr. trrttlct' 'color'of cut.r'lrnv,,s{tttttra, ot'r.linunc,c. rcgttlulion, or (u.\tot1t, rrilt/itl.t su$et:ls

rigltts. privilegc's, rtt'immttnilie.t.vettrretl or prot(.('tctl lr the C'osstitution rtr l-rttrs ry the Lnitc:tl
l';.\'rau,ton rtl hi.s c'olot'. or ru('e. tltot ure ltresc'ribetl .fitr tha t,iti:ans, .shull ltt,./inetj untler this lirle rtr
impri'sotrcd rtol more lltun rtne y€or, or futlh; snd il hottilt'in-fu11'restrlts front lhe t.rt't.t co*tntirtecl in
virtlutittrt ol tlti.s .r't't'tien, or if .rut:h ocl.s ittt:lucle tht: trst:. Ltften,pte(l us.', or thraulenerl usc rsf'a

.ttlttr'.t rLt'/iu'lilt, or hoth. or ruu_t, hc sanlenct:d kt tleuth.

thereforc. in prescrvation of 'I'he l{ights of lniligenotrs l}eoples' ancl tlrc Preserr,ation ot'the
ttighls o1'the People, in acrcord and deftnse of thc L'oi-rstitution lor 1hc United Slates Rcpublic of-
Nonh America and its Itcpublicalr Fornr o1'(lovernnrent - heing rhe'supreme l-illv of-the I-ancl'; and
primal to the c()rltractual liahilities. Oath - bound Obligatrons, ancl Firluciary Duties o1'the Offlcers
ollhe Courts - Federal. Statc, City, and MLrnicipal, etc., I heretr.v, Demancl thc enfbrccnrcnt ol'thc I)c
jure l-arvs of tJrc Unitccl States, and aJl Trr:afir:"s nlarll- undcr the Authorjtv ol'The Ljnited Sta[e.s. jn
acctird *rth Articlc Vl ol'the (lonstitutiorr:'l'he tlill ot'Rights; l-lic [)eclaration of tlie Rights of the
Chilcl. T'lrc Rights ol lndigcnous Pcoprlc's: The Universiil Declaralion oi'Llurnan Riglrts: The United
Nations C'lrarter" Article -5-5(c); The [Jnrtccl Sttrtcs Supr.eme Court - -Acts of State'; -l'he Foreign
Sorereign Immunitics Act 28 USC 1601: et Seclu;r..'I'he Convention ori'lntcmational ltoad
TI'al1ic'-l)a)' 19. Septcmbe-r 1949,'l'he World Clourt Decisions. Thc I{ague. Nerherlands, Day 21.
.lattuarv 1958 A.D - li78 M.Cl.: and "Executive Order 13107" - Urrite,d Srares Republic, Norrh
Anterica: 'l'he IntplelrenLation o1' Hunran Rights lreatics: Tlre Nalional Constitution lirr tlie
Corttir-rerrtal Urritcd States. Articlc III. Section 2; Arnendment V - LiLrerty Clause; Amendmcnt IX,
etc.. etc. I hct'eh1'. i)cttrand a llisrnissal of any ancl all unconslitlrtional sanctions, claims, or gther
ual'rants or charges madc or issued. rvhrch are dcvoid o{'true iclcntity'personagcs; a clenial of-'l)uc
Process' ol a 'Trial ' by a .lr"rrv o1'm,v or,r'n National pcersi or ar-'rsent ol'a verified and lawlul
Inclictttlct-tt- sanctioncd bv an asscnrtrled [irand.lLrry; an<1 that I bc availecl all iar,r,flrl Constitutional -
sccltrcd salbgLtards, establishecl by rhe Su;;reme l-arv; r.r,ith documented proper Juriscliction and
Vcnuc conllnred and in place .

?lherel-ore ali parlies of interest are Authorizecl by this Writ, pursuanr 1o National and
Iniertlatitlrral Lau'. to honor all Sr"rbstantire Rights and Constitutioual Inrurur.rities reservc-cl tbr. a,cl
to. this Aborisinal r'lndigenous lrrec and Sovcreign Moor,r Mtirir*. All Ol'llcials are to enlist all
arailahle and appropriatc trtcasul'L-s l() ensure. ancl assLlre. that all l\,[y Strbstantive Riglrts ancl
Constitutiottally - secured Rights and hnnrunities are not viola{eri. not breaclred, nor atrridgr-d. The
Sovereign, Natural Being, nantecl herein, is not to be .Arrcsted nor helcl 1br Dclention undcr any

(-ortinerrtial ['llile(] Slatcs: '.fcnrltie olthc.,{'firur arrd Sun': Ntn . Donrcstic. Non Rcsident. Non-Subjecr lleirrs thc
Righttirl ileirs and Inlrr:r'irors oi'the Land.
Page 6 oiS

