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Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 1 TheOldSchoolhouseMagazine.

Hey Mama!
31-Day Devotional
Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time
By Gena Suarez

© 2015 The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC

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Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 2
Hey Mama,

A little bird was saying that you’re weary today. Wanted

to stop in, hang out a bit and maybe bring a little perspective.

When you focus on family and the gifts God has given you,
you must admit that His blessings on you are too numerous to
count. So take your mind and heart OFF the troubles and trials
of this life. Place your mind and heart on the gifts of His Hand
today, OK? Be joyful today, Mama. You are blessed.

I pray that you will enjoy this little devotional book and
that it will be a blessing to you.


Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 3
Day 1

Hey Mama,
Just wanted to pop in and help you put your eyes on Jesus. He is still on the throne. While the world has
gone mad, He is the same—unmovable, unshakable. He is our great and holy God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We get so caught up in the details of our current problems, but God has already worked out EVERY last
detail. Do you think your problems surprise Him? You have already given them over to Him; they’re in His
hands, so why do you keep going back and snatching them back out? By fussing over our issues, do they
go away? By allowing ourselves to become completely engulfed in the trials of our lives, not even able to
breathe, do we glorify God?
The problems are there. That’s right. The trial continues. Yes, it does. But say this today with me: Lord, I
don’t know what to do, but my eyes are on YOU.
Glorify Him today, Mama. Set your eyes on Christ, your Redeemer. He lives. He is not asleep; He misses
nothing. He sees it all, and He will unweave this web. I promise you; He will fix it. Rise up and go about
your day, knowing that if you are in Him, you will not be shaken.
“I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” Psalm 16:8
Mama, embrace this day, love on your children, respect and cling to your hubby, obey the Lord in all things,
and just . . . walk. He promises to do the rest. Set your eyes continually before Him. You will not be shaken.

Day 2

Hey Mama,
Psalms 32:1 says, “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.”
Mama, that is you. And you are training up your children in the Lord, just as you are supposed to be doing.
God’s word is the authority by which you live, and your children see you modeling this. Are you perfect?
Are they perfect? No, only the Lord is, but He is always pruning, refining, shaping, and changing us to be
more like Him.
Keep walking, Mama. You are forgiven! His grace covers you because you have made Him Lord of your life.
Daughter of the King, look up and literally FEEL the hope that is within you. It is yours, and He will never
leave or forsake you. Take hold of that; His hand is on your head tonight.

Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 4
Day 3

Hey Mama,
John 14:27 speaks of peace. Christ gives us peace, not the kind the world has to offer, but something far
better, much stronger. Did you know His ways are higher than ours? We think we see everything that is
before us, but He knows what is around the next corner. If only you could see around that corner, if only
you could see what He can.
The good news is He sees. Not only does He see, but He gives us peace because He cares, a peace the
world can’t even understand.
Don’t focus on what’s heavy right now, Mama. Set your eyes on Christ, His perfect peace, and KNOW in
your heart (because it’s true) that He works all things for good for those who love Him. Your “around the
next corner” is coming. Just wait. He will right everything. He will right it all.
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your
heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27
Hey, Mama, your brow is furrowed again. I look at you and see the worry lines, and I want to reach out and
smooth them away. I’m sorry about this season of life you are going through; I know it’s just HARD right
now. But God is working here. He is building character in all of us. Remember what God’s word teaches
about joy and how trials actually bring it about:
“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your
faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting
nothing.” James 1:2-4
So the trial is difficult right now. And it’s sad. It’s not even just hard or an unemotional challenge; it’s actu-
ally grievous. The heart in the shoes kind of grief. But He knows. And He won’t forget that you are leaning
on HIM as you go through this. Refinement. That is you right now, Mama. You are enduring much, and your
reward is that you will be complete, lacking in nothing! He wins! You win!
Others too throughout the centuries have faced terrible difficulties—far worse than this one actually;
we’re not alone. And this lifetime is a blink of an eye compared to our real life, the true adventure of eter-
nity. Now THAT is real life. And it is coming for those who love and obey our great God and Savior, Jesus
Christ. (He said, “If you love Me, you will obey Me.”)
So Mama, worry robs you of energy—energy you could spend on your hubby and kids tonight, OK? Shrug
it off; you are not available for that right now. You are free, God has everything under control, and you are
going to be just fine. Your Father is with you.
“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows; it empties today of its strength.” —Corrie ten Boom
Walk, Mama.

Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 5
Day 4

Hey Mama,
Trials will come and go. Some last longer than others, and some are so painful you cannot breathe. It’s easy
to ask, “WHY, God?” But really, does He owe us an answer? He’s given us one already, and it’s in His word.
There are a vast number of passages that discuss trials and enduring until the end. When we give Him glory
even during the hard times, we are passing the test at that time. Yes, He’s allowed to give us those tests
and trials; we are to rejoice in them. They hurt, but believe it or not, these build character and make us
more like Him. I want to be like my Father, and you do, too, Mama, even if the pain is great.
“But he said unto her, Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? shall we receive good
at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips.” Job 2:10
Accept the good. Rejoice in it. Endure the trials, too, and praise HIS holy name during it all. Your children are
watching. Model this to them, as hard as it may be. Yes, life is hard. Being a Christian is not a fluffy walk with
Big Santa in the sky. No, you have a loving Father who has His hand on your head. I want Him smiling on me.
How about you? Obedience is where our heart should be, Mama. Keep walking. He will never leave you.

Day 5
Hey Mama,
You are a fruitful vine. (Read Proverbs 31.)
You are one who is an expert at LOVING.
You excel at compassion. You long for relationship.
You love mercy. You offer it freely.
Yours is a home of warmth and laughter.
You have children who feel secure and stable.
You have little learners. Your kids are not hurriedly schooled so they can pass a test; they are carefully
taught because they LOVE to learn; you give them opportunities to make it stick. Your home resembles a
You are a Daughter of the King, and He has given you sons and daughters to raise up in His love and admo-
nition. They are Sons and Daughters of the King.
Keep modeling this love, Mama. Press forward.
One day they too will be Mamas and Daddies, and they will remember what you showed them by example.

Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 6
Day 6
Hey Mama,
It’s easy to get overwhelmed these days, especially with all the news about politics and our economy out
there. We know that during the days leading up to Christ coming back there will be a great falling away, as
well as trials upon trials. It’s going to come down to a real testing of our faith; will we endure to the end?
Are we His? Are we teaching our children to endure in Him, always, as well? How do we do this? Get God’s
word into their hearts. Learn His word too, Mama. You need to know what the King of the universe has to
say, and it’s all found right in His word. Endeavor to know it, because by doing so, you will hear His voice
and not be deceived.
But for today and tonight . . .
Do not be burdened; do not be overwhelmed. None of what’s going on in the world comes as a surprise
to the Lord. He has everything under control. And He is the God of your children; He will not forsake your
family. So whether it’s scary news reports, rebellious children, friends who are grievous in actions, difficul-
ties with jobs or finances, a home about to foreclose, a sadness that will not lift, He is with you, Mama. His
hand is on your head tonight. Joy is in the morning.
But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.”

Psalm 52:8
Amen, Mama?

Day 7

Hey Mama,
Don’t forget to end this night in prayer. One of the best ways to drift off to sleep, actually, is while praying
to your Father in heaven, the One who loves you so much.
Turn your face toward Him and pour out your heart. Charles Spurgeon said at least once, “Prayer is doubt’s
destroyer, ruin’s remedy, the antidote to all anxieties.”
It’s really true. When your head hits the pillow tonight, resist the worry-talk in your head. Instead, cast all
your cares on the One who has saved you. He knows what happened today, and He has ordained what will
happen tomorrow. Lean on Him . . . pour yourself into Him as you fall asleep. His hand is on your head.

Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 7
Day 8
Hey Mama,
God is your Defender. Did you know that? “[G]reater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”
(I John 4:4) Nothing happens apart from His eye. He sees all, knows all, and will right every wrong. YOU
have nothing to fear if God is for you.
Defender. Provider. Protector. Lover of your very soul. Mama, nothing can snatch you out of His hand!
Did you forget? He is on the throne, fully in control of every situation, and NO MAN, no principalities, no
forces, no anything can even touch you without going through HIM first. He is more powerful. And He
defends His own.
Mama, He loves you! Daddy Father God—His hand is on your head tonight. Rest in confidence knowing
you serve a great and mighty God—a just God.

