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Journal of Bionic Engineering 4 (2007) 217−226

Concept of Intelligent Mechanical Design for Autonomous Mobile Robots

Amir A. F. Nassiraei, Kazuo Ishii

Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 808–0196, Japan

The concept of Intelligent Mechanical Design (IMD) is presented to show how a mechanical structure can be designed to
affect robot controllability, simplification and task performance. Exploring this concept produces landmarks in the territory of
mechanical robot design in the form of seven design principles. The design principles, which we call the Mecha-Telligence
Principles (MTP), provide guidance on how to design mechanics for autonomous mobile robots. These principles guide us to ask
the right questions when investigating issues concerning self-controllable, reliable, feasible, and compatible mechanics for
autonomous mobile robots. To show how MTP can be applied in the design process we propose a novel methodology, named as
Mecha-Telligence Methodology (MTM). Mechanical design by the proposed methodology is based on preference classification
of the robot specification described by interaction of the robot with its environment and the physical parameters of the robot
mechatronics. After defining new terms, we investigate the feasibility of the proposed methodology to the mechanical design of
an autonomous mobile sewer inspection robot. In this industrial project we show how a passive-active intelligent moving
mechanism can be designed using the MTM and employed in the field.
Keywords: mechanical design, intelligent, autonomous robot, mobile robot
Copyright © 2007, Jilin University. Published by Elsevier Limited and Science Press. All rights reserved.

reliability have largely been ignored. This is not simply a

1 Introduction peripheral oversight, but a fundamental gap in the field
In the 21st century, it is expected that robots with of robotics[1]. The challenge is to find a unified approach
different degrees of autonomy and mobility will play an or methodology to design suitable mechanics for
increasingly important role in all aspects of human life. autonomous mobile robots to provide high degrees of
To do this, robots must become much more complex performance, functionality, simplicity and reliability.
than they are today. The development of such robots There is no concrete method or approach to actually
presents a great challenge to researchers. However, the design such systems, in so much as there is no unified
drawbacks of increasing robot complexity, the necessity approach to creativity; given a particular need, each
for more complex hardware, software and mechanical individual designer will design something different[2].
structures, may lead to low reliability and increasing size, The concept of “Intelligent Mechanical Design
weight, cost, power consumption and motion limitation. (IMD)” presented in this paper, concerns a methodology
To avoid these problems, the simplification of robots for the mechanical design of autonomous mobile robots.
mechatronics is critical to their design. Although eve- Using what we call the MTM involves seven mechanical
ryone working in robotics soon confronts the reality that design principles are employed to maximize the de-
the design of the mechanical structure greatly affects the signer’s creativity and lead to simpler, more suitable,
performance and controllability. Theoretical and prac- mechanically superior solutions for complex problems.
tical investigations of the relationship between robot In this methodology suitable optimum mechanics are
mechanical structures and resulting controllability and designed by considering the robot’s tasks, behaviors,
Corresponding author: Amir A. F. Nassiraei
218 Journal of Bionic Engineering (2007) Vol.4 No.4
morphology, and analysis of the environmental and ligent mechanics”, “mechanical intelligence”, and “in-
physical-morphological constraints within the design telligent designer”. “Intelligence” is used here as an
process. This paper is divided into four main topics. First, umbrella term for similar and related concepts. The IMD
in section 2, we discuss the concept of intelligence in is the concept on which the MTM for the mechanical
relation to its application to our work here with reference design of autonomous mobile robots is based. This
to how it is presented in the book of Understanding In- methodology assists the designer to create and design
telligence written by Rolf Pfeifer and Christian simple, suitable and sufficient mechanical solutions for
Scheier[3]. This approach to understand intelligence can problems with different degrees of complexity. Me-
be used as a guide in description of IMD and establishes chanical designs based on the proposed methodology
the fundamentals of our theory of mechanical design, in may include intelligent mechanics, passive mechanisms,
the form of the seven design principles (MTP) presented making use of body morphology and advanced materials
in section 3∗. Third, in section 4, we introduce the pro- and mechanical solutions that exploit the local envi-
posed mechanical design MTM. We show how the MTP ronment. Since the MTM encourages the designer’s
can be applied in the robot mechanical design. Finally, creativity, the results of the design strongly reflect the
we investigate the feasibility of the proposed method- aptitude of the designer. We hope that all the above is
ology by applying it to the mechanical design of an captured in the word “intelligent”, the definition of
autonomous mobile sewer inspection robot. In this in- which is our first step to develop a methodology for
dustrial project we show how a passive-active intelligent designing the ideal mechanics for robots with different
moving mechanism can be designed based on MTM and degrees of autonomy and mobility.
employed as a robot platform for inspecting a real sewer
pipe network.

