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A Research Proposal for the Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement of MBA Degree


Submitted To: Dr. Tazebachew A.

Group Members:

Name ID. NO.

1. Dawit Gebre GSE/218/11
2. Derbew Tesfa GSE/219/11
3. Endalew Alemu GSE/220/11
4. Endalew Fufa GSE/221/11
5. Habitamu Addisu GSE/223/11
6. Melaku Abera GSE/224/11
7. Moges Jemberie GSE/226/11
8. Taye Shitaw GSE/228/11
9. Yenewa Tirugeta GSE/229/11
10. Yordanos Chalachew GSE/232/11
This study will attempt to examine the impact of performance appraisal an employee’s job
satisfaction in Bure Poly Technique College. The specific objective of the study is to explain the
process of performance appraisal to evaluate the problem with poor performance appraisal, to
identify the criteria that the organization used to evaluate their employees. Data for this study
will collect by systematic sampling technique from College dean, human resource management,
human relation officer and employees. The study will provide quantitative and qualitative data
like questionnaire its major source of information and interviews of managers of the employees
respectively. The result of the study reveal that performance appraisal have a negative impact on
employees moral and job satisfaction. The result that dissatisfaction of employees on
organization performance evaluation activity were lack of sufficient knowledge and skill of the
evaluator, the criteria are not objective oriented and focuses mainly on political overview.
Performance appraisal has a great contribution to the organization if it takes place properly.
From all of these above listed finding the researcher conclude that the organization does not give
greater emphasis for performance appraisal, the criteria are not objective oriented and focuses
mainly on political overview and thus the researcher recommended that the organization give
greater emphasis on set proper criteria, free from political incidents and also give training to the
evaluators, assign skilled evaluator.

Table of content

Contents page
Acknowledgement .........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... ii

Table of content ............................................................................................................................. iii

CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1

1.1Background of the study ........................................................................................................ 1

1.2Background of the organization ............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.3Statement of the problem ....................................................................................................... 3

1.4Research questions ................................................................................................................. 3

1.5Objectives of the study ........................................................................................................... 4

1.5.1General objectives ........................................................................................................... 4

1.5.2 Specific objectives .......................................................................................................... 4

1.6 Significance of the study ....................................................................................................... 4

1.7Scope of the study .................................................................................................................. 4

1.8Limitation of the study ........................................................................................................... 4

1.9Research methodology ..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.9.1Research design ..............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.9.2Target population ............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.9.3Source and type of data ..................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.9.4sample size and sampling techniques .............................Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.9.5Method of data collection ...............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.9.6 Data analysis ..................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.10Organization of the paper ..................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 5

2.Literature review .........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.1 Definition of performance appraisal ....................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2 Definitions of employees satisfactionrelated perform and appraisal moral ................ Error!
Bookmark not defined.

2.3Purpose of performance appraisal .........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.4Type of performance appraisal ..............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.5 Steps of performance appraisal activities .............................Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.6 Factors affecting performance appraisal practice.................Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.7 Establishing criteria for performance appraisal practice ......Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.7.1Characteristics of effective criteria .................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.8 Who is appraised? ................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.8.1 Who should evaluate the employees .............................Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.9Selected evaluation techniques..............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.10Problems with poor performance appraise practice ........................................................... 14

2.11 Time schedule ................................................................................................................... 19

2.12 Budget schedule ................................................................................................................ 20

2.13 Reference ........................................................................................................................... 21


1. Introduction

1.1Background of the study

Organization worldwide rely on the human resource department to perform important functions
including job analysis, personnel meaning and recruiting, training and development talent
management. Financial incentives, employee safety and performance appraisal is consider the
most important in the field and has been considered a key element in organization success (Bos
well and bound reau2002)