Day 9

Hey Mama,
Today will take care of itself. And we have a lot of say about the memories our kids are going to have of
this particular day with us. TODAY. Will it be sad memories? Stressed out memories? Furrowed brow mem-
ories? A Mama who loved them but was always down?
Or . . . even in the midst of the trials and challenges, will those kids of yours remember a Mama who made
the day special, even memorable just for them. Stop and focus on at least one of them right now; let them
see those bright eyes grinning directly at them.
Grin more today. LAUGH. Erase the furrow. Cast your cares on the Lord because not only does He care for
you, but none of the crazies in your life surprise Him one bit. He was with you yesterday. He knew about
you (and your current issues) before the foundations of the earth! He is with you TODAY. He also has to-
morrow’s problems covered. Completely.
And there will be more troubles in the future . . . this life is full of problems and nonsense. But have no fear,
because just as He has taken care of you up until now, He’s not
lost His commitment or faithfulness. He sees, He is concerned,
and He has it in His hand (which is on your head, by the way).
You. Will. Not. Be. Shaken.
Take it to heart. He is your life. You are His love.
So lift Him up.

Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 8
Day 10

Hey Mama,
Read Luke 8 today with your children. The Parables are fascinating. Pray for understanding; ask the Lord to
reveal Himself to you more than ever. One question Jesus asked His disciples when they were afraid and in
a panic for their very lives was “Where is your faith?”
It’s a legitimate question.
Mama, over and over He has provided. He has defended. He has listened to your tearful prayers. He has
walked this road with you all the way, never forsaking . . . Never leaving you. Why do you need more proof
He will take care of the current issues? Stop looking for a sign. He gives it constantly! You know He loves
you. You know He loves your children. You know He has called you to this parenting thing. You would die
for your children; you would give them everything. He sees. He knows.
He has given us His word. We have everything we need for instruction, for how to live, for how to respond
to our most difficult trials. Our children are watching us. Are we perfect? Will we do everything right? No.
But we can strive. We can endure. They can witness our struggle to do what’s right in His eyes always. And
they will learn. They will see what we do. Their very faith is being built right now.
Mama, where is your faith?

Day 11

Hey Mama,
The “secret” to everlasting beauty, the key to being beautiful, the way to become the prettiest Mama in
the land . . .
“All things as they move toward God are beautiful, and they are ugly as they move away from Him.”
― A.W. Tozer, The Attributes of God: Deeper into the Father’s Heart
Mama, you love the Lord and you desire to draw closer to Him by the day. Are you perfect? No. Do you
confess your sins, get up, and try again day after day? Your children see a Mama who is real, not a fake who
pretends to be something she’s not. The Lord has blessed you. And you are becoming lovelier by the day.
Keep walking, beautiful Mama.

Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 9
Day 12

Hey Mama,
The trials you face today are the wise counsel you will provide tomorrow. Consider the young girl out
there; you’ve not even met her yet. She may not even be out of her teen years right now. She’s not part of
your life, yet. Ten years from now, she will be a Mama just like you, going through some of the same things
you are now. Because you endured, because you got through these storms, you have strong character and
a knowledge of God’s word. YOU will be that Titus 2 Mama. YOU will be that one she turns to for encour-
agement and counsel.
Get to know your Bible inside out. You will want to give correct counsel, able to rightly divide the word of
God. No fluff! The pain you have walked through—and the testimony you will have how GOD brought you
through it—will be powerful.
Titus 2 Mama—that’s you. Prepare for those upcoming conversations with young Christian moms you will
influence for the Kingdom.
His Purpose. His Plans. His Reasons. God has it all in His hands, He knows what you are going through right
now, and it’s all very MEANINGFUL. None of it is random.
And you have a beautiful future in Him. Keep enduring. Persevere, Mama. It’s worth every moment from
an eternal perspective—and that’s the only perspective that matters.

Day 13

Hey Mama,
Joy is what is ours, no matter the circumstances. We can find it by looking directly in the face of God. So get
into His word and see Him. Hear from Him directly.
Sadness, grief, stress, fear, anxiety, deep unhappiness. These are sometimes present and often specific
parts of trials we go through. But joy is bigger and it is higher than the rest, because our salvation trumps
any sadness, any fear, any temporal condition.
Keep walking, Mama. And may you have much joy today. Look up. He will never leave or forsake you.

“But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest
them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee. For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with
favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.” Psalm 5:11-12.

Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 10
Day 14

Hey Mama,
You are like Ruth, faithful.
You are like Esther, courageous.
You are like Martha, a servant.
You are like Mary, a student of the Lord.
You are like Deborah, brave.
You are like Eve, fruitful.
You are a Mama and a wife. A care-taker, cook, teacher, lover, tear-wiper, heart-keeper. It’s a complex,
complicated, grievous, joyful, nerve-breaking, headache-inducing, insane, crazy, precious, beautiful life.
Your life.
The life God gave you. And sometimes you would like to blink and have it all go away. But then reality resur-
faces, grace falls on you, and you know with all your heart that you’d never have it any other way.
There will be times you don’t feel like a Ruth or an Esther, or a Martha, Mary, Deborah, or anyone good
and saintly. But you stand with Christ, and He is your righteousness. He is the One who builds your faith. He
makes you stand. It never was you; it’s all Him. So rest in that truth. Rest in His word, His true word which
says He will never leave or forsake you.
Keep walking, Mama. His hand is on your head.

Day 15

Hey Mama,
One thing matters most of all: Raising your children up to love and obey the Lord, that they would make
Him their own Savior, with conviction and awe. That when they leave your home, they begin to grow more
than ever in their relationship with Him, and that, as such, the bond you have with them becomes stronger
than ever.
Pray for your children every day. Pray for their future spouses and your grandchildren-to-be. God is faithful!
What you are planting now will NOT go for naught. You plant. He waters. He grows. He harvests. May HE
be glorified because of the family He has given you.
Note that it’s all Him. It’s all because of Him.

Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 11
Day 16

Hey Mama,
Little bird was saying you’re weary today. Wanted to stop in, hang out a bit, and maybe bring a little per-
In Psalm 28, we are reminded that the LORD is our strength. Our heart can trust in Him because He is our
hope and our shield; we are helped personally BY HIM.
He sees all. He hears all. He is very aware and will not sit idly by. He is a GOD OF ACTION. Do not be weary.
Rise up and face this beautiful day with your children using the strength not of your own, but of the God of
the universe. He will carry you.
Daughter of the King, His hand is on your head today. Take hold of that! The JOY OF THE LORD is my
strength! Rejoice, Mama, and find your gladness in Him!
And if you find yourself slipping down again, lather, rinse, repeat. Say it out loud! THE JOY OF THE LORD IS
MINE! IT’S MY VERY STRENGTH! May He smile on you today. Look up.

Day 17

Hey Mama,

1 Thessalonians 5:11 reminds us to encourage and build each other up. As a Mama, you are in that mode
all day long, anyway. It’s so neat how the Lord has set that up. The very position of motherhood requires
patience and encouragement and calls us to literally build up those little hearts and minds in the Lord.
Are we perfect mothers because of this calling? Do we have it all together 100% of the time? Of course not.
And God knows our frame.
We can build these children up and point to the Perfect One as their model. And we can look to Him our-
selves today, knowing that He is so very patient with us as we take it a day at a time, walking this path He
has placed us on for His purposes. Carefully He weaves a tapestry, intertwining motherhood, childhood,
and family living as His Holy Spirit works within us to make us more and more like Him all the time. This life
is GOOD, Mama. And His hand is on your head today.

Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 12
Day 18

Hey Mama,
Trust in the Lord. Do not be discouraged. Do not fear. Do not be overwhelmed. Trust in the One who has
it all under control. He is on the throne! Do you know His name? Is Jesus Lord of your life? Guess what? He
will NEVER forsake you. The Lord does not lie.
He said it and I believe it. He will never forsake His own.
“And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that
seek thee.” Psalm 9:10
“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed:
for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9

Day 19

Hey Mama,
Did you know that He has a plan for you? And that He has a plan for those kids of yours? It seems random,
doesn’t it? Each day is a little tiny puzzle piece, and there’s no way you can see what the end result will be.
But not for God. He sees it. He sees the very end of the road. He sees your children, your husband, you,
your whole family. He sees the friends that you have—the ones who will endure and the ones who will
betray. He sees the wheat and He sees the tares.
And nothing takes Him by surprise or scares Him. He does not wring out His hands or shake at night. He
doesn’t fear man, nor does He fear anything. HE IS EVERYTHING.
And Mama, if you belong to Him (Jesus), you are in His hand. No man can snatch you out. (John 10:29) You
have nothing to fear! You have no reason to shake! You belong to the Lord, and He is your Protector, your
Provider, your Defender, and the Arms around your waist right now.
And His hand is on your head. Right now.

Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 13
Day 20

Hey Mama,
Just a quick reminder that the One who called you to this journey called MOTHERHOOD is the same One who
will walk that path with you the entire way. He is a God of order and logic; there is nothing chaotic or haphaz-
ard about His nature. He does not tear down what He has built. He does not forget the one He has formed
for His purposes. He maintains what is His—and you, Mama, belong to Him. He has built your family, and
woe to the one who comes against His will. Nothing can snatch you out of His hand. No man can succeed.
Your children are in His hand, your family is, and you can trust that what He says is true. Pray, pray, pray.
Plant seeds, and let Him do the mighty harvest. Then marvel and testify to what you will see Him do. Get in
His word, Mama! Apply God’s word to your life, every day.
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Isaiah 26:3

Day 21

Hey Mama,
Remain steadfast. It’s only for a time, this trial. Walk in confidence that the Lord who is with you is never
going to leave you. These tests are for our good. Remain steadfast. Be found faithful in the end.
“As an example of suffering and patience, brothers, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord.
Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and
you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful.” James 5:10-11 (ESV)

Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 14
Day 22

Hey Mama,
You homeschool them. And in doing so, anytime your children desire to talk about the Lord, they can. They
can lift up His Name if they so desire! There are no bans on the name of Jesus in your classroom. If an op-
portunity presents itself—a teaching moment so God’s word is able to be tucked away inside their hearts—
you won’t miss it.
It’s a serious calling. And you have responded to that call. You have heard His voice and did not turn away.
You know academics are highly important, life skills crucial, music and the arts fantastic. But none can even
come close to that of teaching them His ways.
His ways are higher. Higher than any human system.
Faithful Mama, you are safe in His hand. He will continue to direct you. Stay the course. Do not turn away
from that call. You answered. He will do the rest.
“And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.”
Daughter of the Living King, lean not on your own understanding but instead continue to lean on Him in
faith. May you have PEACE that you never even knew existed. Peace from above is yours. Never will He
leave you hanging. He holds you tightly.
And His hand is on your head.

“Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wres-
tle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness
of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:11-12
This goes for our homeschools, too. The enemy does not want you keeping your kids home where they
belong. Where they can learn in freedom, not banned from praying aloud with other students. Where they
can learn true, honest, real history as it happened, not revised history the public schools sometimes dole
out. Where they can learn the Constitution and what it means rather than almost zero hours of Constitu-
tional studies in some schools. Where they are free to read the Bible and apply it.
You have been given a gift. Homeschooling is a gift to you from the Lord. It may not be allowed forever.
Take this opportunity you have and use it to its fullest while you still can.

Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 15
Day 23

Hey Mama,
Today was not easy. We have those DAYS sometimes. Better to just go back to bed (or hide under it).
Seems pointless . . . or downright “over” at times. All of us fall into that rut. Mama, you are not the only
one. You’d be amazed. Believe me, you belong to the Mama Club, and it is not easy. Struggles abound.
Stress is a beast. And then things start to look up, only to crash a few days later. It’s a bit of a cycle, isn’t it?
Life as a Christian has a lot of trials and tests. Pain even alongside the joy. This life has plenty of trouble.
And when “those days” hit, it’s so overwhelming you just feel all done and not in a good way.
But guess what. You have a 100% success rate in getting past these days. Things do get better. And in the
midst of it all, your character continues to build because your perseverance and endurance despite the
pain and weariness produces godliness—drawing you ever closer to Christ. He will never leave us. He sees,
He knows, and there is a plan. None of this is random. But you have learned that, faithful Mama, haven’t
Guess what else. When your daughter or daughter-in-law someday has one of “those days,” you will know
exactly how to minister to her. When in her heart it feels “over,” you can put your arms around her and
show her that she actually has a 100% success rate in getting past the bad and into the joy again. God takes
care of it all. He did it for you when you were a young mom, and He will do it for her now, when she is deal-
ing with a household, family, and all the trials of life that will come her way.
She has you.
Don’t forget that. That day is coming, so prepare. Look up. His hand is on your head tonight. And your fu-
ture is GOOD. The Author of Goodness says so.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called
according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
See? The Author says so.

Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 16
Day 24

Hey Mama,
Your identity is in Christ. You only have to please an audience of One. You will not and CANNOT please
everyone; it will never happen. And if they slandered the apostle Paul, if they mocked and lied about Christ
Himself, don’t you think it will happen to you as well? This life is full of trials and difficulties, storms and fire;
no one said that to follow Christ makes for an easy life. This life is a test. May we be found faithful in the
end. May we hear from Him that we were a good and faithful servant.
If you are doing what’s right but are being persecuted or smacked down, consider it joy. Do what God has
called you to do. All that matters is what He thinks. All that matters is His plan for your (and your chil-
dren’s) life.
His hand is on your head tonight. So rest easy against Him. If you feel like you are falling, spiraling, that
things are out of control, then free-fall right into His hand (my BFF Deborah Wuehler taught me that). Fall
where it counts.
“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.” James 1:2 (ESV)

Day 25

Hey Mama,
“But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been
to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress.” Psalm 59:16 (ESV)
Teach your children who their Redeemer is. Show them the One who can save them. Introduce them to
Him who holds the keys to their salvation. Rejoice with them in who our God is, and of His great love.
Model His compassion and mercy; demonstrate a firm conviction to obey Him and apply His principles and
mandates. Teach, teach, teach. The time for discipleship is short! It is now. What a beautiful window of
time we have. Thank You, Lord, for this gift of TIME with our children. May we be found faithful in the end,
and may our children be Yours as well. Not one lost.

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Day 26

Hey Mama,
I heard your yesterday was something you’d like to drop kick to the curb. Didn’t go well. Was just bad,
bad, bad.
At those times the first reaction is to go into “I don’t care” mode, to shrug our shoulders and say, “What-
ever, this life is too hard anyway.” To feel like a failure and to drop into depression.
It’s a tool of the enemy. It’s not of God.
If the enemy can keep you looking at your situation, your failures, your problems, then your eyes are off
the Lord and His promises.
You can, with intention, turn it around. Deny the feelings of being cast low. Resist the urge to go with
them. Instead, get God’s word into your hands and let Him speak TRUTH to you. Right now.
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13
“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart
greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.” Psalm 28:7
“Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” II Timothy 1:7
Your yesterday may have really stunk to high heaven. But today is new, meaning His mercies too are new.
Lift up your eyes to the One who matters. He matters far more than even our feelings of depression or sad-
ness. Those things are very real, and He is compassionate, but you can truly lay those at His feet and walk,
joyfully, today.
Lord, be with our friends here today who read this. Bless them with Your comforting arms. Draw them
closer to You than ever. Let them see You for who You are. Lord, I pray you increase Your kingdom even
now as you soften hearts and reveal Yourself to those who would cast their cares on you today. In Christ
Jesus, Amen.

Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 18
Day 27

Hey Mama,
We get caught up in the mundane and the chaos of life. Days run together, or it sometimes seems like an
eternity before evening comes when you can just lay them down and have a little free time before gearing
up to start all over again in the morning.
Maybe that’s why God says, “mercies are new . . . every morning.” (Lamentations 3:23) Fresh start. New
graces. He is right there as we wake up, hand still on our head from the night before. As we start our day,
there He is, patiently watching. Kind of like how we stare at our sleeping infants. We could stare forever
at their precious faces. How much more, Mama, do you think your Heavenly Father gazes lovingly at your
face? You are His daughter. Daughter of the King is your title, and you deserve to wear it because of Christ
and His work.
Remember from this eternal perspective that you are loved, just like those babies you have poured your
life into. Cherished, the way you hold your children close to you. Desired, wanted, the way you know you
would never give your children up. How much more can the Perfect Parent deliver the authorship of love
Walk in confidence and grace, knowing that He is still on the throne, gazing down on the royalty who will
inherit the land. Loving you and waiting patiently for the day to come when our forever-life begins. Face
to face, we can see and know Love like never before. To behold the face of God . . . are you worthy? Christ
says you are if you are in Him.
So look at your own children with that knowledge. Lead them to the One who has delivered you. Train
them up because when they are old they will not depart from it. Persevere under the pressure, the scandal,
the unjustness of this world. For it’s just a test.
May we be found faithful in the end. Or is it in the beginning? The start of our forever-life. When the
crowns are on display, ready for His children, when no more tears flow, when joy is all around us, when Life
itself begins, may we be found faithful, Mama.

