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1ngies Definitivo

・ Asking for and giving g阻SuggeStjons ・ Simple future: tO be  26

・巾」king about a person’s intentions
not into going to
. -ralking about a person’s pIans . Present continuous -
dancing。 ・ Inviting, aCCePting, and refusing future meaning
・ l刊king onthe phone
Asking and answering about health ・ ModaI verb should to
‖o I]ain,
PrObIems askfor and give
nO ga漢n  ̄falking about health problems and

giving advice
臆臆 臆 臆 〇二腿骨-       臆`

・冊kjng about a pe「son’s obIigations ・ Have to expressing  60

. Describing the positive and negative Ob=g抽On
SOme ・ Modai ve「b might
aspects of a pIace
time o書f, ・ Asking and answe「ing aboutthe expressing possi胴ty

Weather . Why/ Because

・ Expressing a future probabi叩y き

_ _ _〇〇〇_9主

Speaking p「actice

a・ Read the questions beiow and fil看in the first column
With your answe「s,
AIways し    ̄ ̄
b" Work in pai「s“ Take tums inte「viewing your pa「tner
Usual看y _
and check the things you have in common,

How o書ten do you…

1, … Wake up withoutan alarm ciock?

2“ … fa= asieep watching TV?

3。 ,., eatfastfood for iunch?

4" … drink eight giasses ofwatera day?

5" 〇・〇 WatCh TV in the evenings?

6" ‥" Wake up eariy onweekdays?

7〃 … eatfrujtand vegetabies?

8〇 〇〇〇 gO OutWith you「f「jends on the weekends?

9“ …WOrkoutortake Iongwa看ks?

10○ ○., d「iveto schooi orwork?

11" … doyour homework in the evenings?

12. ,., eat Out On theweekends?

13, … Sjng intheshowe「?

Find someone who〇〇〇

。。。 has thl'ee  。。。 doesn’t have 。。。 WO細ks om the .。。 StuIlies and 。。。 a音ways has hi§/

llrOthers。   aれ重言ste看S。  Weekeれds。   WOlks。 Ile8 meals at同心

→i  音

、-¥/、ノ              、_音 -¥ノ¥ノJ

。。。 hates eating 。.。 WOrks out   .。。 d0eSnタt like   … has t山ee or 。。。、10VeS Watchillg

置ast food。 every day.   playing spO事tS, mOre TVs at home。 Sci"書i mov冒es。

子音ヾ _ 〇、、 _ノ

.。置doesn’t like
。。。 Wakes叩lle同調 。。。 has a 。。。 has thl'ee O8  … Iives with hi§/her
6:00 a。m。 On Well Site。 more pets at l10me。 g細and陣IemtS。
going to the mOVies。

。。。 IlaS a bedroom … 10VeS 。。〃 make§ his/lle看 .。〃 1ikes goiれg … doesnタt

書o音himseluIle看Self。 cooking。 bed eve細y Il叫. sh0叩ing for fooll。 eat meat.

。。, doesn,t use a 。。。書alls asle印 。.。 piays a musica! 。重。 Plays on a 。,。 1ikes watching

compII軍el at WO獲k。 Watchiれg Tu iれStl.umeIlt。 SPO看tS team。 ho音801 mOVies。

Play the Stop Game,

I - 1 - - I - し   -   -   -   し -   -           -           -   -
了親手 鶴V施 轍 霊媒 、肱 丁O†肌

$ 甘 I7ゆ p

What’s the word? Foi〃ow your teache「’s instructions and piay this game。 Follow the exampies.

〔㊥ (巾ack 2) Listen冒ng practice

Listen to the radio announcements and complete the chart.

Day(S) :
Speak冒ng p「actice

a。丁hink of a movie you wouid iiketo seethis weekend and fill in the
information below, 一一『〇°〇°〇〇 〇・町案

b, Move a「ound the room and invite your classmates to go to the movies with

you. Don’t forget to arrange a place and time to meet when a classmate
accepts the invitation,


rtype:                  Showingat:


Placetomeet:                 Timetomeet:


圃 (巾ack3)し冒stening p「actice

Choose the best answers to the questions you hear.

□ so「「y, l can’tmake it. □ Adozen, Please,

□悔S,iam・ □ two pounds, Piease・

□ Bybus, □ A iemonade, Please.