In other word performance appraisal is a continuous process for organizational efficiency and
effectiveness (Roberrs, 2003). Performance appraisal is a means of measuring or assessing
employees achievement with in a stated period of time using reliable measurement criteria with
the estimated all of providing information to superiors on how to improve employees
effectiveness. According to (Akata, 2003) define performance appraisal as a systematic and
holistic process of work planning, monitoring and measurement aimed at a continuously
improving the team and individual employees contribution. Organization successes highly
depend up on the employees work performance to accomplish the well of the organization
successfully. Employee evaluations in the organization are one of the successful factors. Human
resource management (HRM) is a key ingredient affecting organizational competitiveness and
its’ ability to full fill its mission there must be good recruitment and selection training and
development and there must also be performance appraisal programmer. Performance appraisal
is a human resources activity that is used to determine the extent to which an employee is
performing the job effectively (Iuancevich, 1998). Performance appraisal is common practice
through the business world. However evidence suggest that the employee performance appraisal
system is still not effective in some organization in reaching its purpose even though it has been
recognized as one of the most important function in the human resource field (Crane, 2000). The
organization considers employees satisfaction at the time of performance appraisal because
employees moral with in organizational has a direct impact on organization development and
customer satisfaction to the organization ultimate success (Barbata, 2002). Mintaining a high

level of employees’ satisfaction produces employee productivity which produces increased
profitability (Susane and Wyse, 2013).

The reason why the researchers select this research topic is that now days there are many
organization that are relying on employees success and competiveness according to the resource
based view. Employees are the resource and assets of an organization consequently organization
need to figure out strategies for identifying encouraging measuring. Evaluating improve and
rewarding employees performance at work According to this respect performance appraisal
system have come to play an indispensable role in helping organization to reach their goal of
productivity when the performance appraisal practices is free from any defects errors or biased to
improve employees satisfaction(Severs and Joyece, 2002).

Hence this research is defined to evaluate the impact of performance appraise on employees
satisfaction in Bure Poly Technique College.

Bure Poly Technique College was established in 1994 E.C in Amhara National Regional State
specifically in Bure town. The College its inception stared with 12 trainers, 8 supportive labors
and 120 trainees; but at the movement the number of worker reached a total of 198 and 2691
trainees. and all workers are permanent the main activities or tasks under take by this
organization to develop the human resource of governmental institutions and the other to build
capacity in using modern technology for the trainees and go with transformation process and by
recruiting selection fill the gap that results from the short age of human resource keep befits of
workers (Bure Poly Technique College profile, 2008).

Vision of the organization

The TVET Vision is to be reputable technical training institution of excellence both in national
and international level.

Mission of the organizations

Bure poly Technique College’s mission is to provide practical training to produce skilled and
self-reliant manpower for the aspiring and currently operating micro economic sectors to assist
the growth of the national economy by:
 Instigating job creation and economic growth through entrepreneurship development

 Undertaking scientific research for the improvement of the curriculum and the training
 Creating a direct link between small business and industry to allow for an infusion of
innovation and practicality in the college’s curriculum (Bure Poly Technique College
profile, 2008).

1.3 Statement of the problem

Performance appraisal has an influence on employee with satisfaction. It can be either positive or
negative influence. The employer required identification of possible factors for influence of
performance appraisal towards workers satisfaction to increase the employees’ attitude towards
an appraisal to reflect the draw backs. Improving organizational performance has become one of
the overriding goals of human resource management. Organizational performance is the
synergetic sum total of the performance of all employee in the organizational. Having this fact
employee performance has to be closely planned, coached and appraised to ensure that it is in
line with the interest of organization (Iuancevich, 1998, P.99).

However it seems that performance appraisal is not given the proper attention by the
organization and is exercised periodically more as usual practice and the organization face other
problems related to performance appraisal which is varying standards, lack of sufficient
knowledge, strictness, rater bias, contrast sampling and poor performance appraisal. These
situations bring dissatisfaction among employees and affect the employees’ satisfaction in
working environment, high commitment and productivity. It in turn leads to unsuitable
organizational development and increase employee turnover. This study, therefore, is trying to
investigate all problems related to performance appraisal on employee satisfaction in Bure Poly
Technique College and indicate how the situation affects the development of the organization.

1.4 Research questions

The study would also try to answer the following basic research questions

 What is the factor affecting performance appraisal practice?

 How performance appraisal can affect the employees’ satisfaction?
 Who should evaluate the employees?

1.5. Objectives of the study

1.5.1General objectives
The general objective of this study is to investigate performance appraisal and its impact on
the employees’ satisfaction in case of Bure Poly Technique College.

1.5.2 Specific objectives

 To examine the factors affecting performance appraisal practice in the organization.
 To identify the positive and negative impacts of performance appraisal on employees
 To identify who will be involve in appraising the employees performance.

