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Process control play an important role in how a process plant can be controlled. This
experiment generally to maintain a process at a desired, constant operating conditions with
load disturbance and set point test to stabilize the process response. There are three types
analysis which is Control Process (LIC 11), Flow Control (FIC 21) and Liquid Flow Process
(FIC 31). By performing the loop test, the result of curve or a series of numerical data are
obtained which will be used in the process characteristic determination in order to calculate
the values of response rate (RR), dead time (Td) and time constant (Tc). The way of the data
extraction on the loop process response curve will determine the method of analysis for the
process characteristic determination. The graphical analysis is used if the data extraction on
the open loop process response is plotted on a paper while, the numerical analysis is used if
the data extraction on the open loop process response is recorded numerically. Then, by using
Ziegler-Nichols tuning rule, the optimum values which is PB, I, and Kc were calculated.
After that, the values of PB and I that was obtained were used for closed loop test with load
disturbance and set point test. In order to obtain the optimum values of Kc, I and PB, these
three values may be divided or times by 4 to stabilize the process following the relation of
controller algorithm.

Process control play an important role in how a process plant can be controlled. The
objectives of the process control are generally either to maintain a process at a desired,
constant operating conditions in the face of the disturbances or, less typically in conventional
process applications, to ensure that the process follow the desired trajectory with time.
Process control also is one of the most used chemical engineers that applied to chemical
reactors, heat exchanger and mass transfer equipment to keep key process operating
parameters within narrow bounds of the reference value or setpoint. In other words, it is
basically meaning regulate the set point value to maintain the quantity of process substance.
All process control configurations, whether it is automatically, manually, or computer-based,
there have three essential elements which are a measurement, control strategy, and the final
control element.
There will need a single variable or multivariable to regulate the process control. The
example of the process variables are temperature, pressure and fluid flow rate and liquid level
in the tank and other properties of materials such as density, pH value, viscosity, and speed.
There are two types of process control devices used in this experiment which are Distributed
Control System (DCS) off Delta V Emmerson and Foxboro and there are two types of
process control loop which are loop closed and open loop systems. In closed loop system, the
controller is set to be automatically which means the process will be stabilized to the desired
set point. While in open loop system, the controller has no control over the final control
element. Instead, the adjustment of the final control element is made manually by the
One example of PID application that used in the industry is temperature controller. In
this case, the controller takes an input from a temperature sensor and has an output that is
connected to a control element such as heater, cooler, heat exchanger, or fan. The controller is
usually just one part of a temperature control system, and the whole system should be
analysed and considered in selecting the proper controller.

The overall objective of this experiment is to know the details and applied the knowledge that
have learns about the process control simulation that was used in the industries nowadays.
The main objectives of this lab are to determine the rate response (RR), dead time (Td) and
time constant (Tc) of the different control process which are LIC 11, FIC 21 and FIC 31 by
using graphical or numerical analysis. Besides, the objective of this experiment is to
determine values of the PB, I, and Kc from the Ziegler-Nichols tuning rule. In addition, the
objective of this experiment also to determine the exact optimum values of the PB, I, and Kc
beside to know the detail about the effect of the P, I, D, and Kc to the process controllability.
This is because the poor combination of values P and I will result unstable oscillation to the
process response. Hence, change the values of I, PB and Kc by divide or times of 4 is an
important part to control the unstable oscillation to become more stable curves. The other
objectives in this experiment is to understand well the relation of the controller algorithm
because it will help to know which values either P, I, D, or Kc that should be change in order
to obtained the exact optimum values of the PB, I, and Kc.

Controller, final control element, process and sensor are four control blocks that consists in a
process control loop. A closed loop system is the process control loop when all these blocks
are connected. But, when any of the blocks are disconnected, the process control loop is
called open loop system.

