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The Doctrine of GOD

I. Philosophical Belief Arguments

1. Universal belief argument – all mankind’s has some idea of a Supreme Being.
The concept of God found among many cultures and civilizations differ
greatly on number, name, and the nature of the Supreme Being.
2. Cosmological argument – every effect must have an adequate cause. (Ex.
Universe, watch)
3. Ontological argument – man everywhere is born on intuitive belief in God.
This manifest itself is a desire to worship God. If the man does not meet and
find the true God he worships a God of his own making. Belief in God is
intuitive. It’s not the result of cultural conditioning.
4. Design proves the existence of a designer (teleological) not only does the
world and universe exists (with a cause) but it also has a perfect design and
purpose. Everything has a purpose, order and useful arrangement imply that
cause has intelligence and purpose. The intelligence purpose and harmony in
the universe prove the existence of a master architect (Ps. 19:1).
God purpose design harmony and intelligence are seen in:
a. The earth is the right distance from the sun to provide a life-
sustaining climate on earth.
b. The moon is in the right distance from earth to provide tides
at a proper level.
c. With a moon, we would have no light at night
d. Every plant, animal and bacteria has a useful purpose.
e. Every part of your body is in the right place, is the right size
and shape and works perfectly to achieve a useful purpose.
f. Flower are colorful, Trees provides oxygen and shade timber
for building and healing. They prevent soil erosion and
support many life forms.
g. The human body functions so perfectly in every way.
5. Anthropological argument – man is fastly superior to animal because of his
intelligence, his engineering skills, his moral awareness, and his awareness of
God and eternity.
“So God created man in his own image” Gen. 1:27

6. Moral argument – Man everywhere has a moral awareness of right and wrong.
He feels responsible to do what is right and to avoid what is wrong.
Where did this sense of moral justice come from?
If man is only a bunch of chemicals, why does he have a sense of
moral obligation? Do chemicals have morality?
The Bible stated that moral awareness is God given, such innate
moral standards can not be due to evolution from unintelligent matter.
Romans 2:14-15 state that Gentiles who don’t know the 10
commandment have a moral witness place there by God. When a man
violates his conscience he feels guilt and a fear of punishment. Man’s
moral awareness can be traced back to the moral values of his creator.
Man’s conscience witness to the existence of a supreme Law-giver and
Judge who built this sense of right and wrong into man.
7. The Biological argument – only life can produce life. The theory of spontaneous
generation of life has been proven false by science (Louise Pasture, 1870).
Unintelligent matter can not produce intelligent life. The eternal intelligent life
source is God. (Ps. 36:9). For with three is the fountain of life (John 11:25 &
14:6), I am the life.
8. The Historical argument – human history points to the unseen hand of God
controls guides and governs the affairs of nation. Examples of God intervening
in history are:
a. When Hitler and Napoleon invaded Russia winter came early and
was so severe that it led to their defeat. (Job 38:22-23)
b. When Hitler had crippled England’s airforce he could have easily
conquered and invaded Britain. But he delayed and was distracted to
bombing English cities. He lost his moment of opportunity due to the
prayer answering God.
c. When the Spanish Armada set out to invade England in 1588 with
130 ships, God sent a devastating storm, which was timed perfectly
to destroy most of the ship. God spared England for Protestantism,
publish of the King James bible in 1611 and sending gospel
preaching missionaries all over the world.
d. The allies and the United States developed the atomic bomb before
Hitler in WW II.
e. Roman peace had removed pirates from the seas allowing Paul and
early missionaries to plant churches all over the world.
f. In 1453, the Moslems captured Constantinople just before it fell, all
the precious New Testament manuscripts had been taken to Europe
where printing had manuscripts from Islamic destruction and to be
printed 10 years after printing was invented.
g. La Perouse was a French explorer who sailed into Botany Bay only 6
days after Arthur Philip arrived in the Bay with the first fleet. God
wanted England to colonize Australia rather than France.
h. Men blasphemed God in 1912 by saying that “Not even God could
sink the Titanic Oceans Liner” God judged their sin by sinking the
Titanic on its maiden voyage from England to New York on April 15,
1912 when it stuck on iceberg.
9. The Christological Argument – we cannot explain the Christ of history without
the existence of God. Christ life is affirmed by the Bible and by secular
literature. Christ’s virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, teachings, prophecies
fulfilled at His death, His bodily resurrection an ascension can only be
explained by God’s existence.
10. The Biblical Argument – man could not have authored the Bible. We know that
God authors the Bible because it foretells the future with 100% accuracy
everytime. No other book in the world has 100% fulfilled prophecy, thus
showing that it comes from the mind of God. Man would not write a book
about how is God whom he loves and worships gets crucified. Man would
teach that we get to God by our good works. The Bible is accurate from
science, archaeology, prophecy, unity and morality.
11. Millions of People know God personally through Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ has answer million of people’s prayer and transformed
millions of lives from misery, sin, and despair to love, joy, peace, hope
and victory.
Do not be like a fool who says that there is no God. Receive Jesus Christ,
as your God and Savior from sin today then you will know God

The Bible never attempts to prove the existence of God. It simply declares His existence
as a settled fact. The Bible commences “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
Belief in the God’s existence is a pre-requisite to being saved by faith in Christ.
“He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a
rewarded of them that diligently seek Him. Hebrew 11:16. ”

