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AU Manaskript fflr Brr.

Freimaurer godracht

— O. T. O. —
Dts SuotrSnen Sanftaarfum
6er Zillen Freimaurer oom Sdjotlifdicn, Hlempf|ls> u. HTisraim-Ritos
fnr bso Dratfdje Seid) aab Mt irulfdj-fprtdjtnbra fänbtr,
nab bta Snotrsntn Siablaariam
of tlio Antlcnt null Primitive Rite of Masonry
la and for Great Drilalo and Ireland
and Ita Dependcnces.

11. Jahrgang Iterlin nnd London 1913 j Juli

Amtlicher Teil.
su m UOK

Tho Most lllustr. Bro.\ John YARKER, 33°, 90°, 97°,

Sovereign Grand Master-General
of tho Antient and Primitive Rito of Masonry
in and for Great Britein and Ireland
Honorary Momber of the Sovereign Sanctaaries in and for the
German Empire, Franca, Spain, America, Cabe etc.
Died on March 20tb, 1913, E. V. at Manchester.
B cqalescat ln Pacol

Dem treuen Freundei

T h e V e r y n iu s tr.B ro .- .H e n r y K L E lN ^ S ^ g o o g s o iX 0
MitbegrOad^r U n tern O. T. O.
General-Gross-Registrar des Ordens der Alten Freimaurer
vom Memphis- und Misraim-Ritus
in Deutschland.
Honorary Member of the Sovereign Sanctuary of tho Antient
and Primitive Rite of Masonry
in and for Great Britaln and Ireland etc.
Starb am 23. Jnni 1913, E. V. in London.
¥rlcdo aolnor Asche I
Amtliche Bckanntmachnngcn.
------------------------------------------------------ . , ■
An allo SuTcrflne Sanktuarien, Obcrsien Hüte und Hanrcr.-.Körper­
schaften, welche in freundschaftlicher Dcxiehnng stehen zum Sure-
rSneu Sanktuarium von Deutschland, sowie au alle Milglleder d ;v
Ordens der Alten Freim aurer rom Schottischen, Memphis- und
Misraim-ltitus in Deutschland.
Hierdurch erfüllt das uatorzoichnete Saverüne Sanktuarium die
doppelto traurige Pflicht, toinon Mitgliedern, sowie den befreundeten
roauror.-. Körperschaften bekannt zu geben, daß am 20. Mörz 1913, E. V,'
unser goliebter und hochleucbtendar Br.-. John Y a r k e r , 33*, 90", 97*f
General-Großmeister für Groflbritanien und Irlaud, in den Ewigen Osten
eiogogangeu ist.
An soiner Stello ist von dor Convocation of Prince Patriarch Grand
Conscrvators and Members of the Sovereign Sauctuary of the Antient and
Primitive Rito of Masotiry iu aml fnr Great Britain and Ireland der
hochlonchendo Br.-. Houry M e y e r, 33*, 90°, 9G*, zum Suver&nen Go-,
neral-GroOmeister für Großbritannien und Irland einstimmig gewählt
Am 23. Jnni 1913, E. V. atorb nnser innigst geliebter und hoch-
leuchtender Br.-. Heinrich K l e i n , 33», 90*, 93*, geboren im Jahre 1842
in Weißenburg am Sand in Bayern, noch langem schweren Leiden.
L o n d o n und B e r l i n , den 7. Juli 1913, E. V.