Figure 1: Closed loop system

Figure 2: Open loop system

In the closed loop system, the controller compares the process measurement signal
(PV) from the set point (SP) and makes necessary corrective action to the final control
element which is an electro-mechanical device such as control valve that translates the
corrective action into mechanical-equivalent action.
Different from closed loop, in an open loop system, the final control element is not
controlled by the controller. An operator instead made the adjustment of the final control
element manually. In open loop system, a process can be either a self-regulating or a non self
- regulating process.
a. Self-regulating process
A self-regulating process such as flow, temperature, pH and pressure, is a process
whereby the process moves to a new steady position after making an open loop
b. Non self-regulating process

Non self-regulating process such as liquid level, the process keeps changing until
the process reaches its limit after making an open loop test.

In industrial practice, when a controller is set to automatic, the process control loop becomes
a closed loop system. However, when the controller is set to manual, the process control loop
becomes an open loop system. Most of the time, for the process to be controlled optimally to
the desired point (SP), the controller was set to automatic. Automatic control is performed by
controller algorithm which consists of proportional (P), integral (I), derivative (D), set point
(SP) and process measurement (PV) that are required for the computation of ‘controller
action’ (MV).
Several techniques have been introduced in search for the optimum P, I and D values.
One of the techniques is open loop test method. The open loop method starts with performing
an open loop test. The results were further analysed for rate response, dead time and time
constant which will later to be used in the tuning rule to determine the best P, I and D values.
In open loop test, there are two ways in determining these parameters which is numerical and
graphical analysis. Numerical analysis consists of advance calculation of RR, Td and Tc
using formulas while graphical analysis used a graph to find these parameters. Graphical
analysis consists two major method which is tangent and reformulated tangent method.
Tangent method is then distributed to 3 different methods which is tangent, tangent and point
and two-point method. All this analysis and method’s formula and steps were shown in the
appendix at the back of this report.
Once the process characteristic has been found, the mode of control can be selected.
The most common used modes of control are proportional-only (P), proportional + integral
(PI), and proportional + integral + derivatives (PID).
P controller is suitable for non-critical process control such as in wastewater treatment. This
mode of control will result in an off-set process response. PI controller is used for fast
process response and noisy process such as flow, pressure and liquid level control.
Meanwhile PID controller is more suitable for slow process response and noise-free process
such as temperature control.
The optimum P, I and D calculated based on the parameters obtained need to be tested
for its performance in handling changes in set point and process loading of load variable. The
following are the effect of P, I and D to process controllability:
a. Effect of proportional of a P-only controller
When using P-only controller, the process controllability becomes off-set when
there is a change in set point. Increasing the value of P makes the controller action
(MV) slower, which will result in a slower process response.
b. Effect of proportional of P+I and P+I+D controllers
By fixing the integral (I) and derivatives (D) but increasing the value of
proportional (P), the controller action becomes slower, which in turn will make
the process response slower.
c. Effect of integral time of P+I and P+I+D controllers

If the proportional value remains constant, the derivative time is made one-fourth
of the integral time and the value of I is increasing, the controller action becomes
slower. This will lead to a slower process response.

d. Effect of integral time of a P+I controller

Decreasing the I value with a fixed proportional value in an overdamped process
will makes the controller action stronger. A stronger controller action will result in
a faster process response towards the set point.
e. Effect of derivative time of a P+I+D controller
Let the integral time is four times more than the derivative and the proportional
value are remains fixed. By increasing the D values, the controller action will
becomes faster causing the process rate becomes faster. If the process is an
overdamped process type, increasing the D values will make the process response
to move faster towards the set point. Derivatives amplifies the effect of de/dt.
Consequently, the controller action will become faster

Part1: Performing open loop test:

1. The process was let to stabilize either manually or automatically.

2. The controller was set to be manual mode after the process was stabilized.

3. The initial value of manipulated value (MV) and process variable (PV) were recorded.

4. Make a step change between 10 to 15% to the manipulated variable (MV).

5. Make sure the process involved either self-regulating or non-self-regulating before

following the instruction below:

5.1 For self-regulating process (SR);

5.1.1 Record the final value of manipulated variable (MV) and process
variable (PV) once the process was stabilized.

5.2 For non-self-regulating process (NSR);

5.2.1 Set the manipulated variable (MV) to the initial value or set the process
controller to automatic mode and let the process stabilized after the
process was increased to about 7 to 10% of the process span (process

5.2.2 Record the final value of manipulated variable (MV) and process
variable (PV) once the process was stabilized.

6. Print the results of the process response.

Part2: Process characteristic determination:

1. Analysed the open loop process response obtained from the open loop test to
determine the response rate (RR), dead time (Td), and time constant (Tc).

