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Target Books
“Accelerating Progress of target students” Brown Debbie Needham
Speech Therapist
Overall Picture
Pastoral Care Behaviour Plan Tama Renata RTLB End of previous year Commented [1]: hey
(inc health) should we put Tama here?
Reading Writing Maths _Assigned to Vanessa Rufford_
Zaylin Keach - ORS Kyson Edwards - Commented [2]: Oh good thinking!
Funded - Autism came from ECE with Above
Commented [3]: Looks really good! Have we heard
transition hours anymore about Tama getting some hours?
Jayden Matahiki -
allergic to egg,
(2018) Class Description At Marcus
Bella Commented [4]: Liza was in today and confirmed that
Tama’s application was approved!
peanuts, kiwifruit, Apirana Apirana TeAriki
Total: Yr 1 Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 2 Bella, Marcus
grasses Boys Girls Boys Girls Laylah Apirana
Oscual condition
Maori 5 3
wears glasses
NZ Euro 4 2 Below Blake Blake Blake
Tama Tama Tama
Tama Renata - Pasifika
Jayden Mia, Mya,
Anxiety Other 9 5 Mia, Te Mya, Mia,
Ariki, Te Annabelle

Mya Ariki, , Zayin,

Other Notes: Learning Interventions:
Annabelle Annabelle Kyson
Ex Reading Recovery Laylah Kyson, Rueben
MIa- Picked up Tama Renata - RTLB literacy
children: Zaylin Rueben Laylah
Cherie- Defiance-
needs some Kyson Zaylin
confidence building Rueben

Kyson- Picked up Well

by Cherie Below

Child’s Name: Outside Agencies:

Zaylin Keach MOELois Caldwell, Di

Target: Maths students for Term 1

Names: Current Assessment Data Strategies I am using: Post Assessment Data Reflection about success/ Commented [5]:
specific teaching next steps: great job ladies! I was
interested to see Annabelle in here.
Stage 2 addition and *Numbers to 20 instant Stage 3 - addition/ sub Mia is able to add and subtract
Mia Barton (M) subtraction recognition, forwards and strategies counting all on materials.
backward sequence,
She is still developing her
*Numbers before and after to
instant recall number
20. sequence to 20 however is
*Adding and subtracting sets to confident from 10.
10, basic facts to 5 then to 10.
*Loves and thrives on letting
her choose the activity for the

Annabelle Brewer Stage 1 *Instant recognition of numbers Stage 2 Addition/ sub Annabelle has instant
to 10 then 20 strategies recognition to numbers to 10
*Loves hands on activities and with a number line can
manipulating objects count forwards and backwards
*Numbers before and after to from 20.
10 then 20
*Adding + subtracting sets Annabelle can solve basic
addition and subtraction
problems to 5 and with
materials to 10.

Target: Writing students for Term 1

Names: Current Assessment Data Strategies I am using: Post Assessment Data Reflection about success/
specific teaching next steps:

Kyson Edwards (M) 1B *Early words programme Kyson has developed a real
*Develop list of fast words passion for writing. He is
sight words, completing work
independently. We are still
*Teach him how to use blue
working on his lack of vowel
Butterflies word card to spell knowledge though CVC work.
HFW, Experiences have been key to
*Explicitly teach the vowels so helping Kyson write- a real
he can instantly record the purpose.
middle sound of CVC words
*Daily CVC word practice -Continue with CVC
- Continue with providing
*Is very able but needs a swift
experience and language for
push! Kyson to use.
*Give an explicit reason to
write through experiences and

Rueben Richardson Pre level 1 *Develop his independence to Rueben has enjoyed Commented [6]: we
write 1 idea down using the experience writing which should complete an E-asttle this week to give us some
provides him with something to base line data? Let me know I can do something
teddy bear strategy. Thursday?
*Build bank of fast words, _Assigned to Vanessa Rufford_
*Early words programme, Is developing some HFW but Commented [7]: Great idea! Do you wanna do the
instant recognition of all Astell on Thursday
need to continue to work on
alphabet letters and sounds, these.
daily phonics programme.
*Become an author Needs to have secure letter
*Empower him to write his knowledge
ideas through exciting writing
experiences and activities