To all Sovereign Snuktunric-s, Supreine Councils mul Mnsoulc Itodics

in Iricudsbip witli the Sovereign Sauktuary of Iba Antient and Pri­
mitive Ulte of Hosonry In and for Great Britain aud Ireland.
We, Grand SeereUry General of tbe Sovereign Sanctnary of tbo
Antient end Primitive Rite of Mosonry in and for Great Brilain and
Ireland bereby give duo Notics to all Sovereign Sanctnariei, Supreme
Councils and Mosonio Bodiea in friendship with the Sovereign Sans! uary
in and for Great Britain aud Ireland, and to all Members of tbe said
Rite, that the lamented
Most Ulustrions Bro.\ John Y a r k e r , 33», 90», 97», Sovereign
Grand Master General of said Rite departed this lifo and was
called to the Grand East on March 20tb, 1913, E. V, and that a
Convocation of Prince Patriarch Graud Conservatora of the said Rite
on Juuo 30tb, 1913, E. V., beld in London, unauimously electod the
Vcry lllnatrious Bro.-. H e n r y M e y e r, 33», 90*, 96*. henceforth to be:
Sovereign Grand Master General in and for Great Britain and Ireland.
W ith Fraternal greetings. Yoars in tbe Bonds of tho Order.
Leon Engen Kennedy, 33», 90» 96»
MINUTES of (ho Special CoiiTocntiuii o(' tho Sovereign Sanctuary of
tiic Anticnt ncid Primltivo Ulte of Masoury
hold at 33, Avenna Studio*, 76, Fulliam Road. South Eenvington,
London S W. oa Moud.iy, Juno 30tli, 1313, at &o'clock of the afternooD.
Present: Brother R e n a s , 33*, 90", 9ß°,
Brother Q u i l l i a m , 33°, 90», 9&>.
Brother M a y o r, 33°, 90», 95».
Brother C r o w lo y , 33», 90», 95».
The Brothrcn present having proved their right to sit, spoak and
vote, Brother Q u i l l i a m callcd the Convocalion to order, and callcd
npou Brother C ro w lo y to road the aummona, a copy whicb i* here
appended. This was dooe.
Brothor C r o w lo y remarked that no written protest against tho
present Convocalion had beeu received from any Princo Patriarch,
Brother C r o w le y proposed, and Brother Theodor R o u s s se-
comled, that Brother Heury M e y e r take the Chair. This was unani-
raously agreed to.
Brother M e y e r having doue so, Brotber Q u illia m moved that
a lettor of condolouce ahould be sent to tho widow of the late Sover­
eign Grand Master General. This was agreed to.
Brother M e y e r then called upon Brother C r o w le y to read his
report of tho procecJings a t Manchester. Brothor C r o w le y complied.
The report of tbe proceedings a t Manchester was approved and
adopted, and ordered to be rccorded in tho Minutes of tho Convocstion.
Foliows a copy of aforesaid report.
Tho election of tbe Sovereign Grand Master Genoral was then
dnly hold.

RECORD of the Electiou of the Sovereign Grand Master General.

