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V 1.0 Completed 7/9/2014

Written and maintained by James Friel

Copyright @2014 James Friel ( This FAQ is solely

intended for use on forum site, and may not be reproduced or

duplicated without permission of myself. If you want to use or duplicate

the FAQ, feel free on other sites, I really am not a greedy person, just

make sure to credit the FAQ and myself when doing it.

2006 JoWooD Productions, Developed by Phenomic. Published by JoWooD.




I. Revision History
II. Introduction

III. Hints and Tips

IV. Walkthrough

1. Mirraw Thur

2. Stormcleaver Rocks

3. Echo Swamps

4. Frostfall

5. Tirganach

6. Winterdeep

7. Mirraw Thur part 2

8. Fastholme

9. Tirganach part 2

10. Nevershade Frontier

11. Shal'Dun

12. Firefangs

13. Abyss

14. Frostweaver Rif

V. Last Words



7/09/14 v1.0

- FAQ started

- Added Introduction

- Added locations 1-14

- Added Hints and Tips and Last words

[NOTE: My revision history starts at version 1.0 and each change will be noted

as a .1 addition, so the 3rd revision, if it ever gets to that, will be

version 1.3]




I recently started playing the Spellforce series and really had fun with it.

But I noticed there wasn't much on the internet about the game in terms of

walkthroughs and info. Some of the host sites are not working anymore, and

the JoWood website not updating anymore with minimal forums. So I decided to
put up a FAQ/Walkthrough to help players.

This Walkthrough is for the 2nd Spellforce expansion . We will be making up

a warrior character. As you advance and level up you want to pick the

following skills for your warrior. These are the minimum you want your stats

and skills to be...

Strength 80 Stamina 80 Dexterity 37 Agility 34 Int & Wisdom 29

Heavy Combat Arts 12

Heavy Blade Weapons 10

Heavy Armor 11

Shields 12

Light Combat Arts 2 (for the 2 special abilities)

Elemental Magic 2

Ice Magic 2


My final character was level 30

Strength 89 Stamina 89 Dexterity 40 Agility 37 Int & Wisdom 35

Heavy Combat Arts 12

Heavy Blade Weapons 12

Heavy Armor 12

Shields 12

Light Combat Arts 2

Elemental Magic 5

Ice Magic 5

Now, the reason we will take 2 levels of Light Combat Arts are to pick up

the valuable skills. Taking levels higher than this do not grant you anymore

skills of value. You will still have a couple extra skill points lef over

from your main 4 combat skills. Most low level magic abilities aren't really

beneficial to your character, but there are a few that are. The main one that

is very useful at low levels is ICE MAGIC. A ICE SHIELD will surround your

character with a ice shield that lasts a good time and has a chance to freeze

foes hitting your character. As a low level magic ability, this magic is

VERY valuable all through the game, as it works against any level foe. Another

low level spell that is ok is healing, but to me, ice magic is more valuable

especially when your main combat abilities are used up, and 10+ enemies are

ganking your hero.

When you get these minimum stats and abilities, you can put put any extra

points into your strength and stamina (your main 2 skills for heavy combat

arts), and max your 4 main combat skills up to 12. Anything extra put into

Elemental and Ice magic evenly (don't put any into Light combat arts, 2 is
the max you want in this).

You want to get Heavy Combat Arts 2, Light Combat Arts 2, Elemental magic

2, and Ice magic 2 first, then you can raise up your main 4 combat areas. The

reason i suggest getting elemental and ice magic 2 early is because i never

found a level 1 ice shield scroll because you bypass those levels quick. You

can buy a level 2 and above scroll from merchants. So get level 2 and your

set the rest of the game with your cool (get it?) ice shield.




This section will hopefully help you with your gameplay and enjoyment of

the Spellforce game.

1) You will be playing your first walkthrough of the game as a warrior. The

warrior in the Spellforce series is superior to the mage in almost every way.

So to survive easier and have a better time we will have the walkthrough for

a warrior. Mages are fun in the game, but not recommended for the beginner.

Warriors have higher hitpoints, higher defense and stronger armor. Since
most foes in the game attack physically you will survive easier. Mages rely on

mana to cast spells so if you run out of mana you have to sit around and wait

for it to replenish. This is very very noticeable in the early parts of the

game and still annoying in the later parts. A mage will not cast their spells

automatically in combat so you constantly have to control a mage to kill foes.

A warrior will automatically attack anything that attacks him, so you don't

have to keep constant control. Lastly, mages can be disrupted by attacks, so

when in the middle of a army of foes your mage is almost worthless because

they cannot get a spell off. Your warrior has no such limitations.

2) This reasoning applies to your heros as well. Hero mage friends are about

useless compared to warriors, archers, and most healers. You really shouldn't

use any rune hero mages at all, concentrate on physical attackers and a healer

or 2.

3) Farming. Farming in the game is the act of using spawning foes as a

source of constant experience. Most boards you can complete very quick by

killing foes and destroying spawn buildings, but to gain more experience for

your character you will want to "farm" spawn points to keep gaining experience

and items. You do not have to farm opponents, it might get boring afer a

while, but you will be at a vastly lower level if you do not. Farming foes

makes the game much easier. I will tell you how to farm the boards you are

doing, its up to you to decide just how much you want to do it.

4) Some controls you want to remember. hitting "H" while your troops are
hi-lighted will cause them to HOLD position, not moving. Ranged troops of your

army will still shoot foes that come into range, and melee army troops will

still attack anything that attacks them. This HOLD function is used most of

the game to keep your army troops in position to farm spawn points.

5) ALT-TAB will pause your game and exit to the windows screen if you want

to surf the web or do something else without having to actually exit your

game and re-enter. You will NOT continue to do things in the game while Tabbed

out, the game goes into pause mode.

6) There are multiple quests the require different "COINS", such as skull

coins, sun coins, etc. DO NOT SELL ANY you will need all your coins for neat

items later.

7) DO NOT dual weld weapons. For some reason people say this is good to do.

This is NOT true. Equipping 2 weapons does not make you attack twice as fast.

Instead you will alternate weapons when attacking. So if you equip 1 dagger

you will attack with the dagger. If you equip 2 daggers, you will attack with

the first dagger, then attack with the second. But not at any enhanced speed.

You should always go with weapon/shield, 2 handed weapon, or weapon/bow for

archers. If you doubt this advice, simply time how fast you attack both with

1 weapon and with 2. You swing at the same speed.

8) You have light and dark armies. Humans/Elves/Dwarves share resources

while Orcs/Dark Elves/Trolls share resources.

9) CTRL-DELETE or CTRL-END will rotate buildings you are placing so you can

fit them into difficult areas, or to point their "front" towards resource

materials for quicker gathering.

10) In many areas, foe spawn camps do not start until you activate a Hero

or Army monument, so ofen you can explore and clear maps with little effort

since no foes spawn. We will do some of this to make battles easier later.

11) Plan your bases carefully for easier control. Build your Small Head-

quarters fast so you can use your secondary buildings to increase resource

gathering. When you put down mines and quarries, if you have the secondary

building that increases production, put THAT closest to the stone/iron since

miners will drop ore off at THAT building instead of your quarry/mine. When

you are putting down your food buildings, try and keep your main food building

near any fishing huts/hunting lodges/cattle farms, etc to increase your food

gathering. Resources are scarce so always have your secondary buildings to

increase your gathering up and running as soon as possible for maximum


12) For maximum farming its good to have archers as your troops if you have

them. Mages are very strong but they run out of mana soon so afer that they

are just weak physical troops. A bug in the game keeps them from regenerating

mana. In races like Elves and Dark Elves its good to use your lenya/aria for

towers instead of magical troops. Towers don't run out, towers survive longer
than troops though the lenya/aria cost is a bit more. Elf archer/frost

towers are excellent and Dark Elf hypnosis/magic towers are excellent.

13) Mana and health regeneration for troops is very strange in the game,

you need to actually build food stores to have mage troops regenerate mana

and health. This makes some maps very complicated if you want to use mage

armies and keep mages working. If you have an army of mages, you want an army

of food stores.

[NOTE: Remember, the 3rd expansion you can import this character into the

game. All Hero's and items you currently wear are imported, but your

inventory is not. At level 30 if you reach it, make sure all your

Heros and you have the best equipment before finishing the game and

make a special save, maybe called "Import save" so you know which

file you want to import. MAKE SURE YOU DON'T GO OVER LEVEL 30 with

this save, the 3rd expansion cannot import you if you are level 31 or








You'll start the game with a cutscene arriving at the Hero Monument. Afer

head down the hill to a t-chest. There is a silly bug at the start, you will

not get experience for what your 2 companions kill. SAVE YOUR GAME. For the

first few battles you want to run in and try and kill things before your 2

companions do so you can get experience. Head north and fight the goblin

ROFILIN and a few enemies. Continue north to a t-chest and fight some beastmen.

