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Argentum Group Of Medicines


Mentally dull and sluggish
Concentration difficult. Dullness of mind. Aggravation from mental exertion. Prostration of mind.
Ideas deficient. Indecisiveness. Irresolute.
Arg. nit- Mental operations sluggish. Thought requires effort. Complete loss of consciousness.
Memory impaired, cannot find the correct word.
Arg. met- Dullness with sensation of emptiness in the head. Confusion as if caused by smoke and
sensation of intoxication, with tingling in the head.
AnxietyHealth about--- Arg met, Arg nit.
Anxiety at night--- Arg met, Arg nit.
Anxiety with apprehension.
Various phobia or fear
Fear, phobias in general—Arg met, Arg nit.
Fear of dark – Arg nit
When alone -- Arg nit
Of crowds -- Arg nit
Airplanes – Arg nit
Claustrophobia, closed places –Arg nit
Ailments from fear --Arg met, Arg nit.
Arg. nit – Fears and anxieties and hidden irrational motives for actions. Fear of height and high
Oversensitive- weeping tendency to
Arg met – Melancholy.
Arg met – Melancholic, apprehensive of serious disease.
Time passes too slowly - Arg. met, Arg. nit.
Wants to do things in a hurry- Arg. met
Arg. nit -- Always in a hurry but accomplishes nothing. Always in continual motion. He walks fast.
Hurries restlessly to fulfil engagements, fears to be late when there is plenty of time. Impulsive;
impulse to jump out of window.


1. Lean, thin emaciated, tall with pale face

Arg met --Tall, thin irritable persons. Emaciation, a gradual drying up.
Arg nit -- Withered dried up old looking patients. Emaciation progressing every year; most marked
in lower extremities.
2. Defective coordination
Manifested as loss of control mentally and physically.
Arg nit – Symptoms of incordination, loss of control and want of balance everywhere, mentally
and physically. Trembling of affected parts.
3. Want of power
Limbs feel powerless, cramps, involuntary movements, and staggering gait. Speech, stammering,
eyes nystagmus
Arg nit – Great weakness of lower extremities, with trembling; cannot walk with eyes closed.
Arg met – Legs weak and trembling, worse descending stairs. Involuntary contractions of fingers,
partial paralysis of forearm. Writer’s cramp.
4. All discharges are thick and profuse
Arg met – Thick, white and glairy
Arg. Nit -- offensive, thick, yellowish, purulent and bloody
5. Pains are sharp, cutting and splinter like—Gradual onset

6. Side affinity: - predominantly left sided

Arg met – Left sided pain are characteristic. Dull paroxysmal neuralgia over left side, gradually
increasing and ceasing suddenly. Pain between left eye and frontal eminence. Pain in left ovary.
Arg nit – Painful affections of left ovary. General aggravation left side. Ulcerative pain in left side
under ribs.
7. Loud /noisy symptoms
Noisy flatus. Stool belching
8. Predominant action over the mucous membrane and causes great dryness of it.
Great dryness of mouth with increased thirst. Dryness of larynx and hoarseness.
Arg nit is an irritant to mucous membranes producing violent inflammation of the throat and a
marked gastro-enteritis.
Arg iodatum has a predominant action over the mucous membrane of the throat and larynx and
causes hoarseness

9. Craving for sweets (sugar) coffee and ices

Desires coffee—Arg met and Arg nit.
Desires ice -- Arg met and Arg nit.
Desires ice cream – Arg nit
Desires Sweets – Arg met and Arg nit
Desires sugar -- Arg nit
10. Aversion smoking
Tobacco aversion – Arg nit
Aversion to smoking -- Arg met
11. General aggravation during night and from emotions
Aggravation night – Arg met and Arg nit
Ailments or aggravation from strong emotions or excitement -- Arg met and Arg nit
12. General amelioration in open air and from pressure and motion
Amelioration in open air -- Arg met and Arg nit
Pressure – amelioration -- Arg met and Arg nit
Motion -- amelioration -- Arg met and Arg nit
13. Ailments from anger (vexation) fear, fright and onanism
Ailments from anger -- Arg met and Arg nit
Ailments from vexation -- Arg nit
Ailments from fear -- Arg met and Arg nit
Ailments from onanism -- Arg met and Arg nit


 Lean, thin, emaciated, tall with pale face.

Defective Co-ordination:
 This gets manifested as loss of control mentally and physically.
Want of power:
 Limbs feel powerless, cramps, involuntary movements.
Staggering gait. Speech, stammering. Eyes, nystagmus.

 Thick, profuse

Arg met:
 Thick, white and glairy

Arg Nit:
 Thick, yellowish, purulent, bloody and offensive.

 Gradual onset. Sharp, cutting, splinter like pains.


Here I wrote about the themes of the

Silver series in general: arrogant, dictatorial, artistic,
religious, anticipation. But the specific theme of Stage 11 was
hardly mentioned.