Tho aforesaid Membors of the Sovereign Sanctuary having pro-
duced their cortificatos and all other dconments requisite for tho purpoae
of ostablishing thoir right to be present and vote in this Convocalion
of Prince Patriarch Grand Conservators and tho same having bcen
examinod and fonnd to be legal and in dne Order, Bro. W. Hy.
Q u illia m 33°, 90», 96°, called the Convocatioa to Order and called
npon Bro. Aloisler C r o w le y , 33», 90», 95», to read the summons
calling this convocation. This was dnly done aud a copy of such summons
so tbero read is sot out in extenso in tho minutes bereinafter written.
On the motion of Bro. W. Hy. Q u i l l i a m , secondod by Bro.
Aleister C r o w lo y , 33», 90°, 95», tho Very Illustrious Princo Patriarch
Grand Conservator, 33», 90°, 95»i Bro. Henry M e y e r , of 25, Longton
Grove, Sydenham, S. Eh County of Eent, was n n a n i m o n s l y elccted
S o v o r e ig n G r a n d M a s to r G e n e r a l of the Antiont and Primitive
Rito of Masonry in a td for Great Britein and Ireland. The Most IUu-
strious Sovereign Grand Mastor General then took the Chair and nfter
returning thanks for the election closed this Special Convocalion. Done
in onr Sanctuary in the Valley of London, this thirtieth day o f Juno
Hiuotoun hundred and tkirtcon, E. V.
(Signed) Henry M e y e r, 33», 90», 96»,
Sovereign Grand M aster GeneiaL
Saint Edward Aleister C r o w le y , 33», 90«, 96»,
Patriarch Grand Administrator General.
Wm. Hy. Q n i l l i a m , 33°, 90», 96»,
Patriarch Grand Keeper General of the Golden Book.
*-!■* —
Loon Engera K o n u o d y , 33°, 90°, 95°,
Patriarch Grand Secrciarj Gcooral.
Theodor R e u s s , 33“, 90“, 96“,
SoTaroign GranJ M u te r Goncral ad Vilam for tho Gormeq
Empire »cd Grand Inapector General.
Tho Most Illuitrioua Sovoreign Grand Master General then opened
tlie Convocation os a Sapremo Grand Conncil of Sovereign Grand In­
spectors Goncral of the 33“ and last drgrea of the Anciunt and Accepted
Scottish Rite, and he was duly electcd Most Puisaant Sovereign Grand
Ue then opeued tho meeting as an Absolute Grand Sovereign
nf the 90“ and last degree of the'O riental Rita of Misrnim, and was
duly eleeted as its Patriarch.
The Sovoroign Grand Master General retnrned tbanks in an elo­
quent specch for Eis olection, and conferred the degroo o f Priuce Pa­
triarch Grand Conservator of tho Rite on Brothers Robert Ahmed
Q u iilia m 32“ — 94“, Leon Engora K e n n e d y , 30* — 90“, and Bro-
Iber F. B. G ib s o n , 32* — 94“.
He fnrther m&do the following appointmenta: —
Brotl er Crowloy — Patriarch Grand Administrator General.
Brother Qnilliam — Patriarch Grand Keeper General of the
Golden Book.
Brother Frederick B. Gibson — Patriarch Grand Master General
of Ceremonies.
Brother Kennedy — Patriarch Grand Secretary General,
and confirmed Brother Higham in bis appointment as Grand Chancellor
General, wbich he has so loog and so illustriously filled.
Tho Sovereign Grand Master General further appointed 33, Ava.
Studios, 76, Fnlham Road, South Kensington, London, S.W. as the
hesdquarters of the Rite.
The Convocation was then closed in Ancicnt and Primitive form.

Nichtamtlicher Teil.