- t\\":'
"'l r

'colorablc' circltttlstances! YoLt arc to notifl,' thc

actir,e I\4inisters ol the Aboriginal / Intligerro,s
lVloorish Nationals of the Territorv (organic Landi. Tlre
Natural person namcd hcrein is NoN-
t)Bl-IGAT0RY and thus Exerttpt fior:r Custonrs, Tariffs.'ra.ration, 'olvner
in Iree'pcrmit-ric-ceprion
c'onstruct's. altd ll'ttnr any other hinclrance or restrictiun of IIis
ttr Fler Frcedorrs. Ailodial propcrties.
Cotnpensations. Rishts ol'Travel. or Frccclom clf'Moverncnt on,
in. or u,itl-rin. any menrber or no.-
mettrher Slatcs ot'tire i-initecl States [Jnion. etc. 'l'he lVtoor i Muur (bearcr
ol'tliis Iniigcnous peoples.
t)ocurncnt) is to be treatccl uith all dr-le ftes;rc'ct ancl'[)ue process'Rights
untier thc La*,. All
arailable atld ttpprtlpr iatc tncasurcs arc to he taken to prc\,ent injusrice,
har]1, lalse afl-est, trulnpecl -
t-tp chargcs. or attack on tltc Natural l}ein-e's Pcrson,
i'rop.,ty. Pei'sonalt-u-, Conveyances, lrrec.clorrs,
and ,'or Dienit1,.

€xplicit Rescrvation and use of 'All Rights Rcserved Withour pre'iudice' U.C.c. l- 207 r,30g,
Ll'("C" l-t01, is Noted To All Federal. State, City, ancl Mr-rnicipal l,eace otflcers; in
harmgnv r.r,itlr
Statc's Stattttes. aud indicatcs [hc' Rescrvatior o1' My Rights. Whereb-r- I may
Reserve My
Sr"tbsLafltiYc I{ighrs and Corrstitutional - secured Rights and Imrlunities
to'NOT'be (-or,pcllr:cl to
perlbrrn under any Conlracts or Agreements thiit I have no1 enterccl into
kntlu.inuly. volr-rntarily-
rvillingll'. or unintenlionally. I do not accept any actLul or impliecl .l.iabilities.assoiiatecl
wirh an1,
't'OMPELI-ED - B[lNEFITS' olanv 'Ltnre\:caled' or cicceptivcly-imposcci
corrl'nercial contracts. I,
litrthcrln0re. d0 trot satiction any'Ltr.rcorlstitutional'rules or:policies, or acls of Misprsion
trv a,y'l-1.S.Go'cn,rcnr or Statc otrcials. at any lc'el, ciaimecl by an1,ol.thc,r. in thc nanrc o1-thc
Ljniteci Stalcs Reptrhlrc. nor do I assent tr) alry inrpticcl coloiable policies rnade
by allegecl
rcprescntatives. as bcing sanctiorted bv the Peoplc and Citizcns. C'onsider any lbnlerly-assuprcd
c()llslructs allegcd to be rclatecl 10 nle as bcing rnisreprcsentations anci thusly'Cured' Iinlir.vith.
it be knon'n...:

Eepresent ll1earls to'Depict'to'Portlay', to'synrbolize'alcl to'Stand fbr'. Let it be known

ihat thc lJrtion Statcs Socicty'Bar;\ssociation' 1-311;yer-s. Escluires. apd Att,rneys.f Europea,
Colonial dcscettt, and fbreign corporatiou. cannot clepir:t. portray or sl,ntbolizc a Free Moor; o, il1"y
itre l.lot ol the satne Nation Jurisdiction. ['Ltstoms. or Natiorral Pccrs; rincl cannot sit in jr-rdgmelt ot'
any Frcc lVloclr (Acts of SLate). E,uropeans arc llor Inciigenes to the [-and (Americas) - Mosrs arc
Aborigirlal! Utrion States l-awycrs ancl A,ltonrcys operate in l)emo - polrtical, *,hich is
ct)ntrarv to d61.1" IV, Section ;l of the Constilution lbr thc Unitecl Statcs. Moors operate in n
Repirblican Forttt ol (ioi,crnntent, conioineci with Isonomi Principlcs - being in harmony with thc
Lonstitutiott. l\{oors respect Constitutiou Principlcs. J'he unconstilutional Trihulals oplc'raiilg ult1er
lhe l-Jnion States Society corlf'lic1s rvith. anci is repuunant to, "Due Procr:ss" r-rrrdcr Constitution
Principles. ancl lunctitins primarily in'colorablc'proccdur"es. Therelbrc. 1-)o'Fair'.'Just'trial. or
rctrtcdf is availed to the Natural Peoplcs oi'thc Laricl, thmr-rgh such 'colorable' processesl -l'lrese
Yiolating:lcts cottstitutc a'C'ot'lllict of interest': a'['onl'lict 0f'La$,": anci clearly establish the
'Fedcral Qucstions' of "Diversitl, o1'(iitizenship't a L-otri'licr
cil. Identiry; and ol-Nationality and
International Lau'. ctc. 'l'hr-rs, a clcar attd documented'Ar.en-nent ol.luriscliction / Qgo Warrant.' is
also hcrebv prriclaitned and advaticccl tr"r all parties ol interest. Olly 1\4oors can 'presenl" lrrci
'Depict' thclriselves as being Moors r'Al Moroccans. and Aboriginal i Indigenes
ol'thc Land! l'hus.
i'lnlv Moors can 'Present' 'Self-!