1.6 Significance of the study

This study would have the following significances:

It will help to other researchers as a reference for future finding in depth and also it initiates
the concern organization to reassess its existing practice and put a renewed emphasis on this
under mined. Yet core human resource function that menace performance appraisal a view to
maximizing its benefits and the other helps to achieve the organization goals and objective
efficiently and effectively with in appropriate manner. Finally this study will be expected to
indicate the major problems and benefits of performance appraisal activity in the

1.7 Scope of the study

Geographical: The town Bure is wider and complex so that study would focus only on Bure
Poly Technique College.

Conceptual: was related with factors affecting performance appraisal practice in the
organization. The positive and negative impacts of performance appraisal on employee’s morale
and satisfaction to evaluate the problem with poor performance appraisal.

1.8 Limitation of the study

In conducting this research there are problems that limit the researcher to accomplish the pair
easily. Some of them where, delay of respondents to submit the questionnaire paper, others

would be reluctant to fill the questionnaire and some respondents will not return back the

1.10 Organization of the paper

The paper will have five chapters. The first chapter includes introductory part of the study
background of the study, background of the organization, statement of the problem, objective
of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study. The second chapter
includes details about review of related literature on assessment of performance appraisal and
its impact on employees moral and satisfaction.

The third chapter will discuss details about the methodologies of the study. The fourth
chapter is about data presentation and analysis. Finally the fifth chapter will presents about
the conclusions reach by the researchers and the recommendation forward by the researches
to the organization.


Literature review
2.1 Definition of performance appraisal
 Performance appraisal is human resource activity that is used to determine the extent to
which an employee performing effectively (Iuancevich, 1998, P. 465-468).
 Performance appraisal is processes of valuing the employees’ worth to the organization
with a view to increase that worth (Margaret, 1996, P. 125-129). Performance appraisal
means evaluating employee’s current or past performance relative to person’s
performance standards (Dessert, 2003, P. 30-90).
 Performance appraisal is a process of determining and communicating employee how
he/she is performed the job and ideally establishing a plan of improvement (Boyars,
1997, P. 1225).
 Performance appraisal is the process in which human resource management department
obtain analysis and makes decision on the performance of employee ever a period of
time (Eye, 2009).

 Performance appraisal is a system in which human resource managers measures the
performance of the employee either he is performing his job rightly or he is achieving
what organization want from his job, what is his behavior and attitude towards his job.
Either he is showing positivity towards his job or he is the right employee for the right
job. All this comes under the human resource function of an organization (Randhow,
 Performance appraisal means evaluating employees’ current or past performance relative
to person’s performance standards (Desslers 2003, P. 30-90).

2.2 Definitions of employees satisfaction related to performance appraisal and

It is a very influential in the success of an organization. It indirectly provides direction and
guides employees feeling towards how they may feel towards their organization (Akdere and
dman, 2009). Mc Fadden (2008) rein forces that one of the important variables of an
organization success is dependent on the moral of the people who are part of the
organization employee moral is a critical factor in any organization.

Employee satisfaction has been defined in many different ways. Some believe it is simply
how content an individual is with his over job. In other words, whether or not they like the
job or individual aspect of facts of jobs. Such as nature of work of supervision (Specterpie,
1997). Satisfaction is crucial concern for both employees and organization, satisfaction is
subjective concept and there for difficult to determine (European institute public
administration 2008). A measurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal
of one’s job experience, Generally moral is general attitude of the worker and relates to
group while satisfaction is an individual feeling which be caused by variety of factors
including group (Sinha, 1974).

2.3Purpose of performance appraisal

Performance appraisal is pivotal management technique. It is used in judgmental work and
forced decisions. Such as; promotion, demotion, retention, transfer and pay for employee
development via feedback and training. It also serves the organization means for cogitating
selection and hiring procedures promoting employee supervisor understanding and supporting

an organization culture (Daley, 1992, P. 39-491). Performance appraisal serves number of
purposes in an organization such as:

 To help improve current and post performance/

 To asses future potential and development of the individual performance to rate
employee performance for savory review purpose (Margaret, 1996, P. 227-232).

2.4 Type of performance appraisal

General appraisal

It is an ongoing communication between the manager and the employee throughout the end of
the year. They will determine if the preset goals and objective were met provide feedback and set
new goals. It allows other employee to provide feedback about their experience with a specific

Behavioral checklist

Behavioral checklist has a list of criteria that can employee should work us to be a diligent
working. The behaviors differ according to the types of been assessed. This method is considered
reward able as the evaluation is done on the basis of individual employee performance without

Management by objective

This is an objective take of employee which falls under modern approach of performance
appraisal. In MBO method of performance appraisal manager and the employee agree up on
specific and obtainable goals with a set deadline. With this method the appraisal can define
success and failure easily.

