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1/12/2019 Bush Medicine of Belize and Caribbean, Alternative Medicine

Bush Medicine of Belize, Central America, and the

Before modern medicine developed laboratory drugs, our ancestors all over the world used herbs and weeds for health. In
many parts of the world today, they are the only treatment available and sometimes work better than manufactured drugs.
Many plants exhibit the "Doctrine of Signatures" which is a concept that there is some physical characteristic about a plant
that signals what it could be used for on the physical body.

One great example of this concept is the red peeling bark of the Gumbo-Limbo tree. Also called the "Sunburned Tourist
Tree" parts of this tree are used to effectively treat poison wood exposure, sunburn, insect bites and most any other skin
related problem.

In developed countries many store-bought medicines originate from "Nature's Pharmacy." When you use aloe Vera gel for
sunburn, you are benefiting from bush medicine. The active ingredient in aspirin comes from willow bark, a Native
American healing plant. Over 25% of the worlds commercial medicines come from plant based chemicals found in the
tropical regions. Below are just some of the Natural Remedies found in Belize.

The information contained on this page is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be an endorsement of any of
the remedies mentioned. Be very careful using any "Bush Medicine".

Native to Africa, aloe vera is commonly cultivated elsewhere. The clear gel found
inside the plant's leaf and the crystalline part found alongside the leaf blade,
which contains aloin, are both used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

The clear gel is a remarkably effective healer of wounds and burns, speeding up
the rate of healing and reducing the risk of infection. The brownish part
containing aloin is a strong laxative, useful for short-term constipation. Aloe is
present in many cosmetic's formulae because its emollient and scar preventing

Annito (Bixa orellana)

This pink flowering shrub is cultivated for the red/orange dye that comes from it's
dried seeds. The seeds are used in cooking to color food such as rice, margarine
and soup. They were used by the Caribs and Central American Indians for body
paint and insect repellant. Ants that feed off the nectar at the flower base and on
the main stem help to protect the plant from harmful creatures. It is used in
industrialized nations as a food coloring replacement for red dye #2, which was
determined to be a carcinogenic.

Water in which young leaves have been crushed and then strained, has been taken
for diarrhea and dysentery.

Arrowroot 1/12
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Arrowroot  is native to South America and the Caribbean. The local  people use its root as a
poultice for smallpox sores, and as an infusion for urinary infections. Arrowroot is used  as a
soothing demulcent and a nutrient of benefit in convalescence and for easing digestion. It helps
to relieve acidity, indigestion and colic, and is mildly laxative. It may be applied as an ointment
or poultice mixed with some other antiseptic herbs such as comfrey.

Bay Geranium (Ambrosia Hispida)

Can be made into soap and used to relieve itching skin. Recommended for
indigestion and cleaning of the lungs and mainly used to cure the common cold in
the form of a strong tea with lime and salt.

Billy Webb (Acosmium panamensis)

The hard, durable wood of this tree is used in heavy construction, and to make
such household items as washing tubs, breadboards and mortar sticks.

The bitter-tasting bark is used as a remedy for coughs and fever. It is the main
ingredient in "Sweet Blood", one of the Rain forest Remedies bottled by Ix Chel
Farms, which is good for diabetes, dry cough and low appetite.

Blue Flowers (Valerianoides Jamaicensis)

Blue Flowers  are used to soothe babies with colic, gas and constipation. Also used to cool the blood and soothe skin
irritations in children. 2/12
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Breadfruit (Artocarpus Altilis)

Breadfruit  leaves are used for high blood pressure. The leaves slightly crushed,
are also bound on the head and forehead as a cure for headache.

Calabash Tree

It is said that the fruit of the Calabash Tree when roasted is a good treatment for
menstrual cramps or to induced childbirth and that the leaf can be used in tea to
treat colds, diarrhea, dysentery and headaches.

Candle Bush (Senna alata)

This is a flowering shrub, producing towers of yellow flowers and can be found in
yards and disturbed forests. Its Belizean name "Piss A Bed" is derived from its
use as a traditional remedy to help urinary tract conditions. Throughout the day,
one should sip on three cups of tea made from boiling and steeping the flowers.
Drinking a leaf tea can help kidney ailments and liver congestion. Fresh juice
from the leaves should be applied to skin diseases such as scabies and ringworm.
In Guatemala, its common name is "Ringworm shrub". 3/12
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Cascarilla (Croton Eluteria)

Cascarilla has a very long history of traditional herbal medicine use worldwide. It
has long been used as a digestive aid, to stimulate digestion and digestive juices,
for nausea and vomiting, and as a general bitter digestive tonic. The bark is
prepared as a decoction and utilized for all types of digestive complaints, feverish
conditions, anemia, hemorrhoids and high blood pressure. It is also recommended
for diarrhea, dysentery, dyspepsia, intermittent and low fevers, intestinal bloating
and gas, colic, nausea, an overall tonic during convalescence, and as an
expectorant for chronic bronchitis.