J, cdlyr
s/;^ beirrs a real. lire flcsh
and blood. breathing, Divine Natr-u'al Be bonr sanquilreous o['a nalural, thinking and
aninrated lVlothcr. do solcntnly. sincerely, and squarelv Atllntr that the fbregoing facts conLained iu
tliis ClonstrLrctive and Actual .iudicial Notic:e and Proe lanration, by Atlirrned Altldavit. are true. 'fhis
'Notice'is constnrctccl to the bcst olr-r-rv knowleclge. conioined to lrv C'ulture, Customs ancl Bcliefs;
heing actr,ral, firctLral. and restorative in natLlre to fity ancient'[-r'aditions and Custorrrs: presentcd as
correcl. ancl not rnisleading, etc.; - being tlre TrLrlh. the u,ltole'Iruth, and nothing but the l'ruth. As
u,ith our iincient -fraditions and C' ust0ms. I entreat t0 all:

(/boririrral arrd Jnd igenoLrs 9'crrples' Docttrrenls: ..,l,txrlrrr,cst (lnrexenr i.,lolth (liiicir .i,ljortir (lnrerice..'fhe.,l{oloccan
' {lontinential Linircrl Statcs: '.fenrplc ol' the .J{oon and .9rrn': Non [)ontestic, r.-on l{osiricnt. Norr-srrh.iect Being thc
Richttul Fleirs arril Inhclitols til'tlrc l-ancl
Pagc 7 ol8
@ &#

fitibr, (l-rn't'), $(uqq {Tnrthr, saraam (patrt'e1, ,rt,rr-vatun (k-t.eedorn), frdr

Ctl Ri,rhtr Rescrvccl Without prc.iuciice; U.t..C. t-207 1308. U.C.(. l_103.

J A,,'
.{ atLBaI I'c61)! - in Propria ln Solo 1)roprio: Authorized Reprcsentative;.411 Rights Reserved

CIboriginal ,1 lndigcrrous. liee - FJatural Person of the l.ancl; .ln propria persona,
lNot Pro Sc. Nor L'olorable)
{mrica and r{e .A(loining }slard.s - Al Moroc / Ameru / Americana).

tllitness, d
.4jatrrrul I,crstrn Irr - Srri Juris. Srri Rr'scrved

.1'atrir:rl Ilrttgrtil Pgp1,y,r', In Solo Prrtprio: All liights ltescncri

***:*: >t

. E.v Special Appearance. belbre rre ou l)av ol' Yd 20r8

CCY I M.Cl and in Dir inc Natural Be ing, Horrur the
Alllrrns that Hc I Shc is a l)escendant i
lleir. Naturiil Person i B elng narned. standins 'ln Full Lilt', existing irr His r'
IIer omr Proper Persrln ; I.nccting the prinral 'lar,"' o1'evidence' as recluired and cieflnetl in
'ldentity': alTlnrccl b y Lau,lul. Suhstantive Right; by Birthright; ancl respectivel
acknox.'lcdgcd - being ol- descendiblc agc and competencc: irnd being lar.r.firlly qualitied and
colllpetcliI tri creclttc this Docunrerrt oi'AtIdarit. I theretcire placc my harrcl. rry autograph
and ntv seal tltereto

ta w""tn, Qabi al- adwalF"lar4v*u.' lt{BB f3ot6J

J A,.,.,,
Yizier I \{inister I Consul: ..Vurural persor.r In l)r.opria [)er.sona, s, Stti llererle-s 1n Solo Proprio:
..\Lrtlrorizcd l{cplrsenratirc: All RighLs i{cserrttl. Free \loor,' !lrrur
-1'()r1ir\\'!-st {Znt*.cnt .r -.ljorthrvest (ll.ica,,.d,blllt (fnrericn,i'fhe -.1brrh (jlte


Lontirtential {lnited Slatcs:':ictrple o1'the.l{.our a;rtl Suu': \rrn - llomestic. \on Residtnt. \orr-Sub.iect Bcing ihe
RiglrtiLrl l{eirs and lnheritors of the L.:rnti.

frage ti of 8

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