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Carbohydrates are the sugars, starches and fibers found in fruits, grains, vegetables and milk
products. The American Diabetes Association notes that carbohydrates are body’s main source of
energy. They are called carbohydrates because, at the chemical level, they contain carbon, hydrogen
and oxygen.
Macronutrients are essential for people body functioning, and the body requires large amounts of
them. All macronutrients must be obtained throught diet; the body cannot produce macronutrients on
its own. The recommended daily amount of carbs for adults is 135 grams, according to the National
Institutes of Health(NIH); however, the NIH also recommends that everyone should have his or her
own carbohydrate goal. Carb intake for most people should be between 45 and 65 percent of total
Function of carbohydrates
Carbohydrates provide fuel for central nervous system and energy for working muscles. They also
prevent protein from being used as an energy source and enable fat metabolism.
Good carbs vs. bad carbs
Carb commonly considered bad include pastries, sodas, white rice, white bread and other white-flour
foods. Bad carbs rarely have any nutritional value. Carbs usually consideerd good are whole grains,
fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes.
Good carbs are:Low or moderate in calories; High in nutrients; Devoid of refined sugars; High in
naturally occuring fiber; Low in sodium; Low in saturated fat; Very low in, or devoid of, cholesterol
and trans fats
Bad carbs are:High in calories, Full of refined sugars, Low in many nutrients, Low in fiber; High in
sodium; Sometimes high in saturated fats; Sometimes high in cholesterol and trans fats
Carbohydrates benefits
Mental health:Scientists suspect that carbohydrates help with the production of serotonin in the
brain. Carbs may help with memory, too.
Weight loss:The right kind of carbs can help you lose and maintain a healthy weight.
Good source of nutrients
Heart health
Carbohydrate deficiency
Not getting enough carbs can couse problems. Without sufficient fuel, the body gets no energy.
Additionally, without sufficient glucose, the central nervous system suffers, which may cause
dizziness or mental and physical weakness.
Ugljeni hidrati
Ugljeni hidrati su šećeri, skrobovi i vlakna koja se nalaze u voću, žitaricama, povrću i mlečnim
proizvodima. Američko udruženje za dijabetes beleži da su ugljeni hidrati glavni izvor energije u telu.
Nazivaju se ugljenim hidratima jer, na hemijskom nivou, sadrže ugljenik, vodonik i kiseonik.
Makronutrienti su od suštinskog značaja za funkcionisanje ljudskog tela i telu su potrebni u velikim
količinama. Svi makronutrienti se moraju uneti preko ishrane; organizam ne može samostalno da ih
proizvodi.Prema nacionalnom institutu za zdravlje(NIZ), preporučena dnevna količina ugljenih hidrata
za odrasle je 135 grama, međutim, NIZ takođe predlaže da svako treba da ima sopstveni cilj za unos
ugljenih hidrata. Unos ugljenih hidrata za većinu ljudi treba da bude između 45 i 65 procenata od
ukopnih kalorija.
Funkcija ugljenih hidrata
Ugljeni hidrati obezbeđuju gorivo za centralni nervni sistem i energiju za radne mišiće, takođe
sprečavaju da se protein koristi kao izvor energije i omogućavaju metabolizam masti.
Dobri i loši ugljeni hidrati
Ugljeni hidrati koji se obično smatraju lošim uključuju peciva, sokove, beli pirinač, beli hleb i drugu
hranu od belog brašna. Loši ugljeni hidrati retko imaju ikakvu nutritvnu vrednost.Ugljeni hidrati koji
se obično smatraju dobrim su žitarice, voće, povrće, pasulj i mahunarke.
Dobri ugljeni hidrati: imaju nizak ili umeren nivo kalorija, visok nivo hranljivih materija, ne sadrže
rafinisa šećere, imaju visok nivo prirodnih vlakana, nizak nivo natrijuma, nizak nivo zasićenih masti, i
veoma nizak nivo, tj. gotovo bez holesterola i trans masti
Loši ugljeni hidrati: imaju visok nivo kalorija i rafinisanih šećera, nizak nivo hranljivih sastojaka i
vlakana, visok nivo natrijuma, ponekad imaju visok nivo zasićenih masti, holesterola i trans masti.
Beneficije ugljenih hidrata
Mentalno zdravlje: Naučnici smatraju da ugljeni hidrati pomažu u lučenju serotonina u mozgu i takođe
pomažu u pamćenju
Gubitak težine:Prava vrsta ugljenih hidrata može da pomogne u gubitku ili održavanju zdrave težine.
Dobar izvor hranljivih sastojaka
Zdravlje srca
Nedostatak ugljenih hidrata
Ne unošenje dovoljne količine ugljenih hidrata može izazvati probleme. Bez dovoljno goriva telo ne
dobija energiju, pored toga bez dovoljno glukoze centralni nervni sistem trpi, što može izazvati
vrtoglavicu ili mentalnu i fizičku slabost.

Carbohydrates are sugars, starches and fibers that are found in fruits, vegetables, grains and milk
products. They represent the main source of energy, and the recommended daily amount is 135
grams. Carbohydrate intake should be between 45 and 65% of the total amount of calories. The
function of carbohydrates is to provide energy to the body and prevent the use of proteins for this
purpose in order to avoid problems. Carbohydrates can be divided into good and bad. They contribute
to mental health, weight loss, heart health, and their deficiency can lead to serious health problems

sugars – sećeri
starches - skrob
fibers - vlakna
beans - pasulj
legumes - mahunarke
natritional value – nutritivna vrednost
calories – kalorije
carbohydrates – ugljeni hidrati
grains – žitarice
macronutrients – makronutrijenti
pastries - peciva
refined sugars – rafinisani šećeri
saturated fats – zasićene masti


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