Stage 11 Silver series

Holding on Creation Inspiration

Maintaining Ideas Culture

Containing Supplies Unique Admiration

Protecting Aesthetics: Beautiful Ugly

Possessions Wealth Art Science Mysticism

Privileged Show Performance

Enjoyment Queen Ambition

Spreading Humiliation

Sharing Sexuality

Middle age

Town Province

Voice Hearing

Group analysis

Holding to your talents.

Holding on to a successful position.

Showing your respect.

Holding on to ideas, religions, art.

Holding on to ideas: conservative.

Protecting the arts.

Extending ideas: condescending.

Enjoying success.

Prosperous through religion.

Holding on to sex.

Holding on to your voice.

The top sportsman who has to retain his title.

Picture of Argentum metallicum

Essence: holding on to a successful position.

Holding on to a successful position

The want to hold on to their position at the top. Their beautiful

creations in the past have caused them to have high expectations
of the future. Their parents, friends, the general public,
everyone expects them to continue their successes. But they are
afraid that they might not be as good as they used to be, that
they might not be able to perform as well as they did that time.

As long as they are busy to prove themselves they are very lively
and talkative. They are always short of time, there is still so

much to be achieved. They are cheerful and spontaneous people who

are able to animate large groups of people. They love to talk and
fantasise about the exciting times and the successes of the past.

Protecting the arts: mecenas

They like to protect the arts and the sciences. Their sense of
responsibility makes them want to protect these treasures for
posterity. They are often conservative in their outlook and are
keen to protect that which has been proved to be worthwhile and
good. They are usually very culturally minded with refined taste.

They love classical music, violin, piano, they are religious with
a tendency towards the anthroposophical ways of thinking.

Guarding against pride

They are quite proud and like to be acknowledges and admired.

They love holding a speech in front of a large audience, to be

the centre of attention. They also like to show off with their
jewels, their large houses and beautiful clothes. They know what
they want and make sure they get it, which can turn into
condescending or even dictatorial behaviour. But their pride and
their dictatorial attitude also frightens them and they are
afraid that it might get out of hand, afraid that their pride
will get out of proportion to their talents. So they hold
themselves in and try to hide their delusions of grandeur. They
tend to become very quiet when something goes wrong and they get
frightened when they fail.

Afraid they will not be able to continue their success

They are also afraid that they wont be able to continue their
successes. They often don't feel good about themselves at
all, sometimes they even feel very inferior. Or they daren't show
their feeling of superiority out of fear that people will
comment on it. In the past they have often been told: don't
think you are anything special just because you have been
successful once.

This makes them timid, they don't talk much about themselves,
let alone about their feeling of inferiority. They are afraid
that their facade will crumble. For the same reason they tend
to be afraid of intimacy because it breaks through the thin
layer of civilisation. They may be afraid of speaking in

public and of video recordings.

Holding on leads to injured pride

Having to hold on to success makes them extremely nervous and

tense, even if they don't show it. They can never be themselves
because there is always a former status to keep up. This creates
a feeling as if the earth is trembling beneath their feet, there
is no feeling of solidity. Of course it is their own anxiety that
creates these tremors but to them it appears as if the earth
itself is shaking.

Keeping the voice under control

Their anxiety often betrays itself in their voice: they speak

slowly and softly, sometimes they get quite hoarse and one can
often detect a tremor in their voice. Their face is tight and
their jaws tremble, their teeth may even chatter when they have
to talk about themselves. The more they believe in what they are
saying, the stronger their voice will get.

The sportsman who has to retain the trophy

This is the case of the sportsman who has made it to the top but
who is now faced with the task of holding on to his position. He
has to live up to his own and the nations expectations that he
can become champion once more.


Fears: heights, narrow spaces, criticism, crowds, disease,

anticipation, performances, speeches, palpitations, heart attack,
concussion, going mad; easily frightened.

Dreams: heights, falling, nauseous, quarrels with friends,

palpitations, business, devils, enemies, pursued, appear real,
getting stuck.

Delusions: military, running into things, mania.

Irritability: hitting, (<) humiliation.

Mood: haughty, timid, yielding; cheerful, lively; hurried,

impatient; changeable, hysterical, hyper sensitive; quiet, calm,
serene, heavenly; worried, serious, gloomy; crying.

Mental: clear, confused, lack of concentration, forgetful,

precise, delirious, exhausted, dull, insane, demented.
Contacts: (>) talking, talks fast, (<) consolation by friends,
hard; (>)(<) large company, (<) intimacy.

Hobbies: singing, art, music, violin, anthroposophy, bowling.

Professions: artist, painter, writer, musician, teacher,

scientist, doctor, priest, vicar, bishop, shaman, governor,
secretary, representative, public relations officer, advertising
agent, top sportsman or woman.

Causes: disaster, humiliation(3), wounded pride.


Locality: left.

Weather: cold, but heat and sun (<), (<) damp and cold, (<) wind, (<)
inside, (>) outside.