II. The definition of GOD –

There is only but one living and true God, who is infinite in being and perfection,
a most pure spirit, invisible without body parts or passions, immutable, immense eternal,
incomprehensible, almighty, most wise, most holy, most free, most absolute, working all
things according to the counsel of his own, immutable and most righteous will for his
own glory; most loving, gracious, merciful, long suffering, abundant in goodness and
truth, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin; the rewarded of them that diligently seek
him and withal most just and terrible in his judgements, hating all sins and who will by
no means clear the guilty (Westminster Catechism)
III. The names of GOD
1. Elohim
2. El
a. Elyon – The strongest strong one
b. Roi - The strong one who sees
c. Shaddai – The breasted one
d. Olam - The everlasting God
3. Adonai – Master, Lord, God owns all his creation
4. Jehovah – God’s most common name
a. Jireh - The Lord will provide
b. Nisse - The Lord is my banner
c. Shalom - The Lord is peace
d. Sabaath - The Lord of hosts
e. Maccadeschcem - The Lord thy sanctifies
f. Rohi (Roah) - The Lord my shepherd
g. Tsidkenu - The Lord our righteousness
h. Shammah - The who is present
i. Rapha - The Lord our healer
IV. The nature of God
1. God is a spirit
2. God is a person
a. He creates
b. He destroys
c. He provides
d. He promotes
e. He cares
f. He hears
g. He hates
h. He grieves
i. He loves
3. God is one
4. God is a trinity – There is only one God but in the unity of the Godhead
there are three eternal and co-equal persons the same in substance but distinct
in subsistence
a. False views concerning the trinity
1. The error of Tri-Theism – This says that the Trinity consists
of three separate (but cooperating) God.
2. The error of modalism – according to this view there is but
one God who simply reveals himself through three different
modes or roles, for example a particular man could be
considered a husband to his wife a father to his children and
employer to his boss.
b. Illustration to demonstration the Trinity
1.The three state of water
2. The three fold nature of man
a. Body
b. Soul
c. Spirit
3. The three part of an egg
a. shell
b. white
c. yolk
4. The nature of light
a. Chemical rays – invisible and can neither be felt nor
b. Light rays – are seen but can not be felt
c. Heat rays – are felt but never seen
5. The dimensional example – a book has height, weight and
length. These three can not be separated yet they are not the
c. Old Testament passages regarding trinity
1. The first name used for God is Elohim (Gen. 1:1). The name
is plural in form but is joined to a singular verb.
2. The creation of man (Gen. 1:26)
3. The explosion from Eden (Gen. 3:22)
4. The confusion at Babel (Gen. 11:7)
5. The conversion between the Father and Son (Psalm 2:1-9;
45:6-8; 110:1-5)
6. The Triune conversations in Isaiah (Is. 6:8: 48:16: 63:9-10)
d. New Testament passages regarding the trinity
1. The Baptism of Christ (Matt. 3:16-17)
2. The temptation of Christ (Matt. 4:1)
3. The teaching of Jesus (John 14:16)
4. The Baptismal formula (Matt. 28:19-20)
5. The apostolic benediction (2 Cor. 13:14 )
e. The scriptural summary of the trinity
1. The father is God (John 6:44-46; Rom. 1:7; 1 Peter
2. The Son is God (Is. 9:6; John 1:1; 20:28; 1 Timothy 3:16;
Titus 2:13; Hebrews 1:8 )
3. The spirit is God (Acts 5:3-4; Hebrews 9:14)

V. The attributes of God – An attribute of God is whatever God has any way revealed as
being true of him. Some theologies prefer the word perfection to that of attribute.
1. God is self-existent (Ex. 3:13-14)
2. God is self-sufficient (Ps. 50:10-12)
3. God is eternal – God is absolutely free from the tyranny of time. In Him
there is no paste or future, but one always and never ending present. He is
neither conditional nor confined by time. (Deut. 33:27; Ps. 102:11-12; John
8:56-57; Ps. 90:2)
4. God is infinite – God has no limitations. He is bounded only by His own
nature and will (1 Kings 8:22,23,27; Jeremiah 23:24)
5. God is omnipresent – God is present everywhere with His whole being at the
same time. There is a great error in pantheism, which says that God is
everywhere and everything is God.
Two aspects
a. God immanence – This speaks of God being in the
world acting within and through His creation
b. Gods transcendence – This affirms that God is above
and beyond His creation
6. God is omnipotent (all-powerful) God can do anything if it can be done and
if it does not contradict His own nature. God can not lie or steal, for these
things would contradict His own nature
7. God is omniscient (all knowing) – God possesses (without prior discovery of
facts) complete and universal knowledge of all thing past, present and future.
This includes not only the actual but also the possible. This total knowledge
is based on His eternity (He will always exist and has always exist) and His
omnipresence (He has been is, and will always
Be everywhere at same time)
a. He sees all things
b. He knows all things
c. He knows mankind
1. Our thoughts
2. Our words
3. Our deeds
4. Our sorrows
5. Our needs
6. Our devotion
7. Our frailties
8. Our foolishness
9. He know His own
d. He knows the past, present and the future
e. He Knows what might or could have been
8. God is wise
9. God is immutable – God never differs from Himself. He may on occasion
alter His dealings with men in a dispensation sense but His divine character
remains constant.
10. God is sovereign – God is the absolute and sale ruler in the universe. God has
a total freedom, power, knowledge, wisdom and determination to carry out a
predetermined cause of action.
11. God is incomprehensible – It means that no one except God Himself can
even remotely understand and comprehend God.
12. God is incurable – It refers to the inexplicable and mysterious ways of God.
13. God is Holy
14. God Is righteous and just – Righteous is moral equity. In righteousness God
reveals His love for holiness. In justice, God reveals His hatred for sin.
15. God is true – God is the ultimate and only source and standard of truth

16. God is faithful – God’s faithfulness refers to his self-loyalty and to that of
His entire creation
17. God is good – The goodness of God is that which disposes Him to be kind,
cordial, benevolent and full of good will toward men.
18. God is merciful – Gods mercy is optional in that He is in no way obligation
to save sinners as He is to punish sinners. But He chooses to do so.
19. God is Love

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