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Day 28

Hey Mama,
I heard you were struggling again. I think part of the problem is that you keep forgetting how big He is,
how in control He is of the situation, and how He’s using it right now for your good. He loves you. He’s
going to grow you.
You keep thinking He has forgotten you. You continue to fall back on your human understanding, that you
are “going this trial” alone, that you are a failure, that because you fail He has lost interest in you, that His
patience has come to an end since surely He is tired of you.
No, it’s not over. And He never tires of His saints. In fact, He is constantly watching you, caring for you, lov-
ing you, Mama, and His compassion knows no end. His patience doesn’t expire. His kindness has no bound-
aries. There is no limit to His goodness; who can even grasp it? No man can discern . . . measure the love He
feels for you. His very heart holds it.
The trial is deep, yes, but His love for you is far wider, far deeper. I wish you could understand it. I wish I
could understand it.
“Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27 (ESV)
“. . . so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love,
may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth,
and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of
God.” Ephesians 3:17-19
Who can comprehend this love, Mama? Surely it is bigger than you and me. This present trial is a mere
worm next to our great God and Savior, Jesus. Do you still think your troubles are too big to surmount? Is
anything too difficult for Him? I think you know the answer; you believe His word. Know it so you can live it.
And peace comes in the morning.

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Day 29

Hey Mama,
Our God is an awesome God who always provides. Has He ever once left you? Are you not His? Just as you
love your own dear children, He cherishes His, too.
Daughter of the King, You are personally CHERISHED by the God of the universe. He has not forgotten you.
The trials will come and go, but one day they’ll all be forgotten. But your love for Him, your love for your
children and family, your love for one another will endure always. It all matters. Don’t dismiss what’s going
on; it means something for eternity. Endure, Mama.
You want to one day hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” by the Lord of creation, the God of
all. Serve Him, know who He is (get into the word and teach your children to know Him). Be sure you are
looking for Him in His word (the Bible), though. He knows who He is and TELLS us. We don’t invent Him or
come up with ideas of who He is; we listen and obey Him. Imagine the foolishness of each person creating
in their own fallible minds who they think God is, or cherry picking what they like and don’t like, and calling
that God.
It’s so easy to be drawn into man’s made-up views of who God is. But, Mama, you will never go wrong if
you read Him for who He says He is. Get into your Bible tonight and discover, fall more in love than ever
with the King of kings and Lord of lords. Jesus Christ is God. Believe Him for who He claims to be. Faith like
a child . . .
Keep walking, Mama. You did well enough today. And His mercies are new again in the morning. (Lamenta-
tions 3:23) As for now, His hand is on your head.

Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 21
Day 30

Hey Mama,
Tomorrow is another day. And His mercies are new every morning. (Lamentations 3:23) Each hour is a gift
even if at times you’d like to hand it back. Stop the train. Let me off. Let me rest.
He is all about rest.
Don’t keep thinking you have to do it all. Don’t get caught in the trap of feeling like you must do and do or
you will let everyone down.
Don’t do. Instead, be. Just rest right now and know that He is God. Recognize Him for who He is and what
He has done in your life—and thank Him for what He has planned for your future, because He works all
things for good to those who love Him. (Romans 8:28) Breathe in His goodness. Forget what happened
earlier; move on. Live in the now.
And if all the above is not helpful . . . “If you can’t see His way past the tears, trust His heart.” —Charles H.
So there it is. Whether you feel it or not, Christian Mama, His hand is on your head tonight. He will never

Day 31

Hey Mama,
Just a quick reminder: It’s so important to open your day up with thanksgiving and praise to the King of
kings. It’s because of Him that we even woke up this morning. It’s through Him that we find our joy, gain
wisdom, and live our lives to bring Him glory.
No conflict is too difficult, no circumstance too great, no web too tightly woven to start off your day wor-
shiping the Lord Jesus. Put it all aside: the stresses, the sadness, the busyness, the problems, the bustling
plans—just for a moment. Are they really bigger than He is? Should they take priority? Not at all. HE is our
first priority. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and praise, even now. Eyes up.
Eyes up, Mama.

Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 22
About the Author

Paul and Gena Suarez reside in Gray, Tennessee, where they homeschool(ed) their six children: Paul (25), Luke (23), Levi
(21), Julia Rachel (18), Susanna Hope (7), Chloe Abigail (5), and Zion (2). They enjoy long country drives in the van while
listening to books on CD, hanging out with good friends, and staying up late. By the grace of God, the Suarez family
founded and continues to publish The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC. Contact Gena at her personal email address:

Hey Mama! 31-Day Devotional— Refreshing Mamas One Day at a Time 23

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