Time: (<) 1 pm.

Desires: sweet (3), fruit, fresh (2), sour, chocolate, alcohol,
wine, whiskey,coffee, salt, sauces (2).

Aversion: kohlrabi, fat (2), meat (2), sour, drinks.

Food: (<) peppers (2), cabbage (2), sprouts, cucumber (2), tobacco,
alcohol, apples, meat; (>) coffee.

DD: Silver series, Stage 11, Carcinosin, China, Lycopodium,

Manganum, Palladium, Plumbum, Pulsatilla, Silica, Zincum.

DD Palladium: feels his position at the top is completely

natural. Argentum feels he has to hold on to his position, his
success must continue.


Overuse of voice. Thickened secretions. Cartilage affections.


A/F : -Abuse of mercury

-Bad effects of syphilis
-Sexual excess 4

MODALITIES : < Cough < Talking > Open air

< Pressure < Singing > Motion
< Toward noon < Reading aloud > Coffee
< Reading on a < Mental strain 2 > Wrapping up
< After sleep < Sitting > Heat
< Using voice 2 < Lying on back
< Entering warm room < Cold damp
< Stooping < 3-6 P.M.

< Carriage < Sun

MIND : -Apprehensive about their health.

-Disinclination to talk.

-Imbecility from disorders of intellect and memory. Forgetful.

-Mental exertion <.

-Sensation of expansion.


Picture of Argentum metallicum

Essence: they feel that they are worth a great deal, but they
doubt whether they can make this come true.

Mind: They have a sort of reserved arrogance, to compensate for

their feeling of inferiority. People tell them things like:
'don't be such a show off', or ' who do you think you are?' But
what they receive is a mixed message: on the one side they are
expected to achieve a lot, and on the other side they shouldn't
get 'airs and graces' about it.

They try and compensate for their inner feeling of inferiority by

developing a very refined and civilised personality. They like

soft music, the violin, piano or flute, and they often play these
instruments themselves. Inner refinement is important to them, a
soft and gentle culture in which they can shine.

They find the same sort of gentle security in religions such as

anthroposophy. The gentleness is also found in their preference
for soft, pastel colours.
And so they appear to be very gentle and quiet, even timid. They
seem to be easy going, a little like Pulsatilla.

But they know very well what they want and they go exactly the
way they want to go (dictatorial). This is the side that is

usually hidden and which only comes out at home (DD: Lyc). They
do this to show that there is more to them than people think,
that they can own a big house etc.

They are reserved and don't like talking about themselves,

especially not about their feeling of inferiority. They are
afraid that this fragile facade will collapse. That is why they
are afraid to perform, or to be recorded on video. Until now I
have only had two patients who didn't want to have the
consultation taped on video, and they were both Arg-m. They are
timid, (<) performing in public.

They are not very spontaneous and they don't have many friends,
although they do have a lot of acquaintances. They even find it

difficult to talk with their partner, because of their fear of

intimacy. Sexually they don't experience much pleasure; the fear
to lose their refined image is too strong.

Eventually they may become depressed: 'What am I doing in this


They are quite nervous in their behaviour, although not openly

(DD Arg-n).

Their fear of appearing in public is related to their fear of not

having anything worth presenting to the public. 'Not worthy of
putting myself forward' can be seen as the symbolic for the whole
Arg-m state. The anxiety can be noticed in their voice too: it is

slow, soft with a faint tremor, sometimes even hoarseness. Their

face is often tight, with slightly trembling jaws (DD Zinc)

The urge to achieve makes them hurried and impatient, with

restless legs (DD: Zinc)

Great fear of heights, narrow spaces, criticism, crowds, street,

disease, anticipation (DD Arg-n). These fears can increase to
phobic states.

The theme of being locked up returns in their dreams. It is

similar to the delusion 'being trapped' for Arg-n (Sankaran 1991,
page 225).
They may develop a great mental weakness (mind, prostration):
concentration difficult, forgetful, even dementia or Parkinsons


Now, the mental state of Argentum met. is just such as is

aroused by confusion, just such as is aroused by the emotions,
just such as the loss of balance from fear, from anger, from
fright from disturbance of the mind. Because this patient is so
sensitive to his surroundings and so disturbed by annoyances.
With his pains he becomes delirious, and it is not that
involuntary delirium that we see in low forms of fever, but he
becomes wild and full of rage. He takes on mental excitement,
rage and a state in which he talks nonsense with great rapidity.
Sometimes there is a stage of unusual excitement in his
conversation all mixed up about the character of his thought. All
of the time looks as if he were intoxicated, and he flies from
one subject to another, and prattles. For a moment appearing to
be very intense and active in mind, and forgets all that he was
talking about.

"In society indisposition to talk." Because he is incompetent.

