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Design and analysis of 3 stage ring oscillator based on MOS capacitance for
wireless applications

Conference Paper · February 2017

DOI: 10.1109/ECACE.2017.7912998

3 495

4 authors, including:

Rafiul Islam Ahmad Nafis Khan Suprotik

Military Institution of Science and Technology Military Institute of Science and Technology


Md.Tawfiq Amin
Military Institute of Science and Technology


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International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), February 16-18, 2017, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

Design and Analysis of 3 Stage Ring Oscillator Based

on MOS Capacitance for Wireless Applications
Rafiul Islam, Ahmad Nafis Khan Suprotik, S. M. Zia Uddin & Md. Tawfiq Amin
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering
Military Institute of Science and Technology
Dhaka, Bangladesh,, &

Abstract— This paper comprises the study and performance has likely more efficiency than the LC-VCO especially in
analysis of switched capacitor ring voltage controlled oscillator nanometer based CMOS chip designing process [1], [4].
(VCO) which uses the method of controlling capacitance to Besides Ring VCO occupies smaller chip area than LC-
regulate oscillation frequency. In this paper, three stage ring
oscillator is designed based on added MOS capacitor in the
VCO, the tuning frequency range is more than 50% in ring
output of each delay cell. 90 nm CMOS process technology has VCO whereas LC-VCO has around 10% to 20% [5]. In case
been used in simulation with the supply voltage of 1.8V whereas of ring oscillator, the mainstream structure consists of number
the variation of control voltage differs from 0V to 0.6V. A linear of stages specifies the multiphase output in wide range
tuning characteristic has been achieved ranging from 4.52 GHz operating frequency. The oscillation frequency is determined
to 6.02 GHz in pursuit of wireless applications, specifically for by the summation of individual delays and literally the
IEEE 802.11a standard. The circuit shows very stable output minimum stage-to-stage spacing in the conventional ring
waveform in different parameters with very low power oscillator must not be less than two inverter delay [6].
consumption of 0.295 mW. The figure of merit (FoM) is -155.5 In this paper we describe the performance analysis of linear
dBc/Hz and the phase noise is very reasonable considering the
higher oscillation frequency of the circuit.
3 stage switched capacitor ring oscillator in case of oscillation
frequency, phase noise with minimum power supply. The
Keywords— Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO), Ring VCO, whole paper has four sections which is organized in following
MOS Capacitance, Oscillation Frequency. manner: Section II provides with the basic knowledge of
conventional ring VCO. In section III we describe the
architecture of mentioned ring VCO and the necessary
I. INTRODUCTION analysis of its characteristic operation in three subsections.
The technological benediction carries out its rapid Section IV demonstrates the simulation result in various
processing by numerous wireless communication systems. manners with related explanation and the conclusion is
Wireless transmission is based on the high frequency signals offered at section V.
like radio frequency (RF) or microwave frequency whose
range is extended towards to GHz range and it has various II. CONVENTIONAL RING OSCILLATOR
applicable areas like all types of radar, LANs etc. Achieving Conventional ring oscillator is mainly the chain of odd
the stability of wide range frequency with satisfactory energy number of inverters in which output is connected to input as
consumption is the main concern in most recent research feedback as shown in fig. 1. This oscillator creates phase shift
works [1]. of 2ʌ and gain in each stage so that the Barkhausen criteria is
In this sense at modern wireless communication field,
CMOS based voltage controlled Oscillator(VCO) is the most
captious and crucial element that can render performance in
such devices like PLL, ADC, RCC etc. [2], [3]. VCO is
offering the linear relationship between the variable control
voltage and tuning oscillation frequency which is the main
requirement of most applications [4].
Conventionally, Ring-VCO and LC-VCO are two most
used kinds in most of the Transceiver modules [5]. Both
VCOs have distinguished and comparable characteristic
parameters in chip design process. But if we bound to give
our concern on attaining higher frequency with suitable phase
noise, lower power dissipation and small chip area, ring VCO

Fig. 1 Conventional Ring Oscillator

978-1-5090-5627-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

satisfied. The phase shift is ʌ/N in each stage, where N is the B. Controlling Capacitance
number of stages [7]. The remaining phase shift is rendered
by dc inversion. This type of VCO can generate oscillation The linearity of VCO and the determination of operating
frequency range is ordained by the change of gate capacitance
frequency but no tuning range which is not expected as wide
with respect to the variable biasing voltage [9]. For agreeable
tuning range is needed in modern digital communication explanation regarding this phenomenon, we considered the C-
system. Therefore, this ring VCO is more sensitive to noise V characteristics which has been in fig. 3. In accumulation
(phase noise, supple sensitivity and common-mode-rejection) region the capacitance is constant. When the Vcon is high
than other kinds. more specifically Ͳ ൏ …‘ ൏ ܸ௧௛ the depletion region occurs
The oscillation frequency of ring VCO can be determined and the value of the gate capacitance decreases as the width
by estimating the delay time ߬ of each inverter stage. If N (W) of the region grows correspondently until the inversion is
number of inverter stages are considered, then the oscillator attained. The total capacitances can be derived in following
will take 2N߬ time to complete the total cycle [7]. So, the equations:
oscillation frequency can be written as:
‫ܥ‬ௌ ൌ ߝ௢௫ ‫ܣ‬Ȁܺ௢௫ (2)

݂௢௦௖ ൌ (1)
ଶேఛ ‫ܥ‬ௌ ൌ ߝௌ௜ ‫ܣ‬Ȁܹ (3)