You'll enter a swamp area, head south then east, killing any foes and picking

up 2 t-chests on the way, and you'll go east into the refugee camp.

Get the 3 t-chests in the camp and activate the Bindstone. Talk to AEDAR

THALAN then to WILLIT. Head northwest back into the swamp. There is a goblin

spawn spot. If you want to farm it, don't enter the spawn area or your

companions will destroy the buildings. Stay on the path and kill the spawn

when it comes out. Get the t-chest on the island and continue north through a

long pass. Eventually you'll come to another Bindstone you can activate. Going
north you can head northeast up a hill where some ruins and a bone table are.

You cannot do anything here yet, go back down the hill and go northwest into

Kithar territory. At the intersection head north into one of their camps.

Careful at this low level they can hurt you quick. Take out all the foes in

the camp and destroy the buildings. Now leave and head west up the hill

towards the portal.

[NOTE: You cannot go on the east side of the map yet it is blocked off we

will go there later in the game.]

Clear the foes from the portal area. Southeast is another Kithar camp and

a t-chest is under a tree on the way. When all foes are dead activate the

Bindstone and enter the Portal to the Stormcleaver Rocks.




Afer the cutscene you gain 2 troops. Head east to the Orc Monument and

activate it. You can't build too many buildings but you want to get out your

10 orc Thug troops asap. Start gathering wood and food. Once you have your 10

troops send all your troops (not your Avatar) east and clear out any spiders

and Kithar. Keep your Avatar back at your Monument. When the Thugs are dead
make more. Remember you DO get exp from your troops, so use them.

To the SE is a t-chest. Up the path there is a little pathway that leads

west to a Drake, bypass this for now hes too strong. Have your army clear out

any misc Kithar roaming about in the area. To the NW is a windy path up a hill

to a t-chest. Have your army AND your Avatar clear out the Kithar guarding

JARINA, then talk to her to have her join the party. Get the t-chest near her.

Head NW up a small path to some forest spiders and another t-chest at the end.

Send your army and attack BAGZIRRA the Drake, sending in your thugs first as

cannon fodder. Don't let your Skrag healer or yourself die. Get the t-chest

behind BAGZIRRA. Now continue sending your thugs north killing Kithar while

your Avatar stays back.

You'll come to an intersection with a stone arch leading east and a gate NW.

Head NW through the now open gate, and clear it. Summon more thugs when yours

die there are some tough Kithar inside. This area is nice for farming since

there are 3 Kithar camps in the area, one west and 2 more through the arch

east. You can get to level 5 pretty fast. When ready destroy the camp to the

west and head east through the arch path to the next camp and destroy that. A

larger camp is just east in a wooden fort with a t-chest inside.

North is a large closed gate. Heading east is a friendly town and a hill to

the west with another Orc Monument and a t-chest. Activate the Monument to

start producing Orc Thugs. Start having your thugs clearing the area. Soon a

large group of Kithar from the NE camp will move down to attack. Hit them full
force, then continue clearing out the area monsters. Head into the friendly

village of Hulu. Activate the Bindstone and get the t-chest with Orc [SMALL

HEADQUARTERS]. Now you can build it and upgrade your Orcs a whole lot more.

Build your Army to max and start gathering lenya.

The path west of the village leads to some spiders and a t-chest. Your goal

is to take out the 2 Kithar bases to the NE along with some swamp Crawlers.

East of the friendly base is a small spider camp with a t-chest. When you have

the entire area secure go talk to Hulu in the friendly camp. The northeast

gate is now open, so send your army up northeast where there are tons of

Crawlers and Forestwraiths. Clear out the northeast of foes and there is a

t-chest. In the southwest of this area is the Wumpus lair, send your army in

to wear down the Wumpus some, then kill it with your Avatar if the army can't

take it down. Get the [TOUNGE OF THE WUMPUS] and get the t-chest nearby.

[NOTE: before you enter SETRIUS'S village read below]

Now when you enter the north village with SETRIUS you'll have a cutscene and

aferwards a force of Elite Kithar will destroy your Monuments and villages.

there IS something you can do if you want to stop it. If not, you can just let

the event happen. But I don't like to go down without a fight.

Send your entire 30 Thugs to your east Orc Monument on the bottom side. When

the cutscene happens enemy Elite Kithar appear and fight them. Send your

Avatar down to the Monument, it will take a while to get there so you'll have
to survive until then. Keep producing Thugs from the Monument and have them

lure the Kithar away, both down the hill and south. You want time for your

Avatar to arrive. When it does, take down the weaker Kithar first and the

Lieutenant last. Your Avatar can fall back if he gets hurt too bad just keep

summoning Thugs to keep the Kithar busy. When they are defeated start making

Totems instead of Thugs they will take down the tough Elites easier.

Build your army back up to full and then start eliminating the Kithar at the

south bases until they are all done. Then take your Avatar back up to Setrius.

Put your new Totem army at the still-closed gate to the west. Talk to Setrius

and he will want you to poison the Kithar camp. A few foes appear at the

closed gate your Totems are at, your Totems will kill them. Activate the

Bindstone and then head west up the trail. Follow the long trail with forest

and rock spiders, and a t-chest. At the end you'll run into Stormstrider the

Giant. Kill him and get his t-chest hidden in the grass. MOVE YOUR ARMY! Move

your army away from the gate, a Ranger army will appear there you don't want

it to kill yours. Now head west to a blue bowl and activate it to put in the

poison. Afer a cutscene a Ranger army will appear at the gate.

Head down and open the gate and take control of the Ranger army. Destroy the

Kithar base, kill the Kithar general. There are 2 t-chests here, one has the

[KEYCHAIN OF THE KITHAR GENERAL]. Head north out the open gate to the big

circle where DUNHAM awaits. Afer a cutscene go talk to and free the 3 mages

GRUOLUN, ZOLOWIN, and RENYA. Head north and talk to the 3 mages again at their

houses, they give you 3 stones to open the locked chest in the NE area. Go
to the chest and get the [CRAWLER FETISH]. Now you give the item to one of the

3 mages who rewards you, the other 2 mages attack. Who you give it to will

determine your reward. GRUOLUN also gives a [SUN COIN] so that is who we will

give it to. Talk to him afer the other 2 mages are dead to get a [SKULL COIN]

along with other items..

RENYA gives elemental magic spells, ZOLOWIN gives white magic and GRUOLUN

gives black magic spells.

We are finished here, head to the nearest Bindstone and journey back to

Mirraw Thur - Portal to Storm Cleaver Rocks

Head northeast through the swamps, the path is now open. Fight some

beastmen and goblins on the way. You'll encounter 3 Frost Elves on the east

side. Once they are dead you'll watch a cutscene. Head south to the KONGAR's

Orc village and talk to him to turn in your Wumpus and activate the Bindstone.

Head all the way south to your Hero Monument and summon Dunham. Now you can

clear out any misc foes in the area, like the Crawlers east and Frost Elves

at the north gate. Now head all the way south and activate the Bindstone and

enter the Portal to The Echo Swamps.



You'll enter at a cutscene. Aferwards fight and kill REOWYS and then

activate the Bindstone. Head north into an open area with a Dark Elf Monument.

Get the 2 t-chests first, they hold



Make sure to equip your level 3 Dark Elf worker before activating the

Monument. Activate the Monument and start your Dark Elf base. Space is tight

so try and group non important buildings up the portal path. There are 2 paths

into the area, north is a small Orc base and east is the bigger Ogre and other

bases. Station your Avatar at the east entrance and summon an army of

Assassins who will guard the Aria fountain north. Make sure to keep control

of the Assassins so they don't destroy the orc spawn spots so you can farm

the spawn. Max out your army, put 35 assassins at the north Aria spot and keep

15 with your Avatar to handle east spawn.

When you are done farming, or bored Destroy the small north base then take

your army east and destroy the ogre camp. Continue east to an intersection

and head south. Keep a small force of 15 Assassins at the intersection. To the

southwest is an ogre camp. Heading east you'll reach a pond and on the south

side is THE MASKED MAN. Talk to him and continue east. A Bindstone and Moon-

silver mine is here, send 5 workers to start mining it. A path SE leads up to
a goblin camp. Take your Avatar and army in and defeat everyone. Defeat GITZO

and get [GITZO'S ESSENCE] and a nice Ironfang Dagger.

