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T H E M I L Lby
E N IRishika
A L B A C K PParakh







Music is life changing, ever evolving and transcendent. To some, it is what a
heartbeat is to life. Music is shunned by many as a mere interest or hobby,
but I believe we can allow these people who are talented but lack the funds
with an avenue to fully immerse themselves in making quality music. This
application reaches out to these people who use music as an outlet or are
interested in producing music and breathing to life their thoughts through
songs or raps.

BeatStyle’s “Beats for Beats” campaign focuses on helping college students

with music. 75% of the adults that experience problems with their mental
health have come across the signs by the age of 22, and over 40% students
state anxiety is their main concern and over 20% students are on
psychotropic medication.

Clinical studies of music have revealed its use as a method of therapy to

treat depression, anxiety, agitation and substance misuse amongst
conditions. Although music may not completely help resolve their issues, it is
a tool for many in their process to recovery. App users have full freedom over
their music and this sense of control over their creation can positively impact
their mental health.

BeatStyle is an application that allows users to create, develop and share high quality
music conveniently, providing the tools of a recording studio on their phones.
Mental health refers to one's emotional, psychological and social well-being.
This can be due to various biological factors, traumatic life experiences and
family history of such problems. Poor mental health can be experienced in
many stages, while some may be life-threatening, others may experience
milder impacts.

While early warning signs may be evident, it is a tough condition to identify

and cure due to several reasons. Since it may not be diagnosable, it is
important for people to pick up on these signs from their own behavior and of
those around them. People suffering from mental illnesses either eat and
sleep too much or too little, isolate themselves, get involved in substance
abuse and have thoughts of self-harm amongst other impacts.

Evidence suggests that college students today have the highest levels of
stress and psychopathology than at any time in the nation's history. Often
students may not identify the problem, or might not be comfortable talking
about their feelings, which may lead to their situation becoming worse. While
the numbers attached below are from a few years ago, they have been
steadily increasingly proving that this is a problem that we must find solutions

"Beats for Beats" is about making the process of music creation more
accessible than it has ever been. BeatStyle was been founded by a group of
STEM majors when they were in their senior year of college, who have a
passion for music and use it as a creative outlet for their feelings and
frustrations. I believe that this organization's story will resonate with our
target market for this campaign, and our first “This week's fresh track” should
be an original song by a founding member. The following weeks, these tracks
will be chosen from what the users produce and upload.

We will also be uploading three social media posts every week which will be
centered around raising awareness about mental health and the positive
impact of music. These will be uploaded on BeatStyle's main Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, and SnapChat, as well as that of our student
ambassadors in UC Berkley, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Clara University, New
York University, and Babson College. Our student ambassadors will be made
responsible for reaching out to musically inclined on-campus clubs to
encourage them to download and use the application, as well as follow our
main social media to remain updated. They will also upload their digital
posters to be presented on the television screens across campus for
increased visibility.

We will be focussing on a triple bottom lined approach where the three P's
are our main focus. People and their well-being is the focal point of our entire
campaign. We are motivated to inspire people through our passion for music
and provide tools for them to cope with their mental health. For the planet
aspect, our campaign will be using only social media platforms to reach out
to our potential users, we will not be using posters made of paper as we have
in the past. As for profit, with an increase in the number of users, BeatSTyle
will be in a position to demand higher advertisement revenue from our non-
premium users.

Since this a social media campaign that will be spread through volunteer student
ambassadors on different college campuses, there is no expected added cost for this
campaign. Music transcends social circles and can lead to the beginning of several
new relationships. With this thought in mind, we will also be counting on
advertisement through word-of-mouth among students at each of these universities.

In terms of resources, our marketing head will spearhead the new campaign by
making new posts and videos for the “This week's fresh track” series. Our indirect
cost will be a higher focus on this campaign which may lead us to pull back from our
large scale marketing plan that does not cater directly to college students. Another
factor is time, combing through new tracks will take away his time from other projects
which may get delayed or side-lined for the three month period of the campaign. The
increase in his pay is shown in the table below.

We will be able to determine our return on investment by closely tracking the

demographics of new users that sign up, as well as, increased application usage by
individual users in the college-age demographic.

To determine the effectiveness of our campaign, our first step will be to gather
feedback from our student ambassadors. They will be acting as the face of our
organization in their respective universities, and therefore, will be able to assess how
the students respond to our new approach and how we might be able to improve it.

In the earlier days, we will be keeping an eye on the increase of application users
and their demographics. The team will also keep track of what social media posts
encourages students or our other followers to respond to ensure that we cater to
what they like.

The long term effects will be monitored through the conversations this campaign may
generate amongst and how effective word-of-mouth marketing will be after the three

BeatStyle’s “Beats for Beats” campaign primarily promotes mental health amongst
the youth. As a start-up by college students, we have battled similar struggles with
anxiety and depression, or watched our peers do so. Our app provides a viable
platform for our peers to channel their energy and thought by fostering their creativity
and passion for music. This organization has an incredible opportunity to reach out to
a new user base, to identify new artists with potential, and to create a strong brand
name and image with this campaign.

To: Chinmay Supur
From: Rishika Parakh
Subject: Beats for Beats Campaign
Dear Chinmay,

We have received the final approval, and our "Beats for Beats" campaign is officially

Through our conversations and brainstorming, I can see that we are on the same page
with this initiative and I look forward to seeing how you will take this project forward.

Going forward:
1. Start social media posts for “Beats for Beats.”
2. Start our “This week's fresh track” series.
3. Alert student ambassadors in all five universities regarding the launch, and provide
posts for their social media.

1. Raise awareness about increasing mental health problems in college students
2. Introduce music as a tool or aid
2. Recognize new artists
3. Provide tools to allow new musicians to experiment

1. An Increase in users will lead to higher advertisement revenue
2. Increase number of app users

This seemingly easy three-step process has not only a great message but also great
potential. I cannot wait to see the results it brings to our community of users and our


1. BeatStyle

2. Contents Page Image

3. Page 1 Image

4. Page 2 Image

5. Page 8 Image





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