Cats will rub and sometime ingest the plant, and then act "drunk" or "wild" for up
to an hour or more. No lasting toxicity is reported. Humans also have their moods
uplifted and it is supposed to improve mental clarity and alertness. Aids in pain

Cat's Claw - Uña de Gato   (Uncaria tomentosa and U. guianensis)

Cat's Claw, also called Uña de Gato, is a thorny liana vine reputed to be a
remarkably powerful immune system booster and effective in treating a wide
array of maladies. It has been proven to have anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, and
anti-oxidant properties. It has proven useful in treating arthritis, bursitis, allergies
and numerous bowel and intestinal disorders. There is some evidence that
indicates effectiveness in relieving side effects of chemotherapy.


A tea made of the vine is used for diabetes, hypertension, worms, dysentery,
malaria and as a general tonic and blood purifier. It is also very effective to relieve
constipation and colds and fevers in children.

Women in Latin American use the leaf for menstrual problems to promote
discharge after childbirth. The tea is taken for 9 days after giving birth to clean
out and tone up all the organs involved in the delivery. Cerasee is also used as a
natural method of birth control, by taking two cups each day after intercourse, for
three days. It is said that women who drink Cerasee daily will not conceive during
that time. 4/12
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As a wash, the tea is used externally for sores, rashes, skin ulcers and all skin problems. A Cerasee bath is good for
arthritis, rheumatism, gout and other similar ailments.

Cockspur (Acacia cornigera)

Sometimes called the Bullhorn or Cow Thorn, this plant has a symbiotic
relationship with an aggressive and painful species of ant (Pseudomyrmex
ferruginea). The ants live in its thorns and protect the tree from encroaching
plants, trying to grow near its trunk or leaves high in the canopy. The ants also
emerge from the thorns to attack other insects, humans and animals that come in
contact with the tree.

The Pseudomyrmex ferruginea ants have been used as a bush medicine for relief
of mucous congestion in infants which are given water containing the ants (once
they've been squeezed and strained). Snake doctors use the Cockspur bark and
root to slow down snake venom from entering the bloodstream. Acne and other
skin conditions can be treated by bathing in water in which the thorns have been boiled.

Copal (Protium copal)

This was a sacred tree of the ancient Maya who used the resin as a ceremonial incense, as well
as to ward off evil spirits and the evil eye (it is believed that people can harm others by their
envious glances).

The resin was once widely used to treat tooth cavities. They would stuff it into the cavity and
several days later, the tooth broke and was removed. Bush Doctors will make a powder made
from the bark to be applied to wounds, sores and infections. The bark is also used in a tea
(taken before each meal), to treat intestinal parasites.

Ginger Root
For over two thousand years Chinese Medicine has recommended ginger to treat a
number of health problems. The influx of Chinese immigrants to Belize has
resulted in the addition of Ginger Root as a bush remedy to combat all forms of
nausea and vomiting, including appetite loss, indigestion and motion sickness.
Comparisons between ginger and prescription or non-prescription drugs for
motion sickness relief have been conducted, and similar effectiveness was seen
between ginger and drugs. It is also taken to relieve toothache pain, loosen
phlegm, to relieve gas, sore throats, headaches, ulcerative colitis, some types of
menstrual pain, arthritis pain, as well as fevers and aches caused by colds and flu.

There are a lot of different varieties of ginger. For a more detailed description of
the various plants visit Nature Products Network's great website. 5/12
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Goat Pepper (Capsicum)

Used internally as a powerful stimulant, being considered beneficial in exciting

the appetite, also used externally as a counter-irritant. A leaf is slightly crushed
and placed on a boil to "draw" it to a head.

Gumbo Limbo (Kamalamee)

While exploring the Belize, you may see a large tree with red shaggy bark that
peels off in paper-thin strips. That's the Gumbo-limbo tree, and its bark is a
common topical remedy. Strips of bark are boiled in water and then used topically
for skin sores, measles, sunburn, insect bites, and rashes or drunk as tea to treat
backaches, urinary tract infections, colds, flu, and fevers. Young leaves rubbed on
skin exposed to poison wood can prevent reaction and will sooth itching and
speed recovery.