Destroy the larger base north of the moonsilver resource, where HORTAR is

located. Take down the entire enemy base. There are 2 t-chests here. There is

a small merchant camp to the north with a Bindstone. Send your entire army to

the Aria fountain north of your Dark Elf Monument. Talk to HORTAR and he will

lead you to a gated resource area with has another Dark Elf Monument, Aria

fountain and Moonsilver. When your army is at the west Aria fountain talk to

Hortar again. The north area gate opens and a small enemy force moves down

to your army. Kill them and move your army NW, you'll run into a bunch of

enemy camps to clear out.

1) First camp has 3 t-chests and Camp Commander SVERA who has [SVERA'S KEY]


2) Second camp has 1 t-chest.

3) Third camp has a spawn point and 2 t-chests.

There is a closed wooden gate at the last camp. Have your Avatar open it and

take your army south. There are Treewraiths about, and west is a Spiderwhisper

goblin near a stone. This stone can give you an item for a gold. You want to

get the 4 coins if you have enough.





Other symbols will get you scrolls, which you might want but which aren't

that great

EYE-EYE Def Mental TOAD-TOAD Necro



Continue east to the north enemy camp and destroy it. There are 2 t-chests

here also. Your closed base gate is to the south. Continue east and make sure

all the Treewraiths are dead so Hortar will move over to the beast cages.

In the NE open area there are level 12 enemy troops to the south, they are too

strong for you to handle, but HORTAR can. Keep your army west of the stone

arch into the area and talk to HORTAR. Move your Avatar west also and Hortar

will open the best cages releasing the Giant Poisoncrawlers. They will go down

and wipe out the enemy forces then continue far south into a holding area.

Take your Avatar and search the body of HORTAR and get the t-chest in the

holding cage area which has a [PARTS OF A BLADE MINION].

Now take your Avatar and army south and east past the Giant Poisoncrawler

holding area (they are too strong to kill) and hit the last big enemy camp.

There are 6 t-chests in the main camp along with the boss WHORIM who has on
him [RUNE OF REOWYS 9]. Send your Avatar back to the Masked Man while your

army heads north out the camp and around south fighting Stone Golems. At the

end of the path is a Bindstone and a t-chest. You are about done with the map.

Now, you can actually kill the Giant Poisoncrawlers if you want. You will

need to make an army of Sorcerers and gather them just north of the Poison-

crawler holding area. Send 1 Sorcerer to lure them out 1 by 1 and have the

army gank them with magic. Wait for mana to regen, then repeat. Soon all the

Poisoncrawlers will be dead and you can loot the nice treasure from the

t-chest behind them. You should be about level 10 at this point. You will

need to build dozens of food stores to let the Sorcerers regenerate their

mana properly. (yes, annoying I know)

Head to the nearest Bindstone and journey to Mirraw Thur Orc camp. Head

south to the Hero Monument and summon your 3 heros. Continue SW and talk to

AEDAR who will give you a Ranger army. Take your Heros and your Rangers into

the now open Frost Elf city and destroy them. Keep your Avatar at the Hero

Monument so you get full experience. Make use of your Hero's healing burst to

heal all your troops. Once you work your way to the small temple a cutscene

will happen. Get the t-chest with [RAW RUNESTONE].

Send your 3 heros to just north of the Hero Monument and take your Avatar

and any Rangers down the SW path to the prison area and finish off the Frost

Elves and the towers. Another cutscene will happen and the Imperial armies

will arrive. Activate the Bindstone in the prison area and head to the city
entrance. While you do that your 3 Heros will encounter an enemy patrol. Kill

the mages first then work on the others, if a hero dies bring him back at the

Monument. Now meet up with your Avatar at the city entrance and kill any foes

that come, and protect the Elf forces. Work your way up to the Elf resistance

fortress in the far NE killing any foes that get in the way. Enter the town

and head east to the Portal and Bindstone. Activate the Bindstone and enter

the Portal to Frostfall.




Do not talk to Lena when you enter. Go ahead and get the nearby chest for

[ELF WORKER 4] and [ORC WORKER 3] along with a misc item. Activate the

Bindstone and go about the map and clear it of all foes, but don't activate

the Orc Monument yet. There are t-chests in a west, northeast, and north

cave (3 total). Clear out any Troll troops in the north and south camps and

get the t-chest in each camp. Save the buildings so we can farm them a little

later. Make sure to equip your Orc and Elf worker runes. When you are ready

go talk to Lena to continue her quest. Go north of her to the gate to

Portal to Shal'Dun and enter. You'll arrive at a secret prize area. The only

thing here is a stone where you can enter your [COINS] to get prizes. 3

prizes are worth getting, the rest aren't so good and you can use your coins
later to get better stuff. You can put in 3 coins to get 1 prize, and you'll

only have enough coins to get the Armor and Helm of the Iron Falcons, so go

ahead and get those 2 items and later we'll get the 3rd piece.




STAR-STAR-SUN Marksman xbow 14-16

STAR-SUN-MOON Flaming eye magic mace

SUN-SUN-MOON Kaithi helmet 27 ac lv18

MOON-MOON-STAR Flaming sword 9-17 damage

SUN-SUN-SUN Kathai 65 armor

MOON-MOON-MOON Windwhisper bow 10-14


The Iron falcon set armor is very nice and gives you a damage bonus when

all 3 pieces are worn. You probably can only get the armor and helm at this

point. Other prizes can be gotten but they are not worth the coins so don't

waste them. Enter back through the portal into Frostfall.

Now go activate your Orc Monument and start building your camp. The refugees
will appear and move to their secure area. Send your Avatar between the two

Troll camps to clear spawn while you wait. The island just west of your base

has plenty of room to build some more buildings. Drop a food building and a

couple hunting lodges here also to harvest food faster when you are ready.

Your base and all Orcs will soon be destroyed so once you are set, start

gathering food, get your 15 totems by your south tower, and wait. As your

food rises the refugees will take it from your warehouse to keep fed. When

they have taken enough the next event happens. Personally I wouldn't gather

any other supplies once you have your totems and start food hunting, not

worth the effort.

The Imperial army invades. The first patrol will enter your south entrance

they are weak enough to defeat with your Avatar and 15 totems. Once they are

dead have your Avatar run for the NW Elf base, the rest of the Imperial army

will destroy your Orc base they are too strong to fight. Run. In the Elf

base talk to Lena again and start build your Elf Forces. You want to get 15+

Warders and Frost Mages to the front gate as soon as possible. While you do

this have your Avatar explore further up the path. North of your refugee party

is a windy trail up to 2 t-chests on the hills. Also SE is a Bindstone, so

activate it. A weak Imperial force will attack the Elf gate but your troops

can defeat it.

[NOTE: Your elf base is partially started already, but horribly designed.

When you start send 5 workers to the wood cutters, stick 1 in the armory and

the Ailantery. If you really want, you can destroy the gather hut, put a
sawmill right next to the woodcutter by the fence, put a gather hut back

near the hill down to the berries, and still fit a food store in the

corner. Experiment a few times to find the right place. Or not, you really

won't be in the city long, but some people are perfectionists haha.]

Keep your Avatar exploring east. He will come to an open area with a Hero

Monument in the NE. Summon your Heros and go west to fight some Wolflings on

the way far west is a Frost Elf outpost with a Bindstone. Go down the south

path and get a t-chest. Now head all the way back east to meet up with Lena at

the next gate. You NEED to meet Lena when she heads to the next gate, you

won't have much time if you do not. When she arrives at the gate talk to her

and the gate is locked. Head all the way west to the Frost Elf outpost and on

the south path is the gatekeeper. Talk to her and head back to Lena. When

the gatekeeper arrives at the gate talk to her to open it.

Now you have control over some Frost Elf troops. Send them up the path into

the mountains north. Take your Avatar and Heros west to fight a weak Imperial

force and defeat them. Keep moving your army into Frost Elf territory and when

you are done with the weak Imperial force send your Avatar/Heros into the

mountains also. You want to run ahead of the hard Imperial forces. There is a

t-chest on the way up. Keep moving your Frost Elves west towards the portal

you shouldn't need to keep them back. Lena will stop at a north area Bindstone

go there, activate the Bindstone and talk to Lena to continue moving. Move

your entire force to the portal and wait for the refugees to finish. Now

DRACON ARACH will teleport to you to try and stop you. Kill him and loot his
body for some nice items and [RUNE WORLOCK PHOBAR 9].

You have a nice army and many foes lef about to farm if you want. If you

plan on farming a while there are 3 spawn spots, the 2 Troll bases and the

cave across from the Hero Monument, do NOT go west to the Imperial forces.


5) TIRGANACH part 1


Start off and grab your Frost Elves and go north to defeat a party of

skeletons. Get the chest for some nice items and [RUNE PRIEST GYLLENHAAL 8].