2. The way of the data extraction on the open loop process response will determine the
method of analysis for the process characteristic determination:

2.1 Used the graphical analysis if the data extraction on the open loop process
response is plotted on a paper.

2.1.1 Tangent method:

2.1.2 Reformulated tangent method:

2.2 Used the numerical analysis if the data extraction on the open loop process
response is recorded numerically.

Part3: Selection for mode of control of a PID controller:

1. The mode of control must be selected either it is proportional (P), proportional +

integral (PI), or proportional + integral + derivative (PID) once the process
characteristics had been found.

Figure 3: selection for mode of controller

Part4: Tuning rules for open loop method:
1. From the part3, the mode of controller used in this experiment was PI controller.
2. The value of response rate (RR), dead time (Td), and time constant (Tc) obtained from
the part2 were substituted into one of the tuning rules in order to get the values of
proportional band (PB), integral time (I), and controller gain (Kc). The tuning rule
used in this experiment was by Ziegler-Nichols which is the most widely and popular
tuning rule.

Tuning rule by Ziegler-Nichols;

Settling criteria- QAD; performance tests- set point & disturbance in load variable.
Mode PB I D
P 100 RR Td
PI 111.1 RR Td 3.33 Td
PID 83.3 RR Td 2 Td 0.5 Td

Where; Kc=100/PB

3. Calculated the values of proportional band (PB), integral time (I), and controller gain
(Kc) that shall optimally control the process towards the desired set point and
recorded the values.

Part5: Performance tests:

1. Set point test:
1.1 The controller was set to be in automatically mode.
1.2 Make a change in set point value: 10% of the value of process span shall be added
to the set point value in order to get the new set point value.
1.3 Make sure the process involved either self-regulating or non-self-regulating before
following the instruction below:
1.3.1 For self-regulating process (SR);
The controller was set to be manually if the process becomes
oscillatory or unstable, then set the manipulated variable (MV) to the
last stable value.
1.3.2 For non-self-regulating process (NSR);
The controller was set to be manually if the process becomes
oscillatory or unstable, then change the new set point value to the old
value and the last stable values of PB and I were inserted.
2 Load disturbance test:
2.1 The controller was set to be in manually mode.
2.2 Make a change in manipulated variable (MV) about 5 to 10%, then wait for 3
2.3 After 3 seconds, change the controller to automatically mode.
2.4 The controller was set to be manually if the process becomes oscillatory or
unstable, then set the manipulated variable (MV) to the last stable value.

Part6: Effect of proportional (P), integral (I), derivative (D), and controller gain (Kc) to
process controllability
The poor combination of values P and I will result unstable oscillation to the process
response. Hence, change the values of I, PB and Kc by divide or times of 4 is an important
part to control the unstable oscillation to become more stable curves.
The controller algorithm is one of the important equations to know the relation between PB,
I, D, and Kc with MV and PV. It is the relation that can be helped to know which value that
should be change by divide or times of 4.
Controller Algorithm: MV =
PB (e + 1I ∫ e dt + D dedt )
Where PB=100/Kc

a) Open loop test
From the graph (Tangent Method);
i. Change of manipulated variable: ∆ MV =MV f −MV i=45 −35 =10
ii. Y-axis scaling factor (a): a= =0.5682
88 mm mm
iii. X-axis scaling factor (b): b= =0.0216
92.5mm mm
iv. ∆ y=21mm
v. ∆ x=2.5 mm
vi. Dead time length: Td ( length )=1mm
vii. Dead Time: Td ( time )=Td ( length ) × b ¿ 1 mm× 0.0216 ¿ 0.0216 s
viii. Time constant length: Tc ( length )=2.5 mm
ix. Time constant: Tc ( time )=Tc ( length ) × b ¿ 2.5 mm ×0.0216 ¿ 0.0540 s
x. Response rate: ∆ x a 21/2.5 0.5682
RR= = =22.0967 s−1
∆ MV b 10 0.0216