2 Mechanics and intelligence

Let us start with a fundamental question in
autonomous mobile robot design: “What is the ideal
mechanical design for an autonomous mobile robot that
can perform the defined desired behavior(s) in an envi-
ronment in which it will be used?” Fig. 1 Mechanical design of an autonomous mobile robot
and related factors.
Thinking deeply about this basic question reveals
two main problems. First, the exact meaning of the term
of “ideal” in relation to a robot being reliable, robust,
simple, suitable, etc. Second, the lack of exact defini-
tions for these terms when applied in the mechanical
design of an autonomous mobile robot (see Fig. 1). In
this paper we tackle these problems by proposing to
integrate all such terms with one: “intelligent mechani-
Fig. 2 New approach to mechanical design of an autonomous
cal design (IMD)” (Fig. 2). Note that the meaning of mobile robot and related factors.
“intelligent” as presented in this paper, is not the same as
in common phrases such as “intelligent design”, “intel- 2.1 What is intelligence?
“Intelligence is a large field and the human being is
* Note that all selected terms to describe the concept of “intelligent mechanical not yet ready to even understand its fundamentals.
design” and also seven mechanical design principles (except the first principle)
are our original. Only the way to the description the term of “intelligent me- Maybe he will never ever understand what it's all about.
chanical design” and the idea to establish the landmarks of the territory of
mechanical designing in the form of different principles are inspired from the We are living in a huge complex environment and nature
description of “intelligence” term and the design principles of “autonomous is just too complex to explain in three to four sentences.
agent” presented in the book of Understanding Intelligence .
Amir A. F. Nassiraei, Kazuo Ishii: Concept of Intelligent Mechanical Design for Autonomous Mobile Robots 219
Intelligence is something that was created by nature and the design of the sensory-motor architecture has com-
sure not by us humans ourselves”[4]. Many leading ex- patibility with the size, weight and shape of the hardware.
perts in their fields have attempted to define and describe Compatibility should always be considered with respect
intelligence. The results have been a myriad of defini- to a specific system.
tions with none of these experts seeming be sure about The functionality-usability trade-off: Represents a
even their own definition. One wonderful approach not compromise between, on the one hand, adding new
only to meaning of “intelligence”, but also use of the functionality, and on the other, achieving usability con-
term in the design process for autonomous agents is ditions[5].
found in a book by the title “Understanding Intelli- Environmental niche: The environmental niche for
gence”[3]. The authors use the concept of intelligence to a robot can be thought of as the range of each variable in
define what they call complete agents and, in turn, they its environment. We use the term of “environment” here
use this concept to form one of their design principles to mean essentially two things. First, the direct-physical
(the complete agent principle) for the design of meaning: the area or space in which the robot is used,
autonomous agents**. including natural and artificial objects. Second, the in-
direct-physical meaning: the artificial parameters gov-
2.2 Intelligent mechanical design erning its function. This requires some explanation, here
Following Pfeifer’s approach in attempting to cre- we use an example. Consider a robot designed to com-
ate an acceptable definition of “intelligence” we will pete in a can-collecting competition (see Fig. 3). The
briefly discuss the related terms necessary to produce a task of the robot is to collect objects in its environment
suitable definition of IMD. and bring them to a can room located in a corner of the
Intelligent Mechanical Design (IMD): This term is competition area. The rules of the game include limita-
used to describe complete mechanical designs (designs tions in size of the robot that the robot should fit in a box
that are self-controllable, reliable, feasible, and com- with specific dimensions, and the cost for making the
patible) that resolve the functionality-usability trade-off robot is also limited. In this case, the environmental
in an optimal way. Mechanical design must always be niche can be itemized as follows.
considered with respect to a particular environmental Environmental niche:
niche. ● A flat surface (Direct)
Self-controllable: A mechanical design is self- ● Indoor environment (Direct)
controllable if it can be controlled by a set of internal ● A set of cylindrical can (Direct)
hardware, independence of external motive forces. ● A light (Direct)
Self-controllability should always be considered with ● A can-room (Direct)
respect to a specific system. ● Size limitation (Indirect)
Reliable: A mechanical design is reliable if, in the ● Cost limitation (Indirect)
majority of cases, it fulfills its design specification.
Feasible: A mechanical design is feasible if it can
be manufactured as a real mechanical structure using
current manufacturing methods and commercial mate-
rials. Feasible mechanical design is influenced by a
number of requirements, such as cost, size, weight, wa-
ter tightness, dust resistance, etc.
Compatible: A mechanical design is compatible if