Now head east past ASHGORK and the gate and kill the wolves. RAWOR has the

[RAWOR'S KEY]. There is a t-chest here also and a secret path actually leads

into the southern mountains, but there isn't anything at the end. Open the

gate once you have the key.

Continue north clearing any Ice Elementals in the way. You'll come to a path

that leads SW to a Ice Elemental spawning spot. This is a great farming spot.

Station your Avatar at the stone arch with your archers in place "H" holding.

You can just slaughter the various ice creatures that spawn for a while. Keep

your Elf warriors with the refugees. I leveled up to 12 here and then destroy

the summon point and continue north into the town of Tirganach. There are a
bunch of things to do here.

Talk to AEDOR then LENA then ELUNE. Head east to the center of the city and

talk to Winterguard Bowmaid then to High Priestess AEDALE.

At the south side of the city talk to FLINK MCWINTER in his prison. Head to

the NE of town and talk to DARIUS. Just SW of DARIUS is a Bindstone on a small

hill. Activate it. Journey up to ASHGORK, talk to him for his quest, then

journey back to town.

Now head back to town and exit the town west and go north of the Masked One

to where the t-chest is. Fight the Great Butcher and his 4 servants and get

the [FARNHARDT'S JOURNEY] book. Take the book to DARIUS and then go talk to

FLINK to find out where the missing pages are.

Head east out of town with your forces through the stone arch to the Hero

Memorial. Kill the Snow Wolves in the way, the Ice Wolf has [VIOLET BLOODGEM].

Summon your Heros and get the t-chest in the area. Head out and now south is

a Troll base with some very tough Trolls. You want to try and lure them out

and fight them 1 or 2 at a time. Lure them and find a spot when they return

to their base and use this spot to attack and kill them one by one. It doesn't

matter if your Heros die just resummon them, but don't let your Avatar die.

You can also sneak into their camp and use the statue to command them to do

things, but you get experience by killing them. Togo has [THIGHBONE FRAGMENT].
Continue east to a goblin/undead camp where you will fight the Disemboweller

who has [GREEN BLOODGEM] and [RUNE PRIEST NAVID 11]. West you'll start with

Screamer enemies. Through the arch head SW down to an undead camp with a

t-chest behind it. Keep the building will spawn goblins. North is a undead

and a goblin force. The building we were just at spawns the goblins so when

the goblins are dead you can go back to the building to spawn the goblins that

spawn very fast. When you are done farming destroy the building and continue


You will come to a large area filled with undead and Screamer-type enemies.

This is a good farming spot but you need to be attentive. Bring any extra

Frost elf troops up also. Clear the initial enemies then put your Avatar at

the southern spawn building backed up with a couple Elf troops. Put your 3-4

Heros on the north side with Elf backup. Then just keep farming the undead

spawn. Send dead Heros back up to re-take their place if they die. Use your

Hero healing burst, your mage aura of slowness, etc. Once you are done farming

clear out all the buildings. I leveled to 14 here. Head north to the final

area with Munch and its undead followers. Defeat them all and get some nice

loot and [BONE SHARD] off MUNCH. 3 t-chests are here, one holds level 8 runes

for all your Monuments.

You are about done with this map as far as you can do. North and South of

the city is walled off for now. To the west is a large undead base but its

pretty hard, so we will come back to it later. Wipe out the enemy buildings

on the east side of town (trolls, undead, goblins) and head north through
the portal into Winterdeep. I was about level 14-15 at this time.




Start the map and make sure you have all your correct runes and Hero's

equipped. Activate the Bindstone and head north to the Hero Monument and

summon your Heros. Continue to a t-chest and some undead foes to the east and

a undead force at a spawn point north. Destroy both buildings we don't want

spawn from this area. Head north and you'll come to a Dwarf camp. Talk to

both ERLIN and DEVUS. Go east then up the north path to another undead spawn

camp. Destroy them AND the building and get the t-chest. Now continue east to

the Dwarf Monument. Activate the Bindstone and get the t-chest that has Dwarf


HEADQUARTERS] and [MEDIUM HEADQUARTERS]. Do not activate the Monument yet.

Take your Avatar/Heros northeast to a hidden t-chest behind a tree. There is

a Guard of the Mosaic and his healer, kill them. Don't worry about the Mosaic

yet. Continue east around the mountain and you'll hit the camp of the undead

Frost elves and their ice golems. Kill them and Winterfist. He has [WHITE

BLOODGEM] and [RUNE WARLOCK FINISTRA 12]. The locked t-chest in their camp

is unlocked with Devus's key. It holds [WOUND MEDICINE OF DEVUS].

Head back to DEVUS and turn in the medicine. You can choose to save the

Dwarf or Elf. Saving the Dwarf gets you an axe (not that great) but saving the

elf gets you an [ELVEN BROOCH] which lets you talk to her in Tirganach and you

will gain access to her inventory. Much more valuable.

Head to the Dwarf Monument and activate it and start your base. Activate the

Bindstone if you haven't already, and station your troops at the only exit

to the southeast. You will have tough spirit and undead foes entering from

there. Build Dwarf Defenders and station your army to wipe up any foes that

approach your base. To the SW is a small undead spawn camp and a large Dwarf

spirit base. We want to secure the undead base first. Move your forces down

to just east of the path to the undead spawn spot. You will be short on

moonsilver so fill your spots with simple Militia troops as meat shields. Once

your defensive position is ready, send your Militia and Heros down to the

undead spawn spot and start clearing out the undead. You might need a couple

trips into it to clear it out well. Make sure to kill the archers at the back

of the base.

Once the undead spawn spot is secure, station your Heros and maybe 10

Defenders at the spawn spot to farm it. Rebuild up your army to assault the

Spirit base. Pump out Workers also, you won't have work for them but they can

be sent in first with your Militia to take the heat while your Avatar and

Defenders can wear down the spawn. When your line is ready, have your Avatar

draw out the spirit army and take it down. Then move into the spirit base. It
has 4 spawn spots, so set up a small line of your Avatar/Militia then your

Defenders behind to farm the spawn. When you are finished farming you can

clear the undead and spirit base. There is a t-chest at the undead camp and

3 t-chests in the spirit camp.

Once the base is destroyed the south gate is now open. Go through and clear

off the few archers on the west hill. A t-chest is down an east path. Kill


respectively. Continue east to fight a small undead force near the portal.

Head down a west path to the sealed gate to the secret valley and open it.

Fight KYRA and her Wolf Masters to get [KYRA'S ESSENCE] which will turn into

[KYRA'S SLEEPING RUNESTONE]. The t-chest in the area had loot and [RUNE

WARLOCK ARGENTO 15]. Now head towards the portal with your army and clear out

the last of the undead forces. Do not enter the portal we have some sidequests

to do first. I had just hit level 16 at this point, you should be close.

We will now do most of the Mosaic. Build your army to max. Take your Avatar

to the Mosaic and your army/heros to the spawn spots to defeat the spawn. The

foes are high level and give very nice loot. Defeat each wave to get the next

Mosaic fragment. Once you have done all levels except for the last, journey

to Mirraw Thur Hero monument.

1) Spawns near the Hero monument

2) Spawns near the undead spawn point SE of the main spirit camp area

3) Spawns near the t-chest at GARVYNS/ROGRAS. These will take your whole
army to defeat. Bring your Avatar down afer you insert the Mosaic


4) last spawn, spawns at the Mosaic. You cannot defeat this spawn at this

point it is way to hard. Save it for later.

When finished head to the nearest bindstone and teleport to Mirraw Thur

portal to Echo Swamps.


7) MIRRAW THUR part 2


Arriving back into Mirraw Thur, we want to clear out the lefovers of the

Imperial armies lef in the old Frost Elf city. Head north and summon your

Rune Heros at the monument. Continue all the way north up to the portal to

Frostfall where a large roaming band of soldiers should be coming down. Kill

them all. Ignore the soldiers on the east side of the map, they are endless

but are good for farming later. Head down back to your monument and west up

into the city.

There are 4 groups of soldiers about the town, plus the main group at the

center small headquarters with their leader. You and your heros wipe them all

out. Once the town is clear, the Orcs will start to populate the now-safe area
again. Also, on a side note, Snotlings are now also in the city (haha, sorry

was just funny to say....Snotlings..). Go north of the town to the Orc

merchants and sell off any excess gear, we need a little gold. Once done go

back to the city and talk to ASHGORK on the east side and pay 10 gold to start

his quest. If you want to farm the Crimson soldiers at the east portal they

spawn endlessly and you should be able to handle them pretty easy now. Go

ahead and kill some if you wish, I farmed them till level 16+ pretty easy.