□ About twenty minutes, □ An appie pie, Piease.

□ lwice a week. □ comedies and action movies.

□ Fifteen minutes, □ tom cruise and Nicoie Kidman.

□ No, idon’t, □ Atthe Paiace.

□ No, l can,t. □相8:15andlO:20.

□ it,s $2.45. □ onwarner

□ No, thanks. That’s a=, □ it,s asitcom,

□ No,there isn’t. □ No, ldon’t.

□ Yts, they are, □ No, he doesn’t.

□ I usualIywatchTV □ No, neVer

□ sorry, I don’t know. □ At7:00.
Speaking p営actice

Work in pairs or in smal看groups and discuss the foilowing questions,

・ Do you Iike shopping for ciothes?

● How often do you go shopping?

. Where can you buy good c10thes for reasonabie p「ices?

● Do you usuaiiy buy brand-name CIothes? Why orwhy not?

● What’s your styIe - trendy, CaSuai, SPOrty, CIassic?

● Which coiors do you love wea「ing?

・ Do you wear a uniform atwo「k or scho蹄Do you like it?

VocabuIary p「actice

しOOk at this fashion magazine page

and match the pictures
With the wo「ds,

﹁〇 二一二﹂ 二 二∴∵
圃 (丁rack 4) P音onunciation practice
」isten and repeat the new words,
We can useAPAIROF
in front of some pjeces
Of cIothes, Shoes and
accessories, Exampies:
a pair of pants
a pai「 o置shoes
Wo「k in pai「s, Student A chooses one of the peopie from Activity 2。
a pair of sneakers
Student B has to guess who he/She is by asking yes or no questions,
a pair of socks
Then change roIes,
a pai「 o書sungiasses
Ask questions like: a pai「 o置shorts
● is she wearing a blouse? a pair o書jeans
● Is he wearing (a pair of) jeans?
a pair of high heeIs
● ls he wearing (a pai「of) shoes?
a pair o書boots
Vbcabula事y pract冒ce

Match the pictures with the descriptioれS. Write the names under the photos.

しaura is wearing a light

bIue wooI sweater

Mark is wearing a pink

Shirt, a Striped silk
tje, a Pairofjeans and
brown leather shoes.

01ivia is wea「ing a

Striped sweater a wooI

SCarf and red wooi

Liz is wearing a biack

POika-dot dress,

Je掴s wea「ing a pIaid

Shjrt and a white co廿On

Gracie is wearing a.
flowered top and a
jeans miniskirt.


co音ors Patte ms 州ate漢ials

O  ● Striped fIowered

CO廿On Silk

iight green dark green WOOI polyester

ieather denim
●  O ny10n Velvet
dark blue light bIue Piaid poika-dot

Adjective orde○ ○ We use adjectives (Or mOdifying nouns) before a noun in a specific order Exampies:

CoIoVPat置em Materiai Noun

A red woo看      sweater

嵩黒  -。嵩、管
A f10Wered co廿On Tshirt
〔㊥ (巾ack5) 」istening pract冒ce

Sa「ah is showing a pictu「e of her schooi

friends to her grandmother.
Listen to their conversation and write her
friends, names in the correct boxes.

Work in pairs" Student A chooses a student in the class. Student B has to guess who this
PerSOn is by asking yes or no questions, Follow the exampIe,

Student A: ls itaman?
¥fes言t is,
Student B:
Student A: is he wearing a iight bIue co廿On Tshi巾?

Student B: No, he isn’t,

Student A : Is he wea「ing a striped wooi sweater?

Student B: Yes, he is,

Test your memory! Work in pairs, Look at each other fo「 th皿y seconds and try to memorize
as many detaiis as possible, Then c看ose you「 eyes and describe you「 pa鷹ner’s outfit,

〔㊥ (巾ack 6)しistening pI-actice

Some parents are describing their kids。 Listen to them and write the kids’names and ages in
the co「rect boxes,
圃圃 (巾ack 7) Presentation

Debbie and Lydia are co宴WOrkers. 」isten and repeat thej「 conversation.

Debbie: l’m feeIing a bit uncomfo巾abie

today, 「七= me, do =ook OKfo「the
meeting? Be sincere, Piease.

Lydfa: We=, I’li behonest,Ybu Iookabit

Weird" Black and b「own don’t reaIiy
match, yOu know?