Mystic Anatomy.
Any Student who desircs to study Hermetic Science must bavo,
not only, a tborongh knowledge of ordinary Anatomy, he ranst also be
able to apply his knowledge ol otdinary medical Science to the require-
menta of Hcrmetic Pbysiology in Order to nnderstand the Finer For-
ces of Nature which alono will enablo bim to roalise what Mystic Ana­
tomy is. Tho DoctnDcs of the most prominent Myslics who most of
them either wore Medical Men or prnctised Medical Art, like Paracelsus,
Van Beimont, Albertus Magnns, Cornelias Agrippa, Postellus, Cardan,
Robertos de Flnctibns, Mesmer and otkers, aro that tho Moon is all-
powerful in certain senses. The mystic passage of the cliild in the
mothcr’s womb is marked by distinct stnges during the 9 lunar months
throngh which the ebild pas«es on to its birth. Tho influence of the
moon is of feminine choracter. These inflnences ore operating npon tho
nervös eympatbicur, sensitive nerv es, and tho heart, the nervns Vagus.
The nervns Vagus arises in the Fourth Ventriclo. I t forms before it
lraves the sknll an imporlant ganglion ingulare, aller leaviog the sknll
it spreads like a river into a long stretched ploxua Nodosus, or gang-
lion cervicale vagus. Thonce it rnns along both sidea o f the carouo
erteries and eloao to tho Sympathetio Nerve bebind the bronchial pipe
and along tlie oosophagus io the epigastric ;. rity and polvio region.
In ite course it cloiely intermingles Tritt the Nervus Sympathicns and
tho whole sympathetio System.
Hsving thns auch establishod at tbe band o f Ordinary Anntomy,
we moy now consider the mystie physiology of the hnman being (male
and female) and the RATIONALE (cclestial, hermetie, or otherwise) of
the metboda and the motives and pnrposes of GENERATION.
Generation is a „MIRACLE“ ! Änd a Miraoie it alTrays DIVINE,
no matter irhat aspoot it may assume in the limited view of Men!
The ACT whioh lies a t the base of, and in its oonsnmation con-
stitutes Generation, bas beon branded by misgnided zelots as an act of
sin, and hat been explained as a suppotod consoqnence o f tho imaginary
Fall of Adam and Eve, and connected tritb the Fall of the Angels I
In fast it bas been held np as an Aet of Shame!
B at the Ancient Masters of Hermetie Seience who oxplorod the
ironders of the natural world and the wondora and mystenes of the
superaemual world, theso snpposed Black Magicians, prayed down in
the very depths of their abasement and hnmility before the „IDEA of
GOD“, rwing thus into Sainthood, looked npon Notare and ALL its
DEMONSTRATION, and matorialisations of the snpcr-»onsnal, with
very difierant oyes fron the ordinary man and philosopher. They were
enabled in a spiritual way, to penctrate to the trntli of the real mean-
ing of the Original Fall of the Angela, of tbe Original Fall of Adam
and Evo.
The Mosten of Hermetie Science hold that it is posiible, by tho
right application of tbe meaoing of »Original Sin" and »Fall of Angels“
to arrest in magic art, i. e. Sex Magic, the Supernatnral S.E.ED.8. Ope­
ra ting iu every, and throngh every being, for pnrposes of understanding
Tbis is called the gTeat act of Transmutation of the Reproductive
Energy. This Great Mystery is aho embodied in the Encharist of tlie
Cburches. I t is a Hermetie Mystery. It is a Blind I Blinds are usetl
by the Chnrch and by Hennetie Science. No Hermetie Truth, enürely
nnveilcd, is ever priuted, or given ont pnblicly.
With this clear underatanding before us we now proceed to give
a definition of those Finer Forcos of Nature which will lead ns to nnder-
stand what Mystio Anatomy is.