Hit a bindstone and teleport to Echo Swamps - Whorims camp. NAZOSH and a

group of orcs are under attack by some treefolk. Rush up and save the day then

talk to Nazosh to get his bone necklace. Make sure you have all t-chests

nearby looted also. If for some reason you have trouble with the Tree-foes,

look to start up an army again, build up, then attack them with an army, but

you should be at a level that you can handle them fine.

Report back to ASHGORK in Mirraw Thur to get the next part of the quest.

To the west on the map a BONE GUARDIAN appears on the plateau east of the

portal to Stormweaver rocks. Use the Hero monument, get your heros, then go

slay the Bone Guardian and report back to ASHGORK again. The Bone Guardian

will cast an unending pestilence spell, so let one hero attack first to be

infected, then attack with everyone else. Let the hero die then just re-

summon them from the monument. Report back to ASHGORK who now flees the area

north to the portal to Frostfall. When he reaches the portal he summons an

army of skeleton warriors to defend him. These are tough foes, you want to

try and lure part of them out at a time to fight to the west, you will not
survive if you try and fight them all at once. Re-summon dead heros, and take

down ASHGORK and his skeletons and get his bones.

Now you have access to the crafing altar, which is on the plateau where

you fought the Bone Guardian. Using bone parts, Blood Gems, and Carving Knives

you can create items to use. You should have already 4 Blood Gems (White,

Cyan,Green and Violet). You need some Carving Knives. The following is a list

of merchants that sell the knives, along with Blood Gem locations.

Carving Knife merchants:

Mumugg (Mirraw Thur), Sorenia and Lucius (Echo Swamps), Ebonie and Panchesi

(Tirganach) and Knoblin and Vestenrar (Shal'Dun)

Bone Fragments:

Bonekeeper and Ashgork (Mirraw Thur), Nazhosh (Echo Swamps), Togo and Munch

and Bonedancer (Tirganach), Norvag (Shal'Dun)


White: Golem WINTERFIST in Winterdeep

Cyan: Bonekeeer in Mirraw Thur

Green: enemy in Tirganach

Violet: Wolf leader in Tirganach at hero monument

Blue: Merchant Panchesi in Tirganach

Black: Merchant Lucius in Echo Swamps

Brown: Merchant Lucius in Echo Swamps

Red: Werewolf leader in Frostfall

Grey: Chest in Shal'Dun at burning rock

So now lets make some stuff. Go buy 2 Carving Knives we want to make two

items. Head to the Bone Altar and make a warrior sword (SAWSWORD). Now head

to Tirganach and buy the Blue Bloodgem and return to the altar and make the

warrior armor. You want to make them THIS WAY BECAUSE THERE IS A BUG that

sometimes if you do it differently you can't make the 3rd piece. So make the

2 items (sword and armor) exactly like this. Make sword, buy Blue Bloodgem

then make armor.

Now hit a bindstone and travel to Frostfall-Border Stronghold Winterkeep.

Head northeast to the Hero monument and get your heros. There are various

Crimson enemies in the area, and 5 groups of Lucian werewolf groups we need

to kill. 3 groups are west of the hero monument and 2 are north in the hills

in the Frost elf areas. Kill them all off. You'll pick up the Red Bloodstone

and the 3 pages for Fink's quest. There is a t-chest at the 3rd werewolf group

in the nearby cave, but its hard to see because the cave faces away. You can

still click on the chest even if you can't see it.

Head back to Tirganach-elf city and talk to Darius to turn in the pages,

then talk to Fink and release him. Talk to him again and all his dialogue and
you'll progress his treasure quest with him giving you 3 keys to use. Talk

to Merchant HULDIS on the SW side of town to access her inventory and buy her

3 coins off her. Now is the time to shop, sell, re-equip, etc we are going to

continue with the story. Go back to Winterdeep and exit the southeast portal

into Fastholme.




You enter the map in the Dwarven city of Fastholme. There is a nearby chest

that holds level 10 worker runes, grab it and equip your new workers. Continue

up into the city and you'll encounter a cutscene with MURIM and RAGNIR. Afer

talking to them you are free to act, the city is under attack.

Head all the way south to the city entrance to help protect it from attacks.

As you head down activate the Dwarf Monument and start producing Dwarf workers

and get 40 of them active on buildings, collecting material, etc. Do not

worry about making troops since your Avatar can handle any attacks for a

while. Just gather material. Occasionally a single foe from a base NE will

wander down, so deal with them also. Afer repulsing a few attacks RAGNIR will

call you back up to talk. Before heading up search the goods cart just west

of the southwest pig farm, and get the t-chests in town. Go to RAGNIR.
Afer talking to RAGNIR start mass producing simple Armsmen and group them

on the ramp near the monument. The enemy armies will invade and start to

attack the south buildings. Once your army is maxed send them down to fight

and delay the enemy while you head northeast out of town up to URAM. There

is a t-chest near him with an empty runestone, which you will take and it will

turn into [KYRA'S SLEEPING RUNESTONE]. Talk to URAM, then follow him and he

will head south towards a hill overlooking the enemy forces. Guard him from

the few enemies on the way. At the end he destroys the hillside blocking the

way for the enemy forces. They will start to come at the city from the north-

east, being weakened by the Dwarf statues. Clear any foes lef south with

your army, then station the army at the pass to the northeast of the ramp. Put

your Avatar there also. Rebuild and keep building your city, and mass

producing armsmen to reinforce your Avatar.

Move your army and Avatar northeast to the pass at the Holy Statue to guard

the way up. Start producing Defenders now and make a wall in front of the

Holy Statue with your army to kill anything coming up. Build your base to

max while defending the pass. Send 1 troop northeast to scout and pick up a

couple t-chests about the area. When you are done farming start sending a

large army into the enemy lands to destroy their troops and buildings. Stay

away from the elite troops by the landslide. Send 40-50 troops at a time to

raze the enemy undead camps, concentrating on towers/buildings. You should

have plenty of resources to keep troops building. I had 30 defenders and my

Avatar at the Holy Statue and 40-50 troops at a time blasting into enemy
bases. I attacked east towards the 2nd dwarf monument then swung around behind

and destroyed their towers/buildings, minimal defenses.

When everything is dead except GORG and the elite troops to the south, take

your full army and kill GORG. He will summon giants as he fights, take them

all down. Loot GORG and the giants for some nice items including [RUNE MAGE

JARVIS 16] and [RUNE MENTALIST MORNA 16]. Search the nearby cave to release

WINJALF and talk to him.

Some Lucien Wolfs exit their caves across the area, there's only a few of

them so kill them on the way back to the Dwarf city. There WINJALF is welcomed

back, talk to him and get the [FIREBANE SPELL]. Go ahead and put this in your

spellbook, you'll need it later. Leave the map and go back to Tirganach city.


9) TIRGANACH part 2


There are a few quests to do in town. Upon arriving head west to the top

of the city hill and talk to AILEEN. Converse with her and learn AEDALE was

killed and she thinks it wasn't an accident. Go west to the city entrance and

talk to LITHERE to get some info on everyone. Talk to ELUNE nearby to continue
with her questline. Go west and talk to THE MASKED ONE about your elf rune,

and he will make [RUNE KYRA 16].

On the east side of the city talk to BAETHA by the city bindstone. Head east

to the Hero Monument and summon your heros, and behind it talk to FENNAIR and

examine the body of AEDALE. Seems she was strangled by someone wearing metal

gloves. Go back to AILEEN and say you know what happened, choose option 3,

then say FENNAIR was the murderer and why. Now, the north city gate is open so

make sure your characters and equipment is all set and head out north.

At the first intersection go lef/west to kill ZANZAAR and his guards. Get

the [SPIDERKEY FROM THE GHOST]. To the northeast are a half dozen Snow Drakes

they are tough and can freeze you but your group can take them down. You can't

continue further yet due to a locked gate. So kill the drakes and return to

town and show ELUNE the key, she will unlock the south gate.

Head south into Lucien wolf territory. They are great to farm, easy to kill,

don't hit hard, good exp and plenty of spawn points. Have your hero group just

run around for a bit and kill Luciens. When you are done just destroy their

buildings and head SE to the next gate. Open it with the spider key, then go

past the Ice Servant area, we will come back. Continue on to the portal

killing the various skeletons in your way. There is a t-chest to the west and

a bindstone north of the portal. Now go back to the Ice Servants. They will

constantly spawn so you can farm them if you want, but they will swarm you

pretty fast so I let my Heros distract them while my Avatar took down their
summoning altars. Between the Luciens and the Ice Servants I was level 19.