He is tired mentally and he forgets what he is talking about.
Loses the thread of his discourse; and he dreads to talk because
he gets complaints while talking. If compelled to answer, he
becomes dizzy, and feel strange all over, and has nervous shakes
or shocks. And shocks go over him when tired like an electric
shock. It comes suddenly, but the most favorable time for that to
come is just when he wants to go to sleep. He thinks, now he is
away from all the troubles of the day and can rest, and the
instant sleep comes over him he is roused from head to foot by a
shock, and another one, and another one, sometimes the whole
night he jerks from head to foot. His limbs jerk up, his lower
limbs twitch and jerk, then lie gets out of bed and walks---tries
to walk it off. This comes out in the proving of Argentum
nitricum, but it belongs as much to Argentum met., and Argentum
met. has long cured it. In Hahnemann's study of the remedy he
lays down the importance of shock on going to sleep. shocks in
the limbs. But it is an electric shock that causes the whole body
to jerk. "Anxious about the health. Thinks he is certainly
breaking down," for he is growing weaker. He cannot walk, though
he is growing increasingly restless. He cannot exercise mentally
or physically without distress. From meditation or as soon as he
enters a warm room he becomes dizzy---and that is an exception
belonging to a few of the head troubles and the sensorium; he
usually is sensitive to cold. In the house when the room is close
he becomes dizzy.

Highlights: Slow, deep, low-grade processes (like t.b., cancer);

they come on lingeringly, insidiously, but progress steadily
(Sil.). "A very deep-acting remedy............ goes deep into
life............a deep organic remedy........... affects all
there is of man ............. low form of tissue making"- Kent.

Constitutional effects of sunstroke, onanism etc. Lingering

complaints with weak feeling in chest.

A dyscrasia of latent diseases.

Make-up : Businessmen. Brain-workers. Students and readers, of

all kinds (Sil.). Broken-down, emaciating progressively.
Younger ones withering, wrinkling, aged-looking, imbeciling. Bad
inheritence; tendency to catarrhs, rheumatism, caries, tubercles,
athrepsia, deep ulcers, cancer. Tall, thin, pale, chilly,
nervous, irritable, faggy, hollow-eyed, weak-chested. Complaints
hang on and become more and more serious. Mentally vain, a
guller, hysterical, confused, anxious.

Mind : Depression of mental-intellectual faculties, not

affections, (contra Arg-n.), though affected by emotions like
anger, fright or anticipation. Memory and reasoning faculty
disturbed increasingly to imbecility. Loquacity. Hypochondriacal
restlessness. Profound nervous breakdown; bewildered; disinclined
to talk from fear of slipping into nonsense. Whimsical; foolish
behaviour. Hasty; a hurried feeling within, (like Med.), time
passes too slowly (a state of nervous excitement). Vain, rather
than conceited; deceitful.


*Loss of mental power. *Forgetful Hasty; deceitful. Talkative,

or disinclined to talk in society; changes subjects. Restless
anxiety which drives him from place to place. Time passes slowly.
Bars out all sympathy for friends. Takes on all sorts of whims,
often does strange and unaccountable things. Anxiety about his

Anticipation aggravates. Nervous. Hurried. Brain fag. Emotional diarrhoea.

Splinter-like pains. Craves sugar which <.

A/F : -Apprehension, fear or fright

-Intemperate habits
-Mental strain and worry
-Onanism and venery

MODALITIES : < Emotion 3 < Anxiety 3 > Cold air 3

< Apprehension fear or fright or suspense > Cold bath
< In room 2, in shut places > Hard pressure
< Mental strain and worry > Motion
< Sugar < Drinking > Eructations,
< Lying on right side 2 < Crowds bending double
< Looking down < Riding > Warm drinks
< Warmth in any form < Thinking 2 > Dark room
< Motion < Before and > Open air 2
< Rising from sitting during menses
< Cold food; ice creams < Touching the parts
< Night or morning on rising

MIND : 1. Acute or chronic diseases from unusual or long continued mental exertion.

2. Great APPREHENSION, especially when getting ready for church, opera,

examination etc. Any engagement and at that time diarrhoea sets in. Dreads
ordeals. It is a good remedy for examination funk. Fear to be late.

3. IMPULSIVE, wants to do things in a HURRY. Unexplainable, foolish


Time passes slowly.

4. Great fear of projecting buildings on street corners, which creates a

sensation as if it would fall over him. Sight of height makes him dizzy.

5. Suicidal tendency prevails on when crossing, or on high places or bridge, or

looking out through a window. The impulse comes on him to jump down from

6. Predicts the time of death. Fixed idea that he is going to die at a certain

7. Obstinate against whatever was proposed he had the queerest objection.

8. Delusion he is despised.

9. Anxiety about health; when alone, ameliorated in company.






Mental weakness & Emotional excitability
Feel trapped, have to struggle to get out, don't succeed (RS).