While Pfeife discuses the definition of “intelligence” and design process of
“autonomous agents”, in this paper the concept of “Intelligent Mechanical
Fig. 3 Example of can-collecting robot. Size and cost
Design” and design process of “mechanics of autonomous mobile robots” are
proposed. limitations are assumed.
220 Journal of Bionic Engineering (2007) Vol.4 No.4
Environmental niche constraints: reliable, feasible, and compatible mechanics for
● Can size (D, H) (Direct) autonomous mobile robots (see Fig. 4). We highlight the
● Light height (H1: if H4 > H1) (Direct) definition of robot environment, behaviors and tasks as
● Can-room size (L2, W2, H2) (Direct) Meta principles to underscore their centrality to the me-
● Can room door size (W3: if W3 < W4, H3: if H3 < H4) chanical design process for autonomous mobile robots.
(Direct) Also, note that using the term IMD to describe complete
● Robot size (L4, W4, H4) (Indirect) mechanical designs, is landmark as second principle.
● Cost (cost < X $) (Indirect) This section describes the seven MTP in details.
In this example, limitations in size and cost illus- (1) The three-constituent principle
trate the second aspect of the environmental niche. Note, In the approach presented here robot design forms a
because of the robot size limitation, some environmental compromise between, “Robot environment” and “Robot
niche constraints should be considered to be conditional desired behaviour” (see Fig. 2). Designing mechanical
constraints. As an example, the height of the ledge (H1) parts for autonomous mobile robots always involves
is a constraint, if it is lower than the maximum height of three constituents: (I) definition of environmental niche;
the robot (H4 > H1). In this approach all design parame- (II) definition of desired behaviors and tasks; (III) design
ters that influence the mechanical design can be consid- of robot mechanics[3].
ered part of the environmental niche and must be con- Constituent (III) has been split into design princi-
sidered in the fourth MDP presented in the next section. ples 2 through 7. A mechanical design problem can be
started as follows: given the intended environmental
3 Mechanical design principles: MTP
niche and the desired behaviors, how to design the me-
The concept of IMD described above is the basis of chanical parts of the robot? Alternatively it can be stated:
the seven design principles that form the MTP. They “We already have a robot with a particular architecture.
incorporate many insights gained in this large design We also have a particular environmental niche. What
field in a compact and coherent form. MTP guide us to mechanism or mechanical parts are required to add de-
ask the right questions when designing self-controllable, sired behaviour or tasks?”[3]