‫ݓ‬ൌට (4)
A. Circuit Description
The switched capacitor ring VCO is shown in fig. 2. The ‫ܵܥכ ݔ݋ܥ‬
‫ܥ‬௅ Ԣ ൌ (5)
modified VCO circuit presented here is a chain structure of ‫ ݔ݋ܥ‬൅‫ܵܥ‬
3 stage Ring VCO. As we know from the basic equation of
conventional ring VCO referred in equation (1), the less Whereas CS is defined as Semiconductor Capacitance.
number of stages can increase the oscillation frequency with This results in smaller delay according to the equation (5)
which leads to increase of the oscillation frequency linearly
suitable power consumption [8]. Here every stage consists
with the variable control voltage until it reaches to the
of basic CMOS inverter whereas M1-M3 and M4-M6
threshold voltage (Vth). If …‘ ൐ ܸ௧௛ the operating mode
denotes the MOS transistors having the W/L ratio of 1.15 converts to the inversion region where the linear
and 2.17 respectively. The transconductance (Gm) of characteristics of VCO will be disrupted [7].
PMOS and NOMS transistors of each inverter stage is kept
in almost similar margin. Three extra NMOS tubes are B. Delay Estimation
added as driving transistors which are connected to the
output node at every stage. The input voltage of these An extra NMOS is added at the output terminal of each
transistors remarked by M7-M9 is same and is set by
variable voltage ‘Vcon’

Fig. 3 C-V characteristics of MOS transistor

inverter stage as shown in fig. 2. This NMOS is implemented

as MOS capacitor in the circuit. As the MOS transistors at
each stage are assumed as switches, it can be replaced by a
resistance (1/Gm) which can be shown by the fig. 4. If CL'
Fig. 2 Switched capacitor ring oscillator

equates the capacitance of added NMOS and CL is the node IV. SIMULATION RESULTS
parasitic capacitance, then the total output node capacitance of
the oscillator at each stage will be (CL||୐ᇱ ). So, the delay per The 3 stage ring VCO is designed in 90 nm CMOS process
stage can be approximated as and all the simulations have been completed Cadence 6.1
environment. The delay cell for the 3 stage ring VCO is the
conventional CMOS inverter where PMOS and NMOS
ሺ஼ಽ ା஼ಽᇲ ሻ switching transistors are in series. To generate the same
߬ൌ (6) transconductance, the size of the switching transistors is
carefully selected.
Fig. 6 shows the transient analysis of the design at the center
frequency. The control voltage used for this simulation is
0.3V and the oscillation frequency is 5 GHz. The output
voltage swing is almost constant (1.55 V) for different control

Fig. 4 Ring VCO as Variable Capacitor

Delay approximation is illustrated at fig. 5. The oscillation

frequency in terms of variable capacitor is

ଵ ீ௠
݂௢௦௖ ൌ ൌ (7)
ଶேఛ ଶேሺ஼ಽ ା஼ಽᇲ ሻ

As frequency of the oscillation depends on mainly three

parameters: parasitic capacitance (CL), transconductance (Gm)
and variable capacitor (CL'). Since, tranconductance and
parasitic capacitance are device parameter and constant, the
frequency of the ring oscillator depends on regulating the
variable capacitance.
Fig. 6 Transient Analysis

voltages with the supply of 1.8V.

Fig. 7 shows the simulation of tuning characteristics of the
circuit where control voltage is denoted by Vcon. The circuit

Fig. 5 Delay estimation Fig. 7 Frequency Variation for Vcon

has kept linearity between control voltage and frequency of Table 1 summarizes the simulated performances for the
oscillation. Output frequency increases as the Vcon is designed switched capacitor based ring VCO and compares
increased. The frequency range from 4.52GHz to 6.02GHz with other ring voltage controlled oscillator. The power
can be achieved by regulating the control voltage from 0 V to consumption of the circuit is extremely low (0.295 mW)
0.6 V. which is comparatively better than others. But according to
Leeson’s equation the phase noise is lower than others as we
know phase noise changes inversely with the power
consumption. A parameter called figure of merit (FoM) is
introduced to compare with others entirely [2].

௣௢௪௘௥ವ಴ ఠ
‫ ܯܱܨ‬ൌ ‫ܮ‬ሺο߱ሻ ൅ ͳͲ ‫ ‰‘Ž כ‬ቀ ቁ െ ʹͲ ‫‰‘Ž כ‬ሺ బ ሻ (8)
ଵ௠ௐ οఠ

Here, ߱଴ refers to the oscillation frequency and ‫ܮ‬ሺο߱ሻ

designates the phase noise at ο߱ offset frequency. We know
that in case of FoM the increase is a factor of 20% per
channel length decrease of 15 nm. Here, in our work FOM is
-155.5 dBc/Hz which is greater than 2.74% - 4.29% than
other two references [2] and [10] that indicates the decrease
of per channel length up to 2.06 - 3.21 nm.

The main focus of our paper has been pointed out in the
analysis of the performance of ring VCO by designing a
convenient structure based on MOS transistor capacitance for
Fig. 8 Phase Noise both schematic and simulations. The evaluations are based on
the several parameters like power, phase noise and operating
frequency range. The obtained results are analyzed and used to
Fig. 8 represents the phase noise of the design for different compare with two other relevant references having nearly
control voltage. The phase noise for frequency 5 GHz is - similar design structure. The comparison shows the better
76.27 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset and -99.83 dBc/Hz at 10 MHz efficiency of applied circuit in every qualitative criterion. The
offset. paper might be practicable in future study of ring VCO design
for further consistent improvement especially in the field of
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