Loot the 2 t-chests when your finished, getting a [RAW RUNESTONE] and [RUNE


Go back to THE MASKED ONE and he can now craf you a [RUNE BLADEWEAVER]. Hit

a bindstone, jump down and enter the portal to Nevershade Frontier.




Afer the cutscene, start heading east and north exploring the area. The

starting area has a human monument with 2 t-chests next to it. Inside are

worker runes level 12 for all the races, make sure to switch them out. Also in

the other chest are Dark Elf [MINDBENDER], [TOWER OF SORCERY] and [LARGE HQ].

YES! We finally have our Dark Elf towers, time to rule! A bindstone is south

of the entrance portal. Moving up into the next area there is a Uruk Troll

base west. Go ahead and kill off the trolls before heading north again.

In the next area there is a guy to the west, KERAM, but he doesn't talk to

you. Keep going NE to a Crimson troop camp. You should be strong enough by

this point to solo these basic camps. Take down the towers, keep healed and

slowly wipe out the Crimson troops and all the towers. Keep the buildings for
farming later. Go back out west and continue north, and 3 more areas at the

next intersection. West are Lucians, east are spiders, and another Urok camp

is to the north. Clear out all foes and buildings about. This Urok camp will

not have a spawn point so wipe it out. If you are up here during the daytime

the Lucians actually are townsfolk under a wolf curse. At night the town has

Lucians, during the day townspeople. Talk to CARVUS during the day to learn

that KERAM knows something. Go back south to KERAM and talk to him, getting

his artifact quest.

The east side of the map is reachable by a north/south portal at the north

side of the map. Head up there, activating the bindstone by the elf Monument

if you haven't did that already. Enter the portal to appear on the east side

of the map. Activate the bindstone here, then head north at the first path

clearing Uruks along the way. Head west and up to more Uruks, and some White

Spiders. A body to loot is at the end of the path. Go back then east to your

Hero Monument and goblins to kill. Kill them and the buildings, summon your

heros and kill the 1st gargoyle right above the monument, taking the [VIAL OF


GO back to the north/south portal area then head south, you'll come upon 3

Dark Elf towers and the 2nd gargoyle. Take down the towers and kill the 2nd

gargoyle getting the [HOURGLASS]. Go back to the Hero monument and head south,

you'll pass a couple small Urok camps. Make sure to kill all the Trolls AND

destroy the Troll buildings, then enter the Dwarf town. Activate the bindstone

and loot the chest for a [RAW RUNESTONE]. Go south of the town into a small
swamp area and get the 2 t-chests and loot the dead body. Talk to BORONDIR

and confirm he won't be bothered by Trolls. BORONDIR and the Dwarf Destroyers

become part of your group, so take everyone up to the closed gate near where

the 2nd gargoyle was. Talk to BORONDIR there and he will open the gate.

Take your Heros and Avatar south (leave the Dwarves back) and head west to

the main Wall gate. Take down the 6 Dark Elf towers and destroy the gate,

freeing the way between the 2 areas. A small group of Crimson soldiers will

head up, so kill them and wipe out the Crimson base to the SW, leaving the

buildings for farming. A few more guards will spawn in the base. Loot the

t-chest in the back for a [YELLOW BLOODSTONE] and [SKULL OF A BLADE PRINCEPS].

Crimson guards will spawn just east of the Large HQ, so station your group

here to farm them. Otherwise they will appear and go all the way west to the

portal and fight LENA.

Ok! Its time to farm! This is a nice map to get some experience in, with

multiple farm points, an Elf monument so you can build tons of towers to

cut spawn down. If you want to finish the map ignore my farming instructions.

You are now at the east Crimson spawn point, every so ofen they pump out

soldiers that your Hero's are killing. Once such a round is done, send your

Avatar west to the Elf Monument and activate it, then take the Avatar and

plant him in the Crimson camp just southeast where 3 spawn portals are. He

is going to live here for a while until you can get towers up. Once in a while

you want to hit the Urok camp southwest to keep the spawn down.
You want to get your woodcutters up and working at the Elf monument, and

have 8 workers making towers. 4 making towers at your base ramp (so Lucians

from the nearby town can't make trouble), and 4 to head to the east spawn

spot where your Hero's are to start making towers there. Your east Hero spot

is handled by the Heros, but later Uroks from the large southeast base will

start roaming up in groups and you want a lot of towers up to keep the chaos

down. Once you get your base going ok, you want more workers to start making

towers where your Avatar is. You should be making towers 100% of the time

somewhere, you want hundreds up all over the spawn points.

Once your have some towers up at your Hero location, take 1 hero and move

them to your Avatar spot, and have your Avatar move down southwest to the

Urok base which has 2 spawn spots. Early on it isn't bad, but it will soon be

pumping out Uroks pretty fast and your Avatar will have to keep busy. Do not

worry about towers here, your Avatar will handle the spawn, build towers at

the 3 spawn Crimson camp with your 1 hero, you'll need a lot of towers here

to handle the 3 spawn locations. Soon you will be rolling in enemy deaths.

I was up to level 21+ here before I even realized it, could finally put on

my Iron Falcon armor when my skills hit level 9. When your done farming, wipe

out the west Urok base and Crimson camp. Wipe out the east Crimson camp then

take your group south to kill the 3rd gargoyle and get the [CANDLE]. You now

have all 3 artifacts. Go to the shrine just north of the east Crimson base,

and use the candle. Now go to the shrine north of the west Crimson base use

the Phial, and finally the SW shrine the hourglass. Talk to KERAM then to the
town and CARVUS.

Ok, we are done here. A couple things to do before we move into Shal'dun.

When finished, head back to Nevershade Frontier and go through the portal

into Shal'dun.

1) Hit a town and sell off your excess loot.

2) Pick up any excess Blood Stones and Carving Knives you have missed.

3) You should have the coins (Star-Star-Moon) to get your Iron Falcon Greaves

so journey to Frostfall-portal to Mirraw Thur, go through Shal'dun portal

and turn in your coins for your Greaves. (you will get the cutscene as if

you had entered Shal'dun normally, don't worry about it we will be there


4) journey to Mirraw Thur-west swamp and head to the Bone Altar for some more

crafing. Craf your last piece, Skull Helmet of the Berserker. Now you

have your quest done, you can craf a few misc pieces. Make a [ARCANE


5) Clear the Undead camp west of Tirganach city with your heros. There is

about 6 tombs go destroy, a few mini boss's, and 2 t-chests with a few

basic runeheros and loot.



A little map breakdown. You start on the west side of the map. The MOON

CITY is to your north, the SUN CITY forces are to the south, both guarded

by a row of guard towers. Far east is the Burning Rock compound.

To start, you are again annoyed with a hip attached follower LENA. Yes,

again she will follow you around and just get in the way everywhere. So head

down and talk to DRACON and activate the bindstone. Continue down the hill

and east to the Orc Monument. Loot the 3 chests getting level 14 workers and

some Troll buildings and troops, along with [ORC FIRE TOWER]. There will be

an enemy group from the north, kill them then talk to KALID ZHAR and accept

his agreement to side with MOON CITY. This will keep spawn from coming from

the north. Make sure you have your new runes/buildings ready then activate

the Orc Monument, we will do some building/farming.

The main threat is the Crimson base just to the south, so you want your

Avatar stationed a little west of the north ramp to handle any spawn. There

will also be spawn every so ofen coming from the south by the Sun Towers.

Keep an eye out and intercept the south spawn when it happens. Hopefully not

both at the same time. There are drakes also west, but those won't be a threat

for a while. So get your city building asap, and get workers building Fire

towers to back up your Avatar against the Crimson base. You'll want a good 20

or more towers everywhere you can fit them west of the base. You'll also want

to start building a wall of towers north of the drake spawning area to handle
them. Don't worry about the south yet your Avatar can handle the occasional

spawn from there when you see it. Once you have a ton of towers up by the

base, start stacking some Orc troops along with it to draw attention.

You'll be getting good experience and even COINS from the dead Crimsons.

Your defenses will be up and good, plenty of towers in front of the drakes,

Crimson base, south of the Layna fields and even a dozen up north just in

case the MOON CITY decides to wander down. At this point my warrior was level

23, had 359 AC and 1061 health. You should be somewhere close to that. You'll

be running into the Crimson base a lot drawing out foes for your towers to

kill while you are a wall keeping them busy and frozen with your ICE SHIELD.

Ok getting boring. Take out the Crimson base. Within the base the 2 doors

are now open to the portals to Mirraw Thur and Frostfall, including the prize

stones. There is a SUN ELEMENTAL and MOON ELEMENTAL trapped in the base, and

to the south a locked gate leading to the Sun area, and NE a locked gate

leading to the Moon area. Talk to ARCHON SHIL'ZHAR east of the city and get

[HAND OF KHAN] that will open one gate. Ignore the Elementals, they are only

hirelings you can get by sacrificing your precious COINS, no need you are

strong enough as it is, leave them there.