Table 1 Process Characteristics of Flow Control Loop (FIC21)

Parameters Values
Dead time (Td), s 0.0216
Time constant (TC), s 0.0640
Response rate (RR), 1/s 22.0967

Tuning rule: QAD - SP → ZN

Mode of control based on the process: Flow → PI
Tuning rule used:
PB=111.1 RR Td I =3.33 Td Calculation for proportional band (PB), Integral
time (I) and Controller gain (Kc):
PB=111.1 RR Td ¿ 111.1×22.0967 × 0.0216 ¿ 53.0268 I =3.33 Td
100 100
¿ 3.33 × 0.0216 ¿ 0.0719 s Kc= = =1.8858
PB 52.0268
b) Closed loop test

Table 2 Result after set point test and load disturbance test

Parameters Values
Initial Optimum
Controller gain (Kc) 1.8858 0.12
Integral time (I), s 0.0719 1.05

a) Open loop test
Based on the graph (Reformulated Tangent Method)
i. Change of manipulated variable: ∆ MV =MV f −MV i=32 −22 =10
10 mm
ii. Y-axis scaling factor (a):
( 1000mm
×100 )
3 mm mm
iii. X-axis scaling factor (b): b= =0.022
45 mm mm
iv. Ө = 12°
v. Dead time length: Td ( length )=1.5mm
vi. Dead Time: Td ( time )=Td ( length ) × b ¿ 1.5 mm× 0.022 ¿ 0.033 s
viii. Time constant length: Tc ( length )=6.7 mm
ix. Time constant: Tc ( time )=Tc ( length ) × b ¿ 6.7 mm ×0.022 ¿ 1.474 s x.
tan ө a tan 12 0.33
Response rate: RR= = =0.319 s−1
∆ MV b 10 0.022

Table 3 Process Characteristics of Level Control Loop (LIC21)

Parameters Values
Dead time (Td), s 0.033
Time constant (TC), s 1.474
Response rate (RR), 1/s 0.319

Tuning rule: QAD - SP → ZN

Mode of control based on the process: Level → PI
Tuning rule used:
PB=111.1 RR Td I =3.33 Td
Calculation for proportional band (PB), Integral time (I) and Controller gain (Kc):
PB=111.1 RR Td ¿ 111.1× 0.319× 0.033 ¿ 1.170 I =3.33 Td
100 100
¿ 3.33 × 0.033 ¿ 0.1099 s Kc= = =85.5
PB 1.170
b) Closed loop Test

Table 4 Result after set point test and load disturbance test

Parameters Values
Initial Optimum
Controller gain (Kc) 85.5 5.35
Integral time (I), s 0.1099 25.6


a) Open loop test (Tangent Method)
i. Change of manipulated variable: ∆ MV =MV f −MV i=50 −35 =10
0.2 m3 /h
ii. Y-axis scaling factor (a):
3.0 m3 /h
×100 )
15 mm mm
iii. X-axis scaling factor (b): b= =0.375
24 mm mm
iv. ∆ y=49 mm
v. ∆ x=7 mm
vi. Dead time length: Td ( length )=6.5 mm
vii. Dead Time: Td ( time )=Td ( length ) × b ¿ 6.5 mm ×0.375 ¿ 2.438 s
viii. Time constant length: Tc ( length )=0.7 mm
ix. Time constant: Tc ( time )=Tc ( length ) × b ¿ 0.7 mm ×0.375 ¿ 0.2625 s x.
Response rate: ∆ x a 49/7 0.444 −1
RR= = =149.787 s
∆ MV b 15 0.375

Table 5 Process Characteristics of Flow Control Loop (FIC31) using Tangent Method

Parameters Values
Dead time (Td), s 2.438
Time constant (TC), s 0.2625
Response rate (RR), 1/s 149.787