Psychological appraisal

This appraisal method evaluates the employee intellect, emotional stability, analytical skills and
other psychological traits. This method makes it easy for the manager in placing the employees
in appropriate teams.

Technological performance appraisal

It assesses technical expertise capabilities of an employee. It figures out employee throughout

and identifies how sound he/she is technically.

Manager performance appraisal

In this type managers go through the appraisal process. It is the role of the manager that is very
crucial handling both the team and the clients. Manager has to satisfy the clientele without
disrupting the team’s employee moral. Most often manager appraisal process involves feedback
from the respective team members and sometimes from the client as well.

Sales performance appraisal

Sales performance appraisal is often the easiest to conduct but the most rainfall. A sales person is
simply judged on his results versus his set goals and series. Men are often held to their financial
goals more than any other section of the organization.

 Formal performance appraisal practice system is getting up by any organization. Most

organization has some kind of formal performance appraisal. In performance appraisal
there is also potential draw batches. (www. Business dictionary. Com)
 Informal performance appraisal

Management meetings were a line manager considers that an employee performance is below the
satisfactory standard expected. They should arrange a meeting with the employee to identify the
cause and determine the support to be provided to improve the standard of work. (2014

2.5 Steps of performance appraisal activities

The six steps involved in process of performance appraisal are as follows;

 Establish performance standards
 Communicate performance expectation to employee
 Measure actual performance
 Compare actual performance with standards
 Discuss the appraisal with the employee
 Initiate corrective action (

2.6 Factors affecting performance appraisal practice

There are many factors that affect performance appraisal practices, According to (Iuancivic and
Cuucr, 1989, P. 322-324) there are several factors that have significance for performance
evaluation one factor is the cash. A white collar supervisor task is more likely to by formally
evaluated than a blue collar task. In addition the performance evaluation technique use will differ
with the task being evaluated. Other factors affecting performance evaluation are;

1. Government requirements- regulation and bias attitudes and performance evaluation of

employee. For employees with instrumental attitude towards work performance
evaluation may be viewed differently might be equally important.
2. Leadership style: If the supervisor or managers are positive and negative to an employee
who responds to positive reinforcement. Performance evaluation can head the opposite of
results expected by the organization.
3. Union- some unions support performance appraisal which others oppose formal
performance appraisal (Iuanceuich, 1998, P. 247).

2.7 Establishing criteria for performance appraisal practice

In recent time organization are said to make fragment use of acronym SMART to assets in
establishing effective objectives.

S Specific or stretching

M Measurable

A agree or achievement

R Realistic

T Time bound

However there are difficulties in setting objectives for some jobs. For instance doctors,
architecture and lower level in the organizational hierarch as they not have the opportunity to
improve their performance and demonstrate and may be unable to identify or relate to the
organization goals.

2.7.1Characteristics of effective criteria Reliability
Reliability describes the consistency of the result that the performance measure will deliver. Relevant
A measure of performance must be related to the actual output of incumbent as logically as
possible. Sensitivity
Any criteria must be able to reflect the deference between high and low performance. High and
low performance must receive that accurately sent the difference in the performance. Practicability
 As a general performance appraisal practice must be depends up on the evaluation
criteria of human resource management (Iuan Cevich, 1998, P. 9296).
 It is the only way to give accumulate picture of the performance of the employee and to
avoid criticize defend (Margaret, 1996, P. 295). Specific feed back

Finally a performance measure should specifically tell employees what is the expected from
them and how they can meet those expectation. Being specific, helps performance management
meet the goal of supporting strategy and developing employees.

2.8 Who is appraised?

A traditional managerial professional and technical stage has been more likely to be appraised
than holders of routine clerical and manual jobs. The reason for the association between

appraisal trained and career development, but now a day’s significant number of organization
have appraisal system for clerical and manual employees (Margaret. 1996, P. 188).