Hermetie Science teaches us that the Sympathetio Nervo System
is Sbiva Vinn ^also Ksli’s Vina) i.e. Generativo Qod’s String Instrument.
This is symbolically represanted as a haip. The Sympathiens is played
on by tbe Tanlrikas, the writings of Sakti, or worship of female energy.
The Nervo Fibres or Cords are called in Eastcrn Hermetie Scienco Kadis.
The principal 8 Nadis are
a) Shushoma in central canal of spinal cord and medulla obkmgtUa.
b) Ida to the left of Shnshnma.
c) Pingala to tho rigth of Shushnma.
These Nadis Start from Ajnu Lotus (Triveni Plexus) and they join
on a point between the eyebrows over the nose. The Ida is negative
and corresnonds to the MOON, and Pingala is positive and corresponda
to the SUN. Ida leaves by the left nostrii and Pingala by tbe right
one. Besides the abovo mentioned 3 most important Nadis, there are
others. Tho whole of the 14 Nadis are: Shnshnma, Pingala, Tda, Gand­
bari, Haiti-jihviee, Haha (generative), Sarawasti, Pusa, Sankhini, Payas-
wini, Varnni, Alumbusa, Viskwodan and Yasaswini.
Chitta is the pricciple of thinking.
The Eastern Hermetie name for Nerve Plexns is „Lotus*.
Tho Lotnses aro tho Psychio Centre» of the Body, with in which
force and life-energy a n stored cp. Thero a n 42 Lotos es of whieh
aro of special valuo and imporlance for practica! purpoaes:
1) Madladbar Lottu, wherein in tho „Coiled-up-oue* tbo Kondalinl
Nadi s t baue of Shushutna in fclio Sacral Plexus. I t ie tbe doV-
mant or sleeping power of Sapreme life. 1t embraces tbe ‘S.
channel* or cords, Ida, Pingala and Sbushume, or MOON, SUN'
BOTH and it» BESULT. Solar Plexus. Coeliacus. Gods In*
strumouL I t is known as tho -Fundamental Lotus“ or the
of Lifo* 1 The onorgy wbicb surrounda this Lotus is
the Secd of Lovo, and‘tbe irbole oombination is called Und*,
ladbar Lotos wbicb bas 4 petals.
2) Swadkisthan Lotos bas 6 petals.
3) Manipnr Lotus bas 10 petals. It is sitoated ander tbe naveL
4) Aoabat Lotos witb 12 petals (Fibres) is in tbe beart. Within
this Lotos dwells the flame Van-Linga!
6) Vishndda Lotos bas 16 petals.
6) Ajna Lotus between the eyes on bridge of nose, it bas 2 petals.
The Shushutna passe* np from tho Sacral Plexns througb tbe
Spinal Cord, to tbe right side of Ajna Lotos (Pingala) and from
tu e n it passes to tbe leit of Ajna Lotns (Ida). Pingala comet
from tbo left side of Ajna Lotos and goes to the right side of
the nostriL
7) Sakasrar Lotos, tbe 1000 petalled Lotus, is at the base of palato.
HA is MOON or Ida; THA is SUN or Pingala; HA-THA U
UNION of Prana and Apana ander the navel.
Hence Ha-Tha-Voga. Ho-She-Uuion or Coition.
Prana goss from beart downwnrdt, Apana goe* from auus
From what ebovo bas been stated about tho Hermetic or
Myatie Value of the Sympathetic Nerve System, is shown tbat
the Sympathetic Nervo System, of wbicb School Science knowi
ao voty little, forms tbe bridge wbicb couuecta tbo gross and
material conception of tbe human Body (Microcosmosj witb tbo
bigber and hiaden or esoteric and bermetic concoptio’.i of tbe
Finer Forces of Hnman Natnr.
And 11ko in Microcosmos, so in Macrocosmos!
In Macrocosmos we find tben (esoterically or bermetically spcaking)
Soven Forces, or Seven Centre* of Forces.
Whethor it be 7 Lohns (spheres of existence in etornity, or 7 Tatt*
vas (the reasons of existence: I am I) or tbo wbole cbain of Seven. .
Or wbetber tbey be Macro-Kosmic Forces, or the Micro-Kojmic
Forces, tbey always stand in same order and relations.
The Seven Tattva* are:
Adi Tattva, tbe primordial müversal force issuing at the beginning
of raanifestation. or of the „Procrenlive“ period from tho etemal im-;