- Extrovert, express their emotions very much.
- Sympathetic.
- Vivid imagination.
thoughts become actual IMPULSES.
- FEARS: heights, crowd, crossing bridge, imagination of falling,
blood etc.
- See high buildings falling upon them.
- Claustrophobia, want to sit near door.
- Impulsive anxiety about health.
- Stage fright. Anticipation.
- Hurry.
- Desire company (expression feelings).
- Weak memory.
- Later stage: Fixed, superstitious ideas.
- < HEAT.
- > Cold applications, cold bathing.
- Desire open air.
- < Lying on right side.
- < Sweets.
- Sudden weakness.
- Splinter-like pains.
- Desire: SWEETS, SUGAR, SALT, strong cheese, ice cream.
- Thirst for cold drinks.


Argentum Nitricum

Preserving art Assertive

Preserving ideas Enthusiasm

Mecenas Tension Congestion

Conservative Relaxation

Arrogant Enjoying

Condescending Sociable

Group analysis

Holding on to ideas in order to be assertive.

Preserving art from an idealistic point of view.

An idealistic mecenas.

Enjoying art.

Holding on to success causes tension.

Cannot relax because of creative tensions.

Fear of not having enough space to show himself.

Being arrogant in order to enjoy life.

Conservative ideas lead to tension.

Failure through tension.

Picture of Argentum nitricum

Essence: holding on to ideas in order to be assertive.

Holding on to ideas in order to be assertive

These people feel they have to prove themselves, they have to

preserve their creative talents otherwise they wont be able to
assert themselves any longer. They like to be in the foreground,
to take over the lead, especially at parties and other
festivities. The love being the centre of attention at a social
Preserving art from a sense of idealism

Their involvement with art and philosophy is often based on

idealistic motives. Without the arts a person cannot develop
himself into a fully cultured human being, so they need to

preserve all forms of art to make the world a better place to

live in. This is often their motive to become a mecenas, to
stimulate the development of art and science.

Enjoying art

They love to go to the theatre, to the opera, to art exhibitions

etc. and it is something they enjoy sharing with their family and
friends and with the artists themselves, whom they often invite
out for dinner to talk about their work.

Holding on to success leads to tension

The need to hold onto success once they have made it as an artist
is often the cause of much tension. They are not sure whether
they will be able to handle the pressure. It worries them that
they might not be able to relax anymore because of all this
tension around their creative talents.

Fear of not having enough space to show their creations

Eventually they develop a fear of failure and they no longer dare

to show their work. It is a fear that they can't deliver the
goods anymore. The pressure makes them feel suffocated and
they are afraid they will never be able to escape. They begin to
look for a way out before every single performance, they feel
terribly nervous before every speech etc.

Failure through tension

Their fear of being assertive can also be the cause of failure.

The tension rises to such a degree that they no longer want to
undertake anything. Their conservative outlook only adds to this
problem. They daren't change their designs, their performance,
their style. But their is no progress without change so they are
often confronted by explosive situations when change has become
inevitable. This is the reason of their fear of confrontation
and their fear of narrow spaces. Their conservative attitude
places them in an isolated position and they can't hold on to
the status quo. Their work comes to a standstill and they live
in perpetual fear.


Fears: vague, unknown, heights, narrow spaces (3), locked up,

performances, speeches, exams, falling, failure, arriving late,
work, business, high buildings, streets, shops, restaurants,
trains, planes, travelling, tunnels, caves, crowds, eating, heart
disease, disease, epilepsy, AIDS, deterioration of the brain,
cancer, death; enjoying, life, strangers, future, anticipation,
accidents, animals, insects, spiders, snakes, dark, evil, murder;
easily frightened (<) sun, noises.

Dreams: heights, falling, animals, fish, snakes, stung by

insects, dead friends, well known places, ghosts, hunger,
lascivious, monsters, dirty water; being pursued by black apes,

saved by a white elephant; clairvoyant, erotic, violence, water.

Delusions: falling, failure, passage getting narrower, buildings

will fall down on top of him, parts of body expanded, heart
stopping, death, heart attack, walls coming towards him, world is
doomed, neglected by family, everything has changed at home,
animals, black snakes, weakness of brain, surrounded by heavy
black clouds, abandoned, dying, incurable disease, large
distances, floating, neglected, ghosts, bottle of sodawater,
swollen, forgetting something, predicts the time of his death.

Irritability: grumpy, irritable, disdainful, rage, murderous

impulses, (<) excitement, (<) humiliation.

Mood: haughty, frivolous, childish, lively, eccentric, excited,

hysterical, extroverted, stubborn, restless, impulsive, hurried,
impatient, nervous, precise, indifferent, helpless, complaining,
discontented, moody, gloomy, suicidal by jumping from window or
drowning, crying.

Mental: clear, imaginative, absent minded, dull, confused,

thoughtless, dreamy, forgetful, lost in well known places,
aphasia, numb. foolish, irrational, insane, mania, dementia; (<)
Contacts: (>), (<), (>) (<) talking, shy, reserved, (<) crowds, (<) alone
(2), deceitful, lying, sympathetic.

