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Naraly Aguilar


Physics-Period 2

3 June 2019

Physics Reflection

The purpose of the project for my Physics class called “Roller Coaster Marble” was to build a

roller coaster for marbles using foam pipe insulation and to investigate how much height is

needed in order for the marble to run through a loop of fixed sized .When I got the project I felt

really excited because I remember being a freshman and seeing all the kids that had physics

bring in this project and now that I’m doing this rollercoaster is pretty cool.A goal I created for

myself when I first started this project was to be on task on every single thing because I really

wanted to pass this class and also be part of a group that is not going to procrastinate.

For this project,I had the choice to either work with myself or work with 2 other people.If I

chose to work by myself I felt like I was going to stress myself even more and probably leave

things for last minute and not get things done sooner.On the other hand I decided to work with 2

other people and started to get things fast and everything came together pretty fast. First, I picked

out who I wanted to work out with I did not want someone who would leave things for last

minute and not cooperate with.Next,I got with my group and we all split the work and decided

who was going to do what.Finally,we all got the things that were assigned and we all went to

grab the things at the store.We worked in class and try to get everything done really fast so we

don’t have to do much work.


I learned that when the center of mass of the roller coaster falls a vertical height h (from the

initial hill) it will have a kinetic energy equal to the gravitational potential energy stored in the

height.I also learned The higher position it is, the larger potential energy it has.By conservation

of energy, the potential energy will decrease and transform into kinetic energy. In other words it

is higher because it picks up more speed in the beginning.Something I learned about myself is

that if you always commit to your work and you'll get your stuff or whatever you're assigned

done faster. Something I did very well was get my project done on time and present to my class

the powerpoint and our rollercoaster.An area I need improvement in is always double check on

things and rushing things won’t always be a good thing to do take your time on things.

Next time,I will not rush things and also have a better communication with my partners and work

on a day when everyone would collaborate.I am proud that I got to finish my project and got to

present to my class.I am disappointed that our rollercoaster decided to fail and not work when we

presented but it actually works.

I communicated ideas by communicating with each other and deciding which steps to take

throughout this project and how the height of the loops affect the speed of the marble

I recognized and weighed perspectives by using information about relevant or global context to

understand and identify implications for addressing the issue.

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