Fig. 4 Overview of design principles of mechanical design of autonomous mobile robots, MTP.
Amir A. F. Nassiraei, Kazuo Ishii: Concept of Intelligent Mechanical Design for Autonomous Mobile Robots 221
(2) The complete-mechanical design principle The principle requires sparing use of actuators and
This principle states that IMD is complete, that is, sensors. The number of actuators and sensors used for a
from sub-section 2.2, complete mechanical designs are system is a significant mechanical design parameter that
self-controllable, reliable, feasible, and compatible. has a direct influence on system reliability.
(3) The principle of mechanical balance (7) The mechatronics modularity principle
This principle has two aspects. First, the complex- This principle states that a robot should have a
ity of the mechanical design has to match the complexity modular architecture in its electronics and mechanics.
of the robot’s desired behaviors. Second, the robot me- This principle can play a significant role in both the
chanics should not be designed “in a vacuum” but rather mechanical reliability mentioned in the second principle
must take the sensory system and hardware architecture and ease of maintenance. The modularization process
into account. involves three steps. First, description of the system
(4) The environmental principle architecture, in this step, the designer needs to produce
This principle states two things, that the physics of the architecture of the robot system as a flowchart.
the system-environment interaction and constraints of Visualization can help the designer fully imagine the
the environmental niche should be exploited[3]. The robot, what it should include and how it can work as a
environmental principle is significant in that it has direct system. Second, defining the possible module/s,
effect on the simplicity and reliability of a mechanical based on this flowchart, the possible modules should
design. In many cases (especially “competition” and be defined by identifying common hardware structures
“ordering” cases) the mechanics of a robot have to be and mechanical connections. Third, merging single
designed to satisfy all environmental niche constraints, modules, the basic idea here is to extend the “modular-
whether game rules or user requests, especially when ity” concept by merging modules to decrease the number
robot usability is considered. Also, in our experience in of wires and other parts and improve reliability and
different projects, we realized that any kind of limita- performance.
tions in design parameters (even user requests such as
cost and operating life-time) can play a very important
4 Mechanical design process: MTM
role in a designer’s perspective and creativity. Therefore, To show how MTP can be applied in designing an
we have integrated all possible design parameters into autonomous mobile robot, we propose a novel method-
the concepts of “environmental niche” and “environ- ology, the MTM (see Fig. 5). Mechanical design in the
mental niche constraints”, as detailed earlier in proposed methodology is based on preference classifi-
sub-section 2.2. In this approach all design parameters cation of the robot specification. This specification is
that influence the mechanical design, make up the en- created by describing the interaction of the robot with its
vironmental niche and relative constraints. environment and the physical parameters of the robot
(5) The sensory-actuator principle mechatronics (principle 1). In this approach the robot
This principle states that the type and position of specification is grouped into high- and low-level- speci-
the sensors and actuators in a system have a direct effect fications which can be expressed as tasks (desired be-
on robot functionality, performance, simplicity, and haviors) and the physical parameters of the robot. The
reliability. By designing or selecting suitable and suffi- high-level-specification has two layers, main and sub,
cient sensors and actuators, and correctly fixing their and is derived from the robot’s tasks and its interaction
position in the system, the performance and functional- with the environment where it is to be used. A
ity of the robot is enhanced. The number of actuators and low-level-specification may consist of a set of layers
sensors in a system can be affected by applying this explaining the physical setup of the robot, its body,
principle in the mechanical design process. This princi- sensory, and motor systems. The main goal of this
ple interacts strongly with the next. analytical process is to produce a mono-spec layer
(6) Shared sensory-actuator system principle (the last layer of low-level-specification) defining a basic
222 Journal of Bionic Engineering (2007) Vol.4 No.4

Fig. 5 Overview of MTM for mechanical design of autonomous mobile robots. Robot tasks are variable “X”.

function or selecting a sensor for a single task or be- the tasks, desired behaviors, environmental niche, and
havior. The mechanical design is started from these environmental niche constraints.
crucial mono-specs Then the mono-spec design is ex-
tended by adding the minimum actuators and sensors to 5.1 Robot tasks
the design (principle 6). In each step we attempt to In general, sewer maintenance is classified into two
produce a suitable solution by considering robot mor- categories[6]:
phology and actuator design, by applying the description ● Inspection: Assessment of the sewer pipe interior
of environmental and physical-morphological con- and detecting faults such as cracks, water infiltration,
straints, and by employing passive mechanisms which root invasion, pipe breaks, and so on.
have inherent intelligence characteristics (principle 3 ● Manipulation: Repairing sewer pipes after inspec-
and 4). Mechanical design is finalized by considering the tion.
suitable and sufficient positioning of the sensory-motor In this study we concentrate on pipe inspection for
system (principle 5) and modularity of the robot’s diameters of 200, 250, and 300 mm, respectively.
mechatronics (principle 7).
5.2 Desired behavior
5 Design process of an autonomous sewer pipe The desired behaviors can be described in three
inspection mobile robot items: (Fig. 6)
To investigate the feasibility of the proposed ● Ability to be inserted into the sewer via a manhole.
methodology and show how MTM can be applied in the ● To move autonomously in sewer network (without
real mechanical problems, we use a mechanical design operator intermediary) in the water-flow direction and
project funded by Japanese national government to de- traverse different pipe bends, such as curves and junc-
velop an autonomous sewer inspection robot. We de- tions. Using conventional methods, sewer pipe inspec-
scribe how a passive-active intelligent moving mecha- tion is carried out using a cable-tethered robot with an
nism can be designed using the MTM and employed as a on-board video camera system. An operator remotely
robot platform for inspecting a real sewer pipe network. controls the movement of the robot and looks for
The first step in MTM, as shown in Fig. 4, is to describe damage in the images of pipe interior. All equipments
Amir A. F. Nassiraei, Kazuo Ishii: Concept of Intelligent Mechanical Design for Autonomous Mobile Robots 223
necessary to supply and control the robot are inside a ● Maximum distance between two manholes is
vehicle, outside the manhole (“manhole” is specified in 50 m (Direct);
Fig. 7). Significantly in conventional sewer inspection, ● All pipes have at least 2 or 3 degrees slope, water
inspection is always performed in the water-flow direc- flows in one direction (Direct).
● After retrieval, the number and position of faults 5.4 Simplification of the design functions
can be extracted from the robot’s sensory data. For the steps above, the high-level specification
layers including the main- and sub-layer are seen in the
left column in Fig. 8. The significant point in extracting
layer 1 from the sub-layer is that because sewer inspec-
tion is always performed in the water-flow direction, the
robot does not need to be able to step-upward. Fig. 8 (A
to E alphabets show in right side of figure) also illus-
trates the functional design priority from a mechanical
parts design point of view.

