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English proyect

Antonio Avendaño, Emanuel Sánchez, Juan Felipe Guevara, Santiago

Bonilla, Juan Felipe Delgado
Liceo Boston

REGMAC: The Future of Medicine.
The RegMac (Regeneration Machine) is a medical innovation that will help many people
around the world. Accidents happen every day because of many reasons, and the victims of these
accidents need the fastest treatment to prevent further damage. This invention will be very
effective at reestablishing broken or damaged bone and skin tissues around the body, so it will
be extremely useful for accident victims.
Four of every ten road accidents that happen in Colombia result in injuries or fatalities
according to the Observatorio Nacional de Seguridad Vial and according to Medicina Legal “34988
people suffered from serious injuries, that will even have permanent consequences on their
bodies”. This is why our invention will be used in serious injuries. As in the movie wolverine the
RegMac will regenerate the tissues that were broken or damaged in serious injuries.

Our invention is going to help the injuries because it will have extracellular substance that will
create new cells by cell division. This substance is called P3-21 and is a special ensemble of cells
and proteins. The RegMac will only be used for serious injuries because the P3-21 can create an
excess of cells that can cause cancer. P3-21 is very effective for emergency cases that involve
severe tissue damage because it creates cells very quickly which prevents more serious problems,
such hemorrhages. This quick action will be perfect for serious accidents.
However, P3-21 is very dangerous if there’s not a machine that regulates it’s potency. This is
why the REGMAC will be used. It will have a regulation system that checks the patient’s body
while it regulates the P3-21 and it will check the heart rate if the P3-21 doesn’t work. REGMAC
will be in almost all ambulance in the city of Bogota, because if somebody has a serious accident,
they need to have attention immediately.

In conclusion, our invention will be perfect in a city like Bogota, that has many accidents every
day, with thousands of injured people. The REGMAC will be the future of the new medicine
because it will help save many lives by acting immediately through regeneration.

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