The tree is a member of the same botanical species as frankincense and myrrh,
both representatives of the worlds oldest medicines. It is also the source of that
very, very soft and light wood used for making toy airplanes and boats. In that
form it is called balsa wood.

Note: This tree is also known as the Gamalamee, or Kamalamee tree. It is also called the Sunburned Tourists Tree. Tourists
get burned and peel, much like the red peeling bark on this tree. And this tree provides a cure!

Hurricane Weed (phyllanthus amarus)

Called both Gale of Wind Weed and Hurricane Weed, the botanical name for this
small annual herb is phyllanthus amarus. It is also called the "stone breaker plant"
because it has been used for generations to eliminate gallstones or kidney stones.
This plant is used for poor appetite, constipation, typhoid fever, flu, and colds. It’s
a popular herbal treatment because it has no side effects or toxicity. Phyllanthus
amarus has been the focus of a great deal of research in recent years because its
antiviral qualities may even be useful in treating hepatitis and the HIV virus.

Jackass Bitters (Neurolaena lobata)

Jackass Bitters is a well-respected plant that has been used widely in traditional Central American medicine. It has yellow
flowers and bitter-tasting leaves which contain a potent anti-parasitic agent (sesquiterpene dialdehyde) that is active against
amoebas, candida, giardia and intestinal parasites. Traditionally, the herb is taken internally as a tea or a wine or used
topically to bath wounds and infections, or as a hair wash to get rid of lice. 6/12
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Jumbie Plant (wild tamarind)

The Jumbie Plant is used mostly to nourish cattle, but is good for human ailments,
too. As with most bush medicine, you boil the leaves from the plant and brew into
a tea. If you've had a stressful day, a cup or two of the brew will calm you down.
If, on the other hand, you're suffering from flatulence, the tea is said to have a
calming effect on your stomach. Some folks drink the tea to strengthen their

Lignum Vitae (guiacum officinale)

One of the most versatile native trees is the Lignum Vitae, tree of life, or as many
old folk call it "Nigly Whitey"). Its glossy leaves are a rich green, and its
abundant flowers range in color from purple to blue. Virtually all parts of the tree
are valuable, particularly its heavy, dense wood that was once used commercially
in construction, until the tree became scarce. Its resin, called guaiacum, is
obtained from the wood by distillation and is used to treat weakness and
strengthen your back.

Limon Grass
Native from Sri Lanka and South India, lemon grass is now widely cultivated in the tropical areas of America and Asia. Its
oil is used as a culinary flavoring, a scent and medicine. Lemon Grass is principally taken as a tea to remedy digestive
problems diarrhea and stomach ache. It relaxes the muscles of the stomach and gut, relieves cramping pains and flatulence
and is particularly suitable for children. In the Caribbean, lemon grass is primarily regarded as a fever-reducing herb. It is
applied externally as a poultice or as diluted essential oil to ease pain and arthritis. 7/12
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Love Vine
If it is an aphrodisiac you are looking for, then the Love Vine could be the plant
for you. Apparently this vine can be found not-so-lovingly attached to other
plants, which it eventually kills. As with most of the local remedies, the vine
leaves are made into a tea.

Mimosa (Mimosa pudica)

This small ground herb has many common names. It is known in Belize as the
Sensitive Plant, Humble Plant, or Sleeping Grass. It closes up and droops down
when touched, which indicates one of its properties - to induce sleep.
Traditionally, leaves have been placed under one's pillow for treatment of
insomnia. A tea made from its leaves and branches is used as a relaxant, pain
reliever and to induce sleep. The leaves can also be applied, once mashed, to
aching teeth.

The Periwinkle plant has historically been used throughout the Caribbean to treat
a wide assortment of diseases. It was used as a folk remedy for diabetes in the
area for centuries. Juice from the leaves is used to treat wasp stings and other
insect bites. The plant can be boiled to make a poultice to stop bleeding. It has
been used as an astringent, diuretic and cough remedy. In Central and South
America, it is used as a homemade cold remedy to ease lung congestion and
inflammation and sore throats., an extract from the flowers is used to make a
solution to treat eye irritation and infections.

If you've had a hard day at work and have aching limbs, the bruised, boiled leaves
of the Periwinkle can be applied, giving much sought-after relief.