Religion: (>), superstitious.

Work: (<).

Professions: artist, painter, writer, musician, teacher,

scientist, doctor, priest, vicar, bishop, shaman, governor,
secretary, representative, public relations officer, advertising
agent, top sportsman or woman.

Causes: disaster, humiliation, wounded pride, annoyed, worries,

adultery, neglect, incest, parents absent, abuse.

We shall find by examining the symptoms of this remedy that

the intellectual feature predominates, as in the metal; that the
affections are disturbed only in a limited way. There is a
predominance of mental symptoms. First of all, disturbance in the
memory, disturbance of reason; he becomes most irrational in his
explanations of his actions and methods. He is irrational and
does strange things and comes to strange conclusions; does
foolish things. He has all sorts of imaginations, illusions,
hallucinations. He is tormented in his mind by the inflowing of
troublesome thoughts, and especially at night his thoughts
torment him to the extent that he is extremely anxious, and this
puts him in a hurry and in a fidget, and he goes out and walks
and walks, and the faster he walks the faster he thinks he must
walk, and he walks till fatigued. Strange notions and ideas and

fears come into his mind. He has an impulse that he is going to

have a fit or that he is going to have a sickness. A strange
thought comes into his mind that if he goes past a certain corner
of the street he will create a sensation, will fall down and have
a fit, and to avoid that he will go around the block, he avoids
going past that corner for fear he will do something strange. He
is so reduced in his mental state that he admits into the mind
all sorts of impulses. There is inflowing of strange thoughts
into his mind, and when crossing a bridge or high place the
thought that he might kill himself, or perhaps he might jump off,
or what if he should jump off, and sometimes the actual impulse
comes to jump off the bridge into the water. When looking out of
a window the thought comes to his mind what an awful thing it
would be to jump out of the window, and sometimes the impulse

comes to actually jump out of the window. There is fear of death,

the over-anxious state, that death is near, and often at times
like Aconite he predicts the moment he is going to die. Looking
forward to times he is anxious. When looking forward to something
that he is about to do, or that he has promised to do, or in the
expectation of things, he is anxious. When about to meet an
engagement he is anxious until the time comes. If he is about to
take a railroad journey he is anxious, full of fear and anxiety
and tremulous nervousness until he is on the car going and then
it passes away. If he is about to meet a certain person on the
street corner he is anxious and breaks out often in a sweat from
anxiety until it is over with. Not only is this particular
symptom present, but the symptoms come on as a result of his
anxiety. He is excitable, angers easily, and as a result of this

pain comes. When he becomes angry he becomes vehement and pain in

the head comes on; cough, pain in the chest and weakness follow
this anger. the anxiety he has from these circumstances will
bring on complaints. When he is going anywhere, going to a
wedding, or to the opera, or any unusual event, it is attended
with anxiety, fear and diarrhoea. So it is we have in this
a wonderful medicine. It says in the text that he gave all sorts
of queer reasons for his strange conduct, endeavoring to cover
up, as it were, his foolishness which he himself realizes.
Sadness, melancholy and confusion. Defective memory. The sight
of high houses makes him dizzy, and his vertigo is increased or
comes on from closing the eyes; with the vertigo there is
buzzing in the ears, great weakness and trembling.


Tormented by strange ideas and emotions. *Nervous impulsive and

hurried, yet timid and anxious. Fearsome, *Dreads ordeals. Fear,
of impending evil, of crowds, passing a certain point, of high
buildings, of dark. *Hesitates. falters; in speech; in gait,
erections etc. Loss of ambition. Believes that he is despised by
his family; that all his undertakings will fail. Despondent.
Melancholy. Impulse to jump when crossing a bridge; or from a
window. Brain fag. Loss of memory. Time passes slowly; time seems
short, wants to do things in a hurry, must walk fast etc. Weeps,
says he is lost beyond hope. Everything seems changed.
Irrational; does strange things and comes to strange conclusions;
does foolish things. Incoherence. Childish talk. Talks about his
sufferings. Remains in bed, with trifle indisposition.


Depressing factors:

Emotions (bad news, shock,

fright, grief, strains,
tension, worry, occupation
esp. of responsibility,
anxiety, brain-fag,
suspense, anticipation,
vexation, anger,

ppearing in public

Blocked exists (crowds, closed

places, bridges, tunnels, high
places, aeroplanes, precipice)
Highlights : Psychogenic somatic disorders (like Caust.). Gastro
- psycho - cardiac neuroses (like Ran-b.). Nervous catarrhs.
Nervous breakdowns.Tremulous weakness. Incoordination: mental and
physical. Paresis. Ulcerations (eyelids, cornea, nose, mouth,
stomach, bowels, bladder, genitals). Splinter-like stitches.
Expanded, enlarged sensations. Apprehensions. Sweet-craving.
Suggestive of a syphilo-sycotic and tubercular miasm (the metal
is sycotic, just as Aur-met. is syphilitic. Nat-m., a closest
analogue and associate also, is syco-tubercular and syphilitic).

