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Blue field entoptic phenomenon

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Simulation of the blue field entoptic phenomenon. Note the size of the white dots in relation to
the hand.

The blue field entoptic phenomenon or Scheerer's phenomenon (after the German
ophthalmologist Richard Scheerer, who first drew clinical attention to it in 1924[1]) is the
appearance of tiny bright dots (nicknamed blue-sky sprites) moving quickly along squiggly
lines in the visual field, especially when looking into bright blue light such as the sky.[2] The dots
are short-lived, visible for a second or less, and traveling short distances along seemingly
random, curvy paths. Some of them follow the same path as predecessors. The dots may be
elongated along the path like tiny worms. The speed of the dots varies in sync with the pulse;
they briefly accelerate at each heart beat.[3] The dots appear in the central field of view, within 10
to 15 degrees from the fixation point.[4] The left and right eye see different dots; someone
looking with both eyes sees a mixture.
Most people are able to see this phenomenon in the sky, although it is rather weak, and many
people do not notice it until asked to pay attention. The dots are highly conspicuous against a
monochromatic blue background (~430 nm) instead of the sky.

 1 Explanation
 2 Blue field entoptoscopy
 3 Difference from other entoptic phenomena
 4 See also
 5 References
 6 External links


Ophthalmogram showing blood vessels in front of the retina. Their shadow is the cause of the
blue field entoptic phenomenon.

The dots are white blood cells moving in the capillaries in front of the retina of the eye.[5] Blue
light (optimal wavelength: 430 nm) is absorbed by the red blood cells that fill the capillaries. The
eye and brain "edit out" the shadow lines of the capillaries, partially by dark adaptation of the
photoreceptors lying beneath the capillaries. The white blood cells, which are much rarer than
the red ones and do not absorb blue light, create gaps in the blood column, and these gaps appear
as bright dots. The gaps are elongated because a spherical white blood cell is too wide for the
capillary. Red blood cells pile up behind the white blood cell, showing up like a dark tail.[6] This
behavior of the blood cells in the capillaries of the retina has been observed directly in human
subjects by adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy, a real time imaging technique for
examining retinal blood flow.[7] The dots will not appear at the very centre of the visual field,
because there are no blood vessels there (foveal avascular zone).

Blue field entoptoscopy

In a technique known as blue field entoptoscopy, the effect is used to estimate the blood flow in
the retinal capillaries. The patient is alternatingly shown blue light and a computer generated
picture of moving dots; by adjusting the speed and density of these dots, the patient tries to
match the computer generated picture to the perceived entoptic dots.
Difference from other entoptic phenomena
Scheerer’s phenomenon can be easily distinguished from floaters (muscae volitantes). Scheerer’s
phenomenon consists of corpuscles of identical diameter and visual sharpness, of a simple dot or
worm-like shape, brighter than the background. If the eye stops moving, the dots keep darting
around. If the eye moves, the dots follow instantaneously, because they are contained in the
retina. In contrast, floaters are specks or threads of variable diameter and variable visual
sharpness, some of complex shape, darker than the background. If the eye stops moving, the
floaters settle down. If the eye moves, the floaters follow sluggishly, because they are contained
in the vitreous humor which is subject to inertia.

Scheerer's phenomenon can be distinguished from visual snow because it appears only when
looking into bright light, whereas visual snow is constantly present in all light conditions
including the dark.

Marisa Brenizer

September 28th, 2015

(Era of Wisdom)

Have you ever looked into the sky and noticed those little white orbs that zig and zig erratically
across your field of vision? (They’re easiest to view against a bright, blue sky.) The general
consensus for the metaphysically-minded is that these squiggly dots are, in basic terms, little
balls of energy. However, the medical community calls the occurrence “Scheerer’s
phenomenon”, or “blue entoptic phenomenon.”
GIF replication of blue field entoptic phenomena

Before diving into the scientific explanation, let’s first point out that this phenomena is
completely separate from the appearance of “floaters”. Floaters are specks of dust and lint that
get caught in the eye, and are easily characterized by their sluggish movements as they float
along (rather than appearing to move rapidly, as if propelled). Scientifically, blue entoptic
phenomenon occurs when white blood cells move in front of the retina. Because white blood
cells cannot absorb blue light, gaps are created within the field of vision that appear as bright

However, the metaphysical explanation, first detailed by theosophist C. W. Leadbeater in 1927,

asserts that the white moving balls are “vitality globules”; vitality being, in essence, the force
that’s generated primarily from sunlight and other elemental sources.

“Many a man, looking out towards the distant horizon, especially over the sea, will notice
against the sky any number of the tiniest possible points of light dashing about in all directions
with amazing rapidity. These are the vitality globules, each consisting of seven physical atoms,
specks charged with that force that the Hindus call prana. It is often exceedingly difficult to be
certain of the exact shade of meaning attached to these Sanskrit terms, because the Indian
method of approaching these studies is so different from our own; but I think we may safely take
prana as the equivalent to our vitality.” – C. W. Leadbeater, The Chakras

The colorless vitality globules are apparently drawn into the chakras, and each of the seven
atoms that compose the globule take on a different color. These colors are processed by a
different area, or spoke, of the chakra (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, and rose), and are
distributed within the body wherever their specific color frequency is needed.

It’s theorized that we can, through intention, “charge” the globules with energy, which
strengthens them and increases their vitality and occurrence. However, if you allow “negative”
energy to emanate off of you, the globules may weaken and disperse. Although the vitality
globules are still present during cloudy days, they are not as frequent or vibrant without abundant
sunlight. If you live in an overcast area, you can opt to soak up vitality through trees. Plants need
only a portion of the energy that they absorb, and strengthen the unused energy in a way that
helps us absorb and process the excess globules.

Interestingly, energy healers, clairvoyants, and the generally-perceptive claim to see the vitality
globules regardless of the presence of the color blue. Based on anecdotal evidence, as well as the
respected works of C. W. Leadbeater and other pillars in the field of theosophy and energy
medicine, we can confidently theorize that the blue entoptic phenomenon explanation does not
encompass the entire spectrum of this experience.


This article (Optical Anomaly or Metaphysical Phenomenon? Theories About the White Orbs in
the Sky) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative
Commons license with attribution to Marisa Brenizer and Era of

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