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Navya Krishna

English 11 AP/IR pd. 2

Turn in #9.5

3/6 - Polished product proposal, data collection plan & timeline

3/8 - Data & project due dates #1
3/12 - Visual collection
3/15 - Data & project due dates #2, display board plan, electronic portfolio check
3/19 - Visual collection
3/22 - Data & project due dates #3, display board letters & visuals
- Collect data
- Plan and construct display board
- Think about how to write the research article for publication
- Consider audience of possible presentations


4/1 - Display board

- Data analysis (metacognitive)
- Work on final product (research article)
- Possible start presenting information/research
- Start integrating data & analysis into final product

- Continue integrating data & analysis into final product

- Finish final product and research which publications to send it to
- Possibly continue presenting information


- Work on sending article for publication

- Consider how research will be continued or changed for next year

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