Note these Dys's : Dysphonia. Dysthesia. Dyspraxia (like Lil-t.,

Onos.). Dysthrepsia. Dyspepsia. Dyspnea. Dysmenorrhea.
Dysentery. Dyspareunia. Dyslexia.

Make-up : Feeble, scrawny, withered, dried up (dehydrated),

mummy-like, old looking (infants); dwarfish, puny, stunted; with
sunken facies; aged, esp. those who though looking very old
resist ageing except in blood vessels (like Lach.). Thin fluoric
or phospho-sulfo-fluoric or thin tuberculinic (R. Zissu).
Choleric, melancholic, nervous, hysterical persons; tense,
impulsive, suspense-hating, impatient, hurried, fast-walkers.
Nervous (11am), restless, weak, tremulous; professionals,
artists, musicians, actors, tailors, typists. The over-wrought,
worn-out. Neurotic sedentary brain-workers. Herpetic.

Gross-eating, sweet-toothed, gassy dyspeptics. Victims of

excesses of all sorts : in diet, abuse of sugar, in addiction
(tobacco etc.), in brain work, in sex, overstrain, too many cares
or shocks. Timid, shy, shirks any new or ambitious
undertaking;looks childish or asinic. Carbo-nitrogenoid.
Oxygenoid (i.e. warm-blooded). Hydrogenoid. Antirest. Anxious,
fidgety, sighing, palpitating, fears both death and failure,
anticipatory anxiety.

Note these 21 I's

Incoordination. Incoherence. Imbalance. Indiscretion. Infirm.

Indecision (unstable). Irrational. Indirigible. Imperative.
Indifferent. Insane.

Intemperance.Incontinence. Impatient.

Incarcerated (flatus).The more I's the more Arg-n.
Peculiar Symptoms

1. During neurosis (i.e. when thought or fears make him anxious)

he is so restless (like Kali-i.) that he must eat, talk or walk.
Will eat out worries, walk out anxiety and run out life, but will
only partially talk them out. Wants umbrella when walking in

2. Neuralgias seldom acute, but widely spread and deeply

seated; peripheral.

3. Sensitive both to cold, low temperature exposures as well as

heat. Welcomes cold washing to head, eyes, face; but dislikes
cold bath (though it (>)).

4. Wakes well in morning but a little after, or after

breakfast, gets nervous and restless with hot head and tremulous
weakness, oppression and distress. A nervous, faintish and
tremulous sensation, during day or night.

5. Day-night modalities:

A. During day feels things are done very slowly and nights
seem too long (in absence of work).

B. More cough during day, more diarrhea during night.

C. Makes many pleasant plans during day, and has monstrous

D. Tensions during day and nervousness (with fullness,

dullness, heaviness and heat in head) by night.

E. Wants cold applications during day and warm applications at

night on eyes.

6. Anomalies : Head feels tightened in a vise but is better

tight bandage. Pharyngeal catarrh of smokers better by smoking.
Stools or urine comes not from straining, but after giving
up.Chilly when uncovered, but smothers when wrapped up. Increased
sensitiveness to contact (hyperaesthesia) but diminished power of
distinguishing sensations.

7. Sympathising troubles : Head sympathises with other (e.g.

gastric) troubles. Eyes sympathize with gastro-intestinal or

spinal troubles (opp. Euphr.). Nausea accompanies many symptoms.
Chill or shuddering with many complaints (Puls.).

8. Sensations : Adherent; ball like; cobweb-like tension;

flowing like a hot current, or like water; of dislocation;
fullness; lameness, or laming pains; megalic (like Glon.); of
being hemmed in (like Lach.); of a sudden push (Dudgeon); of
shakiness or unsteadiness; expanded feeling of the whole body,
limbs, head, eyes, face, teeth, ovaries, (>) eructation;
stretched or put on a stretch feeling in urethra, lumbar muscles,
calves; orgasms (or surgings) in the whole body with heat (a
kind of ebullition, glow or wave of warmth as after calcium
9. The hysterical quartet (H Plus Flatulence Plus Rheumatism
Plus Heart (like Ambr., Kali-c.)) is found here too.

10. Attacks : Regular paroxysms of nervous and emotional

disturbances. Sudden violent piercing (or knife-like cutting)
pain in chest; face and hands very cold; pulse first gone, then
rises; face reddened; whole body trembled; cries violently; warm
sweat then broke out; and finally slept out the attack. Pains or
other complaints appear and disappear suddenly (like Bell.) or
gradually (like Stan.).

11. "Sinking downward from head" (Boger). "Narrow traction

(=drawing?) in occiput ext. into middle of brain" (T.F. Allen).

"Shivers through bowels" (Boger).