2.8.1 Who should evaluate the employees

The operating manager is the personal responsible for conducting performance appraisal, but
there are other possibilities that organization should consider as well. Rating by committee of several supervisors

They chose supervisors are the most likely to come in to contact with the employees. Rating by employees per (co-worker)

Per’s an excellent source of information about performance in job whether the supervisory does
often observe the employees. For this system to work is referable for evaluating peers to trust on
other and not to be in competition for raised and promotions. Rating by the employees subordinates

Subordinates are an especially valuable source of information. The people reporting to the
manager often have the best chance to see how well a manager treats employees. Rating by someone outside immediate work situation

It is known as the field review techniques. This specialized appraisal productive from
outside the job setting so it is genial with only for optionally important (John and
Iuancevich1998, P. 9)

2.9 Selected evaluation techniques

There are many methods to evaluate employees. These methods divided in to two categories.
These are:

1. Individual evaluation techniques

Supervisors evaluate each employee without explicit direct comparisons with others. It

a. Graphical rating scale

It is the most common method of evaluation. In this techniques the rate is presented with
asset of traits and asked to rate the employee. It consists of several numerical scaled
representing jobs related to performance criterions. Such as dependability initiative output
attendance for each scores range from excellent to per.

b. Essay evaluation

In this method the rater writes down the employees’ description in detail with in a number of
broad categories like overall impression of performance probability of employees. Existing
capabilities and qualification of perform jobs strength and weakness and training needs of the

c. Critical incident techniques

With critical incidents method supervisors keep along of positive and negative aspects of
employee with related be savior the advantage of this method is that it provides actual.
However, without some numerical rating this method is notify too useful for comparing
employees or moving salary decision (Dressler 2003, P. 465).

d. Behavioral anchored rating scale (BARS)

BARS combines the benefit of critical incidents and graphical rating type secure by
anchored. If providing better equitable appraisal them other method there are five methods
(Types to develop BARS).

1. General critical incident

2. Develop performance dimensions Reallocate incident
3. Scale the incidents developed final instrument
4. Develop final instrument

Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) requires the steps listed above and have the
following advantages.

1. More accurate adequate

People now the job and jobs requirements better than any that developed it produce a good guide
of job performance.

2. Clear standard

The critical incidents along the scale make a clear what to hook for in terms of superior
performance overage performance and soon.

3. Feed back

The critical incidents make it easier to explain the rating to appraisal.

4. Independent dimension

It is systematically clustering critical incidents to five of six performance dimension.

5. Consistency

BARS evaluation also seems to be relatively consistent and reliable in different rather than
approach of the same person.

If uses the critical incident techniques to identify series of behavior covering the domain of the
job. The major difference between BARS and Boss is that instead of identifying that behavior
exhibited by the rate during the rating period.

F. performance test and observations

This is based on the test of knowledge or skills. The tests may be written or an actual
presentation of skills.

G. Confidential records

This is mostly used by government departments. However its application in industry is not ruled

2. Multiplied performance appraisal method

They requires the supervisors to directly compare the performance of one employee with that
others employees. It includes the following contents types;

1. Ranking

It is a simple form a criteria, if the supervisors generate a list of subordinate in order to other
criteria. Superiors ranks his worker based on merit from best to worst. Ranking method is
difficult if supervisor is asked to ranking large number of subordinates.

2. Paired comparison

This approach is easier for the supervisor and more reliable especially when there are many
people to rank. It follows series of process and each employee is rated with another employee in
the form of pairs.

3. Management by objectives (MBO)

Means management by objectives and the performance is rated against the achievement of
objectives stated by the management. It requires the managers to set a specific measurable social
with each employee and periodically discus the latter progress toward these focus. The terms
MBO refer to the compromise organization.

Divide goals setting and appraise programmers

It consist six (6) steps

1. Setting organizational goals
2. Set departmental goals
3. Discuss departmental goals
4. Define expected results
5. Performance review
6. Provide feed back

However MBO method is very time consuming (Dressler, 1997, P. 420)

2.10 Problems with poor performance appraise practice

1. Poor performance appraises forms

2. Ambiguity- The raring scales are value or unclear
3. Deficiency- When performance appraisal practice missing the key aspects of performance
4. Contamination- When rating form has additional irrelevant performance appraisal
(Margaret, 1998, P. 312)
5. Lack of conduct performance appraisal – It contains
6. In effective organizational policies – lack of reward and lack of all cant ability.

Advantage of performance appraisal

In appraising interview both the boss and subordinate have opportunity to exchange views
provides that their relationship. Good performance appraisal encourages line managers to think
about career and management development of their subordinate. Performance appraisal can
provide useful data for training need and design of train programs.