It also had a reputation as a magic plant; Europeans thought it could ward off evil spirits, and the French referred to it as
"violet of the sorcerers." 8/12
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Picao Preto
Picao Preto, a small annual herb with prickly leaves and yellow flowers, is
considered a weed in many places. But in the Islands, it has a long history of
producing herbal curatives, and virtually all parts of the plant are used. The
people of Exuma grind the sun-dried leaves with olive oil to make poultices for
sores and lacerations. Leaves are balled up and applied to toothaches, or plastered
to the head to soothe a headache. 

Provision Tree (Pachira aquatica)

Also known as Malabar Chestnut, Guiana Chestnut and Saba Nut. this tree is sold
commercially in the USA under the name Money Tree. It produces large, colorful
flowers and fruits. The fruit can weigh up to six lbs, and be a foot in diameter. The
seeds can be roasted and eaten.

Provision Tree bark is highly regarded as a blood tonic. A tea made by boiling its
bark is used to help anemia, low blood pressure, fatigue and to generally build

Pound-Cake Bush (Parthenium Hysterophorus)

Used to combat "weakness" and is also used for coughs and as a wash for skin
sores. The flowers are sometimes "parched" and sprinkled on skin sores. It is also
made into a tea for diabetes.


Brought from the New World to Spain in 1563, sarsaparilla was heralded as a cure for syphilis. In Belize, the herb has
traditionally been used to treat a variety of skin problems.

Sarsaparilla is anti- inflammatory and cleansing, and can bring relief to skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis and general
itchiness, and help treat rheumatism, rheumatoid, arthritis and gout. Sarsaparilla also has a progesterogenic action, making
it beneficial in pre-menstrual problems, and menopausal conditions such as debility and depression. In Mexico the root is
still frequently consumed for its reputed tonic and aphrodisiac properties. Native Amazonian peoples take sarsaparilla to 9/12
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improve virility and to treat menopausal problems..

Sea Grapes are said to be especially good if you have an upset stomach. Children
used to eat them as a sweet treat, but now the most of the local children prefer

Shepherd's Needle (Bidens Pilosa)

Foliage and flowers are steeped and used for prickly heat, "cooling the blood" and
to relieve "sick stomach" and given every day for nine days for worms in children.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

In the Bahamas we called this plant "Mother-In-Law's Tongue" because once it gets started, you can't get rid if it! The color
pattern on this stemless plant resembles the skin of a snake. Following the "Doctrine of Signatures" this also indicates one
of its uses in bush medicine: For snakebite! Rashes and skin sores can be helped by bathing them with water in which the
leaves have been boiled. Some people place leaf juice in water for chickens, which helps prevent diseases. (If you get bitten
by a dangerous snake in Belize, don't rely on Bush Medicine, get to a clinic immediately!) 10/12
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Soursop / Guyabano (Annona muricata Linnaeus)

To reduce fever, a decoction or tea made from Soursop leaves can be taken
internally. Leaves added to bathing water has the same effect. The crushed fresh
leaves can be applied on skin eruptions to promote healing. A poultice of young
Soursop leaves is applied on the skin to alleviate rheumatism and other skin
infections like eczema. The tea has also been used as a wet compress on swollen
feet and other inflammations. The juice of the fruit can be taken orally as a
remedy for urethritis, haematuria and liver ailments.

Other uses: A thick tea can be used to kill bedbugs and head lice. Mixing
pulverizing Soursop seeds with soap & water is an effective spray against
caterpillars, armyworms and leafhoppers on plants.

St. John's Wort (Hypericum sp.)

There are several species of this flowering shrub found throughout the world in
warm temperate to tropical climates. Our Belizean St. John's Wort is common in
the savanna areas and easy to find at The Belize Zoo. It can grow on dry,
disturbed soil, and benefits from fire ecology, growing quickly and robust after
savanna fires.

Scientific research has found that certain species of St. John's Wort were an
effective antidepressant in the treatment of mild and moderate depression.

Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa)

Wild yam has been used for menstrual cramps and discomfort, rheumatoid arthritis, stomach cramps and pain from
gallstones. ailments.

Women in Mexico, for ages, ate the tuber of the Wild Yam as a birth control method. Scientific research has found that the
tuber of Dioscorea does contain steroids. These same steroids were then synthetically developed and are used in the
manufacturing of birth control pills.

For more Home Remedies of the Past, click here! 11/12
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