Target: Reading students for Term 1

Names: Current Assessment Data Strategies I am using: Post Assessment Data Reflection about success/
specific teaching next steps:

Apirana Brown (M) Yellow 3 *Focus on meaning getting him Api takes more notice and care Commented [9]: Brilliant
to check if it sounds and looks when reading focusing on the
Commented [8]: I will
right. story and what it is about. running record these two on Thursday
*looking through the whole He needs to be independent
word and noticing word and try a range of reading
endings strategies when stuck on an
*building up knowledge of unknown word.
different blends and sounds.
*Is competitive so lots of
games, sickers, praise

Marcus Lucassen Yellow 3 *needs to be more sure of his Marcus has added lots more Commented [11]: Brilliant
reading ability words to his word bank which
*Focus on fluency ensuring is helping him read Commented [10]: I will
smooth reading independently. At time Marcus running record these two on Thursday
*HFW goes back to using his finger
*Reading rocket - visual and which makes his reading
display in class as motivation sound stilited.
*Loves praise, stickers, games Next steps- reading with Commented [12]:
phrasing by reading with his
- Using a range of
strategies when

Use for children:

· Below the expected level for last year.

· At the expected level but you know they had significant intervention to get to that point. They are still at risk of not making the
current year expectation.

· Those who are not making the progress you expected to see them make.

Target: Maths students for Term 2

Names: Current Assessment Data Strategies I am using: Post Assessment Data Reflection about success/
specific teaching next steps:

Stage 3 *Develop imaging strategies to

Mya Pennicott-Maniapoto (M) add sets.
*develop counting on
*numbers before and after to

Annabelle Brewer Stage 2 *Correct formation of numbers

*Focus on task at hand - more
focus needed
*Repetition & rhyme
* Teen/ty numbers- What is
different- use of materials to
show difference
*Instant knowledge
*positive encouragement to
build self esteem.

Target: Writing students for Term 2

Names: Current Assessment Data Strategies I am using: Post Assessment Data Reflection about success/
specific teaching next steps:

Annabelle 1B Teddy bear writing strategy.

*think of sentence and write
own idea down
*CVC words, segmenting and
blending the sounds
*Fast words
*Making her a word wall
champion locating HFW she
knows and using these in her

Blake 1B *Building confidence of letter Commented [13]:

sound association Hey what do you think of these strategies? Do you
* CVC word games want to add anything?
*Yolanda Sorryl phonics
*stickers and praise

Target: Reading students for Term 2

Names: Current Assessment Data Strategies I am using: Post Assessment Data Reflection about success/
specific teaching next steps:

Laylah Elers (M) Red *Daily fast writing of HFW

*Animal strategies
*Building confidence of own
*letter/ sound association

Jayden (M) Yellow 1???? *Building HFW bank

* Checking for sounds right
*use the decoding animal
strategies to engage Jayden
and for him to have a bank of
strategies he can use to check
the meaning of the story.
*Find ways of learning high
frequency words using
materials/ outdoors. SD

Target: Maths students for Term 3

Names: Current Assessment Data Strategies I am using: Post Assessment Data Reflection about success/
specific teaching next steps:
Target: Writing students for Term 3

Names: Current Assessment Data Strategies I am using: Post Assessment Data Reflection about success/
specific teaching next steps:

Target: Reading students for Term 3

Names: Current Assessment Data Strategies I am using: Post Assessment Data Reflection about success/
specific teaching next steps:

Target: Maths students for Term 4

Names: Current Assessment Data Strategies I am using: Post Assessment Data Reflection about success/
specific teaching next steps:
Target: Writing students for Term 4

Names: Current Assessment Data Strategies I am using: Post Assessment Data Reflection about success/
specific teaching next steps:

Target: Reading students for Term 4

Names: Current Assessment Data Strategies I am using: Post Assessment Data Reflection about success/
specific teaching next steps:

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