Debbie: Gosh! What do i do now?

Lyc施: I havearedjacketintheo冊Ce, It
matches your bIack pants,

Debbie: Can I wear it to the meeting?

Lydfa: Su「e,Ybu Iookgood in red,

Debbie: Oh, thanks a iot, Lydia,

Lyd庵: Ybu’reweIcome,

Speak冒ng practice
Work in pairs, lake tu「ns as cIient and
fashion adviso輸Act out the situations below, Poss冒ble queStions

・口owdo =00k?

・ Do =ookOKforthe ?

・ Do i !00ka= right?

. Does this biouse match these pants?

Possib音e answerS

Wu iook…

g reat fantastic

terrific awesome

gorgeous OK

(a bit) weird  (a bit) awkward

OVerdressed underdressed

too casuai too formai

Possible suggeStions

・ Why don’t you wear a biack jacket instead

Of this purpIe coat?

. Why don’tyou wea「jeans and aT-Shirt

instead of this dress?

圏 t F音uency practice

Work in pairs or in sma= groups and discuss the fo=owing questions,

G What’s in you「cioset?

EI口Do you wearthings oniy because they are in fashion?

回教ヨDo you mix pa廿ems (POika dots with stripes, for exampie)?

E:一Do you have a d「ess聖 work or schooI? What

kinds ofciothes can you neverwear? 一

区●コWhat kind of ciothes do you wearニ

ーtO gOtO discos?

- at SChooi orwo「k?

- tO gO tO the theater?

- at aWedding?

- tO WO「k out?

Elizabeth is going to a pa巾y tomo「row and she wants to buy a new blouse for the occasion.
She’s in a department store now, Listen and fi= in the blanks with the missing words,

Sa店swoman: Can i heip you?


上靴狛be軌 Yes, PIease. Howmuchisthat

in the window?

Sa/eswoman: it’s on saie for lt’s rea=y


EMzabe約: Yeah, Can I take a 100k at it?

へ¥.. Sa佃swoman: Sure, What size b10uSe do you wear?


EMzabe脇: l think a size

Sa/eswoman: Right. Here is a O[e in size lO,

E侮abe軌  Do you have it in other ?

Sa/eswoman: Let me check, veS, We aiso have it in


and . Which coIor do you prefer?


>  sa/eswoman: He「e you are, WouId you Iike to try it on?

E侮abe軌 Yes, Piease, Where arethe fi軸g rooms?

Sa/eswoman: On your just pastthe

.‡-!,, speaking p音actice 丁OOし田OX
Ybu want to buy ciothes and shoes, Work in pairs, C音othesPeopleareshop ingfo CIothesandshoesinadepa巾mentstore。 istentothemand COmPletetheinformationbelow, Women Men
Take tums as salespe「son and customerL


融343 63 840424446

§hoe sizes

Women 州en


D ﹁a王39104 14243

﹁a貫3 63了3 83940


When buying T-Shirts you can also
use smaii (S), medium (M), Iarge (L)
and extra ia「ge (XL),


0¶ering heIp Of置ering aitematives

Can l heIpyou? We have some sweaters at good p「ices. Wouid

Refusing help you iiketo seethem?
No, thanks. I’m just 100king a「ound. Asking for in10mation
丁hank you,冊just browsing. What size are you iooking for?
Saying what you want Giving in10rmation
Do you have any brown Ieather jackets? I wearasize 12,
Excuse me. i’m iooking forshoes in a size 5, Ask冒ng for alterna章ives

R印lying Do you have it in otherdesigns?

I’m afraid we don’t se= wooi coats, Doyou havethem in asize 12?

固圃 (丁rack 9) Listening p音act冒ce

Peopleareshopingfo「cIothesandshoesinadepa巾mentsore。」istento hemand

1.」剛NI「聞 2,」ACK 3,R日田A 4.CHARし1た 5,JULIA
(巾ack「O) Presentation

Elizabeth is sti看l in the department store. Listen and repeat"

Sa/eswoman: How does it fit?

E雁abe姉: Not very we=. 1t’s a bittight, Can i try a
larger one?
-.へ Sa/eswoman: Sure〇回getyou asize 12,

Elセabeth:  O K.

Saleswoman: How does this sjze fit? Does it fit be廿er?