Disadvantage of performance appraisal practice

The relationship between boss and subordinates is sometimes fragile. It can be affected by
necessity. For managers to formulate in wards written or spoken what he/she really feels about
this subordinates many appraisal system involve too much a paper work (Mulunch Fugq, 2007)


3.1 Research methodology

3.2 The study area

Bure is one of the woredas in the Amhara Region which is far from 411 km from the capital city
of Ethiopia. It is Part of the West Gojjam Zone, and bordered on the south by the Abay River
which separates it from the Oromia Region, on the west by Wemberma, on the Northwest by the
Agew Awi Zone, on the north by Sekela, on the east by Jabi Tehnan, and on the southeast by
Dembecha and the East Gojjam Zone.

Based on the 2007 national census conducted by the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia
(CSA), this woreda has a total population of 143,132, of whom 71,208 are men and 71,924
women; 25,975 or 18.15% are urban inhabitants. The majority of the inhabitants practiced
Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 98.34% reporting that as their religion, while 1.01% was
Muslim. [1]

3.1.1 Research design

The research will use a descriptive approach and focused on a described in order to analyze the
Assessment of performance appraisal and its impact on employees’ satisfaction in case of Bure
Poly Technique College. Therefore this descriptive statistics is important tools this study result
clearness and consistency.

1.9.2 Target population
There are 198 employees working in Bure Poly Technique College, so these employees will be
the target population of the study. From these employees we will take sample and questionnaires
are distributed to them.

1.9.3 Source and type of data

This proposal will collect data from two types of sources namely primary and secondary data

The primary data will be obtained from employees of the office and performance appraisal and
its impact on employee morale and satisfaction through distributing questioners to sample
employees, Secondary data from the different available sources like books, reports manual and

1.9.4 Sample size and sampling techniques

To collect the relevant data for the study simple random (unrestricted) sampling technique
will be used.

The sample size was been 99 from the total population of 198.

The reason for we use simple random sample technique is the population of Bure Poly
Technique College civil service is homogenous.

𝑁 198 198
By using formula n=1+𝑁(𝑒)2 = = 1.99= 99

1.9.5 Method of data collection

The method used for collecting the necessary data will be questionnaire and within the Bure
Poly Technique College the questionnaire will be distributed to sample in Bure Poly
Technique College employees the reason behind choosing questionnaire and method is to
collect real information from the employees. Beside secondary data will be collected from
different manuals’ of the collage and different books

1.9.6 Data analysis

The researcher will analyze the data by using qualitative and quantitative techniques the data
that will obtain from questionnaire form by using descriptive analysis technique while the

data will obtain from and secondary data analyzed and interpreted by using qualitative

2.11 Time schedule

No Duties Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June
1 Identification of problems
2 Definition of problem
3 Literature review and define
the problem
4 Preparation of plan
5 Preparation of question
6 Data collection
7 Discussion and analyze
8 Conclusion and
9 Editing and finalizing paper

2.12 Budget schedule
No Description Amount Unit price Total cost

1 Stationary materials
Pen 12 3.50 42
Paper 200 0.50 100
Pencil 3 1 3
2 Typing manuscript
Typing cost 35 5 175
Printing cost 35 3 105
Photocopy 105 0.50 52.5
3 Mobile card 5 110
4 Binding cost 2 10
5 Miscellaneous cost - 20
Total - 627.5

2.13 Reference
 Ballett R.S (1996), “performance rating, science research association in Chicago”,
 Chies henry, (1998) “human resource management “the path press.
 Decenzo David (2002), fundamental of human resource management 9th edition West
Virginia University
 Edward Ewen (1996), Human resource management second publication 2nd edition
 Ivacevic (2010) human resource management 11th edition university of Carolina USA
 John Mivan civic (1998). Human resource management all win mc-grow hill 7h edition
 Liyoto Byars and Lesie W.Rue (1907) HRM IRWIM published 5th edition
 Magaret, Ahwood Staruat (1998) personal management
 Michael Harpis (1997) HRM, practical approach
 Neo Raymond (2009) fundamental of human resource management 3rd edition England
 Neo Hollen (2007) fundamental of human resource management 3rd edition.
 Usploa (2005) human resource management 2nd edition.
 Census 2007 tables: Amhara Region November 14 2010
 19 November 2016, at 01:27 https: //


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