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- spaniards who were sent to the Philippines were not the likes of the spaniardsduring the Siglo de

Oro.Men of the likes of Migsdfauel Cervanteasdfs, Lope de Vega, etc.- such that men of the likes of Gen.
Rafael de Izquierdo, a boastful ruthlessgeneral.Commanded the execution of the Gomburza- Gen. Primo
de Rivera. became rich by accepting bribes from the casinos inmanila which he scandalously allowed to
operate.3. Philippine Representation in Spansdfish Cortes- spanish cortes(spanish parliament)-
representatives were sent to the mother country as a democratic act of spainthus allowing the colonies
to air out their problems and needs.- first representative: Ventura de los Reyes (he was successful
because he waszealous towards his work).- Only the fidsfrst period of the delegation was successful
because it is only de losreyes who was devoted and energetic in parliamentary works.4. Human Rights
Denied to Filipinos- csdfonnected to Racial Discrimination, filipinos were deprived of their freedom of
speech, press, assocasdfiation, and other human rights except the freedasfadom of religion.5. No
Equality before the Law- we are seen only equal in the eyes of God. but in the eyes of the
spaniardsfilipinos are of lower clas compared to the spaniards.6. Maladministration of Justice- Justice
was costly, partial and slow.- It takes too much money to hire a lawyer who would protect you as a

- The decision is partial specially when it is a spaniard who committed the crime.NOnetheless if you are
of the locals you will be treated as if you are a convict.7. Racial Discrimination- Filipinos were called
indios (indians).- despite the teachings of christ about equality, filipino men and women weretreated no
less than an animal. THus emphasizing the idea that filipinos are of the lower class compared to the
spaniards.8. Frailocracasdfy- a government owned by the friars- controlled the religious and educational
life of the Philippines and later in the19th century they came to acquire political asdfpower, influence
and riches.9. Forced Labor - also known as Polo, Polistassdafa arasdfe the people who perform polo-
compulsory labor imposed to adult males.- Originally, males from 16 - 60 years old were obliged to work
for 40 days ayear.- by Royal Decree, it was changed to 16 - 18 years old and reduced numbers to15.- the
provision included the spanish males but it was never implemented for it isthe filipinos who did the dirty
work.- the well-to-do were aasdfble to escape the maual labor by paying the falla - the sumof money
paid to the gov't. in order to be exempted.- polistas are supposed to recieve 50 cents or 2 pesetas, but
was recieving onlyhalf of it, worst nothing.

10. Haciendas owned by Friars- Different religious orders were the richesasdft landlords.- Friars were
recognized as legal owners of the said lands because they obtainedroyal titles of ownership from the
spanish crown.11. The Guardia Civilasdf- purpose of maintaining internal peace and order in the
Philippines.- patterned after the famous and well disciplined Guardia Civil in Spain

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