Take out the Drake lair and loot the chest. Head south to the Sun Towers and

carefully take your time and wipe them out one at a time, along with the few

Spider Goblins defending the area. Retreat to heal if necessary. Go east and

kill the LAVA CRAWLER, then go north and clear out the undead camp and
gargoyles and grab the t-chest. Head back down and activate the bindstone.

Don't activate the Troll monument yet. Keep going east and clear out the Sun

area of towers. The main Sun hill has a lot of troops waiting so you want to

bring your army and workers down to the south side, set up a dozen towers or

so and the enemy Crimson soldiers will rush against your army. Set up a good

number of towers on the south side the summon area brings troops in pretty

good, you can just lure them down with your Avatar. Get the Troll monument

going and start mining stone and building up your Troll base.

Take your army and Avatar east and wipe out the east Crimson base and all

the buildings and troops, we only want to keep the center summon portal in

this area for farming, take down everything else. North of the east base are

2 t-chests up on hills and ARCHON GUL ZALDURE who will give a SUN ELEMENTAL.

Send your Avatar back to the Sun hill to continue farming, and send your

entire army back to your Orc base to the north, the MOON CITY is sending

troops down, its time to take out the MOON CITY. Have your troops stationed

north by your towers (you did put up towers north right?). Once the north

side is secure and your army is up there, have your Avatar destroy the last

SUN building and head north to start on the MOON area.

We are going to go up the hidden path. Go into the first Crimson base but

don't open the south gate, instead open the north gate and go north, fighting

against some SHRIEKER enemies. Grab the t-chest on the way. Send your SUN

ELEMENTAL to take down the MOON TOWERS to the west, wait until a few are down

so you can kill the Beetle Goblins. Once done send the Elemental to take down
the 2nd group of towers leading to Burning Rock while you and your army finish

clearing the north side of Crimson troops and buildings. To the northeast

clear the goblins from in front of the portal gate, and talk to ARCHON ZHAAL

TUOR to get a MOON ELEMENTAL. Send this elemental to start taking down the

Sun Towers southwest Burning Rock. Gives it something to do. The Moon Towers

should be down by now so move your Sun Elemental to safety and send your

Avatar down to the open west portal to Burning Rock and kill some more goblins

who are waiting. We are done this part of the map so kill any lefover foes

and take down any remaining buildings. Send your Avatar through the portal

into Burning Rock.

Inside this compound, head northeast and summon your heros. You want to

eliminate first all foes in the Burning Rock area. There are spiders, goblins,

Crimson soldiers, Shriekers, and what ever else you can name. Go ahead and

take the time and clear out everything. You'll fight SHAR ARDUIN, looting will

get you [SHAR'S ESSENCE] which will turn into [SHAR'S SLEEPING RUNESTONE].

A t-chest to the east has [GREY BLOODGEM] and [SHOULDERBLADES OF THE BLADE

PRINCEPS]. Defeat GRIM to the east to continue the questline. A couple other

t-chests are about the area.

There are 6 merchants in the area you can sell and pick up any items you

like. Talk to THE MASKED MAN to make up [RUNE SHAR ARDUIN 22]. There are 3

rooms with treasure chests that take COINS to open, but there is a neat trick

to get the items for free and keep your COINS. Take your Avatar and 1 hero

near the chest rooms but stay back and enter 1st person viewing mode (mouse
wheel, etc). The treasure chests should be with a red circle meaning you

aren't close enough. Now send your hero only towards the chests and they will

turn green, allowing you to loot the items without using coins. Happy looting.

Since you still have your coins you can go visit the prize stones at the

portals in the west base and get 7 misc items noted in section 4. Frostfall.

We are all done on this map, make sure everything is killed and destroyed,

you have sold and bought anything you want and all heros and workers are ready

to go. There are 2 portals out of the area, the ABYSS which we will do later

and the next goal, go up and enter the portal for the FIREFANGS.




Activate the nearby bindstone then head west to a Dark Elf Monument. Kill

a couple enemy Shadows there, and continue west to your Hero Monument and

summon your Heros. This area will be your starting base location. There is

an upper level where your monuments are, and a lower level south where most

of your resources are. Wandering about are Shadows, friendly now but evil ones

will spawn about as you build your base. Keep your Avatar on the top level and

your heros in a group on the bottom level, they will be killing evil Shadows

until you can get plenty of towers up to handle them.

Start your base, sending workers south to your stone pile. It will take a

while to gather enough stone to build a mine, etc there. Take it slow and

safe, there isn't a rush. Have your Avatar/heros attacking any enemy Shadows

that appear. Your first goal is to get up a stone mine/2ndary building mining

stone and 5 workers gathering Aria just west. Start your towers by your Aria

gatherer, it is too isolated. Get about 25 towers around the Aria of both

types. When that is done start building towers northwest by your hero's

monument. What I did was build towers around the perimeter of the top area

that way I could build food buildings in the interior and still have tower

help against Shadows. Once you have all your buildings up, fill in any empty

spaces with towers so you won't have to keep your Avatar/Heros here.

Now its time to build up some towers southeast by the moonsilver and iron

deposits. Build your buildings there first but don't use them, then fill in

a lot of the area with towers to protect the workers. Then mine away. Once

your base is pretty secure (you can NEVER have enough towers) take your Avatar

northwest and explore. There are 2 groups of Shadows guarding CHOSAIN THE

HERMIT, kill them but don't talk to CHOSAIN yet. Northwest is a large ruin

area but nothing is there, now explore southwest. A solo t-chest is here with

a [RAW RUNESTONE]. Head back to base and head northeast up the small path

near your bindstone.

The northeast area as a half dozen groups of Shadows, so carefully take them

all out. Shadows drain your mana so put up your special abilities before they
drain you. Far NE is a Dwarf statue with a big stone Menhir. Access the stone

and insert your 3 keys to progress this questline. Continue clearing Shadows

from the area. A small area east has a bindstone and a locked chest (this is

the chest for the RING OF SHADOWS) we will get later. Up on a hill is a stone

area with another big stone Menhir. That is for later also just remember it.

North of this area are a larger group of Shadows (you might need your heros

to help with these) guarding [BREASTPLATE OF A BLADE PRINCEPS].

The map is cleared of Shadows so far, time to plan for the next part. If

your still building towers at your base stop, you want to save up some Aria

to build towers at new locations. Make up an army of Assassins since they

don't use Aria and you want all the Aria you can get for towers. There are 4

"torch altars" on the map. Search the map there is 1 in each corner NW, NE,

SW, and SE. We want to start building many towers around these 4 torch altars

they will be attacked later. Also station about 15 assassins at each spot.

The more towers the better. You want at least 10+ towers at each location,

20-30 is better. The huge Shadow fight is going to be a pain. Once you have

your 4 torch locations secure talk to CHOSAIN THE HERMIT, he will move to

the east side of the map and secure the Shadow Ring. Meet him there, but

before you talk to him SAVE the game. Talk to him and an Army of Shadows will

spawn. Look on the map to see where their spawn spots are, then reload. Have

your workers put up towers at those locations until your Aria is empty. Send

1 Hero to each torch location as backup. Keep rest in your town.

Talk to CHOSAIN to get the ring. Take your Avatar northwest up the hill to
the big rock Menhir area, and use it to summon a FIRE ELEMENTAL. Send the

Elemental to one of the torches and light it. It will disappear, then re-

appear in a minute and send it to another torch. Once all 4 torches are lit

the battle will end afer a few minutes. Now take your entire army except for

the Avatar to the FIREANGEL. Have workers fill his hall with towers. Have

your Avatar approach the FIREANGEL for a cutscene then fight and kill him.

The t-chest behind him has [LEGPARTS OF A BLADE PRINCEPS]. Take the [SHADOW-

BLADE] from its stone. We are done with this map.

Journey back to Shal'Dun-Burning Rock and talk to THE MASKED ONE a few times

he will craf your [RUNE BLADE PRINCEPS] and finish his questline. Head east

and talk to DRACON to get the [FIRESTONE]. Equip the Shadowblade and use the

stone to open the gate to the east. Don't enter the Abyss yet. Go to Tirganach

Elf City and talk to FINK to progress his quest. Now return to Burning Rock

and enter the Abyss.