Tuning rule: QAD - SP → ZN

Mode of control based on the process: Flow → PI
Tuning rule used:
PB=111.1 RR Td I =3.33 Td Calculation for proportional band (PB), Integral
time (I) and Controller gain (Kc):
PB=111.1 RR Td ¿ 111.1× 0.553× 2.438 ¿ 149.787 I =3.33 Td
1 min
¿ 3.33 × 2.438 ×
60 s ) ¿ 0.135 s

b) Open loop test (Numerical Technique: Tangent Method)

i. Change of manipulated variable: ∆ MV =MV f −MV i=50 −35 =10
ii. PVi = 20.9590 % ; PVf = 42.2333%
ii. Step size: ∆ h=1 s
iii. Sample calculation at time 1s @ 4:20:33 PM:

0.6288 PV 1−PV −1 23.1191−20.9590
PV ( )= × 100=20.9590 RR ( s−1) = ¿
3 2 ∆ h ∆ MV 2 ( 1 )( 15 )
¿ 0.0720 s

Table 6 Response Rate for FIC31 using Numerical Technique (Tangent Method)

Time (s) PV (%) RR (1/s)

0 20.9590 -
1 21.6289 0.0720
2 23.1191 0.1479
3 26.0664 0.2945
4 31.9531 0.5278
5 41.8400 0.3427

Calculation of RR is stopped at time = 5s, since maximum response rate is known at

time = 4s.
iv. Dead time at maximum RR. Set to = 4s
PV 1−PV i
t d=t 1−2 ∆ h ( PV 1−PV −1 ) ¿ 5−2 ( 1 ) ( 41.8400−20.9590
41.8400−20.0664 )
¿ 2.3524 s v. Time

constant at maximum RR. Set to = 4s

PV F −PV i
t C =2 ∆ h ( PV 1−PV −1 ) ¿ 2 (1 ) ( 42.2333−20.9590
41.8400−20.0664 )
¿ 1.9541 s

Table 7 Process Characteristics of Flow Control Loop (FIC31) using Numerical Technique:
Tangent Method

Parameters Values
Dead time (Td), s 2.3524
Time constant (TC), s 1.9541
Response rate (RR), 1/s 0.5278

Tuning rule: QAD - SP → ZN

Mode of control based on the process: Flow → PI
Tuning rule used:
PB=111.1 RR Td I =3.33 Td Calculation for proportional band (PB), Integral
time (I) and Controller gain (Kc):

PB=111.1 RR Td ¿ 111.1× 0.5278× 2.3524 ¿ 137.9414 I =3.33 Td
1 min
¿ 3.33 × 2.3524 ×
60 s ) ¿ 0.1306 s

c) Closed loop test based on PB and I from (b)

Parameters Values
Initial Optimum
Proportional band 137.9414 137.9414
Integral time (I), s 0.1306 0.1306

The purpose of this experiment is to determine the response rate (RR), dead time (T d) and
time constant (Tc). Besides that, we also want to determine the proportional band (PB),
integral time (I) and controller gain (Kc) from various mode of control on the process. There
were two types of mode of control process that we conducted which is flow (FIC21 & FIC31)
and level (LIC21) process control. Two software be used to determine the parameter which
are Delta V-Emerson and Foxboro.

For the first experiment, we control the flow process which is FIC21. For this control we
conducted using Delta V-Emerson which we want to determine the RR, T d and Tc. In this
experiment, the manipulated variable is between 35% and 45%. We set the point at 3 m3/h.
Then we get the set of graph pattern that will be used to calculate RR, T d and Tc which
already be calculated from the calculation section above. After these parameters already be
calculated, we proceed to the tuning part. In this part we want to determine the PB, I and Kc
based on the parameters that already calculated before. Since the mode of control based on
the process is flow thus the controller that be used is the PI controller type. Therefore, to find
the proportional band and integral time we used the Ziegler – Nichols Tuning Method for PI
controller. Then Kc can be determining based on the PB value.