12. Mental state shows the diphasic pattern:

The phase of excitability :state of perpetual agitation,

hurried,restless,tremulous,tense,instable characters and
hallucinations etc.

The phase of depression: sadness, slowness, sluggishness,

neurasthenia, melancholia, anxiety, progressive diminution of
intellectual capacities etc.


The arch solar plexus: Apprehension; fears or shocks (of bad

news etc.) strike at the pit of stomach (causing acidity,
incarceration of gas, sweat, diarrhea or anxious oppression in
chest). Anxiety when anything is expected of him, e.g. an
interview, viva voce, a trial (ordeal), appearance before
public, an engagement or any responsibility (esp. one about a
serious illness). Anxiety makes him go into the open and better
walk rapidly about, and better still go away on a journey.
Anxiety, in morning, with a nervous weak faintish and tremulous
sensation (or a curious feeling) which makes him walk
(rapidly); irritability and chilliness (like Nux-v.); from
exaltation of fancies. Anxiety neuroses after unhappy

experiences; with hematemesis. A sort of tremulous hurry or

nervousness (bordering on the neurotic); esp. when anything is in
the making, or when required to arrive at a stipulated or
appointed time (Ars.), or after breakfast (with hot head) or
when gas was forming and rising up (with distress and
melancholic depression). Agg. when riding in a car (due to
vibration and buzzing).

An anticipatory anxiety masquerading as fears of: a grave

disease; failure in an undertaking (which makes him shun any
enterprise), becoming late (which makes him hurry); heights,
higher storeys or projections of buildings (makes him giddy and
shaky); precipices (standing there causes anxiety and ? cramps or
strumming in legs); surgery or even unfavourable diagnosis

(noticing her pulse or BP enhances them); plots against him;

snakes or animals; all sorts of fears in short (Calc-c.).

Fear : Of closed places (claustrophobia, like Lach.), of open

space (agoraphobia, like Gels.); sits in last row or near a door;
bypasses certain places to avoid a sensation; a fear of
publicity. Howsoever afraid of facing public straightway he is
always at home in a closed place or in a crowd. Scared of
problems and difficulties, he seeks or prefers company of the

A timid approach to life (like Lyc.; but is not calculative or

greedy; does not harbour hatred, and is an easy victim to
flattery and prone to trust any one, and is moreover driven by
mpulses).Down with depression and anxiety neurosis (like
Plat.), hence a shirker, escapist, a back-bencher, even a
coward, always willing to pass responsibilities ("bucket") on to

Yet tense (like Dys-co. and therefore impulsive, eccentric,

whimsical, a quicksilver man,or (rarely), dictatorial. Always on
the run (like Aur-m.,Iod.), restless and in a hurry; on the move
and walking fast, though it may increase his anxiety (and it may
then make him walk faster still); can take long walks without
difficulty. A hustler; time for him seems to pass too slowly,
others work too slowly, hence takes the work himself, but does it
tremulously. He is impatient, intolerant of waiting, or of
suspense, but also unable to take the work successfully from

others. This tension (coupled with a lack of perseverence) makes

him change occupation (a vagrant like Sul., but is decidedly
better after a bath, which opens up his appetite, though both are
sweet-cravers and lack method), but perhaps not places;
travelling always interests him.

He begins a dyspeptic and ends a neurotic, and tension again

backfeeds a dyspepsia. Begins with a 'soldier's diarrhea' (a
bowel neurosis), and ends with a 'soldier's heart' (a cardiac
neurosis). Any excitement tells upon him; any unwelcome news,
event or entry causes an urging to stool, or sinking in pit of
stomach, or even a chest pain; an animated or prolonged dialogue
causes anxiety, polyuria, or ovaralgia etc., gluttony too takes

him left and right.

Inspite of this extraordinary timorousness he has some tenacity

within him, which helps him to keep up a show of distinction so
long as he can (e.g. an actor), though somewhat unmethodically;
he has not (unlike Lyc.), the cool, calculated perseverence to
accomplish the goal he may have set about (unlike the more
impressionable Calc-c.). Also, active, composed, conscientious
person; or officious, but awkward, slipshod and hurrying, always
feeling amidst an unfriendly set-up or forsaken.

A sort of perversion or irrationality; a pseudo- rational; 'a

prize rationaliser.' Has hidden irrational motives for his
actions. He has strange notions, ideas, impulses and fears. May

be a liar, or a superstitious person. A cynic, loath to give

credit, plays down others' claims or succour received. Has
queerest objections or arguments against whatever was proposed;
ever ready with (unconvincing) explanations. He may have an
artistic temperament, a musical bent, yet not of a benevolent
kind (and yet may not perhaps be a cynic, may be officious,
altruism does not contraindicate); perhaps also a person with
understanding winning over passion or sentiment, and having a
courage of conviction; lastly, deceitful; an "oh no" chronic

Imagination runs riot, various illusions. Delusion, that

everything will fail.

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