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Martial Arts Evolution

Before we talk about evolution of martial arts we need to define what a martial art is
.Martial comes from Mars , the god of war, so we define martial arts as being the arts of
war.That means everything from hand-to-hand combat to shooting a rifle is considered a
martial art. Martial arts have been invented when humans find out they can hit other
humans with their fists.From that point it evolved a lot adding into the mix weapons and
armor ,making war even more interesting and complicate than before. Martial arts evolved
differently in different regions but at the very beginnig every human trew rock and use sitcks
to poke each other in order to obtain more land or whatever a caveman would want from
another.After human have discovered the iron and how to use it and Prehistoy ended wars
became even more complex than before because now empires start rising and armies
became a real think as well as military tehnique and strategies. Antiquity an Medieval times
are , in my opinion more entertraining , than any other because in this times no fancy stuff
was allowed on battlefield and the old spear and bow shone(Fun fact : After armor was
invented sword were like...2nd or 3rd weapon of a soldier, and by armor I dont mean the
fancy plate armor , a soldier need at least 3 or 4 hits to cut throw a gambeson, witch is an
armor made of multiple strats of clothing , with a sword, even arrows have difficulties
piercing this type of armor <and another Fan fact: hollywood’s volley of arrows are just
fantacy , we dont have any description and image in manuscripts of an archer aiming
upward> ).Armor changed totaly the face of war .It force humans to invent \addapt weapons
so the well knew mace was introduced as a primary/secundary weapon .

This game of mouse’n cat is still played this days by most powerfull states witch have acces
to nuclear armament and modern tehnology. In parallel with weapons and armor martial
arts witch are focused on hand to hand tehniques and combat evolved as well(Fun fact: This
type Martial arts were the less important for a soldier because if u somehow lose your spear
and your shield and your sword and maybe your dagger u are the worst soldier in the entire
army u should probably commit suicide ). But again we have complete different styles from
different places to look at and analise ( for ex: Cpoeira was invented by african sclaves and
was used for self defence or even for attacking the guards ,it look like modern dance but its
more deadly, having a wide variety of foot tehniques because their hand were usually
chained) but every single one has the idea of discipline and honore

incorporated somehow in it and some ideas about how a life should be lived and how a
warrior should train , fight and die. This philosofical part of martial arts is very hard to
discuss from an objective angle of view since it is the weirdest part of this topic ( and to
make an idea about how weird martial arts could be there is a style of martial arts witch use
a sheet of paper as a weapon , and surprisingly it works pretty well ). But even if it’s
complicated and weird we shall begin , shall we:
a good part of this side of matial arts is about yourself as a person and how to improve
yourself into being an elite fighter in terms of psychology( how to continue even if pain
overwhelms u and never surrender a fight , let yourself be captured by the enemy or beging
mercy in front of the enemy<even if most of soldiers actually done this when they were
captured>)and the other part is about obeing and respecting your master as well as
respecting people in general(this part is more about control so i dont wanna go deep in it
because it’s more conspiracy than u could ever think).

Let take for example some of the most popular martial arts : Karate is a very well knew
martial art (witch also have a lot of style and variations but let’s not go that deep ) it was ,let
say ,invented and evolved in Japan ,„kara” meaning empty and „te” meaning hand, being an
empty handed martial art style witch is based on using bought hands and legs to overhelm
your oponent in a rain of puches and kicks.

Taekwondo is also called the ar of killing with the legs. It was invented in coreea and almost
every single tehnique in this style is a ... let’s say high-medium kick. Also this style is
ridiculously ofensive and has no defense incorporated in it.

The overknew kung fu witch have over 350 styles every one of them having different
tehniques and ideologies about life , the way it should be lived and how should a warrior die.

Also there are a lot of martial arts but im kinda lazy (I almost felt asleep writing this
thing ) so:

The end

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