Fig. 6 The description of desired robot behaviour based 5.5 Design process: Applying the MTP
on an autonomous sewer inspection scenario. 5.5.1 Design functions A to E
This sub-section provides an overview of our robot
design and its architecture. It also shows how the MTP
are applied in the design. There are numerous projects in
this field to develop multi-joint (snake-like) robots that
can traverse curves and junctions[7−9]. Most of these
robots have complex mechanisms and many sensors to
detect and pass bends. This complexity in both the
mechanism and data processing makes producing reli-
able commercial products difficult. The first step of our
Fig. 7 An example of a network of sewage pipes in Japan, approach is to design a propulsion mechanism, for which
within the diameter range of 200 to 300 mm. The ar- we applied principle 4 (system environment interaction).
rows inside of the pipe show the direction of water
flow into the pipe net. We look to models of water motion in pipes for inspira-
tion. Fig. 9 shows two models of water flowing inside a
5.3 Environment niche and relative constraints pipe. It is intuitive that the right hand side model better
The environment niche and relative constraints can represents water movement. Surveying existing com-
be defined and itemized as follows (Fig. 7). mercial mechanisms in relation to these two models we
Environmental niche: realized that the robot wheels should be rotated 90 de-
● Outdoor environment (Direct); gree to more naturally match water flow inside a pipe.
● Circular sewer pipe, main pipe (Direct); Taking this approach we find that the robot can not only
● Manhole (Direct); move in a straight pipe but can also traverse various
● Inlet (Direct); kinds of pipe bends without any controls or sensor
● Pipe bends, curve, Y- and T-junctions (Direct). readings[10]. Fig. 10 shows the extension of the design to
Environmental niche constraints: smooth movement using the “naSIR mechanism”[11]
● Diameter of main pipes is 20, 25 or 30 cm (Direct); traversing a curve, Y-junctions and T-junctions (apply-
● Diameter of manholes is 90 or 120 cm (Direct); ing principles 4 and 6)[12−14]. This mechanism can scale a
● There is a manhole over all pipe-bends (Direct); small step, from 5 to 10 cm depending on the size of the
224 Journal of Bionic Engineering (2007) Vol.4 No.4

Fig. 9 Two possible models of water flow inside a pipe com-

pared with a commercial vertical robot and the naSIR
mechanism presented in this paper.

Fig. 10 Design extension for smooth movement with the

“naSIR mechanism” traversing curves, Y- and

robot, using its suspension system. Scaling larger steps

can be achieved by installing a passive elevator inside
the manhole. The robot can get on to the elevator
which is activated by its weight (applying principles 3, 4,
and 6).
5.5.2 Design other functions
Figs. 11 and 12 show our approach to passively
adjustable robot tilt angle and navigation. Principle 4
Fig. 8 Mecha-telligence methodology applied in designing
an autonomous mobile. was applied, in the form of material morphology, to
remove the tilt sensor from the robot hardware. Namely,
Amir A. F. Nassiraei, Kazuo Ishii: Concept of Intelligent Mechanical Design for Autonomous Mobile Robots 225
we used different materials for the front and back wheels. novel methodology, called the MTM. The feasibility of
In this approach the robot adjusts its tilt angle passively. the proposed methodology was demonstrated the me-
Also we installed a passive encoder on the top of the chanical design of a mobile autonomous sewer inspec-
robot via a simple arm jointed to the top-back of the tion robot. This project demonstrates how a pas-
robot. This provides precise navigation for the robot sive-active intelligent moving mechanism can be de-
including counting the number of manholes as the robot signed using the MTM with the result employed in a real
passes them. When the passive encoder does not send life situation.
signal to the on-board main computer, it means robot is
in a manhole.
This work was partly supported by a grant of
Knowledge Cluster Initiative implemented by Ministry
of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
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