On this map there are 3 roaming bands of Crimson guards generated from 3

guard complexes. You can destroy the complexes to stop the spawn, but we don't

want that since we can farm them later. Afer the cutscene, talk to WILLIT.
Activate the bindstone and head west down the hill. Ignore the path south and

head northwest. You'll fight a few Manticore enemies. Our goal is the north-

west side of the map where an Elf Monument awaits. Use the bindstone and get

the Elf monument up working ASAP.

You are safe from the Crimson guards for a while since their roaming area

doesn't interact with your base, but you will have to fight Frostwolves that

will start to spawn. One is directly up the hill west of your base. Keep your

Avatar near your base for a while. Get loads of archer towers up and guarding

the path from the west (don't build ice towers, Frostwolves can't be frozen).

Soon Frostwolves will start to attack from the south, keep your Avatar on the

south side a lot more wolves attack there, station tons of towers and archer

units to guard the west path. Slowly build up a lot of towers to the south

also to back up your Avatar. Once you get enough towers and archers up to

protect from the west Frostwolves (30+ towers is nice), we need to take out

the southwest Frostwolf base since we need our Avatar to do other things.

Make a force of 20-30 archers as backup and slowly move down and wipe out

the entire SW wolf base. Kill AHRR, loot the 2 t-chests, then you have a nice

huge new area for your workers to get Forester/logging up and going.

Start in the SW, destroy the SW Crimson outpost and continue east, killing

anything on the way. Kill any Manticores, etc. Ignore the Fire Elemental base

southeast and head north to wipe out the 2nd Crimson outpost. Sweep east and

north, activate the bindstone at the Dwarf Monument but don't activate the

monument. Continue north then west towards your Elf base clearing all
Manticores, Firestone golems, and finally the 3rd Crimson outpost. Last wipe

out the west Frostwolf base and kill GROOR. Ok, 2 Fire Elemental bases and

the center fortress lef. The Fire bases won't activate until we activate the

Orc Monument, so clear out the 2 bases with your troops (not your Avatar cause

still dragging annoying NPC along). Then load up the bases with towers so

they can farm them while we take down the center fortress. With all 4 boss's

killed the fortress gates are open and they will start coming out the 2 north

entrances. Place your Avatar at one, and your army at the 2nd and kill

anything approaching. Have your workers build some towers to support.

Now simply move slowly through the base and kill the Crimson guards. They

spawn quite fast so your experience should raise equally fast. Keep your

Avatar up front with a army of archers behind him, and anything will fall

super easy. When you reach the main base there are a few buildings on the

east side, with LAVA GOLEMS to the NE and dragons to the SE. Leave the dragons

for last. Wipe out the east side, then we will have to tackle the tougher

west side. Once all the Crimson soldiers and buildings are gone the west gate

opens up letting you rescue and activating the bindstone. Enter and confront

the FIAL DARG, you and your army should take him down eventually he has a lot

of health. Then talk to CENWEN to free her. Finally wipe out the FIRE DRAKES

to the SE of the base and we are done. Make sure all foes and buildings are

smashed (Fire Elementals, wolves, etc).

Go to WINTERDEEP and start up your Dwarf monument and max your city. Make

a boatload of Battlepriests and Elite and once your set lets do the last level
of the Mosaic. The boss holds 3 SKULL COINS though you don't need them at this


Go to FROSTHOLME - Dwarf City. We want to build up our Dwarf city to max.

There are some hard Skeletons we want to fight. Get your city going and make

an army of Dwarven Defenders, maybe with a few Battlepriests, etc. Have your

Avatar clear the various BEASTS that are east of the base, They are level 20+

but your tough enough to solo them. Now there are some level 27ish skeletons

to the southeast by the landslide, but thats not what we are making our army

for. Once your army is up and ready send them south of your base all the way

down the ramp. Station them at the bottom guarding west. Have your Avatar go

west towards the SW of the map, there is a big stone with bloody symbols

there. (This is the Treasure). As you approach 3 groups of skeletons are

summoned. Run east so you can kill the east group. Now take your army to kill

the north, and finally the larger SW group. When done claim the treasure from

the BONE DANCER leader, the [RIB] of a bow and [FARNHARDTS TREASURE].

Now if you want, you can also start killing the skeletons by the landslide.

Using lure technique to take a few at a time north where your Defender army

is waiting to hurl hammers into their faces. LAUGHING DEATHS are the first

target, their magic hurts, plus they have the weakest defenses. Use your

Avatar as a meat shield while your Defenders wear down the enemies. Focus on

one foe at a time.

You should be level 28ish by this point. Use the bindstone and journey
to MIRRAW THUR and you can make a [FIRESPITTER X-BOW] at the Stone Altar,

also probably a [GREEN RIB BOW].

Head back to TIRGANACH - Elf city and talk to FINK to complete his quest.

Share the treasure with him to get some loot, including [RUNE WARRIOR CARMINIA

-23]. Talk to Merchant SHAEDIS SW in the city and buy [RUNE WARRIOR VLAD-24].

Finally talk to CENWEN in the city center hill glade. The north gate is open

so head up, kill any drakes in the way and at the end kill the bear BLOODCLAW.

Enter the portal to FROSTWEAVER RIFT.




(REMEMBER you don't want to go over level 30 in case you want to transfer

your character into the 3rd game. It will not recognize your character if they

are level 31+. Only gear you are wearing will transfer.)

Activate the nearby bindstone and head northwest into the center of the map.

You have an Orc monument, Hero monument and bindstone there. Ignore the Orc

Monument for now, gather your hero's and explore NE and SW, killing any drakes

you run into. You'll see that NE and SW are 3 "Ice Stones" each area, for a
total of 6. They spawn Frost Drakes which wander down into the center area.

To the NW are Greater Drakes but we won't worry about them now.

At the bindstone make sure to activate it, DON'T talk to the Dwarf MURIM yet

and start your Orcs. You won't be able to build up much due to no resources

so just get a basic camp going with mining for stone/iron/food. Have your

The Drakes will wander down 2 paths, one from the SW so take your Heros to

block the SW path and have your Avatar go NE and station himself by the

southern Ice Stone killing any Drakes that appear or wander down. This will

keep the Drakes bottled up in their 2 areas and keep your center area safe.

This is actually a very easy map. In the SW Drake area there is a mine.

Make sure your Hero's keep the mine clear of Drakes and watch the nearby path

down to kill any Drakes approaching, and your Avatar NE guard the mine up

there and kill any drakes at the nearby Ice Stone. Take your Avatar down to

talk to MURIM to start his miners, then go back NE to guard.

What will happen is MURIM'S miners will arrive and start digging at the

various mine sites. They will eventually find Fire Crystals which they will

run to MURIM and appear in your inventory. Once you have a fire crystal have

your AVATAR activate the nearby Ice Stone to shut it off. Then your Avatar

can move up to the next Ice Stone, kill any Drakes, and just wait until

another Crystal is found, shut that Ice Stone off, etc until all 3 of the

NE Ice Stones are closed. This leaves the SW stones. Build your Dwarf base up

since you have more resources. Have your Avatar and Hero's protect and farm
the SW area. We want an army of Dwarven Defenders at your base, some Big

Drakes might start to wander down to your town.

When finished take down the SW 3 Ice Stones, then we will focus on the 3

large stones to the west. Use your forces and take them down like the 6 other

ones and kill or farm (like I did) the GATEKEEPER DRAGONS. I farmed them a

while. Had Avatar/Heros on each stone and about 20 Defenders backing them up.

I personally farmed Drakes till level 30, since we are almost done with the

game. Once all the Ice Stones are closed, a large enemy army will attack your

town, filled with Ice Bears, Golems, etc. Send your army to your town, wait

for the attack, wipe out the enemy, then head to the final battle with ARYN.

ARYN can only be hit with distance attacks, so only bring in Heros that can

hit him with spells or arrows. While you fight him some Drakes will spawn on

the path outside, so your Avatar and the other troops can handle them. Put

maybe 5 Dwarven Defenders at a time attacking him to distract him from your

archer/mage heros attacking. When he is killed, game over, lame ending, oh

well we have another to play afer anyway. Good work.



Well I hope you had a good time playing the game. Spellforce Order of Dawn

is the first game of the trio. You can import this character into the 3rd

expansion as long as it is level 30 or under.

As I said in the opening, playing a mage casting character is much more

difficult than a warrior but more enjoyable because you have to use tactics

and just can't run into the middle of tough foes and survive. Plus casting all

those spells are pretty fun especially at higher levels.

If you find any problems with the walkthrough feel free to email me with

any notes or corrections if I missed something at

Please don't email with how YOU would do something, its my walkthrough not

yours, but errors, corrections or missed items I would like to know about.

Earlier versions I write while playing the game so many things I won't note

until I play through again or people email me about.

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