/へ ̄
E柁abe拘: Oh, yeS. it iooks great on me, 1川take it,

At the counte「

Cashier: WiIi that be cash orcha「ge?

E/セabe妨: Cash, Piease.

Cashier: Yourtota=s $27.

E侮abe拘: He「e you are"

Cashier: He「e’s your change and the receipt" 豆二

// I¥二く
E柁abe約: Thank you,
、 →メ二
Cashier: Have a nice day.

E催abeth: Thank you, Bye"


クVocabulary p「actice

a, Match the adjectives with thei「 opposites.




COm書ortable L」音吐叫

b, Now complete the speech bubbles with the adjectives above acco「ding to the pictures"

(巾ack「「) Pronunciation pract冒ce LANGUAGE BOOS丁ER
Listen and repeat the new words。
Asking for in書o音mation
・ How does it look?

● Dothey iookgood on you?

(脳) speaking p細act冒ce §ay冒岬what is w獲ong

● it doesn’t look good on me〇
Work in pai「s" lake tums as salesperson and customer Use
the informatjon in the box to help you, Follow the examples。 ・ It’s什hey十e too 10ng/ShorV

● i don’tlikethe coior Can ltryit
S如dentA: How旦es the jacketfit? (Or)
SWeate r/Sm atl How does it fit? On jn biue?

StudentB: Notvery we=, it’s too sma旧

dress/10ng Asking for aiternatives
Can I t「y on anothe「one?
. Ca[ i try on another one/Pair?
S如dentA: Sure〇回getyouoneinasize 14,
jeans/Ioose ● Can I try it on in anothercoIor?

biouse川ght S如dentA: How do the pants 100k? (Or) O書書ering he看P

口ow do they iook? ● Su「e, i’= getyou anotherone/
S如dentB: Notvery we=, Can l trythem on in anothe「 pai購
COio「? . Ofcourse. i’= getyou one in a
S妃dentA: Sure〇回getyou another pair in biack, Size 12,
● No problem, i’= getyou a biue


琢艶) F音uency p細act冒ce

Work in pairs or in groups of three事Choose one of the
Situations below and act it out with your partne「(S), Making Ilecisions

・回takethe red one.

. I think l’= iook around some

more. Thanks, anyWay,

. Yburtotai is $27.
・ That comes to $43,

● W川that be cash o「 cha「ge?

・ Here’s yourchange and the

recei pt,

Saying goo皿ye
. Thankyou, Have a nice day.
. Thanks for shopping at _
Please come again.

1一                     ′

Cash=mOney ※饗

㊨ Read冒ng p「act冒ce
A「e you comfortable with the way you look?鴫ke this quiz and find out.

When ○ ○ook at mysel=n the mirror; 1置eel

漢書 happy about my Iooks,

漢音 it doesn’=ake me a !ong Iime to ge置dressed,

〇 i wear everything tha書is in my cIoset.

〇 田
i don’t §uf書e「 from the “c10Set仙1 0f c10thes
and l億on’t know what to wear’’syndrome.

回 I Iove sho叩ing for ciothes○

〇 ○ keep my c!oset aiways ciean and organized.

〇 回
Coun=he numbe「 Of TRUE answe「s
闇盤盤搭‡尉0剛me.一usu叫 and find you「 SCOre beiow.

〇 I can easiiy Iind eve叩hing in my closet,

田 _径盟)∴∴ αr皆ゼ沈舶南

国 l neve両uy Ihings oniy because they are on sale.

回 幼。u互井加胆釧d釧α援手性u勝助国
昭〃 d溢駆寄釧d oor胸ナあou句ou高あ

書国 輔琳描癌謹鮒e  ̄ thel’e isn’置 田 盟」    「五両笹!

「 題回 l o申buy something if l need it.
回 W崩施印ゆめnげa伍wa脳は脚働雌
少u OOnα州ノ少瓶細れα正解硬め勤

国 看only buy good叩ality cio書hing,

田 をodん必

I never buy things in a hurry○ ○ always take my

置ime. 田 囲漢 鋤†甜句読新
海on申出わ危n a勘壕α疎釧d殖
1 know what styies match my body type,
回 a平か相槌極りOupu手軽拙・ a硯

田 pa簿醜をか励
I know what colors look good on me and l only
Wear those coiors.

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