mutable SAT, tbo lubstratum of ALL. I t corresponds witb tbo Aurio
Egg, wich snrrouuds every Globe, os every Man. I t is tho Force pro-
coeding from tbe First or Unmauifested Logos! Eqnivalent of SUN1
F a l b e r ! V a te r l
Anupadaka Tattva, tbe first difTerentialion on tbe plane of boing,
tbe parentless, tbe God Brahma born without falber or mother, sprang
from that grows from Viabuu's navel. Eqnivalent of MOON. L o g o s -
Son! S ohn!
Akasba Tattva, tbis is from wbicb all religions start: Jupiter,
Indra, Pater Ether, Pneoma, or the Manifested Logos, and tbo bibli-
cal B o ly t i b o s t l H e i l i g e G e is t! Its eqnivalent is Satoruu».
Vayn Tattva, Aorial plane; Tajias Tattva. plane of our atmosphore;
Apaa Tatlva, liquid snbstancu of Water; Prithvi Tattva, solid snb-
■t&neo of earth.
Theso last foar correspoud (o tbe Four Elements.
Vayus corrosponds to Air and Jnpiter;
Ajna (Agni) corrosponds to Fire and Mars;
Apas corresfond* to Water and Venus;
Pritlivi corresjionds to Earth and Mercury.
According to Alystic Anatomy A laska Tatlva is loeated iu tbe
Drain; Tayas Tattva in tbe Sbouldur, Vayus Tatlva in tbe Navol;
Apas Tattva in tho knco; Prithvi Tattva in.sole of Feot.
Farther in Mystic Anatomy:
Spleen corrosponds to Linga Sbarira,
Livcr corresponda to Kama,
Heart corresponds to Prana,
Corpora Qnadrigemina corresponda to Kama-Manas,
Pitnitary Body corresponda to Manas Antakarano,
Pintal Gland corresponda to Mauas, and whcn tliis ii toucbed by
Kuudalini, it bocomes Baddhi Manas or Diviue Thotigbt.
Of special importanco in Mystic Anatomy is tho Pitnitary Body
at the ba-te of tbe Drain. Tbis Pitnitary Body or Hypophysis Corebri,
is connoctod wilh tbo Pineal Qland or Cocnrium. Both tbe Hypophysis
Cerebri and tbe Conarinm oro covered witb a grey «and which is called
Acervnlus Cerebri. Tbis »and, of which tbe Sebool Pbysiologiats bnow
notbing to tay, is found in Man only aflcr be, or sbe ia 7 years of age.
Tbis sand is of the greatest mystic importance. I t is connected
witb tbe production of SAT, tbe ultimote Esscuco ot Evervtbing. —
I t atends in relationship to tbe Central Organ of ALT, FL tllD S, the
W.O.M.B , and in tbe womb is PBANA tbo Great Architect o f tbe child.
PRAHA is also in tbo air, and is abtorbed by nil creatod living beings.
W ithout Prana evorytbing would die. Prana is in tbe air, bnt it
is Also thero where air is not able to penctrate. I t is independent of
air while air ia dependont on Prana Prana ia bom from tbo Atma
(Atem Gottes). It atites in the Atma liko the sltodow in tbe body.
¥ e absorb tbo Prana of tbe air in every breath vre tako B at
we can train onr breatLing to absorb, inbale, a greater qnantity of
Prana tlian is oidinorily reqnired for our daily life. And t h i s S e r -
p lu s -P r a n o we are ablo to störe in nur Nerve-Centros, Lotnsea or
Plexus, nntil euch time as vre may require it again for special uso.
This function can be compared to tbe STOR1NG of materialistic elec-
tricity in a Leyden Jar. Tbrongh this self-willod, conscioua accnmn-
lation ol SURPLUS PRANA in our body, tbo physical body developes
forces which previonsly lay dormo nt in bim. Porsons who havo by
accumulalton of Snrplna Prana doveloped such special Forces by special
intellectnal training may become ablo to transfer, exbale, disteminate,
pass on fpart) of tbeir own stored np Prana to Otbers! This is called
then, and is nsed for, PRAHA HEARING, and has boen systematised
by Theodor Reuss ander tbe name of „PR ANA-THERAPIE“ in tbo
year 1893. A treatiso on tbis subfect was pnblished in 1893 in a Maga­