For the tuning, we put the Kc and I values in the Emerson software to know the process
behaviour. After all the values had been put, the graph oscillated. Therefore, to reduce the
oscillatory we try to reduce the PB value by divide the initial value to 4 and try see again
whether it still oscillates. But it still oscillated then we reduce it again the PB value and the
graph still show oscillatory. Theoretically, maybe the problem is not from the proportional
band but from the integral time or derivative itself. Therefore, we increase the integral time, I
by multiply by 16 and it showed no oscillatory. After the tuning is successful, we proceed to
the test part which are set point test and load disturbance test. The purpose of these test is to
check whether the tuning part was correct and will not give any oscillatory during the test. If
it oscillates then the tuning must be done again from the beginning. Therefore, after
conducted the test there was no oscillated illustrated.

For the second experiment which to control the level process (LIC21) we still used Emerson
with the same objectives. In this experiment, the manipulated variables is between 22% and
32% with set point at 503 mm. Then it showed the graph and then proceed to the calculation
for RR, Td and Tc which already be calculated from the calculation section. After obtained all
the values, the tuning control can be proceed. Since it is the level control process, the Ziegler

– Nichols Tuning Method for PI controller is used to determine the proportional band, PB and
integral time, I. Then the Kc can be calculated based on the PB value.
In this part, we found out that the process response is so slow after we reduce the Kc value so
drastically and it still showed oscillatory graph. Then we try to increase drastically the
integral time and no oscillation occur. The process response for this experiment is so slow
that we might need to wait a few minutes to the graph became stabilize. After the tuning, we
proceed to conduct the tests to ensure the tuning was correct.

For the last experiment we control the flow process but using Foxboro Software to determine
the RR, Td and Tc. The manipulated variables are between 30% and 50% with set point which
is 1.5 m3/h. Then the graph was plotted. Then the calculation of RR, T d and Tc was done just
like from the calculation section above. For Foxboro it uses the PB value unlike Emerson
which using Kc value to do the tuning. Besides that, the time used in Foxboro is minute
unlike Emerson which used seconds. For the tuning part there were no changing in PB, and I
value since the initial value is the optimum value for this process response.

In the nutshell, all the experiments were a successful. The objectives of the experiment were
determined. For the FIC21, the response rate (RR), dead time (Td) and time constant (Tc)
were calculated. The initial Kc is higher than the optimum Kc while the initial I is lower than
the optimum I. This make the process curve shift to the left. Therefore, the process response
is slow which means the manipulated variable is slower. For the LIC21, the response rate
(RR), dead time (Td) and time constant (Tc) were calculated. The initial Kc is higher than the
optimum Kc while the initial I is lower than the optimum I. This make the process curve shift
to the left. Therefore, the process response is slow which means the manipulated variable is
slower. For the FIC31, the response rate (RR), dead time (T d) and time constant (Tc) were
calculated. The initial PB is the optimum PB while the initial I is also the optimum I. This
make there is no process curve shifting. Therefore, the process response is in steady state.

There are several recommendations that I would like to point out when you want to conduct
this experiment in future. Since this experiment is handle by computer thus you must take
some precautions before start-up. Firstly, check whether the computer is working well. Then
ensure the controller is stabilized. Secondly, when conduct to plot the self-regulating system
graph ensure the controller is in stabilize. Besides that, you must stick the manipulated
variable values to ensure the accuracy of data. Thirdly, during the tuning part, always start to
reduce the proportional band, PB first and checked until it become steady state. Do not start
to reduce or increase the integral time, I before the PB. Lastly, you must make sure the
software that you are deal with. For instance, the parameter that Delta V-Emerson used is Kc
and the time in seconds. Unlike Foxboro, there are different which it used proportional band,
PB and time is in minute thus the calculation of dead time and time constant should be

1. Zalizawati Abdullah. (Mac-July 2019). Process Control Practices lecture. Universiti
Teknologi Mara Shah Alam.
2. Abdul Aziz Ishak. (2018). PID Tuning, self-study tutorials & exercises. Malaysia :
3. Abdul Aziz Ishak, Zalizawati Abdullah. (2013). PID Tuning, fundamental concepts
and applications. Malaysia : Arif Corporation Sdn.Bhd.
4. Process Control, Thermopedia, Kershenbaum, L.S, 7th February 2011
5. Process Control, Process control fundamentals, Amplicon



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