zine pnbiisbed by Dr. Huebbe-Scbleidon of Hannover entitled „Die Sphinx*
and signed witb tbe psondonym „Theodor RegcDS.“ — Tbia treatise was
aflonvards published as a separate little book called „Pranatberapie“.
(Fortsetzung folgt.) M e r lin .
Hückers Welträtscl un«l Unser Orden.
Tau T l io o d o r I t o n n .
Angesichts der intensiven Propaganda, dio von Anhängern de«
HäckeLchen Monismus in Freimanrerkreison gemacht werden, wurde
ich ans dem Kreise unserer OrJonsmitglicder geboten, znm Monismus,-
wio or von Uäckel in loinem Werko „Dia W elträtsel“ defiuiert wird
Stellung zu nehmen, und den von unserem Orden vertretenen Dualismus,
zu präzisieren.
Dieser Anregung habe ich Folgo geleistet in einom kleinen Werke-
das sich im Drucke befindet. Ich entnehmo demselben folgende Aus-'
Züge, die in Gegenüberstellung zu den zwei Tabellen „Das Substanz*
Gesetz“, und „Gegensatz der fundamentalen Priuzipien“ in Häckels
„Welträtsel* zu lesen sind.
U n s e r F o n d a m e n t a l s a t z lautet: G ott und die W elt (sicht*
baro und unsichtbare) sind ein allumfassendes, unermefiliches Reich (das
Universum), bestehend aas dor bewußten Ur-Encrgio (oder Schöpferkraft),
dor positiven Charaktereigenschaft dos Universums, und der unbewußten
Ur-Substanz (oder Weltei), der negativen Charaktereigenschaft des Uni*
versums, welche durch Kontakt in sich (Urzeugung, Coltion), neue Welten
und, ihnen im Prinzip wesensgleiche Geschöpfe schufen, nnd fortfahren
solche za schaden. Da also noch unserer Anschauung das Universum
z w i e f a c h e r Art ist, positiv nnd negativ (also dual), und nur durch
deren Vereinigung „Leben* entsteht, bezeichnen wir unsere Ausohaunng
als eino dualislischo Weltanscbauuug.
W o s e n s g l e i c h h e i t (Gottähnlichkeit) dar Geschöpfe. — Die
Woscnsgleickheit dar Geschöpfe mit dom Schöpfer besteht darin, daß
dio Ur-Schöpforkraft (Urzengungskraft) auch den GoschCpfen innewohnt.
Die Fähigkeit der Geschöpfs, durch den Zeugnngsakt wiederum Geschöpfs
ihrer A rt und Gattung hervorzabringen (zu schaden oder zu erzeugou)
ist der den Geschöpfen innewohnende B e w e is ihrer (göttlichen) Ab-
stammang vom Ur-Schöpfer (Ur-Zcuger). — In diesem Sinne sind die
W orte der Bibel zu verstehen: Und Gott schuf dou M mschen ihm znm
Bilde, zu seinem Ebenbilde schuf er ihn.
G e i s t , S e e le u n d M a te r i e : Wenn mau die wirkliche, restlose
Lösung dor Wolträtscl zu findea wünscht, so muß man die grundfalsche
A rt der Audassang des Begriffes „Geist“ in seiner Gegenüberstellung
zur „Materie“ außer Acht lassen. Dio „Seele“ ist ein geistiges Diug
(spirituelles Agens) und existierte von Ur-Beginn als Ur-Gefühl im Ur-
Zongungsakte. Dieses Ur*GefUhl änßort sich im Menschen als „Religion“.
Donn der Mensch kann Gott mit dem Vorstande nicht „begreifen“, son­
dern nur „fühlen* (im „Herzen“, sagt mau), durch und mit der in ihm
wohnenden „Seele“, die nach dem leiblichen Tode des Menschen zurück*
kehrt zum Ür-Schöpfer. Ohne (Jr-GefüLl (Ur-Seole) gäbe es keinen Ur*
ZcugUDgsakt, keine geschaffene Welt.
( D u Buch wird im Verlage von F. E. Baumann in Bad Sclimiedebcrg erscheinen.)

All enqniries with referenco to the Antient and Primitive Rite

of Mosonry sboald bo addressed to:
Theodor R e a s s , 4, Duke Street, Adelphi, L o n d o n , W.C., or
Paul K i r m i s s , 73, York-Stroße, B e r l i n , S.W., or
Andreas U l l m e r , 4/IL, Gerolt-Straße, M ü n c h e n , or
Aleistor C r o w l e y , 33, Avenue Stadios, Fulham Road, London.

Herausgeber: Theodor Reu«, 4, Duke etreet, Adolpbi, London.

Druck von F. £ . Baomann, Bad Schmiedeberg (Ocrmaoy).

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